Gary's Summer Interlude
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 1
Summertime Begins
Will, Shannon, Antonio
On Sunday evening after the all-boys graduation sex party at Carlos Maradona’s family hunting cabin, Gary Larsen had dinner with his mother Harriet and Grandma Ida, where he received a lot of congratulations. He heard about their pride in him for not only graduating, but also making the top 10 in his class of 111. He was pleased and somewhat surprised when he learned he was number 8. His girlfriend Lauren Small had come out number 1; no surprise there. His best friend Carlos was number 2; no surprise there either.
“I’m very proud of you, Gary. You and your cousin Jody have both turned out well,” Grandma remarked. “I know we don’t have a lot of money to support you as you go away to college in the fall, but I will definitely do what I can. Of course, you’ll need to keep working hard this summer and maybe while you’re at school.”
“Thanks, Grandma!” Gary responded. “I think the gymnastics scholarship will help out a lot, but I know I’ll need to earn some money during the school year, too.”
“You’ve done well in school so far, even while working two jobs and doing your athletics, too.” She patted his forearm gently. “I know you can also do it in college.”
“Just try to find a little time for some rest and relaxation,” Harriet added.
Gary smiled at them. “It’s sweet of you to worry about me, but I’d rather you didn’t. I know I’ll need to find a balance in school, work, athletics, and social stuff.”
“Yes,” Harriet nodded. Looking a little sad, she dipped her head and murmured, “I don’t know how we’ll stand it with you not here.”
“I’ll be back every month or two, Mom.”
“Now, Harriet,” Ida interjected, “every young man must leave home sometime. If he doesn’t, well, it just isn’t right!”
Harriet smiled at her mother. “I know, Momma.” She turned her smile to Gary. “I’ll just miss you something fierce!”
“I’ll be here for almost 3 more months, so don’t worry about it now.”
“You see, Harriet, Gary has a good head on his shoulders. He’ll be fine.”
Although Gary had always enjoyed learning and seemed to have a good brain for it, he was so strongly distracted throughout his senior year that he’d felt on the verge of losing his academic prowess before every test. Thankfully, God or somebody had blessed him with knowing just the right stuff all year and now the big payoff (a diploma) had come.
The Admissions staff at the University of North Carolina at Asheville even acted pleased with themselves that they had gotten a commitment from Gary to enroll there in the fall, especially because they were trying to build their gymnastics program. He supposed there were some other options, but he had never really considered another college. His boyfriend Antonio Rossi had chosen to attend Western Carolina University, which was less than 5 miles away from their homes in Sylva and had quite a few academic options including liberal arts, business, teaching, and nursing. Being sure he wanted to “get the hell out of Sylva”, Gary had used the broader curriculum and bigger student body at UNCA as well as their gymnastics program in his justification for selecting the more distant college, still only about 60 miles away.
There were two other reasons he chose UNCA. First, he really liked Asheville. It was a quirky mix of high-fallutin’ perfection and snobbery associated with the Biltmore Estate and the hillbilly culture of Appalachia. It was a down-and-out metro area struggling every year to grow by a few hundred while the rest of the state was doubling every twenty years. On one thing everyone could agree: Asheville is one of the prettiest places in America. It isn’t so spectacular as the mountains of Colorado, though its local ranges are gorgeous, too. It doesn’t have Yosemite’s grand waterfalls, but it does a bunch of pretty cascades within a 2-hour drive. Asheville doesn’t have the magnificent new skyscrapers of LA, New York, Atlanta, Houston, or even Charlotte, but it has some of the best-preserved urban architecture of the teens and twenties to be found anyplace. Unfortunately, so many of these great buildings are empty, rather derelict, but the City has begun buying and refurbishing some of them. So, the future looks considerably better than the recent past.
the number one reason Gary (pictured) was set on attending UNCA just revealed
itself to him a couple of months before graduation. He found out about a club
called the Deputy Boys, a group of 14 UNCA men who join together in a sort of
fraternity because they like sex with other men. The group owns a facility a
few miles out of the city deep in a secluded area of the Blue Ridge Mountains
where parties are held on weekends. The 14 current members and any alumni who
wish attend on weekends for all the sex and masculine companionship they might
Gary and his best friend Carlos Maradona had applied to be admitted in the fall. They’d spent a sordid weekend at the Blue Ridge Tennis Resort, where they were auditioned by some alumni and current members. He’d found all the men to be kind, friendly, and concerned about others, in addition to being handsome, well-built sex gods. The memory of the interview weekend could still get Gary hot.
In fact, his senior year had brought a huge, irrevocable change in his personal emotional and romantic life as he had come full-blown into a very active sexual lifestyle. After 3 years of sex that was limited to mutual masturbation and oral sex with only one boy, Carlos, he had developed a wide group of regular or semi-regular sexual partners. He’d been intimate with several Sylva High classmates, most notably the uber-masculine Antonio. Gary had become an exceptionally talented bottom who liked nothing as much as giving his body to please a good man (or boy).
Nothing else brought him the amazing physical feelings he got from the active presence of a cock against his prostate. Nothing else brought him the emotional connections with others that he gained from holding masculine genitalia 6 to 10 inches deep in his body. Nothing else seemed to be as natural for him as this act of yielding his most personal space to any man he found attractive. Nothing else was as exciting as feeling the stretch as his sphincter relaxed to accommodate a thick pulsing shaft. Nothing else could beat the stimulation of a man repeatedly driving his hard cock into Gary’s hot ass. Nothing else drove him wild like the pounding, throbbing presence of hard masculinity inside him. And nothing else offered him the satisfaction of receiving his man’s love-seed, deposited deeply within him in the thrilling climax of their union.
There seemed to be no area of life where Gary excelled as easily and as strongly as in bottoming. Athletic abilities brought him praise, recognition, and enjoyment. Academic success brought him self-esteem, opportunities, and the potential for a successful future. A handsome face, beautiful body, and personable nature brought him the attention of everyone he met, drew many friends, and opened almost any door. But it was through sex, specifically bottoming for a manly man, that he found the core of his being.
Though most people consider sex with a man to equate with homosexuality, Gary was still figuring himself out. His circle of sexual partners was primarily comprised of heterosexual or bisexual men who were married, in long-term relationships with girlfriends, or who felt attracted to women and expected to one day settle down in a conventional marriage. In fact, even though his forays into heterosexuality were limited and not highly successful, Gary believed he would eventually find a woman to share his life. He’d never given any thought to whether he could give up sex with men in order to enjoy a conventional heterosexual relationship. But that choice seemed a very long way down the road and did not need any attention in the summer after graduation.
Gary had been dating the beautiful auburn-haired Lauren Small since January. She was headed to Duke University in September. They’d been going steady since shortly before prom in April and he cared a lot about her. Their few sexual experiences together had been pleasant and fulfilling, but they lacked the erotic intensity and the extremes of excitement he found in male-only couplings. In truth, he was much more enamored with his gorgeous muscle-bound Italian lover Antonio than he was with Lauren. He often avoided making dates with Lauren so he could be with Antonio, Antonio’s brother Mario, Gary’s best friend Carlos, and Antonio’s best friend David Sterling.
Gary had given up a weekend date with Lauren in order to attend his and Carlos’ interview for Deputy Boys, which featured quite a lot of male-to-male sex. A few weeks later, he had given up a weekend with Lauren to spend 24-hours with 10 other boys who were celebrating their graduation from Sylva High with an extended orgy. And soon he would be taking a week to go to Virginia in order to spend time with his cousin Jody, a lieutenant in the Navy, and other Naval personnel. If his experience during the Christmas holidays last year was any reasonable predictor, he would have sex with a lot of hot men while in Norfolk.
Gary had enthusiastically given his cherry to Jody at Thanksgiving when he discovered how amazingly good he felt with a dick in his bunghole. In time he realized he had a distinct preference for ultra-masculine men who were well-hung, particularly those who took gentle control of their time with him, possessing him, and topping him multiple times consecutively. During such encounters, Gary would sometimes cry silently as his emotions overflowed. He was also likely to have one or more spontaneous orgasms and usually brought his partner around to re-engage almost immediately after cumming. Coupled with his skill at deep throating and being a very powerful bottom when in certain positions, any man who was so fortunate as to get an opportunity to top Gary would be immediately addicted to this beautiful man-boy and his amazing bubble butt. Once they had enjoyed the incomparable welcome Gary’s rectum extended them, every man wanted to return regularly as all seemed to agree he was the best.
When not having sex, Gary and Carlos had been waiting tables most weekends at Love-Love, the casual restaurant at the Blue Ridge Tennis Resort. Now that school was out in most places, business was expected to pick up at the restaurant. Beginning this week after graduation, they were both slated to work 5 days a week from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Gary would be off Mondays and Tuesdays with Carlos off Wednesdays and Thursdays. Gary would also be bussing tables at Rossi’s Italian Restaurant with Antonio and Mario on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings from 5 p.m. until 8 on Thursday and until 9 the other nights.
Sometimes, Gary would spend an hour or so after work in intimacy with the Love-Love manager Will Bledsoe or with Assistant Hotel Manager Shannon Carpenter. Sometimes, he would share himself with Antonio or Mario after Rossi’s closed and everyone else had departed. And, often on Sunday evenings, he would go to the Maradona’s hunting cabin for a mini-orgy with his best friend Carlos, his number 1 beau Antonio, and Antonio’s best friend David.
As he walked back from Grandma Ida’s house to the mobile home next door, which he shared with his mother Harriet, Gary chuckled as he thought about how highly active his social life had actually become. He had no doubt it would be at least as busy once the fall semester started at UNCA, if he got an invitation from the Deputy Boys.
Gary called Lauren when he got home from Grandma’s Sunday night supper. Although Lauren and a lot of others at Sylva High were aware of Gary’s sexual relationship with Antonio and Carlos, she seemed to accept that this quirk in him did not require her to break off with him. So, even after her discovery following the prom night incident, Lauren continued to spend time with him. Even now, a couple of months later, Gary found this surprising. He was impressed by her openness and acceptance. Theirs had never been a scalding hot romance; it had been pleasant and nice and, frankly, convenient for both of them. And they did enjoy each other’s company. Gary could tell there was a limitation as to how much of her heart Lauren was willing to give him. He wasn’t sure if the limit was because of this fact of his sexuality or simply the fact they would soon be separated by over 200 miles.
When she answered, Lauren seemed happy to hear his voice.
Lauren and everyone else had been told a group of graduates were getting together for the weekend to go camping, so she asked about the trip with the guys. Gary stuck to the truth where he could and tried to avoid anything hinting at the sexual aspect of the weekend. If the thought occurred to her, she was quiet about any doubts. After they discussed their weekend activities, she asked about his new work schedule. They agreed he would be very busy all summer working at the two restaurants and would have little time for socializing. He said he would try to have a date with her every weekend either late Friday or late Saturday. He suggested dinner on Monday or Tuesday might sometimes work, too. She seemed comfortable with this degree of interaction, augmented by an occasional phone call. A few minutes after 9, he ended the conversation by saying he was quite tired from the camping trip.
he turned in, he called Antonio (pictured) to thank him for such a wonderful
weekend. “You took a back seat to everyone else, my love,” he said with a
degree of awe. “You were very kind to all the newbies.”
“I felt it would be best if they each got all the action they wanted. I knew I’d have other opportunities,” Antonio answered. “Besides, I had a good time just watching everyone’s reaction to the whole scene.”
“It was fascinating, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah. I think every one of them had a marvelous time. I expect they’ll all continue to enjoy man-to-man sex whenever they have the opportunity.”
“I think you’re right, ‘A’.”
“It’ll be interesting to see how many phone calls you get during the summer.”
“Hmm.” Gary thought for a moment. “Maybe from Ryan or Bob.”
“Definitely from them. And probably Frank, too,” added Antonio.
“Maybe. And you might be hearing from Kelly sometime,” Gary suggested.
“Oh, I doubt it.”
“We’ll talk about it at the end of the summer and see.”
“Are we on for our usual Tuesday night date?”
“Oh, God, I hope so!” Gary gushed. “I’ll be quite horny by then.”
Antonio laughed. “I love you for being so insatiable.”
“I love me for that, too. I’m so glad I found you to take care of my needs.”
“I feel like a prize bull!” he chuckled.
“A pretty apt description, I’d say,” Gary giggled. “You’re hung like a bull, fuck like a bull, and definitely deserve a prize!”
“That just might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
Both young men laughed.
“I wasn’t exactly aiming for ‘sweet’, more for ‘suggestive.’”
“I think you hit that, too!”
This time Gary ended the conversation because he really was going to bed, alone.
The next day Gary slept in a bit before biking over to the high school where he had been a student for four years. Coach Hunt had told him he could continue to use the weight room and gymnastics equipment throughout the summer if he came between 9 and 5 and checked in at the main office. He felt this opportunity would help him maintain his physique and skills so he would be in good shape when he got to UNCA in the fall. Part of his workout plan was to continue to do as much biking as he could. He was tempted to climb into the beautiful blue Mustang that had been his for 4 days now, a graduation present from his sperm donor, but he resisted.
In the front office, Mrs. Bray noted his arrival and the blanket permission he had for using the school’s athletic facilities through the end of August. Gary felt a mix of familiarity, déjà vu, and weirdness as he came back into the school, knowing he was now a type of outsider. After several days without a real workout (unless you considered getting pounded a dozen times over the weekend), he felt a bit sluggish. He enjoyed an hour on weights and then spent another hour doing floor exercises. He looked longingly at the pommel horse, the parallel bars, and the rings, but couldn’t do routines on those without a spotter. He needed to figure out how he could get someone to come with him. His practice routine went rather well and he was exhilarated as he did a surprisingly good floor routine.
No one else was in the gym, which made the place feel abandoned, suggesting he shouldn’t be there either. But it was peaceful and he enjoyed that feeling very much. Sometimes it seemed his life was on speed or steroids, or maybe both. Now that school was out, he could devote full time to both jobs and maximize his interactions with his friends. He felt fairly confident that he and Carlos would be selected for membership in the Deputy Boys. They hadn’t yet been notified, but if their joint interview was an accurate predictor, they would be welcomed with open arms and hard cocks by the current and alumni members of this studly group.
On this first day of summer, Gary found showering to be a bit strange as the only person in a 12-head shower room. He grinned when he saw the section of the showers where Antonio faux-raped him the first time. The memory got him heated up so much he beat off a quick load onto the floor just about where they had cum that other afternoon back in December.
This day established a pattern of working out that he kept on Monday and Tuesday mornings and one or two afternoons a week throughout the summer.
Gary and Antonio met up at Rossi’s Italian Restaurant at 8:45 on Tuesday, after Antonio had closed out and all the others had gone home. They had scotch and sodas and talked a few minutes. Antonio enjoyed Gary’s memory about their first encounter in the showers. Perhaps to re-establish their romantic connection after the weekend’s more prolific and diverse sexual activities, the two young men reveled in each other’s company with lots of eye-locks, hand holding, and kissing. After a while they moved to the daybed in the ladies’ room, where they made slow, deeply romantic love resulting in Gary shooting two big loads onto his face, chest, and belly while Antonio placed a couple of gut-wrenching loads 10 inches deep inside Gary’s butt. Antonio was utterly addicted to Gary’s amazing asshole, which could revive a flagging cock with perfectly timed ass-tremors that usually reversed the blood flow when his cock would soften after cumming. When Antonio finally withdrew, leaving Gary’s ass empty but for about a cup of cum that began draining after the enormous stopper was removed, they lay together just cuddling for a while. Finally, Gary said he should go home because he needed to be up at 5:00 for work tomorrow.
To be continued...
Posted: 05/21/2021