Hustler at the Capitol
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 4
After a few minutes of recovery time, Mike swiveled around so we were lying head-to-head. He grasped me less in an embrace than in an effort to keep both of us from falling off the narrow bed. I was lost staring into his beautiful eyes.
“How do you feel?” he asked softly.
I grinned. “Amazing,” I answered. “You’re incredible.”
He chuckled. “It’s always great to have a satisfied customer.”
For some reason, I didn’t really like being referred to as a customer, but I didn’t respond to that. I smiled and said, “I don’t think I’ve ever been more satisfied.”
He slid a hand behind my head, holding it tenderly while he focused on my eyes. “You are a beautiful guy,” he said with sincerity, “and you’re also very nice.”
“Thanks, Mike. I could say the same about you.” I didn’t want our time together to be over. “Would you like to get some coffee or something and just chat for a while?”
He smiled but shook his head. “I need to work tonight, Art. Sorry.”
Although I knew that was true, I couldn’t help but be disappointed.
“I’ll tell you what. Maybe we could meet earlier some evening before it gets busy at the Capitol.”
“Yeah?” I grinned.
“Sure. I’m usually there by 7 but not much happens until after 8. I could spare an hour for some coffee.”
“That would be nice. What night?”
“Really, any night. Just come by before 7:15 at the latest, okay?”
“Yeah. That’s cool.”
“And it’ll be as friends. No charge for my time.”
I grinned. “Thanks.”
“Uhm, now I need to get back to the Capitol. There’s time to make some more money tonight.”
“I understand.”
We rolled off opposite sides of the bed. Silently, we retrieved our clothes and dressed quickly. He gave me a quick kiss before opening the door into the public hallway. We walked to my car and I drove him back. We didn’t talk much on the short ride and I felt an unexpected melancholia coming up, especially when the Capitol came into view in the distance. He directed me to drop him on the sidewalk at the edge of the manicured grounds so I wouldn’t get enmeshed in the traffic circling the structure.
As I stopped the car, I turned toward him, clutching his forearm to keep him from getting out of the car. “Mike, uhm, thanks a lot. You gave me a really great time tonight.”
“I’m glad, Art,” he smiled. “You deserve good things. Take care.”
“Yes. I’ll see you soon for that coffee.”
“Counting on it!”
I loosened my grip on his arm and he slid out of the seat. He gave me a simple wave before shutting the door and starting across the lawn towards the Capitol. For a moment I watched his sexy butt as he moved away from me. Then, I drove home to my lonely room.
For days my encounter with Mike sat just below the surface in my mind, popping into my consciousness at odd times when my mind wasn’t fully occupied with the minutiae of work and daily living. Everything Mike did with me felt spectacularly amazing but, more than that, it felt natural and right. I had a sense that, thanks to Mike, I had finally met the real me. I was extremely comfortable with the physical/sexual things we had done and with the tenderness and emotion I had felt with him. I wasn’t so comfortable with what all this meant about my interactions with other people and how they would react to this aspect of my being. And how would I ever form friendships with other guys like me?
I also recognized that I had some feelings for Mike. I was smart enough to realize that I wasn’t in love with him, thank God, although I was probably infatuated. I didn’t like the idea that he was having sex with lots of men, but I also didn’t hold that against him. I wondered why he was doing that instead of working at a more conventional job. I wondered what he wanted out of life. I wondered where this was leading him.
So, one afternoon as I posted expenses to a client’s ledger, I decided I needed to meet Mike for coffee. Perhaps a conversation with him would help me answer some of the questions I had about myself and also some of the questions I had about him.
At 6:55 pm the sun still had two hours to rule the sky as I made the turn onto the grounds of the Colorado State Capitol. The circular drive looked rather quiet with just one Ford circling slowly and a few guys loitering about on the steps. About a third of the way around the circuit, I saw Mike walking toward my car looking sexy as hell in a sleeveless vest that seemed vaguely militaristic. I noticed my dick twitched in my jeans.
As he came near, he began to smile. “Hey, Art!” he called.
Mike,” I said.
He leaned into the window and fondled my ear.
“Is now a good time for coffee?”
“Good as any.”
Quickly he went around the front of the car and climbed into the passenger seat.
“It’s nice to see you again,” he said as I pulled forward around the circle. “Hey, there’s a nice coffee shop on Spear if you want to go there.”
“Sure,” I responded.
He directed me and in a few minutes we were inside, sitting side-by-side at the counter.
“If you’re hungry … ,” I offered.
He shook his head. “Thanks, but I never eat when I’m working. I’m more comfortable if I don’t have much in my stomach.”
“Oh,” I nodded, trying not to figure out his reasoning.
Elise, an effervescent teenage Mexican girl poured us two coffees. She greeted Mike and then me with a seductive smile. Mike added two scoops of sugar and a hefty pour of creamer before asking how I had been.
I told him I was good and thinking about my experience with him and what that meant. I explained my uncertainty about how to proceed with the knowledge that I’m gay or at least mostly gay.
“I can imagine that’s a big quandary for you.”
“I’m hoping you can tell me a little about how you handle it.”
His next comment surprised me.
He looked a bit embarrassed and said, “Well, Art, it’s different for me. In spite of all this…” He held his hands out to draw my attention to his face and then moved them down to indicate his body. His pumped and delicious body, I might add. “In spite of how I dress and how I make a living, I’m not really gay.”
To say I was surprised is a gross understatement. I was flabbergasted. I guess I had presumed he was gay since he was having gay sex all the time. “Oh, I, uhm…”
“It’s fine. How could you know?” he asked rhetorically.
“I just assumed, I guess.” I hesitated as this information seeped into my brain. “Then, uh, well… Oh, never mind, I don’t want to be rude.”
He grinned and touched my forearm. “It’s okay. I’m guessing you’re curious as to why I’m doing this if I’m not gay.”
“Well, yeah.”
“Mostly because it’s a fast way to make a good amount of cash.”
“But couldn’t you get a different job?”
“Maybe. Probably. But not making $100 a night and sometimes more.”
I chuckled. “Hell, I have a degree in Accounting and don’t make anywhere near that much.”
“It’s just temporary for me until I can save some money to move on.”
That suggested another reason why our friendship opportunity is limited. “Where will you go?” I wondered.
“A little town south of Salt Lake City. A place called Sandy. That’s where I’m from.”
I was puzzled. The numbers didn’t add up to me. “But one night’s, uhm, wages would be more than enough to buy a bus ticket to Salt Lake. Why not just go?”
“There’s more to it than a bus ticket.”
“I’m sorry, Mike, I seem to be prying. It’s none of my business.”
He smiled again. “Relax. It’s all fine. I don’t mind telling you.”
“If you’re sure.”
Elise refilled our coffees. Somehow she managed to touch the back of Mike’s hand with hers as she poured the hot liquid.
“She likes you,” I whispered when she had moved away. “I guess she can tell you’re not gay no matter how you might be dressed.”
He laughed. “I think straight women and gay men are mostly attracted to the same characteristics.”
“Yeah, gorgeous face, beautiful blond hair, tight muscled body, awesome biceps, snug jeans,” I teased.
“A lot like you, dude, except for the hair color.”
I gave him an appreciative nod. “Thank you!”
“Before we were interrupted, I was going to explain why I don’t just get a ticket to Salt Lake.” He doctored up the fresh coffee and took a sip. “So, ready for my story?”
“I’m all ears.”
He grinned, turning to face me at the counter and leaning close
so I could hear his soft voice. “I got discharged from the Army at the end of
May. I was on my way back to Utah and got robbed here in Denver. The scumbag
took everything including my discharge money. I didn’t have anything. No
clothes but what I had on, no money, no identification, nowhere to sleep.
“I’m sorry,” I said with a catch in my voice.
“See, I told you you’re a great guy.” For a long moment, he looked at me with real affection. “So, I am literally walking around the streets when I notice the cars at the Capitol. I watch the scene for a few minutes until I understand what’s going on. My stomach growls. I think, how hard can it be to suck a dick?” He grinned. “So, I decide to give it a try. I got noticed pretty easy and turned a couple of tricks that night, which was enough for a room in that place I’m staying and some food. I got some sexy clothes at the thrift store and have been doing it ever since.”
“Don’t you have enough money to go home?”
“Not quite. I owe my brother $1,000 and I need money for a car so I can get around. And that dump of a room costs me $25 a night and I gotta eat. I figure a couple more months and I’ll have enough.”
“Just when I was thinking of you as a friend.”
“Aww,” he said, casually rubbing my shoulder for a couple of seconds. “Listen, I need to get back on my stoop. If I don’t work, I’ll never get home.”
When I dropped him off a few minutes later, he thanked me for the coffee and said he had enjoyed hanging out. “Come by again, okay?” he asked with a wink.
“You bet.”
That night, as I lay in my little bed, I kept going over Mike’s story. I thought it was tragic that he felt he needed to sell himself in order to get back home to Utah. I wondered what Salt Lake was like. I’d heard about it, of course, but it was one of the many exciting places in the West I’d never been.
Slowly a plan hatched in my brain and a grin formed on my lips.
To be continued...
Posted: 02/04/2022