Regrets and Heartaches
(© 2010-2013 by the author)
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Chapter 35
As Harold raced down the hall in his robe, he kept thinking to himself that his court clerk had to be wrong. She had to have written what she was told was wrong or she misheard it, but whatever the reason was, it couldn’t be right. No judge in their right mind would do what she said was being done. Not |if that judge wanted to stay in the legal profession in this city or any city in this state for that matter.
He was so stuck in his thoughts that he didn’t notice everyone was pointing and looking at him. Not until he got to the elevators and had to stop and stand there waiting like the rest of them. At that moment he realized that he hadn’t taken off his robe. On top of that, his hair was out of place and sweat was starting to form on his forehead. He couldn’t help but think what others must be thinking of him. There stands another crazy judge.
Forcing a smile on his face, Harold pushed his hair back into place after taking off his robe. He looked around to see if everyone had gone back to what they were doing, but noticed they hadn’t. They were still looking at him with that same look, which was making him uncomfortable. So much so that he abandoned waiting for the elevator for the stairs. Once he got to the staircase, he started running up them to the floor that Garcia’s courtroom was on.
When he reached the door, Harold stopped, checked on his appearance and then walked through it and over to Garcia’s courtroom. He had to push through many members of the press the closer he got to the courtroom. Several of them realized who he was and they tried to get him to comment on what was going on, which confirmed what his clerk had told him. The judge was giving probation to two individuals who should be thrown into jail.
Not caring who it was asking him for a comment, Harold didn’t give one. He just pushed through and when he reached the doors, he opened them to find the gallery filled with more press, the front row with stunned spectators and Dominic up front signing what only could be conditions of his probation. Judge Sunjaaa looked up and made eye contact with Harold and right there and then Harold saw in his fellow judge the look on his face of I don’t give a damn.
Slowly and quietly, Harold made his way to the front of the gallery, getting the attention of not only every member of the press, but the spectators who gathered to witness for themselves what they have heard was going on in this courtroom today. They were half expecting Harold to rush Judge Sunjaaa, but that never happened. Instead, he waited for Dominic to finish signing his paperwork and the judge putting the court into recess.
The minute that he got up and started his way to Garcia’s chambers, Harold followed him. Out of respect to the robe that the outgoing judge was wearing, Harold didn’t make a scene in the hallway that led to the judge’s chambers. Instead he kept his mouth closed, which took all of his self-control to get done. However, when he walked into the chambers, it was a different story.
Not meaning to, at least not as hard as he did, Harold slammed the chamber’s doors getting Judge Sunjaaa’s attention. He looked turned around with a big smug smile on his face. “Well good morning Judge Evans! Why don’t you come in and sit down?” Judge Sunjaaa pointed to the chairs in front of Garcia’s desk. “You look a little parched! Do you want something to drink?”
Before Harold could answer, there was a couple of knocks on the door before it opened. “Your honor Judge Garcia is on line one for you! He has called several times already.” Judge Garcia’s secretary poked her head in. “He says it’s urgent that he speaks with you.”
“That’s fine I will take the call.” Still with the smug look on his face, Judge Sunjaaa answered as he sat down. Neither the secretary nor Harold liked how smug Judge Sunjaaa was being, but knew it was just a matter of time before that look gets wiped from his face. Before he could pick up the line, the secretary was back at the door poking her head in.
“Your honor sorry for disturbing you again, but Governor Lopez is on line two. He says it’s urgent as well.” Judge Sunjaaa asked the secretary to find out what each of them were calling about. She nodded her head and left for the second time. A couple minutes later, she was back knocking on the chambers door. “Your honor they both want to speak with you on the same topic. The case you ruled on this morning concerning Beth Alvarez and Dominic Alvarez.”
For the first time since Harold walked into the chambers, the smug look that Judge Sunjaaa had on his face disappeared. It was replaced with concern and worry. He nodded his head as he instructed the secretary to conference in the two calls. She smiled as she turned and returned to her desk to do as she was told. After informing both Garcia and the Governor on what she was about to do, she put both calls into conference and sat back preparing herself for the fireworks to come.
Back at the hotel Joey had just completed his first meeting with Mr. Jackson as Harold was running into Garcia’s courtroom to try and stop what was going on. For the second time that morning he felt how Jacob must have felt when they were together. He never had to deal with any of this stuff. It was always Jacob that dealt with the hard decisions when they came along. All he did was sit back and have fun, not ever knowing how Jacob was making that possible for him to do.
Now more than ever Joey wished Jacob was there to ask how he did what he did. How he got through days like the one he was having at that moment, but that wasn’t to be. Just the night before Jacob and all of those who moved into the hotel with him when his house burnt down had moved out. Joey is on his own in a nightmare that he has no idea how to get out of.
A soft knock on the door brought Joey out of his mind and back to the present. He leaned forward in his chair as he asked whoever was at the door to come in. No big surprise to Joey it was Mr. Jackson. The man Jacob has grown to trust with all security issues concerning his family and himself. Mainly because how serious he takes his job and how quickly he gets things done.
“Joey I have gone ahead and taken care of your request as far as getting security agents around your sister. They are on route to her as we speak. Now as far as you and Caleb are concerned, you two already have a couple of security agents. So all I’m going to add is a couple more to the detail and that should be sufficient. Your mother and uncle will not get near you or your sister.”
Not a big surprise to Joey on how fast Mr. Jackson got things done. “Thank you sir you don’t know how much this helps on getting things as quickly in place as you did. It came as a big surprise when I learned that my mother and uncle were released today. I didn’t think I would have heard those words for several decades. And even then I wouldn’t have taken them as a threat any more since they would have served most of their adult lives behind bars.”
“Not a problem Joey, not a problem at all!” Mr. Jackson walked closer to Joey’s desk. “You are doing a great job under the circumstances. No one your age, Jacob’s age or any teenage kid your ages should have to go through what you guys have gone through already in your lives. It isn’t right, but it is the world we are living in right now.” Jackson patted Joey on his shoulder. “You and your family are safe. Go and be a teenage and have fun. Leave the worries of your safety and your family’s safety to me and my staff, okay?”
Joey nodded his head as he shook Mr. Jackson’s hand. They walked out of his office getting each other to laugh telling jokes. Caleb heard the laughter from where he was sitting in the lobby and quickly jumped up and joined them. At that point Mr. Jackson made his leave, reassuring Joey once more that he and his family are secure and no harm will come to them.
Both boys thanked Mr. Jackson at the same time as he walked away. Once he was out of sight, Joey turned to Caleb with an evil grin on his face. “We have several hours before the others get back. What do you say we take advantage of being alone and do the things we have been wanting to do for a couple of days, but someone has walked in and stopped us from doing it?”
Before Caleb could answer Helen walked up. “What are you boys doing home from school?” She asked with a concern look on her face. Joey and Caleb looked at each other a worried look, not making eye contact with Helen at all, which got her worried even more. “Come on tell me what is going on? Did you guys get suspended or is one of you sick?”
After a couple of uncomfortable minutes of no one talking, Joey turned and looked his mother –in-law in the face and told her what was going on, not leaving anything out. As he told her what he knew about the release of his mother and uncle from jail and what he has done so far in securing everyone, the concerned look on Helen’s face got even worse. She was stunned, completely stunned that any judge, no matter what their views are on what they had done, would let them out of jail on probation without serving time in prison.
Catching herself as she lost her balance, Helen walked over to one of the chairs in the lobby and sat down. The boys followed her and sat in the couch next to the chair she was in. They sat in silence in their own thoughts about the day’s events. Helen kept going back to the move her and Harold are planning to make. Even though it is the right thing to do due to who her husband is and where they are living at the present time, she is now thinking that they have to rethink the whole move. She wants to be close to her sons as possible to try to make sure they are not hurt.
“Joey I never really had a chance to meet your mother so I’m not going to sit here and put down a person by rumors and hearsay. However, the little that you have told to me about your mother and what she and your uncle did I can’t sit here and not worry that now both of them are on probation. If your mother was the only one, maybe not a worry, but that is not so. Both are out and right now there is nothing that anyone can do but prepare for the worst.”
“That is exactly what I have done.” Joey grabbed a hold of Caleb’s hand and squeezed it tight. “As soon as Principal Michaels let me and Caleb come home, I sat with Mr. Jackson as I told you already and got what I can done as far as security for everyone concerned. There’s nothing else I can do for that matter. If it’s meant for her to get to me, than there is nothing that can be done to stop her from doing so.”
Caleb could see in his mother’s face that she didn’t like the answer she just got from Joey. “Mom I’m sure everything that can be done has been done. There’s really nothing you or me can do here at this point but trust in Joey, Mr. Jackson and dad.” Helen looked at her son with a confused look, which Caleb caught. “I’m sure dad has heard what happened and is doing what he can to try and get Joey’s mother and uncle back where they belong. We have to trust in these guys.”
Stunned on how her son was talking at the moment, Helen had to agree with him. For the first time since she has been on her son to start taking things seriously, he has. Not only has he taken things seriously, but he is talking like an adult in her eyes. Her son has grown up, making her feel good and bad at the same time. Caleb is no longer her little teddy bear.
“I agree with you and will leave this alone.” As she talked, Helen moved back and forth in her chair, trying to get comfortable, but couldn’t. “No matter how hard we try to shield our kids from the evil in this world, it always sneaks in and gets them. You two are doing a great job dealing with what is happening right now and I’ll let you guys continue dealing with it.”
The three of them talked a few more minutes on the subject of Beth and Dominic before moving on to other topics. In time they were joking and laughing with each other. Somewhere through it all, Helen got comfortable in the chair and stopped squirming around. The boys opened up and told her things they never thought they would. By the time they headed up to their own penthouses, they had forgotten all about what started them talking in the first place. Instead they were looking forward to what the rest of their day had in store for them, or at least what they hope will happen.
At the same time as Joey, Caleb and Helen were heading up to their penthouses, back at El Paso High the bell releasing the students from first period rang. Garratt was one of the last ones to walk out of the classroom. Out of all the guys on the probation floor, he is the only one that attended El Paso before getting in trouble, which is a good thing and a bad thing all rolled up in one.
Since his return, he has been shunned by most of the student body. Once he was one of the popular kids at school, now he can’t even sit at the geek table at lunch. Those that adored him, now don’t even give him the time of day. He can hear them talking about him whenever he walks past a group of students huddled in the hallway. The high position he once held is now gone. It took him a while to get used to it, but he has accepted it and has started to finally move on with the scarlet letter branded on his forehead for all to see.
The only good that came out of him able to return back to El Paso High was that he didn’t have to learn his away around a new school like the others on his floor had to. So when the bell rang and he walked out behind everyone else, he didn’t have to look up from the magazine he was reading. He knows his routes to his classes like the back of his hand. He can actually get from one part of the school to another with his eyes completely closed if he had to.
So it wasn’t a big surprise when he walked past Ray who ran down the hall to meet up with Garratt after first period. The only thing on Ray’s mind was Garratt and wanting to spend as much time as he can with him. He knew that was only possible at school because of the rules those on the probation floor have to follow back at the hotel. Knowing that, he planned on how they could spend more time with each other throughout the day.
Holding himself back on what he really wanted to do, wrap his arms around Garratt, Ray walked up as fast as he could to him. When he got close enough not to grab attention from others, he tapped Garratt on the shoulder very lightly that the he didn’t even acknowledge it. Ray tapped him on the shoulders a second time, but this time a little harder, which was enough. Garratt turned and when he saw it was Ray who was trying to get his attention, a big smile formed.
“Hey what are you doing?” Garratt whispered as he pulled Ray to his side. “I didn’t know you had classes on this floor.” Even though he wanted to hold Ray’s hand, he held back. Not only because he didn’t want to be seen by the other students holding another guys hand, he wasn’t certain on how Ray would react. He didn’t want Ray to jump, causing a scene. “If I knew you had classes on this floor, I would have walked with you to class and waited for you after.”
Ray looked around to see if anyone was watching them as he got as close as he could to Garratt without anyone thinking anything weird was going on. Once he was close enough and hidden enough, he reached out and wrapped his little finger around Garratt’s. Causing Garratt smile to get even bigger that you could see his pearl whites on the other side of the hallway.
“Yeah I have English first period a couple rooms down from yours.” Ray whispered as they continued their way towards the staircase. “I have seen you several times walking out of that classroom since I started here, but kept my distance.” As Ray talked, an evil grin started to form across his face. “At least enough that you didn’t notice me, but not too far that I couldn’t admire you from afar.” Ray looked Garratt up and down with the evil grin, causing Garratt to turn all shades of red that no other person has been able to do. “And man let me tell you there is a lot to admire from afar and up close and personal.”
Ray couldn’t believe it, he actually got Garratt to turn even redder than he already had, causing him to giggle. He actually embarrassed this big tough guy that no one would ever thought was possible. At least not the Garratt everyone knew here at El Paso High. He is known not only as the guy that did that horrible thing to Davey, but also a guy that never showed emotions of any kind, but here they are standing at the staircase turning all shades of red.
Pulling Ray and Garratt out of their own little world were slurs of hatred being thrown at them. A group of guys were standing in the middle of the staircase pointing and saying things that Garratt used to say to others in his exact position and Ray well let’s just say nothing they are saying is too new to him. However, Garratt wasn’t use to it and wasn’t about to let them get away with it.
“Have the balls to say what you are saying directly to my face assholes.” Garratt yelled as he started his way up the stairs. The guys that were mouthing off at him weren’t about to back down now with so many of their fellow students looking at them. They started their way down to Garratt. When they met halfway, the one that seemed to be the leader of the group pushed Garratt, causing him to stumble down a couple of stairs before he caught himself.
“You heard what we were saying fagot lover!” The student spoke loud enough for everyone in earshot to hear. As he and his friends started to make their way down to Garratt, he couldn’t believe what was happening. He didn’t see another student yelling at him. No he saw himself. “Who would have believed that the great Garratt is a fag? What, you beat the crap out of that poor kid because he wasn’t willing to get your rocks off anymore. What a damn hypocrite you are. Here we believed you were one of us that hated what this school was turning into, but you’re just one of them.”
The Garratt that Garratt tried to get rid took over and there was no stopping him. He didn’t let the kid step up to him a second time without him throwing the next punch and ending it. How it happened could only be answered by those that witnessed it, but for Garratt he didn’t remember a thing. He only got control of himself when school security was pulling him off the fourth guy of the group that he took down.
“Son you are heading to the principal’s office.” One of the security guards yelled at Garratt as they pulled him away from the guys he was beating the crap out of. “Hopefully with what you have done here, you will be expelled once and for all. None of us liked it when we heard you were coming back. We all knew it was just a matter of time before we were called into a fight that you were involved in and more than likely started.”
Ray tried to jump in and defend Garratt, but the security guards that were pulling him down the hall to the Principal’s Michaels’s office wouldn’t hear it. They ordered Ray to get to his second period class before he joins Garratt out of school for good. Ignoring the orders, Ray tried to explain what had happened, but wasn’t getting nowhere.
“Wait a minute!” One of the security guards stopped in his tracks said, causing the others to stop as well. “If we take him to Principal Michaels all he will get is another slap on the hand. The principal likes to back the student over his staff. I say we take him to Assistant Principal Sullivan. He has made it clear if possible to bring those from this group to him if they get into trouble. Well this guy is from the group in question and he was involved in a fight.”
The other three security guards just looked at each other. It was almost a minute before one of them finally responded. “Look I don’t care where we take this…” The security guard looked at Garratt with hatred in his eyes. “Don’t even know what to call him and it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that he gets expelled from this school. So as I was saying I don’t care where we take him, as long as we get him off of our hands and have him expelled.”
Nothing more needed to be said. They started walking towards Principal Michaels’s office, but stopped short of getting there. Instead of taking him to Michaels, they directed Garratt into the assistant principal’s offices, and then over to Sullivan’s office where they found the assistant principal behind his desk. They explained why they were there before walking out.
Meanwhile back at the courthouse, the unplanned meeting between the three judges and the governor of Texas was getting on its way. None of the guys had time on their busy schedule for this unscheduled meeting, or wanted it. However, they were left with no other choice than to have it because of the actions that one of the district judges took just moments ago.
“Good morning Governor Lopez, Judge Garcia, how are you two this morning?” Judge Sunjaaa greeted the two men trying his best to hide how afraid he was at the moment, but wasn’t doing a very good job at it. His voice was shaking and it went up and down. Governor Lopez and Judge Garcia could hear the fear in his voice. On the other side of the desk, Harold not only could hear the fear in his voice, but he also could see the fear in his face. Making him feel good.
“I have you on speaker because Judge Harold Evans has just walked into the chambers when you two called. I’m sure he’s here to talk about the same thing you two want to talk about.” Some of the smugness has returned to Judge Sunjaaa’s voice, which didn’t sit well with the governor or Garcia. “So instead of going through this conversation several times, I brought all of us together.”
“You brought all of us together.” Judge Garcia laughed. “Like you had a choice in the matter Judge Sunjaaa. It happened because we all either came or called at the same time, so stop speaking as if you planned this.” At this point Garcia was yelling. “I made it clear to you when I spoke to you this morning that you were to reschedule the hearing of Beth Alvarez, not rule on it and then go and rule on Dominic Alvarez’s case as well.”
“Judge Garcia with all due respect I felt if I didn’t rule on the case, I wasn’t doing the job I was swore to do. There is….” Governor Lopez stopped Judge Sunjaaa. “Shut the hell up! Do the job you were sworn to do, what the hell is that? That is the largest load of bullshit I have been fed, which is saying a lot coming from a person in my position that deals with the type of people I deal with every day. So let’s all agree right here and now to talk straight with one another.”
“I had no other intention than to do that sir!” Judge Sunjaaa quickly answered. “Now even though none of you were on my schedule I have taken this meeting out of good faith. So let’s get right down to why you all felt a need to get me on the phone and you here in person.” The judge pointed to Harold. “Which by the way by you running into my courtroom like you did was disrespectful. I hope you don’t treat other judges in this building with that kind of disrespect.”
“Hold on just a minute Judge Sunjaaa, your courtroom.” Garcia once again started yelling. “Sorry but you are sadly mistaken sir, it IS MY COURTROOM, which you have made a mockery of here today.” Judge Garcia took a deep breathe to try and settle down. “I’m sure Judge Evans, like me has never seen a judge do what you have done, never. Man I wish I had you as a judge when I was a defense attorney because by God you are a defense attorney’s wet dream.”
“No wonder many of the judges in this courthouse dislike you Judge Garcia and you Judge Evans, don’t get me started. You came in here thinking you owned the place. Well let me tell you sir you don’t own the place. In fact if the judges here get what they are trying to get, you will be back where you came from ruling on traffic violations.”
Before Harold could get out a word, Governor Lopez stopped him. “Harold there is no need to defend yourself to this guy. You are a better judge on your worst day than he is on his best one and that is giving him a few points to start with.” Sunjaaa tried to get in a word edgewise, but the governor talked over him. “He has no right to be here talking about any judge when he was the judge selected out of all the judges in that county courthouse to boot out on the curve.”
Both Garcia and Harold started laughing as they agreed at the same time in the positive. “With that said, Judge Sunjaaa tell those judges that are trying to do whatever they are trying to do to send Judge Evans here back to Alamogordo that they are wasting their time. He is a life time appointee and no matter who is sitting here in Austin, he will keep his seat until the day he decides to leave it, or god willing not he passes on. And if those judges still feel they can get around that appointment, tell them to call me, I will hear them out before telling them to go fly a kite.”
“Sir with all due respect I haven’t show you any disrespect at all in this call, so I don’t understand why you are showing me…” Governor Lopez interrupted Sunjaaa. “Haven’t shown me disrespect, you must have hit your head somewhere along the line from the courtroom to Judge Garcia’s chambers. I have before me the transcript of your hearing of Beth Alvarez. You sat there on the bench disrespecting me on the decisions I had made concerning some of the cases in El Paso County. And please let me be wrong on this, which I know I’m not. You used the Alvarez’s cases to get back at me. If you did that, let me say you are looking a boat load of sanctions that could lead up to you losing the right to practice law if what I think is true can be proven.”
If only Harold could describe the look on Judge Sunjaaa face to the governor and Garcia. They would get a kick out of it as he is getting. There is not a doubt in Harold’s mind the guy is shitting bricks under his chair on the way he is beginning to be tagged teamed. The fear in his face and his body language is saying only one thing, he is freaking out.
“Now to the reason of me calling you today.” Governor Lopez spoke in a concerned voice. “Since you are an elected official I can’t order you to do anything. Even if you weren’t an elected official, I couldn’t order to do anything since you a local judge, not a state judge. With that said, I would like you to do the right thing before you return to the courtroom. Call in the defense attorneys to Beth Alvarez and Dominic Alvarez to let them know that you had no right to hand out that sentence. You have to rescind the sentence and reschedule the hearing for Judge Garcia to hear it. If they object, put the objection on record, but end the proceedings with those two orders.”
“I can’t do that!” Sunjaaa stuttered. “I was in my rights as the presiding judge in these cases this morning. It was on the docket, I heard out arguments and then made my decision on the sentencing of the two individuals in question. The sentencing was at my discretion.”
“You got to be kidding me Judge Sunjaaa! Governor Lopez, Judge Evans and I are not accepting the bullshit you are trying to feed us. You were under instructions what to do dealing with Beth Alvarez’s case. And Dominic Alvarez’s case wasn’t on the docket. You took it upon yourself to put the case on the docket and bring him from county jail. Where you didn’t hear any arguments. You just passed down your sentencing and never looked back. No sir, none of us here on this call are accepting the lies you are trying to sell us as the truth.”
“Judge Garcia you were not here, so how do you know…” Garcia didn’t let Judge Sunjaaa finish his thought. “No I wasn’t there, but just like Governor Lopez, I had the transcripts of both hearings faxed over to me, which I have had a chance to read already. There was no arguments allowed to be made concerning Dominic Alvarez’s case. And to be completely honest with you, there wasn’t really any arguments made in Beth Alvarez’s case either. You didn’t give the district attorney a chance to say much at all. You had your mind already made up on these two cases.”
Just then there was a knock on the door causing Judge Garcia stop talking while Harold and Sunjaaa looked over to the door as it opened. To Sunjaaa’s surprise the one walking in was Harold’s secretary, not his, handing Harold a note. Harold thanked her as he unfolded it and started reading what she had found out for him. He folded up the paper as he looked up at his fellow judge across from him. With a grin on his face, Harold started to explain what he had been handed.
“When I was informed what was going on in this courtroom today, I adjourned my courtroom and came up here as quickly as I could. On my way, I instructed my secretary to do a couple of things for me, one which was a call to a close personal friend of mine that knows everything that is going on in the legal realm of this city. He gave me some interesting bits of information.” Harold looked Sunjaaa down in the eyes. “You know this guy as well Judge Sunjaaa. Maybe not as good as I or Judge Garcia, but you know him.” Harold showed Sunjaaa the name on top, which stunned him that Harold was able to reach him as fast as he did. “Do you want me to tell the governor and Judge Garcia what I have found out, or do you want to.”
“Well nothing you have found out makes a difference here since I am an outgoing judge looking for employment.” Sunjaaa throat was so dry he could barely talk. “I have interviewed with the law firm that represents Beth and Dominic Alvarez, but nothing more than that has happened between us. No job offers, beginning or ending has been made. In fact, the interview wasn’t with the attorney that was before me today. It was with another partner in the law firm. So where you are going is way left field and you won’t be able to make the connection.”
With a big huge grin on his face Harold unfolded the paper his secretary gave him and handed it to Judge Sunjaaa. Without hesitation he took and looked at what was written on it. ‘Sorry sir tried my best but I couldn’t get a hold of him.’ Sunjaaa looked up at Harold shooting daggers at him as he crumbled the paper. Not seeing it coming, Harold didn’t dodge the rolled up paper when it was thrown at him, hitting him directly in the face.
“You son of a bitch!” Sunjaaa yelled. “You are a piece of work. No wonder no one likes you in this place. If I wasn’t in these chambers I would kick your ass and no one would come in here and stop me.” Sunjaaa looked down at the desk and quickly back up at Harold. “Screw that! What can they do fire me twice. I’m already heading out”
He lunged at Harold, but this time Harold was ready for it and moved out of the way, causing Sunjaaa to fly over the desk, face first into the floor. The Governor and Garcia were talking at the same time, asking the same thing. ‘What was going on?’ But they didn’t get an answer, instead all they heard was the noise of things falling to the ground, and then a thump.
Harold kneeled down and helped Sunjaaa back to his feet. “You know if what you say about those that work here about not liking is right, it’s not for the reasons you think.” Harold help brush Sunjaaa off. “They don’t like me because I can’t be bought. They don’t like me because I follow the law to the T and not look the other way when asked to. In my courtroom everyone is treated equally. No matter if they are rich or poor, color of skin, what side of town they live on or their families standing in the community. If they broke the law, they will be punished according to the law, something you didn’t do here today with Beth and Dominic Alvarez. You let your hatred and anger get the best of you and now you have to live with what you have done.”
“To be completely honest with you Judge Evans…” Sunjaaa looked at the Harold with that evil grin that he has hated from the first moment he saw it. “I won’t have a problem sleeping tonight on what I have done here today. These two, Beth and Dominic are not a threat to the community like you, Judge Garcia and especially you Governor Lopez made them out to be. They made one mistake that shouldn’t destroy their lives. In my books they deserve another chance. Just like you thought about all those boys you pardoned here in El Paso Governor Lopez.”
Daniel was getting tired of Sunjaaa throwing what he had done in the past at him to excuse what he had done early in the courtroom. They were two totally different things, but Daniel knows that Sunjaaa can see that. He is just trying to make it look like what he did as is the same of what Daniel did by pardoning Alex, Matt and the others.
“Judge Sunjaaa you can say whatever you want to say to yourself and to those that ask you in the days to come on why you did what you did here today. However, those that have common sense, which is everyone, will see right through your lies. You used Judge Garcia’s courtroom to just wrongs that you feel have been done to you.
Now the matter of this interview you had with the law firm that the defense council is a senior partner is a huge matter. No matter if you interviewed with him or another partner of that law firm, you are looking at them for a job once your term is up as a judge. By ruling in their favor in their case in Garcia’s courtroom will look like you are doing under the table deals. I will bring this matter up with my district attorney, and if he agrees and sees the law has been broken, not only the plea bargain will be over turned, with you more than likely losing your license to practice, but I will order the state attorney’s office to investigate that law firm.”
“You can’t do that sir!” Sunjaaa barked back, but the Governor wasn’t hearing it. “I can’t do that? Boy you are wrong there. The state attorney general works for the state and if he sees a miscarriage of justice, he will have no choice but to step in and fix it. I’m pretty sure you know Mr. Anderson since he is from El Paso. He doesn’t look the other way whenever the law is broken.
And even if some miracle what you did here today passes muster it isn’t over. By Beth and Dominic Alvarez kidnapping Joey Alvarez and taking him across the state lines they broke federal laws. The only reason there wasn’t any federal charges brought against them is because we told the feds that they will be taken care of at city level. Since that wasn’t done all I have to do is make a couple of calls and federal bench warrants will be handed out for those two.”
Sunjaaa slumped in his chair. He knew he was beat, but didn’t want to admit it out loud. Instead he was still trying to figure out a way to keep his ruling as the final and only ruling. However, no senerario he came up with had that conclusion. One way or another his judgment in the two cases will not stand and Beth and Dominic Alvarez will be back behind bars. The only question out there is how long they will have their freedom.
“At one point in your life you were a man that deserved the position which you hold at this moment.” Governor Lopez started to speak in a calm voice. “But what you did here today isn’t that man. I truly hope the remainder of your time as a judge you will become the man that the people of El Paso County elected. A fair man that followed the letter of the law no matter who appears in front of you and what their history is. The bench is not a place to get back at those that you feel have done you wrong. If you keep doing that, you are going to only disgrace yourself.”
“I’m sorry Governor Lopez but I’m not going to let Judge Sunjaaa off that easy.” Garcia jumped in before anyone else could reply. “Because of the actions he has shown in my courtroom today, he can’t be trusted to rule on any more cases in my courtroom or any other. I have already instructed clerks to reschedule the rest of my docket for today, which they have and I’m not stopping there. Tomorrow when I return to my office I will bring Judge Sunjaaa up on disciplinary charges. Let our senior judges decide if he has done wrong or not. I don’t care where they land because the process takes several months, which means he won’t rule on another case.”
The line was dead quiet. Everyone was in their own minds thinking about what Garcia had just finished saying. Harold had no problem with it. In fact if asked to back his fellow judge, he would. Governor Lopez also had no problem with it, but couldn’t comment either way since it was a local matter and couldn’t be seen as if he was trying to push proceedings one way or another.
It was Judge Sunjaaa who broke the silence. “Judge Garcia you may keep me out of the courtroom for the rest of my tenure as a district judge, but it won’t change what happened here today. Our senior judges will look at the cases and see I was within my rights to hand down the sentence I handed down to Beth and Dominic Alvarez. So do what you think you have to do to sleep.”
The judge paused for a couple of seconds before turning his attention to the governor. “And Governor Lopez there is not a thing you can do at your level. The state can’t bring up the same charges on which I have already ruled on. It’s a thing called double jeopardy. And as far as Federal charges, well we will wait and see if that ever happens. Knowing the federal court system the way that I do they will never step into this load of crap. It’s a lose, lose for them.
With that I believe there is nothing more that needs to be said on the subject. I do thank you all for calling me and letting me know your thoughts about what I did here today. It made me pause for a minute and really think about what we were talking about and I came to one conclusion. I was right on what I did and I will not lose any sleep over it.”
Before the governor and Garcia had a chance to respond, Sunjaaa wished them a good day and hung up the conference call. Not only were they stunned, or should it be said fuming mad, Harold couldn’t believe what Sunjaaa had done. Just as he was about to speak, Sunjaaa thanked him for coming down and followed that up with a request for him to leave the chambers. When Harold refused, Sunjaaa laughed as he got up and left, leaving a stunned Harold stuck in his seat.
As Harold tried to get his motor skills going, back at El Paso High Bobby was angry as hell. Bill just finished telling him what had happened to Garratt between first and second period as they waited in the lunch line to get their food, He couldn’t believe his ears, but wasn’t surprised either that the school staff took another student’s word over Garratt’s. They have hated the idea that they were attending their school and made it clear they will do anything they can to get them out of there, what is the biggest surprise of all. Garratt knew that and still did what he did.
The longer it took for the lunch line to move, the more time Bobby had to think about what had happened. By the time he and Bill got to the front of line, there was no stopping him. He left his tray and walked out into the sitting area of the cafeteria with Bill on his heels trying to stop him, but nothing he said or tried to do got through to Bobby.
Pushing everyone that got in his way out of his way, Bobby went over to Joey’s table. When several of the guys saw Bobby and Bill a couple feet away, they jumped up warning the others, but it was too late. Bobby reached the table before any of them could leave. He didn’t waste any time. He pointed to Ray and asked him to come to him.
Not knowing what was to come, Ray nervously got up and walked over to Bobby slowly. It felt like a death walk to him, but when he got to Bobby he was surprised on how Bobby was. He didn’t threaten him in any way. In fact he was totally the opposite of threatening. Polity he asked Ray to point out the guys that Garratt got into a fight with. Without hesitation he did.
Not needing anything more from Ray, Bobby thanked him, shook his hand as he turned and started his way over to the table where the guys that tried to gang up on Garratt were sitting. When he walked up, the guys knew who he was and because of that they were not scared of him. That all changed quickly when Carlos, Steve, Robert and a couple of the other guys from probation walked up behind Bobby and Bill. When they saw them, they knew shit was about to hit the fan and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
“You guys are chicken shit ganging up on someone by themselves!” Bobby yelled pointing at the guys that already looked like a train ran them over. “Whenever I get into a fight, I don’t need three other guys to jump in to help me win. That’s just shows how big a bunch of pussies all of you are.” Bobby couldn’t help himself from laughing at them. They all looked like they had been to hell and back already, but he wasn’t about to let them off because of that. “You screwed with one of ours, and you fuckers should have known that isn’t allowed. If anyone dares to step over that line, they have to deal with the rest of us. And it looks like you four volunteered to let us send that message.”
Bobby started to walk closer to the first of the four kids, cracking his knuckles. He had no idea it was the one that started the whole thing with Garratt earlier in the hallway. All he cared about was the kid was the closest and he wanted to exact revenge for what they did to his new friend. A guy in just days he had grown to trust and would stand up for if anything happened to him.
The kid tried to escape, but he ran right into his friends who were standing behind him. Seeing that he couldn’t go anywhere and pretty much all eyes were on him and his friends, he was going to go down fighting. Turning around, with a chuckle, he said something he later would regret. “Do your best, but nothing you do to me or my friends will make you a man again, you dickless prick!”
That is all Bobby needed to send him completely over the edge. He grabbed a hold of the kid’s shirt and started to pull him towards him when he heard his name being called. “Mr. Bobby de Polo, Mr. Medina, Mr. Kindle and Mr. Turner…” Principal Michaels yelled out as he walked up to them. He wasn’t surprised at all seeing the others from the probation floor standing there ready to redeem their fellow probationer. “Why don’t you guys head back to your tables and finish your lunch. One of you being sent home should be enough for one day, don’t you think?”
At first no one budged, but after a minute or so, they reluctantly turned and did as they were asked and headed back to their table, leaving just the four kids and the four the principal called out. As they walked away, the kid Bobby had by the collar yelled out to them a couple of things that didn’t make Principal Michaels happy or them. They turned around and started to walk back when they were told once again by Michaels to head back to their table.
“You four keep your mouth shut and don’t say another word or I will step away and let these guys finish what they came up here to do.” Principal Michaels angry said, but of course he wasn’t going to let that happen. No matter how much he would have liked to, he had to insure the safety of all his students no matter the stuff they pull to get themselves in the fights that they do.
“Now you four have caused enough trouble for the day. So if you don’t want me to add onto your after school detention that you already have, don’t say another word.” They didn’t like the way they were being talked to in front of their fellow students, but accepted it and didn’t say another word. “You four sit back down and finish your lunch. If I hear of anymore issues involving you four, you guys will have an extended Spring Break. Is that understood?” The four kids mumbled yes as they sat back at their table.
Principal Michaels turned his attention to Bobby, Carlos and the other two. “Now you four follow me please.” Principal Michaels didn’t wait for a response before starting to walk out of the cafeteria. When he got to the corner of the hallway that led to either up the staircase to the first floor or back to the cafeteria, he stopped and turned around. Bobby knew they were in trouble, but was thinking of how he could make sure it was only him that got the brunt of it all.
“I know you guys have a code that you live by. A code that you have lived by for to many years now that it will be hard not go back to.” Michaels talked just loud enough for Bobby and the other three to hear. “But you guys have to find a way to not live by that code anymore because all it will do is get you in hot water and ruin the second chance you were given.”
“Sir you know I respect you and all.” Bobby interrupted. “And that is hard for me to say and do since you are the first adult I really have respected in a very long time. But those four guys in there ganged up on my friend Garratt when he was alone. They are still there eating lunch with big smug smiles on their faces. Garratt on the other hand is back at the hotel more than likely sitting in his probationer’s office waiting to be taken back to county jail. How fair is that? It’s not right that his life is ruined and they get to sit there with a few days of detention! It’s just not fair, just not!”
Principal Michaels has never seen Bobby show real emotion like he is showing at that very moment. That alone softened him up. Making him change his mind on doing what he was going to do with Bobby as a punishment for what he did and was about to do. Whatever is going on in the program Bobby is in, is working. They are reaching him and actually bringing out the human side of him. The side everyone counted off as already gone.
“Look Bobby…” Michaels looked each of the boys that were standing before him. “Carlos, Steve and Robert you four have to know what you were about to do to those other students was wrong. Leaving me with no other choice but to follow the strict guidelines in place.” At the same time the four boys nodded their heads. “But since you guys haven’t caused any problems since you started attending El Paso High, I’m going to let you four off with a very strong warning. If you are involved in another conflict verbal, physical of any other kind while you are attending this high school, you are out. I don’t mean for just a couple of days, but for good. Is that understood?”
Once again the four boys nodded their heads, but this time their facial expression changed from worried to relief. Or should I say almost all of them. Bobby wasn’t about to ask Principal Michaels for a steeper punishment, but he was angry about what had happened to Garratt. He is getting a slap on the hand. Where his friend is getting a one way ticket back to hell.
“I’m sorry sir, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I was wondering…” Principal Michaels didn’t let Bobby finish his sentence. “You were wondering what happened to your friend Mr. Garratt.” Bobby shook his head. “Well he was taken down to his assistant principal’s office for discipline, which is the right course of action. But whenever a student is going to be expelled, it has to be cleared through my office before it happens.
Assistant Principal Sullivan followed procedure and brought me his paperwork and fought for Garratt to be expelled. After hearing him out, I had your other friend Ray called into my office to hear his side of the story. After getting his side, I spoke with those four boys you tried to fight and heard their version of events. After getting all sides I look at who I’m talking to. If they have been in my office before or one of my staff, it weighs into my decision.
I was hated for what I was about to do, but Bobby your friend didn’t walk away. He could have, but chose to fight instead.” Bobby was starting to get angry again and Michaels could see it. “But then I sat with Sullivan and asked him what he gave the four other boys that were involved in the conflict. When he told me he gave them detention, I almost blew my top. They started it with verbal assaults, and then followed it up with physical.
To say I wasn’t happy with what my assistant principal did is an understatement, but I wasn’t going to undermine him in front of the students. I allowed the detention to stand, but I didn’t sign off on expelling Garratt. I told him to go home and cool off before returning back to school. He got the same final warning I just gave you boys. I really hope none of you guys test me and make me show you that I mean business on what I say.”
With a grin on his face, Bobby promised he won’t try and see if Michaels was full of hot air. He was followed by the other three pretty much making the same promise. Once Michaels got a verbal promise from each of the boys, he was satisfied to leave them and head back to the cafeteria to keep order. Bobby and the other three stood there for a couple minutes before doing the same.
The rest of the day went by without any more drama with the boys at school, at the hotel or Harold at the courthouse. When the final bell rang, they couldn’t be more relieved than the other that the day was finally over. Grabbing what they needed to do their assigned homework, they headed out to get into the waiting van to take them back home and then to work.
Harold walked in right before the boys arrived. He went straight up to his penthouse to close himself off from the ugliness of the world for a couple of hours. Shortly after he walked in, Helen walked in, surprised to find her husband home at a decent hour. She didn’t need to ask him why he had a long face, she knew. It was the same reason that her sons were home early from school.
“Let me get that for you!” Helen said as she grabbed the wine glass from her husband. “Why don’t you just sit down and relax. I know you had a rollercoaster day and I want to hear all about it, but before I do, I need us to talk about something else for a minute.”
Harold looked over at his wife with a look that only his wife knows. “Do we have to get into anything heavy tonight? I mean besides having a court day from hell! Everything outside of my courtroom was hell. That son-of-a-bitch judge that thumbed his nose at the law I hold so dearly to my heart wouldn’t budge on his decision. Even with me, Garcia and the governor tag teaming him, he wouldn’t budge. The guy lives in a different world than the rest of us.”
“I know honey all about what happened in court today.” Helen handed her husband his glass of wine as she joined him on the couch with her own glass. “Our sons were sent home early from school today after being told what happened. Joey had to add more security around this place and his sister. What is this world coming to when you have to have security to keep you safe from your own mother and uncle? If that has to happen, I don’t know if I want to live in this world.”
“You and me both honey, you and me both.” Harold mumbled as he took a drink from his glass of wine. “I wanted to be the one to tell Joey about his mother, but I realized anything could happen before I had a chance to have that talk. So reluctantly I had my secretary make the necessary calls to get this information over to Joey. I was just worried that a person that Joey didn’t even know was going to deliver the news to him. I’m glad it landed up being Principal Michaels.”
“I have to agree with you on that. If it wasn’t neither of us, I’m glad it was Principal Michaels. The guy is loved by his students and staff and the few that don’t love him, don’t love him for all the wrong reasons.” Harold chuckled as he nodded his head. “I wish you would have instructed your secretary to call me first to be the one that had to deliver that kind of news.”
“Due to all the check points you will have to go through to get to the school, and then the security, I didn’t want to put you through all that. Plus I wanted you here where you are safe. I didn’t know at that moment when Beth and Dominic were getting out. All I knew was that they got probation and were going to get out sometime throughout the day.” Harold chuckled again, but this time it was more of an evil chuckle. “I made a couple of calls after the meeting ended to the county jail to ask the sheriffs to take their sweet time on releasing them. As I left the office, they were still being processed out.” Harold looked over at his wife with a grin on his face.
Normally Helen would denounce that kind of stunt Harold pulled, but this time she applauded him for doing it. Even though what he had done won’t keep Beth and Dominic locked up for several more days, it at least will keep them there until late tonight, hopefully early morning. Enough time for Joey to put his house in order so they can’t just walk in and make trouble.
“While we’re on the subject of what happened today with Joey’s mother, I was thinking now that maybe we shouldn’t be in such of a rush on moving out. I mean I think we should stay here so we can be close to Joey and Caleb. Protect them the best we can while they are around us. Something we can’t do if we live in a different home away from them.”
“You know I was thinking the same thing all day long. I was just afraid that you might not want to put the move on hold since you have been the one pushing for the move.” Helen tried to jump in, but Harold continued with what he was saying. “Please sweetie don’t take what I just said in a wrong way. I know when it comes down to our kids, you will do anything to keep them safe.”
Helen couldn’t object to what her husband just finished saying. They sat there in their private den in their penthouse going back over their plans for the future. When they finally looked at the clock, they couldn’t believe that they had been talking for over two hours and had finished the bottle of wine they had started when they first sat down. Not wanting to eat any later, they got up and headed to the kitchen. As they prepared dinner, they continued their conversation.
Several floors below them in the lobby, the probationers had just finished up dinner and were asked to stay in their seats for another meeting with Sally. When she walked in, they were surprised to see Joey and Caleb at her side. Some of them feared the worst and the others didn’t give it much thought on why Joey and Caleb were at Sally’s side. They were just surprised.
“Good evening everyone, thank you for sticking around.” Sally began the meeting. “I know some of you are scheduled to work some of your community service hours off tonight and have to go up and do your homework. So I’ll make sure this meeting doesn’t run over thirty minutes.” Sally looked at the clip board that was just handed to her. “If you haven’t signed in, you’d better if you don’t want it going against you that you didn’t show up.” Sally didn’t have to hold up the clip board for that long before she had a line of guys that hadn’t signed in.
“As these guys sign in, let me continue with the meeting so I can get you all out of here in thirty.” Sally took a couple steps away from where the guys were signing in. “Let me first say I wasn’t too happy with what happened with one of you at school today. When I got the call from Assistant Principal Sullivan, I was so angry. I didn’t want to do what was coming. Then I got a call from Principal Michaels to ask me to forget about the first call.
To a point I can forget about the first call since the probationer in question didn’t land up getting expelled, but to another point I can’t. So let me make it clear here and now with all of you present in the same place. If you get in trouble in anyway at school, you will lose your place in this program. I don’t care if it’s your fault or not. If you get in trouble at school or outside of school for that matter, you better be ready to pack your bags because you are going to be sent back to the lock up.” No one moved an inch. “With that said, I would like to hand the meeting over to Mr. Alvarez.”
Joey looked like a deer caught in a set of headlights. He couldn’t believe that he had to follow that. Who would want to follow what just happened. Sally just scared the crap out of the guys that he now has to stand up and speak in front of. Guys that will not hear anything else now with that kind of threat weighing on their minds. However, Joey was going to give it a shot.
“Well I don’t know how I’m going to follow that, but I’m going to try.” Some of the guys laughed, as the others just looked at Joey with a blank look on their faces. “Sally and I just finished up meeting about some job opportunities for you guys. As of April first, Caleb and I are going to be taking over the ownership of all the Albertsons in town. All the paperwork has been signed, but we have to wait till the beginning of April before taking over.
The reason I’m saying that is as I said it opens up job opportunities for you guys. I know some of you think working at a grocery store is beneath you. Something you don’t want to do. But where else can you all work while on probation. As surely as I’m standing here talking with you guys, no one else will hire you once they find out that you are on probation. Even though it isn’t on your record and you don’t tell them, they will find out one way or another.
With us we know and we don’t care. Just like the judge believes if given a second chance, you guys will become upstanding citizens, surprising all those nay sayers. That won’t happen if you keep getting doors slammed in your faces. This is one door that won’t get slammed in your face as long as you don’t screw up. It’s a start to get your foot into the working world. So what do you all say, do you want to give it a chance and fill out an application?”
Joey didn’t have to ask twice. Every one of them stood up and walked over to him and Caleb to get an application. They didn’t leave the restaurant until they had it filled out and back in either Joey or Caleb’s hands. After the last application was handed in, Joey and Caleb thanked Sally as they headed to their offices to lock up the applications before heading up to their penthouse.
While Joey and Caleb were settling in for the night, down at the County Jail, Beth and Dominic’s night was just beginning. Dominic was the first of the two to be released, followed shortly by Beth. When Beth got walked through the doors leading into the lobby, she was surprised to see the press camping outside. Then she was surprised when she saw Dominic walking towards her.
Putting a smile on her face, she greeted her brother in law, slash lover with a hug and a kiss, getting the attention of some of the press. They had no idea what they were going to do, so they walked over to benches and sat down to come up with a plan. However, neither of them talked right away. When Dominic did break the silence it was just a comment about how good Beth looked under the circumstances. Beth returned the compliment before getting serious.
“Look I don’t know about you, but I’m don’t want to be in this building any longer.” Dominic quickly agreed with her. “Why don’t I call us a cab to pick us up in front to take us to a hotel I know? There in private we can talk about what we are going to do next. I don’t want anyone to overhear any part of our conversation and go and blab to the whole world.”
Dominic agreed with Beth’s plans as they got up to walk over to the pay phones. A little over ten minutes later, a taxi drove up, getting Beth and Dominic out of the building. As they ran to get into the waiting taxi, they were bombarded with question after question that they didn’t answer. They didn’t say much to press except no comment, please excuse me and have a nice night.
Once in the taxi, Beth told the driver where to go as he started to slowly make his way through the press that were standing in the road. All the way to the hotel, neither of them spoke a word. When they arrived, they thanked the taxi driver as they got out and headed into the office. A few minutes later, they were walking into their hotel room to begin their first night of freedom.
To be continued...
{Welcome back one and all to another filled chapter of ‘Regrets and Heartaches’. I know many of you are surprised on getting a chapter of this saga so quickly after the last installment. There is so much going on in this saga I felt I needed to return to it so you guys can keep up with what is going on. Plus I need to catch it up with ‘Jacob’s’ time line as well. It is almost there. It’s about a day behind ‘Jacob’, so I think we are good to go as far as the time line is concern.
Anyways let’s talk about this chapter. I picked up in an area that I got a lot of comments in the last chapter about. I hope when you guys got finished reading how the plot unfolded in this chapter, it made more sense. Also I hope you are reading ‘Beneath the Mask’ because some of this plot is unfolding there and will also be unfolding in ‘Shadow of My Father’ since the governor is involved. The only story this plot line won’t bleed into is ‘Jacob Finding His Way”.
Judge Evan, Garcia and Governor Lopez were not happy at all on what Judge Sunjaaa did concerning Beth and Dominic’s case. They tried to plead their case, but Judge Sunjaaa wouldn’t hear any of it. He stood his ground no matter what he was threatened with. In my opinion it made him look more of a fool than anything else.
This is how I see this unfolding, or will it unfold this way, wink, wink. Judge Sunjaaa is going to get away with what he had done. Not only get away with it, but will get a job in the very law firm that represented Beth and Dominic. Not just because of what he did for two of their clients. But also it looks good to have a former judge working in their law firm. Like it or not, it brings in a lot more business when an attorney can say they have favors they can call in if needed.
The only way I see anything happening here with Judge Sunjaaa is at the federal level. Just like Judge Sunjaaa said Beth and Dominic can’t be brought up on the same charges again by the state, but federal can go after them. The only question out there is are they willing to do it. There has to be a reason why they weren’t the ones dealing with the case in the first place. Do any of you guys know why or remember why that happened.
Joey was quick to take care of the security around him, his sister and everyone else that might be in danger. I like how he took control of it all and got it done. Now only time will tell if what is in place will work or will Beth and Dominic be able to get to them if they try.
It looked like everything was going so good for Ray and Garratt until they ran into a group of assholes. Garratt should have walked away like Principal Michaels said he should have. Instead he let his anger get the best of him. At first it looked like he was going to be expelled, which means he was going to be sent back to jail. Thankfully that didn’t happen and he is still around.
Bobby who we knew had a heart. When this guy found out about his friend he went on the defense. I’d hate to be on the receiving end of this guy’s fury. We can’t forget before he was taken out, he was high up there in the gang. In order to get there, you have to be strong. I think in this chapter we got to see a little bit of that strength for the first time in a while.
Harold and Helen talked about where they were going to live. One part of me is glad that they are going to stay in the penthouse. Caleb, Joey and Fran need two parent figures around. They are still too young to be alone. However, the other part of me is unhappy they decided to stick around. It might be sending the wrong message to Caleb and Joey that they don’t believe in them that they can handle things. I hope it was the right decision and things will turn out for the best for all.
The ending of the chapter I know it was short and sweet, LOL. Nothing really was given out on what Beth and Dominic are going to do. All we know is that they are out and together in a hotel planning what is to come. I truly hope when we return to them they decided to leave Joey and Fran alone and get on with their lives. If they don’t do that, we are in store for a lot of drama.
There is so much going on in this saga. I can keep writing, but I will not. You guys are going to need to tune in to the next chapter to see what is going on. More plots are going to open and old ones will be closed. This story, like my others, will keep you on your toes. Do not miss what is coming up in the chapters to come.
I do not want to say too much more and spoil the future chapters to come, so I will not. I warn you though! Do not skip a chapter, or you will be lost. There is a so much to answer in the chapters to come. Keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at, Thanks! I have a home page for you to see what the characters look like or what the places look like. If you want to walk in their shoes, please go to:}
Another chapter filled with significant events, confrontations and actions which impact strongly on the people in the story has just been shared with us! While our author did not leave us with a major cliff-hanger, many plots will continue and cause us readers to wait anxiously for #36 to be posted soon!
I am pleased to see the “probation” boys moving positively forward and the adults in their lives being supportive of them. I continue to be impressed by Principal Michaels and his attitude. As a lifelong educator I feel he needs to help his own staff to become more in tune with his own philosophy of leadership and management. For example the Assistant Principal clearly could benefit from some intense in-service professional development focused on his own values and attitudes which seem to be out-of sync with the building’s leadership.
(Kent D.)
Posted: 08/02/13