Jody, the Team, and the Navy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 14
I was quite pleased with my grades from the fall semester, which were A’s in 14 credit hours and one lone B in Intro to Biology, a 4-credit course. My 3.61 GPA was good enough to put me on the dean’s list and to get me into a top-flight graduate school someday. It was certainly good enough to keep me eligible to play a varsity sport such as baseball. It was also good enough to qualify me for a lot of scholarship opportunities.
I was very excited about the spring semester since I’d been informed I had made the baseball team! While I didn’t receive a scholarship, I would be eligible for a full scholarship in my sophomore year, assuming my performance and grades were sufficient. I was determined they would be! I did receive a 10-hour per week job from the Athletic Department as an Assistant to Coach Jordan at a respectable salary of $5 per hour. The first time we met for sex after I was given the job, I joked that I now consider myself a prostitute since I knew how I’d be assisting him. He merely laughed and told me to lock the door and get on my knees. When I left an hour later with a fresh load of coach nectar in my stomach, Coach muttered, “Best five bucks ever spent!” I laughed as I closed his door.
I did, in fact, assist Coach Jordan in a few other ways than taking care of his sexual needs. In the baseball program, he was the coach responsible for keeping track of grades and player eligibility and he also made the arrangements for travel to away games, including scheduling the buses and making hotel and restaurant reservations. I started out keeping his files in these areas but, by the end of the season, I was the one making the reservations and assigning the roommates for our hotel stays. That was easy because it was almost always the same. Typically, we took 22 players, two equipment managers, and two coaches to each away game. Coaches had private rooms and the equipment managers shared a room. The players were assigned two to a room in duos that recognized the players’ friendships, so they only varied when a player was out for some reason and a replacement went on the trip. Often, I was able to book a 2-bedroom suite and assigned Coach Jordan to one room and Len and I to the other one. This arrangement proved very useful for our after-the-game celebrations, better known among the players as either “sex parties” or “fuck sessions,” depending on how crass the player wanted to be.
The first game of the season was played Feb. 19 at East Carolina in Greenville, South Carolina, and our final game of the regular season was played at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, on May 22. Including those games, we played 27 home games and 28 away games. Since NC State is in Raleigh only 26 miles away and Duke University is in Durham about 10 miles away, we always returned to Chapel Hill when we played at their stadiums. In 1971, that reduced our overnight trips to 24 nights. I found I really enjoyed planning out these trips and making the necessary reservations in coordination with the university travel department.
The motivation plan Coach Jordan worked out was pretty cool, I thought. Players were awarded a gold star for every point they scored in any of our games. One player who did not score during a particular game was awarded a star as the non-scorer contributing the most to our performance, perhaps for catching a high fly to prevent an opponent’s home run or for hitting that allowed for team members to score. A player completing a semester with an overall GPA in excess of 3.0 received 2 stars, so, for example, I started the season with 2 stars. Each month (January through June) the players selected three of their number as their favorites, ranked first, second, and third. The first-place player received 3 stars, the second place received 2, and the third place received 1. There were a variety of other ways to get a star. For example, if a pitcher pitched 3 innings without a score, he got a star. A player earning positive publicity for the team through an interview or appearance at a campus event received from 1 to 3 stars, as determined by the coaching staff. And my favorite: A player received half a star for giving a BJ and a full star each time he bottomed at an official celebration party. One fuck, one star; five fucks, five stars; etc.
Len and I together made a framed cork board that measured 2 feet by 4 feet, which we hung near the main door in the locker room. I used one-inch pieces of balsa wood to make name plates for all players to put on the cork board. These were rearranged every Monday to reflect the total number of stars earned during the season, with the top scorer at the top of the board. Beside each name plate I placed a 1-inch square of poster board with the player’s total. One of my main tasks became the weekly updating of the board.
The guys had two reasons to work to obtain gold stars. First, a fierce competition quickly arose to see who would get the highest total during the season. Guys really worked hard to get a star or two. Second, the stars could be spent on various privileges or prizes without affecting the season total. Once spent, a star could not be re-spent, but it still counted in the total score. This second value of the star made it a type of bartering chip or a substitute for money. The coaches and some students approached some of our alumni and other benefactors with the suggestion they contribute prizes the players might enjoy. Thus, a pair of tickets to see a home game of the Washington Senators went for 6 stars. When the traveling Broadway show “West Side Story” came through Raleigh, I got 4 good seats for 12 stars. (Len, Micky, and Louis loved me!) Dinner with the homecoming queen went for 5 stars and dinner with one of her court was 3 stars. (I got the job of setting up the deal with the girls.)
Coach Jordan had an old pal who was the Executive Director of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY, an hour west of Albany. This man, Malcolm Elliot, had played ball with Coach at SMU and was his roommate for a couple of years, too. Elliot put together a packet which included a pair of tickets for the Hall of Fame with two nights in a local Howard Johnson’s for two. I think there were a couple of meals thrown in, too, but hosted by individuals so they weren’t part of the deal. Anyhow, this package was to be given to the player who showed the greatest commitment to the team, as judged by the coaching staff. Coach announced that the winner of the raffle would be the player who purchased the most tickets at a price of one star per ticket. He reasoned that this combined commitment (the earning of stars) was a good proxy for the desire to go to the Hall of Fame. The trip to the Hall of Fame engendered a lot of discussion amongst the players and several expressed interest in it.
What affected me the most was the value of sex. A BJ could be had for 2 stars and a butt-fuck for 3 stars. Since I was the only regular bottom, I wasn’t sure if I was complimented or insulted that my ass was valued the same as dinner with a losing homecoming queen candidate! Excuse me. I mean to say “a member of the Queen’s court.” There was one caveat to relinquishing a star in return for sex. The partner (cocksucker or bottom, otherwise known as “Jody”) could accept or deny a request at any time. Also, the partner could schedule “star redemption” at his convenience. Coach included those two rules so I always had the right to refuse and could say “not now” if I was not in the mood or had already had all the sex I wanted. This rule soon became known as the “I’ve got a headache” rule.
During the season, most weeks included four to five games so there were five nights a week I was redeeming the team’s stars and earning my own. Because I was keeping track of the motivation program statistics, I also collected my own personal statistics. In an average week, I gave 20 BJ’s (redeeming 20 stars but earning only 10 for me) and got fucked 15 times (redeeming 45 stars and earning 15 for myself). I was also hitting better than ever and earned about 4-5 stars a week for that. By the second week, I established a significant lead in the race to be top scorer and was never seriously challenged throughout the season. Since I wasn’t interested in spending stars on fucks, I spent very few. After stars were given out and redemption began in January, I was the winner of the team’s vote for January, but soon the players realized I was going to have a commanding lead, so I never got any more stars that way. Several guys told me it was not anything against me, just a practical consideration, which I understood completely.
Around the middle of the season an interesting thing happened because of the motivation program. Billy Novak, our cute-but-shy catcher (pictured) approached me one day in the dorm cafeteria.
I talk to you privately?” he asked.
I looked at Len and Louis, who were sitting at the table with me.
“Sure, Billy,” I said. “Why don’t you join us while we finish up and then you and I can talk.”
Awkwardly he sat down but said almost nothing as we finished our lunches. When we were done, Len took my tray to return it so Billy and I could chat. We went out the side door into the courtyard where it was a bit too cold to sit out to eat.
“What’s up?” I asked him.
“I really want to bid on that trip to Cooperstown.”
I knew he had a low point total. “That trip will take a lot of stars, you know.”
He hung his head. “I know. But it’s really important to me. My grandfather is honored there and no one in my family has had the opportunity to see it.”
“Wow,” I said, wondering why he was sharing this with me. “That’s awesome, Billy.”
“I’ve only got 4 stars so far.”
“You know I can’t give you any of my stars.”
He looked quickly up at me, shaking his head vigorously. “Oh, no, Jody, I’m not asking that. I know that’s against the rules.”
“So, Billy, why are you telling me this?”
“You’re going to obviously have the most stars to redeem.”
“So,” I thought. “You want to know if I am going to bid for it?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled softly.
I’d briefly thought about how cool it would be to spend a couple of days in New York with Len, but didn’t feel very drawn to the Hall of Fame. Since this meant so much to Billy, I knew I’d feel like a jerk if I took the trip away from him. “No, Billy, I’d much rather see you go than do it myself.”
He grinned. “Thanks!” Quickly his grin faded and was replace by a countenance of either nervousness or terror. I wasn’t sure which. “Is there something else?” I asked.
Silently, he nodded. I swear he shuffled his feet in embarrassment. “I can only think of one way to earn the stars to win the trip.”
I made some quick calculations and reached the same conclusion he had. “Are you thinking of bottoming for the team?”
He flushed deeply even in the cold courtyard. “Uh-huh,” he muttered in a tiny voice.
“Have you ever done anything like that before?”
“No, of course not.”
“It’s not very easy to do, Billy. And it’s very powerful, uhm, emotionally, when you do that. You’ll never think of yourself quite the same again. Maybe you should think this over.”
“I have thought it over, Jody. It’s all I’ve been thinking about for close to two weeks now.”
“How will you feel about yourself after?”
“I’m not really sure. But I’m curious about it, too.”
“You’re curious about what it feels like?”
He nodded.
“Is there something about it you think you might like?”
He nodded. I waited for him to say something.
“I’m a complete doofus when it comes to girls, but I’m comfortable around guys.”
“Okay. So, you are a virgin?”
He nodded.
“And you want your first time to be getting butt-fucked by one of your teammates?”
He flushed a dark lavender color but nodded. For a minute I couldn’t figure this out, but finally an idea came to me.
“Is there a particular player you’d like it to be?”
He nodded.
“May I ask who?”
He nodded. I waited, but he was silent.
“Well, who?”
“Uhm,” he stalled. Finally, he whispered, “Zeke.”
I smiled, but he didn’t see me. “That’s a very good choice,” I said.
He looked up at me. “Really?” he said hopefully.
I nodded. “Why him?”
He grinned. “Zeke’s so handsome! And he’s so tall and kind of exotic-looking.”
I grinned back at Billy. “And his uniform fits so tight!”
Billy blushed and nodded. “He’s so sexy!”
“You know he’s straight, right?”
“Oh, yes.”
“So, there’ll be no romance or relationship come out of it.”
He nodded. “I just figure if I’m going to try it, I want to start with the best.”
I chuckled and nodded. “He’ll treat you good. But I don’t want your first time to be at one of our parties. It should be in private with no one looking on.”
“How …?” Billy looked confused.
“How about if I talk to him? If he’s ‘in’, then we’ll arrange for you to have privacy. If you don’t like it, no one else needs to know. But, if you do like it, you can begin coming to the parties to earn those gold stars. Does that sound okay?”
“Yes,” he nodded. “It sounds good.”
“Okay. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Thanks, Jody,” he said as we went back into the warm cafeteria.
Zeke (pictured) was surprised by Billy’s confession, but open to helping him discover himself. Zeke said he’d never taken someone’s cherry before and it was a rather exciting idea. Billy was relieved, happy and anxious all at once when I told him Zeke was “in.” Len gave Zeke some pointers designed to make it easy and pleasant for Billy. I spent a couple of hours with Billy, explaining relaxation techniques and supervising his first douche. Oh, my! Zeke actually got them a room at a nice motel in Greensboro so they would have privacy. I made Billy promise to come to my room the second they got back to campus.
When I opened the door a few days later to see Billy’s ear-to-ear smile, I knew the evening had gone well. The kid was ecstatic, speaking so fast he was almost unintelligible. Zeke had been kind and wonderful and had actually sucked on Billy for a while and had apparently given the kid a very pleasurable rim job before topping him gently and lovingly for a long time. Zeke had jacked Billy off while he fucked him so that Billy had an incredible orgasm, far beyond any he’d had previously. I cautioned him not to fall in love with Zeke. I nearly fell over when Billy answered, “I haven’t, but I did fall in love with cock.”
Billy proved that statement during the rest of the season as he threw himself into serving his team at the after-game parties, usually going home with 3 more stars. Billy always got a star for bottoming for Zeke and always had a big smile throughout their mating. By the end of the season, Billy had almost 70 stars and spent them so he could take himself and Zeke to the Baseball Hall of Fame in June, where they had a spectacular weekend culminating in an article in the Cooperstown newspaper about Billy’s pilgrimage to honor his grandfather (thanks to an anonymous tip). Zeke and Billy became devoted friends and fucked frequently until they graduated, but I never heard anything about any broken heart.
After that, I always had a real soft spot for Billy. In fact, everybody grew to love and respect him much more than ever before. He was the second-place finisher in April and finished first in the June ballot. I was so proud of him. And, he recognized that he was in fact “gay,” a term that was becoming more popular than “queer.”
To be continued...
Posted: 03/19/2021