The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019-2020 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 19
The Hemi and The Incredible Hunk – Part II
One morning, Dylan went to Grant’s office to talk with him about meeting Delmar. “Grant, this kid is a very smart guy, but he hasn’t had the opportunities he should and therefore needs to meet more people who can converse with him. If I may, I would like to suggest that you take a day to meet him – and get away from this place for a few hours! Relax and enjoy it! Darrin and Gerhard will take the car up to Dallas next week. You might enjoy riding up there with them.”
Grant gave him an inquisitive look.
“Hey, it might make a great story!” Dylan added.
“Uh, maybe,” Grant sounded unconvinced.
“Okay. It was only a suggestion. If you don’t want to … fine. It was just a thought.”
“Yeah. I might enjoy getting away. And besides, Wade has already hit me up about the trip!” Grant said with a smirk.
Dylan glared at his boss as he turned to walk out. “Just proves what I’ve always said – not only do you have a cute ass, but it’s also a smart-ass!”
“Up yours too!” Grant chuckled.
“Say when!” the Scotsman replied with a laugh as he flipped up the back of his kilt and mooned his way out the door.
The following Wednesday, Wade, Gerhard and Grant were ready for the trip up to Dallas, GA.
“Grant, would you like to drive up there or to drive home?” Wade asked the Boss.
“You’re going to let me drive this baby?!” Grant asked in amazement. Wade nodded his head and Grant immediately jumped into the driver’s seat. He had taken rides over the past couple of months and driven it once around the outer perimeter track. Gerhard climbed in the back and Wade took the passenger seat. Grant was in awe of how the Charger handled, it’s amazing fuel efficiency from modifications the guys had made to the engine, and how comfortable the ride was.
“So, tell me some more about this young guy I’m going to meet today,” Grant requested.
“You already know he’s deaf, he’s young, late teens, he’s almost jinni big, all over, he’s horny, he’s sharp mentally, he’s good looking, he’s hot,” Wade summarized.
“He’s been in contact with jinn for a while,” Grant added.
“Yeah, and he’s not afraid of them because, so far they’ve only sucked him off or let him fuck them,” Wade commented. “He hasn’t learned who they really are, and because of his religious beliefs he wouldn’t accept what they are. He may think they are just part of his sexual hallucinations.”
“Men who are as big as he is and gay also,” Grant confirms.
“Exactly!” Wade agrees. “He has no concept of other cultures’ ancient beliefs.”
“But you say he’s intelligent,” Grant adds. “He hasn’t had the opportunity to become aware of more than what he learned at Morganton.”
Wade shook his head as he pointed to a road leading to the raceway. “Here’s your turn. It’s about a quarter mile down this road.”
The double wide gate leading into the track was open and Delmar was standing at the entrance, motioning for them to drive on into the Pit area. Arlo came out of the office to greet them. “Howdy, boys!” he said as the three men climbed out of the ‘souped-up’ car. Wade introduced Grant and Gerhard to Arlo and Delmar, audibly and in AMSLAM as everyone shook hands.
Grant turned to Del and began a lively conversation with him, telling him about his sister and brother-in-law, Greta and Robbie Paul, life at Gallaudet University and the success deaf people have in the community and real world. Del was enraptured with learning about the opportunities that could be available to him, so he and Grant walked over to the Pit to continue their skull-session.
“Well, I guess you two can go on about your own business while they chat with their hands,” Arlo observed. “I’ll be inside if you need anything. You know your way around here.”
“Thanks, Arlo,” Wade replied. “See you later – (then in a lower voice) alligator!”
“After-while, crocodile!” Gerhard added in a low voice.
The two men climbed into the Charger, Wade in the driver’s seat, and began running laps on the dirt track. After half an hour, Wade pulled up at the pit area and Gerhard got behind the wheel and got used to how the car handled on dirt and in the turns. He started slowly, then after a few laps he gradually added speed to the laps until he reached 100 kph and held that speed several laps. After that, Gerhard revved up his speed on the straightaways, cutting back to his previous speed on the curves.
When the blond German stud got up to 150 kph on the straightaways, Wade suggested keeping it there for this time. “This is not the Autobahn and we’re not on pavement, so let’s max it at this for a while.”
“Jawohl, mein herrn!” 1
Gerhard varied his speeds and parts of the track to drive on for the next half hour. Then he let Wade out at the Pit and he got another half hour of solo driving. In the meantime, Wade joined Grant and Delmar in the Pit shelter without actively joining their conversation. Grant was telling Del about Gallaudet University and what it could do for him.
‘There’s a one hundred thousand dollar scholarship for deaf students who need help with their education and you fit the requirements perfectly!’ Grant signed. ‘If you’re interested, I would be happy to show you around the campus and help you with the application for that scholarship.’
‘You would do that for me?’ Dell asked in amazement.
‘Would you be able to get off work here for a week to go to Washington, look at the campus and decide if you want to go there?’ Grant asked in return.
Del’s reply was to pick Grant up in a bearhug and swinging him around like he was a ragdoll.
“Need any help, Boss?” Wade snarked, to which Grant raised a couple of middle fingers in response.
Gerhard saw the activity in the Pit from the Fourth Turn, and pulled into Pit Road for a closer look-see. By that time, Del had put Grant back on the ground and begun to jump up and down in ecstasy.
Arlo heard the commotion and came running out of the office. “What’s going on here?” he hollered.
Wade filled in both Arlo and Gerhard. “Grant told Del about an available scholarship for four years at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC, to get a college degree. His sister and brother-in-law went to school there and his brother-in-law is an instructor-coach at the school. That’s all!”
“That boy don’t need no college degree to work here!” Arlo said, disgusted. “It’s all nonsense, getting’ the boy’s hopes up. Rubbish!”
“Mr. Andrews, it’s not rubbish,” Grant injected. “The boy is intelligent and would do well at Gallaudet. He could start his studies online and then transfer to the campus later. Would you not want him to achieve his best by holding him back from further study?”
“He don’t need no fancy college degree to hope me out here!” Arlo argued. “And if you’re going to put fancy ideas in his head, then we don’t need your rent money, so you can pay me for today and don’t come back!”
“If that’s the way you feel, we’ll leave – for now,” Grant said, “but we’ll be back sooner than later. Have a good day, sir.” ‘We’ll talk later,’ he signed to Del as he winked an eye also. “Let’s go, guys!”
Grant crawled into the back of the car and pulled out his cellphone, while Wade drove and Gerhard rode shotgun.
That evening, Del Skyped Dylan, telling him what happened at the track. Dylan was very sympathetic and told Del that he should just stay calm and everything would work out for the best. He suggested that Del should not do anything to antagonize Arlo, including mentioning the university, advanced education, or give any hint of making any changes. Dylan assured the young hulk that he did not know what Grant was planning, but that he would do the best thing for the young man. He also assured him that his friends would still visit with him on the computer, and enjoy masturbating together. That made DoofyDel very happy.
* * * * * * *
A month later, Grant and Dylan rode with Wade back up to Dallas. Arlo came out to the main gate when he saw them drive up to it.
“What are you doin’ here?” he asked with a perturbed tone.
“Did you get a letter from Wilton Longstaff telling you that I had bought half interest in this property?” Grant asked him.
Arlo stared at Grant intently. “The owner said that a Gerald Richards bought half of the property. You said your name is Grant — or am I mistaken about that?”
“You’re absolutely right. Grant is my middle name and Gerald is my formal first name.”
“You bought this place so’s you can git your hands on my nephew! Well, you ain’t gonna git away with that!” Arlo screeched.
“I don’t want to get my hands on your nephew. I want him to have an opportunity for an education that he doesn’t have here. As I told you before, he can study on the computer to start with and later go to Washington to live on campus.”
“You’re payin’ Dufus’es way there?” Arlo quizzed Grant.
“Yes, I am. I believe in Delmar and his ability to get a college education. And I’m making it possible in a school for the deaf,” Grant replied.
“And ye ain’t queer for his body?”
“No, not at all. I have someone at home who is all I need,” Grant clarified.
“You goin’ to try and run this here racetrack?”
“No sir, not at all. If I hadn’t bought into this operation, you wouldn’t have let my guys back on the track. I had to become an owner for you to even listen to me. My only interest was to get your attention so I could provide the boy with a good education – which I think he deserves.”
“I don’t know as I total believe ye, but you’re a smooth talker and ye sound like ye mean what ye say,” Arlo conceded.
“Well, thank you for that,” Grant replied. “Will you take the time to look at what Gallaudet offers for deaf students? We can go over it with you and Delmar now while Wade runs tests on the car, if that meets with your approval.”
Dylan had been interpreting the conversation for Delmar, so when Arlo motioned for the big teenager to join them, he was more than ready. A big grin across his face proved that. Wade hopped in the car and took it onto the track to try out some tweaks that had been made under the hood, while Delmar, Arlo, Grant and Dylan went into the office. Del sat at the desk and pulled up the Gallaudet University website.
“How’d he know how to do that?” Arlo asked.
“You’d be surprised how much your nephew knows about the school from its website,” Dylan commented.
“I mean, how did he know how to use this computer?” Arlo clarified.
“I told you he’s a smart kid,” Grant said. “He learned it at the school he went to.”
“‘Ell, I’ll be danged!”
Del pointed out various things on the screen, pertinent to his interests that he could study at Gallaudet. Arlo began to see how Del could benefit with the additional education.
“I would like for him to visit us for a week or two down in Atlanta, if you could get along without him for that long,” Grant told Arlo.
“I don’t know how I could get along without him,” the uncle moaned. “He handles all the heavy stuff here.”
“Maybe we could put an ad in the local paper for some part time help, and I’ll reimburse you for what he costs,” Grant offered.
“I can see the ad now,” Dylan said and signed. “Muscle hulk to do the dirty work around the racetrack! Name your price!” That got a great laugh from the others.
The agreement was for Arlo to find someone to hire before Delmar left for a visit.
Del and Dylan Skyped each other the evening before Del would be visiting the Crystal Rainbow.
‘What stuff do I need to bring with me?’ he asked.
‘Bring one each shorts, T-shirts, Khakis and two polo shirts, socks, sandals, shoes, definitely toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving gear, toiletries. You won’t need all of that, but there may be a time when you could use some of them,’ Dylan replied. ‘We’ll provide all the lube you’ll need!’
Del’s eyes popped wide open and Dylan bent double laughing on his screen.
‘You will be the first to need it!’ Del signed back.
‘I’ll be waiting to use it on you!’ Dylan teased.
‘In you!’ Del replied with vehemence. Both men were in hysterics by this time. Then both said ‘good night’ with the “I Love You” sign, then logged out.
The next morning, Darrin, Grant and Dylan took one of the Town-Cars to Dallas to escort Delmar south. Del was virtually on pins and needles waiting for them to arrive.
His substitute at the racetrack was a husky, hunky Paulding County High School football defensive tackle who could work in off season and was glad for the job. Josh was as big as Del, and they enjoyed wrestling each other out in the middle of the track.
Today, Delmar was dressed to the nines in Khakis and a plum-colored polo shirt, which hugged his torso and arms like Spandex. When Grant and his guys saw Del, the three of them let out a shrill wolf-whistle which Arlo and Josh heard but wasn’t lost on Del because of the decibel of the sound. He just grinned big! Then gave the three men a big hug each.
Then Del saw the Town-Car and was awe-struck. His mouth hung open; he walked around it, gently rubbing the shiny Sapphire Blue with the rainbow decal on the sides. Josh brought Del’s rolling backpack to Darrin so he could put it in the trunk. Everyone exchanged farewells, then Dylan held the rear passenger door for Del, and Darrin held the other rear door for Grant. Darrin drove and Dylan rode shotgun!
The trip to the Resort was lively with all the signing going on between the front seat and the back seat. The near hour drive seemed to fly by, and then they were on Crystal Rainbow Boulevard headed toward the main entrance where the car stopped for Del to see the security hunks on duty in their very brief uniforms. The two saluted the passengers, flexing their massive biceps in the process. Del noticed the badges pinned through their nipples, and was amazed at the muscle studs.
They drove on to the Residence entrance, then Del saw the castle-like structure ahead of them. He turned to Grant and signed, ‘You live here?’ Grant nodded his head as he smiled. Darrin pulled up to the front where Dylan jumped out to open the door for Del. They grinned at each other as Grant opened his own door. Darrin popped the trunk release and one of the guys from inside grabbed the backpack to take it up to Delmar’s room.
Del was so overwhelmed, he broke down into tears. Dylan took him in his arms to console him, and in turn got saltwater rolling down his bare shoulder. They held onto each other for a few minutes, then went into the mansion. The young deaf man was overwhelmed with the interior. His first reaction was to touch the window to the aquarium and point to all the variety of fish. Then he notice the huge staircase and the chandelier as it hung from the top of the glass framed ceiling dome. And finally he noticed his other friends from the track waiting to greet him in colorful jockstraps. They had a huge group hug, and he tried to pick all of them up at the same time. It didn’t work, so he laughed through his tears. The guys individually put their arms around him and reached up for a full lip kiss — which lasted longer than normal.
Dylan signed to Del, ‘STRIP!’ (Okay, he signed ‘undress.’)
Del blushed, then signed, ‘No underwear.’ That was when Grant, Majid and everyone else stripped off what they were wearing to reveal a room full of nude, muscular men in various stages of fluff! Del’s mouth dropped open and a big smile spread over his face as he dropped his pants to reveal his own bigger than the average fluff! The room burst into applause, fist bumps and pumps.
After meeting all the guys on the Residence staff, Del was seated in the guest/overflow alcove with Grant, Majid and Dylan, but facing the general dining area so he could see what was going on there. Angel had a feast for us ready at lunch. Beer-Braised BBQ pork butt sliced, Bourbon and Honey baked beans, Waffle Fries, Southern Cole Slaw, spicy Deviled Eggs – and of course, sweetened iced tea.
After lunch, Grant and Ando showed Del around the Residence. The young guy was wowed with the extravagance of the place. He wanted to take a dip in the indoor pool, climb to the top of the mountain and come down the slide. Then he saw The Grotto and insisted going into it. And then he found out what goes on inside The Grotto.
Ando made the first advances on the guest, wrapping his arms around the big guest to play with his nipples and chest, while his ramrod inspected the young stud’s rear entrance. Del simply melted into Ando’s arms and rubbed his backside against the mechanic’s dip-stick, trying to force it inside him. The lubricating and anesthetizing effect of Ando’s precum made entry easy. Del was astonished at the ease his black friend made the taking of his virgin hole.
When Ando rubbed his prostate, Del gasped as he had his first hands-free orgasm. Ando released his immunizing supply of cum inside the teenager, providing a lifetime of safe-sex. And Grant reached out to complete the spouting of the fountain of youth!
It took Del several minutes to realize what had happened to him, and to further grasp the special mood of the location. His legs grew weak, so Ando and Grant helped him to the ledge that outlines The Grotto. He lay down and let the water splash over him. Ando began to give him a gentle massage, using the Tantric technique. Soon Del was feeling the results of Ando’s ministrations.
Grant was standing by his head, so when he looked up at the handsome older man, Del realized his face was almost rubbing against Grant’s flaccid cock. The horny young man extended his tongue to lick the head of the fleshy pacifier. Then he took it in his mouth to manipulate a change in its attitude. The metamorphosis soon occurred. Del took the fully formed obelisk all the way to the base, beginning a pleasant trip to heaven for both men, and resulting in simultaneous climaxes for both. Ando leaned over to take Del’s offering in his mouth — then shared the results with the donor.
After drying off, they continued their tour of the Residence. Del could not believe the size of his bedroom and the separate bath. The other rooms were almost beyond his belief. When they went down to the basement level, he couldn’t understand the “orgy room,” but he loved the view into the pool through the aquarium. The next room blew his mind – a fitness room with wrestling mats. Del turned to Ando and started wrestling him. Ando was ready for him and the two men spent a quarter hour on the mats. The mechanic showed him the ball-grab hold, the Nelson holds, including the “Father Nelson” hold. That he loved! Del is big enough to handle himself with Ando – and probably any of the security hulks – I mean hunks!
That evening, Grant, Majid and Dylan took Del to the club for another surprise. Being only nineteen years old, Del had to stick with the non-alcoholic beverages. The other three did also, but the dancers worked him over every way they could. For the midnight stage show which features the dancers interacting with each other, they used Del as they do a birthday celebrant. They took him on stage, stripping him, and then teasing him – without the sexual interaction. Although much of the time his face was as red as a Gladiator beet, he enjoyed the attention and showing off for the other people in the club. (There were several women visiting the club that night.) Because the dancers tossed all of his clothes to one or another of the mechanics (all were at the Club as a group), he had to parade offstage with a full erection and totally nude. When he was back on the floor, he told his friends, ‘Now get me off!’ Instead, he got dressed again while club members rubbed their hands all over his body to slow his dressing progress. He loved every minute of it!
Majid asked Del if he would like one of the guys to spend the night with him and he indicated he would like ‘the man at the front,’ – Halldór, Chief of Club Security. Dylan asked the big guy if he would be able to accommodate the guest at the Residence after work. He readily agreed, probably faster because Del was a guest of the Bosses.
While the other security men were closing down the club and the parking lot, Halldór called Khayal to talk with him in the office.
“How can I be of service, sir?” the young jinni asked as he appeared.
“You know the young man who is Mr. Richard’s guest,” Halldór confirmed with Khayal’s nod of his head. “What would be Delmar’s wish for my visit with him tonight?”
The jinni looked thoughtful for a moment as if he were reading Del’s thoughts. “The young man enjoys rough action with another man, both give and take. He seems to wish to have a real fight with you and doesn’t care if he wins or loses it. He seems to wish to dominate you but then he wants you to dominate him also. I do not understand, sir.”
Halldór smiled and replied, “I think I understand. He wants a man who is not easy to dominate but he has the ability to do that, while at the same time he wants a man who can dominate him. Has he ever been fucked?”
“Yes, sir, once. Ando has fucked him … and he enjoyed it. It was his first time!”
“That’s very interesting. Thank you, Khayal. Could you help me with this meeting?”
“How can I serve sir?
“When I go into his bedroom, if you would make the entire room sound and vibration proof. I want us to be free to make all the noise we can and bounce around off of walls, floors and furniture. And nobody else will hear the noise we are creating. Can you do that?”
“I can certainly do that,” Khayal replied. “I do have a favor to beg in return.”
Halldór had a puzzled look on his face. “What is that favor, Khayal?”
“May I watch what goes on in there?”
Halldór burst out laughing! “Of course you can watch – just stay hidden and don’t try to help either of us. Agreed?”
“I shall enjoy this, sir!” the jinni replied.
“I think I will too!” The security guard reached out to the jinni who took the big man in his arms with a strong bearhug between them.
Ryan had overnight duty at the Residence. Halldór stopped to chat with him briefly about the room Delmar occupied, then quietly went up to the suite. The huge guard did not knock but opened the door and went in, closing and locking it behind him.
Del was asleep on the bed with the covers around his feet. Halldór stripped his clothes off quietly, and mentally asked Khayal if the room was secured. The jinni replied that it was sound-proofed and shock-proofed – and he was the speck on the corner of the dresser mirror.
Hal awoke Del by pinning him to the bed, sitting on his chest, holding his arms to the bed and ramming his engorged cock in the young man’s mouth. Del’s eyes opened wide and his teeth bit down hard on the tube ramming his tonsils. That got Hal’s attention enough that the bottom man got his hands free enough to grab his attacker’s arms and push them behind him. Hal lost his balance and was pushed backwards on the bed. Del raised himself up and reversed the pin. When he got one leg free, he rammed his foot in Hal’s groin, getting his attention again.
Del came up off the bed pounding Halldór with everything he had. Elbow to the lower part of the sternum just above the abdominal muscles, which took the wind out of Hal. The big teenager then realized who his attacker was and backed off, shocked at what he had done to his new escort. He was very embarrassed and apologetic.
Hal looked up at him, grinned and asked/signed, “Get what you wanted?”
Del looked at Hal puzzled. “What?”
“You wanted it rough, didn’t you. Was that rough enough for you, or do you want some more?”
“That’s exactly what I wanted, and you’re going to get more of it!” Del replied.
Then he proceeded to attack Hal on the bed. But the security man was ready for him and raised his knee for Del to impale himself on and a forearm across the teen’s massive chest. He followed that with two claw holds to the young pectoral muscles while pushing the whole torso up and down like a body press. On one of the up-presses, Del bent his leg so that on the down-motion, his knee landed directly in Hal’s groin. Del got out of the hold, and grabbed Hal’s crotch with one hand and his throat with the other and began dead-lifts with the big rainbow stud as his weight. WOW! 275 pounds over his head! (I wonder if he had any help from a speck on the dresser mirror!)
He ended up with a body slam (okay, not a slam but a drop) to the thickly carpeted floor. While Hal was getting his breath back, Del dropped to his knees, pushing the hunky man’s legs over his head and aiming his battering ram at the rear entrance.
“You ready for this?” Del asked his victim.
“Go for it, horse!” Halldór replied. The bottom man relaxed his anal muscles for easier access.
Delmar began to push forcefully and found it comparatively easy to slam the rosebud opening all the way to his base.
Halldór screamed with ‘pain’ as loud as he could! Not that he was in excessive agony, but to add to the teen hulk’s enjoyment of the victory. (Did he have lessons from a pro-wrestler?) For several minutes he would grunt or groan with each pounding he received. Then he changed to a moan of pleasure as Del rammed as hard as he could.
Soon, Delmar was moaning also, then he began his release inside his bottom-man. Hal grabbed Del’s head and pulled his mouth over his own exploding cannon. Del swallowed every drop, then collapsed on top of his new fuck-partner. They lay there for several minutes, playing “dueling tongues,” then crawled in bed for a couple hours sleep.
When they awoke, they held each other as they kissed, tenderly, lovingly, then more aggressively, until they were wrestling on the bed. Delmar wrapped his arm around Halldór’s neck, controlling his movement. Hal, meanwhile, maneuvered his legs between Del’s, spreading them wide apart, stretching the muscular teen thighs farther than normal. Del tried to wrap his legs around Hal’s body, but the security man had control. Hal’s manhood had come alive and was growing into its ramrod strength. Del tried to roll both of them over so he would be on top. No luck! Hal was completely in charge.
Hal was leaking precum, preparing the waiting rosebud for intrusion. The anesthetic was relaxing the tight muscle and soon the Swede’s strength forced open the waiting entrance. Del moaned as he became accustomed to the sliding in-and-out and his own masterpiece’s growing and enlarging, rubbing between the hills and valleys of two ripped slabs of abdominal muscle. Del gave up the fight. He began his assault on Hal’s nipples, twisting both of them, using the gold barbells that pierced them for additional leverage. In return, Halldór focused his claws on two bounding pecs and the protrusions jutting out from them.
After several minutes, Del signed, ‘Harder! Harder!’, his fists pounding the bigger man’s solid chest. Hal was surprised, but increased the intensity of his thrusts. A few minutes later, Del signed, ‘That all you got?’ Hal was astonished that he could take more thrust, so he rammed the kid’s ass harder and faster than he had ever used on any human being. He was taking the power usually saved for the Crystal Rainbow staff.
Then some ten minutes later, Delmar was showing signs of agitation and that he was nearly ready to explode all over both of them. Halldór increased his intensity until he was ready to blast the Carolinian’s insides. The security chief opened fire with his first volley. This was followed by the teen’s volley into the Valley of the Abs. Back and forth, the two muscle men released their love-potion in syncopated spurts until Del ran out of anything to squirt. Hal slacked off with a few finishing drops, then lay on top of the hunky kid, sharing a voracious kiss before the young man fell asleep – totally drained of energy and cum.
Khayal deepened Delmar’s sleep so that in the next couple of hours, he would regain his full energies. Halldór also slept, spooning the stud he had just fucked into oblivion.
The following night, Del wanted to return to the Club, so Dylan took him to dinner at the Club Diner. It was an opportunity for him to meet some of the girls and watch what was going on in the bar downstairs. Two of the girls who were not working, Kimi and Ceri, joined the two guys for dinner. He also met Kiko and Juana who were working. Some of the Munchkins were messing around on the stage, and Del was fascinated with them. Dylan told him they would meet later in the evening.
If you thought the little guys were excitable, they went 🦍💩 when they saw the giant who seemed to be three-times their size. Del was equally excited and grabbed the four of them – two in each arm – then spun them around in the air. When he put them down, a phone call to the other two was eminent and they showed up within five minutes. They were the show until the dancers took the stage.
had his own side show going on with the six Munchkins in the lap-dance lounge.
They hung onto his forearms so he could lift them in the air, and flexing his
huge biceps like precipices they could hang onto while being pumped up and
down. They compared Del’s manhorn to Arman’s and Vern tried to do chin-ups like
he could on the jinni’s. Didn’t work!
The little guys decided they wanted to be Del’s escort all the time, but Dylan squashed that immediately. They didn’t take that well and retaliated by beating on the security guard. That only lasted a short time because Del picked them up, two at a time to pull them off his good buddy. He tossed them on the chairs and couches around the room. They loved the rough treatment!
Over the next week, Delmar had a different visitor to his bed each night. Each was from the security division – Fabio, Colt, Viktor, Caleb, Wyatt, and Luther. The kid was insatiable for sex and he loved the rough foreplay and copulation each stud brought to the bed. And each night, Khayal became a speck on the dresser while ensuring the room was sound-proofed and vibration-proof. The big teen hunk held his own competently with each security super-stud. Even after a week, he was ready for more each night. None of them could believe he had such stamina, and concluded it was from growing up on a farm and slinging a lot of bull!
The following week, Grant, Dylan and Delmar flew to Washington to meet with the administration of Gallaudet University. Grant had talked with an attorney in DC, who previously had been with the attorneys in Atlanta (and thought of as ‘The Black Bomber’), about establishing a scholarship program for gay deaf students. He was starting with one million dollars to be invested into the Grant Richards Scholarship for Gay Students, both male and female. Each scholarship would be valued at one hundred thousand dollars over a four year period. The first scholarship would be for Delmar Robbinson of Robbinsville, NC.
The three guys stayed with Robbie and Greta and Little Grant, Big Grant’s only nephew. They stayed in the cottage which Grant and Greta’s grandparents had lived in, then Greta lived there and now it was a guest cottage. Greta was excited to have her big brother home with her even for a week. She went all out for the three guests, and Del almost ate her out of house and home.
The following morning, Grant had an appointment with the attorney, then drove Del and Dylan around the DC area to show them some of the sights. On the way back to the house, he took them around to various sightseeing venues – the Washington Monument, The Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, The White House, The Capitol. As Grant was driving out Connecticut Avenue, he had an inspiration of something Del would really enjoy – The National Zoo. He turned into the Park entrance and took the drive down to the main facility. Del nearly went berserk! So they spent the rest of the afternoon seeing as much as possible both in the enclosures and the open areas.
The odor. Never. Changes!
They got back to the cottage in time to shower and change for dinner with the family. The conversation was all about what the guys had done that day. Afterward, Dylan helped Greta in the kitchen while Big Grant played with Little Grant and Robbie and Delmar talked about Gallaudet University. Greta got Little Grant ready for bed, then he came back downstairs to give his Uncle Grant a good night hug and kiss. Little Grant can hear and is in a daycare/preschool facility during the day, so one could say he is “bi-lingual” — English and ASL! Robbie and Grant took him back upstairs to tuck him in bed and Uncle Grant read him a bedtime story.
“Do you have a favorite book, Grant?” his uncle asked.
“Here’s book mommy gave me.” The child gave his uncle the book. “It has my name in it. It’s from Mommy and Daddy!”
Grant took the book that he recognized. “Grant, this has both of our names in it. My mom and dad, your Grandmommy and Granddaddy Richards, gave it to me for my fourth birthday. Do you have a favorite poem in it?”
“I like The Friendly Cow!” Little Grant replied. He opened the book to the page with the poem. The book, A Child’s Garden of Verses, was written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
“The friendly cow, all red, white and blue, I love with all my heart. She gives me ice cream with all her might to eat with apple pie.”
Little Grant looked up at his uncle with a puzzled look on his face.
“She waddles slow here and there, And yet she cannot run away, All in the fresh open air, The pleasant light of day;”
“Uncle Grant ….”
“Yes? Is something wrong?”
“You’re silly! That’s not right!”
“Oh? Can you tell me how it goes?”
“The friendly cow
all red and white,
I love with all my heart:
She gives me cream with all her might,
To eat with apple-tart.
“She wanders lowing here and there,
And yet she cannot stray,
All in the pleasant open air,
The pleasant light of day;
“And blown by all the winds that pass
And wet with all the showers,
She walks among the meadow grass
And eats the meadow flowers.”
Little Grant looked at the pages as if he were really reading the poem.
“That sounds much better than my version,” Grant agreed.
“Uncle Grant?”
“What’s lowing?” Little Grant asked.
Grant thought for a moment. “You know how a kitty-cat purrs when it’s happy?”
The little one nodded his head.
“That’s kind of like a happy sound for a cow.”
“Oh. Thank you, Uncle Grant!” He kissed his uncle on the cheek.
“You’re very welcome. And thank you for reading to me. You ready to go to sleep now?”
Little Grant nodded his head again, so Uncle Grant carried him to his bed and tucked him in with a good-night kiss on his forehead.
“Nighty-night. I love you!” Grant said as he signed the phrase then blew another kiss to the darling little boy. “Pleasant dreams.”
was up early for breakfast because Robbie had a class at 8:00 a.m., Greta needed
to get Little Grant to daycare, and Uncle Grant, Delmar and their attorney had
an appointment later in the morning with the school’s top brass about setting up
the scholarship program. After that was taken care of, the guys from Georgia
were given a tour of the campus. Grant was amazed at the changes since Greta
and Robbie were in school there. He was also surprised at seeing two young men
whom he had met at The Crystal Rainbow Lodge – Darius and Jalen. They would
graduate in December, and they were happy to meet Del and told him to be sure to
find them when he arrived on campus. They exchanged email addresses.
Meeting other students made Del super-hyper! He was ready for some action when they got back to the Chevy Chase cottage. So Jamal made sure the place was sound and vibration proofed and ready for something rough to happen. Dylan and Delmar stripped for the rough and tumble match to determine who would bottom. Del was bigger than Dylan but the Scotsman had extreme strength and agility, so he could maneuver around the more lumbering giant. Dylan got him tied-up in a hold the teen hulk couldn’t break and finally wore himself out from struggling until he submitted.
Dylan laid him down across the queen-sized bed, legs off one side and head hanging over the other. Then he applied a pair of Japanese nipple clamps to his victim, and looped another pair to his own nipples with the connecting chain pulling on Del’s clamp-chain. He raised Del’s immense legs, resting them on his shoulders, then aimed his canon-head at the twitching target. Anesthetic lube oozed from the cyclops eye, and the opening eased apart for the invasion. Once inside, Dylan paused for a moment while Grant took his position over Del’s open mouth. Being attacked from both ends caused double stimulation in the prone teen so that his own massive rocket-launcher reached for the ceiling.
Grant began pumping as a signal for Dylan to start pounding. Their strokes were perfectly syncopated – one was advancing as the other was retreating. Both men made sure they were in full control of their own stimulation, keeping the steady rhythm for at least fifteen minutes. Del was the first to give indication that he couldn’t hold back much longer. Dylan and Grant halted their pump action. Dylan pulled out completely and slapped the teen giant’s balls with a hard swat. Immediately, he reinserted his battering ram and this time they pumped in sync.
Once in and hold — out and a hard slam in again — out and hard slams twice — out and hard slams thrice. The sequence continued to ten, then they reversed the pattern. Del was on the brink of coming again. Dylan pulled all the way out and slapped the vulnerable balls again. The big victim was becoming pissed but Grant grabbed his arms and pulled them over his head. This time Grant was indicating that he couldn’t hold out much longer, and he released his liquid ammo down the fucked, sucking throat. Grant leaned over and started to suck Del’s fountain of youth which exploded almost instantly. As Del was in the final throes of his orgasm, the security muscle stud let loose his own massive injection of sexual stimuli.
The kid was even more exhausted than he had been earlier when he couldn’t fight Dylan anymore. The fight in him was completely drained. His two buddies had to help him to the bathroom for the aftermath piss drainage, and the three of them shared the same toilet to relieve themselves. Delmar was ready to drop in the bed afterward. He was completely drained. The cottage only had two bedrooms, each with one queen bed, so Grant and Dylan cuddled and spooned each other.
Just before Grant woke up the next morning, he dreamed he had a conversation with Jamal about Delmar.
‘Master, I know you are concerned about young Delmar. He demonstrates extreme sexual urges, even for the average teenager. Arman and I would be honored to slowly tone down some of those urges, as we slowly helped Sir Justin heal from his wounds. Perhaps a physician could treat him for the very high hormones that cause his urges. Young men and women he would meet at the school might not be able to satisfy him sexually at his present level of sexuality.’
Dylan woke up when he heard Grant mumbling in his sleep, but he couldn’t understand what he was saying. He put his arm across his boss’ chest, gently rubbing his fingers across his left nipple. Grant smiled in his sleep and turned toward his sleep-partner, wrapping his arm around Dylan’s waist. Before he truly awakened, he leaned forward and kissed the very kissable lips of his security man.
Grant realized he was not kissing his lover, his partner, his husband. His eyes shot open to see the smiling, handsome face of Dylan.
“That was the nicest kiss I’ve ever had!” Dylan said. “Even the ones the night I spent with you and Majid.”
“Your kiss was enjoyable too, even if it was not the one I was expecting,” Grant replied.
“A kiss is still a kiss ….” Dylan sang, his mellow baritone voice a beautiful wake-up call.
“I was thinking about our superstud and how his super-sexuality would play out on campus,” Grant explained. “Maybe we should let our jinn calm him down over the next few weeks, or even have him see a doctor about his testosterone and put him on some meds for it.”
“Or both,” Dylan suggested. “The jinn to get it started then make an appointment for him with a doctor back home. What kind of doctor handles issues with that?”
“I think it would be a urology issue,” Grant replied. “We can check when we get home. For now, we’ll just fuck him daily and let him get all he needs.”
Dylan nodded agreement.
“I hope you’re up to getting fucked daily by him for a while!” Grant teased.
Dylan’s eyes and mouth opened wide! And Grant laughed!
“We could let the four jinn have their turns with him and pass him around the rest of the staff until he gets on some meds!” Grant offered.
Dylan nodded in agreement. “I like that idea!” he said. “Should we try him out with some fists? Or double down?”
“We’ll see!” Grant commented. “I think I hear someone up. Shall we join him?”
* * * * * * *
With Delmar back at home with his uncle and aunt for the rest of the summer, and the mechanics spending their spare time playing with their newest “toy,” there seems to be some sort of normalcy on the “ranch.”
Dildar and Hassan encountered Cooper and Luther in the Resort restaurant one afternoon, and the young security guards accepted the offer to join the bosses for lunch.
“You two have become very close recently,” Dildar commented during the meal. “Anything we should know about?” he added, with a smile.
“We have been thinking we would like to move in together, if that could be arranged,” Cooper told them.
“We don’t think either Wyatt or Sasha would object, if it was alright with you,” Luther added.
“When did this come about?” Hassan asked.
“Does this have anything to do with Khayal? Has he had some influence on you two?” Dildar wanted to know.
The two security guards looked at each other, then back at their boss and nodded their heads.
“Okay. As the Americans say, spill the beans!” Dil added.
“One evening Coop and I were talking about Khayal,” Luther started. “So I called his name and he appeared in the Rec Lounge. We talked about how he liked it here, how he’s getting along with the other jinn, if he had been involved in any security issues that we might not have known about ….”
“And the incident that the other genies had to take care of. I don’t remember what he said about that, but I do remember he fucked huge loads out of both of us. The three of us hugged and kissed — and that’s all I remember about that.”
“But after that, we felt differently about each other …” Luther continued.
“And we want to be together more … as a couple,” Cooper finished.
“That’s all you remember about the incident with the jinni?” Hassan asked.
“Yeah! I feel there’s something missing, but I can’t remember what it is,” Luther replied, as Cooper nodded in agreement.
“Maybe you’ll think of it later … or maybe not!” Dildar commented. “If you want to move in together, I’ll talk with Sasha and Wyatt to get their reactions about living together or alone.”
“Thanks, boss!” the two guards replied together.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/10/2020