Jody, the Team, and the Navy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 5
Before I knew it, summer was ending and I was driving my yellow 1965 Ford F100 pick up to Chapel Hill, loaded with my clothes, shoes, books, toiletries, photos, linens, pillow, and assorted stuff. I parked as near the dorm’s front walkway as I could. When I got out of the car, I stretched as tall as my 5’9” Irish-Italian frame would reach. It felt good to reach for the stars after a few hours in the car. Dressed to impress in a pair of cutoff jeans and a snug white tee emblazoned with “Property of West Charlotte High Athletics”, I grabbed my wallet and a small piece of luggage and started into the building that might be home for the next several years.
Inside, instead of comely coeds, the registration table was staffed by a couple of muscle-bound guys in UNC tank-tops. I recognized one as Paul from the baseball team, who remembered me as well. “Jody! Welcome back,” he smiled. “This is Harvey.” He gestured to the other guy. “He’s a linebacker.”
That explained the 230-plus pounds of solid muscle.
Paul scanned a two-page list in front of him and found my name. Then he had me sign on the line beside my name and rummaged in a box for a moment to find my key. While Paul rifled through the keys, Harvey handed me a two-page form and said to return it at breakfast tomorrow. Paul handed me a key and smiled, “404A.”
My heart leapt! And skipped a couple of beats. Did I hear correctly?
“Yes,” Paul smiled. “You’re going to be Len’s roomie.”
Involuntarily I whooped.
“I thought you’d like that.” He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.
That threw me for a moment. “Yes, I’m glad.”
“See ya around,” Paul said.
“Later, dude,” Harvey added.
When I got upstairs, I wasn’t sure whether to knock or just walk in. I decided discretion required me to knock, so I did. A few seconds passed and then the door flung open to reveal a handsome guy just a bit taller than me and a little thicker with dark wavy hair, thick sideburns, and a light beard. His blue eyes stared at me a moment before his angular features split into a warm smile. “Jody?”
“Yeah,” I nodded.
He stepped back into the room and held the door for me. “Great! Come on in!”
As I walked into the familiar room, he said, “I’m Michael, but I go by Micky.”
“Nice to meet you, Micky.”
We shook hands.
“I’m in gymnastics,” he said matter-of-factly.
couldn’t stop myself from checking out his body, which was as hot as a gymnast’s
body should be. Fuck! He was sexy as hell in nothing but a loose tank top and
a pair of tight boxer shorts in a mattress ticking stripe. Off to one side,
Micky (pictured) had a noticeable swelling in his boxers.
Looking back into his eyes, I smiled.
“Your room is over there,” Micky gestured to the right-hand door. “Let me pull on some shorts and shoes and I’ll help you get your gear.”
“Sure!” While he turned back towards the other door, I approached the entrance to Heaven, I mean, the door to the room I was now sharing with Len. I paused and raised my fist to knock.
“Just go on in,” Micky said. “He’s not here right now.”
The interior of the room hadn’t changed since I’d, uh, sucked Len off the last time. I put my bag on the empty bed and returned to the living room, where Micky sat putting on a pair of sneakers. When he stood, I saw he was wearing cut-offs similar to my own. It took the two of us three trips to the pick-up to get my worldly possessions. On the way, he explained they had a rule that no one in 404 wore anything in the room except underwear. When I asked why, he said they all found it more comfortable to avoid things like belts and jeans as much as possible. I made a mental note to buy some new underwear as soon as I got the chance. I couldn’t help but worry about the constant exposure to this good-looking guy not to mention Len. Would I be able to control my horny dick? Would I be able to keep my secret? Would I be able to protect the secret of my relationship with Len?
I only needed about half an hour to square away my stuff. I was making my bed when the door opened to admit Len.
“Hey! I’m so glad you’re finally here,” he cried and gave me a big, warm hug, during which both his hands wound up sitting on the high-side of my ass. Within five minutes, he was naked and lying on his bed, legs spread, hard cock enjoying the warmth of my mouth as he gave me the first cum-gift of the 1970-71 academic year. Damn, it tasted so good!
“Fuck,” he said when his breathing slowed back to normal. “This is going to be a great year! I needed that a lot.” He looked deeply at me. “You needed it, too, didn’t you?”
I considered the question for a moment before I nodded. “I did.”
“I’ll give you some more at bedtime,” he promised. We stared at each other as we came down from the highs of the world of sex. “Would you like a coke or a glass of tea?”
“Um, yeah. Tea, please,”
stood up, slipped his still massive cock back into his white briefs and walked
out into the common area. I heard him speak and then he called out, “Jody, come
meet our other suitemate.”
I pulled on my briefs and stepped into the living room to meet Louis Candellario (pictured), a very handsome French Canadian with a charming accent that was a cross between Paris and Chicago to my untrained ears. He was about six feet tall and slender with solid but not large muscles. He wore a pair of swimming trunks that were cut somewhere between low-rise and bikini and clearly struggled to contain a nice piece of man-meat in its thin Navy-blue fabric. Louis had hair so dark it was almost black, cut medium length that looked unkempt, but was cute as it could be. Intense brown eyes inspected me as cushiony, kissable lips parted into a sexy smile that caused my cock to sit up and take notice.
We shook hands and Louis told me he is on the swimming team and originally from Trois-Rivieres, a small city on the St. Lawrence between Montreal and Quebec City. Along with Micky, Louis was beginning his junior year as a history major.
Surveying my luscious roommate and our gorgeous suitemates, I felt extremely fortunate to be assigned to Room 404. I was very impressed with the three men I would be living with until next summer. They were very handsome, had sexy athletic bodies, and appeared to be kind-hearted and friendly. I was a bit worried about maintaining a disinterested cock while around such attractive and masculine men wearing almost nothing. I guess time will tell, I thought.
That evening the four of us had a wonderful conversation over a surprisingly-good dinner at the dining room in our dorm. The guys explained that as athletes we get more and better food than the non-athletic dorms. Micky cautioned me to be careful as the food was so tasty and unlimited it would be easy to gain a bunch of weight.
Thus, our patterns quickly solidified as classes began and we got into our daily routines. Often I shared a moment with either Micky or Louis as we raced for morning coffee. I learned how Len liked his and made sure I provided his first cup every morning after he’d given me my first dose of his cum, which I quickly learned to cherish. I never failed to notice Louis’ and Micky’s sexy bodies whenever I encountered them in our common area. Since we only wore clothes if we were headed out to the dining room or class, I generally had several times every day to allow myself to enjoy lingering views of awe-inspiring pecs, biceps, crotch-bulges, and curvy buttocks. All three of my new friends were free with touches as we passed in the kitchen or as we sprawled on the sofa to watch a little TV in the evenings. There were times when my cock responded, but no one ever seemed put off by my excitement. And, to be truthful, I noticed a bit of plumping up going on in other briefs from time to time.
My classes were interesting and involving and I found I enjoyed learning at the university level. Len got me to the student recreation center and created a weight-training program designed to build my body into a strong and agile hitting machine. I worked out daily except for Sunday and watched as my arms and chest grew rock solid and expanded into impressive displays of masculine power. He also had me running to build my legs for sprinting between bases. Within only a couple of weeks, I could tell significant differences and I loved it!
I’d only been in the room a few days when Louis challenged us to a tag-team wrestling match which Len immediately accepted with a sneered, “We’ll mop the floor with you!” Being the smallest and youngest guy in the group, I wound up flat on my belly with Micky sprawled across my body, flaccid cock pressed against my butt as he ground against me. My cock quickly stiffened up and I think his did, too. When I managed to tag Len’s outstretched hand, he quickly maneuvered Micky into the position I had occupied previously. Clearly Len was humping his hot ass while Louis and I looked on.
Louis glanced at me and gave me a heart-stopping smile. “Len humps our asses every chance he gets. We don’t care.”
I didn’t know how to respond at first, so I just returned the smile while I imagined kissing Louis’ plush lips.
A few minutes later, I was again face down on the living room floor, but this time Louis’ fabulous body covered mine. He placed those sexy lips against my ear and breathed into my ear canal, “I’m going to give you a dose of Len’s medicine.” His hot breath so intimately blown into my ear sent electric shock waves through my body right into my gonads. My cock, already semi-hard from rolling around with Louis throbbed into a full erection after a couple of his thrusts against my buns. When we concluded our match, I was surprised to see that everyone sported his own special erection, but no one commented. That made me feel it would be okay if I sprang a woody in front of my roomies.
Wrestling became a more-or-less weekly event in Room 404 and erections became a regular part of the game. I always got humped by Louis and Micky while they generally got humped by Len.
Meanwhile, Len continued to request blowjobs morning, afternoon, and night, which I loved giving him. I got to where I could take his nine inches all the way to the root if I lay on my back with my head extended across the edge of the bed. Once when our suitemates were taking a history test, he positioned me across the arm of the couch and fucked my throat deeply. God, that was hot!
Louis had a steady girl-friend named Loretta, a petite blonde secondary ed major from Atlanta. Usually, he brought her to dinner at the dorm once mid-week, then tossed Micky out of their room for an hour while he got some pussy. Friday nights and Saturday nights they went to movies, out to dinner, or to off-campus parties when they didn’t interfere with swim meets. Sometimes on a weekend morning, I would find Micky asleep on the sofa when I went to make coffee.
Micky didn’t have a steady, but, like Len, he dated several girls casually, not often taking over the bedroom from Louis. Both Micky and Len dated several sorority girls so often went to their parties on weekends. Usually they would drag their sorry asses in very late (actually, early the next morning), drunk but satiated from time with girls. Sometimes Len was very horny when he returned from sorority parties and sometimes he just wanted to sleep. Truthfully, I resented the girls who got some of Len’s cum and, therefore, denied me the opportunity.
On the second night I was in Chapel Hill, Len insisted I call Sandy, the girl I’d met during the baseball tryouts in June. He explained that I needed to be seen with women, so no one would think I was queer. “It’s necessary,” he said gravely. “Besides we can double-date sometimes and that’ll be fun.” So, I began dating the pretty girl from Indiana on a very casual basis. She was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha and took me to a lot of their functions. We enjoyed hanging out together and I think she thought I was a pretty good place-holder until she met her Prince Charming. As a sophomore, Sandy wasn’t interested in a major relationship with me, a lowly freshman, but our dating served enough of a purpose for her that we dated for most of my freshman year.
The first weekend of the school year was eventful. I attended a freshman mixer on Friday night, at Len’s insistence. I didn’t connect with anyone there, male or female, but did at least meet a bunch of people. Saturday afternoon was our first wrestling match. Saturday night, we took our dates to see the movie Catch 22, which we guys all liked but the girls not so much. I took Sandy; Louis took Loretta; Micky took Alice from Kappa Delta; Len took Clarise from Chi Omega. We went out for pizza after the movie and were forced to promise to take the girls to see a “good” movie, by their definition, as soon as one came out. A suitable movie was not selected until early November when The Owl and the Pussycat hit the theaters. By then, Alice was seeing someone exclusively, so Micky took Clarise’s sorority sister Glynnis.
I got a bit ahead of myself there. Sorry. Back to the first weekend.
After Catch 22 and pizza, Louis brought Loretta back to our suite. The rest of us escorted our ladies back to their various dorm rooms or sorority houses and returned to our suite. Micky bedded down on the sofa while Len and I retreated to our room for our usual BJ-time. After feeding me my bedtime snack, Len held me for quite a while, rubbing my back gently as he clutched me to his chest with my face against his neck. I was tempted to lick his neck and chin but didn’t dare. After a long while, Len cleared his throat quietly and said, “I like you a lot, Jody.”
“I like you a lot, too, Len.”
“You know I’m straight, right?”
I wasn’t too sure I would call him straight, but I didn’t want to argue. “Yes.”
“I’m sorry I can’t ever help you out like you help me out, but it just isn’t going to happen.”
“I understand, Len.” I kissed his cheek quickly. “I don’t expect any more than we have now.”
“Just, uh, please, don’t fall in love with me. I think that would ruin it for you and then for both of us.”
“Thanks for caring, Len. I’m having a great time just the way things are now.”
“Let’s get some sleep,” he said. I thought he would push me out of his bed, but he didn’t. He reached to his nightstand and flicked out the light, then pulled me tighter. In a minute or two, his breathing became very regular and shallow.
The next morning he woke me for another BJ, but didn’t refer to our conversation the previous night. Afterwards, I pulled on my black bikinis and stepped out to get coffee going. Micky was snoring lightly on the sofa and no sounds came from the other room. Quietly I made coffee and took our two cups into the room, closing the door softly behind me.
To be continued...
Posted: 02/19/2021