The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019-2020 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 22
The Highland Gaymes
Part II — Thumbs Up!
The next morning, all the contestants were on the field practicing for the Open Stone Put competition. It’s like the Shot Put, except the men will use a twenty pound stone. The paying visitors were milling around sizing up the guys who would compete. One especially big guy was carefully watching the competitors. He was wearing his Irish kilt outfit, but rather than being nude to the waist, he had on a muscle shirt which showed off his extensive body artwork. Apparently, a paying observer.
Gordon was greeting the crowd who had paid to watch him show off his muscular prowess, when the stranger spoke to him.
“Hi, Graeme! How’s it going, Gordie?” the big man asked.
Gordon did a double take! “Cam? Cameron Kelliher?” The big guy gave him a huge grin, as they hugged and attempted to take each other to the ground. “Why aren’t you competing?”
“A month ago, I had triple hernia repairs,” Cam replied. “Then the day after I had that done, my appendix ruptured so I was back in the hospital for a full week.”
“My god!” Gordon exclaimed. “No wonder you’re not competing!”
“My doctor told me if I lifted anything heavier than my dick and balls for the next month, he would personally castrate me!” the bearded one continued. “So, I got out of Oregon as fast and as far away as I could. Fortunately, you don’t weigh more than that so I can pick you up!”
Both men chuckled at the comment, until the Canadian feinted a low blow to the kilt, which the Oregonian backed away from.
“Hey! I can’t fuck around right now! I’m lucky Kelly gave me leave time to recover. Next week, I’ll be working the phones in the office until I can get back to the heavy stuff.”
“Where are you staying?” Gordon asked.
“I got a motel room not too far away last night,” Cam replied. “Why? You got room for me with you?”
“No, I’ve got a roomie, but I’ll see if something is available here. Since they were expecting you, they may have a bed for you.”
Gordon saw Dylan across the field with a young guy who was as big (maybe taller) and built as solid as he and Cameron were.
“I’ve got an idea. Come with me.” The two hulks crossed the practice field to meet Dylan and Del.
Del saw two huge men coming toward them. Both were nearly as big as he was. He signed to Dylan of their approach. Cam saw the two in conversation with ASLAM, and signed to them, ‘You deaf?’
Del replied, ‘Yes. You?’
‘No, my brother is deaf,’ Cam signed. The ice was broken with the two big men. Cam explained why he was there and Del told him he wanted to learn these skills. He also wanted to look more closely at the tattoos on the big guy’s upper body and arms.
Gordon got Dylan’s attention and explained Cam’s situation, then asked if he could find out if there were a room available for his friend at the Lodge, or somewhere closer than a neighboring town.
Dylan mentally contacted Viktor at the Lodge and learned all rooms were filled, but he had a spare room and so did Halldór at their duplexes. Cam protested taking someone’s guest room, but Del intervened, telling his new friend, ‘If you can take me down, you can go somewhere else or pay for your room. If you can’t, you will stay in their guest room.’
‘Be for real, man. I can’t lift anything heavy for another two weeks. It would be fun to work you over, but my doctor threatened me if I did anything else stupid! I’ll be good for another week, but I’ll be back in Oregon then. Maybe later – not now.”
‘Okay, we’ll be friends,’ Del told the stranger. ‘Later we’ll play.’ The two men gave each other bearhugs then. ‘Who can show me how to throw these things now?’
‘I’ll be glad to show you how to use these things,’ Cam told the young hulk, ‘but I cannot lift the stones to throw them. I can show you how to do it, then correct your technique for another throw.’
Del repeatedly nodded his head indicating that would work for him. Standing beside him, Dylan smiled broadly at this match-up. The four men walked over to where the stones were waiting on racks.
Gordon reached for a stone. “I’ll show him this time. You explain the technique.” He placed it on his shoulder, then using the spin technique, put it about 20-meters (65+ feet). After a couple of tries, Del was successful in putting his stone close to Gordon’s. He threw it a few more times until Cam and Gordon were satisfied with his technique and distance – for a beginner. Del was ecstatic, jumping up and down with glee. He hugged and thanked his trainers.
Then it was time for the competition. Dougal and Seamus arrived with Logan and about a dozen other contestants. Dylan asked the judges if they would allow Delmar to take a shot unofficially, for an “honorable mention.” They agreed since the other contestants were so impressed with his first try, the gaymes were not an official sanctioned event, and he was so personable. Del delivered a repeat of his 20-meters, but the winner was a mountain of a man from Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Abnar Crapper, 24+ meters (80-feet). He’s a Scottish Prison Service officer at Peterhead Convict Prison in Aberdeenshire, not far from Balmoral Castle — fiery red hair, beard, a torso covered in a thick ginger mat, and ripped muscles that won’t quit! He was the first one to congratulate Del on his first ever throw and encouraged him to keep up the practice.
Grant and Majid joined the group and Dylan introduced all the visitors who were standing around Del. Grant signed “Wonderful!” to Del, then gave him a hug. When Grant took Cam’s hand to shake it, the bearded one held it and stared deeply at Grant.
“Grant,” Cam said thoughtfully. “Grant Richards?” he said with recognition, and Grant smiled. “So this is what happened to you. What was it? Ten years ago? You disappeared and no one said anything about it. You just vanished!” Cam was going on – and on – and on.
“Yes, Majid, my cameraman and I retired and started the resort.” Grant turned his head to flirt with his husband. When he looked back at the man who was still holding his hand, he said, “Cameron Kelliher…. Weren’t you supposed to be competing?”
Cam nodded his head. “I had some recent surgery that was unexpected, so I can’t lift anything heavier than my cock and balls!” His audience was momentarily stunned — then burst out laughing. “That’s what my surgeon told me! Honest! His words!” He lifted his kilt to reveal a fluffed, monster dick and a pair of furry tennis balls, along with some recent healing abdominal scars.
“It looks like you know a lot of these men, and have impressed one particular young North Carolinian,” Grant commented while signing for Del.
“It’s a mutual admiration society,” Cam replied orally and visually.
“As good as you are at signing, some member of your family must be deaf because you’re too proficient to not at some time used it daily,” Grant added.
“My younger brother got an infection in his ears when he was two years old, and he’s twenty now.”
“I’m grateful to you for spending time with Del since you can’t compete. I can tell he’s eaten you up already.”
“You have no idea!” Cam replied sarcastically. That got laughs from the little group in the conversation, and Del turned all shades of red down through his chest, which caused more laughs. Blonds blush so easily!
“Well, you all have a good time,” Grant turned to leave, putting a hand on Dylan’s shoulder, and whispering in his ear, ‘Get him a lifetime membership. He’s a good guy!’
Dylan, Del and Gordon took Cam to lunch at the Lodge restaurant so Viktor, Fabio and Cam could meet. Fabio had lunch with the other guys since Viktor was on duty at the Lodge. Cam agreed to stay with the two security men for the rest of the gaymes. After lunch, Fabio got Cam settled in at the duplex in time for him to get back to the hammer throw competition in the afternoon.
Again, Abnar won the competition with a hammer throw of 120-feet 8-inches, and Del had a throw of 97-feet 4-inches. By this time, Del was becoming somewhat of a celebrity and many of the contestants as well as the fans were patting him on the back and taking time to rub their hands all over his impressive body. You know what the young deaf guy’s reaction was to that — a kilted tent!
Cam put his hand on Del’s shoulder to get his attention. ‘Need help with something that I can do?’ Cam asked as he glanced down at the horny young stud’s protrusion. ‘Can we go somewhere?’
‘Come,’ Del replied, then led Cam to the video studio. Inside, he told Cliff they needed some space, so the studio manager led them to a lounge where they could have some privacy.
When Cliff left the room, Cam went to his knees, raised Del’s kilt and took the full length of his personal hammer. The deaf stud moaned as he felt the back of the throat with his corona. Cam began a vibration with his throat which caused Del to moan even louder, then the westerner began a pumping rhythm with his tongue moving back and forth simultaneously. Del switch from a moan to a whine as the older man manipulated the more than adequate masculine appendage.
Del grabbed Cam’s head, but the visitor was able to resist the younger man’s attempt to control the action. Cam pulled all the way off, then switched to using his tongue to lap around the blood-strained, sensitive head. Again, Cam started to descend the shaft, making his lips ‘walk’ their way to the base of the engorged cock then back up again. Cam repeated the move several times as Del moaned and whined each time his dick felt the movement.
Cam felt Del’s need to cum, so he stopped sucking and pulled off the monster in the mouth. Del was livid! He held Cam’s head and rammed all the way until the beard met the groin. And he held it there until he unloaded down Cam’s throat. Choking or not! The two briefly struggled – Cam to pull BACK and Del to empty his load. The two musclemen met in the middle and the cocksucker still ended up with a mouthful of semen.
Cam had to swallow several times, but the last volley he held in his mouth. When Del removed his firehose, the man from Oregon grabbed the big blond by the head and forced a mouth-to-mouth encounter where he expelled the last of the Scot’s offering.
As Cam sat back on the futon, Del pushed the big Irishman to the back of the seat while raising the kilt across his chest. Del dropped to his knees to engulf the waiting eight and a half by six inch poker all the way to the hilt. Cam gasped at the effect he felt surge between his massive legs. Del held the kilt across Cam’s chest preventing the older man from moving and took another moment to get used to the pole down his throat.
Soon the aggressive young hulk began a slow retreat up the shaft until only the head was left in his mouth. He took a breath, then worked his tongue across the bottom side of the turgid monolith. Del pulled off and went for the swollen gonads, taking first one then the other in his mouth. With some effort, Del was able to take both huge globes as his lips stretched around the scrotum.
Cam was gasping with every movement Del made while manipulating his cock and balls. His body jerked with every new sensation. Too soon for him, Del returned to his staff and took the full length of it in one fell swoop! Cam groaned. He grunted. He gulped air. Cam felt his relief cumming, so he grabbed Del’s head and held it deep as the young stud had done to him.
Del struggled to move his head to a more comfortable position. The bearded one eased up, allowing his load of man-milk to flow easily down the waiting throat. Del swallowed every drop. Only the residue was available to share with his new friend.
The two lay on the beige carpeted floor of the studio lounge because there was not room for two mountains of male muscle on the inadequate futon. They hugged. They kissed. They massaged each other. They missed the competition going on outside the studio. They each had won their competition inside.
* * * * * * *
That evening, Cam and Del had dinner together at the Club diner, then went down for the dance competition. Tonight was single dancers’ night. The dancers shared the musicians; the Scottish dancers had bagpipers, but the Irish lads had a fiddler, a button accordionist, and an Irish bagpiper for their backup. The Club’s dancers were the bulk of the audience for the competition, although paying guests used their tickets as admission for this portion of the gaymes. They usually stayed for dinner and then the Club’s dancers which took over the stage at 9:00 p.m. Cam and Del enjoyed the shows but about ten o’clock, Cam was feeling like he needed to call it a day. Del showed Cam where Viktor and Fabio’s home was, then Cam took the young hunk to the Residence and returned to the duplex.
The visiting Irishman parked his car in front of Viktor’s unit, got his case from the trunk, then went up to the front door. As he started to ring the doorbell, Vik opened the door. The Oregon muscleman was surprised by the hulk who greeted him — totally nude.
“Cam, come on in. Glad you found the place.” Vik extended his hand as he looked eye to eye to the bearded hulk facing him.
“Del showed me which unit is yours before I dropped him off at the castle, Vik,” Cam replied as he stepped inside the apartment.
The Lodge’s Assistant Manager/Security Chief kicked the door closed with his foot as the held his guest’s hand in a tight grip. After a moment, the newcomer responded to the handshake with a tightening of his grip. The two musclemen maintained their stare into each other’s eyes as they continued their grip. Was this going to become a test of strength? After another moment, Vik released his grip and Cam followed suit.
“Put your case down anywhere and take a seat. Can I make you a drink? I have beer and vodka, Kvass, a Georgian wine, and Italian wines. Choose your poison!” Vik paused, then added in a heavy Russian accent, “That’s an Amerikan joke.”
Cam chuckled. “A beer would be good. Maybe I can try the Kvass another time, thank you.”
The men sat on a couch to get to know each other better. Soon they heard the garage door open and close, then the kitchen door open and close.
“You got home early,” Vik commented to his house-mate.
“Yeah, I wanted to spend some more time with Cam before he turned in for the night,” Fabio replied. He walked over to their guest as he stood. Cam took his hand and held it tight as they hugged with the other arm
“Do you want to hold hands all night or are you going to test my grip?” Fabio commented.
“Neither one!” Cam commented. “I didn’t know if it was a tradition here?”
“No, the tradition here at the Crystal Rainbow is to grab a dick and squeeze something out of it!” Fabio replied, as Viktor doubled up laughing. “Buono! Now I can get comfortable.” The Italian muscle stud stripped off his shorts, went into the kitchen for a beer, then returned to visit.
“Is everybody here gay?” Cam asked.
“No, very few of us are strictly gay,” Fabio answered. “The great majority of us are – omni-sexual. We’ll seek any hole in a storm. A hot mouth is a hot mouth!”
“A tight ass is a tight ass!” Viktor added.
“And a beaver is a beaver!” Cam concluded.
“And a hot beaver is a hot beaver!” the other men verified as they gave him two thumbs up each. They all laughed!
After some more chitty-chitty chat-chat, the hosts showed their guest to his room.
“I go to work early, but Fabio doesn’t go in until the afternoon. Sleep as late as you want to, and he’ll be here to make your breakfast.” Viktor leaned in for a hug and Cameron put a Scottish backhold on him and flipped him on the bed. That surprised the Russian giant, but Cam went for a deep kiss which Vik returned.
The two men stood, and the guest started to hug the Italian hunk, but Fabio put Cam in a backhold and flipped him on the bed. The three men had a good laugh, then Fabio raised his head for a good-night kiss. After a three-way hug, the men parted and went to bed.
Wednesday morning, Fabio heard the shower in the guest room, so he got up and took care of a few necessities, the went downstairs to start breakfast. When Cam showed up, he was wearing just the skirt to his kilt. Fabio wasn’t wearing anything.
“I smell bacon! Bacon-Bacon-Bacon!”
“Well, shed the skirt so you don’t get bacon grease on it!”
Cam complied. “I expected to go over to the Lodge for breakfast … but this is great!”
“Hope you can eat our humble offerings,” Fabio said.
“Well, it may not be pork chops, breakfast steak or Country ham, but it’ll do in a pinch!” Cam replied sarcastically.
Fabio was ready with a reply. “Take it or leave it. It’s up to you.”
“I’ll take it! I’ll take it!”
“I thought you would!”
They sat at the table to a plateful of bacon, a bowl of scrambled Sharp Cheddar cheese eggs, buttered and toasted English muffins, and three types of jams, plus baked apples, and Italian Roast coffee.
During breakfast, Cam asked, “What can you tell me about this deaf guy? How does he fit into the group here?”
“One of the owners has a deaf sister. He met Delmar a couple of years ago when he bought a small racetrack to let the mechanical staff run a racecar on. Grant is a very people-oriented person. So he took to a gay-deaf-super hunk who worked at the track and gave him a four-year scholarship to Gallaudet University – the School for the Deaf in Washington, DC. He’s our permanent ‘Mr. Crystal Rainbow’ (air quotes) for parades and special events, like this.”
“He wants to correspond by computer, and he gave me his email address….”
“DoofyDel....” Fabio interrupted. “His uncle was in charge of the racetrack. Del did all the muscle work around there because the uncle thought he was a dufus, whatever that is.”
“I know what he means,” Cam injected.
“He told some of our guys that he was quare and deef and dumb.”
Cam continued to nod, being aware of the terms and their connotations.
“Not only is Del a super-hunk, he’s super-smart and super-nice guy,” Fabio concluded.
“You can say that again!” Cam commented. “No, don’t!” He added as Fabio opened his mouth to speak.
Fabio nodded in understanding with a smirk on his face.
“He wants to spend tonight with me, with your and Viktor’s approval. He wanted to stay last night but I put the quietus on that.”
“You’re welcome to let him spend the night,” Fabio said. “With the three of us working him over, maybe we’ll wear him out!”
“Sounds like a four-way orgy to me!” Cameron replied.
Fabio’s cellphone pinged an incoming message from Viktor: Call Dylan. Fabio made the call.
“Morning, Sweet Stud! How much is up? All ten inches? (Pause) We’re just finishing breakfast. Does your horny baby want his bearded hunk to hurry up? (Pause) He wants to wrestle him? (Pause) Oh. He wants some Scottish backhold wrestling lessons, and he’s too much for you to handle! (Pause) Can he brush his teeth first? (Pause) He’ll be over there in a few minutes. His breakfast needs to settle for an hour. (Pause) He’ll see you in a few. Bye, Sweetie!”
“You heard. DoofyDel wants you to help him with wrestling practice.”
Cam finished off his mug of coffee and stood. “Thanks for the breakfast. Tomorrow we can go to the Lodge for breakfast ….”
“Then you’ll miss out on what I’ll fix then. A gourmet treat,” Fabio retorted.
“Then we’ll clear the table and do the dishes!” Cam called over his shoulder as he started up the stairs, two at a time.
Fifteen minutes later, Cam was jogging down the driveway of Majid’s video studio to the wrestling areas. Del saw him and ran up to greet him with a backhold hug. Dylan followed his protégé.
“Morning, Cam. How’s everything going this morning,” Dylan greeted the big logger.
“Couldn’t be better … Sweetie?” Cam replied with a question at the end.
“You haven’t heard my nickname for him,” Dylan said. Cam raised a questioning eyebrow. “Long story short — When Majid, one of the owners, started his video business, the staff here were recruited to wrestle every other staff member at some time or another -- naked. Fabio and I were matched up, winner tops looser. Fabio is bigger and probably stronger than I am, so everyone expected me to lose and bottom for him. He did not do a full anal flushing before the match because he was so confident in his winning. But I got him in a hold that he couldn’t break out of, and he struggled, strained, and fought as hard as he could. The hold wouldn’t break. He strained so hard that he finished cleaning himself out all over the wrestling mat.”
Cam and Del stood there with their mouths fully open in disbelief.
“I said in his ear, ‘Poopie!’ It was a word my niece thought was funny at the time, when she was two years old. Fabio replied, ‘You’re such a sweetie!’ So to him, I’m ‘Sweetie.’ To me he’s ‘Poopie!’”
Cam and Del convulsed in laughter.
Dylan turned to Del and told him, ‘You are never, ever to mention this to Fabio. Understand? Never! Ever!’
Del and Cam both nodded their heads and signed ‘Yes!’
“What was the hold you submitted Fabio with?” Cam wanted to know.
“I got a leg scissors around his head. I grabbed his hair … he was wearing it long and curly then … and yanked it back. He moved his chin just enough for me to get my ankle under it. Then I could slide my leg farther under his chin to lock my knee around the ankle. But the key to the hold was that I could bend my left leg enough to slide it against his back, which locked it into position, and he, himself, was preventing his getting out of the hold … regardless of how hard the struggled. That was when he fired … the Poopie!
The other men remained dumbfounded.
“Oh, he could roll me around on the mat … but he couldn’t break the hold,” Dylan continued. “Eventually, he tapped out.”
Logan and Gordon came up to the small group as they approached a practice wrestling area.
“Who’s wrestling?” Logan asked.
“You and Del, here, since you asked,” Cam replied. “He wants to
learn the hold and Scottish Backhold techniques. Gordie, would you and Logan
demonstrate the hand placement and take-downs?”
After several take-downs by Gordon and Logan, the bearded one took charge of showing Del how to put his arms around Logan and clasp his hands. Del was a little slow on the start because Logan was able to pick him up and toss him to the ground a couple of times before he got the hang of what to do. The next three matches, Del was ready and threw Logan easily. Gordon volunteered to take Del on for some more even size and weight. Of their five holds, Gordon won first and second, then Del took the big Canadian down in three straight holds.
Del was pumped at his new-found sport. He was ready to challenge any of the bigger men there. He saw the prison officer, Abnar Crapper, and told Dylan and Cam he wanted to wrestle him. The huge Scotsman happened to see them looking his way, so he walked over to them. Cam told him Del wanted to wrestle him, that he was learning and was looking for the bigger guys to take on.
“Sure, I’ll go a set with him!” the man from Aberdeenshire agreed.
The two men took their positions. Cam made sure Del’s hands were properly placed, then stood where Del could see his hands. He clapped his hands once as he called, “Hold!” – the signal to start the match.
Del gave Abnar some real problems from the beginning. He was quick on his feet and fended off Abnar’s attempt to trip him up. He tried to pick the Scotsman up but was thwarted in his attempts each time. But the prison officer’s experience and strength eventually allowed him to get Del off balance and take him to the ground for the first fall.
The second fall went to Del because he bent Abnar’s knee with his leg, causing him to stumble and Del took the advantage, rolling on top of the foreigner for their second fall. The third fall went to the Scotsman and the fourth to Del. In their fifth and final fall, Del twisted his ankle and Abnar took the advantage this time, picking Del up and using a hip roll flipped him to the ground for the win.
Del was ecstatic! He didn’t care if he won or lost, he was wrestling a real champion and went five falls with him. Through his bearded interpreter, he offered himself to bottom for the winner, but the prison officer declined. Del grabbed him in a hug and a kiss, to which the furry, ginger muscleman responded positively. Del was on Cloud Nine for the rest of the day! Or maybe month!
That evening, Cam was invited to have dinner at the Residence with Grant, Majid, Dylan, Del, and the rest of the household staff, as the visiting judges were having dinner at the Club. The five of them were seated in the dining alcove for ease of conversation. Del was almost bouncing off the ceiling from all the excitement of the day. He was hyped about wrestling the prison officer and winning a couple of falls against him. He was hyped about spending the night with Cam at Viktor and Fabio’s home. He had no idea what the two hosts were planning for him — three muscle hunks against one!
Since all the men were naked at the Residence, there was no need to don their tartans or shorts for the ride across the road. When they entered the house, Viktor was stretched out on the couch enjoying a drink and relaxing with his laptop. He heard Cam knock on the door then open it slowly. He closed and slid his laptop under the couch, then stood to greet his guests, everyone attired in a “birthday suit!”
“Care for a drink?” he asked, orally and in AMSLAN.
“Sure!” Cam answered, as Del nodded and signed ‘yes!’
“What’s the poison of the day?” Cam asked.
“White Russian. I’m Russian … It’s what I serve after dinner!”
“Of course!” Cam commented, and Del smiled.
The three musclemen sat visiting and drinking White Russians until Fabio got home and had his own drink. About midnight, Vik reminded the others he had an early call and needed to go to bed. The four men rose, Del got his ditty-bag and they all went upstairs. The four said ‘good-night’ then went into their own bedrooms.
About thirty-minutes later, after everyone was apparently settled in, Vik and Fabio quietly went to Del’s room to listen to what was going on inside. They heard some kissing, moaning and sounds of pleasure coming from the dark room. Silently, they opened the door and slipped in. Cam and Del were enjoying each other’s company, strong arms holding each other tightly and faces exploring their partner’s oral services.
The intruders knelt on each side of the bed, spread the ass-cheeks in front of him and began a tongue licking deep within the crevasse. That definitely got a reaction from both bedded men. The tongue treatment didn’t stop, so the others went back to exploring the depths of their mouths.
Soon, hands reached for a pair of rock-hard levers to manipulate. Copious lubricant was available from the tips of each lever. Then two hands reached behind their owners and rubbed the heads that were servicing their relaxed but closed rear accesses.
As soon as the levers were approved for firmness, the fingers proceeded to penetrate those anal entries — first one, then two, three, penetrating to their full depths. While inside, the fingers separated and closed, one finding a particularly sensitive organ. That finger traced its shape before allowing the other two fingers to determine to size of the organ. The three fingers worked their way around gently, allowing all the sensations of prostate stimulation to reach maximum sensitivity.
Meanwhile, all four men were using one of their own hands to maintain the stimulation of their, or another’s engorged obelisk. Too soon, four men were groaning for release. The two intruders grabbed one of the pumping hand to stop the impending explosion at the same time his three fingers withdrew from the vast cavern he was exploring. All four men were on the precipice of eruption.
When Cam and Del broke their kiss, Vik picked up the Oregonian, turned his head toward the bottom of the bed where a long, thick spike was waiting to be driven into his head, and his own long, thick skewer was ready to be engulfed by the portal facing it. The men are so big that their rears hung over the sides of the California King-size beds — perfect for penetration from a couple of other power poles. A few full-length penetrations was all that was needed for four hot men to produce potent protein preparations into their recipients. Vik replaced Cam to his original position, face-to-face with Del, then the two security men slipped out of the bedroom and went to their own bed for the rest of the night.
The following morning, the two visitors slept very late, but when Fabio heard them in the shower, he started making breakfast. When the two sleepy-heads showed up, they were greeted with the scent of strong coffee and Country Ham frying. The biscuits were ready to come out of the oven and a stack of cheddar and prosciutto omelets were in a warming oven. Condiments were already on the table with cold apple cider waiting for the trio.
Cam sarcastically asked, “You can cook more than pizza and pasta?”
To which Fabio replied in a thick Italian accent, “Eh, you no lika my colazione (breakfast), you can sucka my pene,” — complete with hand gestures!
“I’ll have that for dessert!” Cam quipped back.
The three men finished off everything Fabio had prepared, and it was obvious they had filled their stomachs, three legs and two feet each.
Over at the competition site, the contestants were practicing tossing the sheaf over the bar. A 16-pound bale of straw, the sheaf, is wrapped in a burlap bag and tossed over the raised bar with a pitchfork. Think of a pair of upright goal-posts and tossing the sheaf across the crossbar that is raised three feet for the contestants who succeed at each height. There is some argument as to whether it’s a true Highland game or just a crowd pleaser that’s more of a country fair event. Whatever the origin is, the men take it as a serious competition and do their damnedest to win. Logan Levin from Alaska won this competition with a height of 36’. Of course, Del had to try it so Dylan showed him how and Cam guided his holding the tool, lifting the bundle and then the toss. Del would need some more practice to become proficient at tossing the sheaf a great distance in the air.
On Friday, nearly every man who was competing, except for the dancers and the musicians, was signed up for the Maide-Leisg in his weight category. Abnar requested an unofficial match with Del, which got Del to “tent his kilt” again! Cam demonstrated with Abnar how to hold the stick and the placement of the soles of their feet pressing against each other. Dylan explained everything to Del while the two others simulated the pulling against the opponent. The competition would consist of two out of three wins.
Del pulled Abnar off the ground in the first round, but the Scotsman pulled the American up in the other two. The two big men hugged and Del thanked the guys for the opportunity to participate. He was grinning from ear to ear with his accomplishments of the week. He could hardly wait to get back to his friends at Gallaudet to tell them all about his week at the Highland Gaymes.
Meanwhile, there were five pairs competing at a time, with a judge to record who won each event. Abnar was scheduled in the third round for his weight class. As the day progressed, the winners would compete against each other in each weight category. Runners, cyclists, and wrestlers of lighter weight had their matches. Ian and Sean enjoyed their match-up, but Dougal and Seamus were determined to win against the other to also win their debate. Cam, Del and Dylan wandered around watching the various pairs struggle to win, and the two were happy their deaf friend was enjoying his first Highland Games.
Nearly everyone who attended could claim an award for some part of the contest although a few were disappointed in their performances during the week. Friday night at the Club, drinks were “on the house” for those who would receive trophies the next morning. The young security man who had escorted Dougal and Seamus out earlier in the week was very much present to keep the rowdiness to a minimum. The two ruffians had settled their disagreement earlier in the evening, and Seamus was lording it over Dougal who was rather subdued.
Saturday morning was beautiful, and the outdoor temperature was in the upper 70-degrees. The front lawn of the Residence was filled with the competing visitors, dressed in their finest tartan attire. The judges were also decked out to the hilt and milling around among the competitors. The Crystal Rainbow group were setting up to make the presentations. Dylan would make the announcements and Scotty would hand off the ribbons and medals to the judges who would award them to the contestant. Grant, Majid, Dildar, Hassan, Jim, Justin, and Harvey made up the receiving line to congratulate each one as they left the platform.
Everyone who attended won at least one medal. Cameron and Delmar were off to the side since neither was competing. The dancers and musicians were the first sets to receive their medals, then came the “test of strength” categories. Abnar Crapper received the most medals, four gold, three silver, and one bronze. The last competitive award was one of Abnar’s gold medals, and he was named the winner of the Gaymes.
“This has been one great week!” he started his comments to audience applause. “Everyone has a medal! (applause) Everyone has had a lot of fun! (applause and cheers) All thanks to the men … and women … of the Crystal Rainbow! (more applause and cheers) And everyone has ridden the dragon … at least once this week! (the last over hoots and hollers at the reference to their extra activities in private) There is one young man who has been a tremendous inspiration to all of us, and I, for one, think he should receive Honorable Mention for his wanting to learn all our ancestors’ sports.” The man from Aberdeenshire picked up the trophy. “And I am happy to present this trophy to Delmar Robbinson for his enthusiasm and making this tournament especially enjoyable.”
As Cam interpreted for Del, the young man was shocked at the reaction of the crowd which was looking at him and applauding. Cam had to guide Del over to the platform to receive his award, which was a “Thumbs Up” trophy. Del started to tear up at the honor they were giving him. Abnar grabbed him in a bear hug and laid a big kiss on his tempting mouth.
“Tell him I’ll take him up on his offer this afternoon,” Abnar told Cam. The man from Oregon signed it to the hunky deaf hulk. As Del tried to sort out what was going on, he looked at Abnar who was waving his finger between the two of them. When he realized what Abnar meant, Del grinned, grabbed Abnar, picking him up and swinging him around and around. When he put him back on the ground Del went for the kiss again – just deeper this time.
The combined bands began their concert and the dancers took the platform to dance with the music. Lunch was provided by the Food Services teams with tables set up in front of the garages on the patio area. Then the afternoon and evening fun was held back at the Lodge.
To be continued...
For video of HRM Elizabeth II attending the Highland Games visit
For some great videos of previous competitions, search for Highland Games Videos.
Posted: 10/02/2020