Gary's Summer Interlude
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 12
Parties and Pay
Carlos, Antonio
A little while after the conversation on the patio, Gary and Ryan said their final goodbyes to Josh, Patrick, Sappho and Lezzie. Both of them had lumps in their throats as the blue Mustang pulled out of the driveway onto Riverside Drive.
Immediately Gary said, “Oh, baby, you should do it. Come and live with us, fuck with us every weekend.”
“Holy shit, Gary. I can’t imagine anything more exciting!”
“The three of us in that big canopy bed every night!”
Ryan laughed. “My filthy mind went right there, too!”
They talked and chatted non-stop for quite a while. Ryan pulled his envelope out and opened it, extracting a rather large bundle of cash.
“Wow!” Gary said as he watched Ryan counting it. When Ryan was done, he looked stunned. “Well,” Gary started impatiently, “how much is it?”“$435!”
“Fuck, really?”
Ryan nodded. Gary indicated his bag in the back seat. “Get mine!”
Ryan reached back and pulled the envelope out of a side pouch and held it out to Gary.
“Count it for me!”
Ryan carefully counted it. When he was done, he nodded at Gary. “$435.”
They drove for a moment in silence.
“Did we just become prostitutes?”
“Shit, Ryan! What a question!”
“Well, think about it.”
“We were paid to serve drinks and dance.”
“Okay,” Ryan said slowly. “We served drinks for about an hour at the very beginning of the party. Later, guys started bringing us drinks. And drugs. They were serving us!”
“Fuck, Ryan! Nobody else danced.”
“Or did any other kind of entertainment. We provided the only entertainment of the whole day.”
“Yeah,” Ryan said thoughtfully. “Is dancing all the entertainment we provided?”
“Jeez, Ryan!” Gary wailed. “So we had sex. Everybody had sex!”
“That was the whole point of the party. If we hadn’t been there, how much sex would have happened?”
Gary was getting a bit frustrated. He didn’t like thinking about this. “I don’t know how much sex would have happened without us!”
“It was this whole bunch of tops who needed a couple of very willing bottoms to provide enough to satisfy them.”
“Josh and, uh, Oscar bottomed, too. And Miller at the end.”
“True. Would they have been able to handle twice as much? You know, if it had just been the two of them in the round robin?”
“Yeah, maybe,” Ryan waved Gary’s cash that he was still holding. “Fuck, Gary, you tip a waiter! You tip a yard boy. You tip a fucking whore!” His voice had gotten louder and stronger.
“Damn it, Ryan!” Gary shouted with exasperation. “You tip an exotic dancer!”
“Right. And we were waiters for an hour, dancers for half an hour, and…what?... for about 8 hours. What do you think got us, uh, $185 in tips?”
Gary took the next exit ramp. Halfway down the ramp, he pulled onto the narrow shoulder and hunched over the steering wheel, shaking too much to drive. Ryan realized he was crying.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Ryan put his left arm around Gary’s shoulders. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Gary cried for a couple of minutes before he got it under control and sat back up, wiping tears from his face. “It’s not your fault, Ryan. I know you’re just thinking out loud. I also know there’s truth in what you’re saying. “
“There’s also the idea that we just got caught up in the alcohol, drugs, and sex. We didn’t go into this thing with the idea that we were selling our sexual favors. That must count for something.”
Through his watery eyes and tear-streaked cheeks, Gary smiled at Ryan. “Fuck, it was fun, wasn’t it?”
“Hell yeah! As great as our little graduation party was, this felt like a whole higher level.”
“I know. From a bunch of boys to a bunch of men!”
“Exactly! Maybe that’s part of my discomfort. We were at least five years younger than anyone else. And, even recognizing Josh and Oscar’s contributions to the round robin, we were the bottoms. And no one else got paid.”
Gary pulled back onto the ramp, stopped at the main street, drove on across, and went up the ramp to return to I-40.
“I guess living at Tara for free would be more of the same, huh?” Gary asked.
“Umm. I don’t know.”
“In a year’s time, how many times would Josh or Patrick expect us to service them? How many of these mysterious donors will drop by for a visit and a double shot of teenaged asshole?”
“Probably a lot. I think if you and Carlos…”
“And you.”
“Okay. …And I … live at Tara, we’ll be putting out on a pretty regular basis in an unspoken way of paying the rent.”
“Yeah. Monday through Thursday working at Tara and Friday through Sunday working at the Deputy Boys Cabin,” Gary summarized. “Sounds like some serious prostitution to me.”
“Well, technically the weekends aren’t paying the rent,” Ryan pointed out.
“True. We’ll be doing that no matter where we live.”
They rode in silence while each was lost in his own thoughts.
They were nearing Sylva when Gary said, “I think I need to talk this out with Carlos and Antonio.”
“Gary,” Ryan said in a soft, gentle tone, “don’t freak out about this. I would have done exactly the same things in Asheville if there had been no money involved. And you would have, too.”
“Yes, I would have.”
“Getting paid allowed me to think of it as a waiter and entertainer gig where I would also have access to a lot of guys for free sex. Hell, we were just helping some friends throw a party! We could think of the money as a scholarship we received to support our college educations.” Ryan grinned and paused. “I’m still going to strongly consider the idea of going to UNCA in the spring and joining the Deputy Boys. Being able to live at Tara would just make it a lot easier financially and a lot more fun, too.”
As they turned onto Ryan’s street, Gary said, “Thank you, dear friend, for sharing this time with me. And also for putting some of my fears out there so I can deal with them head on. We’ll talk some more after we’ve had time to rest.” He stopped the car in the Mitchell’s driveway. “I love you, Ryan!”
Ryan leaned across and planted a kiss on Gary’s full lips. “Me, too, hot stuff!” He got out, grabbed his bag from the backseat, and shut the door.
As soon as he’d said hello to Harriet, he called Antonio to confirm their standing Tuesday night date after the restaurant was closed. He also said he wanted to talk with both Carlos and Antonio as soon as he could. Antonio suggested bringing Carlos over that evening.
had a delightful dinner with Harriet and Grandma Ida. They wanted to know all
about the party he had worked in Asheville. He shared that it was about 15
people at a nice pool party to celebrate the Fourth of July. The only other
detail he shared was that he served drinks and food. He also talked about
Sappho and Lezzie as though they had been the outstanding part of the journey.
After dinner, Gary called Carlos to see if he could come by Rossi’s for a bit of
conversation later.
When Gary and Carlos (pictured) got to Rossi’s, Antonio made a batch of daiquiris and Gary reported on the party. He described the beautiful home, pool, and Tara. He described the beautiful men and told how the party progressed through drinks, BJs, deep throating, a round robin fuck, and then individual fucks. They were both very interested in how Ryan dealt with all the sex. Gary told him he was such a success, they’re now asking him to join Deputy Boys.
“Wow. That would be fun, wouldn’t it?” Carlos responded.
“He’s seriously thinking about it. I think it depends on how transferring to UNCA would work academically.”
Gary told them about Josh and Patrick’s offer for the two or three of them to live at Tara rent free next year. Carlos was very enthused about that idea and wanted to know all about the house. As they talked about it, they were very inclined to accept the offer. When Gary told Carlos and Antonio about how it would be funded by donors, Carlos thought that sounded amazing.
Finally, Gary shared with his lovers that he and Ryan had each been paid $435 for their work at the party. “Congratulations, baby!” Antonio exclaimed.
“Wow!” Carlos said. “I can’t imagine. That’s a lot of money to make in one day!”
“When we counted it in the car after we left, that’s when Ryan asked me if we had just become prostitutes.”
“Prostitutes?” Carlos asked incredulously.
“Really?” Antonio said at the same time.
Gary shared the gist of his conversation in the car with Ryan and detailed the evidence that the money in their envelopes could be compensation for sex more than anything else. “Maybe he’s right,” Gary concluded. “What do you think?”
“Oh, Gary,” Antonio said gently. “You and Ryan aren’t prostitutes. You’re just young guys at the peak of your sexual need who like a lot of sex.”
“But we had sex with a dozen guys we basically didn’t know and were paid over $400 for it.”
“But,” Carlos countered, “you didn’t think about money at all while you were having sex. Nobody forced you to do anything, did they?”
“No. It was completely consenting.”
“Well, there you have it,” Antonio said with some relief. “You know,” he added thoughtfully. “You didn’t do anything much different from the graduation party or your interview or that New Year’s Eve party in Norfolk.”
“Or the weekend in Asheville with Jody and the other guys,” Carlos added.
“Yes,” Antonio said. “And you weren’t paid for any of that. I think you have to be careful in your thinking here. Your sexual experiences are for mutual pleasure, not a job you have. You were paid to serve and dance. You were tipped because a lot of the guys thought you did a good job in both tasks.”
“And maybe some of them knew you are saving for college so they tipped you to help you earn money for college in the fall. Nobody ever even mentioned money, did they?”
“No, except for the original conversation with Patrick about paying us.”
“And he didn’t make sex a part of the job, did he?”
“No, but I knew he expected that from us.”
“That was the party, not the job,” Carlos concluded.
Antonio took Gary’s hand and held it tightly. “You didn’t do anything at this party that you didn’t want to do. Right?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“You didn’t do anything significantly different from what you have done several other times for free.”
“Don’t sweat it, honey.”
In the end, both Antonio and Carlos convinced Gary that the money and the sex were not related.
Antonio freshened their drinks a couple of times during their conversation and that seemed to help Gary cope with this uncomfortable subject. They relaxed and started messing around which resulted in Carlos topping Gary followed by Antonio making long, deep, slow love to him for over half an hour. When each of these two familiar cocks entered his ass, Gary felt peace and love come with them. Gary was grateful for these wise and supportive friends he could so easily rely upon.
The next afternoon between his shift at Love-Love and his shift at Rossi’s, Gary called Ryan so they could discuss the conversation with Antonio and Carlos. Ryan agreed with their consensus but suggested it was a situation they needed to be alert about.
Thursday afternoon Gary was thrilled to get a call from his cousin Jody. He confirmed the cruise would happen in three weeks and wanted to confirm that Gary was going to be there. Gary assured him he could get off from both jobs and would definitely be there.
“There is one concern, baby,” Jody said.
“We thought Ted was going to be on the cruise, but he just got orders to leave the week before that to spend the next six months at sea.”
“Oh, shoot. I like him.”
“Yeah, we all do. But the problem is that we are now short on bottoms. The guest list is for 14 guys including you and me. Scott, Alex, and Lawrence are each willing to bottom a little bit, but you and I will be the only primary bottoms. Darren, Alex, and I were talking about it and are concerned we might not be able to handle it easily.”
“I guess we can just do as much as we can do.”
“We wanted to see if there is any chance Carlos could come.”
“Oh. Wow. He would love it and it would be fun to have the company on my drive.”
“So will you check with him?”
“Yeah,” Gary said hesitantly, “but I’m pretty sure he can’t get off work. They told us we could be off whenever we want, but only one of us at a time. I’ve already scheduled my time, but he was planning on working.”
“Shit!” Jody said.
“Oh, wait!” Gary said. “I’ll ask Carlos, but when he says no, I could ask Ryan.”
“Ryan? Tell me about him.”
Gary explained who Ryan is and told about the graduation party and the Fourth of July party and how much bottoming Ryan did. “He sort of prefers topping, but he’s willing to bottom a lot if that’s what’s needed. And he’s really a good bottom.”
“Sounds perfect. So, check with Carlos and then Ryan if Carlos is not available. Can you let me know soon?”
“Yeah. How about I call you Friday?”
“Okay. I love you, little cuz.”
“I love you, too, hot stuff!”
To be continued...
Posted: 06/25/2021