The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019-2020 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 18
The Hemi and
The Incredible Hunk – Part I
Gerhard, the hot, cute, blond mechanic and chauffeur, knocked on the open door of Grant’s office in the residence. When Grant saw him, he was fully pumped – all over. He had to want something or there was a problem at the garages that needed the boss’ attention.
“Can I come in?” the German stud asked, when Grant looked up.
“One more step and you will have made it all the way in,” Grant replied, and laughed. The mechanic laughed also and walked in. “Have a seat and tell me what you’re going to coerce me into agreeing to – besides going down on you before you leave.”
He laughed again. “The guys in the garage want to get a car that we can fix up as a race car and drive it on small tracks sometimes. There are lots of them around Georgia, North and South Carolina and Tennessee. We wanted you to know about it before we get into something you might not like. We will use our money for everything that we do with it. And we were hoping you might help us find the kind of car we need and guide us with the project.”
“So, the other guys sent you to sweet-talk me into approving the job. They figured you could wrap me around your little finger – or hot cock – better than anyone else, huh?”
Gerhard grinned, eyes twinkled, and he tried for a nonchalant – innocent facial expression. “Maybe,” he admitted.
“I’ll set up a time to talk with all of you, so we can discuss your plans and how you should proceed.”
“Thank you very much, Grant. That is what we were hoping you would say. We’ll be available whenever you are.”
“Fine. Now that you have gotten yourself into your present condition, how do you plan to relieve yourself of that elongated spear in front of you?” Once the guys allow themselves to become fully erect, they must ejaculate, or they will remain erect and develop blue-balls.
Gerhard stood and walked around the desk as Grant went to his knees. Drops of pearl were visible at his tip and Grant extended his tongue to wipe them away. The boss took his time absorbing the huge manhood. After a few trips to the base of his pleasure, Gerhard lay down on the carpet on his side with his face in line with his boss’ own erection. While Gerhard could hold back nearly forever, the human is limited in how long he could delay shooting a load. When he could feel his boss was ready, he released his massive amount of semen down the waiting throat triggering the older blond’s release. When they were totally empty, Gerhard turned so they could blend their reactions with an extended, deep kiss.
Grant thought, as the two men lay together, ‘One of the best benefits of this operation is the unlimited hot, hunky cocks and asses available for the asking.’
The following morning, Grant met with the mechanics in one of the bays of the garage. Chairs were arranged in a circle so that everyone had a seat for the group chat.
“I understand I’m not the only one who was approached about this venture,” Grant started the conversation, as the group of mechanics pretended to have an innocent look on their faces. Grant looked directly at Darrin. “I hope he enjoyed you as much as I enjoyed Gerhard!”
Darrin grinned and replied, “I gave him all I had and I think I sucked all he had out of him.”
“Enough that I had to work extra hard to get my share last night!” Grant replied, and the group burst into guffaws. “Tell me more about what you are considering for a racecar.”
Wade picked it up there. “We found an old car that is in excellent condition and should be good on small tracks. It’s a 1955 Nash Rambler.”
“A what!?”
“A Nash Rambler,” Wade verified. “It’s in excellent condition, and ….”
That’s as long as the group could hold back and burst into more guffaws.
Grant stood, turning over his chair at the same time. Everybody went silent! “Fuhgeddaboudit!” Grant said as he started to walk away.
The other guys were shocked at his reaction — until he stopped at the garage door and turned around grinning.
“A Nash Rambler would be just your speed. Yeah, that’s fine as long as it is … a 1955 Nash Rambler,” he responded with a smirk.
The mechanics looked stunned. Their joke had backfired.
Grant came back to the group, picked up his chair, and took his seat. “So what kind of car is it really?” He stared down Wade.
“A 1969 Dodge Charger …” Wade replied meekly, “with automatic 727 transmission …” he started to pick up enthusiasm, but Grant interrupted him.
it got a Hemi?” He mimicked Jon Reep, the guy in the commercial.
“… eight cylinder, Hemi-Daytona 500 68 ….”
“It’s got the nose-cone and the rear wing,” Gerhard added.
“It’s even painted Hemi Orange!” Ando interjected.
By then, all the guys were off and running about every aspect of their find, but although Grant was almost as enthusiastic as his mechanics, he was still going to play hardnose for a while.
“Where will you practice driving it?” he asked. “Around the outer loop here?”
“Mostly, but there’s a dirt track up toward Dallas called The Rebel Yell Raceway that rents to groups for practices and weekly races,” Darrin commented. “A couple of us would go up there at a time during slack times to get practice on a real track.”
“You going to pick a number to put on it?” Grant asked.
Wade smirked, “Guess!”
“Sixty-nine!” Grant replied.
“What else?” Gerhard commented.
“We talked with Lane and he suggested a slanted sixty-nine, like Dale Earnhardt’s number three, but with a “C” in the inside of the six and an “R” inside the nine,” Wade explained.
“I like it!” Grant responded. “And we could use it in the Atlanta Pride Parade each year.”
The garage erupted in cheering when Grant indicated he was on board for the idea.
“Who’s going to pay for it?” Grant asked.
“We’ve got enough money among us to pay for it,” Darrin replied. “But if the Crystal Rainbow wanted to sponsor us ….”
“I was wondering when you’d get around to that!” Grant said. “Since you’re going to promote our project, we can go in with you on it.”
With that, Gerhard grabbed Grant and planted a full-lip kiss on the boss along with a nearly bone-crushing hug. This was succeeded by all the other mechanics following his lead.
Jim and Scotty closed the deal and transferred the funds to the owner of the car. Wade and Darrin flew to Indianapolis to pick up the car and drive it back to Atlanta. It was a big deal as they drove up the boulevard, turned around in the cul-de-sac at the end and drove back down the other side. Everyone was out, cheering them on. Ando and Gerhard were at the Security house and jumped on the car trunk, holding onto the rear spoiler for the ride up and down the boulevard. Back at the Security house, Wade stopped at the turn-around so he and Darrin could crawl into the back seat and Gerhard and Ando could climb in and take a spin around the track – so to speak. The blond Deutschmann took a right just inside the gate and drove around the back driveway around the perimeter of the property, ending up at the garage. He and Ando switched seats and the Madagascan took his turn driving down the boulevard and turning onto the perimeter drive, ending back at the garage. All four of them were floating on Cloud Nine!
The next few weeks, the mechanics spent their spare time checking out and testing the car. All four put many miles on the odometer each, getting to know the car and how it handles. Darrin and Ando were the first pair to drive up to Dallas and check out the Rebel Yell Raceway. An older man met them when they pulled up to the entrance.
“Howdy, young fellers! Nice lookin’ wheels you got thare.” He walked around the Charger, admiring it’s condition and the two men who came in it. “You lookin’ to test it on a dirt track?”
“Yessir,” Darrin replied. “We understood you rent the track out for that. I’m Darrin and this is my buddy, Ando.”
“Well, howdy. ‘Ah’m Arlo Andrews.” The three men shook hands.
“Well, come on inside and look around at what we got here. It’s a quarter mile dirt oval track in good weather, and a quarter mile mud oval in bad weather. ‘At’s my little joke,” Arlo added.
“Where you from, Arlo?” Darrin asked. “Around here?”
“Nah, I was born and raised in North ‘By God’ Carolina. My family built the first buildings around our town, so they named it for them. It’s Andrews, North Carolina. It’s back in the hills, but it’s all we need.”
“What brought you to Georgia, Arlo?” Ando asked.
“My lady-friend was from here, and when she got in a family way, we moved back down here where people wouldn’t talk so much about us. That’s uhbout thirty year ago. Our children are all growed up now and got kids of their own.”
“Oh, my gosh!” Ando exclaimed as he saw a seven-foot-plus-tall young man walking toward them in overalls and no shirt. And hot as hell, to boot!
“That’s my sister’s boy. He’s deef and dumb,” Arlo explained. “He helps me out here. He’s strong as an ox and eats like one too.”
“What’s his name?” Darrin asked.
“His real name is Delmar, but I call him Dufus ‘cause he’s deef and dumb.”
Darrin waved to the young man and began signing to Delmar and he signed back.
I’m D-a-r-r-i-n.’
‘Hi, Darrin, I’m D-e-l.’
‘Same sign for our names!
I like that!’
‘Me too.’
“Why do you say he’s dumb? He seems to be rather sharp,” Ando asked.
“I don’t mean he’s dumb like stupid. It means he don’t talk. Deef and dumb. He don’t hear and he don’t talk,” Arlo replied. “You young fellers better be careful around him. He’s also quare, and you two are the kind of men he likes.”
The two mechanics glanced at each other when they heard that. When they looked back at Del, he was rubbing his crotch which had doubled in size and was pushing hard against the giant’s denim clothing. Then they realized their own shorts were showing signs of stimulation, and there is only one way they can relieve their arousal.
By that time, it was too late. Del and his Uncle Arlo had noticed the newcomers’ predicament.
“We’d better leave,” Darrin suggested as he turned toward their car. He felt a big hand holding him in place, and then saw Ando had a big hand on his shoulder too. He looked up at Del and saw tears in his eyes and his head was shaking ‘no.’ Darrin focused on Del’s thoughts and sensed the big man was thinking ‘No, please don’t leave me. I need some friends. Please be my friends.’
“Arlo, may we have some time with Del? He needs to talk with us for a few minutes. Please?” Darrin asked.
“Okay, but don’t let him do nothin’ to you that you don’t want him to,” Arlo replied.
“He won’t, I promise you,” Darrin told the uncle. “He just wants somebody who can talk with him, and we both have learned AMSLAN – American Sign Language – to talk with our boss’ sister, who is deaf also.”
“I’ll be in the office, if you need me.”
“Thanks!” Ando smiled, showing his pearly-whites.
The three men went over to the Pit area where the big blond muscleman wrapped an arm around each of the smaller men and picked them up at the same time. They leaned over for a three-way kiss, complete with tongues-in-motion!
‘Thank you for coming here today,’ Del signed when he put them back on the ground. ‘I’ve been thinking I would run away, but what would I do in that world out there? My teachers said there are jobs deaf people can do, but I’m so big all I could find is … I don’t know!’
“I’ll tell you one job you would be great at,” Ando signed and said aloud. Both Darrin and Del stared at him quizzically. “You would be a great model for all the gay porn mags. And I’m sure Majid would love to feature you in some of his videos. You’ve got the looks, the build and obviously the monster serpent ….” He reached out and grabbed the denim covered protrusion, which involuntarily jerked when rubbed.
The big guy looked down at the smaller musclemen over his covered behemoth. ‘Damn, he’s a sexy stud!’ both mechanics thought.
‘Strip!’ Darrin signed, and the huge hunk did just that, showing an incredible physique and an unbelievably large cock. It had to be as big as Arman brags he has.
“I’d like to see the big guys expressions when they see that!” Ando commented to Darrin.
“So would I,” Darrin replied, as he rubbed the huge erect tube waving in front of their faces.
Ando licked the head that was showing through the fly and emitting precum. Del shuddered and began to ejaculate. But the cum disappeared in midair.
A couple of minutes later, the two mechanic clones heard a voice telling them, ‘I couldn’t let that go to waste!’
“Show yourself, dammit!” Darrin exclaimed.
‘Cannot do it, without Master’s permission! Later!’
Del opened his eyes following his release and signed, ‘Thanks for sucking me off. That’s the best I’ve ever had, and lasted the longest. You both look like you need some help with yours.’ The giant knelt on both knees as the older visitors slid their shorts down to release their own huge cocks. Del sucked on each one separately for a while, then took both in his mouth at the same time. After a few strokes, he took both all the way to their bases and began sucking with his throat. After several minutes, Darrin shot his load and then Ando released his. Del kept milking them like he was still hungry for more even when the two suckees produced the strippings at the same time.
Del pulled the two naked men to him, put his head on their shoulders and began to sob. The three held the embrace for several minutes, until the young blond giant calmed down some. They kissed several times, then put their clothes back on.
‘Can you stay?’ Del signed.
‘Sorry, we cannot,’ Darrin replied. ‘But we’ll be back in two weeks. Do you have a computer?’
‘Yes,’ Del nodded. ‘Will you write me?’
‘Yes,’ Darrin signed. ‘Do you have S-k-y-p-e?’
‘Yes,’ Del replied. ‘Can we Skype?’
Ando smiled as he signed, ‘Yes!’
Del took a pad and pencil out of his bib pocket and wrote his email address on it, giving it to his new friends.
“DoofyDel?” Ando read aloud, and looked up at his new friend. The big guy grinned as he nodded at his joke.
The two wrote their email addresses on the pad for their new friend to have also. The young giant was so happy, he began jumping up and down. The vibrations reached to the office and had his uncle on the run to the Pit.
“What in blue blazes is going on out here?” Arlo yelled.
His nephew pointed to the pad he held, showing his uncle the email addresses of his new friends.
“Well I’m glad y’all are gettin’ along okay. You gonna email him?” Arlo asked.
“Yessir,” Darrin replied. “I expect we’ll write each other every few days, and we’ll be back up in two weeks to take some spins around the track.”
“You know there’ll be a charge for that. That’s how we make our money.”
“Yessir,” Ando told him. “We expected that and are prepared to rent the track one day every two weeks that it’s available.”
“Nice doin’ business with you boys. See you again a couple of weeks from today.”
Everyone waved goodbye as the Orange and White Hemi drove off.
* * * * * * *
That evening at dinner, everybody at the Residence wanted to hear about the day’s adventures. Darrin and Ando held everyone’s attention, especially when they mentioned the big blond good-looking, deaf stud. Dylan’s head jerked to attention as his interest peaked. Both mechanics chuckled at the reaction.
“We’d like you to ride up there with us one day and meet him. You’ll like him very much,” Ando commented.
“He’s a smart, lonesome, gigantic young guy who needs friends and some understanding,” Darrin offered.
“And he shot a helluva load,” Ando added. “But we have no idea where it went. It just disappeared and we don’t know if it was down a throat or up an arse!”
Ando and Darrin looked from Majid to Grant, back and forth a couple of times. The two ‘Masters’ looked puzzled, like: ‘What are you saying?’
After dinner, Dylan got together with Darrin and Ando to talk more about the big blond when Grant and Majid joined the group. Before they could say anything, Ando commented, “We’re not accusing anyone of anything. But we did demand he show himself, which was refused, explaining he did not have his master’s permission. That’s all we know — and we’re sticking to our story!”
“No harm – no foul,” Darrin interjected. “It was just very interesting!”
“Yes, it is!” Grant exclaimed.
“We’ll investigate this,” Majid added.
“You might ask someone how it tasted, because all we got was the precum,” Darrin smirked. That got chuckles from the group.
Grant and Majid heard their jinni mentally tell them, ‘A young jinni was unaware he should refrain from searching for other sources of protein without permission. We have had a conversation with him about such wayward activity. It will not happen again!’
* * * * * * *
Later that evening, the mechanics and some of the security men were in the dormitory lounge discussing the trip to the racetrack when Ando’s computer signaled a Skype request. He went into his room and saw it was from “DoofyDel.” He hollered for Dylan to join him, then accepted the call. The handsome giant appeared on the screen, just as naked as Ando and Dylan were.
The ginger hunk stood behind the black stud, playing with his friend’s chiseled chest.
‘Who play your titties?’ Del signed.
Dylan bent over more, rested his chin on Ando’s shoulder so that they were cheek-to-cheek, and smiled at the screen. The two men turned their heads for an intense French kiss, then Ando introduced his two friends to each other. Dylan pretty much took over the conversation with Del, learning about his time at the North Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind in Morganton, NC. Ando turned over his computer to the two so they could get to know each other. The conversation lasted the better part of an hour, much to everyone’s pleasure. When the two finally logged off, Dylan told Ando and Darrin he would like to join whoever went to the track next time to meet the young giant in person. The mechanics agreed that the Scottish security man would join them.
Each night for the next two weeks, DoofyDel would Skype with one of the three Rainbow men whom he had met so far. Each conversation ended with a hot J.O. session. Then came time for a return visit to the Dallas area and the Rebel Yell Raceway. This time, Ando took Wade and Dylan with him. Del must have sensed they were on the way – or he felt the vibration of the souped-up engine – because he was waiting at the entrance when they drove up. The giant stud grabbed Ando in a bearhug, picking him up and laying a deep-tongue kiss on the hot mechanic, then doing the same with Dylan and finally Wade.
After meeting Del’s Uncle Arlo, Wade and Ando took the “CR-69” for some spins around the dirt track, testing the steering, braking, maneuverability, etc., with each of the drivers taking many laps around the short track before switching off to the other one. Del and Dylan sat in the stands to watch and admire the drivers’ abilities in handling the car. Their hands also wandered over each other’s ripped bodies and down to some serious stimulation in the lower regions. An hour or so later, the drivers took the car into the Pit Garage area to let it cool off and inspect the wear on all parts of the car, including the tires. The spectators joined them and shared their elation of how the car handled on the track and the buzz they got from taking it at high speeds around the oval.
The four men stripped completely and spent another half-hour enjoying each other’s sweaty bodies and the pheromones emitting from each of them. The Rainbow Boys were as turned on by the others’ emissions, as Del was by theirs. All four men were obviously at full erections, and Wade and Dylan were amazed at Del’s massive manhood.
“OMG! He’s as big as Arman or Jamal!” Dylan exclaimed as he leaned in to attempt taking the obelisk in his mouth. He got as far as the corona. And no more. He worked to relax his throat and eventually worked his way down part of the enormous dick before he gave up going farther. Tears were watering his eyes.
“We’re going to have to take him home with us for several days and let the rest of the guys work on him,” Wade commented.
Del took matters into his own hand and started a serious jerk session. He started to shoot his load when it disappeared – again.
“What the hell!?” Ando and Dylan exclaimed together.
“I thought that had been taken care of!” Wade exclaimed.
“Apparently not!” Dylan replied. “Khayal! You promised not to do this anymore!”
A male form – a huge, muscular Mideastern stud with an erect appendage as long and thick as his forearm – appeared on his knees, totally engulfing Delmar’s massive cock, and sucking it for more.
“Who are you?” Dylan demanded.
“I’m Marid. Thanks for bringing me here,” the jinni replied – then he went back to sucking the nearly helpless young giant. Del was already sucked dry and the hot jinni was still trying to draw more semen from the well. Del collapsed with his softening appendage trapped in Marid’s mouth.
‘Jamal! Arman! Husni! We need your help!’ Dylan thought.
Almost immediately, the three jinn appeared in the garage, surveyed the situation, then Jamal and Arman grabbed Marid. Jamal put him in a choke hold while Arman immobilized his hands and legs. Husni got his attention by grabbing his gonads in a vice-grip. The four of them disappeared instantly!
Del was lying on the ground totally nude and totally drained. ‘What happened?’ he signed.
‘You had an especially huge orgasm,’ Dylan told him. ‘And you are completely drained. You need some nourishment to replenish you before you become totally dehydrated.’ The security man helped the big guy to sit up.
Ando had pulled off all his clothes and fed his new friend a big, black tube filled with a variety of nutrition, of sorts. A few sucks from Del produced two or three shot-glasses of liquid protein, complete with antibiotic immunization from STDs. Wade also stripped and stepped up with another couple of shot-glasses full of more stimulants, and that was followed by Dylan’s adding several ounces to the rehydration. The amount of nourishment may have been aided by a couple of big fingers inside each provider arousing their G-spot to full effect. After another ten or fifteen minutes, Del was back on his feet and feeling fully stimulated.
When everyone was dressed and back to “presentable” condition, the four men said their goodbyes, complete with hugs and kisses. Arlo made an appearance to collect the rental fee and arrange for another rental in two more weeks.
That evening at dinner, Majid asked how the day went at the raceway.
“It was even more interesting than two weeks ago,” Ando admitted.
“How so?” Grant asked.
“We had a different intruder this time,” Ando confessed. “A big muscle-stud appeared to suck off Delmar. We had not seen him before, and he had no qualms about showing himself. He said his name was Marid.”
Grant and Majid repeated the name together. “Marid!” Then they called their jinni. “Jamal!” “Arman!” The jinn appeared, very humble. They almost looked like they had been in a big fight. “What the hell happened?! One at a time!”
Arman started the narration. “Marid has been keeping track of Husni and Khayal since they have been here. He followed Khayal when he went to the raceway two weeks ago. And he has been satisfying the blond man every night, either orally or anally, when he was visiting Darrin, Ando and Dylan on the computers. Of course the electronics cannot pick up an image of jinn.”
“He made sure your friend never mentioned that he was being serviced while you were talking to each other,” Jamal added. “And after our … conference … with him, hopefully he will not want to repeat the discussion with us.”
“We were rather insistent that he stay away from this part of the world and remain between Persia and China for his human interaction,” Arman emphasized.
“You two look like he had some rebuttal to your part of the … discussion,” Dylan commented. “Would you go into more detail about this … conversation? Maybe where it was held … how physical the confrontation became … if he will recuperate anytime soon.”
“That will not be necessary,” Grant interjected. “What’s done is done! I’m sure these fine jinn are capable of maintaining control of the situation — either alone or in cooperation with each other. Subject closed!” Grant took the opportunity to look at everyone directly in the eyes and got a nod of agreement from all in the room.
Dylan, Ando, Darrin and Wade were disappointed. They wanted to hear about a rough, hot jinn fight! (Oh, well!)
The next afternoon, Luther and Caleb were talking with their boss, Dildar, about Khayal’s assistance in safety issues.
Dildar said that his jinni could be of considerable help if the situation called for it. “What did you have in mind?” he asked the guys.
“Up to now, we’ve always called on Jamal or Arman to help out when we had an unusual occurrence,” Caleb said.
“We were wondering if we should ask Khayal for help since he is your jinni,” Luther said.
“That’s an excellent question,” Dildar agreed. “Khayal, please show yourself.”
The young, handsome jinni appeared. “How can I be of service to my master?”
“Our security men are wondering if you would be available to assist them when they need help?” Dildar asked.
“I am here to do my master’s bidding. If you desire that I be of assistance to your staff, they only need to call me and I will be ready to help them with anything I can.” The young jinni bowed deeply to the three men.
“Would you be willing to wrestle with us, if asked?” Luther asked.
The young jinni looked surprised at the question. He turned to get some response from Dildar, who nodded as he smirked.
“How about capturing someone we need to take into custody?” Caleb asked.
The jinni looked at the three men, then nodded his head. “I am ready to help my master’s friends and workers with whatever they need and desire.”
“Thank you, Khayal!” Luther replied.
“Thanks, Chief!” Caleb added.
“Thank you. That will be all for now,” Dildar dismissed his jinni, who disappeared. “Satisfied?”
“We appreciate it,” Caleb said. “We weren’t sure if we needed to continue calling for the two big guys, or if your super-helper would be available to security.”
“I hadn’t thought of using him as additional security assistance,” Dildar said. “I’m glad you suggested it, and I’ll start training him in security protocol.”
“Thanks, boss!” Luther said. “Anything else we need to discuss?”
Dildar shook his head. “Later!” The two security men left.
A few days later, Luther and Cooper were in the recreation center lounge talking about the newest addition to the security force.
“Khayal,” Luther called the young jinni. “Are you available for a few minutes?”
Immediately the handsome Persian appeared. “How can your humble servant assist you, sir?”
“We were wondering how your training in security matters is coming along,” Luther commented.
“Please sit down, Khayal,” Cooper said.
“Thank you, sir.” The jinni sat between the two men on the long sofa. “My master says I am doing well learning the security techniques.”
“That’s great!” Cooper commented.
“What have you seen or been a part of in the safety or discipline areas of the security work?” Luther asked.
“Master Dildar has taken me to the club late at night to show me how they close the club and parking lot. He has also let me watch his regular guards tell drivers where to go.”
“Have you watched Jamal or Arman discipline anyone since you’ve been here?” Luther queried.
That question got Khayal excited. “Oh, I don’t know if I can talk about that!”
“We know what happened,” Cooper commented. “Dylan was there and we know you guys took care of the intruding jinn. What did you think of that?”
“That was very exciting!” the jinni continued. “Working with Husni, Jamal and Arman is a big thrill. Husni had us make a rope cable that Marid could not break.”
“How did you do that?” Cooper asked.
“We formed a cable rope combining the power each of us has so he could not overcome our combined power. Then we bound Marid’s legs and arms so he could not move them or escape from his binding. He started to recite an incantation but Jamal put his fist down his throat to prevent that. Then Husni tore out Marid’s balls and stuffed them in his mouth. To secure his mouth from spitting them out, Arman modified the cable rope so that it became flat and he used resin from the trees to make it seal Marid’s mouth. After that, Arman wrapped the flat cable around his head so he couldn’t see anything.”
Both security men sat with their mouths open at the revelation.
“The four of us created more cable so that we could hang him between four trees. First, we secured his legs to two trees so they were spread wide apart. This left him hanging upside down. Then we used more cable to stretch his arms between two more trees. And the last use for the power-woven cable was to thread it through the two big nipple rings Marid was wearing and stretched him up so his tits were holding his weight from another big tree with long branches.
“I think he enjoyed that. He always likes to have his tits pulled and twisted hard while getting fucked just as hard.
“Then Husni told me to change my penis into a mastodon-snout and put it inside Marid’s rear,” Khayal continued. “He said for me to find the prostate and rub it, which I did. Then he directed me to breathe it into my snout nostril.”
“What happened?” Luther asked, completely awed.
“I sneezed through my snout! Every time I breathed in, I sneezed it out again. Marid’s entire body was jerking every time I breathed it in and sneezed. Jamal told me to stop for a few minutes. He thought Marid was going to shoot a load – even without his balls! I had been fucking him for a long time when Arman offered to take my place. He turned his penis into a mastodon’s tongue and pushed it inside Marid’s arse. We could tell when his tongue reached the prostate. Marid jerked again. I think Arman was using his penis-tongue to slap Marid’s prostate because he would jerk occasionally. Jamal turned his penis into a python snake and crawled all around Marid’s insides, several times wrapping around the prostate and squeezing while rubbing Marid with his serpentine tongue.”
Khayal paused, when he saw the two security men were spellbound. “Then what?” they both said together.
“Husni removed the cable from Marid’s face and took out the balls, replacing them where they belonged. Then he stood over Marid’s face and ran his penis down Marid’s throat, all the way to the stomach. Marid looked like he was enjoying that until Husni began increasing the thickness of his cock. Husni removed the blindfold cable and Marid looked frightened as the cock filled his throat completely. Then Husni leaned over and smiled a wicked smile in Marid’s face. ‘Have you had enough?’ Husni asked. Marid nodded his head. Jamal asked, ‘Will you leave us alone and stay on the other side of the water?’ Marid nodded again. Then Arman got down in his face. ‘Do you realize we can make this much worse for you?’ Marid nodded. ‘You are sure you will behave?’ Another nod. ‘You know we could castrate you?’ Nod. ‘You know we could remove your prostate so you couldn’t even get an erection?’ Marid’s eyes had the look of pure terror. ‘If we ever get a hint that you’re anywhere on this side of the oceans that surround us here, you will regret it,’ Jamal added. ‘We’ve only had some fun with you tonight. Next time, we might turn you over to Septis!’ As soon as we released all the cables, Marid disappeared.”
Luther and Cooper were spellbound.
“Will there be anything else I can do for you this evening?” Khayal asked. “I would be happy to relieve you of some of that tension I sense in both of you.”
“What would it be like to have an elephant’s trunk up the ass?” Luther asked. “Could a person live through that?”
“Would sir wish to find out?” Khayal offered, as he rubbed his magnificent manhood.
“I don’t know,” Luther kind of backed away from the suggestion. “I don’t think I could take something the size of a mastodon. I’m not even sure about a baby elephant!”
“I would enter sir as a human sized penis, then slowly make the alteration to a small elephant while emitting precum to ease any pain sir might have.”
“This I’ve got to see!” Cooper commented.
“You can have your turn next, sir,” the young stud jinn told him.
Cooper’s eyes got huge from the thoughts of Khayal’s suggestion and his jaw dropped.
Luther raised his legs as Khayal approached him with his incredible schlong aiming straight at the waiting anus and leaking copious amounts of precum. Slowly the two melded with each other. Luther was breathing heavily through his mouth, eyes tightly closed. As Khayal reached his full twelve-inch depth, he paused, concentrating on the conversion and coating Luther’s rectum with his anesthesia.
When the security man opened his eyes to look into Khayal’s, he was hypnotized with what he was feeling inside him. A slow filling of his rectum rubbing against his most sensitive gland, followed by the sensation of a vacuum drawing the gland up against a soft nostril-like tube, only to be released immediately. The softness rubbed against the prostate to be sucked up into a different nostril, only to be hurled away by a sneeze! Luther gasped! Followed immediately by the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. Cum shot directly into Khayal’s mouth which was less than an inch away from his cock. There were four shots of pure white semen in rapid sequence, followed by three more which Khayal directed toward Cooper’s open mouth, followed by two more which landed on Luther’s magnificent pectoral muscles. After a minute, Khayal released Luther from his trance and leaned over to share a mouthful of hot cum with the overwhelmed young man. Slowly, the jinni reversed the transformation back to his normal, erect plonker, sprayed the rectal insides with jinni cum, then pulled out of the used toolshed.
When Luther was able to grasp what was going on, his response was, “WOW!”
Cooper’s reaction was, “You can say that again!”
To which, Luther repeated, “WOW!” That got a chuckle from both of the other young studs.
Khayal looked at Cooper to ask his, “Are you ready for your turn?” The expression on the Canadian’s face was priceless. “Or are you going to back out?”
Silence was deafening, until Luther commented, “Bok! Bok-bok! Bok! Bok-bok! Bok! Bok-bok!
Cooper looked at his friend, flipped him off, and said, “Fuck you!”
“Been there and done that! Now it’s your turn … wuss!” Luther chided.
Khayal looked Cooper directly in the eyes and urged him to relax. Cooper, in turn, closed his eyes and raised his legs, exposing the most private opening to his inner being. Khayal rubbed his fully erect joystick against his anus so the anesthetic would relax the coming invasion. Cooper was breathing through his mouth and fully relaxed with the jinni’s help. Khayal slid all the way in with perfect ease. Cooper was only feeling total bliss.
“Are you ready to continue, sir?” the Persian asked.
“Yes, I am ready.”
The young jinni began the metamorphosis inside the private cavern to a Rubber Boa crawling around the rectal region. Then working its way to the prostate, its serpentine tongue leading the way, the little constrictor began to wrap itself around the Nut itself. Cooper was nearly in a panic until Khayal spoke, “Sir.” The Canadian opened his eyes. “Breathe deeply. What are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling … the most incredible … sensation. My nut is completely wrapped in a very warm blanket and I want – I w-want – I want to cum! I need to cum! Please … let me cum!”
Slowly, the Rubber Boa unwound itself from around the Nut and the serpent’s tongue rubbed itself all over the surface of the prostate region, causing tiny electrical shocks everywhere it reached. When the snake released the Nut from its grip, Cooper exploded in volley after volley of very high quality semen. Again, Khayal took the first loads in his mouth, then aimed the erect pecker at Luther for several loads, the final rounds landed in the valley between the magnificently developed pecs.
“Sir!” Cooper opened his eyes to see two smiling faces. Khayal leaned over and shared the residue of his orgasm with the handsome Canadian, and followed that with a copious amount of jinni cum into his insides. Then Luther leaned over and shared some that he had kept. The three gorgeous studs shared a group hug and kiss.
“Mmmm! Good! Thank you, sirs!”
“No! Thank you!” the hot security men replied together. Khayal grinned, nodded to them and disappeared.
Husni was waiting for the young jinni when he arrived at Hassan and Dildar’s condo. “You’ve been with the security men!” he observed, in their ancient Persian language. “Did the three of you enjoy the visit?”
“Oh, yes, Husni. It was a most enjoyable time. They wanted to hear about our time spent with Marid and they enjoyed it as much as they enjoyed me showing them the elephant snout fuck and the serpent fuck!”
“You showed them what we did to Marid?” Husni was shocked at the revelation. “Master Grant does not want that revealed. Come with me!”
The two jinn transported to Luther and Cooper’s location, maintaining their invisibility. The older jinni wiped the memory of what they were told so the two security men only remembered the first part of the visit with Khayal and the incredible ejaculations with the smoking young jinni, which became uppermost in their minds.
To be continued…
Be ready to meet the incredible hunk … next time!
Posted: 04/03/2020