Jacob Finding His Way
(© 2009-2010 by the author)
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Chapter 17
I was getting very nervous. Not only had I failed getting rid of the rats, I still haven’t finished off Jacob. I need to figure out a way to finish off all three of these guys at once. I am tired of hiding out here in Mexico and living like a dog.
I called one of my homeys and found out that Jacob isn’t even living where he was living before. The only good news I got was that the police are no longer protecting Jacob. I figured the cheap State of Texas was going to eventually give into the costs.
My homey promised me that he was going to find out where Jacob moved, and where the rats were nesting too. Once that is done, I will return and kill all three of them. Screw the noise, I am just going to go up to each of them on the street and just shoot them in the head and walk off.
Joey and I sat up late talking about us and where we should go from here. I told him I just don’t want to put myself out there again too fast and end up getting hurt again. I admitted that I’m more than just a bit gun-shy. My trust has been compromised. Nothing was really resolved with the first meeting, but at least we were talking again and that was a huge and vital first step. I still won’t change the way I have been at school. Our friends dropped me the minute Joey yelled wolf. I wasn’t about to just sit there and give them a chance to possibly do it a third time around.
Joey left almost at midnight that evening. I walked him home and then walked back to my apartment. No matter what happens to us, I will always love him and try to take care of him.
When I got home, I couldn’t sleep. I was tossing and turning about what happened at school today and everything else that has been going on the last several months. One thing I do know, I need to fix all of this, or I will be taking myself to an early grave. Well, that might be a bit dramatic, but feeling this way just doesn’t cut it.
When I got to school the next day, it went about normal. The classes were boring due to getting ready for semester exams. I could have just fallen asleep in each class this morning; it was that boring.
When I walked into second period class, ROTC, I just sat in the back like normal but didn’t say a word. Roll call was done and then Major Moore came out to speak with the class.
He thanked the class for a great year we have had and all the hard work the Company did preparing for the Annual Review and Drill Meet. He then handed out the last volume of The Flying Tigers of the year. Everyone started reading it, and as soon as they got through a portion of the newsletter, they went up to Loraine congratulated her for a great issue.
To say I was pissed is an understatement. The bitch didn’t even write one article in this issue. They could plainly see it, if they opened their eyes. I just couldn’t even look at anything to do with ROTC anymore so I started studying for third period.
Sergeant Haney came up and started our study period. I stayed doing what I was doing, not paying any attention to him. I knew everything for the semester exam and I will pass it with flying colors. Third period is another story. I needed to study for that class.
Then my mind wondered to my other problems. I started writing down the cost it was to be on my own. I knew the summer was going to be even worse, due to not having the school for a cheap meals.
I might need to take a second job during the summer to make ends meet. I was just looking forward to the late morning rest I would have during the summer. I got pulled out of my own thoughts when I heard Sergeant Haney calling my name.
“Can you answer the question Mr. Hernandez?”
“Sorry Sergeant Haney, I didn’t hear the question, Sir!”
“Well if you were paying attention instead of working on homework for another class you would have heard the question, Mr. Hernandez.”
“Could you please repeat the question one more time?”
“No sir, I will not! For not paying attention, you will go out and run the monument.”
The monument is the hill behind the ROTC building and on top of it is a monument. I don’t know what the monument is for. All I know is if you do something wrong is class, one of the punishments can be running the monument.
“And Loraine you will go out there and make sure he actually runs the monument instead of hiding in the restroom for fifteen minutes.”
I got up and walked out followed by Loraine. We went around the building and up to the back parking lot. Loraine stopped there as I started running the monument. I never had to run this thing and damn, is it steep!
I got to the top and touched the monument and ran back down. As I was running down the hill, I slid a couple of times. One of the times, I scratched up my elbow pretty good. Once I got to the bottom, I walked back to the building not saying a word to that bitch Loraine. She was taking all the credit for the newsletter and not setting the record straight.
When we walked back in the building, Sergeant Haney looked surprised. He looked at Loraine and she shook her head, and then looked at me. I sat back down and went back to what I was doing.
Once again Sergeant Haney called on me to answer a question, and once again I didn’t hear the question. He made me go back out and run the monument for the second time that day. I didn’t let it bother me! I was enjoying myself getting under his skin.
When I walked in this time, Sergeant Haney told me to go and see Major Moore in the office. I went over to the office and knocked on the door. Major Moore told me to come in. When I entered the office, he looked up from his desk.
“Mr. Hernandez, can you tell me why you are not paying attention in class today? We don’t do these study sessions for our health, son.”
“Major Moore, I already know this class. I don’t know my next period class nearly well enough. So I was taking this time to get more study time in for that class.”
“Mr. Hernandez, that isn’t what this class is about. It isn’t kick back and do what ever you want time. It isn’t a study hall. You need to study and pay attention in this class. If this is how you are going to show me you deserve future promotions sir, then you won’t get one.”
“Well Major Moore with all due respect, I am doing as your Drill Teams and Rifle Teams are doing. When we started studying, they got up and went to the small class room. They aren’t even studying with the rest of the class.”
“Sir, those are seniors and they don’t need to study with you and the rest of the class.”
“No Major Moore, it is your entire Drill Teams and Rifle Team members that are in this class. I know for a fact that Loraine isn’t a senior and she is in there along with four or five other cadets that are in the small class room.”
“This is my program Mr. Hernandez, and I will run it the way I see fit!”
At this point Major Moore was standing up and hitting his fist on the desk. I knew then he was angry but screw it, he’s fucked me over. I am going to go for broke here and just let it all out.
“I know this is your program, but if there is a rule, all should follow it. Not just the regular cadets sir.”
“What in the world is eating you Mr. Hernandez? You have never talked back to me like this. I have given you every chance in the book this year, and this is how you pay it back?”
At that point I heard the outer door of the office close. I figure the yelling Major Moore was doing was loud enough that the door needed to be shut. Major Moore noticed it to, so he sat back down behind his desk.
“Major Moore, I have done everything you’ve asked of me this year and more. All I got for all I’ve done and how hard I’ve worked is my attendance thrown in my face. That isn’t right sir! I passed all of my exams each six weeks with a hundred percent, and still that wasn’t enough. I also put together the newsletter of JROTC, and I don’t get any credit for doing so. Everyone goes over to Loraine and pats her on the back, saying ‘good job’ when she didn’t even write one article in this newsletter.
You know what Major Moore? I’ve worked my butt off this year. All I get is you throwing crap in my face like the fact I won’t get promoted. That’s fine sir I don’t plan on returning next year anyway, so you don’t have to worry about any promotions for me.” I was now me that was standing, leaning over the desk.
“Wait a minute Mr. Hernandez let’s cool down here for a moment. Take a seat and let’s talk this over. I didn’t know that everyone thought Loraine was the one that put this newsletter together. You are right, she didn’t even write one article in this edition, so she shouldn’t be taking any compliments or credit for a job she didn’t do.”
“Major Moore the net has been cast, I really don’t care anymore. This should have been corrected a long time ago. Loraine can take all the credit she wants. She can have the newsletter as far as I care. Name her editor-in-chief again next year and find another sap to do all the work.”
“Mr. Hernandez that isn’t what you are, and I will correct this misunderstanding.”
“No, don’t bother, Major Moore. It will make more problems for me than I need. Just let her take the credit. I know I was the one that created it and saw it through.”
“What will it take to get you to come back next year Mr. Hernandez?”
“Right now Major Moore, nothing. If you even were to offer me a promotion now I wouldn’t take it. Put plainly, I wouldn’t get it on my merits like I should have. I would have gotten the promotion because you wanted to keep me here. There is really nothing you can do or offer to get me to sign up for this class again next year.”
“Mr. Hernandez, I don’t say this that very often to cadets, but I do need you to return next year. Your ideas are bright and good. I come to want your opinion on things and respect what you say. I do want you to come back next year, sir.”
“Major Moore, I need to make my life more stress free right now. I loved this class! I loved the way you made me feel about it. I have recently started growing to hate it. I need to step away from it. Simply, it isn’t fun anymore for me. “
“Just do this for me Mr. Hernandez; don’t make up your mind just yet. Let the summer break rest you and then, when you register for classes at the end of summer, make up your mind then. I still would like you here for summer practice.”
“Major Moore, even if I decide to sign up for this class again, I cannot attend summer practice. I was looking forward to it, but I am simply not able to. I was looking over my bills and I just can’t make it on the money I make with the job I have. I need to take on another job during the summer to make ends meet.”
Major Moore just looked at me. He excused me to return to class. When I opened the office door, everyone looked at me when I took my seat. As soon as I took my seat, Major Moore walked out to the small class room.
Shortly after he entered the small class room all of the cadets that were in there, including the seniors, came back out and took their seats in the classroom. Major Moore took Sergeant Haney into the small classroom for a few minute then walked out.
As he made his way back across the large class room, he waved for Loraine to follow him into his office. When she went in, they closed the door behind them. Maybe about five minute later she came back out.
I knew what they were talking about, but she didn’t even look at me. She just went to her desk and sat down. Right before the bell rang Major Moore came back into the classroom.
Loraine stood up and called us to attention.
Major Moore addressed the class saying; “At ease. Please take your seats. I have a couple of announcements I need to go over with you guys. First, as you all know the school year is pretty much over. There will be no more uniform days for the year. So I need you all to bring in uniforms and shoes by Tuesday of next week. If we don’t sign off that we got the uniforms back, it will hold back your grade being submitted until I do get it back.
I don’t want your ribbons or awards. Those are yours to keep, but the rank insignias do need to be returned with the uniform.
One other thing, I want to go ahead and correct a misunderstanding…….”
The bell rang right as Major Moore was talking. Loraine got up and pulled the class back to attention.
“I will continue this tomorrow. You are excused; see you tomorrow.”
I headed out to my third period class. I was glad the bell rang, I asked Major Moore not to correct the misunderstanding about the newsletter and I was pretty sure he was going to do so. As he was talking, Loraine looked straight at me.
The rest of the day was as boring as the morning. It was nothing but study, study, and study in every class.
When I was walking home, Victor caught up to me. He patted me on my back.
“I want to say good job on the newsletter, Jacob. I didn’t know you were the one that created the thing. I knew you were the Assistant Editor, but not the one who created it. I always thought it was Loraine Levano who did.”
“Who told you that I was the one that created the newsletter?”
“Major Moore told the entire company when he handed out the final volume during class. He told us if we saw you, to congratulate you on the final issue of the year.”
“It wasn’t anything at all! I like doing things like this, Victor.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. I bet you when you return next year you, you will be Editor-in-Chief.”
“I won’t be returning next year and I told Major Moore that. He offered it to me, but he will need to find someone else to do the newsletter next year.”
“Don’t tell me this all because you didn’t get promoted. Just ride the storm out next year; you will at least get Lieutenant the following year, Jacob.”
“I was up for Captain next year and Major Moore turned the promotion down. I just can’t wait another whole year for a promotion and be stuck as a Drill Sergeant for another year. That is very embarrassing to say the least. I am not Mr. Flanagan wanting to stay Sergeant my entire ROTC years. I want to be promoted each year.”
“I didn’t know you were up for Captain. Do you know who got instead of you?”
“No I don’t and I won’t. There were many promotions done for next year. I won’t ever know who took my Captain slot.”
“I really don’t know what to say about that, Jacob. Just don’t hang it all up; give it another chance.”
“Victor, I don’t want to be rude, but can we talk about something else other than school?”
“No problem, we can talk about other stuff.”
We finally got to the apartment complex and he went his way, I went mine. When I got into my apartment, I was dead on my feet. I just threw my bag on the ground and went to sleep.
I was sitting in the ROTC building in the last half of lunch. Several of the Drill Team members came up to me to talk about Jacob.
“I see why you are no longer friends with that kid Jacob. He is just a snob. He thinks he’s better than anybody else” Loraine said in a superior tone.
“You know, Loraine, I AM still friends with Jacob and he isn’t a snob. So if you came over here to talk about Jacob, you’d best get up and move on your way. I don’t want to hear it from you.”
They all got back up, looked at me and walked off. I don’t know what happened, but I heard Jacob got into a trouble this morning with Sergeant Haney. Right then Sergeant Haney walked in.
“Sergeant Haney, may I speak with you sir in private?”
“Yes, let’s go ahead go to the uniform room. Joey.”
We walked into the range and Sergeant Haney unlocked the uniform room and we went in. He shut the door behind us and sat down.
“What is it that you need to talk to me about, Joey?”
“I know you can’t tell me what Jacob did that got him in trouble this morning. I kind of look after him. You know his health is getting better, but it isn’t great. Running the monument once would take a lot out of Jacob, but twice?”
“Joey like you said it isn’t your business about what happened with Jacob. He was wrong with what he did, and he had to run the monument. I like the guy a lot, but we won’t be bothered by him anymore after this year.”
“Why, Sir? What’s going on?” I asked incredulously.
“He told Major Moore, in plain English, that he won’t be returning next year. That really throws us in a bind in many ways. We had plans for him next year and not just the newsletter. Now we are going to need to figure something else out.”
“I finally had a chance to talk to him. He is just angry about being passed over. He gets angry but cools down and moves on, Sir” I offered.
“Well, he let his anger get the best of him today. He made a lot of enemies with other cadets. It is probably better that he doesn’t return next year.
What is so bad about this is that he is very smart. Major Moore asked him to make up a recruiting tape for our program. He totally hit it out of the park. He put in video of all of our meets with voice-over and music. It is nothing short of a work of art. We will be playing it next Monday during the announcements.”
“I have always said Jacob is very smart. He doesn’t do physically he makes up more then enough with his smarts” I added in ascent.
“You don’t have to tell me that. I have seen it first hand. We want him to come back, but he doesn’t want to.”
“Have you tried to correct the promotion thing, Sergeant Haney?”
“No Joey, we didn’t because we didn’t make a mistake there. We will not promote Jacob when he didn’t deserve it this year. Again it is probably good that he doesn’t return next year. There are a lot of cadets right now that are angry with him.”
“Why? Because he finally spoke up about Loraine getting, and taking, all the credit for his work? Never mind that. He is my best friend. Right now we are having a few problems, but we will work things out. I was there for him we he needed me and he was there for me when I needed him.
So I won’t stop being there for him. He’s shown and told me how much he loves this program. Then I fell in love with this program through his eyes. That guy could sell you anything he believes in. If he doesn’t return next year, I won’t either.”
“Wait up minute Joey, don’t be hasty here. I need you on the Rifle Team next year if we have any chance of taking first place again. You are the best shot on the team. I have plans for you in the two years if I still have you. Don’t make the same mistake your friend Jacob is making.”
“That alone has made up my mind, Sergeant Haney. If standing up for what you believe in is a mistake, and then I don’t want to be part of this program any more either. You and the Major are beginning to see the mistakes you’ve made and now you are trying to back-peddle and save your butts without making it right. My respect and trust for you and the Major has been undermined by what I see as less than honorable behaviors. ”
I thanked Sergeant Haney for talking to me and walked out. I was angry with him and the whole damned program. You treat your assets this way, no wonder they are having problems in recruiting. They reward the dicks in this program and kick the hardworking, sincere cadets in the balls. Like Jacob, I don’t need that kind of crap in my life. Heck, I’d have done the same thing had it been someone other than Jacob that got shafted. I’d have stood up for anyone in this situation.
The last two weeks of school went pretty fast. I passed all of my final exams for the year, so I was happy and relieved. The final week of school was just hanging and watching movies in classes. I thought that was cool as hell.
Through the week of exams, Joey and I spoke several times. He kept telling me how sorry he was and he won’t make the same mistake again. He wants me back and that we belong together. I just do not know if I want to even try to go through it again. Frankly, I’m scared. Being hurt this deeply is too painful. I feel the need to shield myself for my own good.
I know the first time we broke up it wasn’t his fault. His parents moved his family, not him, but this time is a different story. To get angry and stop talking to someone you love because he or she wants to work; that just isn’t right. That is what this situation boils down to; not talking to your partner.
One thing the two us have not done is to take off the rings I got for us last Christmas. Some would say they are promise rings, but to us, the rings mean a lot more than that. This tells me we both are hanging on to hopes of the future.
As I was thinking, the principal called for students that are coming back as juniors and seniors next year to make their way to the cafeteria. The teacher excused us, so I made my way down. When I arrived with several other students, we were redirected to the gym. Once there, I went up on the bleachers and sat down waiting to find out why we are there.
As I was sitting there, Joey came up to sit with me. Shortly after Joey, David and Tom followed. At first we didn’t say much to one another, and then Joey broke the silence.
“Jacob why do you think we are here?”
“To tell you the truth I have no idea why they called us down here.”
“Do you think it is something serious?”
“I really don’t think so, because if it was, it would be the entire school, not just returning junior and seniors.”
“I agree with Jacob there guys!” David interjected.
Right when David said that, the principal walked in with his staff. Along with the staff from the office, there were several different instructors from different programs, as well. Now I was wondering what was going on here; this is weird.
“Quiet down students, quiet down! The reason we called these grade levels to meet here this morning is because we want to try something new this year. We have had several problems registering our students during the summer. I have come to realize that registering all students in a two day stretch is too much. I have decided to take the first three periods to register these two grade levels to reduce the confusion and pressures of the traditional two day registration event at the end of summer.
The reason I scheduled three hours is to allow instructors from our different programs to speak with you today. They will try to recruit you to their programs and to give you a look in the hand book to see what kind of credit the various programs will give you.
Now, I am going to hand it off first to the football coach, and then he will be followed by the other instructors you see here.”
The football coach went all out for about thirty minutes, and then the other coaches and instructors from other programs spoke. They didn’t ramble on as long as the football coach. Then it was Major Moore’s turn. I knew he was going to take advantage of this time to recruit any new cadets as he could.
He spoke a little about what JROTC is all about and what it offers. He talked about what the program accomplished not only this year, but for the past five years. Then he requested the lights to been turned down and played the recruitment video I had created.
The gym was quiet through the entire video. All you could hear at times was OH’S and WOWS from the student body. Not to brag or anything, but the video turned out half way decent. No, I’m being modest. It was totally awesome! I had never watched it with a real audience before. Just like a movie, it’s the audience reaction that is the ultimate determination of a movie’s quality and worth.
Once the video was over the lights were turn back on. Major Moore was done talking so the remaining instructors came up and spoke. Soon after they finished speaking, they handed out the forms we needed to fill out for our schedule.
Joey was looking at me and just sitting there with his forms in his hand.
“What are you going to take next year, Joey?”
“I really haven’t given it much thought. I figured I had the summer to think about it. I know I need to take the required courses, but my electives, I don’t know yet” Joey said somewhat cryptically.
“I figured you would take JROTC for one of you electives next year?”
“I was thinking about that, Jake, but I told Sergeant Haney a couple weeks ago I wasn’t going to return unless you did. I didn’t like what had gone on with you and the program.”
I couldn’t believe Joey did that. He was becoming a major player on the Rifle Team. There was not a shred of doubt in my mind he was going to be the Captain of the Rifle Team his senior year. He was willing to give that up just for me. It really made me happy on one hand and made me just a touch angry on the other.
I reached down to Joey’s hand and squeezed it like I use to when we were going out. Joey smiled the minute I did it and it made me melt. That touch of anger just vaporized.
As we filled out our schedule for next year, Joey and I talked in the corner of the bleachers. We just talked about everything and came to common ground. One thing we did agree on was to always to talk to each other, no matter what. That’s what caused the friction and drama in our relationship.
We agreed that if we invest our money right, we could live on the interest income from the money; not touching the principle. I told Joey about the investments my grandfather and the Trust Department at the bank had made with some of my money.
He took five hundred thousand of the money and invested it into something, I really don’t know what, but it has already been yielding almost forty thousand in the first quarter. They cut me the check already. So I have forty thousand dollars more than I had when I first started. Plus I could never loose my principle.
When ever my grandfather sees another good investment that won’t loose my principle he takes away from the five hundred thousand he already invested. Within the first year I will have my money back in the bank.
Just live off the quarterly payouts plus the interest of the remaining 6.5 million in the bank. The 6.5 million has grown back to almost the original seven million and that is what I am shooting for. I have begun to realize that I don’t have to work one job, let alone a second, this summer. I’d begun to come to terms with the money and realize that it’s not dirty, as I have felt up until just lately.
We also agreed in living in two different locations isn’t cost effective. It’s better to live in his house due to it being paid off so there’s no rent or mortgage payments; just taxes and insurance, plus the standard monthly bills like utilities. So we talked about me moving back in and the mechanics and finances of how that was going to work.
I didn’t want to sleep in the room where his aunt and uncle slept. So we decided to do some remodeling to the house making the other rooms bigger with decent sized bathrooms and walk-in closets.
We talked about so much and we pretty much settled all of our difference while we were filling out our schedules.
Joey then looked at me; “Jake I really want to sign up for JROTC again next year, but I won’t if you don’t.”
I looked at Joey and he gave me a face that I just couldn’t say ‘no’ too.
We both knew what we were thinking. I changed one of my electives to JROTC again. We stood up and headed over to the table where the instructors were sitting. As we stood in line and waited our turn to turn in our schedules we talked some more about being juniors next year. How fast time is going!
Once I was up, they put my schedule requests in the computer and within seconds the computer printed my schedule for next year with teachers and all. The same thing happened with Joey.
We walked back to the bleachers and I looked at Joey’s schedule. We got actually five of our classes together. We are just very lucky guys I figure. Joey had a smile on his face seeing the schedules.
“Joey what are you doing the weekend after school is over?”
“I don’t have anything planned at this point. Why do you ask?”
“The Rolling Stones are coming into town and I want to go and see them. Would you want to go see them with me?” I asked, knowing that this was going to be a ‘date’ type of thing if he said yes.
“Oh! Hell yeah, Jake! I would love too! Where are they performing?”
“It is going to be at the UTEP Center (University of Texas, El Paso) two weeks from this Friday. I will go ahead and buy the tickets and give you yours!”
“Cool Jake! Now I can’t wait. If I was any more excited, I might wet my pants! What do you think about David and Tom? Do you think they would like to go?”
“I don’t know. Go and find out. We could use their car to get us down to the UTEP Center if they want to go with us.”
Joey went up to David and Tom and came back down with them in tow. They were very excited about the idea and were in. We sat there making the plans about how we were going to get there. I told them I was going to buy the tickets. All they need to have is spending money for concessions and souvenirs or whatever they might want.
We sat there talking about the same thing, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Joey. I wanted him so badly that I couldn’t really think about anything else. I think Joey was catching on, because he wasn’t able to hide that he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me too.
I looked at the clock and then at Joey. I got up from the bleachers and started walking out of the gym into the restroom at the end of the hall. A few minute later Joey walked in after me.
I pulled him into the stall and closed the door. Before Joey could say anything I had his shirt up kissing his rock hard nipples.
“Jacob, wait a minute. We are going to get caught
man.” Joey said breathlessly.
“We haven’t done this since we were at Austin and wasn’t that fun?” I said with a chirp in my voice.
“Yes and I was always afraid of getting caught then, too.” Joey replied in a low and raspy tone.
I ignored him and continued on with what I was doing. I kissed him on his lips for the first time in months. I missed the way Joey tasted, how his breath and tongue felt in my mouth. He was getting into it as much as I was.
I started kissing back down his neck trying to get every inch of it. I made my way down to his jeans; he was already hard. You could see the outline of his dick on the outside of his pants. I kissed his dick through his jeans. Joey started moaning as I was kissing his dick.
“Joey man you don’t want us to get caught! You need to be quiet!” I said, my words muffled as I was still chewing on the front of Joey’s jeans.
“I can’t help the way you make me feel, Jake.”
I undid his belt then the button to his jeans. I let his jeans fall down to the ground then his underwear. Joey’s dick was leaking pre-cum and that was just what I wanted. I put Joey’s cock in my mouth all the way and started bobbing up and down. I was going at it so hard I barely heard the door open to the restroom.
I jumped up on the toilet when it dawned on me that someone had walked into the restroom. Whoever it was went to the urinals and peed. I didn’t stop going down on Joey.
He braced against the wall as I was sucking on his dick and fondling his balls, but at the same time kept looking over to make sure whoever it was didn’t come down to where we were.
Right when the student that walked in turned on the water to the sink, Joey exploded in my mouth. This time I wanted to try to swallow his cum. I never did it before, so I didn’t get it all down. Most of it leaked out of my mouth down his dick, into his pubes and onto his ball sack. When I looked up to Joey, he had his eyes closed and a big, cheesy smile on his face.
I heard the door open and close, which means either the dude left or someone else came in. Joey didn’t wait to find out as he grabbed me and switched places.
Before I knew it Joey had my pants and boxers down to my ankles and putting my dick in his mouth. I was so horny I knew I wasn’t going to last. The last time I had someone on my dick was Joey back when we were together.
Then it happened, I grabbed onto Joey’s hair, but he didn’t stop. He kept sucking and I exploded in his mouth. He took it all, not like me. I had to at least have shot eight times down his throat, but I wasn’t for sure.
I lost my balance and fell against the door of the stall. The door latch couldn’t hold when I hit it. It swung open and I fell to the ground. When I looked up, standing over me was David. I couldn’t believe the guy was there and plus we didn’t know he had come in.
My dick was sticking up in the air just starting to soften as I way lying on the floor. David laughed so hard as I got back to reality in a flash and pulled up my pants. By then, Joey was struggling with his pants. He was trying to get them up as fast as he could, but his underwear kept getting in the way.
I started laughing as I was having the same problem. I also knew that my face was glowing bright red.
“Hey, guys, don’t worry. It’s is not like I haven’t seen it all before. It looks like you guys have gotten your problems all fixed up” David said with glee in his voice.
David started laughing again and hit me on my shoulder and then walked away. I walked back to Joey and closed the door. I finished up with my belt then looked up at Joey. He looked like he was going to cry. I lifted his face and started kissing him.
“Don’t worry. David won’t say anything to anyone. David is not like that and you told me once you caught him making out with Tom!” I reassured Joey.
Joey looked at me and smiled. We kissed a little while then cleaned up. After we were done cleaning up, we headed back to the gym with smiles on our faces. If anyone was looking closely, they would have known something naughty had gone on!
As we walked back in, we went directly to the bleachers and sat down. We started talking with David and Tom about the concert and what we were going to wear that night. Is that so gay or what ?
When the bell rang to release us, we headed out as quickly as we could. Joey went to lunch and I went to fourth period.
That evening I told Martha I was giving my two weeks notice.
“Thank you Martha for giving me a chance to work. I will never forget what you did for me; taking a chance on me. I really hope if I need a job in the future, you will hire me back” I said with my emotions showing in my voice.
“Of course I would hire you back in a heartbeat, Jacob. You are very hard and totally dependable worker and I can’t say anything negative about you. Thank you for giving me a professional two week notice; not very many do that.”
I finished off my shift that evening and headed back to my apartment. When I walked up to my front door, Joey was sitting on the stoop. I smiled at him as I walked up. He got up and I hugged him, and then we kissed.
It felt good holding Joey again. I really don’t know how long it will last, but a lasting relationship is part luck and part hard work, I believe. It is time for me to have good luck and I sure don’t mind the HARD work.
We finished the final week of school and summer was here. I started to move back to Joey’s house. I still had time to get out of the apartment. My rent is paid up till the end of the month. I will use everyday of that.
The day of the concert finally arrived. To say I was excited is an understatement. I walked over to Joey’s house where all of us are going to meet. Shortly after I arrived David and Tom came walking through the door.
As we drove to the UTEP Center I gave each of the guys their tickets to the concert. I know the Rolling Stones are a popular band but, give me a break. We drove around the parking lot and still couldn’t find a parking spot for almost a half hour. Finally we were directed to empty parking spots.
As we walked to the ticket gate, we were so excited. Tom was telling us things I couldn’t believe; “Do you guys know the Rolling Stones have three of the exact duplicate stages? As they are performing here, one of the other stages is being set up in their next concert city. The other stage is being pulled down at the venue where they just performed.”
I didn’t know that piece of information. I gave my ticket to the guy at the entrance and was told where to go. The guys followed me to find our seats. I bought seats that were on the floor, not up in the nose bleed section. The view where we sat was awesome.
We didn’t have to wait too long. The band was on the stage within minutes after we sat down. They started the performance with their well known hit songs. We sang along with them, singing the words we knew.
We were having so much fun, jabbing one another and just singing if you call it that. Then I smelled this weird smoke coming from the seats above us. I looked up and saw these guys were just smoking away on a couple of joints. The smell was coming down to us because of the breeze that was going through the stadium.
Joey looked up then looked back at me. We didn’t say a thing; we just went back to watching the concert. Right then, the stage did something I didn’t even know it could do. It actually picked up and moved the entire band down the field. Man was that so damn awesome.
The most expensive seats to this concert actually are on the stage itself. The main stage was three stories tall and if you were willing to pay the price, you could be on the stage watching the concert. The price was too high for my taste.
Around the middle of the concert, they started singing “El Paso”, by Marty Robbins, I believe. I think they were just having fun with the music. The song was an old country song they re-arranged into a rock style.
We just jammed out in the concert. Even the entire area we sat in got into a rhythm of singing and just talking and yelling out to the band. By the time the concert was over, my throat was very raw and my voice was hoarse.
We walked out in the mix of the crowd. Joey wrapped his arms around my neck asking for a piece of gum. I un-wrapped the gum and placed it in his mouth. David and Tom just looked at us. We didn’t drink any beer, but we just had a great night.
“Hey guys it’s to early to call it a night. Let’s go out and grab something to eat”; I suggested.
“Sounds like plan to me Jake. Where do you want to go and eat?” David inquired.
“How about we go to I-HOP? They are a twenty four hour eatery” I offered.
We got into the Tom’s car and headed to I-HOP. When we got there it was so packed we decided to go to the Denney’s down a couple exits. This eating joint was nowhere as packed like I-HOP was. We walked in and they seated us right away.
We ordered our drinks and talked, reviewing the concert experience.
“Can you believe that concert man? It was the greatest concert I have seen in my life. Jake, thanks for asking us to go!” Tom exuded.
“No problem Tom, and yeah it was one bad ass concert. When that stage moved across the field like it did, that was damn cool!”
“No damn lie and they just kept playing like nothing was happening”; David remarked.
“David, that would freak me out every time the stage moved under me”; I said.
We all laughed and just talked more about the concert.
“Tom what about those pot smokers behind us, smoking away? I was just stunned they would light it up like that in public.”
“That’s no lie Jake; I think I got a good smell of that shit they were smoking.”
“Damn Joey you knew almost all the songs they played by heart. You should be part of their band.”
“No way man, I just love their music that’s all.”
“I didn’t know the words of the songs at all. Don’t get me wrong, I knew what they were playing, but I just couldn’t sing along with them”; I said.
“You don’t have to tell us Jake! We were there! Don’t you remember?” David quipped.
We all started laughing and just joking around about me having the worst voice in our group. That’s when I realized we have been sitting in our booth now for at least and hour. No one has come around with our drinks or to take our order.
“Hey guys, don’t you think it is weird our drinks are not here? Plus no one has come around and checked on us yet?” I observed.
“That’s true. Where in the world is a server?” Joey chimed in.
I got up and walked up front. I didn’t see a soul. Then I walked around to the kitchen area and that’s where I found the staff just talking and joking around. I cleared my throat and what I thought was the manager.
“Hey we have been sitting over there for at least an hour. Our drinks still have not come and no one has come to take our order. What in the world is going on here?” I asked with a notable touch of aggravation in my voice. I was talking to the lady I thought was the manager but she was actually the hostess. I walked back to the table and she was following. I sat down and looked up to her and she seemed stunned.
“Sir I am sorry about that! Let me go and get the night manager” she said, obviously nervous at not having noticed us. As she left, she kept looking back to us.
Within a few minutes the manager walked over to our table; “I am very sorry for this, gentlemen. We went through a shift change. We thought you were taken care of by the last shift. Let me take your order and for your trouble, two of you get to eat for free.”
We gave him our order and he left. Our food came out maybe twenty minutes later. We sat there still talking about the night and eating. When we were done we headed back to Joey’s house.
David and Tom asked to stay over at Joey’s house. Joey had no problem with that. When we got back to his house we stayed up until almost four in the morning before we could come down from the concert “high”. David and Tom went to bed in Joey’s and my old bedroom.
Joey was sleeping in his aunt and uncle’s room so I decided to go home. I didn’t want to sleep with Joey in that room. It just didn’t feel right at all. To me it seemed as if I would be sleeping with my boyfriend in my parent’s bed! YUCK!
When we all finally decided to go to bed I was happy. The minute Tom and I got into the room and shut the door I was all over him. I was so horny I couldn’t contain myself any more.
We left a tell tale trail of clothes from the door into the bedroom and over to the bed. When we hit the bed both of us were naked as the day we were born. I started kissing Tom from head to toe. He was as horny as me. His dick was leaking so much pre-cum we could have slipped and fallen on the floor getting to the bed.
I put Tom’s dick in my mouth, as Tom moved my body so we were in the sixty-nine. We were just going at it like rabbits, bobbing up and down. My right hand was massaging Tom’s ample balls and behind them to the sweet perineum. My hand ventured all the way back to his pucker and I massaged his hole, heightening Tom’s passion even further.
“David, if you don’t slow down I am going to explode soon!”
I stopped sucking on Tom’s dick because I was about to explode soon too. Tom grabbed a hold of me and placed me in a doggy position. With a hand on each of my butt cheeks, he spread me wide open exposing my pink rosebud. Now I was feeling something new. Tom’s hot breath in my crack…then…OH MY GOD….Tom’s tongue began to lick and probe my hole! I knew where this was leading, but this was new and I was seeing stars in my mind as Tom’s hot tongue probed me. I naturally relaxed and opened up as he rimmed me. His fingers did a combination of massaging my hole and gently prying it open so that he could tongue fuck me deeper. “Tom, where did you come up with this? I’ve never felt anything so wonderful! Tom, please! Take me now! I want to feel your cock inside me!”
Combined with his pre-cum and the spit from rimming me, there was plenty of lubrication. He sank his dick right into me. At first he was going really slow then picked up the speed. We got into a rhythm with each other I was on cloud nine. With each inward thrust Tom’s cockhead slid over my magic spot deep inside me and the stars would swirl in my vision.
Tom pulled on my shoulders and started riding me with long deep thrusts. The outward part of the stroke was long too, with his cock nearly coming out of me heightening the sensations.
“David you are so damn tight I am going to blow my load any minute now. Damn David I love your ass man! This ass it mine all mine!”
He kept fucking me! Then I flipped over on my back and in doing so, Tom’s dick slipped out of my ass. I put him back on target with my legs up and my knees almost resting on my shoulders. He slid back into me even deeper than when we were in doggy position. With Tom on top, his cock hit my spot even better and I knew I was going to lose it without my cock even being touched. I could feel my juice pumping up pressure, ready to be shot out. As the pressure and the surge of feelings heightened in me I felt my ass muscles clamp down hard on Tom’s shaft and that put him over the edge right with me. A couple more long, deep, powerful thrusts and it was over the top for both of us. I splooged my right shoulder, chest and stomach with more than six powerful shots of hot man juice. At the same time, I felt Tom’s final forward thrust, burying his cock all the way deep inside me. Then came the flood of warmth spreading inside me as he pumped a huge load of hot cum inside me.
Once we were done we collapsed on the bed next to each other. I turned to Tom once I caught my breath and kissed him. We rolled into each other, his arms around me and fell to sleep in one another’s arms.
When we woke up in the morning, we headed into the bathroom after peeling ourselves apart. My cum from last night had me almost glued to Tom’s back! After relieving the usual morning piss pressures, we got into the shower. Our cocks quickly went from semi hard to rock hard with the warm water cascading over us. I knew that there was a second verse to the song we sang last night coming to the forefront.
Tom had topped me in fine style last night and it was now going to be my pleasure to return the favor this morning. I was behind Tom and slipped my soap slicked hand down inside his crack. His back arched and he moaned and I found the treasure deep in the valley. My finger gently massaged and probed his opening and slid in just enough for Tom to realize, without any question where things were heading. Not being exactly a patient type, Tom quickly turned around and saw to it we were both rinsed clean of soap. I reached over and shut off the water. Tom had a towel in hand and dried me from head to toe.
When I was dry, I reached for a second towel and returned the favor and dried Tom as thoroughly as he had dried me. The towels were over our shoulders and I pulled Tom to me and kissed him deeply. We didn’t talk. There was no need for words. The kiss and our eyes conveyed all that needed to be said. Tom knew exactly what I had in mind and he wanted it as much as me.
We got back to the bed and as Tom was getting onto the bed, I noticed a drawer in the top of the nightstand next to the bed. I opened the drawer and found just what I was hoping for; a tube of KY-Jelly. I smiled knowing that things would not just be good, but with this, things would be fantastic!
I wasted no time getting things moving. Tom was lying on his side and I pushed him onto his back. I climbed astride him and buried my face between his legs. My chin and neck were massaging his balls as I licked my way back from his ball sack, across his perineum. Tom knew where I was headed and opened his legs giving me full access to his most private of places. My tongue found his treasure and began to lick and probe. Tom’s back arched involuntarily and he let out a moan as this new pleasure coursed through his entire being. I pried his hole open, gently and buried my tongue deep into Tom’s pucker. He began to relax and open up as I combined my tongue with a finger on each side of the sweet opening to convince it to open more and allow me to deliver more pleasure.
“David! NOW ! Don’t wait any more! Please, give it to me NOW!” Tom pleaded.
I wanted to give Tom the deepest fucking I could manage. I got out of the bed. Standing beside the bed, I pulled Tom around, bringing his butt over to the edge of the bed. He looked at me quizzically and I just smiled. “Baby, just follow along and I promise I’m going to make it great for you!”
I got a pillow from the bed and put Tom’s ankles over my shoulders. Tom realized what I had in mind. He pressed his ankles down on my shoulders, lifting his butt off the bed. I slid the pillow underneath him. Now things were lined up perfectly. I opened the KY and squeezed out a healthy amount onto my fingers. I applied it to Tom’s pulsing hole and worked a liberal amount into his opening. Just doing this got Tom’s desire to the peak. I withdrew my fingers from his hole and lubed my cock.
Tom was hot and ready. I knew I wouldn’t need to be too careful when I entered him. I placed my cockhead at his entrance and it opened as though it was sending an invitation.
I pressed forward, feeling the resistance giving way; then my cockhead slipped past the ring. Had I not been in control, I’d have slid in to full depth, but I had the presence of mine to wait for Tom to adjust to my cock. Tom indicated he was ready for me to go deeper. He bent his knees with his feet over my shoulders and it pulled him onto my cock and slid me deeper inside him. He grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me hard taking the penetration to the max.
Once I was in all the way, Tom’s muscles clamped down on me. Wow, you want to talk about a tight ass? Tom has it! It was so tight I didn’t think my dick was going to move once it was inside. But, as nature has it, I did move, giving Tom the same long strokes he gave me last night that felt so wonderful. I dropped my hips a bit, putting my cock on a more upward angle and felt my cockhead course along Tom’s chute and rubbing that magic spot for him. Tom gave a low growl each time my cock stimulated his sweet spot.
The rhythm matched up as our souls joined in the melding of our bodies. This position is fantastic as I can see Tom’s face and all the way down to his cock. I can see my cock as it slides in and out of him.
“David, go faster and harder! Fuck me deep and hard!” Tom growled as he pushed back onto me even harder with each in stroke. I could see his cockhead getting darker and swelling and I knew that it was getting close for him. I sped up a bit more and then I felt Tom’s muscles clamp down even harder. That did it; I was a goner; over the edge. I put all my power into those last few strokes and Tom’s orgasm hit with a vengeance. Like me, he pumped his load out to shoulder and chin height at first. As Tom shot, my own load pumped deep inside the man I love so much. I gave him the best I have to give, filling him with a huge load.
I collapsed on top of Tom with his legs now off my shoulders and down by my
sides. Tom pulled my face to his and he kissed me in a way that conveyed nothing
put pure love. I gave back as good as I was getting. How did I ever deserve to
have this wonderful man love me like he does? Well, I’ll go through the ravages
of Hell to love and care for this wonderful guy that loves me like this.
I laid down on my bed thinking about all the fun I had at the concert. I forgot how good it was being with Jacob. He makes every thing fun not matter how dumb or boring it might be.
At the same time I was kind of angry with Jacob, why did he have to leave like he did. I wanted to spend the night with him. I know soon we will be together. At the same time I was wondering why his hasn’t moved much back in. I know he doesn’t want to sleep in my aunt and uncle’s room. We already decided to stay in our old room for the mean time while we get the upstairs remodeled.
Jacob hasn’t even sat down with the workers to get the plans going on the remodeling. I wonder if he is thinking about not moving back in with me.
I finally thought myself into a very deep sleep. I didn’t even hear when Jacob came in the room in the morning.
“Hey, Joey! Sleepy head! Wake up my Joey!” Jacob called out in a cheery (and highly aggravating) manner.
“What do you want? Can’t you let me sleep?” I grumbled.
“No, it’s already after one in the afternoon. It’s high time to get your beautiful, hot ass out of that bed!” Jacob continued to goad me.
I moved the blankets off my head and looked over to Jacob. He was just standing there in front of the window. I couldn’t believe how hot he looked today. I figure I just miss this guy so much I think he looks hot no matter what.
“Hey, sleepy head; don’t go back to sleep. Get up and meet me and the guys down stairs.” Jacob said, turning on his heels and heading out of the bedroom.
“Ok just give me a few minute to get my sea legs.”
Jacob left the room and I just laid there in the bed. I pulled myself out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. I splashed some water on my face after I took a leak then combed my hair. I brushed my teeth to make sure I didn’t have a case of “dragon breath” that would offend anyone.
When I got down stairs Jacob, David and Tom where sitting in the den just fooling around.
“Come on guys; keep the noise down for us that just got rudely snatched out of a wonderful beauty sleep!” I whined.
They looked over at me and started laughing. All of a sudden they threw paper wrappers at me as I made my way to the den. I sat down next to Jacob. He handed me an orange juice then my breakfast burrito.
He actually fed my breakfast to me. David and Tom were making all these weird noises and I just ignored them. I was with my boyfriend and he was treating me like a king. I finished eating then turned to the guys.
“So what is on today’s agenda?” I inquired.
“Jacob and I went over to Wal-Mart and bought these sweet paint guns. Man, they are awesome. We figured to form teams and play paint gun battles behind your house.” David said enthusiastically.
“Where behind my house are we supposed to play this, David?”
“Over the wall where there’s the desert, Joey”
“What about protection? Those guns have to hurt like all hell if you get hit on the bare skin.” I asked with a note of concern.
Before anyone could answer, Jacob cocked a paint gun and shot David on the leg. David screamed like a little girl. You can see in his eyes how angry he is!
“I think you’re right Joey. They do hurt seeing the look on David’s face.”
David got up and walked it off. At first he was limping; then within a few laps around the den he was ok.
I looked over at Jake and he was bringing out several more bags.
“No one has to worry about getting hurt if they get hit in the head or chest. I have the protection for those areas; just not for the legs. So let’s wear several pair of jeans to get more protection for our legs.”
Every one agreed and grabbed a set of padding and goggles and put them on. Before I knew it we all were in padding from head to waist. Then I grabbed a paint ball gun. I didn’t even know how they worked, so I just started fooling around with it. I looked it over, and then grabbed the box of paint balls and loaded the gun.
I went outside to shoot the gun and found it didn’t work. I thought to myself I got a bad gun. I went back in to tell Jake the gun was bad.
“Hey Jake my man the gun here doesn’t work. I have been trying to fire the damn thing and it won’t shoot.”
Jake looked at me and then the gun and started to laugh.
“No matter what people say about you, I will always love you man. You need to have the CO2 canister in before it works.”
He went to another bag and pulled out a box of silver skinny canisters. He pulled one at of the box and handed it to me. I could just hit myself over the head on how stupid I must look.
Everyone was ready so we headed to the back yard. We split into teams that made sense; Jacob and me against David and Tom. We jumped the rock wall and put up our flags in different locations of the desert.
We started playing running around the desert dodging one another’s shots. We made a rule since there was only two on each team; we could each get hit three times before we were “dead” and out of the game. I dodged behind this huge bush near their flag.
I saw Jake running from Tom about thirty or so feet away from me. I started looking for David but I don’t see him anywhere. Then I caught a glimpse of him in the corner of my eye. The dude was lying behind a rock by the flag. He was playing a smart game to say the least.
I made my way around the flag so I would come up behind David. As I got closer to David I started shooting, got him three times in the back before he could even turn around!
As I was going for the flag, I didn’t see Tom coming at me. The first shot hit me right in the safety goggles, and then the other shots were all over my body. I was out, so it was up to Jake to win for our team.
I couldn’t make it in time to save Joey from getting shot by Tom. I just hid between two bushes once I realized I couldn’t get there in time. I looked around to see if a saw David, but I didn’t see him anywhere.
Tom didn’t wait around the flag for me, he took off. I didn’t want to take any chances; this could be a trick to get me out in the open. I need to get Tom and David first. I started crawling on my belly hiding against the ground.
As I was making my way I saw Tom just huddled between two clumps of bushes. I pointed my gun and started shooting. I got Tom two times before he reacted to me. But it was too late for him! He got me only once before I landed a third and fourth shot.
I got up went over to another set of bushes to look the area over. Still, there was no sign of David anywhere around their flag or the desert surrounding the flag. I figured to throw caution to the wind and just go for the flag. Once I up to the flag and pulled it out of the ground, David, Joey and Tom came walking out.
“Jake and Joey won the first round, but it wasn’t over yet. Tom and I are just getting warmed up” David said with conviction.
David and the rest of us just laughed. We took a small break then started the second round. This time the game lasted longer than the first, but David and Tom won hands down. They got me and Joey before we could even lay down a shot on either of them.
We ate before we went and played another round. This one was going to be even harder than the first two. It was going to be played in the dark. At first I couldn’t see what was in front of me, but as my eyes got adjusted to the dark, I was able to focus.
We had so much fun playing that game, we didn’t care who won or lost! But Joey and I did win that round. We decided to call it quits and headed in. We were already tried from the night before and now playing paint ball almost all day, we were dead on our feet.
Once we walked into Joey’s house, we threw our guns on the ground and dragged ourselves to the den and sat down on what ever seat or couch that wasn’t taken.
I ordered pizza from Pizza Hut. This is really the only pizza I like and I have tried them all. Joey popped in a movie and we sat there eating and watching the movie. We didn’t even speak during the movie like we normally do; that’s how tried we were.
Around midnight David and Tom made there way to Joey’s and my old room. They called it a day and went off to bed, I think. I stayed maybe another half an hour then called it a day as well.
When I was kissing Joey good bye, he looked at me we sad eyes.
“Jake, why don’t you want to stay here in our house tonight? I am starting to get the feeling you don’t want to come back here” Joey said in a very hurt way.
“Don’t feel like that Joey, I want to come back more then you could know. But I cannot bring myself to sleep in your aunt and uncle’s room and you know that. Plus there isn’t a bed in your old room any more. So it’s best for me to go to the apartment until we get things fixed so I can be comfortable.”
Joey just looked at me but didn’t say anything more. I said my good byes again, kissed Joey for a very long time and headed out the door. I was already tired as it was and I still have a walk ahead of me.
My homey called me up and told me that Jacob has started hanging around with his old friends again. I have been waiting days to get a glimpse of this guy and finally get him out of the way so I don’t have to worry about him no more.
When I first saw Jake in the morning, I was going to get him then. But some other guys were with him, and I was alone. So I just followed them to Wal-Mart and sat in my car as he and his friends went into the store. I wasn’t about to make the same mistake those rat homeys made and try to get Jake while he was in the store; too many cameras.
When they came out, they had a basket full of stuff heading to their car. They loaded the stuff up and I thought they were going home. Instead they went through the drive thru of Whataburger, and then went home.
I just sat in my car waiting for Jacob to be by himself, but no such luck. All day long they played paint ball in the back field behind of the house of his friend. I got out and went over the wall a couple houses down.
I figured they might be so involved in the game, Jacob wouldn’t see me coming. By the time his friends figure out Jacob is dead, I would be long gone by then. As I snuck around, it became impossible for me to sneak up to him. There were too many chances of getting caught before I even got close to him.
Then they headed back inside after a while. I was pissed at myself! I didn’t get the guy when I had a chance. So I jumped the wall and headed back to the car I stole.
About an hour later, they came back out and started to play again. The big surprise to me was the dark. They actually were playing in the dark. Here is my chance on getting him, so I jumped over the wall again and started looking around.
I finally spotted him hiding behind a bush. As I started getting close to him, I pulled out my gun and cocked it. Right as I started to aim the gun to his head, this dude jumped out of nowhere scaring the shit out of me. I fell back and just scrambled out of there.
I lost my chance again, this guy is damn lucky. Luck does run out and Jacob’s is about to. They called it a night and headed in. I just sat there behind a bush stunned I didn’t get Jacob again.
I got up and went back to my car punching myself because I failed. Jacob was less then five feet away and I just didn’t pull the trigger!
I just sat there in the car waiting and hoping I could get another chance at Jacob before the night was up. I saw I car drive up with a Pizza Hut dome on the roof. I thought to pose as the delivery guy, but decided against it. There wasn’t enough time for me to go up to the delivery guy, kill the dude, change, and then get to the house. Plus, all the noise that would be made through the struggle and the gun going off would tip them off.
So I just waited for another chance. I started to fall asleep when I heard the voices. I looked over and Jacob at the front door of the house. It looked like he was saying good bye to his friends. Finally this guy is leaving, hopefully alone.
He walked out to the stoop of the house and shut the front door. He started walking down the walk way to the street. Yes! He is walking alone! Here, at long last, is my perfect chance. I got out of my car, shut the door quietly and started walking up behind him.
As I got closer to Jacob, I pulled out my gun and cocked the hammer. I was as quiet as could be. He didn’t even hear me cock my gun or me walking up behind him. I was maybe a foot away with my gun was aimed right at the back of his head.
“Hey homey, turn around where I can see your face!”
When Jacob left I was frustrated at him but more so at me. I knew he wasn’t able to sleep in the room where I was sleeping. I just have to move a bed into my old room in order for Jacob to be able stay the night. That’s all there is to it. And it can’t be my aunt and uncle’s bed either. He has a “thing” and I have to respect that.
As I started to walk up the stairs, Tom came out of the apartment. He looked up at me. “Joey, can I speak with you for a minute please? It’s important.”
“Yeah sure let’s go ahead and head to the den.”
“Where is Jacob, I thought you guys were cool?”
“We are, Tom. He just can’t sleep with me in my aunt and uncle’s room. It gives him the creeps being in there, sleeping in their bed.”
“Maybe you guys should think about selling this house and buy one of your own” Tom mused.
“Hey, thanks, Tom! I never thought of that. I will mention that to Jacob tomorrow. That might give us a complete fresh start on our future” I said reflectively.
“Don’t mention it, dude that is what I am here for. Now let’s fix a problem I have!”
“Shoot! I owe you that much.”
“Joey, I really don’t know where to start. I love David totally and want to be with him. But my playing football next year is going to get in the way. The guys are already screwing with me that they don’t see me with any girlfriends. What should I do Joey?”
“Tom, you are in a hard place. If you tell them about you and David, you’re pretty much screwed in that arena. If you try to keep David hidden and not date any women, you still will be screwed. They will assume that you’re gay. We both know that there is no need for proof for their assumptions. In this case, it’s guilty until proven innocent.
So it leaves you with a hard decision to make. Dating a woman for cover will run into all sorts of problems, Tom.”
“What kind of problems? I figure it will solve my problem and not create anymore.”
“You’re wrong there, Tom. First you need to think about David’s feelings. Yeah, he won’t fight you on the idea because he loves you. He wants you to be happy and have everything you want. But deep down inside, he would be deeply hurt.
Second, this girl you decide to date would want more then just hanging on your arm. She will want you to kiss her and then eventually go further. Every girl at school wants to bag the great Tom from the football team.
The question would be can you have sex with this girl? Plus if you can, it will cause other problems in your life. David will find out and it will hurt him to a point that it will, most likely, destroy your relationship with him. It’s like cheating on your boyfriend” I concluded.
“I know whoever I choose as a cover to date would want to have sex with me. Even if it gets to that point, I won’t do it. I don’t want to hurt David at all.”
“That’s what you say now, but when the girl starts to talk hot and sweet, and starts to put the moves on you and you don’t respond “normally”, the cat will be out of the bag. What happens when she goes to her friends and tells them she thinks that you might be gay because you won’t sleep with her? You know her friends have to be dating at least a couple of your football buddies. So when they get the news, they share it with their boyfriends. You know what I am saying in inevitable.
It’s just a circle of gossip and you will be the main topic of it. In order for the talk to stop, you figure to yourself you’ve gone this far, it wont hurt to go further. So you do, you have sex with this girl in order for the talk to stop. That still leaves the question if you can complete the pass.
You see, no matter what you do, playing the straight part means you must play it all the way, not just half. So you won’t be able to get out of this with out hurting David.”
“Joey, you have given me a lot to think about. I know you are one hundred percent right, so I had better decide soon what is important to me; David or football.”
“You have all summer to figure that out. Just remember this: Don’t let David hear you say you have to make a decision between him and football. Again, he wants you to be happy. If he believes football makes you happy, he won’t be part of ripping that away from you. He will walk away from you rather than have you torn. He loves you enough to let you go if he feels that is what is best for you and your happiness” I said, laying even more angst on Tom.
“Joey, thanks for your advice on this thing of mine. How did you get so smart at your young age?” Tom quipped.
“I date a very smart guy, it rubbed off on me!” I said.
Tom quipped back; “Or maybe it was injected!” I punched Tom on the shoulder for his wise ass remark but laughed at the same time.
When we finished talking, Tom got started to head to the apartment when we heard several gun shots out side. I just sat there stunned with what I heard. Within seconds after the gun fire, David came rushing through the door from the apartment
The three of us just stood there, almost frozen, in the hallway between the den and the front door. All of a sudden we heard a knock on the front door. I looked over at David and Tom and then back to the front door.
I slowly walked up to the door, with a stutter I asked.
“Who is it?” I asked in a nervous voice.
“Please open up. It is the police!”
I opened the door and the police came rushing through the door and shut it behind them.
To be continued...
{It looks like Alejandro finally got to Jacob….or did he? After all the time he spent trying to get Jacob, he just got close enough to shoot him. Did the police get there in time and stop him before he shot Jacob? Or was it too late and Alejandro got his target and then he met his maker as well? When a person let’s his or her guard down, that is when the storm rolls in. Tom wants to be with David but knows his team members on the football team are starting to ask questions. Will Tom bend to pressure and date a girl in the school? If he does will that destroy his relationship with David? Man these guys are doing so much now. You don’t know where it is going. It looks like Jacob got a little more comfortable with spending the money his grandfather won for him. Jacob won't spend the principle; all he will spend is just the money that is made off the principle. There is a lot to answer in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at jpg@tickiestories.us, Thanks!}
Posted: 04/23/10