The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019-2020 by the author)
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Chapter 16
Going Home … For a Visit
Jamal came to me one morning for a private visit. Obviously, he had something on his mind.
“It must be really important,” I said to him as he appeared at my office door.
He walked in, closing the door behind him.
“Arman and I have been aware of some private conversations between Dildar and Hassan, and he has been getting related thoughts from Master Majid. It involves missing their families and their homeland. Ever since they decided to stay with you here in Atlanta, they have put these thoughts in the back of their memories. But recently, they have thought more about it and are hurting inside from loneliness to see their families. The computer visits help some, but it’s not the same for them. We have thought of several ways we could help alleviate their loneliness.”
He had my full attention at this point.
“One — Arman and I could arrange a meeting of all the families on the Caribbean island you and Master Majid visited one night. Two — we could bring them here to Atlanta. Three — we could transport the four of you to their home. And four — the four of you could fly in an airplane to Iraq and visit in their homes. Arman and I wanted you to be aware of these things and employ your wisdom and knowledge to decide what would be most appropriate.”
I smiled big time at my Persian jinni. “You two guys are so amazing, and I love you both all the more for your thoughtfulness. So — do you think this is the time to introduce the young guys to the cave?”
Jamal nodded his head. “They are older. They have more experience outside their own little towns. They interact well with all types of people. And they have more wisdom now.”
“And you would be able to guide them to rings that would have compatible jinn as you and Arman are with us? Two jinn who are attracted to each other, also?”
A big grin crossed Jamal’s face as he nodded his head. “We know all the jinn in Sesame – both good and evil. Septis was not the only evil jinni there. Hopefully we can avoid more evil. But Arman and I can handle them, and if we find the other two, we’ll have more power to wield.”
“Jim, Harvey, Justin and Scotty should be able to hold down the fort for a week or two while we’re gone. When would be a good time to go?”
“Hassan might like to be with his family during the month of Ramadan. Maybe we could go a day or two before the fasting begins. That would mean getting there on the tenth or eleventh of your calendar September. Or maybe for the end of the month and Eid al-Fitr when the fasting is over and the feasting takes over. That would be a month later, in your October.”
“We could ask Hass which he would prefer. I can’t wait to see his reaction,” I said as I picked up my phone to make some calls to my three guys.
The first call was to Maji. “Let’s get Dil and Hass over here for dinner tonight. I’ve got something to talk with you all about. {pause} No clue now, even for you. If you’ll call Dil, I’ll call Hass. {pause} Six thirty. Later, love.”
Next call to Hassan. “Hass, can you and Dil have dinner with Maji and me this evening? I have something to discuss with the three of you. {pause} Nope, not now. When all of us are together. {pause} Yeah, I know you’re big enough to twist my arm, but I have Jamal to help me take you down. {pause} Okay, six-thirty here at the residence. See you then.” I hung up the phone and looked up at Jamal, who was grinning even more than I was.
Chef Emil arranged a table in the alcove of the dining area off the kitchen for the four of us, and the jinn made it soundproof while we were talking. Chef also surprised the Kurdish trio with a traditional meal of stuffed bell peppers with rice and minced lamb called Tolmê Bibera. For dessert he served a variety of date-filled pastries called klaicha. The Iraqi trio were in tears as they talked about going ‘home’ and being served a traditional meal which they missed so much.
The decision was made that the four of them would fly into Bagdad on Swissair a few days before the end of Ramadan. Each Iraqi would stay with their families and Grant would stay at the Rimal Hotel where he met Hassan and Dildar. Kurdish Christians join their Muslim neighbors to celebrate Eid al-Fitr. They respect each other’s traditions and religious beliefs and join in the three-day celebration of Eid. Majid visited his family in Bagdad while Dildar and Hassan visited theirs in Halabjah.
Grant took the opportunity to visit the Global News Network offices where he renewed friendships. His producer and audio woman had been transferred to another station, but several former associates were still there. He went with a news team on an assignment where the news crew tricked him into doing the report from the field. The assigned reporter began recording the story and walked over to where Grant was standing, asking him a leading question about what was happening at that location. During the interview, the reporter handed Grant the microphone and as the camera zoomed in on him, the assigned reporter stepped out of the picture and left Grant to finish the report. It was a thrill for the veteran GNN reporter to be back in front of the cameras again. Majid joined them and afterward the two called on the American Embassy to pay their respects and inform the staff that they were in the country and what their itinerary would be.
The second day of their visit, Hassan and Dildar walked through the town as Dildar had done so many times when he was on patrol as a town security man. The saw two of their friends who had grown up and were working the same area Dildar had worked just a few years ago. The two younger men were very well built, handsome and worthy of the jobs they held.
The two men from America joined their friends as they patrolled the streets. Store owners were happy to see Dildar again after several years. When Dildar and Hassan had spent about an hour with the law enforcement, they returned to their homes. And when their friends ended their duty, they changed to shorts and T-shirts to visit some more and break the fast of Ramadan which both of them observed with the Hassan family. Dildar, although Christian, joined the family for their late evening meal.
While waiting for the sun to set, the four young Kurds spent their time catching up on each other’s lives. Dildar and Hassan had not spoken their Kurdish dialect in five years but they quickly picked it up and soon they were as fluent as ever.
“You guys really have bulked up great,” Dildar complimented the two. “Have you been working out in a gym?”
“We had to get really fit to join the police patrol,” Nadim said. “After you left, Malik and I wrestled each other every day and we got stronger as we got older.”
“Then when we applied to the police patrol, we took the training for self-defense and how to take offenders down,” Malik added.
“So now, you won’t have as easy time with us as before you left,” Nadim teased.
“Oh, you think not?” Hassan queried. “You looking for a match?”
“Anytime you think you can beat us, just go for it!” Nadim challenged.
“You must have forgotten that Dil completed the same training you did and that he heads up a security detail himself, so he still has more experience than both of you together,” Hassan countered.
“Name the time and place and you have a challenge,” Malik said.
“This is unnecessary,” Dildar interjected. “I’m not looking for any challenge. I would enjoy wrestling either of you. Now that should be fun!”
“A fun match would be good,” Malik replied. “After we eat, we will have more energy.”
After the feast the Hassan family laid out, and long conversation, Hassan asked, “Who’s ready to work off some of these calories?”
“You gotta be joking, Hass!” Dildar exclaimed. “I won’t be ready until tomorrow morning!”
“So the Security Chief is backing out of a challenge!” Nadim said.
“He doesn’t want his face rubbed in the dirt!” Malik goaded Dildar.
“I was just giving you an out of a difficult situation for a police patrolman,” Dildar taunted.
“Oh, we’re ready!” Malik said. “Pick your executioner!”
Dildar looked at Hassan, who returned the glance and nodded. The two taller men happened to be facing each other, as were the two shorter, so the choices were made.
The new Americans waited for the police to attack. When they did, Hassan and Dildar both used a judo hip roll and dropped with a knee forcefully into the ribcage. Their next move was a rear naked choke, pulling the Kurds on top of them, wrapping their legs around their opponent’s and calling for a submission.
The policemen had no intention of surrendering. They rammed their elbows hard into the ribs of their combatant, then pulled out of the choke holds. They turned to deliver a knee drop to the abs. Nadim made a grab for Dildar’s crotch and delivered an elbow slam into his abs. Malik knee-dropped on Hassan’s crotch and head-butted his victim’s chest. Dildar grabbed Nadim’s arm as he started to raise it from the stomach, straightening it into an armbar. Dildar then wrapped his legs around Nadim’s waist for a legs scissors, then worked his legs up to a head scissors with Nadim’s face pressed into Dildar’s groin. Dildar had not considered the consequences of going Commando while wrestling with shorts on but no genital support and the tip of his growing cock had slipped out a leg.
Nadim didn’t try to move. He kept his face buried in Dildar’s face waaay longer than he should have. When he started to move his head, he just rubbed his face in the crotch as if he were enjoying it. Inadvertently, he licked the tip that was leaking precum. Dildar released his legs some so his friend could get out of the hold. Nadim was very slow at moving his head. Dildar moved his legs apart, staring at the cop as he raised his head.
“Are you alright?” Dildar asked.
Nadim nodded, while staring into Dildar’s eyes. Nadim’s eyes began to water as he stood up and offered a hand to Dildar to help him up.
“I’m done!” Nadim said, dejectedly.
“Let’s talk,” Dildar replied.
Nadim shook his head. “I cannot.”
“Does Malik know?”
Nadim hesitated.
“He does,” Dildar guessed.
Malik and Hassan stopped their match. Malik saw the erection through the shorts and the look on Nadim’s face. Instantly he became aware of the situation and a look of pure terror was reflected in his eyes. It meant a death sentence if anyone suspected what happened.
“Don’t worry! Nothing is going to happen. Nobody has seen anything,” Dildar tried to calm both men. “Be calm! — Calm down! — Keep calm!” he tried to console both young men.
“We will be stoned!” Nadim said to Malik.
“No you won’t!” Hassan insisted.
“The word will get around,” Malik said.
“How? Are you going to tell someone?” Dildar asked.
“NO!” both men said together.
“Then no one will find out. We certainly are not going to talk about this to anyone because we would be found out too,” Dildar told them.
The two Kurd patrolmen looked shocked. “You?” they asked, looking at their friends.
“Us? What? What are you talking about?” Hassan asked with a innocent tone.
“Yeah, we don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dildar agreed.
The two young friends looked relieved when they realized both friends were ‘playing dumb’ about their predicament.
Hassan and Dildar stretched their arms out and both said, “Group hug!”
“Nothing happened here tonight and nothing is going to happen,” Hassan confirmed to their friends.
“Now, get your asses home and take care of you own needs!” Dildar said.
The friends said good night and went their separate ways.
On the first day of Eid al-Fitr, Majid and Grant drove up to the Kurdish town to join their friends in celebration. They stayed with Majid’s uncle and aunt, sharing Dildar’s bedroom while Dildar stayed with Hassan and his family. During the day, family and friends celebrated together, at one home then another. The three Iraqi-Americans greatly enjoyed being with family and friends again.
After everyone was asleep on the night following Eid al-Fitr, Jamal and Arman swept up the two couples and whisked them to the mountains on the Kurdish-Iranian border. They awoke at the spot where Grant and Majid had first attempted to make love. They smiled at each other when they saw where they were and leaned into each other for a romantic kiss. The other two couples, Dildar and Hassan along with Jamal and Arman followed their example.
“Are you ready to go inside?” the two jinn asked in unison.
The four nodded their heads.
“Say the words together,” the jinn continued.
The four looked at each other and said together, “Open Sesame!”
A moment later, the mountain rumbled and the side opened in front of them. All six walked into the cavern. Jamal and Arman led the others over to the pile of golden objects and spectacular jewels scattered around the area.
“What are we looking for?” Hassan asked.
“We are looking for a pair of gold rings,” Jamal said. “One is the abode of my brother, Husni. The other is his current lover, Khayal.”
“What are they like? You and Armand?” Dildar asked.
“Not any more like us as you are unlike your cousin or your lover,” Jamal replied.
“Whoa!” the two lovers replied.
“My brother is very traditional in most ways,” Jamal continued. “One would think he is living in the seventh century of the calendar you use. His current lover, Khayal, is quite the opposite. He is very much of the world today. And he gets around to all parts of the world. He speaks most languages easily because he has an ear for them. I would probably not recommend him if he were not my brother’s lover. You will need to decide for yourself if you want him to be a part of our group. But I believe most sincerely that Husni would be very compatible for Master Hassan, and that Master Dildar would greatly enjoy Khayal as a companion jinni. But that is for you to decide. If either is not satisfactory, there are more versatile jinn in the cavern.”
“I would like to meet Husni,” Hassan said. “I’m sure he would be an excellent choice for a jinn companion.”
Jamal pointed to a specific ring, not touching it. “Place this ring on your finger. It adjusts to the size needed.”
“Can it be worn on the thumb?” Dildar asked.
“The ring will adjust to any finger you wish to wear it on,” Arman clarified. “The ring finger or middle finger is usually most convenient, but many people have worn thumb rings.”
Hassan put the ring on his forefinger left hand and rubbed it gently. A puff of smoke swirled around the ring and filled the area with rainbow colored smoke. From the middle of the vapor a form appeared, filling the area. A handsome, muscular form, bare to the waist, must have been ten feet tall. He looked at Hassan and asked, “How may I be of service, great and noble Master?”
stepped back in surprise to be steadied by Majid. He opened his mouth to speak
but all he could get out was a croak.
Jamal spoke up then. “Husni.”
The rainbow smoke disappeared and the jinni became solid, standing next to his brother as he shrank to about seven feet tall. “Jamal, why have you brought these men here?” he asked in the Persian language.
“I have had the great pleasure to serve my master, the blond American, for a short, but most enjoyable time,” Jamal replied, also in Persian. “And the love of my existence, Arman, serves my master’s lover also. The other men are here to take a jinni for themselves. I suggested you for this handsome young man because I thought you both would enjoy spending his lifetime together. His lover is the other young man and is looking for a jinn of his own. I am uncertain how your newest companion would assimilate into this family.”
“Marid enjoys great freedom and variety of pleasures,” Husni stated. “I too would question how he would adapt to serving one master. Would you want to meet him before you make your decision?”
Everyone agreed they wanted to meet the roguish jinn – at least.
Husni pointed to a ring and tentatively Dildar reached for it. As he picked it up to put it on his finger, a voice filled the cavern with a voluminous echo.
“W’at th’ bloody ‘ell!?” In English with a Cockney accent!
Husni laughed! “He’s been fucking around with some Egyptian-Brit bikers,” he explained in English.
Dildar put the ring on his left hand, middle finger, and held it up to admire the markings on it.
‘ey! You’re splashin’ water out of me tub!” the voice boomed. A totally nude
and soaking wet giant appeared in the cavern. “Can’t ye let a bloke soak his
roar arse ’at’s been fist-fucked by two ‘ands and arms in peace?”
The American quartet looked at the newcomer in shock. No one could say anything for a while. The jinn trio rocked the cavern with laughter. Husni was the first to comment. “I would wager you had your fists locked in their arses first!”
“So? W’at if I did? They ‘ad me distracted licking their toes and feet w’en they surprised me wit’ a double invasion in the sout’ern baiy!”
Dildar and Hassan bent double laughing at the image created by this huge muscleman with both his fists up two leather-bikers and licking their feet while they’re pumping their fists in and out of his rear hole like pistons on a motor car. It was too much for them and they were rolling on the cave floor.
“You, Husni, can go fuck yourself! I’m finishing my soak! So, leave me alone!” the jinn said in ancient Persian, then disappeared back into his ring and presumably his tub.
“Worthy Masters, this was an unfortunate introduction to a most enjoyable young jinni. I will certainly understand if you reject both of us. I deeply apologize and beg your forgiveness.” Turning to Jamal, his brother said, “I beg your forgiveness, honorable and worthy brother. I will be most happy to serve the young Iraqi-American Hassan if he will accept me. At this moment, I do not feel worthy to address him directly after causing him much distress. Please ask him to call me if he will deign to have me serve him.”
Jamal grabbed his brother’s arm, preventing his disappearing. “Stay, brother. Let us ask them together what the decision is.” Jamal caught Grant’s eye as his master winked at him.
“Huddle!” Grant told his friends. “What do you think?” he asked when the four were in the huddle.
Majid’s reply was, “That one’s going to be a potential troublemaker. We don’t need that in our situation.”
“No, but we would have three very reliable jinn who, hopefully, can control him,” Hassan volunteered.
“Do we want to release a rebel — a rogue into the Crystal Rainbow setting?” Dildar questioned.
Majid mentally called his jinni. ‘Arman, ultra-private, please.’
Arman stood behind his master, casting a cloak of privacy around them. ‘What are your thoughts about this young jinni?’
‘He is like an adolescent who has not grown up yet. He has great power. He has enormous energy. Americans have a saying – he is sowing his oats. He can be controlled. Husni, Jamal and I can show him a more mature way to serve a master. As he is now, he would not fit in. Give us until the end of your visit here, and we can have him ready to join our group in America. Or we will ask Husni to make another choice for Dildar. Would that be agreeable to your family?’
‘I will ask them now,’ Majid replied. “Arman says they can get Marid ready to work with us by the time we leave Iraq or ask Husni to pick someone else.”
“Dil, what are your thoughts about having Marid with you all the time?” Grant asked.
“I am so used to helpful and friendly jinn, I don’t know if I could deal with the tension all the time,” Dil replied. “I don’t want to disappoint Husni or Hassan, but I would prefer someone more like Arman and Jamal.”
Arman put his hand on Dildar’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about our ‘feelings,’ young master. We are here to serve you,” he told Dildar. “We will find someone who can satisfy you and Husni. Marid is not the only jinni in the cave!”
Dildar turned to Arman, reached up to put his arms around the jinni’s neck and placed a wet kiss on the big guy’s lips.
Arman rejoined his jinn group and reiterated what they already knew. The three of them began tossing out names of young, hot, horny jinn who might make Husni and Dildar happy. At the same time, the three of them mentioned the name of Khayal.
And a moment later all three said: نعم فعلا! That’s YES! in Arabic.
Husni started searching for Khayal’s ring. Each ring and lamp is unique and identifiable by the markings on it, even Arman’s and Jamal’s. When the young jinni’s ring was located, Jamal asked the humans to join them. The three jinn pointed to a specific band and Arman told Dildar that they would recommend he try that particular ring.
Dildar picked up the band, inspected it carefully then put it on his middle finger. This time he did not raise the finger in salute or to show the ring off. He rubbed it as he turned it around on his finger. A puff of smoke emanated from the gold circle and in the middle of the smoke, a beautiful male figure appeared, holding a container in his hands.
young jinni bowed at Dildar’s feet, his forehead touching the cave floor, arms
stretched over his head and holding an ancient bottle in his hands. In Arabic
he said, “Master, you honor and humble me for choosing me to serve you any
way you wish. I have brought you a small token of my devotion to you and at
your pleasure will be honored to rub you with these exotic and beneficial oils,
blended for your desires.” At that point, he stretched his head forward and
kissed Dildar’s feet.
Dildar was speechless, but Hassan looked at Husni and Jamal and snarked in English, “What am I, chopped liver?”
Husni recovered instantly by withdrawing a similar bottle from his cape and bowed to his master, “Most worthy Master, my concern was to find a suitable jinni for your closest friend and it was not meant to lessen my honor in serving you in any way you desire, for as long as you desire.” With that he kneeled and kissed Hassan’s feet also.
“Rise, most worthy jinni – that is an American joke and I was joking with you,” Hassan told him.
With that, Jamal and Arman said together, “What are we, chopped liver?”
That brought laughs from the four humans, and hugs between the men and their jinn.
After the group hugs, Grant suggested to Jamal and Arman that they take some time to explain what the two jinn are getting themselves into.
“That has been taken care of already,” Jamal replied. “We have shown them the Crystal Rainbow layout and what will be expected of them.”
“They appreciate that they will have some freedom at times,” Arman added. “Usually when you two are asleep – or fucking each other!” he said to Hassan and Dildar.
Dil leaned over and drew some letters in the dirt on the cave floor.
“What’s that?” Husni asked in English.
“How many letters are there?” Dil asked.
“Four,” the jinni answered.
“What are the letters?”
“They are all the same – the English letter Q.”
Khayal got the meaning – probably read Dildar’s mind – and replied, “Four Q – Fuck you!”
“That’s amusing!” the more reserved Husni replied. “I’ll remember that.”
The younger Kurds rolled their eyes and laughed. They wore their rings publicly and told their family and friends that they went to the same place where Grant and Majid got their rings, supposedly the magic rings of Aladdin.
Before they left Kurdistan, they met with their patrolmen friends.
“Malik, Nadim, one thing we want you to know is that we will look after you anyway we can,” Dildar told them. “If you ever have any trouble because of the other night, and you are charged with any crime, mentally – I mean just think our shortened names – Dil, Hass – not Dildar or Hassan, just Dil or Hass – get me out of here. You will disappear and be brought to us.”
Hassan repeated the mental message. “Dil, get me out of here! Hass, get me out of here!”
“You will disappear from wherever you’re being held and will appear with us, wherever we are,” Dildar confirmed.
“Are you with us on that?” Hassan asked.
Both young patrolmen nodded their heads in affirmation and repeated the message. ‘Dill/Hass, get me out of here!’ What they did not expect was that for a fraction of a second, they disappeared then reappeared again. They realized that something happened but were not sure what.
Dildar and Hassan laughed at the looks on their faces. “That’s what you can expect if you ever say that again!” Hassan told them.
This time the four men shook hands and chest-bumped each other – all very manly! No hugs! No kisses! Nothing queer!
All too soon the visit was over. The four hopped their planes back to the USA and down to Georgia. Brandon met them at ATL and quizzed them all the way to the Crystal Rainbow. As enjoyable as the visit to Iraq was, the four were glad to be home – “There’s no place like home!”
* * * * * * *
A couple of weeks after the quartet brought their jinn home with them, the jinn were … somewhere … together. Khayal asked permission to speak to the senior members of the jinn.
Arman replied, “Of course, Khayal. We’re not going to bite your head off for talking with us.”
“When I was first introduced to Master Dildar, I offered to rub his body with the oil mix to soothe his aches. He has not mentioned it since. Does he not want the oil or for me to touch his body?”
“Not either one, Khayal,” Arman and Jamal said together.
Arman continued, “He had so much on his mind he probably doesn’t remember what you said.”
“There was a lot for him to absorb at that time and he is new to the ways of the jinn,” Jamal clarified.
Husni added, “He has many things on his mind – his family, his job here, so many new things – even having his own jinni is different and he doesn’t know quite how to use your services yet.”
“Master Dildar has a birthday in a few days and I have an idea for a surprise party for him, Arman said. “Humans like surprise parties, especially when they involve their friends and there’s nothing bad about the surprises. Offer to give him a massage for his birthday with the oils. There is a place for massages in their fitness and practice building which you can use for his massage.”
“Are you familiar with the ‘full-body-massage?” Jamal asked.
“That’s where one massages every part of the body from the head to the toes,” Khayal said.
“Correct,” Jamal responded. “Do you know about the full-body-massage-with-release?”
Khayal’s eyes widened. “You mean to pay special attention to the middle of his body until he ejaculates?”
“Exactly!” the other three jinn replied in unison.
“Oh, yes! I thought that was a part of the full-body-massage,” the young jinni said.
“Not always, but for us and our massaging our humans here, it is!” Husni told him. “Both men and women should have several orgasms each time we massage them. Providing women with multiple orgasms takes extra effort and technique. It comes with practice. With men, it’s easier!”
“Suck their cock. Rub their prostate. Stimulate their nipples.” Jamal went on with various other techniques to produce an orgasm for a man.
“With a woman, alternate stimulating every erogenous part of her body, inside and out,” Arman added. “Women particularly enjoy a long slender tongue crawling around inside her female opening. That can produce multiple orgasms within minutes.”
“Here at the Crystal Rainbow there are several people with both male and female organs,” Jamal explained. “They can be doubly stimulated by taking their cock in your mouth, then sliding your tongue down the underside into her vagina and go deep into her while sucking her cock.”
“We have access to the women and men who work here?” Khayal asked in surprise. Jamal and Arman both nodded their heads. “What about the visitors at the Lodge?” Jamal and Arman both shook their heads. “How many men and women work here?”
“More than a hundred!” the two jinn replied.
A big smile crossed they young jinni’s face, as his erection kept growing and expanding.
“Hornier than Dildar!” Arman commented.
“As horny as Marid!” Husni observed. “Just not as wild!”
Everyone laughed.
Husni took Khayal by his cock, saying, “Come on, horse! Let’s go practice some techniques with your tongue!”
Each jinni discussed the surprise party with their Master and arranged for each one to participate. Khayal delayed mentioning a massage to Dildar until the day before his birthday.
“Master, may I have a moment of your time?” Khayal asked in Arabic.
“Of course, Khayal, anytime you want to. I know I’ve not been as attentive as I could have been, but I’m still not used to my own personal jinni as a companion. Please forgive me for not being more attentive to you.” Dildar replied in English.
“Oh, no, Master. You do not offend. I fear I offend you, most worthy Master.”
“What can I do for you, Khayal?”
“I only want what I can do for you as your loyal servant and jinni,” he said, bending to the floor and kissing Dildar’s feet.
“Okay. First, we are in America and here we speak Southern-American-English. You do understand and speak English, don’t you, Khayal?”
“Oh, yes, Master. I understand English and can say some things in this Southern-American-English — like, grits and greens, y’all.”
That got a good belly-laugh from Dildar. “Then, please, let us use English. We need to practice speaking it since we have spoken another language all of our lives. Do you agree?”
“Oh, yes, Master. If you say we need to practice Southern-American-English I will practice it all the time!”
“Thank you, my dear friend. Now. Why did you want to speak with me?”
“Here is the bottle of oils which I wanted to use to give you a massage when you took me for your jinni. I understand from the other jinn that you forgot that it was for you. Jamal and Arman tell me tomorrow is you birthday and you will be twenty-five years old. Would you allow me to give you a massage tomorrow and use these oils which I saved for you alone?” the young jinni asked.
“Oh, I completely forgot about the bottle of oils. I’m very sorry if I hurt your feelings….”
“It is of no consequence, Master. Would you accept a massage with these oils as a birthday present, I think they called it, tomorrow afternoon at the massage room?”
“Of course, I would be happy and honored to accept your gift tomorrow afternoon. It is very kind to want to do this for me. Do you want me to schedule it for us?” Dildar asked.
“Oh, no, Master. Jamal said he would help me schedule it if you approved.”
“I approve. Thank you, Khayal.”
The jinni started to kneel but Dildar stopped his descent and pulled him close, then took the beautiful young man’s head in his hand and proceeded to kiss the jinni passionately. The jinni was surprised but went with Dildar’s lead and kissed him back. The static electricity emanating from the two was literally stunning. Hairs were standing straight up on both bodies. Dildar nearly collapsed but Khayal held him then set him in a chair. Both males had erections seeping cum from the experience. Dildar had a bottle of water nearby and drank the entire bottle-full before putting it down.
“Are you well, Master?” Khayal asked in Arabic, then caught himself and repeated it in English.
“What just happened?” Dildar asked.
“A shock wave passed between us, Master. We connected through the elements,” Khayal replied.
“Does this happen to you often?”
“It has never happened to me before,” the jinni said. “Has it ever happened to you?”
“Never! What does it mean?” Dildar asked.
“It means that we were meant for each other. We have a connection of the spirits that we were chosen for life eternal together,” was the jinni’s reply.
“You will never speak of this to anyone,” Dildar told him. “Not even the jinn! Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master! I understand and will obey!”
“Good! Now go make the arrangements for the massage room for tomorrow afternoon. I’m going to rest for a while.”
Khayal disappeared and Dildar sat where he was, thinking about the recent events. He needed some insight and guidance from someone who could clear up what happened. He couldn’t talk with Jamal or Husni so the only one left was Arman.
‘Arman! Do you have a few minutes that we could talk?’ Dildar mentally spoke to the jinni, and Arman appeared.
“How can I be of service, Master Dildar?”
“Something just happened between Khayal and me. I don’t understand it and I don’t know how to handle the situation.”
Arman searched Dildar’s memory and his eyes dilated instantly as he realized what happened between them.
“Dildar, I have seen this occur only once before and that was centuries ago by your time measurement. It means that a human and a jinni who were destined to be together finally connected. When Jamal, Husni and I thought of Khayal at the same time, it was destined to happen. Marid was never the jinni for you. Khayal was waiting for you to call him.”
“What does this mean for Hassan and me?” Dildar asked.
“It has no effect on your relationship with your husband,” Arman explained. “It just means that the elements have come together as they’re supposed to for you two. My relationship with your cousin is not as close as yours and Khayal, nor is Jamal’s and Grant’s. I doubt Husni and Hassan will ever be as close to each other as you and Khayal will be. The Fates have made this happen. Rather, one of The Fates called Destiny. I am very happy for you two. And to answer your next question, no one ever needs to know about this. Khayal will be able to anticipate what you want before you even ask.” Arman gave Dildar a big smile and a big hug.
“Thank you, Arman. I feel much better now – I think.”
“Anything else I can do for you, Master Dildar?”
“Not right now. Thank you again!”
Arman waved his hand downward between the two of them, then disappeared — and Dildar napped.
The next morning, Khayal made sure the massage room was prepared to his satisfaction. There are four massage tables in the room with curtains that can be drawn for privacy or opened for companionship massages. Khayal wanted privacy at first, so Dildar would not know his three best friends would be on the other three tables with their jinn as masseurs. The jinn would cast a spell of silence between the partitions until they were opened. Scented candles were lit around the room and relaxing music played softly. Satin sheets covered the massage tables with satin covers over the head rests.
At two-fifteen, Grant and Jamal, Majid and Arman, Hassan and Husni took their places in three of the partitions. Ten minutes later, Dildar and Khayal took their place in the partition facing the room entrance. “Birthday Boy” lay face down with his feet toward the center so when he turned over, he would see the others receiving their massages.
Each of the masseurs were experts at all the various methods of erotic massage and integrated all of them for their masters. The three could see and hear each other. Only Dildar was isolated from outside sounds besides the music. The masseurs started with techniques of Tantra and longitudinal gliding along the back. The blended oils from the special bottles penetrated the men’s skin, sending erotic sensations all over the body. Each of the masseurs coordinated their breathing with their partner’s. They worked on the arms and hands, allowing the masters to grasp the masseur’s genitals. Gradually they introduced lightly rubbing the anus and penis head, allowing pre-cum to form at the slit then using it as a lubricant for the anal rosebud. As the oils reached the openings, more pre-cum was produced and the sphincter muscles relaxed, allowing the fingers inside. When the fingers and oils reached the prostate, each of the men asked to readjust their growing erections.
By this time, the masseurs were totally in sync and taking their massaging to the next level. They climbed on top of their masters, sliding their own oiled cocks in the relaxed opening between the admirable ass-cheeks and lying full body on the human they loved so much. The whole jinni torso slid up the body and the jinni’s erection penetrated the winking hole. As the jinni slid down the human’s back his magnificent erection slid lower also, elevating the sensations of the sensual moves.
After half an hour, the jinns told their masters it was time to turn over and they reached under the men and turned them. Dildar looked up at Khayal and then saw the others looking at him from a like repose.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Dildar demanded.
“Happy Birthday to you, ….” The three men sang to Dildar, ending with, “Happy twenty-fifth birthday Dildar, Happy Birthday to you!”
“You! You? You!” Dildar replied. “You set this up for me?”
“You bet your sweet tush we did,” Majid told his cousin. “And you can thank Khayal for suggesting it.”
“You did this for me?”
“Yes, Master! It was all I could think of for a birthday present that is traditional here in America,” his jinni told Dildar.
They hugged, but didn’t kiss, before the men lay back down for the fulfillment of their massages.
As the jinn proceeded to induce erotic stimulation for their masters, they deliberately ran their hands lightly over the genitals while deliberately letting their own genitals brush against the masters’ body.
The men could see the others and the erotic stimulation they were receiving. Several times before the massages were complete, each man was edged but not allowed to release the outpouring he wanted. The intensity grew with each edge and each masseur had his own technique for delaying the “happy ending.”
Khayal used the oral stimulus on Dildar, stopping before he was ready to cum. Jamal used one hand to simulate electric shocks on Grant’s nipples while fingering his prostate with the other hand; also stopping before too late. Husni sat on Hassan’s firm erection, pumping the base of his cock with an irregular rhythm, stopping as the flow felt like it would burst forth. And Arman used his hands to corkscrew Majid’s steel rod until he was ready to explode. It was a visual orgy!
After a full half-hour of edging, the jinn allowed their masters to experience an unreal, explosive orgasm. The jinn added the intensity of the electrical sensations with each explosive shot. Never before had the men experienced a fireworks of ejaculations like this. Khayal repeated the kiss with Dildar for his coup de grâs.
The masseurs used large, hot, wet towels to wipe the oils and semen from their masters’ bodies. Then all eight of them went into the staff’s swimming pool for some fun and recuperation. The on-duty lifeguard served them a glass of “bubbly” (Champagne for some, Ginger Ale for others) for a toast to the “Birthday Boy!”
To be continued...
Who would play — while the bosses are away?
Posted: 01/03/20