Open Sesame
Hank Horne
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 26
The end of July, the six of us headed down to Georgia to meet up with the architects, check on the progress of the construction, and to introduce our new members to our legal team. Despite the proximity of Hurricane Dennis, the progress was incredible! The steel structures were all in place and the concrete was setting. The streets had been scraped and marked, ready for the gravel layer. Water and sewers lines were being laid along with gas and electric lines. The private filtration system from the Chattahoochee to the project was up and running tests, pumping the filtered water back into the river. Later, it would be converted to the cycle throughout the entire complex.
Most of the architects had gone home because their part of the work was at a standstill. The ones who were still in Atlanta were glad to see us and meet our newest guys. I made an appointment with Goldberg and Tyner Lawyers for Jim, Scotty and me while Maji, Hass and Dil gave the construction a thorough examination with Kago Okafor, the South African who had laid out the overall plan.
One of Kago’s prized accomplishments was the vegetable and flower garden areas. Gigantic greenhouses were spread over the farming area and each was filled with raised-gardening sites for countless varieties of vegetables, fruits and flowers. He had contacted the owners of Back to Nature Gardening near Douglasville and found local plants and a great selection of veggies and fruits from every part of the world. Each was in a greenhouse with soil and climate native to their home countries. There were nearly endless kinds of flowers from the world over growing in other areas too.
had arranged for one of the company’s horticulturists to oversee the entire
project, which included landscaping the various areas. A three-tiered planting
strip lined the entrances to all the facilities. Shrubs and groups of flowers
would bloom in their own season and be changed as needed by our gardeners. The
big fishing pond between the Palace and Maji’s studio was accented with three
Weeping Willows, five Mimosas and three Magnolias. Pink and white Dogwoods were
clustered around the entire area. A pier stretched out to a gazebo in the
middle of the water.
While driving to our meeting with the attorneys, I gave Jim and Scotty a rundown of Maj’s and my first meeting with Goldberg and Tyner. That included the disastrous ending to the day. Scotty was outraged while Jim seemed to just absorb the information. When we got to the office, the receptionist greeted us.
“Good morning, Mr. Richards. It’s nice to see you again.”
“Good morning, Betty. It’s always delightful seeing you,” I replied.
“I’ll let Mr. Tyner know you’re here.” She spoke on the phone, “Mr. Richards and two other gentlemen are here for their appointment. {pause} He’ll be right out.”
Evan came out to greet us and usher us into the Conference Room. He told the receptionist to ‘hold our calls.’ Sounded like Marc would join us in the meeting.
He was waiting for us in the Conference Room.
“Grant, it’s a pleasure seeing you again,” Marc said.
I introduced Jim and Scotty. Jim shook his hand, saying, “Marc, it’s been a long time since Jerusalem. Looks like you’ve been doing well.”
Evan and I stared at them with our mouths open wide enough to swallow Marc’s huge schlong, not knowing they knew each other.
“Jim Guthrie! It’s been, what, ten years, at least?”
“Spot on, Marc!” Jim replied. “You’ve done well for yourself. I’m glad you were able to get back to the United States.” They both laughed.
Marc explained his passport had been lost in Jerusalem, and Jim retrieved it while stationed at the Consulate there. We started to sit down at the conference table, when Jim asked, “Marc, may I speak to you in your office, alone?”
Everyone looked shocked as Marc nodded and walked toward the door, with Jim following. The three of us just looked at each other with a “What the hell …?” expression on our faces. Jamal whispered to me, “I’ll tell you later what they say.” Evan and I chatted about the growth of the corporation, and he asked about Scotty’s background. After about ten minutes, Marc and Jim came back in.
“That was a quick blow job!” Scotty commented. “You both must have been ready.”
“No, we just talked about how Marc has a knack for blowing things himself,” Jim replied.
I thought Marc would choke; he turned red, purple then blue and back to purple. He sat beside Evan and almost cowed beside him. He spoke rarely except when something was really pertinent, and he barely looked at any of us.
Jim virtually took over the meeting, grilling Evan like a prosecutor grilling the lead defense witness, clarifying nearly every part of the paperwork their firm had prepared for us. Then he went on to ask about establishing some “d/b/a” groups for the video production aspect, another for the resort and still another for the club and grill. He got an excellent handle on Georgia law for developing the subordinate organizations.
Scotty and I mostly observed and absorbed the kind of Corporate Counsel Jim would be. Scotty did get a chance to quiz Evan about recommended methods for setting up the financials to get the best advantages under Georgia law. Evan invited us to have dinner with Marc and him, but we declined, asking for a “rain check.”
When we returned to the apartments, we went to our separate units. Majid was stretched out on the living room sofa munching on some Cheetos and guzzling a Bud Light. As I leaned over to kiss him, he stuck a long, fat Cheeto in my mouth.
“Cheeze!” I mumbled. “I wanted a kiss. Fu’get that! I’m going to get out of these clothes and see if that gets me a kiss. Even a beer-flavored kiss is better than a cheese-flavored missed one!” I stomped into the bedroom, stripped completely, then went to the bathroom to take a leak. After shaking thoroughly and washing up, I went back into the living room. Maji had put the munchies away and had two fresh Bud Lights for us. I got my kiss, which included a mouth-full of beer that he shared with me. He took another drink from the can, dropped to his knees, grabbing my semi-erection and slid my protrusion into a mouthful of beer. Maji then swallowed the beer and kept tonguing what was left and growing. My knees started to buckle, so I knelt down too, forcing Maji to lie down on the plush pile carpet. I continued to stretch out until we looked like we were modeling for the Pisces logo. Neither of us was in any hurry to complete our mutual pleasure. But eventually, as the old say goes, all things must cum to a climax — or something like that. Maji turned around for us to share our pleasure with each other.
That’s the kind of kiss I really wanted!
We showered together, although Maji had showered before I got back. Then we stretched out on the bed together.
“How’d it go with the lawyers?” Maji asked.
“V-e-r-y interesting.” I replied. “It turns out Jim and Marc knew each other from ten years ago in Jerusalem. Marc was visiting family, and Jim was assigned to the Consulate. Marc lost his passport, so they met that way.”
“That is interesting.”
“Well, what happened next is more so. Jim asked to speak with him privately in his office. For what went on in there, we need to ask our ever-sneaky spy.”
“Jamal?” Maji asked.
“Jamal!” I called for him to appear.
“I’m coming, Master!” Jamal said, as he and Arman appeared. Arman was on his knees receiving the fruits of his labors and Jamal was holding his head while spouting like a firehose.
Maji and I just looked at them, spellbound. Jamal pulled out of his lover’s mouth, still dripping. Arman swallowed quickly, then stuck his tongue out to get the last drop. He must have taken in air too, because he let out the belch to end all belches!
Maji looked at me, smiling. “He really enjoyed that!”
“Obviously,” I replied, sarcastically. When the two jinn had recovered from their marathon reunion, I offered them a seat on the foot of our bed. “Jamal, what went on this afternoon between Jim and Marc?”
As in the Bahamas, Jamal recreated the scene for us.
* * * * *
Jim followed Marc into his office, where the two grabbed each other in a big hug and kiss. “It is really great seeing you. You’re looking super, man!”
“You are too, Jim,” Marc replied. “How did you get hooked up with Grant?”
“I got reassigned to Bagdad when the Embassy opened back up. Then Grant was assigned to Bagdad by GNN, and we met when he wanted to bring Majid and the other two over here. So, he came to me for the documents to clear the way for them to be here. Congress passed special legislation to allow them speedway clearance to citizenship. Grant has connections with Senator Staunton of Maryland and his blubber-assed son, Junior. They’re thick as thieves.”
“Who’s financing this operation down here?” Marc asked.
“They’ve got some unlimited mega-bucks coming in regularly. I don’t know where it’s coming from – yet, but I’ll find out sooner or later, even if it’s from the snot-nosed kid playing finance advisor. He doesn’t know anything yet.”
Marc nodded in understanding.
“But how the fukkin’ hell could you blow the relationship you could’ve had going with Grant and Majid? You refused to suck a cut cock that looks like Majid’s? If it had been uncut, I could understand it, but a circumcised cock? Really now ….”
“I don’t know what happened. I just freaked at the thought. It was too much for me to deal with at the time,” Marc tried to explain almost in tears.
“Okay, wuss, get your fukkin’ shit together and let’s go back in. You’ll be dealing with me from now on, so let’s get this project back on track,” Jim assured him.
* * * * *
“WOW!” Majid said. “Jim can be a real sonuvabitch when he wants to.”
“Probably why he’s been so successful, he’s adaptable,” I responded. “We need to be very careful of him to make sure he’s really playing on our team. He knows his business and will be good for the company in that respect. But does he have a secondary goal that could be detrimental to us? We need to keep a close eye on him.”
“We already know he’s planning to use Scotty for his own purposes. I think Scotty is sincerely looking to do a good job for us, but may be too trusting,” Maji added. Looking at the ‘big guys,’ he asked, “Is there some way or do you guys have some special contacts who could keep a lookout on those two until we get this project running itself successfully?”
“One or two more jinn to watch them? Or would you like for us to take turns watching them?” Arman asked.
“Whatever works the best – and most efficiently. What would you suggest?” Maji asked.
Jamal spoke up. “There is a possibility we could take Dildar and Hassan back to the cave, have them open it, look for a pair of matched bands ….”
“Maybe even cock-bands!” Arman interjected, while wiggling his eyebrows.
“… which would provide extra help, and they could be back-up as needed.”
“I fully realize we’ve put a lot on you two. With all we’ve got going on, do you need some extra help?” I asked.
“Master, we are here to do your bidding and will continue to do that to the best of our abilities,” Jamal replied.
“You’re evading my question, dear friend. Would two more jinn be of benefit to you?”
“And would you be able to control them if we let them lose in the world?” Maji added.
“Master, we would be able to guide your young men to other jinn as Jamal guided you to me,” Arman answered.
“To answer the question, I read in your mind. Yes, young Dildar and Hassan are sufficiently mature, responsible and honorable to be worthy of a jinni of his own,” Jamal stated.
Maji and I smiled at each other. “Okay, we’ll consider this until we get back home,” I commented. “Then talk with them about it and take it from there. Now, let’s get everyone together and have dinner. I want some of Bones of Atlanta’s outstanding French onion soup and one of their filets. Let’s get the others and vacate this place!”
To be continued...
Posted: 12/28/18