by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 17

Brian lounged at the wheel looking fondly at his sleeping son as Wanderer sailed smoothly on cruising up the coast, the seemingly never ending stretch of the 90 mile beach slowly passing as she moved north. The surging roaring breakers crashing to their destruction softening the background of wind contorted trees with billowing mists of fine water particles lit magically by the bright sunlight, a truly magical and ethereal scene to Brian's eyes. Shaun lay curled about Donny, his head resting on the blonde boy's smooth chest as he dreamed pleasant thoughts a faint smile curved his soft lips. Brian was overjoyed that Shaun seemed to be relaxing his attitude towards him and he prayed this change would continue until eventually they could be friends once again, something that had been lacking for many years due to his dedication to building his business.

The afternoon drew on and the lads awoke their tummies rumbling and demanding tucker, Ash said he would prepare dinner and Wayne went below with him to assist while Shaun and Donny trimmed the sails under Brian's direction to gain a little more speed from the now dwindling sea breeze. Brian watched the two lads as they struggled and strained on the winches their muscular young bodies flexed seductively and their boyhoods wriggled about in their Speedos. The sight was delightful; two well built handsome lads still maturing and comparatively hairless working in unison as they set the sails together. Shaun's younger less developed body in company with Donny's country bred and farm hardened young physique were a perfect pair and Brian felt the now familiar twitching of his penis.

He cursed himself and looked away willing his uncontrollable prick to behave as he checked out an approaching fishing trawler, the rusty steel hull bludgeoned its way through the sea as it raced for home trying to reach Lakes Entrance before darkness increased the risk of its passage over the treacherous sand bar at the entrance to the port. The smoking exhaust stained the air with heavy black fumes and the stench of burning diesel fuel followed behind in its wake, the boat neared the yacht and the crew stood at the rail watching the graceful yacht as it approached. They were scruffily dressed in grubby torn shorts and fish stained tops, their faces untidy from many days of not shaving, they closed with the Wanderer in her pristine whiteness of hull and sails, their rust stained green hull contrasting as they closed to within 50 feet.

Brian noticed the crew were young, late teens or early 20's and beneath the grime they appeared to be handsome and virile, their bodies hardened by the tough work entailed as fishermen, they were ogling the two boys as they worked and wolf whistles sounded as they clutched their bulging crotches humping their hips at the yacht. Brian scowled at them and the trawler passed on leaving a lingering stench of diesel fumes and that unpleasant fishy aroma all working-fishing boats seemed to absorb as she dwindled into the distance. The wake rocked Wanderer as it slopped against her side she rode over the disturbance and sailed on up the coast. Shaun and Donny came back to the stern and plonked themselves onto the cushions next to Brian, they both were laughing at the behaviour of the fishermen and began discussing which one they thought was the sexiest. Brian listened to their youthful talk and smiled to himself, Shaun seemed to be softening slowly and returning to being a young happy teenager, the effect Donny's unbridled sense of humour and fun was having an excellent affect.

The Wanderer slowed as the evening advanced and once again the sea breeze dropped off, the temperature began to climb as the cooling wind eased to almost nothing. Wayne appeared carrying a couple of steaming plates of lasagne and handed one to each lad as Ash appeared behind him carrying three, one for Brian, his own and Wayne's balanced in his arms. They all sat about enjoying the freshly prepared food chatting about the day's events and how great the evening's weather was. The sun fell below the horizon and the sky filled with a magnificent pastel natural artwork as the sunset painted the whole sky, they lay back absorbing the wonder of nature's pallet that could produce a painting such as this. The colours changed by the minute gradually darkening as night settled until the black velvet of the night sky overtook them riddled with tiny diamonds flashing and twinkling overhead.

The two couples snuggled together and layback lost in the beauty of the firmament. The evening drew on and Brian having been at the helm all day was becoming tired and Wayne separated from Ashley to stand his watch while Brian relaxed almost dozing in the warm balmy air. He soon yawned and stood up stretching his body to remove the kinks and said, "Ok lads I'm retiring to my bunk, Ash and Shaun you'd better get some sleep too your watch will begin in 4 hours."

He went below visited the toilet, had a quick shower and cleaned his teeth before falling onto his bunk and dropping off into a deep sleep. The night passed uneventfully the lads sharing the night between them and Ashes with Shaun watched the bright sun climb above the horizon. The sea birds appeared swooping and circling above the calm waters, the light morning breath of wind slowly moved the heavy hull through the sea as Wanderer inched her way along the desolate coast. They were as if in a deserted country, no sign of habitation to be seen, no people walked the pristine golden sands not a single footprint marred the unbroken stretch of beach, the sand littered with gnarled twisted driftwood and other dross that had washed ashore from the currents. The passed a wreck lying partly buried in the drifting sand, the remains of some lost craft, it looked like the wreck of a tall ship maybe a clipper ship that had ventured too close in the dark or maybe driven aground by a gale long ago. Her sun bleached ribs stood skeletal pointing vainly to the clear blue sky above, as she slowly rotted and was being interred by the drifting sand.

Ash and Shaun wondered about her demise, had her crew drowned, died of exposure trying to find safety or been resqued, the puzzle would probably never be solved without much research and the lonely site drifted from their view. Brian awoke and climbed to the deck, he stood rubbing his eyes, hair tousled from sleep as he sucked the crisp morning air into his lungs. He asked the lads what had occurred during their watch and they regaled him about the wreck on the beach, Brian nodded and said, "The coast of Australia is littered with both sunken and beached vessels that had met their end trying to navigate the uncharted waters in the early days of Australia's history."

He turned to Shaun and said, "Shaun do you remember me taking you and your mum down the Great Ocean Road when you were young I showed you several wrecks along the coast there?"

Shaun thought for a minute and replied, "Oh yeah I remember seeing the boiler out in the water and the rusted chains stuck to the rocks on the shore, and when we were at Barwon Heads remember dad we saw the remains of a liner offshore at low tide?"

I nodded smiling at him and said, "Yes it was a passenger liner that mistook Barwon Heads for Port Phillip Heads and ran aground in the night, from memory it was one of the P& O liners, it was during the Second World War I think."

Ashley sat listening to their conversation and was fascinated by their chat, he could see Shaun was animated and excited as they reminisced, he was happy to see father and son behaving as they should be instead of the boy being cold and unloving. The chat dwindled away and Brian feeling good inside said, "I'll go and get breakfast ready lads, I'll eat then come up and relieve you so you can eat and doss down. You can use my bunk if you wish but I suppose you'll bunk down with your boy friends."

He hurried below and began preparing bacon and eggs, the aroma penetrated the stern cabin and Wayne appeared his underpants tented obscenely by his morning hard on. He grinned and groped his erection saying, "That smells great Brian I'm just going to have a piss and a short shower and I'll be back to help you."

Donny stirred on his bunk and rolled over his nose twitching like a gun dogs as he began to awaken, he too was sporting a boner, it stood up proudly under the sheet, which looked like a miniature circus big top. His blue eyes blinked open then squinted as a bright ray of sunlight shone briefly on his angelic young face when Wanderer rolled slightly he yawned widely and stretched his taut young body. Brian saw even his toes curled with the stretch then he grinned and said, "Hi Brian, is breaky nearly ready? I'm starving hungry."

Brian laughed and asked, "What else Donny your always starving I'm sure you have worms like anacondas inside your tummy the amount of food you consume."

Donny giggled and said, "No I'm just energetic, my body uses up calories like crazy."

Brian walked over and ruffled his short clipped hair enjoying the fine bristles on his palm as he rubbed them, he bent and gave the young imp as quick peck on the forehead and smelled his boyish aroma, Donny wrapped his arms around Brian's neck and held on as the man stood upright lifting him from the bunk like a crane. His smooth young body closed the gap and he wrapped his legs around Brian's hips poking his hard spike into Brian's abdomen. Donny looked into Brian's face and said, "I love you Brian like a dad, you are such a great guy to put up with us young guys playing up around you."

Brian felt the hard cock grinding into him as his hands automatically clutched and squeezed Donny's firn muscled young arse, his own tool began erecting in a flash and the knob was soon poking hard against the boy's stretched bottom. He lowered Donny to the deck feeling his hot cock slide down rub on his own tool and he gasped for breath at the sensual contact. Donny grinned at him his eyes full of mischief and he bent forward kissing Brian's nipples before pulling away. He suddenly became serious and said, "Brian can I tell you something important?" Brian nodded and the boy continued, "You know our father used both of us for sex don't you?"

Brian looked into his bright blue eyes and saw a serious side of this usually fun loving imp, he shook his head and said, "I thought Wayne may have initiated you into gay sex Donny."

Donny shook his head and said, "No it was dad that started it, he used to fuck Wayne all the time and as he grew older dad began to lose interest in him and started on me. Wayne just fucked me after dad had rooted me for months. He was much more gentle and loving where dad used to take me roughly just ramming his cock up my bum."

Brian felt ill at what he was hearing and he hugged Donny to him as tears fell onto the youth's face, Donny's hand came up and wiped Brian's tears away saying, "Don't cry Brian I ended up enjoying the sex and now I really love both ways, it is great and I can't get enough sex now."

Wayne appeared towelling his wet hair and saw the little tableau he knew something heavy had gone down by Brian's face, he guessed Donny had been telling him of their upbringing and hoped Brian wouldn't hate he or Donny. He watched as Brian kissed Donny on the forehead and said, "Donny you are safe with me you just share your love with Shaun he loves you so much."

Wayne walked across and slid his muscular arms around both Donny and Brian and rested his head on Brian's shoulder, Brian turned his face to Wayne's head and gave him a kiss on the still damp shampoo redolent hair, he smelt the fresh apple aroma as he kissed the thick black hair. Wayne hugged tighter and said, "Please don't think badly of us Brian, dad was a brutal sex hungry man and mum wouldn't let him sleep with her anymore so he turned to us and took his pleasure when ever he could. He started on me when I was six that's when mum turned away from him, he hurt me badly the first few times and I bled for days after but eventually I began to enjoy his attentions and was hurt when he started using Donny. I used to lie there listening to Donny's cries when he started and I'd wank off thinking about his big cock ramming up me. After a while Donny started enjoying the sex and I asked if he'd let me play with him too, so we started enjoying each other from then on."

Brian was completely shattered at this revelation and just stood with Donny wrapped about him and Wayne hugging them until he smelt the bacon burning on the stove, the smell dragged him back to the task in hand and he let Donny slide to the deck and Wayne let them go. The bacon was a black mess so they tossed it away and restarted the cooking, Donny sorted the plates for the meal and Wayne got the cutlery from the drawer and toasted the bread while Brian cooked the food. The breakfast ready they carted everything up on deck and everyone sat down to enjoy the tasty meal. The food seemed to vanish as the hungry teens swallowed everything on their plates whipping the grease and spilt egg yolk up with their toast until the plates looked as if they were unused.

Ash and Shaun stretched and yawed, Brian said, "Ok lads down you go and get your heads down, we'll see you later in the day."

They went below and Wayne and Donny cleared the plates taking them down to wash leaving Brian at the wheel to think about what he had learnt about the boys' upbringing and their sexual predator of a father. He began to realise why Wayne was interested I him the lad obviously needed or wanted a mature lover to take the place of his incestuous father, Brian was tortured by this thought and how dangerous the situation could be. He looked deep into himself and knew he to was attracted to Wayne; the lad was a superb specimen of virility, his beautiful muscular smooth body was like a Greek God. Brian knew anybody would admire him whether straight or gay, he was physical perfection. His personality was such that he could befriend anyone he talked to, he was quiet but not shy, his smile lit a room and he generated an atmosphere of genuine friendliness.

Brian was lost in his reverie and didn't notice Wayne reappear and slid into the seat beside him, Wayne watched Brian's shorts as the bulge expanded from his reverie, the lad was fighting to stop his hand creeping out and fondling the fast hardening cock. He wondered if Brian would object violently to his advances and was too afraid of upsetting the handsome man he desired achingly, Ashley was a nice guy and very hot in bed but Wayne desired an older mature lover. He had fallen for Brian the first time he saw him under the shower months ago at the gym. It had taken him weeks to work up the courage to approach the man and when he finally did he fell head over heels for the guy. Brian was very masculine but friendly in a reserved fashion, so different to his own father who was a rough blunt farmer.

Little did Wayne know that he would end up sailing up the coast with Brian much less his son and Donny, it was torture to be in the situation where he saw Brian semi naked in shorts or worse in skimpy Speedos bulging out with his manhood. Wayne also knew that Brian was cracking boners frequently watching him or the other guys making love or just parading about in their swim wear. Wayne wanted to fall on his knees and worship that towering tool, to ingest it sucking that fat fucker till he drank the elixir from that fleshy spout, he salivated heavily every time he saw that throbbing pole stretching whatever Brian was wearing.

Brian slowly came out of his reverie and was shocked to find Wayne beside him, he suddenly realised he had a raging hard on and tried to disguise it by crossing his legs. Wayne suddenly blushed crimson when he crossed them and he knew the lad had been staring at his erection, Wayne's Speedos were stretched to bursting by his own hard drooling donger as it throbbed merrily. Brian's eyes slid down and stared at the tight flimsy Lycra stained by the free flowing drool of Brian's pre cum, the lad's fat knob was pressed against the material so hard he could easily see the swollen piss slit. Brian stared at and had the desperate desire to lean in and suck the oozing crown, he was beginning to tremble as he fought the urge, Wayne wrapped his hand around his steel shaft and squeezed firmly causing a sudden gush of juice to flow out glistening in the sunlight.

Brian nearly fainted at the sight of the lad's nectar sliding down the thin material to the gripping fingers, he licked his dry lips as he watched hypnotised by the slow dribbling juice as it began to coat the tanned fingers. Primal urges swept through Brian as he watched and saliva flooded his mouth causing him to swallow frequently as if he was a starving man watching a succulent meal being prepared.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07