Juan and his Patron
By: Jon Stewart
(© 2019 by the author)

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Chapter 6

“Si Patron, we will be ready.” All four responded enthusiastically.


Jon was up at 6 of the o clock. He did his morning routine and had his café. He was sure today was to be a busy day. The old boy was ecstatic that he would have 4 boys today and a good bit of the week. He wondered if all of them would want to go swimming. He made a mental note on their return from the hardware to call the market for the lunch meal. He was on the road a little after 7 of the o clock to meet them at the corner where Juan and Tomas separate.


Juan was up with papa and Eduardo. Papa said “Try not to dig too deep Juan, 15 centimeters. We can build the form so there is a small step up if necessary. I did not think I would be having you in construction yet. It is a surprise to have the basketball court. NO??”


“Si papa. I guess the Patron really likes basketball, to build such a court.”


 “I think he is building it for you and Tomas. Do like Tomas, Juan?”  


“Oh Si papa. He is a special friend. I shall tell you because I know you love me no matter what.”


“Tell what, Juan”


“I asked him to be my boyfriend and… and he said yes, papa. I am so happy. Is it foolish of me to say I love him, papa?”


“No Juan not at all. Being so young this love may not be forever like mama and me. But it is no less special and it is to be treasured. I saw the way you two looked at each other yesterday, this is a good thing and I am happy for you.”


Eduardo listening, piped in “He will be good for your excitement too, Juan.”


“Come Eduardo, my oldest and treasured son, come help your papa feed this family. Juan has kept us late with his stories of love; we shall have to be at the trot to be on time.”


Mama and Juan watched papa and Eduardo trot down the lane, the sun rising in their eyes.


“I think, I have the best papa in the whole world mama.”


“I am glad you think this. To me he is the best husband in the whole world. Now take this paper and give it to the Patron. It is the name address and phone of the doctor we took Theresa for her leg.”


“I am so lucky; I have the best mama to go with the best papa in the whole world.”


Rosa blushed a little and hugged her son. “Go on now do not be late to the Patron. I think the Patron will help Theresa where papa and I can only wish we could. It is very important Juan.”


“Mama, stupid me I am so stupid  ... the Patron said he will make an account for me to use for University or something like that but also for emergency. Is not special shoes for Theresa an emergency? I shall ask him. I think it is.”


“Oh Juan, that would be so wonderful. Yes, please ask him Juan. Go now don’t be late.”


Juan like his papa and big brother before him left at the trot. He dare not have the Patron wait on him on such an important day.


Maria was having her sister watch Christina while all 3 of her sons were out making the basketball court. She hoped Patron might give Jose and Carlos a bit of a wage if they worked hard. She admonished them, “be on your best behavior; no arguing and no fighting for sure and you must be most respectful of the Patron. See how Juan goes at the trot when asked to do something; you do the same. Do whatever and I mean whatever Tomas or even Juan tells you to do.”


“Yes mama” they said in unison.


When Juan got there Jose and Carlos said, “good morning, Juan we are to do whatever you or Tomas tell us to do.”


“I think that is good advice especially on your first day. Is this the first time you have helped work?”


“Si Juan” Jose said.


“You are good guys do not be afraid Tomas & I will look after you.”


Going over to Tomas, “do your brothers know about us?”


“Should we tell them?”


“I guess so they would know sooner or later.”


“Should I kiss you first or talk to them first.”


“Maybe talk first.”


“Hey guys if you had a girl friend and saw her the first thing in the morning; should you kiss her for her to know you care for her? What do you think?”


“Uh, Yeah I guess so yes that would be the right thing to do.” Carlos replied.


“What do you think Jose?”


“Yes that would be only right.”   


The boys fidgeted around not knowing where this was going.


“So do you know what gay is?”


“Eww, yeah that’s when two guys like love each other and do stuff for excitement.” Jose answered.


“Why did you say eww? If that is the way God made them, to be attracted to their sex. Do you think maybe they would like to be attracted to girls but they feel eww when they try?”


“I didn’t think about that. I shouldn’t have said eww. You are right they are people just loving the way God made them.” Jose said.


“What do you think, Carlos?”


“Well yeah, they are the way God made them. It isn’t their fault they are gay.”


“Right, gee, Tomas, your bothers are real good people.”


“I think so…. So are you gonna kiss me now.”  


With that Juan ran into Tomas’s arms and squeezed his neck and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.


Jose and Carlos’s eyes almost popped out of their heads.


Tomas said, “I am gay… I didn’t want to be but I am and Juan is gay and he didn’t what to be either. But it is what it is and we should be able to show our feeling just like a guy and a girl do. Do I still have the best twin brothers in the world?”


Big, giant Tomas got down on one knee and held his arms out. His brothers ran to his hug.


 Carlos said, “Hey being gay isn’t gonna make me not have the best big bro in the world. Maybe I’m gay too…you never know.”


Jose said,” I’m sorry, I said eww. I would never think that way about you Tomas. You are the best big bro in the whole world; should, we hug Juan too as he is your boy friend?”


“Yes go get him, give him the full Cortez treatment.”


The two boys quick as rabbits tackled Juan and darn near hugged the life out of him. Juan had to resort to tickle mode. Jose’s tickle spot was down between his legs and Carlos’s was at the bottom of his ribs. The twins got away from Juan and went and got Tomas. They knew just where to get him. He was another rib boy like Carlos.  Everyone was laughing and rolling on the ground as Patron pulled up.


“OK everyone in. Why is the big tickle contest going on?”


“Well we told Carlos and Jose that we were gay and it lead to killer hugs and then Juan started tickling and the twins got away from him and they started tickling me.” Tomas explained.


“Well I’m gay too. What do you think of that?”


You could see the wheels turning in the boys head as it grew quite.


Juan said “Well I guess you have to be tickled too.”


They all laughed.


“Oh no, no tickling the PATRON, especially when I am driving but no tickling ever.”


Juan said, “We’ll see.”


The twins giggled at that but were still afraid to be disrespectful of the Patron.


They went to the hardware and got shovels and a pick and a rake and a measuring wheel and a square and a line level that would be needed for the court. The Patron got the name of the manager and asked if he could call to have a delivery of planks after he measured out. Yes they provided a delivery service.


So they were set on supplies and were back at the villa. It was 8:30 of the o clock. Juan gave the Patron the paper from his mama with the doctor’s information.


“Patron, I am a stupid, stupid boy.”


“I don’t think so, Juan, why do you say that?”


“Patron did you not say I could have an account for University or EMERGENCY?”




“Well, isn’t having the special shoe for MY little sister an emergency? Will you help me Patron? I have years before I need money for University. My sweet sister needs the special shoes, now. Please help me Patron and find what kind of special shoes and where I can get them from the doctor. I think sometimes, I love my mama too much and want to get her the washing machine and forget about my sister who never complains about her pain.”


“Oh my beautiful Juan, of course, I will help. Suppose we do this. I shall share the cost with you and we get Theresa 2 pairs of shoes one she wears and another for when she grows and she has a credit at the store to get the replacement. Then when the second pair is got; we put another credit for when they wear out or Theresa out grows them.”


“That is an excellent plan Patron, you are very, very, wise. You are almost maybe the same, as wise as my papa. No, I’m sorry, I think my papa is just a tiny bit wiser because he takes care of just about everything without having a lot of money... Patron, why do you build a basketball court?”


“I build it because you and Tomas are so very good at basketball and if you practice and learn what I would love to teach you, you will both be exceptional and win the national title. To see you do that would give me great joy. ”


“My Patron, maybe you are as wise as my papa. Obrigado Patron I shall try my hardest to win the national championship for you Patron.”


“Wouldn’t that be fun, little Portimao as National Champions.”


“Si Patron the whole town will be smiling for a week... But let us dig for the basketball court first so you can teach us. Shall we dig till 12:30 of the o clock then take a break in your pool before returning to work.”


“That is a good schedule Juan however you should also eat. I will provide.”


“Obrigado Patron, you are always most generous. We must keep to a schedule to be ready for my papa and the concrete on Saturday. Will the weather be good for the rest of the week?”


“As always in Portugal the sun will be shinning all week.”


“Then let us get to it.”


Juan seemed to be a natural leader. Tomas and Juan cut the lawn, to get to the soil underneath. Jose and Carlos down on hands and knees rolled up the sod. Juan and Tomas cut the roots as Jose and Carlos rolled. It was back breaking work but their backs were young, their spirits high, shirts off the bodies glistened as the sweat pored off. Patron brought them drinks Juan demanding more from himself and his companions waved him off. Patron left the tray; for sure he knew they would need it.


Patron rang a bell signaling 12:30 of the o clock. Sweat and dirt dripped from every pore of the young workers. They had a good start the lawn was off a good third of the court area. Juan had wanted half of it off but he was satisfied. They went to the pool.


“Shall we skinny dip, Patron?”


“Of course feel free, Juan.”


Jose and Carlos looked to Tomas. “What is skinny dip, Tomas?”


Tomas pinched a bit of their stomachs. “This is skinny and that is all we shall need to dip in the pool.”


The boys watch as Juan took off his shorts and was naked before them. Tomas did the same. Their smaller members became excited that they were to be nude in the open air and pool. Juan said, “Come on now no need to be shy. We all have the same boy parts. Some bigger like your brother some smaller like me. Do you need for us to help you? Remember what your mama told you.”


“You are to do whatever I or Juan and especially the Patron will tell you.”


The twins dropped their shorts their excitement evident.


“Ah yes excitement, I get excitement every time I look at your brother’s member. Isn’t it beautiful in its largeness.”


“The twins giggled at Juan.”


“Do not worry Jose, Carlos we all get excitement. It is just part of being a boy and then a man. When you are in the cool water it will probably go down. You do have very nice boy parts however, girls will like them and your mama will love when you make babies.”


“Come on in the water enough talk of excitement before I have to jump on Tomas and have him love me.”


The boys swam and splashed each other. There was no flipping with the sling game. They should save their energy. Patron, yelled come and get it and rang his bell. The boys now refreshed got out of the pool.


Tomas asked Juan, “Shall we dress?”


“I don’t want to put those sweat soaked shorts on again. Not me I will go au natural.”


“Maybe Patron will let us wash and dry them for the trip home.”


“Good Idea Tomas.”


“It’s up to you guys if you want to dress or stay naked and get clean shorts for going home.”


Jose kind of rubbing his body a little with his member rising again said, “Since the Patron does not mind I too shall be as nature intended. Carlos what about you?”


“I am not going to be the only one with clothes. I like the way the breeze feels on my boy parts.”


“Ok decided then.” Juan said. “The Patron likes us to be natural and free.”


Patron again put out a great meal; grilled chicken and green salad with ice cold energy water.


Patron said, “They should eat all that he put out. He hated leftovers.”


After a bit the twins were not as concerned to be naked. The food filled their stomachs.


Carlos said, “Patron, I should work for you everyday just to eat your delicious food. No manner of work would be too hard if I could eat like this.”


With food stuffed in his mouth Jose mumbled, “Me too Patron and to swim in your pool.”


Juan asked to wash their clothes. Jose was dispatched to collect the shirts discarded by the digging area. Jose went with Juan to see the washing machine. Juan put the clothes and soap in, closed the door and let Jose push the start button.   


Tomas and Carlos were all ready back to work and they proceed with the rest of the grass. The sun was high in the sky; again the young bodies glistened with sweat. The Patron brought drinks again. This time he insisted knowing the danger of heat stroke. 5 of the o clock came Patron rang his bell. Juan gathered the tools so to be organized for tomorrows work. The Patron had dried their clothes and brought them to the patio with a bunch of towels.


“IN THE POOL WITH YOU NOW!!. Refresh and get clean.”


He had brought out the cookies that had not been eaten from Sunday and for a drink he had a bit of sangria laced with tons of ice and fruit, oranges, grapes, bits of apple and pineapple and banana. The boys dressed their faces sparkled still from the pool with their wet hair they were a picture of beauty and innocence. They gobble the cookies, especially the twins and had 2 big glasses of the sangria as they bobbed for the fruit it contained. They had all but 10% of the grass off for the digging.


Tomas said, ”Patron we were so occupied with the digging I did not give you your massage. May I do it now?”


“No Tomas, it is I who should give the massage as well as to Carlos, Jose and Juan for the hard work you did today. No doubt you will be sore tonight and tomorrow.”


Carlos was standing in front of the Patron and he massaged his neck and shoulders a bit. Jose seeing this went to stand next to his bother hoping that Patron might massage him as well. It was something he remembered that his father had done.


“Shall I rub your shoulder as well Jose.”


“Si Patron if it is not a burden on you.”


Then the twins hugged the Patron and were quickly joined by Tomas and Juan. They kissed his cheek and thanked for the cookies and sangria.


Juan went to Tomas and massaged as the Patron “Come my giant, I think we shall walk and miss the run tonight.”


“What time tomorrow, Patron?”


“I think I shall pick you up at the same time and then you’ll have more time in the cool of the morning.”


“Obrigado Patron.”


The 4 lads a bit weary but refreshed by the pool, the snack and the sangria waved good night and started the trek home.


The next four days were a repeat of the first. When the skinny dipping time came it became most obvious that Juan and Tomas needed their excitement time. On the Friday with the project just about complete, the Patron always an observant man said. “Jose, Carlos put your clothes on and come with me. I need help getting wheel barrows for the concrete tomorrow. Juan, you and Tomas clean up the lunch and do something so you are not so excited. I should be back in an hour.” With that he left.


Tomas and Juan had the clean up done before the Patron was out of the house. They ran to their excitement bedroom. They kissed and hugged like it was their first time together. They got to 69, meaning it to be foreplay but their excitement and their seed came exploding out. They cuddled for a bit the Juan said, “Lets, go again surely you can do it again and this time we do it right. I need that monster of yours in me massaging my special spot and releasing my love cream for you.”  So they did Juan was on his back; hands clasped around Tomas’s neck. Big, strong, Tomas thrusting his member deeper and harder into Juan; Juan pushing back on Tomas; using his muscles to squeeze his lover’s cream from him; their love for each other was never displayed with more passion. Then it happened Tomas gave a mighty grunt and filled Juan’s love canal with his seed. It ran up inside Juan tickling that spot, that special spot and Juan’s cream boiled up out of him exploding like a volcano. Tomas fell on his lover and kissed deeply and passionately and it was returned in kind by Juan. They heard a car door shut.


“Tomas, Juan we have the wheel barrows” Jose yelled.

“Where are you?” Carlos yelled.


The twins went from room to room looking for their brother and his boyfriend. Juan and Tomas heard them and they kind of laughed that they were to be caught.  The twins opened the door and there they saw Juan and Tomas naked and hugging, Tomas kissing Juan with his tongue they thought down his throat, white stuff on Juan’s chest and stomach. Juan brook the kiss and said very calmly and cheerful, “Hi.. ah how did the shopping go?”


Jose asked, “Are you going to finish the digging for the basketball court?”


Tomas very gently said, “Yes we will be there in a bit.”


With devilish eyes, an innocent Carlos asked, “What is that white stuff on your stomach Juan.”


“Hmm ahh well it’s… gosh it’s my seed. What you use to make babies. When you get very excited it comes out if someone like your brother is making love to you. Since neither of us is a girl. It didn’t go inside anyone. Tomas help me here.”


“Jose, Carlos we will be out in a minute. We will finish the digging and then if Patron is available maybe he can sit with all of us and help explain it to you. OK?”


“Ok, hurry up, we want to finish and get to play in the pool.” Jose said.


The boys cleaned up. There was not much to do except wash off Juan’s chest and stomach and also wash Tomas’s member. On the way to the digging, Tomas stopped to ask the Patron to help with the talk he needed to have with Carlos and Jose. “Patron, Jose and Carlos saw me and Juan as we finished our excitement. They have questions. I have no father to ask how to explain to my brothers. I am not wise enough and don’t want to say the wrong thing. Could you help me please?”


“You know your bothers are beautiful just like you are Tomas and you are wise beyond your years. Wise enough to ask for help when you do not have the experience yourself. I am honored you ask such a thing and I will do my best.”


“Obrigado, Patron could we do this today after our swim.”


“Yes, that would be a perfect time.”


The crew finished up the digging. They raked it smooth. Juan went around with his ruler trying to get a perfect 15 centimeters. “More dirt here it is too low, Jose scurried over and dropped a bit more till Juan said ok…Too much there Carlos had the rake and took a bit away unit Juan said ok.” They stood back away from their effort.


“A good job, I think guys.” Juan said  


“Yes now for the swimming.” Jose and Carlos yelled, as they raced to the pool.


Tomas got them together, “After we are done swimming Patron will help answer questions if you want.”


“Ok Tomas,” Jose said. “But we were kind of just teasing you. We know you guys were ahh fooling around. Carlos knows what love juice is. He makes enough of it. We don’t make as much as you guys do but we fool around too. You know but no kissing or gay stuff maybe we will someday but we are not ready for that yet. It feels really, really good when your excitement explodes, NO?”


Tomas picked his brother up and kissed him on the forehead. “Teased us will you,” then he dunked him. Swiftly followed by dunking Carlos. The two boys swam away a bit then under water each grabbed one of Tomas’s legs and dunked him. Juan came over “Hey what are you doing dunking my boyfriend. “ He went to get them but two against one they over powered him. He went under the water. The twins hi fived each other and figured best to get out with their victory before the hulk and his sidekick seek revenge. 


Patron had their dried clean clothes ready and well as cookies and sangria. He yelled to get out of the pool. They dried off and got dressed.


“So am I to understand you boys have questions of a sexual nature.”


“Thanks Patron,” Jose said “But not really, we caught the lover boys going at it and had a bit of a tease. We know what baby seed is. We play with each other all the time. We don’t make as much as lover boys but we make it. All we do is pull each other’s excitement and it feels real good so we do it a lot.”


“Aw crap and here I thought, I was going to educate you. Well, I will say a couple of things. You only do sexy stuff with someone you care about. It is not about taking pleasure as much as it is about giving pleasure. There are a lot of ways for two people to make love; none of them wrong or right as long as both want to do it…. How’s the sangria? I got extra grapes for it.”


Carlos asked, “Patron can fooling around make you gay.”


“Never heard of that. Lots of guys your age will fool around then find a girl friend and no more buddy fun. After you mature given you have the right set of equipment to fit your gender you’ll be straight, bisexual or gay.”


“So, if me and Jose practice kissing will we be gay.”


“Nope don’t think so.”


“How do you know if you are gay?”


“That’s a tough one because guys can fool themselves for a long time. The easy answer is if you are not paying attention to anything and a cute guy walks past you and you want to see more of him, can’t take your eyes off him, and then if a cute girl walks by and you look up to see what was happening then go back to doing nothing. It’s pretty sure you got the bug and hit for the all boys team. Does that make sense?”


“Yeah, thanks Patron.”


Jose asked “so, if me and Carlos or another friend did more than touch our excitement, maybe used our mouths we could do that and not be gay.”


“At this age yes. You would be doing what they call experimenting. Sometimes guys do a lot of experimenting. ”


“When can I be old enough to do stuff with a girl?” Carlos asked.


“When, you feel, you are old enough. Besides having the physical equipment, your boy parts, there is something called emotional maturity. Just because you grew sexy baby making boy parts doesn’t mean you are old enough to make babies. Your feelings have to grow up too. You have to be confident enough to get to know a girl and want too. Just remember the first rule, sexy stuff is between 2 or even more but mostly 2 people that care about each other. If you go out with a girl and want to do stuff and she isn’t ready; well you have to care about her and respect that.”


The boys were quite and mulling over what the Patron said.


“If you have more questions some other time and want to ask me I will be honored to do my best to answer them. Ok.”


“Yes Patron, maybe we don’t know all there is to know. Obrigado Patron.” Jose said.


“Yes Obrigado Patron.” Carlos added.


“The sangria is the best, Patron and thank you.” Tomas said. He went to hug the Patron and the others followed.


Taking his last sip off sangria Juan was fighting for the last grape at the bottom of his glass.


“Patron, I shall clear now. What time would be good tomorrow with my papa and Eduardo?”


“I think it is better that I pick you all with the van up same time and place.”


“Si Patron we shall be ready.”


On the way home Jose said, “I am glad we found you with your excitement.”


“Why is that?” Juan asked.


“Well if not we wouldn’t have the talk with Patron. Do you guys really like kissing?”


Tomas said, “I have such feeling for Juan that I would kiss him all day and all night if I could. Yes kissing with someone you love is a very special feeling and I like it. Do you, Juan?”


“Most definitely, my giant, the only thing is I should carry a stool around with me to reach your so kissable lips.”


They all laugh. Juan puts his arm over Jose’s shoulders and over Carlos’s on the other side.


“ I dream that someday I shall marry your big brother and then we shall be brothers too.”


“What will you do about making babies?” Carlos asked.


“There are ways. I think we should have 2 children and a surrogate mother.”


“What is a surrogate mother?” They asked.


“A doctor takes our baby makers and puts them in a woman. She becomes a surrogate mother. Our baby makers meet her egg and make a baby. So one time, it will be my baby makers and the other time it will be Tomas’s. Pretty cool, eh.”


Tomas said, “So that is your dream?”


“Yes but it is taking way too long for you to propose.”


Again they laughed. It was a most pleasant walk home. Juan found he had a real affection for Tomas’s brothers. Where they had to separate, Juan jumped into Tomas’s arms and kissed him. The twins looked on and were adjusting their excitement. Juan noticed.


“Want us to kiss you? You are so cute rubbing your excitement. Come on Tomas which do you want?”


“They look so much alike, I’ll take Carlos.”


“I get Jose then.”


Tomas picked Carlos up in his arms and hugged him.


“Will this be your first kiss Carlos?”


“Si Tomas, I am most curios to experiment.”


Tomas gave his little brother a peck on the lips. Then another and another, until Carlos kissed back just a little. Tomas kissed deeper his tongue just touched Carlos’s lips; Carlos returned the kiss the same way. Tomas now went to explore his little brother’s mouth. Carlos’s excitement was busting through his shorts, his head had come out of his sheath and was peeking out over the waist band. Tomas put Carlos down.


“Cover that thing up little brother. What do you think of kissing?”


“Oh Tomas, that was so wonderful. I should run home so I can get in my room and get release. Would it be the same with a girl? Well if she kisses as good as I do probably.”


Jose and Juan were rolling on the ground, lip locked in a similar embrace. Juan broke the kiss. Jose grabbed his excitement and squeezed as he adjusted it to not show that much. Carlos grabbed Jose’s hand.


“I think, we should run to our room to ah, ah, change clothes.”


Tomas laughed, “You have but 2 pairs of shorts one is dirty one you are wearing.” He yelled after them.


“That was fun, Juan. I’m glad you like my brothers.”


“They are easy to like because they are so much like you.”


“Did you mean what you said about being married?”


“It’s a long way off, but yes I did. Would you marry me, Tomas Cortez?”


“Maybe I just might, it depends on your cooking.”


They laughed and hugged, enjoyed one more kiss as Tomas leaned way down and were off to their homes.


The next morning Patron picked up Francisco and the young crew.


“Francisco, I ordered the planks and the wood for the framing as you requested. It was delivered yesterday. What time do you have the concrete coming?”


“I planned on 11:00 but the manager said I could call to move it up. How does the digging look?”


“Excellent, they did a fantastic job. I think it was Juan who took charge and required perfection.”


“Is that so Juan?”


“Papa, we all worked together and very hard. Perhaps, I gave a little direction because I saw you work many times with measuring.”


“Tomas with tongue in cheek added, “Juan was a slave driver Senior De Silva. He would not let us take a drink break in the morning. He is a very tough boss. Tell him patron.”


“Well, he did make you stay at it and not in the pool. He got an almost a perfect job done right on time. I’m not sure if I being an easier supervisor would have done that.”


“Tomas, you make it sound like I did not help any of you, or did not care should you get hurt.”


“Aha I got you, Juan. I teased the teaser…. Senior De Silva Juan was excellent. He showed us what to do and worked harder than anyone else to get done. We did not take a break in the morning cool but did in the afternoon heat. I think you will be very proud of him and all of us when you see the basketball court.”

Francisco went with the boy crew to start the forms and inspect the digging that they did.


“Wow boys this will be excellent. It is so smooth and level how did you do that.”


Juan said “a lot of raking and then we took a plank and pulled it back and forth a few times.”


“Well, let’s get the forms done, guys.”


They cut support stakes for the corners as well as the mid points. Then making sure the forms were at 15 centimeters high and level. The form planks were nailed to the stakes and they were ready for the concrete. Planks were laid to make a smooth hard track for the wheel barrows. Francisco measured out exactly where the pipes holding the backboards needed to be and using a post hole digger dug down 100 centimeters. Then making sure their dimensions were exact placed a round tube also 100 cm into the hole. The pipe would go into the tube and the whole thing would be filled with concrete. Finally a webbing of wire with 10 centimeter blocks was laid on the floor to help the concrete to hold together as it molded to the wire.


Francisco called the concrete company and told then they could take delivery as soon as they could get it. Twenty minutes later the big cement mixer pulled up. Francisco and Eduardo manned the wheel barrows. The first item to be cemented in had to be the support pipes. It was very tricky to get them 100% plumb and square to the floor.  Then Francisco and Eduardo brought the cement for the floor; Juan, Tomas and the twins spread the concrete level to the top of the forms. Concrete expansion pieces were placed in 100 centimeter squares so when the concrete expanded it would not crack. Temporary planks were put at every 100 centimeters so Francisco and Eduardo could lean over and trowel the concrete smooth. Tomas was shown the smoothing technique as well. He had the long arms to get to every corner of the 100 centimeter squares. After the first set of blocks were the laid the boy crew knew exactly what to do and worked like a well synchronized machine. It was back breaking work and they had to move fast to avoid paying an overtime charge on the cement mixing truck. They worked though their typical lunch break but by 2:30 of the o clock had their smooth floor and the pipes in waiting for the backboards and baskets.


Juan, Tomas, Jose and Carlos took their sweat glistening and dirty body at the dash to the swimming pool dropping clothes as they went.


“Come on papa, Eduardo it’s called skinny dipping, the water feels great.” Juan yelled.

 For sure Francisco and Eduardo their bodies aching from pushing the heavy wheel barrows of concrete needed the pool. So skinny dipping it was. The boy crew frolicked splashing and dunking each other. When the dunking of Jose and Carlos became a bit rough. They heard Francisco yell out.


“Hey careful there…. not so rough with the younger ones!!!”


Jose and Carlos liked that. They would splash and sometimes dunk Juan or Tomas or Eduardo and then quickly hid behind Francisco; just like they might have done if their real papa was there. They did not know but they looked on Francisco as a father figure and for sure he was a good role model. They begged Francisco with his tired arms to do the flipping game with them.


“Please, please Senior De Silva please flip me just once.” Jose begged.


Francisco relented and the flood gate was opened; then there was Carlos and the screams of


“Again, again please Senior.”


Francisco for his part found the smoothness of the boys pleasing. Often he had to grab their rump to stop the boys from falling. They giggled then held tight around his neck before standing with their excitement right in Francisco’s face. Then the flex of the knees into the water…followed by….


“One…, two…, three!!!!” Carlos or Jose would go flying through the air propelled by Francisco’s mighty arms.


“AAAAIIIEE!!!!” they screamed.


Juan, Tomas and Eduardo were not to be out done as they too played the flipping game. They took turns being the flipper and Juan, tease that he was, stuck out his tongue to lick the excitement of the two older boys.     


Even with their stomachs empty, grumbling and rumbling they had much fun knowing that the job was almost done. All that remained was taking down the forms, putting up the baskets and marking of the court, foul line end lines and such.


The Patron had gathered their clothes and put them in the wash. Then took the prepared tray of cold meats and cheeses and breads and fruit with the obligatory sangria out to the patio tables. He rang his bell and the hungry workers popped out of the pool Jose and Carlos ran to the Patron and went to give him a hug.


“Jose, Carlos…. I, your Patron, Jon Dougherty prefer to stay dry. Not that I don’t appreciate your affection and enthusiasm.”


Juan said with a devilish look in his eye and Tomas by his advanced toward the Patron, “You know Patron all week after the swim; we have sat here naked in front of you. Maybe it is time, you too should be equal with your workers and enjoy the same pool of water we do. ”


Patron had his back to the pool; suddenly the 4 boys rushed him. Before he could say…


Juan… Tomas….!!!


He was in the pool with the 4 boys draped all over him.


“Oh, Patron let us help you out of the pool, apologies Patron. Let us help with your wet clothes Patron.”


They all laughed even the Patron. Being au naturale’ was becoming quite the norm at the Patron’s villa, at least when all the inhabitants were male. Juan gathered up the Patron clothes.


“I shall put these with our clothes in the dryer, Patron. I pray that the Patron is not       

angry with us for our prank.”


“No Juan … all good clean fun.”


They enjoyed the lunch immensely. A hungrier crew there never was. Francisco did not object to the boys drinking the sangria. He could tell it was very weak however he did stop them at 2 glasses.   


“Francisco when can we take off the forms and walk on it.”


“I think by tomorrow afternoon you should be able walk on it, Patron. Are you going to paint out of bounds lines; if so the forms would help in maintaining a straight line on one side? Do you have the baskets and backboards?”


“Yes I think to paint the appropriate lines is important; the backboards and baskets are in the garage.”


“If you want I can come back tomorrow to see about the baskets. You might check with the hardware for how to make the circular lines. You can lay down painters tape for the out of bounds as well as the rectangular key and foul line. I am not sure how to get the circular 3 point line. You may have to get a template from a manufacture of such things.”


“That would be great, Francisco I would love to invite the whole of both families. We can have cook out again. Please come with Rosa and Theresa. I think I might have a surprise for Theresa as well. Tomas please invite your mother to bring Christina as well. It would be such an honor for me to have you all.”


“Patron, I cannot refuse you, Rosa and Theresa shall join us tomorrow. I cannot speak for Maria but considering all 3 of her boys will be here I expect she will come…. Boys no skinny dipping when the ladies are here understood.”


They all answered, “Yes, papa.” Jose and Carlos and Tomas joined Juan and Eduardo.


“I’m sorry Senior De Silva we meant no disrespect. It just came out naturally.” Tomas immediately said.


“Come here you 3, come on.”


Jose, Carlos and Tomas approached so slowly, afraid that they had offended Juan’s papa. 


Francisco took all three of them into a hug.


“I am honored that you called me papa. As much as I am able I shall be a father to you and you will always be welcome in my small house. You have trouble where you want your father but he is not here…. you come to me and I will be a second father for you. Do you understand?”


They all said, “Yes papa.”


Francisco kissed each one on their forehead.


Tomas with tears in his eyes, said “Obrigado, papa obrigado. I was so afraid I would not know how or be strong enough to take my father’s place for my brothers. I know too their hearts ach for him as does mine. I see how my brothers play with you and I know what they are thinking and I am wishing if only Juan’s papa could be our papa too. And now you have made it so. Obrigado, papa.”


Tomas hugged Francisco so tight, tears of joy ran from his eyes and he didn’t care who saw. Patron looking on was touched to his core. He felt that Francisco was a very good man. For sure he had a beautiful and compassionate son in Juan; after all the apple does not fall far from the tree. But seeing this display of love and compassion could only deepen his respect for Francisco. He vowed he would find a way to help him, to help Maria raise these boys.


It was decided that the boy crew and their boss Francisco would be back tomorrow afternoon after church. Patron was off to the hardware to get painting supplies as well as the market. He was so happy he was so rich that spending such money had no consequence for him.


On the walk home. Juan asked, “Papa does that mean we are brothers Tomas, Jose, Carlos and I. Like I am a brother with Eduardo?


“Maybe but not exactly. You are not brothers in blood with the same mama and papa but you are brothers in love because I have said I will be a father to Tomas, Jose and Carlos.”


“I know I cannot marry my brother Eduardo, not that he would have me but yet I know he loves me. But could I marry Tomas, if he would someday in the far tomorrow have me?”


Eduardo gave Juan a bit if a push. Like what are you talking about?


“Today such a thing is legal Juan, so yes you could marry Tomas.”


Juan breathed a sigh of relief; then turned to Tomas, “See my papa gave his consent; propose you big lug.”


Francisco laughed and laughed as did the rest of the boy crew.


Sunday brought another beautiful sunny day to Portimao. After church the Cortez’s and De Silva’s with bathing attire were off to Patron’s villa. Patron truly enjoyed having guests especially the young ones. He found them fascinating in their innocence as well as the inquisitiveness of their young minds. It was a joy for him to spend his money to have a special day with these families.


Francisco told Maria he told her sons that they could call him papa. It seemed to make them feel so good he explained. Tomas especially was so relieved that his brothers had an adult that they could relate to.


 Maria said, “She felt it was a burden on Tomas to try to fill his father’s shoes. He was so afraid of giving wrong advice. They all loved their father dearly but Tomas because he had him in his life longer seemed to miss him more as he struggled to fill his place. Obrigado Francisco, my boys could not have found a better person to help them with growing to be a man. I am honored that you under took such a task.”


It is an easy task Maria. They are all good boys just yearning for the love of their father. I shall make every effort to love them as my own.”


Rosa added, “Francisco is the most loving man I have ever meet Maria, He will give them good consul.”


The little troop came to a stop at the Patron’s door. During the walk Francisco now had 3 sons to share the carry of Theresa as Tomas volunteered. They may live in 2 houses but there was a closeness growing just like a single family.


Patron said, “Come in, come in welcome. I’m on the patio.”


Having found a drink that satisfied just about all of them he had the weaken sangria at the ready for surely they would be thirsty from their walk. Tomas was the last to carry Theresa and he gently put her down. Patron was just about bursting inside to tell the news about her shoes.


The boys wanted to cool off in the pool a bit before going to work on the basketball court. All five turned to Francisco and said, “Papa can we go in the pool before work.” The twins added “Please papa”   


The hearts of Maria and Rosa even the Patron melted.


Francisco could not refuse “Only 15 minutes then we must complete our task.”


A more quite voice was tugging at Francisco’s sleeve. “And me too papa,” Theresa asked.


“Yes my sweet heart; yes maybe mama will stay in the pool with you; ask mama if you can go change.”


Maria and Christina went with Rosa and Theresa. “Can we use the same room Patron?”

Rosa asked.


“Of course, Rosa.” 


“Patron I should have asked yesterday. Do you have ladders to use to put up the baskets?”


“Yes Francisco, they are in the garage with the baskets. Can I help you to get them?”


“If you would just show me where they are, I can get them, Patron.”


“Nonsense, Francisco, I may be old but I am not yet an invalid. We shall get them together.”


The Patron had a large step ladder and Francisco had an extension ladder. As they walked by the pool Eduardo jumped out.


“Let me help you with that, Patron”


“I am fine Eduardo no need.”


“Patron, I am surprised my papa did not call me to assist. It is my job to carry such things. Please do not let lose favor with my papa.”


 The Patron relented for Eduardo was very sincere about losing the favor of his papa. Eduardo went to call his brothers out of the pool but they were all jumping out and were at the trot to help. The boy crew was off break and work needed to be done.


Patron showed Juan, Tomas, Jose and Carlos where the baskets and backboards were and they brought them to the court.


The baskets with the backboards were assembled and loosely fit with u bolts to be able to slid them up the poles. The baskets had to be at 304.8 centimeters which is equal to the 10 foot imperial measurement. Then the backboard had to be positioned exactly parallel to the end line. After a lot of trial and error they had the assembly positioned where it needed to be. The several u bolts were tightened and so one basket with the backboard was in place. With the learning process taken care the 2nd basket took a lot less time. While the baskets were going up the end lines were being painted. Juan and Jose put down painters tape exactly 5 centimeters off the form. With the tape in place Carlos painted the gap a bright red. They went around the perimeter and within an hour the end lines were done and just needed drying. Francisco made a template out of the form material; for the in the paint rectangle with the foul line. With the template in place it only took 10 minutes to paint the area. The template was gently carried to the other basket and quickly done. The three point line was a factory template that the hardware had to order. With the end lines painted all the form material was taken up to include the all of the stakes. Patron had gotten fast dying paint so after a 30 minute pause the court would be ready to play on. Patron rang his bell for a late lunch. Theresa had been swimming with Rosa and Maria had Christina cooling in the pool as well.


After they ate Patron asked Theresa to come by him. “Theresa, I have a surprise for you.”


The Patron took a paper out of his pocket. “Theresa this is a credit for you to get shoes at the therapeutic shoe exchange. Your doctor called in your prescription and there are several styles for you to choose from. So you will have the special shoes you need to stand straight.”


Theresa was jumping up and down, “Mama do you hear, I will no longer be gimpy at school. Obrigado Patron. Obrigado.” Theresa jumped into the arms of the Patron and kissed his cheek.


“Well thank you Theresa, that was amazing but you should really thank your brother Juan he has made this all possible.”       


“Juan!!!”  Rosa and Francisco exclaimed. “How did you do this!!!”


“Oh it is nothing. Patron and I made a little arrangement. It is the Patron who deserves the credit.”


“Well it seems Theresa you do have Juan to thank as well.” Francisco said.


Shyly Theresa got down and went to her brother. “Obrigado Juan, maybe you do love me. Can I kiss you as well?”


“Of course Theresa.” Juan went down to one knee. “Sorry I am all sweaty.”


“You are my hero right after papa. Obrigado.” Theresa wrapped her hands around Juan neck and kissed him as well and kept hugging her big brother.


The Patron said, “Now all we need is a way to get Theresa here for Tomas to give her exercises. We need to think of it?”


Then the Patron brought out a basketball as well as 6 envelopes. “Well shall we try out the basketball court.”


The boys all yelled, “YES !!!!”


The boys were all racing over to the court. Patron handed the envelopes to Francisco.


“You know the boys are very efficient workers. This was no small job; you along with them made it seem easy. Why do you not look for more work as an independent contractor I think you could make quite a bit of money?”


“Patron, I have no truck, nor any capital. If I do not work every day, my family will suffer hunger. I cannot allow that.”


“What if you had a partner who could provide what you do not have. Francisco I have more money than I know what to do with and I have confidence in you even if you don’t. I have some construction experience maybe I could help estimate and sell the jobs. Think about it. This is an opportunity that could change your life and help you be a father to five boys and two beautiful girls.”


“Patron, I don’t know what to say.”


“Say you’ll talk to Rosa and will think about it. If I am wrong, will you not be able to go back to what you do now?”


“Si Patron, I shall.”


Francisco looked at the envelopes, one addressed to him had 500 euro, Eduardo had 300 euro, Jose and Carlos had 200 euro each Juan and Tomas also had 200 euro plus their regular earnings. With one project the De Silva family had made 1000 euro.


The boys needed to take a break from the basketball game. It pitted the 3 Cortez boys against the 2 De Silva boys and ended in a tie. Sweat was pouring off the bunch of them as they all put their heart and soul into the game. Not one of them rested or took a play off. To say there was no quit in any of them was an understatement.


They ran up to Francisco can we go in the pool please papa. Seeing their condition Francisco could but laugh “Yes go ahead.”  


“Can you come too papa.” Jose and Carlos asked in unison. They grabbed his arm and pulled their hardest but could not budge him. Francisco gave the envelopes to Rosa and Maria.


“What are these little runts pulling on me?”  With a great big growl he swooped them up and jumped into the pool with them. “Throw me papa” Jose yelled “No me papa” Carlos screamed. “Ok two at one time. Jose on this arm, Carlos on this arm” They held to his neck. Down into the pool his strong legs flexed and up “ONE !!” ; down and up again “TWO !!!” down and up again “THREE!!!” out of the water they flew up, up into the air then splash down. Again and again they asked and again and again they flew.


Maria said to Rosa.”It is so good of you to share your husband like this.”


“Maria, it is his nature and I love him for it. It would mean a war for me to try to stop his goodness and I could never do that. It seems your boys do love him, no.”


“Oh my yes, I have never seen them so happy. Still, I must thank you and your whole family.”


Little Theresa got to her papa, “Flip me papa flip me.”


Francisco put up his hand to Jose and Carlos to stop then so gently Francisco picked Theresa up. “ONE!!!”… “TWO!!!”….. “THREE !!!” Theresa went flying through the air.

Francisco dived to where she would land. “AHA Gotcha” There would be no dunking of his little sweet heart.


Patron rang the bell Rosa and Maria had helped with the diner; some chicken, some fish, some peppers with onions and potatoes and of Course some sangria even a tiny bit for Theresa. The Patron volunteered to drive Theresa to the shoe exchange tomorrow. They all thanked and hugged the Patron for an excellent day. He said “he had enjoyed it immensely we should make this a regular Sunday occurrence.”


“Juan asked, “What time tomorrow, Patron?”


The Patron smiled, “11 of the o clock, I think there will be something special for you to do.” 


The sun was now setting. They started their walk home. Theresa on her strong fathers back. It had been a marvelous day at the Patron’s villa. Francisco passed out the envelopes to the boy crew. Jose and Carlos ran to show Maria. She was amazed by the generosity of the Patron.


”Obrigado Francisco for allowing them to take part in the work.“


“They earned the money Maria, they worked very hard.”


Carlos came up to Francisco, “May I carry Theresa for you I will be very careful, I am strong enough, please papa.”


Carlos carried Theresa most of the way home. He whispered to her “I think you are very pretty and I will punch anyone who calls you names. Your papa is now my papa too so that makes you my sister.


“Carlos do not fight anyone for me, they only tease because they do not understand but now with the new shoes I should not gimp so much. Thank you for saying  that though. I think you are most handsome too and you are very strong to carry me.”


They came to the place where they would separate. Carlos was too to put Theresa down. Juan said “Theresa can walk from here it is not good for her to be carried all the time. Only on long walks.”


Carlos knelt down so Theresa could get off her back. “There you are little sister.”


Theresa turned to face him. “I like you too Carlos.” And gave him a kiss on the cheek.


Francisco asked Rosa “Is our little baby growing up?”


Rosa had hold of Francisco’s arm. “Yes my brute, she will be 11 years next month.


Juan grabbed hold of Tomas, “You cannot go without our kiss, should I ask your mama first?”


Tomas picked Juan up and kissed him deep on the lips. With Juan’s legs wrapped around his midsection and his arms wrapped around his neck.


“Mama, Juan is my boyfriend and maybe in the far off tomorrow I shall marry him, if he learns to cook. I think you are the last to know, I am sorry.”


“Tomas you put that boy down this instant. Juan come over here.”


Tomas first and then Juan did as instructed. Maria gave him a big hug and a kiss. “I shall teach you every meal that Tomas likes. He eats way too much, make another home for him.”


They all laughed and said good night and kisses were shared all around. Carlos got the chance to kiss Theresa again and they both liked that.

To be continued...


Posted: 05/14/2021