Open Sesame
Hank Horne
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 25
Greta had spent the day with Robbie and his family, so had left a variety of salads, cold cuts, cold tea and lemonade, and a key lime pie in the fridge for us. Jim stayed to eat with us and to get to know Scotty much better. We let our supper settle, talking on the front porch for a while.
“What’s this ‘audition’ that Scott’s supposed to conduct?” Jim asked.
“It has to do with how well you would fit into the group that will be the close corporation. We’ll work together and get to where we almost think along the same lines. How well we get along in all situations. I did a preliminary audition and Scotty overwhelmed me. Then Dildar and Hassan conducted the full audition and he passed with flying colors. Scotty, when would it be convenient for you to do the honors?”
“Anytime, boss. I’m up for it anytime.”
“Jim, when would you have an hour for an intense session with Scotty?” I asked.
“Shit, now’s as good a time as any,” Jim replied.
Scotty stood up. “Jim, let’s adjourn to the basement.”
“The basement? What the fuck’s going on? What’s in the basement beside the workout stuff?” Jim asked.
“The audition mats,” Scotty replied. “Let’s go!”
“We’re going to wrestle?” Scotty nodded his head. “Hot damn! Let’s go! I love auditions like this!” Jim added.
The rest of us followed them to the basement. As spectators, we kept our clothes on, while Jim and Scotty stripped naked. Both of them had sprouted woodies. Jim asked to use the facility before getting started. When he came out, Scotty followed his example, and returned shortly.
They faced each other on the mat. Scotty went into his stationary forward flip, like he used on me. This time Jim was ready for him because of his advanced martial arts training. He grabbed Scotty’s legs as they wrapped around his neck, and rather than falling backward, as I had done, Jim leaned forward, taking Scotty to the mat with the older man on top of the gymnast. It knocked the wind out of the younger man, so Jim could sit up with his bare ass on Scotty’s head.
“Have I passed the audition?” Jim asked.
“That’s round one,” Scotty tried to say while his face was pressed into the mat.
Jim helped him up. “What’s next? This is fun!”
“This is round two out of three,” Scotty announced. “Ready?”
“Always!” Jim bragged.
Jim and Scotty locked up, but Scotty dropped his arms as he leaned over, slamming his shoulder into Jim’s midsection, knocking the breath out of him. Then Scotty grabbed Jim’s leg to push him off balance, but Jim clasped his hands, bringing them down sharply on Scotty’s upper back, knocking him to the mat. Jim could have gone for the pin right there, but he gave Scotty some time to get his wind.
When Scotty got his breath he asked, “Why didn’t you pin me? You just enjoy beating me up?”
“Well, that and I like the feel of your body against mine,” Jim replied. “You ready to finish this round?”
“Yeah!” Scotty said as he dove for Jim’s legs.
But Jim side stepped, and Scotty landed on his face again. This time Jim straddled him. But Scotty began to buck his body to get Jim off. He rolled his hips side to side, kicked his legs, but Jim held him down. Scotty quit resisting briefly and Jim slid his legs back, so he could rest his erection on Scotty’s bubble butt. Jim raised himself a bit off Scotty to aim his cock into the cleavage of the steaming young sex god. This gave Scotty the leverage he needed to slide his slick, incredibly strong legs out from under the bigger man and locking them around his opponent’s head. He flipped himself over, taking Jim with him.
The young man quickly straddled the older, pinning Jim’s arms above him on the mat with his knees, just so his erect cock was slapping Jim in the face. Scotty took hold of his own massive manhood and tried to force it in his victim’s mouth. Then he reached around to assault the fallen ex-federal officer’s exposed family jewels, squeezing them just enough to get a reaction. Jim opened his mouth enough to gasp and Scotty rammed his huge cock down his throat.
Jim began sucking the monster meat, relishing the rewards of losing this round.
“Don’t move!” Scotty ordered Jim. Jim nodded in agreement. Scotty turned over to do push-ups over Jim, and at the same time, take Jim’s engorged mega-meat in his mouth. “First one to cum, loses the third round,” Scotty declared.
Jim just mumbled, “uh-huh.” Then he doubled his efforts to get Scotty off.
Scotty began manipulating Jim’s manhood with his tongue. Rubbing it all over, while alternating lightly pumping it in and out of his mouth and sucking hard on it.
Meanwhile, Jim became more and more antsy. He was breathing heavily while increasing the pressure on Scotty’s fully engorged cock. At the same time Scotty was playing with Jim’s joy stick, pulling the nectar of the gods closer and closer to eruption. Then Jim began bucking his hips, forcing the emissions all the way down Scotty’s throat.
What seemed to us like ages, Jim collapsed on the mat. He couldn’t suck any more, and Scotty had not yet spouted, thus winning the final round. When he pulled out of Jim’s mouth, he was only half hard, although fully engorged. He didn’t seem to be truly aroused by the extraordinary blow-job Jim had given him. None of us could believe how he had held back so long.
“Scotty, how the hell could you keep from coming after all that time?” Hassan asked him.
“It wasn’t easy. I had to imagine I was fucking that cunt I used to work for at the bank. That was a real turn-off!”
The rest of us couldn’t contain our guffaws.
* * * * *
One morning the next week, Jim picked up Scotty to play a round of golf at Congressional Country Club, where his family had a membership. The rest of us took the opportunity to get an update from Jamal and Arman on the development of the staff for the project. They had at least one man from every country or area in the world.
“How are the Munchkins doing?” I asked, getting weird looks from everyone, including the jinn. “The little guys – the midgets.”
“We have the six midgets – one from Ireland, one from Scotland, both with flaming red hair; one from Japan and one from Nepal; and two pygmies – one from Cameroon, and one from the Indian Ocean islands,” Jamal replied. “They are all developing nicely.”
“Because they are small in stature, they look strange to have normal size human male appendages,” Arman added. “The four male-females are very interesting when you see women’s breasts and vagina plus a nice size male appendage. I have a question.”
“Can they fuck themselves?” Arman asked. “And give themselves children?”
The rest of us looked bewildered at the idea, then we laughed. “I don’t know, Arman, but I’ll bet Jamal could fuck her at the same time she fucks you!” That got everyone laughing. “And still have room for a Dildar – I mean a dildo up her ass!”
“I’m game!” Dildar commented.
Maji added, “You’re game for anything that has sex involved, horn-dog.”
“You’ve got that right,” Dil replied, laughing.
Jamal continued. “There are six big, tall men who are our height and size as you see us now {indicating Arman and himself} who are being trained in security measures. They appear to be in their early thirty-year-old range. They are well trained in all martial arts, and each has earned advanced black belts in three. They have minimum of red belt in all other forms of fighting.”
“Do they match your size — all over?” Dil asked, wiggling his eyebrows and looking straight at their midsections.
“You can decide when you meet them,” Arman answered, jokingly. “That might be part of your first interview.”
“They are also very good with computer,” Jamal inserted. “All security men, not just the big ones but smaller ones are very good on computers and are trained in martial arts. They are not just fighters – they like to sing and have very good voices. Two of them have very deep bass voices; they also have big balls!” That got a good laugh. “Three have mid-range baritone voices, another is a tenor, and another is a true counter-tenor.” That got puzzled looks from Dil and Hass. “His voice is very high, in a woman’s range,” Jamal explained. “The assistant security men are bigger than most of the other men. The smallest is six feet tall and weighs two hundred ten pounds – all muscle.”
“And a big dick?” Hassan asked.
“Big as yours,” Arman answered. “I hope you can take it, because he could put you down in a second – unless he wanted to play with you first.”
“As long as they can handle Scotty and Jim, I’ll be happy!” Hassan replied. “I guess they’re very strong and agile, right?”
Both jinn nodded their heads vigorously.
“Tell us about the dancers,” I suggested.
“The forty dancers range in appearance from twenty-one to thirty-something,” Jamal continued. “The older ones are primarily choreographers. All of them have experience with every type of dance known, from all areas of the world and all eras. They are gymnasts and acrobats and can work a pole like you wouldn’t believe. All are wonderful singers of all types of music too, with voices ranging from bass-baritone to counter-tenor. They can hear a song or see a dance step once and they’ve got it in their repertoire.”
“They are also versatile on several musical instruments,” Arman continued. “They love to improvise a song and can take a piece written by a man named Bach or Mozart and improvise on it to sound like what is called Dixieland Jazz. They hope to record the music used in all of the club’s shows; including the regular strip shows for each dancer.”
“These men are in the five feet nine inches to six feet tall and weigh one hundred sixty-five to one hundred ninety-five pounds of muscle,” Jamal continued. “Their cocks will measure from eight to eleven inches when fully erect.”
“Yes, Hassan and Dildar, you will have the opportunity to try them all out when you meet them,” Arman commented, and everybody laughed.
“One thing you will want to know about all of the staff members,” Jamal continued. “Their pre-cum will have an anesthetic effect and their semen an antibiotic-antiviral effect on all their sex partners. They can have unprotected sex with anybody, and the partner will become immune to any sexually transmitted disease, whether oral or anal contact with the semen. All of the men will be sterile but can produce unbelievable amounts of semen every half-hour. They will have control over their arousal, but once aroused, they will remain erect until they ejaculate.”
“You mean, they’ll stay hard until they shoot off, no matter how long it takes?” Dildar asked.
“That is correct, young master,” Arman answered. “You can play with his dick until he gets hard and he will stay hard until he ejaculates a load of his semen. But if he can mentally control his erection until he allows it to grow, it won’t happen unless he loses control.”
“You’ll probably shoot off half a dozen times before you could get one of these guys to lose it,” Maji teased his cousin.
“All these men have been taught to be very sensuous and to arouse anyone who is having sex with them,” Jamal stated. “Their pheromones are very powerful to attract the customers, both male and female. They can cause dry orgasms in both men and women by being in the same room with them. They can cause full release orgasms from physical contact with the person, such as a five-minute lap dance.”
“I can’t wait until Jim and Scotty meet these guys,” Hassan said.
“I can’t wait until I meet these guys!” Dildar countered.
“You’re not by yourself, cuz!” Maji agreed.
“The waiters and bartenders are another group with special talents – their memories,” Jamal continued. “They can remember every customer and their food and drink preferences. Not just all evening, but seeing the member their next visit will trigger their order from their last visit. If the member has food allergies, this will be stamped in their mind along with the member’s name. Both groups will be between five-foot-ten-inches and six-foot-two-inches, weighing 180 pounds and 220 pounds. All will be natural bodybuilders, with impressive bulges in their pants. They also can recognize someone who has drunk too much and will add an ingredient that Arman has created in their drinks to neutralize the alcohol effect.”
“What about the busboys and barbacks?” I asked.
“They are the youngest of the men who look to be eighteen to twenty, but will be twenty-one and twenty-two years old,” Arman answered. “They are ones who might be called ‘twinks.’ They are shorter than most at about five-foot-nine-inches to five-foot-ten-inches and will weigh about 165 to 170 pounds. They have great definition and well-developed musculature. Their jobs can be interchanged, but when ‘bar-backing,’ they will carry their prominent feature showing through their pants all evening. They have been told to rub against the members for stimulation to both.”
“All-l-l-l-right!” Dil and Hass gave their fist-pumps!
“When they are working upstairs in the diner, they’ll just show bulges like the waiters, right?” Majid asked.
“Yes, Master!” Arman replied. “The bartenders will show erections in their pants to tantalize the customers too. They will be able to mix perfectly any drink anyone asks for. If the customer asks for an unusual drink, like a ‘Brass Monkey,’ they can look up the recipe in their head and serve it to perfection.”
“What about an original concoction like a “Funky Brass Monkey” which I created one night several years ago?” I asked.
“They would ask you for the recipe and then have it available for you every time you visited,” Arman answered. “What is that recipe, Master?”
“Substitute red or pink grapefruit juice for the orange juice. It makes it kind of ‘funky!’”
“From now on, when you meet any of our bartenders, you will be asked if you want your ‘Funky Brass Monkey!” Arman told me, smiling. I grinned back as I nodded.
Jamal discussed the food service staff and their training. “The men who have the most interest in food service are being trained in the top culinary schools in the world. They are enrolled in one or two classes at each of the schools to get a variety of cooking methods and preparation techniques. There are also classes in food service management and hospitality essentials. There will be six who finish as Top Chefs, six who will finish as either Sous Chefs or Pastry Chefs. Another six will be trained the same as the others but have not been as enthusiastic about becoming la crème de la crème. They will be line cooks. Six others have finished as top of their classes in food and hospitality services. They happen to be the six hermaphrodites whom we had planned to use as hosts or hostesses in the dining rooms of the resort and club.”
“I guess we’ll have to call them ‘greeters’ and be non-gender-specific,” I remarked.
“Very astute, Master,” Jamal replied.
“Would we recognize any of the culinary schools by name?” I asked.
“Some yes and some probably not,” Arman answered.
“All of them started with basic studies at the new Johnson and Wales School in Charlotte, North Carolina, which will be convenient to Atlanta if additional training is needed. You probably know Le Cordon Bleu in Paris where they worked on cooking and hospitality. They took advanced hospitality studies at OIAC in Valencia, Spain. The other schools where they have studied include Ecole Lenâtre in France, Hattori Nutrition School in Tokyo, Academia Barilla in Parma, Italy, Tante Marie School of Cooking in Surry, England, and Savour Chocolate and Patisserie School in Australia.”
“Oh yum!” Dildar commented.
“Oh, double yum!” Hassan added.
“No Belgian chocolate?” Maji asked.
“The school in Australia imports Belgian chocolate for their students to work with,” Jamal explained.
We continued our discussion about the staff’s special talents and how their development is progressing until Jim and Scotty got back from their golf match.
To be continued...
Posted: 12/21/18