The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019-2020 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 23
This is Grant, and this is exceptionally difficult for me to write. Our dear friend and chronicler, Hank Horne, is no longer able to keep up with the events of what goes on around the resort. He was on a tour of the Amazon region of South America over the Christmas holidays of 2019. When he got back to Atlanta, he was feeling, what he called ‘under the weather.’ By the time he went to his doctor, the world was in panic because of a pandemic the CDC labeled COVID-19. (Only the CDC would know exactly what the hell that stands for.) Therefore, Hank was diagnosed with COVID-19 – the most obvious diagnosis of the time. But he was not over it after the two week isolation. It was then that he called Justin to tell him about his illness. Justin told the rest of us that he wanted to have Hank brought to the resort to stay and be taken care of here. Everyone on the Board of Directors agreed, and Hank moved into the available housing unit next to Jim and Justin’s unit.
When the rest of the staff
learned about our new patient, everyone wanted to help any way they could. Avra
and Avri stepped forward to volunteer to move in with him and to care for him,
since they were trained as medics in the Israeli army. They are, of course,
immune to any germ or virus, so they were the perfect choice for caregivers, and
they would have the help of all four jinn for anything Hank would need.
Dildar and Khayal had talked with each other about what they could do to help.
“Master, may I spend as much time with the patient, Sir Hank, as you would not need me?” Khayal asked his mentor.
“That is very generous of you, Khayal,” Dildar replied, “and you certainly have plenty of time on your hands.”
The jinni smiled broadly. “Your daily massage will always be my first priority — external deep tissue and internal deeper tissue!” (A joke between them.)
When Hank’s initial diagnosis was deemed inaccurate, further studies proved the correct diagnosis was a rare neurodegenerative disorder called Multiple System Atrophy (MSA). The disease affects multiple areas of the brain and the victim may still understand what’s going on but cannot respond to it physically or verbally, and the brain gradually disintegrates. Khayal can do little to help Hank to recover, but he can ease any pain and slow the degeneration. There are also "other ways” that he, Avri and Avra can comfort him.
At the time I’m writing this, Jim is coming up on seventy years old, although he doesn’t look like he’s more than fifty, at the most. He has the physique and skin-tone as well as the vim and vigor of a much younger man, and he and Justin want to take some ocean cruises that are gay oriented. Justin, especially, has missed his time on the seas. They will keep their home here and their positions as Directors of the resort. And they’re going to get in some great variety of fun!
Majid has cut back on actively producing and directing videos, and Cliff has developed a subsidiary called, “Gangbangers.” It caters more to the rougher and more violent activities which has become the norm in video production. He’s using more of the women in action-packed videos, but rather than one-on-one wrestling matches, he may have multiple women gang up on one man or multiple men gang up on one woman. The fights are equally real, as are the rapes. The bruises are real, and real blood may flow. In every video, the orgasms are as real as everything else about the videos. The security guys always play the lawmen, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be beaten up by the “bad guys.”
Cliff’s videos always strive for realism, even if to extreme measures. Cudgels, baseball bats, and the like are the only weapons used in the videos, and anytime knives or guns are introduced, they are knocked out of the perp’s hand and kicked away. Cliff always demands realism in his scenes. The videos rarely show romantic kissing and loving type intercourse, but rough, brutal, abusive treatment.
The times, they have changed, and we have made some changes to the Crystal Rainbow. One change is to add six cottages to the wooded area east of the main resort. Each cottage is on a quarter acre, each with a unique design and landscaping. Trees and hedges separate the lots. The walking trail passes the front of each cottage and each cottage is available to be leased for a month or more.
Majid and Dildar’s cousin,
Mick, and his husband, Dale, rented the first one for a month. This is their
sixth year and now they have stayed in all six. The bankers who helped us get
the Crystal Rainbow started have also rented the cottages for their holidays.
All Lifetime Members who helped us get the project going get a lifetime reduced
rate on everything here.
The men who rent the cottages frequently enjoy having little parties at their cottage, although the places are not big enough to accommodate more than half-a-dozen people at a time. The jinn take turns sanitizing the cottages daily and the HVAC system has a souped-up exhaust pumping the dust and germs through a super-filter in the roof. I will say that the jinn do a great service by preventing guests from wrecking the facilities they lease.
Jamal, Arman, Husni, and Khayal have used their powers to translate Hank’s coded stories and search the future, so they can give a better perspective on the future of The Crystal Rainbow.
* * * * * * *
The year is 1409 on the Persian calendar … or 2030 by the calendar used in the Western World. This November, by that calendar, the Crystal Rainbow has been open for twenty-five years. The Directors want to do something special to commemorate the occasion, what they call their “Silver Anniversary.” They have seen that the men and women/men who have been with them all this time have aged at a slower rate than they have. They wonder if guests to the resort will notice the differences and Sir Jim suggested bringing in a new staff for all aspects of the resort.
The suggestion was made last year that our Brothers Jinn find new men and women/men to take over the duties of the older group of people. The Directors asked the jinn’s suggestions to the best way to make the change. The four jinn, who have become best friends and more like the brothers of a college fraternity, suggested the staff be given a holiday on a resort island somewhere in the tropics. When their holiday is complete, they would go to sleep and not awaken. The new members of the Crystal Rainbow staff would be given their counterpart’s memory and abilities and pick up where the original staff left off. The Brothers Jinn would guide the new staff in their duties until they developed the familiarity of the routines.
Sir Jim suggested that the resort be closed for a month, as he said, for renovations. During that month, the Board of Directors could take their own vacations visiting family. Three weeks would allow time for the three Masters from Iraq to go back to their home, Master Grant could visit his family in Maryland, Sirs Scott and Harvey could visit their families, and even take a week-long cruise on a gay-themed ship. The renovations would be taken care of by a construction company with an interior decorator supervising the work.
The question was presented, “Does everyone on the staff need to be replaced or perhaps the dancers only because they would be interacting most with the younger members of the Club?” This led to lengthy discussion, then the jinn were given the responsibility to read the senior staff’s thoughts on the question at hand. Eventually, the Directors decided to keep some of the senior staff, promote others to senior status, but some of the line dancers, servers, barbacks and security staff would be replaced. The “ladies” would be replaced, except for Avra who would guide the newcomers in their duties. The midgets have served their purpose and do not need to be part of the new staff.
The gang who continued for the next twenty-five years, would undergo some physical and mental changes. While they had not changed very much physically, when they came back from a three week vacation in the Tropics they would look and feel twenty years younger. Everyone would be up to date on the outlook of the present time. They would look like their younger selves, but be as attuned to the current thinking, dances, slang, and all the other adaptations of 2030.
Seven days at Hidden Beach Resort in Mexico, or seven days at Hedonism II in Jamaica would make for a great vacation for the entire crew. Half of the group would spend the first week of November in Mexico and the other half would go to Jamaica. The second week, they would revel in the pleasures of the other resort and the third week would be at Turtle Cove Beach, Queensland, Australia. That third week would be just the group that would not return to The Crystal Rainbow. The senior staff would be back at the resort to indoctrinate the newcomers to the routine of their new home.
The group that had worked hard the past twenty-five years would return to their eternal sleep. During the week in Australia, the group would play day and night, night and day, enjoying the bodies and lovers who they had enjoyed for those many years. The men and wo-men would choose the one who they wanted to spend eternity with, although they did not realize it. They were led to their true love by the four Brothers Jinn. That night they sucked, fucked and enjoyed each other until they were totally sated.
Then — they slept.
* * * * * * *
In the years afterward, the dancers became more revealing on stage with their costumes, dances, and the intimacy they would allow the audience to have both on stage and off stage. They wear sheer, mesh, form-fitting cock-socks that emphasize the size of their erections. They don’t care that real, unprotected sex on stage is performed in front of everyone, and the private salon is used primarily for orgies. Any customer who uses the salon will be immunized for life from any viruses, including the COVID strains.
The bartenders and barbacks also revealed their most desirable attribute, and the customers took full advantage of it whenever possible. The barbacks were tipped for their intimacies also. Mesh Bikinis on the bartenders gave the members and guests full visual pleasure as the men moved around the bar. When ABC {Alcohol Beverage Control} inspectors showed up, extra lights would be turned on inside the Club, Salon, and Diner so the staff could clean up their act before Security let them in.
The Crystal Rainbow continues to be very successful. The Lodge is at least half full every week. The new staff adapts well to the ever changing clientele. The Club is busy every night, and especially so on the weekends. “Mud wrestling” nights at the Club are overflowing with customers wanting to wrestle the dancers. “Wet underwear” nights are the same with a free beer to anyone who checks their clothes at the front desk and walks through the shower before entering the bar area. “Drag Night” features drag queens performing on stage, and the customers who come in drag get in free. “Leather Night” has free admission to anyone wearing leather. “Bodybuilder Night” features a flexing and posing show throughout the evening by customers; winner of each competition would get free drinks for the next hour. “BOGO Night” offers free admission to non-members accompanied by a member or a paying guest. As always, holidays are special at the bar and diner. Servers, barbacks, bartenders and the other staff always dress in similar style. The special nights would be promoted in the magazines and on the walls of the Lobby. While not filling every night with a special event, there is something going on a couple of times a week, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Gangbang Videos presents much rougher entertainment than Master Majid allowed previously. Many of the settings are on the streets of the apartments. Women are assaulted, but they viciously fight back against their attackers. Some would get help from other women, and in those cases, the women might destroy the male attackers. Other times, men would attack other men and a barbaric battle would ensue.
Several videos have a group of men and women “rioting” about some cause, and the Security men breaking up the group then proceeding to “teach them a lesson.” Sometimes, a Security man would be attacked by two or more male or female “villains.” He may be able to successfully defend himself or he might be overpowered. “Reality shows” is how Sir Cliff advertises these videos. He would set up the plots, then let the performers work out the conflict and sex action. Real battles. Real sex. Damned smokin’. Har jadda! Very hot!
* * * * * * *
Twenty-four years later, the time has arrived for Septis to return soon to our cave in Persia. He has seven more payments to complete his 18,262 days of one million dollars each day, or 18 billion 262 million legal and real dollars that Master wished for and Septis granted Grant. The routine for the last fifty years has been that Septis would leave one million American dollars in our Master’s office right after midnight local time — wherever we would be. Arman and I would deposit it in the various bank accounts around the world so it would be recorded in our Masters’ accounts on that day. With each deposit being so large, there were many banks that we could skip several days before another deposit would be made. Some banks in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada required records be kept for tax purposes, although others were tax free and totally obscure.
The morning of the last payment, Septis demanded to be released immediately. The four Masters and the four Brothers Jinn were together in Master Grant’s office at the Residence. Master Grant opened the sealed glass case which held the Lamp of the Jinni. As soon as Grant had set the lamp on his desk, Septis exploded from it and finished filling the room with his presence.
“You will release me now!” he bellowed in Persian, as the four Jinn Brothers sealed the room with a cloak of silence.
“How will you get your lamp back to your cave?” Grant asked in Arabic. “Or will you wait until we can escort you back to Iraq after it is dark there?”
“Release me now!” he ululated as he beat his hands on the desk, shaking it violently.
The reverberation of his voice echoed back into his ears which was a shock to him. He glared at the four of us when he realized we had aimed his own voice back at him.
“How dare you treat me this way! I am Septis the Great! I am going home!”
“Septis, you know your home is wherever your lamp is, and at the moment, Master Grant is holding your home in his hands,” Husni reminded the bombastic jinni. “So, to use an American expression – CHILL OUT!”
The grotesque jinni calmed down.
“That’s better!” Arman commented. “We’re planning to take you home today — if you’re cooperative.”
“The nine of us who are here now will transport so that we arrive in Persia around midnight tonight,” Husni explained. “We’ll have the rest of the night to get you settled into the mountain. But you must cooperate with us!”
“What?” Septis asked.
“Master Grant will carry you in the lamp, and I will transport you to Kurdistan,” Jamal said. “Arman will transport Master Majid, Husni will take Master Hassan, and Khayal will be responsible for Master Dildar. We will leave here at quarter hour intervals to give us time to arrive at the mountain without time-space issues.”
“Once you are back in place, we will leave you to settle any issues you might have with Marid….” Husni started to say.
“What’s that whoring vagina been doing?” Septis shouted.
“He’s missed you so much he’s been looking for anything he can find to ravage,” Husni sarcastically continued.
“One winter he spent every night with a caravan of camels,” Khayal offered. “He told me he had a cow and a bull at the same time every night.”
“That’s no surprise!” Septis retorted. “He tells anything to impress you.”
“So do you!” Husni quipped. “That’s why you two were meant for each other.”
“If Masters will meet here at 3:30 this afternoon, we’ll prepare to transport then” Jamal continued. “Wear comfortable clothes. Does Master have any other discussion?”
The jinni looks at each of the Masters who give him positive thumbs-up responses to his plan. Grant returns Septis’ lamp to its secure case.
That afternoon when everyone is reconvened, Master Grant opens the secured lamp and Septis appears again.
“You are taking me home?” Septis asks, this time speaking in English.
“Yes, we are,” Grant replies. “You have fulfilled your duty and have made my wishes all come true.”
“What’s with all of the badass shit you’re famous for?” Majid asks Septis.
“That’s what people expect of jinn. You should see these assholes in other circumstances. If you doubt me, ask Marid how they treated him.”
Four pairs of mortal eyes look at their jinni.
“He got what he deserved!” Husni replies.
“And he enjoyed it,” Arman adds.
“We’ve seen you give him the giant squid treatment, and he loved it,” Khayal commented.
“Enough!” Jamal exclaims. “Prepare to travel.”
Septis returns to his lamp; Husni wraps it in a sheath of silence; Arman wraps it in a sheath of invisibility; Khayal wraps it in a sheath of gold; and Jamal shrinks the entire package to the size of a button and attaches it to Grant’s naval.
“Ah! An official member of the ‘Belly Club!” Hassan quips.
“He has a golden belly button!” Dildar observes.
“You beat me to it!” Majid replies.
“Don’t you wish you had one?” Grant queries.
“Husni would you and Hassan lead the way?” Jamal asks.
Husni wraps Hassan in a cloak of invisibility, and they’re on their way.
A few minutes later, Jamal asks Arman to go next with Majid. Then sometime later, Khayal and Dildar are wrapped in their cloak and disappear.
“Master, are you ready to return your prize to his home?” Jamal asks.
“Ready when you are,” Grant replies as he wraps his arms around the handsome jinni and planting a firm kiss on the big guy’s luscious lips. Jamal wraps his arms around his Master, and they disappear.
In the blink of an eye, Jamal and Grant appear at the entrance of Sesame Cavern. The others have maintained invisibility until the purpose of their sojourn arrives, so they appear instantly.
“Does this place look familiar?” Jamal asks Grant and Majid. “What do you remember about it?
“I almost got fucked here!” Majid replies.
“Do we have time for it now?” Grant asks.
“NO!” Septis yells from inside a Belly Button. But it’s only heard by four jinn, who laugh. The mortals look quizzical.
“Septis says maybe you can wait until later for that!” Jamal responds to the looks.
“Party pooper!” Dildar wisecracks.
“Would the Masters do the honor of requesting admission?” Arman asks.
The four Americans in unison command, “OPEN SESAME!” The entrance to the cavern slides back, and the mortals and jinn enter the place where they all met.
Jamal removes the button from Grant’s naval and the reduction cloak. Khayal removes the gold cover; Arman removes the invisibility cover; Husni removes the silence cover; and Septis appears in a smokenado that reaches to the top of the cave. A hubbub of sounds that only the jinn can hear comes from around the massive cavern. “Septis is back! It’s Septis! Why couldn’t he stay gone? You know who’s not here to greet him? He isn’t!? He’s somewhere in Africa. Or is it that new place down south? He'd better get his ass here fast so Septis can use it!”
The mountain vibrated like an earthquake! Everything in the cave got tossed around and jinn appeared all over the place for the show — both male and female!
“Perhaps we should leave now. You might not want to see what happens next,” Jamal suggests.
“Aaawww!” Khayal comments. “This would be a once in a lifetime experience.”
Instantly Marid appears. “Where have you been?” he asks in Ancient Persian. “I’ve had to use camel and yak! Septis, there’s no one like you!”
Already, Septis is nude with a massive erection. Then the strangest metamorphosis takes place. The jinni’s arms and legs become tentacles, and between his leg/tentacles his own massive erection begins to grow and divide into four more tentacles. The middle of his shaft separates and become two more which wrap themselves around each other, then the four from the rest of his penis wraps around the other two, resembling a unicorn’s horn. The arm/tentacles grab Marid around the arms and chest and the two leg/tentacles wrap around his legs, stretching them wide in an extended full split while they are floating above the cave floor. The huge head of his groin erection has a thick, clear syrup spouting to lubricate Marid’s waiting entrance. Septis lines up his unihorn for entrance, the syrup already being accepted inside. Then with one grand force, the grotesque jinni slams full force into the waiting cavity.
Marid’s scream fills the cavern, his own manhood becomes a boa constrictor, growing to a massive size, wrapping itself around his low-hangers again and again and again. Soon the mouth of the serpent opens wide to consume the huge eggs at the base of his own ball-sack. Marid’s screams continue as he gasps for breath, and even the other jinn cover their ears for protection.
The Brothers Jinn seal their Masters’ ears and block their own for everyone’s safety. All four Americans stare at the show with their mouths agape. The scents emanating from the copulating immortals pervade the entire cavern. The other jinn are feeling the effects and the human visitors stroke their own erections. Septis withdraws completely, then rams the entrance at full strength. He repeats the movement many times, each time more rapid and harder than before.
“He didn’t yell that much when we tore his balls out!” Khayal observed.
“He does that to stimulate Septis,” Husni replied. “He loves the rough treatment, and he enjoys pounding roughly when he tops!”
Marid stretches his arms behind himself and his dominator, and as the arms become constrictor serpents, they slither around Septis’ legs then between them to reach for the sack holding a pair of ostrich sized eggs. The constriction on the legs and ball-sacks prevents the older jinni from pulling out every time. The two jinn struggle to dominate each other, preventing the one submitting to the other.
That is followed by Septis’ right arm/tentacle wrapping around Marid’s head then sliding down his throat, suckers walking across the younger jinni’s tongue and down his esophagus, while the suckers of the left arm/tentacle suck on his enlarged nipples, causing them to stretch to triple their normal length. Soon, the audience observes what previously was believed to be impossible. Marid spouts Septis’ seed through his open mouth, not just once but a dozen times or more.
When the hideous jinni retreats from his home-cumming welcome, his body parts return to normal and he shares rough and vigorous embraces and kisses. Septis then yells to everyone in the cave, “I’m home!”
Grant tells his friends, “Let’s get out of here! Dorothy was right … there’s no place like home!
“There’s no place like home.”
* * * * * * *
The End.
Master Horne would like to thank the WebMaster for his patience and understanding at the erratic offerings during Sir Hank’s illness. This concludes the stories available from The Crystal Rainbow, and thanks to you Readers for taking the time to read them. Master Horne, Master Grant, Master Majid, Master Hassan, and Master Dildar are most appreciative.
Jamal ***** Arman ***** Husni ***** Khayal
Posted: 10/30/2020