Gary's Summer Interlude
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 13
Virginia Is for Lovers
On Monday July 25, Gary’s blue Mustang parked in the Mitchell driveway promptly at 8 a.m. He rang the bell and was greeted by Mrs. Mitchell. “Hi, Gary. Ryan is just grabbing his bags.”
Before she finished, Ryan appeared in the back of the foyer. “Okay, Mom,” he said. She turned to hug her son before he left on this slightly mysterious vacation with his new best friend. Graduation seemed to change a lot of the dynamics in Ryan’s life. She didn’t understand quite how and certainly not why, at least not while everybody still lived in the area. Oh well, she gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Now, don’t forget one of you needs to call home every other day so we worrying mothers will be okay.”
“I promise,” he grinned.
Gary took one of his two bags and said, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Mitchell. We’ll be fine.”
As Ryan followed his buddy down the steps from the porch, Mrs. Mitchell called out, “I love you!” Ryan turned towards her, smiled, waved, and then turned his attention to getting his bag into the Mustang’s trunk and climbing into the passenger seat. As Gary backed down the driveway, Ryan waved again before they turned and headed down the street.
“This is exciting, buddy!” Ryan gushed. “Navy dudes!”
“I haven’t met all of them, but I can truthfully say they are as masculine a group of guys as I’ve ever seen. Two of them are even MP’s.”
“Oh, my asshole can’t wait!”
Gary laughed. “I’m beginning to think you are a liar when you say you prefer topping.”
“It’s weird, I know. I’ve probably bottomed two or three times for every time I’ve been the top. But that does feel a little more natural. I just seem to be able to do whichever is needed for a particular partner. Since most of the guys you’ve introduced me to are 100% tops, it’s either enjoy being their butt-boy or live like a priest.”
“It’s true. The Deputy Boys alums seem to feel they did their year as a bottom and that’s all they need. These Navy guys are not much different, really. Although there are a few who go both ways. One of my favorites is Scott. He’s an MP, a big, strong, good-looking dude with both black and Native American ancestors and who is a wonderful top. But he gets a hankering for some hard cock in his butt at times and he seems to love it when he gets it. Actually, I think you’re much the same way.”
“Hmm. I take that comparison as a compliment.”
“It is. Wait until you get it on with him.”
“He might not want me.”
“Hell, buddy, every man wants you. Every man who likes guys anyhow.”
They enjoyed the morning drive through the Blue Ridge Mountains to Asheville. It seemed a little weird to Gary to sail right on past the Asheville exits, knowing that would soon be home.
“So, when do you and Carlos move?”
“Our orientation begins Sunday afternoon, the 28th of August. So, we’re thinking we’ll go ahead and work at Love-Love through Saturday and then leave pretty early Sunday to drive up to Asheville. We won’t need much time to unpack our clothes and we don’t have much more to take. As you know, all the linens and dishes and stuff are already there. Josh and Patrick are hosting the group that day anyhow. We don’t actually go to the cabin until Tuesday, I think.”
“I’m glad y’all decided to accept the deal. It’ll be wonderful and I’ll enjoy visiting you sometimes.”
“Until you move in in January?”
“Maybe. I’m still trying to figure that out.”
They drove for a while, passing through Hickory and just chilling as the miles clicked by. The 55 mile per hour speed limit seemed ridiculous on this broad interstate. Gary remembered when they would drive 80 between Asheville and Greensboro, but not anymore.
“So,” Gary asked Ryan, “do you think you’re ready for as much ‘action’ as we’re gonna see this week?”
He thought for a moment. Looking at Gary, he grinned broadly. “God, I hope so. I’d hate to start saying no to Commander Macho Man because my ass walls are worn out.”
Gary guffawed. “I love your sick sense of humor!”
“I said it humorously, but it’s really true. Do you think most every day will be like the Independence Day party?”
“Well, certainly the cruise will be. The other days, I expect we will get some sex in the morning or maybe afternoon, but mostly it will be only a couple of hours each night.”
“We’re staying with Jody, right?”
“Yes. And his three roommates. Actually two. He’s moved into a house since I saw him at New Year’s. His wonderful roommate Brandon moved with him and they have two new roommates, too. One is the hot mulatto Scott I mentioned before. And the other one is a guy named Joel who is not going to be there.”
“So, it’ll be three Navy studs and us every night?”
“I guess so. But there will probably be at least one evening with Darren and Alex, too. I think they live across the street and that’s where we had the New Year’s Eve party, in their party room. I don’t know if there is anything specific planned except the cruise on the weekend.”
“I can’t wait for that. I’ve never been on a party boat before, nor have I ever been to Chesapeake Bay.”
“It should be a wonderful little cruise.”
They lapsed into their own thoughts before stopping in Greensboro for gas, lunch, and a pee break. When they were back on the road, Ryan said, “You’ve been staying really busy, haven’t you?”
“Yes. It’s been a busy summer between my 5 8-hour shifts at Love-Love and 4 3-hour shifts at Rossi’s every week. And then, I have a pretty full schedule of seeing all my boyfriends.”
“Tell me!”
“Well, Monday night is Mario after the restaurant closes, about 8:45. Tuesday it’s Antonio after they close. Wednesday I work at Love-Love, then spend an hour or slightly more with Will. Then in the evening I’m at Rossi’s. Mario and I close and then have some sexy time. Thursday is the same except that my afternoon date is Shannon and my evening date is Antonio. Friday I don’t have an afternoon date so I usually try to work out at the school gym. I usually crash in the evening after Rossi’s. Saturday I’m with Will after work and usually have a date with Lauren that night after I get off work. Sunday I have a date with Shannon and then there is our usual Sunday night at Carlos’ hunting cabin. Monday and Tuesday in the mornings I try to work out and sometimes I get together with Bob for sex in the locker room shower.”
“Whew!” Ryan said. “You really have amazing stamina. So, in a typical week, how many times do you get laid?”
“Oh, gosh,” Gary said. “Help me count up. Monday, two with Bob and two with Mario, so four. Tuesday, two with Bob and two or three with Antonio, so five. Wednesday, one with Will and a couple with Mario, so three. Thursday, a couple with Shannon and two or three with Antonio, so five. Friday, usually two with Bob in the locker room, so, I guess that’s my light day.”
Ryan laughed. “Taking Bob’s enormous cock twice is a light day. Whoa!”
Gary continued, “Saturday, one with Will; that’s all most weeks. Sunday, two with Shannon and then one with Carlos, one with David, one with you, and one with Antonio, for, uh, six? Oh, and Lauren and I are doing the deed about once every two weeks, I guess. How many is that?”
Ryan did a final addition in his head. “That, my wanton friend, is a grand total of 27 fucks per week, give or take a couple.”
“Is that all?” Gary teased.
“Fuck, most guys don’t do that much in a whole year. Well, you should be ready for a couple of hundred fucks during the cruise.”
Gary laughed. “I don’t think we’ll be at sea that long. Maybe I’ll get 50.”
“Amazing!” Ryan sighed.
“So, what’s your typical week?”
“Well, uh, I’ve been meeting up with Bob about twice a week. He usually does me twice, so that’s four. I meet up with Frank one time and Fred one time so that’s four more. Then there is Sunday night, one with Carlos, one with David, and one with Antonio, for three. I think that’s 11 times to bottom per week. I usually meet Kelly once a week and top him twice. Then I get to enjoy your cute butt once on Sunday and Carlos once, too. So, that would be about four times per week to top.”
“Not bad at all. I think you will be fine at the cruise. And I enjoy our time together every Sunday.”
Ryan grinned as his left hand dropped onto Gary’s right thigh and gently rubbed up from his knee to his groin. “I’m grateful, too. Nothing’s more pleasurable than feeling your ass give me that amazing squeeze at the end of each thrust. God, that is out of this world!”
“I’m glad you like it, babe!”
“You know, as much as I have bottomed, I haven’t quite managed to do that with any consistency. I finally figured out how to push back to meet the cock as it comes in. That feels awesome, too, when you do it to me. It also feels awesome when I’m bottoming. But that hard, quick squeeze always messes my rhythm up. I might get one, but I’m never ready for the next one in time. Let’s face it, dude, I’ll never be as good a bottom as you.”
“And I’ll never be as good a top as you. Your cock is a perfect size to feel amazing, but not so big as to make you feel like you’re getting split in the middle.”
Ryan giggled. “It’s no wonder we get booty calls from hundreds of miles away!”
Gary laughed, too.
arrived at Jody’s new digs just after 4 p.m. LTJG Jody DiFranco, Gary’s
luscious 25-year-old cousin (pictured), answered the door quickly, dressed in a
pair of red low-rise Towncrafts and a pair of red flip-flops. His hair was wet
and he smelled of soap and shampoo. His wide grin showed off his perfect white
teeth. Ryan’s dick throbbed a couple of times as Gary wrapped his arms around
the voluptuous lieutenant.
“Oh, God,” Gary moaned as he clung to Jody.
“Don’t call me that in front of others, honey!” Jody joked.
Everyone laughed, but Gary continued to hug his cousin. After a few more moments, Jody pushed him away slightly. “You need to introduce me to this lovely boy!”
Gary finally released Jody. Turning to Ryan, he said, “Sorry. Jody, this is Ryan. Ryan, Jody.”
Ryan and Jody shook hands for a couple of seconds before they spontaneously hugged. Ryan could feel Jody’s half-hard cock through the thin cotton fabric of his briefs.
“Come on in so I can check you out.” Jody stepped back and gestured to his guests, who came into the foyer. Gary grabbed Jody and kissed him long and passionately. Ryan put a hand on each of their shoulders and Jody pulled him into the kiss. Their lips entwined and tongues licked and dueled briefly as they explored their connection.
When the kiss ended, Jody laughed and said, “Pleased to meet you, Ryan! I really look forward to getting to know you much better this week.”
“I’m looking forward to sharing the week with you, too,” Ryan said. “You’re one hot dude!”
Jody smiled and said to Gary, “Ryan is as sweet and nice as he is sexy and hot, isn’t he?”
Gary hugged his friend. “Yes, babe, he’s truly wonderful. You’re going to love him.”
Jody’s blue eyes locked on Ryan’s blue eyes. “I think I already do,” he said sincerely.
They retrieved their luggage from the car and Ryan made a quick call to his mother to let her know they’d arrived in Norfolk. She promised to call Harriet and made Ryan promise to be a good guest to Gary’s cousin.
“Does that mean you have to suck my dick?” Jody asked with a smirk.
“I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure it means I have to fuck your gorgeous ass.”
Jody and Gary laughed at that one. “Well,” Jody finally managed to say, “that goes without saying!”
Jody took them upstairs to their room. At the top of the stairs was a sort of upper foyer with four doors, one to the left, one to the right, and two on the far wall, to the left and right. Pointing to the door on the right, Jody said, “This is my room. Next is Brandon’s room. We share a bath. On the left is Scott’s room and next is Joel’s. They share a bath. Joel’s at sea for six months so we’re using his room as a guest room. “
Moving to the door at the left on the far wall, Jody opened it and entered. It was a modest room containing a double bed, a chest of drawers, a small desk, and a chair. There were posters of classic horror movies on the wall: The Blob, The Thing, War of the Worlds, and such. “Yes, Joel’s a horror movie buff. This will serve as your headquarters. Between Brandon, Scott, and me, you might never sleep here, but you’re welcome to if you want some time alone. I think we three need to get prepared for a sexy evening because Brandon and Scott have been saving up their spunk for you guys.”
“Hallelujah!” Gary shouted. “They’re both so hot, Ryan! You’re going to love getting plowed by each of them.”
“Can’t wait!” Ryan said enthusiastically.
“And, just so you know, Ryan, I always call ‘family privilege’ and take the first time topping my dear cousin,” Jody said. “Primarily, I usually bottom for the guys in this group you’re going to meet this week. I love a good, hard cock in my ass. Oh, my!”
Gary and Ryan both laughed and nodded.
“But I do enjoy topping sometimes and I definitely plan to take a few turns topping you, dear boy.”
Ryan grinned. “Well, Jody, I shall look forward to entertaining your hardness deep inside my wetness.”
“Lordy!” Jody guffawed. “I do already love you!”
“But,” Ryan continued, “since you’re being so honest with me, I’ll return the favor. I love to bottom for hot guys such as yourself. I also love to top hot guys such as yourself and Gary. So, I plan to be in line for some time in between your melons, too!”
Jody almost blushed. “A wonderful pleasure that will be!” Jody planted a quick, tender kiss on the taller man. “Okay. Now that everyone knows what’s likely to happen, let’s get you guys ready. Grab your soaps, shampoos, whatever and some fresh undies and come on downstairs. We’ll get you cleaned up down there. You can leave your clothes up here. See you in two.” He spun around and trooped down the stairs.
Gary smiled at Ryan. “He likes you!”
As he popped open his bag and began digging around in it, Ryan said, “Oh, Gary, he’s wonderful! And hot as blazes. I got hard within seconds of seeing him in those little briefs at the front door.”
As instructed, they pulled together their toiletries and clean briefs, stripped, and walked nakedly down stairs into the front foyer. Jody was waiting for them. He showed them the living room, a large country kitchen (where he grabbed three beers for them) and breakfast room, a patio opening off the breakfast room, the laundry, a den that was set up as a workout room, and then, off the back of the house, a large bedroom and bath. “We have decided to use the master bedroom as our playroom so we spend a lot of time down here.” A plain king-sized bed with brass headboard sat along one wall. Nightstands flanked the headboard, each holding a stack of towels and a large bottle of baby lotion. Four heavy black ribbons hung off the headboard equally spaced across the brass pipes.
On the opposite side of the room stood a table similar to a doctor’s examination table. It had tall bars attached to the corners at one end. At the end of the bars were small harnesses. Gary almost choked on his beer when he saw it. For a moment, he stood looking at this unusual piece of furniture, imagining how it could be used in sex. Jody stepped up beside him and put an arm over his shoulder. “Have you seen one of these before?”
“It’s actually from a gynecologist’s office. These are called stirrups,” he said fingering one of the harnesses. “The bottom lies down here and puts his feet in the stirrups. They can be raised or lowered to provide the perfect fit. They can swing out and can be locked into place.” He demonstrated. “Then the top simply steps up to the end of the table and inserts his dick into the waiting asshole.”
“I can picture you there,” Ryan joked.
“So can I,” Gary laughed.
“Oh, I love getting fucked there,” Jody confided. “But that is all for later. Now, we need to get everyone prepared. Step this way, please.”
Jody walked through a wide doorway with doors standing open on both sides. Inside was a roomy bathroom having a double shower, a big garden tub, sinks, a toilet, and a …
“What is that?” Gary asked indicating something that looked like the bastard, mutant child of a commode and a water fountain.
Jody laughed, started to explain, then laughed some more. Finally, he calmed down. “It’s a bidet.”
“O-ka-ay,” Gary said. Ryan just sucked on the neck of his beer and stared at the weird thing.
“Fancy women use it to wash their privates off so they’re nice and clean for their husbands or gardeners.”
Everyone snickered.
“We actually use it to rinse our asses after we’ve douched. Well, Brandon doesn’t ever bottom so he doesn’t use it. But Scott, Joel, and I use it regularly. And I suspect you will enjoy using it, too.”
“We’ll definitely need a training session first,” Gary croaked and then burst out laughing.
“Let’s get to it then,” Jody snickered. “I douched, rinsed, and showered just before you got here, but I will demonstrate the sanitary powers of the European-style bidet.” Jody shucked his briefs, stepped over to the bidet, and turned the water on very low volume. Ryan’s eyes flew to Jody’s now naked buttocks, the epitome of firm, round melons. Fuck, he thought.
“You want to let it warm up first.” He adjusted the faucets until he was pleased with the temperature. Then he straddled the bidet, sat down, reached behind him, turned the water on higher so it came out with some power. He leaned forward, pulled his cheeks apart and positioned his asshole so the water was shooting into him. Ryan noted that his cute dick seemed to be growing a little as the water gushed in and out of his ass. Both boys looked closely at Jody’s positioning so they would be able to duplicate everything when their turn came to try this strange device. After a minute, Jody reached back and turned the water off. He pushed a strong stream of water out of his ass, then stood, grabbed a towel, dabbed at his butt with the towel, and stepped away. “There you have it. Clean enough to eat out of.”
“Amazing!” Gary said.
“I’ve never seen anything like it!” Ryan said. “It actually looks like a sex act on its own.”
Jody laughed. “It does feel kinda sexy.” He picked up his briefs and stepped back into them, positioning his cock for comfort. “Okay,” Jody tapped their beers with his own. “I’ll leave you boys to it. The douches are in that cabinet.” He gestured towards a linen cabinet. “I’ll be in the bedroom. Just call out if you need anything such as a remedial course in Bidet 101.” Everybody hooted at that.
When Gary opened the douche cabinet, he found what must have been three dozen of the long boxes containing enema bottles. “Holy crap!”
“I belieeeeve,” Ryan drawled, “the plan is to wholly eliminate the crap, Gary.”
To be continued...
Posted: 07/02/2021