Jody, the Team, and the Navy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 4
When I awoke to the sounds of Garret flushing the toilet, it was a couple of minutes after 8 a.m. Somewhere in my brain, I heard Len’s marvelous voice say, “Good morning, cocksucker!” Thinking I might have actually heard that, my eyes flew open and to my relief I was alone in the bedroom. I got out of bed, rummaged in my luggage and pulled out my high school uniform. I put it on but wore street shoes. I put some street clothes in my duffel along with my baseball shoes and a towel. When he came out of the bathroom, Garret was obviously a bit curious as to my whereabouts the previous evening, but I pushed past him in a bee-line to the toilet.
Len retrieved us for breakfast and we had a very busy day at the ballpark. The energy level was very high as the 70 hopefuls were put through their paces by the coaches and some of the regular squad. I batted a lot, hitting over 200 balls, but no homeruns. I served as a shortstop most of the afternoon, so the coaches could observe me. I think I did a good job, but it was hard to tell if I was good enough. They said we would be told on Sunday who would receive a scholarship. We broke for lunch at the cafeteria.
the afternoon, the coaches suggested we could remove our shirts, which I happily
did. (Pictured here.) Watching the other shirtless guys was distracting until
we ended the day a little after 4:00. Instead of hitting the showers, most of
the guys went back to their rooms to freshen up for dinner. Garret and I walked
back with our suitemates Sam and Greg. After we’d showered, the four of us sat
in the living room for a while chatting about our high schools, the day’s
events, girls, our hopes for receiving scholarships, what we would do if we
didn’t get a scholarship (only Greg and I still planned on attending UNC),
pussy, the coaches, the girls from last night’s dinner, breasts, some of the
guys from the team. Oh, and a little bit more about pussy. Apparently, Sam was
quite a pussy hound. Whatever.
Finally, it was time for dinner, so we wandered down to the cafeteria. Len was in the cafeteria, but surrounded by some other guys which prevented me from getting to be with him. I chose a seat at our table that allowed me to face the table where he was sitting. As we ate, we exchanged several glances and a couple of smiles and nods.
As I carried my tray to the dirty dishes window, I saw Len out of the corner of my eye as he approached with his tray, too. We met near the window. Our eyes connected and we exchanged a smile.
“My room. 10:00,” he whispered.
I grinned. “Of course.”
That night, Len invited me into his bed where he wanted it slow and sensuous. I sucked his big cock until he was about to cum and then he stopped me. That happened three times before he finally fed me his delicious juice. When I got back to my room, it was almost midnight and Garret was snoring loudly. I went immediately to the bathroom and whipped off a quick, but powerful load before crashing.
Saturday was more playing ball and getting observed by all kinds of people. That sort of made me nervous, but whenever Len smiled at me I felt calmer. I also had a thirty-minute interview with a couple of assistant coaches, one of whom was quite hunky and looked at me a lot. Hmm. Coach Stan Jordan attracted me more than anyone else other than Len. That night, after dinner in the cafeteria, Len, Paul, and the two curly-haired guys from the registration lobby took a bunch of us out to an under-21 club that was pretty hot. The curly-haired guys turned out to be brothers as I had suspected, Phil and Blake Keller. Phil was going into his last year at UNC and Blake would be a junior. They were from nearby Durham but shared an off-campus apartment nearby and hinted at wild parties held occasionally. We all danced with the coeds until about 1:00. I enjoyed hanging out with Phil and Blake and Len as well as dancing several times with Sandy and once with a pretty girl called Bellamy.
At some point, Len leaned into me and whispered, “My room right after we get back.”
Since it was quite late when we got back, our time together was rather hurried, but I still got a healthy load of Len’s special creamy brew to take home with me.
Sunday morning, Garret, Sam, and Greg joined me for a late breakfast before we reported to the field house for the 10:00 wrap-up. The coaches announced the scholarship winners, but none of us were selected. Coach Jordan sought me out to tell me that I almost made the cut based on superb hitting, but what held me back was that my hits were not very powerful. “If you can build up the strength in your swing before the season starts in February, you have a good chance to join the team as a walk-on, which would put you in line for a scholarship the following year.” He grinned and put a hand on my shoulder. “I really would like to have you on the team, Jody.” I wondered if there were any personal reasons for wanting me on the team. “So, get yourself a good weight-lifting program going, okay?”
“Sure, Coach. I really want to be on the team.”
He squeezed my shoulder. “I have a feeling you will be.”
When he walked away, my eyes followed him. After five or six paces, he turned and looked back at me. He seemed slightly embarrassed that I was watching him, but he smiled and quickly looked away.
The four hopefuls in Room 203 walked back in a somewhat down mood. When we got back to the room, we concentrated on packing up rather than talking any more. My disappointment was as much about the uncertainty of getting to be around Len in the future as it was about missing out on a scholarship.
The rest of that summer passed in a rather dull blur as I spent my workdays in the bowels of the Sears back office interacting with Mrs. Harris, the manager of Accounting, and with Doris Nelson, a 40-ish accountant who always looked at me as if I was a grade-A porkchop. I spent most of my time on weekends hanging out with Mom and Dad, except for going out with my high school friends on some Friday or Saturday nights. We saw a few movies, ate some pizza, drank a few beers when someone could get them for us, or played contentious games of Risk or Monopoly in Harry’s basement.
In preparation for future tryouts for the baseball team at UNC, I decided to build my strength as much as I could before school started. I went on a high-protein diet and took a two-mile run every morning. I made a deal with the owner of a gym not far from our house so I could work out each evening after supper for free in exchange for cleaning up the parking lot and mowing a small patch of grass every Thursday evening. When I started I was curling 40 pounds and pressing 80 but by the end of the summer I was curling 60 and pressing 130.
At odd moments during the weeks after my encounter with Len, I mulled over this new experience and pondered what it meant for me. I thought a lot about Len and how super-looking he was. I decided he would be beautiful, gorgeous even, if he wasn’t too masculine to be described that way. There was not one thing about Len that wasn’t as manly as the Marlboro Man. Hell, he was more of a man than Butch or Sundance in that wonderful movie from last year. That made me wonder. Butch and Sundance always seemed to prefer spending time together rather than with the fetching Etta Place. Were the two outlaws also lovers? Like Len and me, maybe?
By far my favorite time of the day was a toss-up between right after waking, right after getting home from work, or right before going to sleep. Those were the times I would hide in my room, liberate my dick from my briefs, and pound out a load as I remembered those few times with Len’s great cock in my mouth. I tried to hold on to memories of the power in his steely shaft, of how he groaned and cried out when he came, and of how special his cum tasted as it blasted onto my tongue. My orgasms were always powerful as I imagined taking Len again and again. A few times I imagined him sticking that huge cock into my ass, but I failed to imagine how that could feel good, although inexplicably the concept seemed to turn me on big time.
It was early August before I realized I had unconsciously adopted Len’s own orgasm schedule of three times a day: morning, afternoon, and night. That realization made me feel a bit strange, like I was no longer in control of my own body. I also understood that I wasn’t completely in control of my heart. Or was it my mind? I couldn’t stop thinking about Len, hoping I could really be with him again (and again) and worrying that when I was back at school he would pretend nothing had happened between us. Even though it was still uncomfortable to admit, even just to myself, that I am completely, hopelessly queer, I knew I would do anything to be with Len. Anything. Any thing.
A few weeks before I was scheduled to go to Chapel Hill, Mom and I spent a weekend visiting Grandma, Aunt Harriet, and Gary in Sylva, which was about a 3-hour drive west of Charlotte. The town was nothing special, but the location in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina was really peaceful. Gary was still a couple of months away from his twelfth birthday and seemed like a tall boy, but not yet like an adolescent.
Gary and I tossed a softball around and played Monopoly for a while. On Saturday afternoon, we went to the same pool where I had encountered the kid in the revealing white swimsuit several years before. He wasn’t there this time, but we had a good time anyhow.
I bunked in Gary’s room in the mobile home he shared with Harriet while Mom took Grandma’s guest room in the big house next door. When we went to bed on Friday night, I pulled him into the bottom bunk I was given and cuddled with him for a while. He felt little and very young in my arms, but his wiggling around on me soon got me hard. I tried to ignore it, but Gary didn’t.
“What’s poking me in the belly?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
He didn’t worry about it, but he rolled to one side and reached down to cup my dick in his little hand.
“Oooh,” he said. “It’s as hard as my arm and almost as big!”
“You exaggerate!”
“Does it really, pee white paste when it’s hard like this?”
“Where’d you get that idea?”
“Antonio’s big brother did it for him to see.”
“Well, yes, it does shoot out white fluid. It’s what makes babies when it’s put into a woman.”
“I know.”
“How do you know?”
“Antonio told me and Carlos.”
“So, would you show me like Mario showed Antonio?”
He began to rub his hand up and down the length of my erection and it did seem really big compared with the size of his hand. Before long, he reached into my briefs and touched my throbbing cock.
“It’s hot!” He rubbed it a few times and, without thinking about it, I groaned. “Show me what to do. Please.”
What could I do? I let him pull my briefs off and it felt so good to allow my hardon to breathe. I showed him how to grip it and slide his hand up and down, grasping my turgid dick with a good squeeze. I’d actually never felt anyone else’s hand on my cock before and I was majorly turned on. Gary was intent on experiencing my orgasm and in only a few minutes I obliged him with six or seven rapid shots of hot cum splashing onto my chest and belly and dribbling onto his hand. I gasped, groaned, and thrashed about as my cock exploded, much to Gary’s surprise and delight.
After jacking me off Saturday morning, Saturday night, and Sunday morning, Gary knew all he needed to know to get off to a great start once puberty came calling, which happened about a year later.
When we got back to Charlotte after the weekend in Sylva, I had a letter from the UNC Housing Office informing me that my assigned dorm had been changed to the athletic dorm and that I would be assigned to a room upon my arrival. I was quite excited to know that I would be so close to Len, even as I wondered how we would manage to hook up with other guys around all the time. But I decided we would be able to figure out a way. That is, if he wanted to be with me.
To be continued...
Posted: 02/12/2021