Hustler at the Capitol
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 3
Standing in that grim little room on the 5th floor of the Capitol Arms with this sexy man named Mike, I could barely admit my status. “Yes,” I said shyly, “I’m a virgin.”
His right hand moved from my arm to my cheek, where it rested gently against my face. “And you want to know what sex is like with a man?”
I nodded.
Mike stared into my eyes for a moment, considering my situation, I presumed. “How about we start by getting undressed?”
I nodded and reached for the buttons on my shirt.
Grinning, he grasped my wrist to stop me. “I’ll undress you in a minute, but first I think you should undress me. Is that okay?”
nodded, excited by this invitation. He released my hand. His shirt was still
unbuttoned, so I put my hands on the upper part of his pecs, noting the firm
muscles under the skin there. My fingers slipped up to where his pecs connected
to his clavicles and then his shoulders, then curved over his shoulders to begin
pushing the shirt off his body and sliding it down his arms. When it was gone
from his shoulders, I was mesmerized by the sexy up-close view of his chest,
shoulders, and biceps. He turned slightly to one side so I could pull the shirt
sleeves down and off his wrists. When it was loose in my hands, he took it from
me and tossed it onto the back of the desk chair. He toed off his sneakers and
turned to face me with a bright smile on his handsome face. He was now nude
except for the military camos, so I reached to the waistband, brushing the back
of my hand against his taut abdomen, to unclasp the pants. I unzipped them, now
aware of a substantial cock that was somewhat plump but not hard. The camos
started to slide off his hips to reveal more taut skin and a small pair of black
briefs with a full pouch. Slowly I pushed his camos down until they pooled on
his feet, then he placed a hand on my shoulder for support while he lifted that
leg. I pulled the pants leg until it finally popped off his foot. We repeated
the process on the other leg all the while his pouch giggled alluringly in front
of my face.
He thrust his pouch toward me and said with a seductive smile, “You’re welcome to touch.”
I looked up to meet his eyes. I grinned at his invitation. I turned my hand palm-up and slipped it below his genitals. He spread his feet. I positioned my hand beneath his scrotum and slowly raised it until my fingers pressed against the full sack suspended below his body, covered only by thin cotton. As my fingers made contact, I gasped at the weight that transferred into my hand. With my fingers I juggled his balls.
He moaned, “Nice, Art.”
I pulled my hand upwards, dragging my fingertips lightly across his heavy ballsac and then along his cock, which was lengthening and hardening as I caressed it.
“Pull it out, Art,” he mumbled.
I slipped both hands around his hips and onto his butt cheeks, sliding under his waistband to curve around the swell of his butt. The skin here was also taut as it stretched over a firm, full butt that felt like it was carved from marble. I moved my hands downward across his cool flesh until my fingers were at the tops of his thighs. Mike helped me by pulling out the elastic across his abdomen so the briefs would not hang on the hard rod within them. Eventually, they dropped to the floor to rest atop his feet. He stepped out of one side and kicked with his other foot, sending the tiny garment across the room onto the television set. Aided by gravity, the heft of his now-full cock caused it to pull away from his tummy and rest at an angle of about 30-degrees out from his body. It almost fell against my jeans, but not quite.
Mike took my right hand by my wrist so he could place it gently on his erection. It was hot to the touch and when I grasped it, I felt a massive throb as a slug of fresh blood infused it to assure it was as solid and hard as a dick could get. His erection filled my palm with its girth as it extended a couple of inches on each side of my hand. It throbbed as I squeezed it.
While my mind was on his dick, Mike began unbuttoning my shirt. Soon he had it off me and gently pushed me down until I was seated on the side of the little bed. He removed my shoes and socks, then opened my pants, tugging them off my legs. As he stripped me, I feasted my eyes on his handsome face and muscular body, not believing I was actually experiencing this. When I was naked but for my briefs, I realized my boner was definitely ready for some action. Mike smiled at me as he said, “Raise your butt.” I did as instructed and he whisked my briefs down, catching momentarily on my randy dick before he got them off.
“Nice dick, Art!”
“Thanks, Mike. Coming from you, that’s a compliment.”
He giggled. “Yes, I’ve seen quite a few the last few months. But you, my friend, are the sexiest guy who’s ever come to me. So, I’m enjoying being with you.” He paused a moment then reached out to grasp my dick.
I felt a tremendous surge in my dick when he touched it. “Oh, my god!”
He grinned. “Would you like me to suck it?”
I really didn’t care what he did. Just being naked and hard with him was enough of a treat. Still, why not? “Uh-huh,” I nodded.
Mike knelt on the floor between my knees, forcing them a little further apart. Leaning forward so his face was only a few inches from the end of my dick, he held it up to its longest position above my abdomen. I looked down across my torso where my dick stood between me and Mike’s handsome face. It looked like an ICBM ready to obliterate the USSR. I watched as Mike moved closer until his lips were very close to my glans. Then he pursed his lips and blew a gentle breeze against the base of my glans. On the hyper-sensitive skin, it might have been tornadic winds for the effect it had on me.
“Oh, oh,” I cried out as a wave of sensations coursed through my dick to my brain.
He looked up at me, his grin wide, his eyes bright with delight. I saw his tongue slither between his lips and hang over his bottom lip. I knew he was about to touch my dick with it. The enormity of this act hit me even before he made contact.
“My god,” I trembled.
As fast as a snake’s tongue, Mike lightly flicked the base of my glans with his velvety tongue.
“Oh!” I wailed.
Several times he repeated the licks. Then, without warning, he raised his head a few inches, opened wide, and sank down on my dick, bathing it instantly in wet heat and in the next instant in a velvet glove as his mouth drew tight around it.
“Oh, fuck!”
I writhed, moaned, and groaned incoherently for several minutes as Mike taught me the fine art of the blowjob, driving me out of my mind with the massive sensations overwhelming my brain. Finally, I quit trying to keep up mentally and relaxed into the unimaginable feelings coursing through my body. As horny and excited as I was, it wasn’t long before I sensed I was close to coming.
“No!” I blurted out.
Mike stopped to look across my torso at me. His face showed he was wondering if I wanted this to end or if my outburst meant something else.
With the sensations lessened at that moment, I could form a deeper thought. “I don’t want to come yet. Please!”
Slowly Mike pulled his head off my dick. When he again held the red and angry beast between his fingers, he smiled. “What would you like?”
I thought about that for a second before I was sure I knew. “Could I suck you?”
“If that’s what you want.”
We wriggled around on the narrow bed with me almost falling off, until he was flat on his back with his legs out straight, me straddling his knees, with my head in his crotch. I couldn’t believe how huge his dick felt once it was in my mouth. I could barely get any air around it and into my lungs! I tried to take it all, but never managed the furthest 3 inches because it made me gag when the head started into my throat. But I was in heaven as I tried circling the huge fleshpole with my tongue, licking and sucking for all I was worth. I bobbed up and down with a pause every few times so I could pull some air into my throat. As I worked (and I discovered it was a lot of intense work), Mike thrashed about a bit, moaning as he gently held my head in place. I also discovered I could play with his balls with one hand while using the other to hold the bottom of his dick to keep it firmly in position.
Mike gave me quite a few minutes to learn how to suck before he spoke, “Stop for a moment, Art.”
Reluctantly I stopped. I pulled off his turgid rod and looked across his torso at his face. “Why?”
“Let’s change so we can suck each other at the same time.”
What a brilliant suggestion!
Again, wriggling around on the bed and almost falling off, we wound up lying on our sides facing one another with our crotches in each other’s faces.
“Go ahead,” Mike instructed as he took hold of my dick.
Soon my dick was again buried in his mouth and millions of neuro-cells were activated in my mid-section. I almost forgot I was supposed to be doing him at the same time. I grabbed his drippy dick, licked the sweet nectar from the tip, and rammed it into my needy mouth. This was even more exciting than being blown or sucking dick since I was actually sucking and being sucked by one of the sexiest guys I’d ever met.
Mike came a minute or so sooner than I did, but that didn’t slow down his work on me more than about 5 seconds. The sudden gushing of hot cream into my mouth caught me a bit unprepared but also drove me the final distance to my own orgasm. His taste was unique in my life’s experience, somewhere between sweet and bitter, salty and bland. It wasn’t great, but it certainly wasn’t unpleasant. In fact, when I recovered from the immediate surprise of the first wad he gave me, I eagerly sucked out the remaining semen, excited at receiving my first load from my first guy. Just as his flow was ending, I felt the retraction of my gonads and the exquisite sensations of my own blasts into Mike’s talented mouth.
Afterwards, we lay still, nursing and cleaning the dicks in our mouths as they softened and shrank.
To be continued...
Posted: 01/28/2022