Jody, the Team, and the Navy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 15
The spring of 1971 set the patterns that played out throughout my four wonderful years as a Tar Heel and, indeed, through my time in the Navy, too. In addition to the team celebrations (sex parties), I still took good care of Len’s libido at other times and neither Micky nor Louis ever had any complaints either. Coach fucked me once a week at a celebration. I think he wanted to show the team that he was a natural top man, which he so was! He also fucked me late at night at his townhouse a couple of times a week. As much as I loved all the sex I was getting in locker rooms, hotel rooms, and Room 404, it was the private times with Coach that I loved the most. I thought maybe I’d fallen in love with him, but I didn’t think about him any more than I thought about Len. I was exceedingly attracted to Coach, but I was equally attracted to both Len and Louis. Coach (pictured) was the most masculine of men, but there was nothing but “man” in Len, Louis, Phil, or Coach McAllister. I loved when Coach would eat my ass. It was Heaven! But I loved when Blake or Zeke would chow down, too. Coach was definitely a power-top. I always knew I’d been fucked when he withdrew from my battered hole. But Len and Max sometimes fucked me just as hard. Coach did have the thickest cock of all of them and it was magnificently long, too. The extra girth didn’t really make it more pleasurable, just a bit more effort to manage, if you get my drift.
wasn’t until mid-summer that I finally figured it out. What was different with
Coach was the intensity. More than anything physical, it was that when I was
with Coach I felt he was 100% with me. In conversations, he didn’t get
distracted. When he held me or caressed me, I felt a great relaxation, a peace,
envelop me. When he fed me his massive cock, it was slowly, with concern for my
endurance, almost delicately, like feeding a bottle to a baby. When he ate my
ass, it was to make his penetration easier for me as well as because he liked to
do it. Our fucks were occasionally slow and leisurely, but more often they were
hot and passionate, powerful and pounding. Yet they never seemed selfish. We
didn’t make love, but, in addition to satisfying our monumental lust, we imbued
our sex with mutual respect, concern, and excitement so it felt as beautiful as
I thought making love would be. Although he never suggested or implied he loved
me, I knew that his feelings were deep and believed we would call it love if we
were opposite gender.
As the Assistant to the Coach, I worked through the month of June, ending with the 2-week baseball camp and the weekend tryouts. When the boys came into the dorm to register, I was one of the guys who welcomed them. Len and Blake spotted a gay guy among the hopefuls. His name was Jimmy Lancaster and he was a long and lanky outfielder (6’6”, 8.5”) who held eye contact way too long. Len scored with him even faster than he had with me, fucking him twice the first night! We thought we had a hot prospect, but, in the end, he went to Tennessee instead.
By the time I returned to Charlotte after the spring semester ended and baseball season (including tryouts) was over, I felt I needed a break from all the hard bodies and hard dicks. I needed time away from crowds of people regardless of all the fun I’d been having.
Even though most summer jobs were long-ago taken by the time I was available, Sears was willing to take me on for a two-month period. Bless them! Without the job to take my time and my brain space, I would have probably wound up raping the entire fire crew who answered a call at the house next door one warm summer evening. But I had a job and I let them do theirs and left them unmolested.
During my sophomore and junior years, I remained in Room 404 with Len, Micky, and Louis. Being a year older than me, they all graduated before my senior year. Losing them made my last year a bit lonely in some ways, but I moved off-campus to share with Hal. (Remember him? Phil and Blake’s artistic brother?) By this time, Hal was an out gay man, though he still loved fucking my ass without reciprocation. We had a third in our apartment, too, a sophomore named Richard Trent, who could suck a dick like a Hoover! He was also a studly top when he was in the mood, so I had lots of cock visiting my innards around the apartment and made lots of trips to the athletic dorm to “be nice” to my teammates when we weren’t having team celebrations in the locker room or a hotel. And I still maintained my schedule with the ever-exciting Coach Jordan. There was also a rare call to give a few thrills to Coach McAllister, who always thrilled my hole, too.
During my senior year, I thought a lot about what I would do next. I wanted to go to graduate school and hoped to go into a corporate finance department after that. But, there was the issue of military service standing between me and that vision of my future life. In 1969, with the War in Vietnam at its unpopular peak, the government established a lottery for drafting young men into all branches of the service, although most draftees went to the Army since the other branches got more volunteers. Depending on a fellow’s birthday and the results of the lottery drawing, he had a lottery number (from 1 to 366 – those leap year boys were not exempt!). At the beginning of each year, local draft boards began calling up their residents with the number 1 and went up the numerical list until their quota for the year was fulfilled. In 1970, the first year of the draft, the highest number drafted in Mecklenburg County was 195, so anyone with a number higher than that was free of the possibility of being drafted. I fell into the second lottery which set the draft numbers for men born in 1951. September 10, which was my birthday, was pulled as number 130. That number held for me even though I had a student deferment at the time. The year my deferment ended, I would face the draft during that year. Lots of college students with low draft numbers (one of our baseball players had a draft number of 2) volunteered for a service they felt would be best for them to keep from getting drafted into a less-desirable situation. My number was in the “maybe” zone and made me quite nervous.
Dad and I had several conversations about the possibility of military service. He thought I would do well as an officer in either the Navy or the Air Force and encouraged me to consider joining so I could go into officer training soon after graduation. He thought it wise to get the service obligation out of the way as soon as I could, so I could then go on about my life. If I liked the service, I would have the option of becoming a career officer like he’d been. During the Christmas break of my senior year, Dad and I talked quite a bit about the need for me to make a decision and, ultimately, I decided his advice was sound. So, before I returned to Chapel Hill for my final semester and baseball season, I went to the recruiting office and joined the Navy, with my induction deferred until after graduation. When that was done, I was relieved that my military service was set and anxious that I might regret the decision.
I graduated in the spring, 1974, with a BS in Finance and a minor in Economics. I walked across the stage carrying a 3.79 cumulative GPA and a feeling of pride in how well I’d done as an undergrad. I prayed I would be successful as a naval officer, too. After the usual extra weeks playing ball (and getting balled a lot!), I returned to Charlotte, where I had an internship with Piedmont Airlines until I would be reporting for duty.
It was a quiet few weeks and I spent them resting up from four very active years at UNC. Len had an apartment downtown, where he was working at the First National Bank of NC. I usually spent at least one night there every weekend and enjoyed reconnecting with my first cock. I knew his cock in my hole would always be special. Since graduation, Len had mostly returned to women as it seemed the available men were just not interesting to him. But, thankfully, he was still highly interested in me!
That summer of 1974 was a good summer for me (shown here at the beach with my
first beard), a sort of dash mark in the sentence of my life. I neither
progressed nor regressed, but just rested and waited for the next surge forward
I thought would happen in officer candidate school.
In September, a couple of weeks before I was to be inducted, Len and I took a long weekend in Myrtle Springs, South Carolina, to enjoy the beach and the pleasures of each other’s bodies. With neither of us getting regular sex from anyone else since he’d broken up with some girl named Carrie a few weeks before, we spent more time getting off than we did hanging out at the beach. I think we both felt the sort of finality in our time together with our lives heading in vastly different directions. We did talk about it openly one time, while lying on the beach in mid-afternoon on Saturday.
Len pulled a couple of Heineken’s out of our cooler, popped the tops, and handed me one. We turned on our towels to face each other, about 12 or 14 inches between our faces. “Hey, buddy, how do you feel about going into the service soon?”
I took a sip of the cold brew. “Nervous, I guess. I just hope I like it.”
“I hear you there. You know, with a regular job, if you really don’t like it, you can always quit. But being in the Navy isn’t like that. Hell, they’ll court martial you if you don’t do what they tell you.”
I chuckled. “I guess I’ll learn to take orders, huh?”
“I’d say you’re already pretty good at that.”
“You think so?”
“Yes, I do. Ever since that weekend of tryouts four years ago, you’ve pretty much always done what I wanted you to do. I’ve always found that a little surprising, but also I think, thank God!”
“We worked out a rather unusual relationship right off the bat, didn’t we?”
“Yeah.” He took a swig. After a moment of silence, he asked, “Why did you submit to my demands so easily?”
“You made it clear you would withhold sex if I didn’t.”
He took another sip while he considered that. “I did; that’s true. But you never called my bluff.”
What? “Are you saying it was a bluff?”
“Pretty much.”
“I can’t believe it!”
“Think about it. I needed to cum three times a day and I was kind of addicted to BJ’s and fucks instead of beating off. If you had said you’d give me a blow job once a week and no more, don’t you think I’d have taken what I could get rather than get nothing?”
“Wow. I never thought of it that way.” Could I have had the upper hand if I’d just tried?
He grinned. He tapped my arm with the bottom of his beer bottle, then put it to his lips. He drank. “You were the best thing that ever happened to me, you know. Damn! We have the hottest sex of my life.”
“I’m glad to know that. I think I let you call the shots because I wanted so desperately to have sex with you. You know, I was mesmerized by your big ole groin the first time I saw you on our high school diamond. I had to have you! Besides, you always told me to do what I wanted to do anyway. In four years you’ve never once made me do something I didn’t want to do. So, I naturally trusted you and let you think you were the driver.”
“I wanted you to have as much fun as I was having. The wonderful thing is that we both had a terrific time together because we were so perfectly matched. I’m as big a top as you are a bottom.”
I laughed and tipped some beer into my mouth. He laughed, too.
Suddenly serious, Len asked quietly, “Jody, I’m worried about you. How are you going to handle being gay in the Navy?”
“Keep it quiet obviously.”
“But how will you find cock, uh, companionship?”
“I don’t know. Take vacations in far-away places where I can be open? Maybe I can just ignore it.”
“Ignore your need?”
“I don’t see that happening. Your need for cock is too great to ignore all the time!”
I sipped my beer and realized that was true. “Oooh,” I said, “I think you’re right about that.”
“I wonder how other gay naval officers handle it,” he mused.
“I don’t know. I’ve never met one. Are there gay naval officers?”
“There’s got to be a few,” Len reasoned.
“I wonder how I can tell who is.”
“Just keep those dress whites tight and walk in front of any guy you suspect. Any guy who drools is a likely candidate, right?”
“I guess so.” I snickered.
“Well, man, just be really careful. And when you get a leave, look me up. I’ll probably be desperate for your asshole.”
“Deal!” I cried. We drank our beers in silence for a couple of minutes.
“Jody?” Len said quietly.
“Yes, Len?”
“Can I ask a serious question?”
“You don’t have to ask that. Of course, you can!”
“Back in the dorm, were you, uh, were you in love with me?”
“That’s a tough question, Len.”
“Do you know the answer?”
“I think so, but it’s not a clear yes or no answer.”
“Now you’ve got me intrigued. Please explain.”
“Okay. Give me a second.” I’d never really put all my feelings into words before, so I needed to think about it. I took a couple of sips while thinking. Len lay patiently in front of me as I contemplated my answer.
“Here goes!” I looked at his handsome face and smiled, feeling surprisingly comfortable about sharing these feelings. “When we met, I was completely inexperienced,” I said. “I’d never had sex before and … Oh, wait, I’d gotten a hand job from my young cousin Gary. But that was more for him to see how an ejaculation works than for pleasure.”
“Still felt good, I bet,” Len interrupted.
“Yeah!” I giggled. “I’d never done anything else with a guy and the only thing I’d done with girls was kissing and very minor touching or rubbing. However, I already had figured out I was gay. Well, I used the word ‘queer’ back then. I knew I wasn’t interested in girls beyond just simple friendship. So, when you told me to come back to your room that night if I wanted sex, oh, man, it turned me on like nothing ever had before. This was not just a chance to finally be with a guy, it was a chance to be with the most gorgeous guy I’d ever known, ever seen before. You were so incredibly good-looking and well-built and also extremely masculine. Damn! You were utterly irresistible! To be honest, I didn’t know anything about love, I just knew I would always hate myself if I let that opportunity get by me. And then being with you was way better than I’d really ever dreamed it could be.”
“No wonder you let me make the rules.”
“Yeah. I wasn’t mature enough to be capable of really being in love, but I was in complete lust. When I became your roommate and so much sex started happening, including butt-fucking, I became addicted to you, to sex with you. I loved being with you all the time and more and more became fixated on you. During that first year, I think I did develop the capacity to be in love and fell in love with you then. But, you made it clear that we would never be in a committed relationship, that our relationship was a close friendship that included our particular types of sex but nothing more. And more guys came into our intimacy – Micky and Louis, Blake and Phil, and Hal. Each one added a new dimension to my enjoyment of my sexuality and as I became more connected with each one of them, the less I actually needed you in order to be fulfilled. That was an important part of me not losing myself completely in romantic feelings for only you. Then, when Coach fucked me, oh, God! He was so hot! So masculine! So much in control! I just gave myself to him completely, no questions asked. I let him completely define our relationship and I fell in love with him, too.”
“I thought you were in love with him,” Len said quietly.
“It was so weird, Len. I was in love with you and also in love with Coach. Being in love with two different people is never particularly easy, I imagine, but it certainly confused me. My love for him kept me from being completely in love with you, I guess, and my love for you kept me from being completely in love with Coach. Looking back, I’m very grateful for that. If I had focused all my love on you, I’m afraid I would have put way too much pressure on you and we’d have ended things early on.”
“That might have happened,” he agreed.
“Of course, to a lesser degree, I also loved Louis, Blake, and Hal. And I had some romantic feelings associated with Micky and almost every guy on the team.”
Len grinned. “I get it, Jody!”
“You do?”
“Yep. At first, I was worried that you would fall in love with me. Please don’t be offended, but I didn’t see how you could not fall in love with me. I see how people respond to me. I look in mirrors. I know I’m way better looking than most guys. I don’t say this out of pride or arrogance, but honest sharing. I could see how much you were drawn to me and I understood that it was an irresistible pull. One reason I added the other guys was to sort of diffuse your emotions so they weren’t all for me.”
I reached across the short space between us and touched his arm. “You were very wise there. Thanks!”
“Maybe it was this much wisdom …” He held his thumb and index finger about an inch apart. “And this much luck.” He held his hands about a foot apart.
We both chuckled. “Whatever it was,” I said, “it worked out very well. We had a fantastic three years and, in the year after you graduated, I missed you but at the same time I was in a good space and enjoyed the new men who came into my life. I’m pretty sure I’ll always love you, but I’ll always be able to love other guys, too.”
“You may have figured this out, Jody, but I never told you. I loved you very much, too, with real romantic feelings also. But I knew that deep down I’m not gay. I could not commit myself to being your partner in life, no matter how much I loved you and how good the sex was. It just isn’t me.”
“Yes, Len, I did understand that. At first, that understanding nearly killed me, but then it began to save me over and over.” I reached out for his forearm. “I hope you find an incredible woman soon. I want you to experience the love that you can commit to completely. I want you to have wonderful sex with her and make a few babies as gorgeous as you are!”
“Thank you, babe!” He leaned forward and gently kissed me on my lips. “That was love speaking!” He pulled back. “Can we go inside? I want to wash you and make love to you for a couple of hours.”
“I’d love that!”
We drained our beers, collected our stuff, and walked the hundred yards to our hotel room. We showered, tenderly washing each other, and spent the next three hours making love. Len kissed me more that day than during the whole four years we’d been together. He ate my love-hole for a very long time, as if he couldn’t bear to leave it. He lubed me very well and entered me with no pain at all. Having this very special cock, my very first, buried in my body moved me deeply. He thrusted in me slowly for nearly an hour, sliding all the way into me, filling me with his body, caressing me from deep inside even as he ran his hands across my buns and my back and nibbled my neck. Without any pounding power-fucks, I came. If was not a blasting cum-shower, but a sudden warm release that went on for a very long time, sending sensations of sexual satisfaction to my brain and creating a sizeable pool of cum in the sheets under my abs. I didn’t scream out, but moaned continuously for most of the orgasm, ending simply by uttering the words I had never said, “Oh, Len, I love you!”
“I love you, too, Jody,” he whispered as he continued to move inside me, having not given me his gift yet. For a long time he fucked me gently, his big cock never flagging, but rubbing smoothly across my sensitive prostate. He moaned between kisses on my neck and cheek. Silently I cried, a release of joy that was as powerful and satisfying as the release of sperm I’d had earlier. I knew I was going to miss Len’s cock inside me, but even more I was going to miss our heart connection.
Finally, he shifted, moving his knees to straddle my butt without breaking his rhythm. The changed angle made his cock tap my prostate more firmly on each in-stroke. He began to speed up his thrusts and he added a bit of power to them. He’d begun to drive toward his own release. As passion begat power, my own sensory tension grew and I felt the need to release again. Len’s moans became groans and my crying became grunting as he reached the end of each stroke. He pounded my ass for about 90 seconds before I felt his cockhead swell and, a moment later, the heat and wetness of his release deep within me. The realization that he was giving me his essence again drove me on to my own joyous release. I pumped out about six shots of my hot spunk to add to the pool beneath me.
took this photo of Len the way I always wanted to remember him: fresh out of the
shower and ready to drill me!
We made more beautiful, heart-felt love again later that night and the next morning. The drive back to Charlotte was a strange mix of deep love, complete satiation, and the melancholy of impending separation. We had come full circle, from lust-filled looks of longing, to love that could only be expressed through a cock and a hole, to inclusion of others, to a final expression of love in a beautiful swirl of words and touches, and now to an unspoken good-bye.
That night he kissed me in my parents’ driveway. “I wouldn’t change a single thing about us,” he said sweetly.
“Neither would I, babe.”
As he drove away, I wondered if I would ever see him again. As it turned out, I never did.
To be continued...
Posted: 03/26/2021