by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 18

Wanderer continued on her odyssey up the rugged south coast of New South Wales calling in at Eden to restock with fresh food. They stayed over in this charming fishing port on Twofold Bay, the lads and Brian ventured into the bustling town to visit one of the clubs there to enjoy a superb meal of roast pork with crisp crackling. They all ate two helpings followed by a pavlova covered in strawberries and kiwi fruit, a second helping of this too was demolished by the hungry lads although Brian forsook the pleasure. He had eaten his fill and was satiated but loved watching the crew eating like ravening wolves.

After the meal they relaxed in the local cinema watching Brad Pitt in Troy, the film finished and they made their way slowly down the hill to the wharf area where they climbed down onto the Wanderer and prepared for a night of uninterrupted sleep. The yacht's gentle rolling on the slight swells rocked them to sleep, a peaceful night passed and they were awoken by the thudding diesels of the trawlers putting to sea, Brian wandered on deck to see the dawn breaking behind the tall headland and rubbed his eyes then stretched surveying the bustling scene.

A launch approached the dock filled with Japanese and Brian wondered where they had come from, he climbed up to the wharf and saw out in the harbour a large Japanese fishing vessel anchored out in the middle. The launch ground, rubbing strip squealing in protest, against the pilings and was moored while the crew climbed up onto the pier; they were youngish guys in late teens to mid twenties with a couple of men his own age. They all smiled and acknowledged Brian as they clustered on the rough planking, Brian was quit amazed at the beauty of some of these young fishermen, they were in general short, well built and looked very smooth with great smiles, their jet black shiny hair glistened in the early morning light.

A young local lad was fishing on the wharf and he noticed one of the younger fishermen walk across and in stilted English ask if he was catching any fish. The lad nodded and showed the man a bucket where he was placing his catch, the young Japanese looked at the lad's fish and then sat beside him and watched as he baited his hooks and caste out into the deep water. Brian heard the lad tell the young fisherman his name was Timmy, the fisherman told him his name was Hiro and they shook hands with Hiro holding Timmy's hand longer than normal. Timmy seemed not to notice and smiled at the handsome Asian as they sat close together while the rest of the crew walked talking happily off towards town.

Hiro climbed to his feet and hurried back to the launch climbing down and picking up a fishing rod and slung a canvas bag over his muscular shoulder then climbed back up to the wharf and sat beside Timmy again. The two guys began chatting as they fished Hiro trying to learn and polish his stilted English, Brian watched smiling at the sight of the young Aussie and the slightly older Japanese lad communing while they enjoyed fishing. He noticed Hiro's bare thigh slowly edge towards Timmy's until it was pressed against the lad's, Timmy's tanned flesh sprinkled with a dusting of bleached fine downy hair gilding his smooth bronzed skin.

As Brian watched he saw the boy's worn denim cut offs beginning to tent, Hiro's hand brushed against the Timmy's thigh as he stared through dark ebony eyes at the youth's growing penis. The wharf area now empty of trawlers was deserted except for the tableaux of Brian, Timmy and Hiro, Timmy looked embarrassed at Hiro then his bright blue eyes noticed Brian standing there watching and smiling, Timmy's eyes dropped and he noticed the man's shorts too were showing his growing interest and excitement. Timmy smiled dimples forming cutely in his smooth cheeks as his gaze returned to the good-looking Japanese fisherman touching him so gently, hesitantly.

Timmy beamed at Hiro and instinctively opened his legs as he wriggled on the hard weathered timber, Hiro then knew that Timmy was open to his advances and slid his calloused fingers across the satiny skin of the lad's thigh feeling the warmth of Timmy's flesh. Unbeknownst to Brian, Shaun and Donny had climbed the tall ladder to the top and were standing arm in arm watching the tender scene dressed only in their Speedos and sporting rock hard erections as they watched Hiro feel the tight basket between Timmy's thighs and heard the sharp intake of breath as Timmy jerked excitedly.

Shaun cleared his throat and said, "Dad why don't you invite the guys onto Wanderer where it is more private than out here on the open pier?"

Brian startled at the demolition of his reverie spun about and saw the two lads both hard as nails smiling at him, he shook himself and said, "Well really it isn't my place to interfere with their actions but if they would like to come aboard they are welcome."

Timmy hearing this nodded and said to Hiro, "Hiro, the man and boys are offering that we can go on their yacht where it will be less public, would you like to go and we can play there?"

Hiro startled by the sound of Shaun speaking had turned and his face paled in fright but when Timmy explained what was said he calmed and relaxed his face breaking into a wide toothy grin as he nodded vehemently his lacquer black hair bouncing on his forehead. They stood up fully exposing their covered stiff cocks and bent to gather their gear when Brian said, "Its ok leave it I'll look after your fishing gear till you return."

The lads followed Shaun and Donny down and onto the Wanderer then out of sight into the cabin, as Brian sat on the wharf's edge watching the rods. He caught a couple of slimy mackerel and a few yakkas, then he had a bite, probably a slimy which tried to run then a screaming run as something bigger swallowed the bait fish and took off rapidly. Brian called on all his fishing skills to play the critter on the light tackle, minutes past and slowly the fish was winning, the spool of the reel was emptying. Brian sweated as he watched the diminishing nylon while the ratchet wailed, then the fish slowed its run and Brian gently turned its head and regained a hundred meters of line before the unseen fish regained its strength and powered off once more.

This run was slower and not as far, the denizen of the deep was tiring rapidly, Brian turned it easily and the tussle continued for a few more minutes with the fish tiring more and more until it came to the wharf and lay rolling on the surface. A fine young kingfish about 6 kilos lay beaten waiting for its end, Brian led the fish to where a ladder was positioned and climbed down hurriedly, he slipped his fingers into the gills and lifted the fish up and climbed back onto the wharf. He despatched the fish and placed it in the shade and removed the hook, baiting it once again he cast out and sat down once more staring about at the heavily wooded hills surrounding the deep bay.

Down in the cabin Shaun had offered their bunk to Hiro and Timmy and the two had been delighted, stripping off eagerly as their raging hormones took control. They didn't mind that the two other sexy boys were watching them and Timmy was amazed when Hiro removed his shorts and briefs to see a huge black bush of pubic hair. Hiro was so hirsute down there his balls were almost hidden in the black jungle while his short thick weapon looked smaller as it peeked out. Timmy had pubes but only a thin bush of fine spun honey golden hairs, Hiro loved what he saw and pushed the lad onto the bunk falling on top of him and pressing his hardness grindingly against Timmy's slim tool.

Shaun and Donny hugged and kissed watching these two becoming intimately acquainted as Hiro humped on top of Timmy his slightly hairy arse lifting and falling wriggling about erotically. Both lads were amazed at the hair sprouting from deep in the Japanese guy's crack, they had never seen such a display as Wayne was very smooth down there and he was the oldest guy either had been with. They watched as Hiro raised Timmy's slim coltish legs up onto his shoulders and both lads peered around Hiro to check out Timmy's pink clean little ring. They watched Hiro press into the stretched crevice and breach the boy's defences as Timmy grimaced in pain wincing and gasping at the abrupt excited penetration. Hiro out of control as his lust took command ploughed non-stop and as deep as his stubby thick prick would go, the fat swollen head stretching Timmy's tight tunnel painfully.

His body arched bow like as he plumbed Timmy's depths, Hiro's head thrown far back while his body was tensed incredibly feeling the lad's boiling cock enfolding innards working their magic on his pulsating penis. Shaun and Donny watched Hiro's arse cheeks tighten and flex as he drove his blunt bludgeon into the writhing boy's bowels, the muscles tight dimpled deeply defined beneath their black fur. Hiro grunted in animalistic passion then he began withdrawing as Timmy wailed, in, out, in, out sawing away at the tight rubbery ring. Timmy's cries diminished as pain became pure pleasure, he began squeezing his arse on the prodding prick increasing both his and Hiro's pleasure, Timmy knew he was going to blow any second as his prostate was pounded by the wide flared cock head. He tightened up causing Hiro's nuts to drag up then as Timmy erupted his wild gyrations and sensuous moans dragged Hiro over the cliff and he flooded Timmy's guts with a huge pent up load of Asian cum.

Hiro plunged deep as he could and stayed arched and twitching as he deluged Timmy's insides with a rich porridge of clotted man cream, flooding, deluging Timmy's burning bowels until exhausted he sagged onto Timmy's cum covered tummy. Shaun and Donny both blew their loads in their togs as they watched the incredibly sexy scene; neither had touched their trembling tools yet both had ejaculated spontaneously and massively their tasty tool juice oozing through the light Lycra in a pearly drooling.

Wayne and Ash had been awoken by Timmy and Hiro's cries of ecstasy and had come out to see what was going on, both stood their in wonder at the sight of Shaun and Donny cum drooling on their togs while two strangers rooted on their bunk. Wayne looked at Donny and asked, "Who are these guys and where did they come from? Does Brian know about this?"

Donny nodded and explained what had happened and as he spoke Hiro rolled off Timmy, his fat fucked popping loudly from the lad's tight grasping ring, Wayne and Ash were treated to the sight of Timmy's smooth cum covered body his hole still open and dribbling juice and Hiro's stocky but sexy body lying panting next to him. Wayne and Ash moved trance like across the cabin staring at the erotic vision and stood pricks rampant over the two sexy strangers.

To be cum in ued. ;o).

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07