Jacob Finding His Way

By: J.P.G.
(© 2009-2010 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 16


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, several police officers pointing their guns at me. Joey’s dad was screaming at the police to shoot me; that I was a dangerous thief.


“Just shoot the stupid bastard, look at what he did to my son. I was trying to save my son from him!”


I lowered the gun to the ground when more officers walked in. The first officer that came in came up to me and threw me to the ground and handcuffed me. He kept his foot on my back while listening to Joey’s dad.


“Look officer, we live here and this kid came over and just started hitting on my son. My son is so afraid of him, he will lie that it was me, even Santa Claus, before he says it was this kid.”


Joey tried to speak up, but the office stopped him. He grabbed the handcuffs and pulled me up by them. Man did that hurt! Then I heard a familiar voice.


“Officer what in the world are you doing with Jacob in handcuffs?”


“This kid doesn’t live here, these guys do. They said this kid came busting through the door and started beating on this kid.” He pointed over to Joey at that moment. Then he looked back to the Chief of Police.


“Let me ask you officer, did you ask to see those guys identification?”


“No Sir, I didn’t. He looked to be the guilty one, not them. He had a gun in hand.”


At that point the Chief of Police walked by Joey’s dad and looked at him. I knew he saw his hands holding his pants just barely hanging on his waist. Then he looked around, and then saw the belt on the floor.


“Let’s do this officer, take the hand cuffs off that young man and put them on this gentleman.”


“I am sorry Sir, this is the guy that busted in a house that he doesn’t live in, and started beating on this guy’s son” the officer lamely argued.


“I think we need to send you back to the police academy for a refresher course. Look at this gentleman’s hands…. He picked up Joey’s dads hands in waved them in the air.


“He is the one with bloody knuckles and blood up and down his arms. Also, you might want to notice that he doesn’t have his belt on. It was thrown over there. If he was trying to save his son, why is his belt over there?


“I don’t know sir, it’s his house maybe” the officer meekly replied realizing he was in deep trouble.


“Can I see some kind of id from you sir?”


Joey’s dad patted his back pocket then looked over at his wife. He pulled out his wallet and gave his id to the Chief of Police.


“Officer, look at this. His id isn’t issued by the state of Texas.  He doesn’t live at this address let alone even in this State!”


“But sir, again he said this is his house and this kid was pointing the gun at him, not the other way around.”


“Enough of this officer take the damn handcuffs off of Jacob and place them on this guy! Jacob was pointing the gun at this guy because this is where he lives. The only reason I am here is because this address has been flagged. Whenever there is a call for the police to come to this address, I am notified to get here.


I met this young man and this one as well. These two young men live in this house. These other people I have never seen before. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez at son?” He looked at Joey when he asked the question.


“Sir, they got killed in a car accident last Friday” Joey responded to the question.


“They aren’t the ones that hit by the drunk driver in that big truck that caused the head-on collision? Please tell me it is not so?”


“Yes Sir, they are the ones; we just buried them yesterday!”


“Who are these people that are standing here in your house Joey?”


“They are my parents from Arizona, Sir.”


“What happened here Joey, and I want the truth?”


“They showed up today and demanded that I go back with them to Arizona. They said I had no place to live nor means to make a living. When I told them I wasn’t going back home with them, my dad got mad and demanded it.


I still said no, and then my dad jumped on top of me and started hitting me. That’s when Jake went and got my uncle’s gun to get my dad off of me. That’s when your officers showed up and I let them in, Sir.”


“Is this the first time your dad has beaten you, son?” the Chief inquired.


“No Sir, this isn’t the first time. The last time he beat me up. I was living with them in Arizona. I ran away and that is when my aunt and uncle took me in.”


“Did your parents give up their parental rights to you to your aunt and uncle?”


“I don’t know Sir!  I know they asked them to.”


“That is no problem! I can look at the court papers and see if that happened. No matter what, I will be arresting your father for assault this evening. What do you want to do about your mother and this young lady Joey?”


“My uncle and aunt left me everything, I own this house, and I asked them to leave. That started this whole thing, they refused to leave. I want them out of my house, Sir.”


“Then that is exactly what is going to happen.”


He turned back to Joey’s mother and sister and waved them out. As they were leaving, Joey’s mother tried to talk to the officers.


“I am his mother, he is a minor. He can’t be left here by himself.”


“Your right ma’am, but I will not let you spend one second in your son’s house. I will take care of your minor son, but you must leave now.”


As they were moving Joey’s mother and sister out of the house, Joey’s dad was handcuffed and sat on the chair in the den. We went to the paper work that the attorney gave Joey earlier that day. We wanted to see by any chance it was stated in the paper work who was going to be his guardian.


It was a lot of paperwork, but we found what we were looking for. Almost in the middle of the file was a copy of a signed form that gave all rights to Joey over to his aunt and uncle.


Then the next several sheets stated in case of their deaths, and Joey was still a minor, he was to be an emancipated minor. A judge had signed it, due to the life insurance policies and savings that were left to Joey. When we were reading through the paper work to make sure we were reading it right, another officer came up.


“The Chief of Police needs me to take you in for Social Services to straighten this mess out.”


“You don’t have to take me in! I have legal documents stating who my guardian is.”


The officer went and got the Chief of Police and handed him the paper work.


“Well Joey, your aunt and uncle thought of everything. They did have guardianship over you. Your parents gave up all legal rights over you. Then they insured that you would never go back to them. They must have been really bad to you. Your aunt and uncle truly loved you and, even beyond death, they are still protecting you from them.”


He turned to Joey’s father and walked over to him.


“Sir, you and your wife have no more rights over your son, you gave them up. When you make bail, and I know you will, you had better not come near this house, your son or Jacob. I will be putting a restraining order in to that effect. Do you understand what I am telling you sir? Neither you nor your wife can come near your son again. Do you understand that?”


“Yes Sir, I do, I will make sure of that.”


“Take him officer, and I need to see you in my office tomorrow morning. Make sure you bring your Captain and legal counsel.”


“Yes sir, I will be there as soon as both are free” the officer said.


“No, you will be in my office at nine sharp. I will call your Captain and make sure of that.”


They walked out of the house with Joey’s dad in handcuffs. Joey and I looked out the door and saw the Chief of Police talking to Joey’s mother. I figure they were telling her the same thing as they told her husband.


Another officer came back with the paper work and gave it back to Joey, and then left. We shut the door and headed to the couch. We just sat there in total silence. Then Joey just broke down crying, saying things I couldn’t understand between the sobs.


Finally he settled down and we went back to our room and went to sleep. I figured Joey thought he might have had a chance with his family, but they proved that wrong today. They, once again, showed their true colors. That’s what I think Joey was crying about. He saw after all this time, he will never have his mother and father back. It appears that is a blessing, even if hard to accept at the moment.


The next day we went to school. First we went to the attendance office. Joey was excused easily, but not me. I was told I had to go and see the principal as soon as I got there. I headed over to his office, his assistant told me to go right on in. When I knocked his office door, he looked up from his desk and waved me in.


“Jacob, I thought we had an understanding that you were not to miss anymore school this semester.”


“We did sir, but the family that I am living with got killed in a car accident last Friday.”


“You are talking about Joey’s, can’t remember his last name, anyway his family?”


“Yes sir, I live in their home.”


“You have the funeral documents with you, Jacob?”


“Yes I do sir!”


I handed him a copy of the funeral schedule of that day. He looked it over then looked back up to me.


“That covers you for Monday, but you missed Tuesday as well, Jacob.”


“I know. We were asked to go to his family attorney’s office for the reading of the will of Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez.”


“Let me see the paper work on that as well please, Jacob.”


I handed him the letter that the attorney’s office gave us to excuse us for class.


“Ok then Jacob, you can’t miss any more school this semester. I really hope there aren’t anymore family issues that will come up. I will go ahead and excuse these two days. Go ahead and return to class Jacob.”


“Thank you, sir!”


The rest of the day was uneventful. We just did the normal, going to class, students telling Joey how sorry they were to hear about what had happened to his family. Other than that that, we just floated through classes.


When we got home, Joey and I had to sit down and talk about the future. I knew that Joey didn’t really want to talk about it, but we had no choice.


We walked in and sat down in the den. I looked at Joey and spoke up; “Well I think we really need to decide what we are going to do about our living arrangements Joey.”


“What is there to discuss? Nothing is going to change.”


“I know that, but we don’t have your aunt and uncle anymore providing for us. We need to fend for ourselves and be able make ends meet.”


“Jacob, I have the money in the bank, and I know that if and when I need to touch the insurance money, Dr. Whitmore will let me.”


“I know that Joey, but I don’t want you touching that insurance money; it’s yours. Plus the money in the bank is not going to last forever either. So, what I’m trying to say is that one of us needs to get a job after school.”


Joey just looked at me like I was crazy.


“I have missed so much school already I know I won’t get into college. Joey, you are a different story though; you have a chance, man.”


“Jacob you won’t get into college? That’s just not so. If even you don’t get a scholarship, you have all that money that your grandpa won for you in the law suit. Don’t tell me you won’t get into college.”


“Joey that money my grandpa won for me feels dirty. I never earned it. That is the main reason I don’t touch it. Look, I am going to go in a few minutes and look for a job. If I find one, I will work it. You save the money in the bank for yourself and college.”


I got up and headed to the room to change. Joey just sat there angry with what I had just said, but it was the truth. I needed to get out there and find a job to pay for food, clothes, water; the usual recurring monthly expenses. We need to live and not by the luck of the draw.


I was walking out when I went back into the den. Joey was still sitting on the couch. I tried to kiss him, but he moved away.


“Joey I love you very much. I will be back later this evening.”


I walked out and headed down the street. I knew whatever job I get, I needed to get one near the house. The buses run in the evening, but stop running after ten. I first tried to put an application in the 7-eleven, but they wouldn’t accept it since I was only sixteen.


Then I walked into the Taco Bell on the corner and asked for an application. I sat down to fill it out when a woman, maybe in her late thirty’s walked up to me and sat down. She had a pair of blue pants, a white striped shirt on, with a weird looking tie. I looked at the name tag, and it said Martha Fuentes, Store Manager.


“My name is Martha and I am the store manager here. What is your name young man?”


“I am Jacob Hernandez ma’am.”


I handed her my application, and looked over it.


“Why are you looking for a job Jacob? Aren’t you still going to school?”


“Yes ma’am I am, but I need a job and that is why I can only work evening shifts.”


“Tell me Jacob, why do you want to work now, while you’re still in high school?”


I told her the story about living with Joey and what had happen to the Alvarez’s. She told me that she saw it on the news the next day and she felt bad. She understood why I needed to get the job, but didn’t like the idea of me working while still in high school.


“Let me tell you this, I will  go ahead and hire you for evening shift and try my best to schedule you for forty hours, but minimum wage only pays 4.75 an hour. I can’t give you any over time at all.”


“That will be fine with me, just as long as I can get a job and pay the bills in the house.”


She hired me and told me to start work tomorrow. She went to the back and grabbed me a couple of uniforms and a hat. I was happy as I walked through the door. Joey wasn’t sitting in the den anymore. I couldn’t find him at first, but he was in his aunt and uncle’s room lying on the bed.


I walked over to him. He was just looking at the wall. I shook him, he didn’t move, and then I leaned down to kiss him. He moved his head out of the way where I couldn’t kiss him.


I just walked back down stairs to our room and did my homework for the last three days. I got ready for bed, and Joey was still not down. I walked back up to the room where he was.


“Joey come on down and get ready for bed, please.”


He said nothing back to me. I walked in closer to him. He was still looking at the same spot. I tried to ask him again, but he didn’t respond at all. Once again when I tried to kiss him, he moved away.


I got angry and just went to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I noted that Joey never came down to bed. I got ready for school, and went upstairs. Joey was already gone. He was nowhere in the house to be found. So I headed to school as well.


When I got my breakfast, I spotted Joey with the guys talking. He looked like he was in a better mood. I walked over to the table and sat down, and the table got quiet. No one said a word and Joey wouldn’t even look at me. I sat there eating when the rest of the guys got up and started to leave, Joey along with them.


All through the day when ever I got around Joey and the guys, they would just clam up. Joey ignored me in every class we had, including ROTC. When the bell rang to release sixth period, Joey just got up and headed out.


I ran after him to try to talk with him. He just ignored me the whole time. He didn’t even look at me. I just gave up, and headed home. When I got home, I changed into the Taco Bell uniform and headed to work.


My first day of work wasn’t that bad at all. It was pretty much boring as can be. I had to fill out all the paper work, and that took more then half the shift. Then I was shown around the store. At nine I was told it was the end of my shift I was to clock out.


When I got home, Joey was nowhere to be seen. I walked into our room and saw that he moved out some of his stuff. I walked up stairs to his aunt and uncle’s room, but he wasn’t in there. I walked over to his old room, and found it locked. I heard music in the room, so tried to knock, but again, no answer.


I went back down stairs and did my homework and got ready for school. When I finally lay down, it hit me, I started to cry. Joey doesn’t want to talk with me or even live and sleep in the same room anymore. I really don’t know what I had done to get him so angry with me. I just sat there in the dark crying myself to sleep.


The next morning when I woke it was like the day before; no Joey around. Just as the day before I got ready for school and headed in. When I sat down to eat, Joey, David and the guys got up and left. To tell the truth, I was getting tried of this game.


The entire day, I was ignored by the guys, and this time I didn’t even bother to eat lunch with them. Instead I went down the street to the 7-Eleven and grabbed a hot dog.


Pretty much the entire week went that way. I would get up in the morning and Joey wasn’t there, he had already left to school. He didn’t even look at me, much less talk to me through the day. To top it all off, the friends I made first, seemed to be befriending Joey rather than me. Then after school I would get home, Joey was at practice, and I’d change to go to work.


I was being trained as a cashier. I couldn’t do much than that due to my age. I found that the guy that worked the steam counter was hot. I right away knew he was straight! He was dropped off by his girlfriend everyday. But still the dude was hot as can be.


His name was Barry, he looked to be half black and Hispanic, but the Hispanic features showed more then any other. I tried to befriend the guy, but he shied away.


By the time Saturday came around, I didn’t see Joey around. He seemed to have disappeared early in the morning before I woke up with no note or anything to let me know where he was or what he was doing. I had to work in the afternoon, so I hoped before I left Joey would have come home. He never did. Both Friday and Saturday nights I closed.


This went on for another two weeks. I certainly didn’t know what I did to cause all this. I was getting tried of it, that’s for sure. I left a note for Joey to speak with me on Saturday. He didn’t even bother to stay.


I made the decision to finally move out after I got four weeks of the cold shoulder from him. He didn’t want me around or to even talk. The only thing I wanted was to know why he was shutting me out. What did I do for him to do that?


That Saturday I went out and looked for an apartment. I couldn’t go back home, and more so under these circumstances. I felt I had failed at my relationship, and therefore I would be running home with my tail between my legs. That was just simply not going to happen.


I found an ok apartment. It was in a good spot for me. It was within easy walking distance for school and work. The rent was only three hundred and fifty dollars a month. The rent paid for everything except electric. Plus I was able to rent it with furniture. It was only a studio.


I went to work that evening and when I went home, I started to pack. By morning I had all my stuff packed and ready to go. I knew I wasn’t going to see Joey anywhere in the house, so I didn’t even bother to look.


Another friend I met at work offered to help me on Sunday to move the little bit of stuff I had. His name was Randy and pretty cool guy. Randy arrived at the house by nine in the morning, and we had all my stuff moved and in the new apartment by twelve.


I went back to Joey’s house to leave off my keys to the house with a note. I took one more last look around the place, then left.




David, the guys and I got back to my house around seven on Sunday night. I knew Jacob wasn’t going to be there since he was at work. We walked in yelling at one another about the movie we just saw at the theater.


I went to the kitchen to grab the guys a soda and bags of chips. We went into the living room to watch television. When the movie started, the guys yelled for popcorn. I hoped Jacob went to the store and got food and more drinks, and didn’t forget the popcorn.


When I got into the kitchen and opened the cabinet, I did see he went to the store and stocked us up with quite a bit of food. I grabbed several bags of popcorn and threw them in the microwave one at a time. When I was waiting for the first bag to finish popping, I noticed Jacobs’s house keys on the counter.


I wondered if he was home and just stayed in the room. I walked over to the room and found the door open. I thought it was strange, so I went in. when I turned on the light, I noticed all of Jacobs stuff gone from the dresser. I started opening the drawers and they were empty too. Then I went to the closet and it was empty. I started to freak out, what happened to Jacob? Where did he go?


That’s when I noticed an envelope on the pillow on the bed. I went over to it and saw it had my name on it in Jacobs hand writing. I sat down on the bed and opened the letter.


Dear Joey


I am writing this letter to you because this is the only means I have to talk with you.  I have tried so many times to talk to you and you just walk away or just ignore me all together.


This isn’t my house, it is yours. I have done something to you that has gotten you upset and again I do not know what I did. I tried to find out, but you never gave me a chance. We cannot live like this, either of us.


You leave before I wake up and don’t come home until you know I am gone. We will eventually run into each other in this house, and then what?


At school you walk away from me when I enter a room or just clam up when I sit down at a table. Our friends have taken your side on this, what ever it is, but it isn’t fair to me. I don’t even know what it is or what I have done so wrong to warrant this treatment from you.


I love you with all my heart and soul. You are my soul mate, Joey and I know I will never find anyone to replace what I have or had with you. I just cannot keep living in this house and knowing you don’t love me anymore. Whatever I have done to you, please forgive me and maybe one day we can be friends. I do not want to be living like this anymore, Joey, crying myself to sleep every night wondering what I have done. I know changing where I live won’t stop the hurt I am feeling right now. At least this will allow you the peace of mind to move on and not have to hide from me anymore in your own house.


Joey, I will always love you and have you in my heart. My heart is always going to be yours and no other’s. Please do take care of yourself and I hope you find someone that you will be happy with.


                              With ALL my LOVE




I couldn’t believe this. What have I done? I just sat there on the bed, with tears rolling down my face. All I wanted was Jacob to stop working and spend his time with me, not to move out. I started to cry even more when David and Tom came through the door.


“Hey man did you get lost on your way back? What in the world happened in here? This room is empty!”


I turned my face where David and Tom didn’t see I was crying. I wiped my face on the sleeve of my shirt while David was talking.


“I thought you were the one that moved out of the room? You must have owned everything in here!”


David started laughing and Tom joined in. I looked at them as they were laughing. They saw my face and knew something was up.


“Man, sorry for that joke, I didn’t mean anything by it. What’s wrong Joey, why so blue?”


I just handed them the note Jacob left me. They both took turns reading it and then looked back at me.


“I thought he understood the reason you were ignoring him was simple, you didn’t want him working, and he goes and lands a job at Taco Bell anyway?”


“I never told him I was ignoring him for that reason. Once he decided to work, we never talked again after that. This is all my fault. I should have told him why I wasn’t talking to him, and maybe we could have straightened this out.”


“Look Joey, there is no need to get all messed up about it tonight. You will see him tomorrow and you can talk to him then. Until then let’s try and watch a movie.”


“David if it is ok with you, I’d rather just be alone tonight. I pushed away the one I really love over something very stupid. He wanted to take care of me, and you said that to me, Tom. I just didn’t listen to anyone. I just wanted him with me all the time.”


“That’s cool man; we will go ahead and head off. Just don’t over think it too much tonight. You can’t really do anything about it tonight.”


David and Tom and the other guys took off. I locked up and turned off the lights in the house and went back to the room Jacob and I had shared. I lay back on the bed smelling the blankets. It still smelled like Jacob and I couldn’t get enough of his smell. Before I knew it I was asleep.


The next morning I got up and got ready quickly. I ran out of the house to school in hopes to see Jacob and explain to him why I was acting the way I have been. He wasn’t eating breakfast and I had to get to practice. After practice I ran back to the cafeteria, and still no Jacob. David and the guys were there eating. I went over and sat down at the table. David looked up at me:


“What? You aren’t going to eat Joey?”


“I am not really hungry right now, David!”


“You’ll see him in first period. Just get a note to him that you want to talk. You know he will talk with you.”


When the bell rang for first period, I couldn’t wait to get to class. When I sat down, I kept looking at the door for Jacob. The warning bell rang and then the final bell rang, and still, no sign of Jacob.


I looked over to David. All he could do was shrug his shoulders. I was getting even more worried! Jacob just wasn’t in any of the classes so far today. By lunch time I still haven’t seen Jacob. I looked for him in the cafeteria, but he wasn’t there.


By fifth period I was really worried when he wasn’t in class. I didn’t see Jacob through the whole day, in any of our classes. By the time I was walking home, I didn’t know what to think let alone what to do.




On Monday morning as soon as I got to school I went down to my counselor’s office. I asked him to change my classes around. I needed to have sixth period off, so he could put a class in my lunch hour instead.


At first he didn’t understand why, and then I explained to him I was working now and I needed the extra hour after school more than at lunch. He agreed, but told me my entire schedule will be turned around. I really didn’t care, it was better for me where I didn’t see Joey at all.


The week was weird, not only getting used to living on my own, but getting used to my new class schedule. By the time I got out of school, I was hungry as hell. It really didn’t matter; I needed to have the schedule like this.


Since I started working, I haven’t had a day off from work. I needed one, but I just couldn’t afford to have it. Only making 4.75 and hour and putting in forty hours a week, I only made before taxes three hundred and eighty dollars every two weeks. Trust me, taxes ate me alive. Between the two checks I got in the month I barely had enough money to make rent, pay electric and put milk, bread, and some kind of sandwich meat in the house.


I mostly ate my meals either at work or at school. During the weekend my main meal was at work. Trust me when I say, I was getting very tired of the food at work. Eating it every day would get anyone tried of it!


By the fourth week I was getting into a routine, and I was happy. I missed Joey every minute of every day I am awake, but drowning my time in work or school, I really didn’t have time to think about him. The only time I do think about Joey is when I go to bed. When that happens I cry myself to sleep most of the time.


I was looking forward to school being out. I couldn’t go with the teams to State, but they won. I was able to keep my deal with Major Moore and keep the newsletter going. We had already published three issues of the newsletter. We passed the bi-annual inspection and kept our gold star, so when all was said and done, we did pretty well for the year. We still had to win the Annual Review and Drill meet at the end of the year and place first with our Rifle Team in order to win as District Champions.


In all this time I never saw Joey or the guys. I was happy about that. Simply put, by not seeing Joey; I could get over him faster, or so I thought. This also tells me that he was over me way before I realized we were done. It hurt at lot, but I couldn’t do anything about it now.


When I did the schedule change, JROTC ended up as my second period class. I was able to keep my rank but lost the position. They already had the Drill Sergeant in this Company. It really didn’t bother me; all through class I just worked on the newsletter.


The Monday before the Annual Review and Drill Meet, I told my manager at work I needed Friday off, but I can pull a double on Saturday. She normally put the schedule up on Tuesdays. She had no problem giving me the day off since it had to do with school.


We were told it was required for all cadets to show up at the Annual Review and Drill Meet. If you were not involved in the Drill Teams, you didn’t have to stay after the Brigade Award Ceremony. I was going to stay and watch our teams. The Rifle Team already placed first in the District, now it was up to our Drill Teams to take no lower then second place in order to win District Champions. Of course, the teams were shooting for first place, regardless.


The Annual was held at Irvin High School this year, so of course we were all bused over. In order to make it easy, we loaded the buses by Company. That was good for me, because I was now in Company B and Joey was still in Company E. There was no chance of us getting on the same bus or getting near one another.


When I arrived at school, most of the cadets were already in formation. This was the first time I saw the entire Battalion in formation. I walked up to the Company Commander of B Company and asked where he needed me to be in formation. He had no idea since I was an extra Drill Sergeant.


I didn’t see any of the instructors around. When I was looking around for the instructors, I saw Joey for the first time in months. As always he was handsome in full dress, class “A” uniform. I just loved how the uniform hugged his form. I had to look away; it was hurting to much looking at him.


Finally Major Moore made his way out to the Battalion. As he was walking I caught up to him.


“Major Moore, where am I supposed to be in the formation, Sir?”


He looked at me, and it dawned on him we didn’t figure my spot.


“Mr. Hernandez I completely forgot about you being an extra Drill Sergeant in Company B. We already promoted another cadet to Drill Sergeant for Company E, so we can’t even place you there.”


Right then Sergeant Haney spoke up.


“We can place him in formation as a Master Sergeant. I know he doesn’t have the rank, but it is really not required.”


“That’s true. We will do that. Show Mr. Hernandez where that is, and what to do in the pass and review.”


I was taken and placed in a position in the Company formation I’d never been. Sergeant Haney told me to just follow behind the First Sergeant of the company. I already knew how to execute all the commands. All I needed was to know was where to form.


We loaded the buses and were on our way. It took us maybe forty minutes to get to Irvin High School. It was one of the newer schools in the district, but the football field had bleachers only on one side. I thought that was strange. We directly got into formation once we got off the bus.


Since we were the First Battalion of the First Brigade, we were to be marching onto the field first and leading the pass and review. Almost as soon as the last company formed, the Battalion Commander gave the command to march.


We were on our way and when we entered the football stadium, the bleachers were filled. We got into our slot on the field as the rest of the battalions marched onto the field. The Second Battalion was Austin High School; it was good seeing some of the old faces again.


We stood there in formation all through the award ceremony, and man was it boring. Then it was time to begin the pass and review. The Brigade Commander called out the order, and the Battalion Commanders repeated them to each battalion.


Once we were off, the Brigade staff were the first to do the pass and review, then it was us. I didn’t make any mistakes, which surprised me. When we finished the pass and review, we were back in the same spot waiting for the other battalions to get back to their places on the field. We were finally dismissed and the drill teams went out of the field to get ready.


I headed out to the bleachers to grab a seat. I went all the way to the top of the stadium and sat down. There wasn’t anyone up there with me. I saw Joey with some other cadets from the Rifle Team come in and sit. Soon after they came in, the rest of the Rifle Team joined them. I figured they were required to stay for the Drill Meet.


First it was the unarmed drill teams. I always thought they were a boring team to watch. All they did was march around the field in formation performing various maneuvers and routines. None of the teams were that good until our team came out.


Oh man, oh man, did they get the crowd on their feet! They were tight and their routines were right on the money. You could feel them march if you were on the field. That is how gung-ho they were.


Then there was a short break between the unarmed and armed drill teams. Once the break was over, Irvin was the first team on the field. They were pretty damn good! It looked like they really wanted to beat us. After that, the other teams messed up their routines, dropped rifles, or just plain sucked. It was our turn; we were the last to drill in the armed category.


When the team first came out, you couldn’t hear a word in the stadium. Then, the roar came echoing through the entire stadium, the Drill Team Commander giving the order of attention. He did his alignments of the squads, and then went back to where he started.


The forward march command was given, and instantly, two weapons went flying through the air. At first I thought one of the drill team members screwed up, I didn’t see the Drill Team Commander at the rear of the formation. The rifles were caught, and then they went into another routine. I didn’t even see when the Commander give back the rifle to the drill team member, but he did because he already had his saber out and saluting in the midst of the drill.


The rest of the drill was awesome. They had the more throws then any other team and the routines were much more complex. Once the Drill Team Commander saluted out, and the team was marching off the field, I looked down to the Irvin team.


They were the only ones that really gave us a run for our money. When I saw the expressions on their faces, they knew they had lost. The drill team commanders marched onto the field for the final awards.


These awards were first, second and third place trophies for the Armed and Unarmed Drill Teams. Also the Outstanding Commander’s Trophy and the overall winners of the annual review and drill meet. Then finally the District Champion Trophy.


It got quiet in the stadium as the three top ranking teams were called in the Unarmed Drill Team. The third place trophy went to Jefferson High School, the second place trophy went to Austin High School, and the first place trophy went to Newman High School. The final award for the unarmed drill team was the outstanding commander’s trophy, which went to Newman High school.


In the Armed Drill Team placements were third to Austin, second to Irvin, and finally the first place trophy went to Newman as well as the Outstanding Commander’s Trophy.


The final two trophies were what we were waiting for; the Annual Review and Drill Meet winner went to Newman High school. It got even quieter in the stadium then before, but we all knew who won the District Champion Trophy, it was Newman High School. The stadium crowd roared when it was announced.


Let me say this, the neat things about the trophies of the three drill meets in our district are, they get passed to what ever school wins that year. The trophy has a gold plate for every year since the Brigade was formed and the Fall, Mid-Year, and Annual Drill Meets were held.


I heard the first year that Newman High School won back in 1988, Jefferson High School cadets were not happy about it. They were so angry when they were called up as the second place winners. They actually threw the trophy to the ground and it shattered. They had been district champs going on ten years in a row when Newman took it from them.


Once it was all over, the teams made their way to the buses and loaded up. I didn’t know if you decided to stay and not leave with the other cadets on the other buses back to the school before the Drill Meet, you had to have your own ride home. The remaining buses were for Drill Team members and staff only. Of course the Rifle Team was able to ride back on the bus too.


I didn’t know until I walked out to the parking lot and saw only about a quarter of the buses still there. I knew not to even try to get a ride back on the busses. I wasn’t part of the teams at all. When they loaded, I just sat there against the wall watching. I saw Joey taking a seat at the window. At first he didn’t look out in my direction. I was relieved he didn’t.


I started walking out of the school grounds when I saw the busses pass me when I was by the Post Office. When the bus passed I looked over to them and saw Joey looking straight at me as they passed. I didn’t think they were able to see me since the streets were dark, but Joey must have and he smiled back at me.


I knew I was on the northeast side of town, but I didn’t know where to walk in order to get back home. I walked over to the bus stop and looked at the schedule. The last bus already passed, but I was in the right place. I decided not to walk. I didn’t have to work until four the next afternoon. So I just sat on the bench and decided to make it my bed for the night.


I went to sleep in the sitting position, and that wasn’t too comfortable. I woke up a lot through the night with all the noises. Then I heard someone yelling at me, I looked up and it was the bus driver.


I got up and paid my fare then walked to the back of the bus. It took almost three hours to get back home. When I walked into my apartment it was already nine in the morning. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat, but there wasn’t even a piece of bread there. I just went to bed, I was so tired.


The rest of the weekend went fast for me since all I did was work and sleep. I pulled a double on Sunday to make up the hours I missed on Friday. By the time school swung around on Monday I was happy. I was hungry as hell, so I went in early and grabbed my breakfast and ate outside behind the main building.


The announcements during first period congratulated the JROTC program for their winning season and all of what they accomplished across the last school year. When I walked into the ROTC second period, Major Moore pulled me into his office, not even letting me stand for roll call.


“Mr. Hernandez I am very upset with you. I can’t stress how very angry I am with you right now. You had me worried the entire weekend about you. Why didn’t you get on the bus with the drill teams Mr. Hernandez?”


“I was told the buses that were left were for team members only, not remaining cadets that stayed over to watch the meet.”


“And what do you think you are? You are as much part of these teams as any other team member on them. I saw you sitting way on top of the bleachers, which got me mad. You should have been on the field with me and the other team members. Then I found out by several cadets when we got back to the school Friday evening, they saw you walking. I know for a fact the city buses already stopped running at the time we left. So, answer me this, how did you get home on Friday Mr. Hernandez?”


“I was going to walk home, but I didn’t know exactly how to. So I slept at the bus stop till morning and grabbed the first bus on the route.”


“Damn it Mr. Hernandez! Don’t you know how dangerous that was, and especially for you? I already don’t like it that you are working everyday of the week at Taco Bell and not taking a lunch break. Yeah, I wanted to know why you switched your schedule and when they told me, I was angry, but I let it go. Then the fact you are no longer staying at your friend’s house or at your mother’s, makes me even madder. Then you pull this stunt Mr. Hernandez. What in the world is going on here?”


“I am sorry Major Moore; I didn’t mean to make you worry sir. I really thought no one was able to see me, the streets were dark where the busses passed me.”


Right then Major Moore slammed a book on his desk. He was really very angry at me; I could tell by the look on his reddened face.


“Look Jake, you need to stop stretching yourself so thin. You are way too young to be working like this. You will die before you hit the age of forty if you keep going like this. The school year is almost up, so I really hope you can figure your way through this.


I don’t want to ever hear that you or any other cadet does what you did again. I hope you will attend summer drill practice this summer Jake, you are part of the team.”


“Just give me the schedule and I will be here for sure” I assured the Major.


“Ok, before the period is over I will have one in your hands. You have one more newsletter to get out this year, so let’s get going on that. Let me see it before you send it out to the printers.”


“Yes sir I will, I will start working on it right now!”


I walked out of Major Moore’s office set on getting the best newsletter of the year started. I already had a lot of ideas for this issue and that didn’t even include being us champions again.


As the school year winds down, the load of homework slows down as well. So, I have been able to get more sleep at night now. I knew I had to figure out what to do about meals in the summer since school will be out. I was thinking of taking summer classes to eat, but I found out they didn’t open for meals during the summer session.


I was sound asleep when I heard a knock on my front door, I dragged myself out of bed, and half awake and open the front door in my boxers. I was surprised to see David and Tom standing at my door step. I wiped my eyes and invited them in.


“Please excuse the mess; I really have no time to clean up in here. I don’t get visitors, so I didn’t really care about the mess.”


“Don’t worry about that, Jake. My room is worse then this and I do have the time to pick up” David said.


We all laughed at what David said as I headed to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I went back out looking for a t-shirt to put on. The first one I stumbled across I put on, along with a pair of running shorts.


“Jake I see the scars really haven’t faded away. You should have that looked at” David remarked.


“It doesn’t bother me David. I am always wearing a shirt and pants.”


I walked over to the kitchen for something to offer the guys to drink. I had nothing but water to offer them, and I wasn’t about to do that. I walked over to my dresser and got my wallet, but didn’t have any cash. I started searching my drawers for any loose change I might have tossed. I finally found enough change to buy them a couple of sodas.


“Hey you guys, I don’t have anything here in the apartment to drink, but I there is a soda machine down the hall a ways. What do you want to drink and I’ll get it for you?”


“We are ok Jake; you don’t have to go out of your way” Tom said.


“Nonsense, I’ll go get a couple of Cokes for you.”


I went out to the soda machine to buy them Cokes. I was so embarrassed about my apartment and having nothing for them to drink. When I got back inside, they were still seated in the same spot they were when I left.


“Well to what do I owe this visit?” I asked.


“I have been meaning to come down and see your new place. It’s pretty cool Jake, just right for one person” David stated for an easy opening.


“Yeah it does the trick for me. At least I am not living on the streets like I have in the past.”


“That is true, Jake, that is very true. Hey man, one of the main reasons we came down here today was to talk to you about Joey” David continued.


“What about Joey? Is he ok?”


“Oh don’t worry; it is nothing like that Jake. Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. No we have been waiting to see when one of you will swallow your pride and just talk to each other” David said with a hint of irritation in his voice.


“David, I tried so many times when we were living together. All he did was shut me out and then, you guys joined him in that.”


“I know and we were wrong on doing that. It makes it hard when we are friends to both of you and you guys start fighting. We don’t want to be put in the middle having to choose sides. You both are our friends, and good ones at that!”


“David, I NEVER put you in a corner and forced you guys to choose between me or Joey. You guys did it all on your own. I tried to even talk to you guys and all you guys did was walk away from me. I knew something was going on between Joey and me, but that was between the two of us and was nobody else’s business! We should have been left alone to fix whatever it was. But you guys made me out to be the bad guy and shut me out” I said with no small amount of frustration and a healthy dose of anger.


“I know Jacob and again we were wrong on doing that. We should have stayed friends to both of you and let you guys work through your problems” David conceded.


“Look I’ve gotten used to being alone, so it’s fine. You guys decided to be Joey’s friend, and again that is cool. I would have chosen it to be that way if it had to be done. He needed friends at the time much more than me. He’d just lost the ones that took him in no matter who he loved. They gave him unconditional love and acceptance.”


“It looks like we have a lot to work on as well Jake. Listen though; Joey is hurting bad, he misses you a lot. He doesn’t know how to tell you or even start talking to you again. I am here asking you to please go and talk with him. You’re better at this stuff than he is Jake. You guys belong together.”


“I tried so many times while I lived in his house, David. He just shut me out at home and at school. Whenever I was home, he made sure he wasn’t or he was locked in his room. The first couple of days, I tried talking to him, he just looked at the wall. I tried to kiss him and all he did was move his head. I tried to give him time, thinking it was because of the loss of his aunt and uncle. I just got tired of being somewhere I wasn’t wanted. I didn’t move back home for that same reason, I won’t stay anywhere begging for bread crumbs” I said, solidly making my case.


“You’ve got to understand Jake; all he wanted was for you not to work. We understood where he was coming from. Man, both of you are millionaires, and look at the way you two live. You work at a Taco Bell, and he still lives in his aunt and uncle’s house.


I tell you this, if I had one million dollars, I wouldn’t be living this way. All he wanted was for you to be home with him, Jacob.”


“Funny way he had of showing it; by shutting me out. All he had to do was to talk to me, and we would have figured something out. But he didn’t. What the hell was I supposed to do?” I asked somewhat rhetorically and with obvious frustration.


Look guys, I did my part on keeping this relationship going. If he feels different now or needs to talk, just as you found my apartment, he can too. He knows where I work too. He needs to take the first step at this point. I was begging him to let me in and he wouldn’t. I won’t open myself to getting hurt like that again.”


“Ok Jacob, so you won’t speak with him then?” Tom asked.


“Tom, that‘s NOT what I said at all! Listen to me very carefully, please. I am not saying I won’t speak with him again. What I am saying is that he needs to be the one opening the dialog this time. Does that make my thoughts and feelings clear?”


Tom nodded in the affirmative, saying nothing after having been put firmly in focus.


“I don’t want to be rude, but I closed last night, and I am closing again tonight. I’m very tired from the school week and work. I would like to get some more sleep before work this afternoon. It was good talking to you guys. You are always welcome to come by anytime” I said in conclusion.


“Thanks Jacob. You can plan on it. We will be coming over a lot more often” David said. Tom wasn’t going to say anything more lest he put his foot in his mouth again.


We hit fist and they were on their way. Once I closed the door and my head hit the pillow again and I was out like a light.




I really miss Jacob a lot. I knew if I ever lost him, I was going to miss him. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t kick myself for what I did. I should have just talked to Jacob instead of shutting down on him and forcing the others to decide with whom they should be friends. When I screw things up, I do it to the max, I mused.


I couldn’t believe when I saw David and Tom walking back towards the car. I thought they would be in there a lot longer then they were. I figured it didn’t go well at all.


When they got into the car, I started asking them what had happened. “David, why are you doing so soon? I figure that means it didn’t go too good, did it?”


David sighed; “Joey, he is still hurting, and through the hurt, he isn’t seeing straight. I know for a fact he loves you as much as he ever has, but he just can’t understand what happened.”

Tom argued; “David, c’mon, be real. Jacob is thinking very straight and knows his mind. The only confusion is what exactly happened and why. We all treated him shabbily and that sure didn’t help.”


“Why didn’t you explain to him what I was trying to do?” Joey said with angst in his voice.


“Joey we did, over and over again. But he kept coming back over and over again to why didn’t you just tell him? He tried to talk with you many times and it just got worse. Then we shut him out, it made it even more difficult for him. All of us, but particularly you, shutting down on him made a huge mistake, bordering on being cruel.”


“I know and I should have never have pulled you guys into our problem. I also know I should have just talked to him, instead of shutting down on him. I just didn’t know what else to do, and he was right about the money in the bank. I am burning through it like crazy.”


“He isn’t living too good either, Joey. You can tell he is loosing a lot of weight. When he answered the door, we must have woken him up. He was in his boxers only, rubbing his eyes.


You could see his ribs very clearly, well all of his bones, come to think about it. He isn’t eating well at all, Joey. When he went out to get us sodas, I looked in his kitchen. He had nothing in there. Literally NOTHING!  Then he was looking everywhere for change just to buy us sodas.


I think through the stress and worries, he is going to get himself sick. With his past history, he cannot afford that.”


“I don’t understand why he doesn’t have money, he is working.” Joey said.


“Yeah, he is working Joey, but you’ve got to understand the bills. The rent for the apartment and electric must be taking up almost his total pay checks. He isn’t making more the minimum wage and that sucks. From what I understand it’s something like $4.50 an hour or maybe a little bit higher.”


“David, I didn’t think about all of that. I just thought he was working, so he should be able to pay for everything including food” Joey lamented.


David continued; “Look we all need to start talking to him again at school; start bringing him back into our group, and look after him as we do for you, Joey. Joey, you on the other hand, must to be the one to take the step to kick-start your talks. You’re the one that ended them, so you really must be the one to start them back up. You must bear the full responsibility in that it was your actions that caused all of this to happen. Jacob is right; he’s done nothing wrong. He took actions in good faith, caring about both of your best interests and you shunned him for doing the right thing. So, you must get off your butt and take charge of fixing this as Jacob did in trying to fix your finances.”


“I agree with you on that, I will track him down at school on Monday” Joey said with conviction.


By then we arrived at my house and went in. We put the talk behind us and decided to make the most of the weekend. Jacob was the only thing on my mind all weekend long, however. I still try to smell him in our old room, but the smell is gone now, just like Jacob is gone.




I worked a double on Sunday again so I could have a couple of days off during the week. We are already studying for the semester exams, so I needed as much time in the evenings as I could get.


When I was in fourth period, this kid kept looking at me and it started freaking me out just a bit. I have seen him around, but never talked to him. I think he is in JROTC as, but not in my period.


I got a note from Major Moore during fourth period to go and see him. The teacher excused me to go and told me to take my books. I headed out of the main building and walked across to the ROTC building.


The building was full because it was lunch time. The teams were not practicing anymore, but they still hung out in the ROTC building. When I walked in the door, Joey was actually sitting there with David and other guys from the Rifle Team.


Joey looked up at me and smiled. It looked like he was going to get up to talk to me when Major Moore walked in from the small class room.


“Good, you got here Mr. Hernandez; I need to speak with you in my office.”


I followed him to the office and Joey sat back down. His smile was gone, replaced with a worried look. My heart just ached for Joey. I couldn’t stop wanting him no matter how hard I tried to get mad with him or just simply forget him.


The Major started the conversation; “Mr. Hernandez, we just got the newsletter from the printer. You did a great job on this volume. I believe this is the best one yet.”


“Thank you, Sir, I tried to make the last one of the year not only as a newsletter for us, but as a recruiting tool for you to use.”


“When I read it and saw how you set it up, I realized that is what you were aiming for. I also understand why you ordered double the amount of copies than we normally get. You have done a great job with the newsletter all year long. You came in under budget every time, including this time. How was that possible when you ordered double the copies?”


“I made a deal with the Tec teacher that we will keep our business with them no matter what, if, for the last issue of the year, we could get double the amount of copies for the same price.”


“Now I see why you defended them so much when Loraine wanted to change who was printing our newsletter. You should have told me this and I would have backed you up more solidly.”


“Sorry, Sir, I just promised you that the newsletter was going to be done. I wanted to do it without being in your hair bothering you when you have so many other things to deal with on daily basis.”


“Thank you Mr. Hernandez. You did a great job. I want to go ahead and tell you I noticed when we did promotions the other day and you didn’t get one, and you looked disappointed. I need to explain why I didn’t promote you to higher rank.


I know you told me that you are coming back next year, and your name was on the promotion list. I just couldn’t in good faith sign off on a promotion for you when you are juggling so many balls right now. The promotion to 2nd Lt. you were up for, like your friend Joey, was withheld because, right now, you are not stable.


Look Mr. Hernandez, you switched classes in the middle of the year making harder for us to move things around. We didn’t pull your rank from you because you earned it, but I just cannot, in good faith, put officer bars on your shoulders next year.


You will come back as a Drill Sergeant like this year, and we will see for the following year. I cannot promote in the middle of the year because all the officer positions would be filled at that time.


I will keep my promise to you about giving you the editor-in-chief for the newsletter. I want to make this clear though: If you miss school next year like this year, or disappear like you have in the past, I will pull the entire newsletter from you.


I am not saying these things to you to get you angry or to be hurtful, but to let you know where you stand. I believe in telling my cadets face to face on their standing within the unit.”


“Ok then, Sir. I do understand. I know where I stand for next year and maybe for the year after if I choose to continue in the class.”


“Mr. Hernandez, I don’t want you to quit, I really don’t. I just want you to understand I need cadets I can depend on every day.”


At that point I was holding back my anger and hurt. What in the hell did he think I was doing; just sitting on my butt doing nothing? I didn’t join any of his teams; I think that is the problem here, not my attendance. I printed the promotions in the newsletter. I saw who got the higher officer and NCO ranks. The prized promotions went to those who are on his teams.


“That’s fine Sir. I do understand. I need to be getting back to my fourth period class. Is there anything else you need from me?”


“No Mr. Hernandez, that is all. Again I hope you will continue with this program. We need cadets like you in the unit. I’m sorry to put a damper on the good news of the newsletter. Do you want to take a copy today?”


“No Sir, that’s ok, I will wait until it’s handed out to the rest of the unit. Thank you again Sir and I will see you tomorrow.”


I walked out of his office to the large class room. I was holding back my tears, trying to put on a face of confidence. If you didn’t know me, I was able to pull it off. I walked past Joey and David as fast I could. I already felt like shit as it was and I didn’t want them to see it on my face.


I got to the door of the classroom and went out to the walkway. I started to walk back towards the main building when Sergeant Haney stopped me.


“What’s wrong Jacob? Why do you look so upset?”


“Don’t worry Sir. I just had a talk with Major Moore and he explained why I didn’t get promoted this time. I understand it and have to live with it. I just worked very hard on my own way to get promoted but it just wasn’t enough.”


“It was Jacob. It was your attendance that was the issue. That’s all. If you didn’t miss so many classes, you were up for Captain, and would have gotten it.”


Knowing that made it all the worse for me. I’d lost a Company Commander position. I didn’t want to hear that at all.


“Well I see what I need to do next year. It’s just now I am out on any promotions for an entire year.”


“I can imagine how you must be feeling, but just hang in there and you will get the promotion the following year.”


“Sergeant Haney, I won’t lie, I originally did this for my PE credits. Then, I started liking it at Austin, then even more here. I love being part of this program, but being passed over because I was sick, that being beyond my control, then being penalized for it, that’s not right in my mind.”


“Are you going to return next year as things stand? I know you had planned to, but the schedules are not written in stone until you register.”


“To tell you the truth Sergeant Haney, there is too much going on in my life right now. There are other issues that I don’t want to talk about. Honestly, at this point, I really don’t think so. I got my PE credits, so, perhaps, I should find another elective to do.”


“Jacob, please don’t make decisions while you are angry or upset. Just let it sit until it’s time for you to register. Make your decision then. Would you promise me that at least, Jacob?”


At that point the door opened to the class room and Joey was walking out with his friends. I looked back to Sergeant Haney and just nodded my head in the affirmative and walked off to my next class.


I was bummed out the rest of the day. As I was walking home, the same kid that was looking at me in class was right behind me. I finally turned around to find out what was his issue. “Hey man, what is going on with you; why are you following me?”


“Sorry! I didn’t mean to freak you out, I just noticed that you live in the same apartment complex as I do.”


“Oh. I’m sorry for jumping down your throat. I’ve just had really bad luck in the last year or so” I said apologetically.


“I heard the rumors. Don’t worry, I am not following you to mess with you; just to have someone to talk to on my way home. My name is Victor, what’s yours?”


“My name is Jacob. Nice to meet you Victor!”


We walked home just talking, I was right, he was in ROTC. He is also on the Armed Drill team and got promoted to an officer next year. I was happy for him, and when he asked me what rank I promoted to, I didn’t want to answer but I did anyway; “I didn’t get a promotion this year; I was passed over. I had an attendance issue at the beginning of the year.”


“Yeah, but that wasn’t your fault, you were sick, or so I heard.”


“I know. But once Major Moore makes up his mind, it cannot be changed.”


“Jacob, you still have done an awesome job in creating the newsletter and your attendance turned around in the second semester.”


“That is what I said, but it wasn’t enough. So if I return, I will be Drill Sergeant again for another year.”


“That really sucks, but you do plan to return don’t you?”


“At this point I don’t think so. I am tried of people running me over and then backing up and doing it again.”


We just talked about ROTC and the question of my coming back on the way to home. When we got the apartment complex, we went our separate ways. I needed to get ready for work and head on over.




When I saw Jacob walking into the ROTC building during lunch, my day got a light brighter. I was ready to talk to him and as I was getting up, Major Moore pulled him to the office. I couldn’t believe this; I will never get a chance to talk to him.


Everybody knows when you are pulled into the office, it’s usually nothing good. Several of the other senior cadets got up and walked over to the outer door to listen. At first they didn’t do or say much, and then they started laughing.


One of them told the other, “That’s what he gets. He thought he was better than us with all that money and stuff. He doesn’t deserve any promotion.” They kept laughing as Jacob was in the office.


Every time I heard their smart ass remarks it was getting me angry. David had to hold me back. Finally Jacob walked out and just walked past me.


I was able to see his face and it was obvious he was hurting. Poor guy, he just not having any luck at all, and now this. It must have destroyed him. I wanted to be there for him; be the shoulder for him to lean on, but I wasn’t that person anymore. Of course, I realized that I was the reason Jacob and I weren’t even talking, let alone living our lives together.


Then when I walked out of the building and saw Jacob walking away from Sergeant Haney. It couldn’t be good for him. I just felt for Jacob even more.


I couldn’t get Jacob off my mind, I knew he was hurting. He finally started enjoying himself in ROTC, and now this happens. David keeps telling me I need to be the one to start the talk with Jacob. He’s right. I can’t wait around for him to do it.


So I decided to swallow my pride and head down to where Jacob works and just pull him to the side and talk. I walked over to the Taco Bell. I hesitated outside for a few minutes, and then walked in.


At first I didn’t see Jacob anywhere, but it was busy. I went up to the counter in hope of seeing Jacob. I ordered a Nacho Bell Grande and a Pepsi, and then sat down. My number was called, so I walked up to the counter to grab my tray. That’s when I saw Jacob at the drive-through window as the cashier.


He walked by and saw me at the counter. He looked over then walked over to me.


“Hey Joey what is going on, is everything ok?”


“Yeah everything is fine Jake; I just want to talk with you.”


“I can’t talk during work hours but if you want to wait, or come back, I am off at nine.”


I looked at my watch and it was less than an hour away. I decided to wait. I went and sat down to eat my meal. When nine rolled around Jacob walked out from behind the counter. He said his goodbyes to his fellow workers.


We walked out and started walking. Jake turned to me:


“Where do you want to go Joey?” Jacob asked. His tone was such that I couldn’t read his state of mind.


“Let’s go to your apartment, it is the closet” I suggested, hoping for some clue to his feelings.


When we arrived at his place, I couldn’t believe how small his apartment was. Plus it was a mess. He was never like this.


“May I offer you something to drink, but I need to go down the hall and get it?”


“That’s fine Jake, you know what I like.”


He left and I just looked around. When I walked in the kitchen, there wasn’t a bit of food in there, just a bunch of wrappers from Taco bell. I went and sat back on the bed right before he walked back in.


“Joey, thank you for waiting for me to get off work. What do I owe this visit from you; we haven’t talked for a while” Jacob said, stating the obvious.


“I know and that is my fault not yours. I just wanted to talk to you and see if we can fix things between us” I ventured daring to hope.


“Joey I have told you time and time again, you are my heart and soul! I just can not keep doing this back and forth anymore.”


As Jacob was talking I could see the hurt in his face, hurt that I have caused. His voice cracked as he was talking to me, I couldn’t believe what I had done. I want Jacob back so bad and I will do anything to make it happen.   


To be continued...



Now that Joey and Jacob may be talking again, what is next for them? Will Jacob forgive Joey for what has happened to their relationship? Will Jacob at least meet Joey half way with the working issue? Their love is a test of time, and it only comes once in a great while. Let’s hope that is enough to get them back together. Still Alejandro is still out there and wants to silence Jacob. Where is that going or did Alejandro just skip town? And all the work that Jacob did for the ROTC program and to not even get a promotion isn’t right in Jacob’s mind. Will he return next semester or just quit the program all together? There is a lot to answer in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at jpg@tickiestories.us , Thanks!} 


Posted: 04/23/10