The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 15
Happy Anniversary – Part II
At the Lodge, the guys went up to the private dining room which was all decked out in an Arabian Nights theme. Their servers were dressed in male harem costumes for the occasion and all the food was traditional Iraqi/Arab specialties. A large hexagonal table was set in the middle of the dining room with comfortable arm chairs for the twelve men who would be dining together. Plates of meze, baba ghanoush, falafel, kibbeh, grape leaf wraps, tabbouleh and hummus were set around the table as appetizers.
Lamb and chicken kabobs were served still steaming from the grill, along with tepsi baytinijan, Iraqi eggplant parmesan, and Kurdish dolma.
When the scraps of the main course were removed from the table, the servers returned with varieties of desserts — Tamr, sweetened dates stuffed with goat cheese and nuts; Bastani, a Persian ice cream sandwich; and of course, Baklava.
Scotty’s comment when the desserts were set on the table was, “Alright! Everybody hits the gym tomorrow morning! And no exceptions!”
“You’re going to have to drag me out of bed!” Harvey retorted.
“You don’t think I can?” Scotty asked.
Grant, Majid, Dildar, Hassan, Jim and Justin were joined by all six servers in responding, “You bet your sweet ass he can!” The four out-of-town guests laughed and applauded.
Three of the belly dancers who performed at the grand opening of the Club came in and the music switched to their dance music as they performed. Khalil seemed to be impressed with what he was seeing today and especially this evening.
“Majid, all this trouble you go to makes me homesick,” Khalil told his cousin. “Why you do this for us?”
“Grant and I met in Bagdad, we made our commitment to each other in Kurdistan, Jamal and Arman are both Persian and their heritage go back many generations. They told us they wanted to do something for us to celebrate our anniversary. Your being here was the big surprise for me and meeting Ahmed was an added pleasure.”
“Your pleasure in this is a bonus to what we had planned,” Dildar added. “This really was for Majid and Grant originally.”
Khalil leaned over to Majid and gave him a hug and kisses on each cheek. He did the same to Dildar. “I hope you will allow me to come back to visit you again. I have found my family here.”
“Anytime!” Majid and Dildar said together.
“You are family. You are always welcome here, and next time you will stay with Grant and me,” Majid added, as Khalil wiped tears from his eyes.
Dale, chatting with Hassan, told him very quietly, about the after-hours visitors and the workout they all had.
“So I heard!” Hassan replied. “Sahi and Chipo are both great performers, both on stage and in bed. Dil and I have had them spend a night with us one at time, not the two of them with the two of us. But with the four of you, it probably was a real fuck-fest!”
“Man, those guys are hot! Are all the guys here like them?” Dale asked.
Hassan nodded his head. “All of them are incredible in their own way. One-on-one, three-way, orgy. You’re going to get your money’s worth, whether as an observer or in the middle of it all. You should sometime see two of them wrestling with the loser getting … used.”
“You’re kidding!” Dale gasped.
“Majid has a collection of videos his team has shot of nearly every pairing possible. All real wrestling – no television pro-show. All ending up naked and hard. Have you checked out the CR channels in your room?” Hassan asked.
“No. We haven’t had a chance to look at any television.”
“All local productions out of Majid’s video production studio,” Hassan replied. “There are a variety of choices on it, including some of the early classical musical videos and videos of the opening shows here designed for straight-minded guests. The other videos must be ordered through the main desk. Your room has it already approved. Khalil’s and Howie’s rooms have it blocked. Neither of them would be interested in that type of stimulation.”
“I can’t wait until Mick finds out about this. Oh, man! He’ll go ape over that!”
“That’s why the rooms have a sixty-nine-inch wall monitor in them,” Hassan said sarcastically.
Dale did a double take and mouthed the words ‘sixty-nine-inch?’
Hassan shook his head. “NOT! That large a monitor would overpower that small a room.”
Mick turned his attention to Hassan and Dale. “What’s sixty-nine inches?”
Hassan responded, “Nothing. I was joking and told him the TV monitor in your room was sixty-nine inches so you could completely enjoy Majid’s videos of our guys wrestling each other with the loser servicing the winner at the end of each match. That channel is blocked in your dad’s room and Howie’s. They wouldn’t be interested. But it is available for you and Dale. I heard that you got to know Sahi and Chipo rather well early this morning. I don’t know if they’ve got a match with each other or not on the line-up. I think it’s mostly random matches rather than picking and choosing by couple.”
“What the hell? They’re all hot,” Mick said. “I know what we’ll be doing later tonight!”
“Majid, where you find these Jamal and Arman?” Khalil asked.
“We met them up in the mountains on the Iranian border,” Majid replied. “Why do you ask, Khalil?”
“I have a feeling about them. They are not what they seem to be. What do you know about them?” Khalil asked.
That got everyone’s attention.
“They are two friends whom we met up on the mountain and they have been a great help in building this resort,” Majid replied. “They are as much a part of this as Grant and I are. They’ve been with us from the beginning.”
“I have never seen a Persian that big!” Khalil insisted. “There is something about them that makes me think they are someway different than a regular Persian – or Iranian, as they’re known now.”
“Khalil, is it that they’re bodybuilders and a lot bulkier than just regular men?” Grant asked.
“They exude a smell that normal men do not have,” Khalil replied. “I have heard that only jinn have that — and jinn do not exist today. Jinn are deceptive, and evil, and ugly, and have only their own greed to satisfy. They can become as handsome as you want them to be. Do not trust them, Majid!”
“Khalil – Arman and Jamal are not deceptive, or evil, and definitely not ugly,” Majid argued. “Over the last five years, they have done everything they said they would do to help us with this project. And Grant and I love them as much as we love each other.”
“Please, Khalil, reconsider your feelings about Jamal and Arman,” Grant continued. “They are as trustworthy as anyone here at this table. Majid and I would trust our lives with anyone seated here – especially the USMC.” Grant looked at Justin as he said that. “And we would do the same with our Persian friends.”
“I have done what I can for you. Thank you for your hospitality.” Khalil stood and slid his chair back. “I shall retire to my room until time for our flight back to Paterson. Have a good evening, gentlemen.”
As he started to leave the dining room, the curtains parted as Jamal and Arman held them open for him. As Khalil stepped between them, he used his hands to push them apart, making physical contact with them on their rock-hard abdominal muscles rather than putting his hands through them, as would be expected of ethereal beings. When he touched them, the physical contact sent an electrical-type sensation through his body which caused him to stop between the two bodybuilders. He felt the pheromones react throughout his nervous system. He looked at them and saw a lavender-violet aura surround the two giants. In his groin, Khalil felt a fullness telling him he needed to relieve himself. His penis began to enlarge and he needed to get to the restroom – fast!
He made it before he had an accident! Standing before the urinal, he unzipped, whipped it out – and shot a load of cum!
Mick followed him into the restroom. “Dad, what happened?”
“Those damned jinn caused me to ejaculate!”
“Jinn? You always said they were myths.”
“Apparently they exist and are a spawn of the devil! And my cousin is controlled by them. We’ve got to do something for him,” Khalil said.
“Like what?” Mick asked.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like it.”
“Dad, let’s just finish out this visit. We’re just getting to know Majid and Dildar better, and all these guys seem to be on the up-and-up in wanting to make gay men feel like human beings. Let’s go back and watch the rest of the show and spend some time with them.”
“I can’t. I’ve already left them.”
“Come on back to the dining room with me.”
The door to the restroom opened and Dale and Dildar walked in. “Khalil, are you okay?” Dale asked.
“I will be presentable in a moment and will rejoin you then,” Khalil responded.
“But you’re okay?” Dildar asked.
“I will become presentable and will rejoin you in a moment,” Khalil repeated.
“Good!” Dildar said. “While I’m here, I’ll take a leak myself.” He walked into one of the stalls.
“I think I’ll do the same,” Dale said, turning to the next urinal.
“Me too,” Mick said as he stepped up to another urinal.
“Is this a full house?” Hassan asked as he walked into the room.
“Close,” Dildar commented. He flushed, zipped up then stepped out to wash his hands, followed by the other guys.
Khalil was very quiet all the way back to the Residence. The stage looked just the same, except the two chairs in front of the bandstand had been removed and the two jinn were nowhere to be seen. But the show went on. As with earlier in the day, when the women were close to Howie, Grant and Majid, they fawned over each of them but with Khalil they were reserved and limited their “fawning” to a kiss on the cheek. The guys in the cast focused their attention on the other ten men, as did the Munchkins. They blew kisses to Howie and he blew kisses back to them. Each of them, reached up and grabbed at the “air kiss” then did a back flip as if they were knocked over by the air. Vern made a return visit to Howie. This time, Howie let him sit on his lap. Vern’s vest, which was free-flowing, opened enough to reveal his full chest, so Howie reached down and tweaked his left nipple which sent the little man into fits of joy! Grant slapped him again to calm his excitement so Vern had to be satisfied with flips, cartwheels and somersaults!
at the end of the act, the curtains which had been separating the orchestra from
the cast and audience parted for the curtain call. Then Avra and Dawit called
for a sing-along. The orchestra picked up their modern instruments which are
most familiar on the hit songs from the show and played the intro to “Baubles,
Bangles and Beads.” The cast picked up the song and the “audience” sang along.
Then they went into “Stranger in Paradise,” followed by “He’s in Love,” “and
This Is My Beloved” and the “Finale Night of My Nights / Sands of Time.” By
this time everyone is on their feet, swinging and swaying to the music. At the
end, everybody broke into applause for each other and joined in embracing the
rest of the group.
The twelve men who had had dinner together made a point to include Khalil in the warm greetings. He seemed to mellow some from his earlier tirade. They also made sure the cast and orchestra were properly complimented and that their efforts in putting the show together was greatly appreciated by everyone. Mick and Dale joined in greeting the singers and instrumentalists and showing their appreciation.
Khalil asked Majid if he could be taken back to the Lodge. A car was waiting at the front. Mick and Dale said they would go with him and make sure he was settled in his room before they began reviewing Majid’s videos.
Khalil asked, “What videos?”
Dildar replied, “Majid’s main job was making videos for guests to watch and to be distributed for public viewing. Ahmed knows how to get the channel on the television in your room and will set it up for you to enjoy. The musicians and dancers are from Atlanta’s professional performing companies. Grant produced the videos while Majid directed them.”
“They don’t have any fake people in them?”
“Not the first!” Dildar replied. “They performed for our opening ceremonies and Howie saw and heard them while he and his parents were here. You can ask him if they were real.”
“I will do that.”
Howie overheard the conversation and commented, “They are all from Atlanta’s orchestras and dancers from several dance schools there. They are excellent! They’re based on the M-G-M musical movies from the 1950’s and 1960’s and I think you will enjoy them. I haven’t seen the finished products, so I’ll probably watch them tonight also. But I’m going to hang around here for a while and visit with Grant and Harvey. So, I’ll see you all tomorrow! Good night!”
Howie looked around the room for the cousins. When he got their eyes, he signed, ‘Library’ {reading room}, then turned and went directly there. Grant and Harvey followed him in there, closing the door behind them.
“I need a drink!” Howie said. “A double!”
Grant opened the bar and poured him a double Johnny Walker Ultimate on the rocks. Howie downed it and handed the glass back, saying, “Again!” Grant slacked off on the double and mixed it with ginger ale.
“What’s with Majid’s cousin, and seeing colors, and getting upset about Jamal and Arman?”
“You know what auras are?” Grant asked as he handed Harvey his drink and picked up his own.
“I think so,” Howie replied. “It’s like a whole-body halo, or something like that.”
“Very accurate,” Grant confirmed. “I knew a psychic years ago who told me the story of his trip to Chicago one time. He walked into the waiting area for his flight home and saw that none of the passengers in there had an aura. He went immediately to the ticket counter and changed his flight to a later one. Then he called his wife to let her know he would be on the later flight. The plane that he was supposed to be on crashed, killing everyone on board. He saw that their auras had already left them and no one survived. That was the story he told me. I’m a news reporter. A skeptic. But I don’t see auras. And apparently halos – auras are not just on angels, but everybody. I interviewed Jean Dixon, the psychic, once and she told me I had a gold aura with a raspberry tinge. I asked my psychic friend what that meant and he didn’t know what the raspberry color was. A week later — I was in the hospital for nearly a month with a virus. You both remember that. (They nodded.) Apparently, she saw the illness taking over my body.”
Howie and Harvey both just stared at Grant, spellbound. “Wow!” they both said at the same time.
“I just know that Jamal and Arman are good guys and have been very helpful to us in getting this project up and running.
“They are also hot studs! Maji and I love them both,” Grant concluded.
“So what is Khalil so uptight about?” Howie asked.
“Khalil is from Iraq, Kurdistan, Iran where genies are in their folklore. Dil and Hass have been with us from the time we met them. If they’re genies – so they’re genies. Whatever that is. Khalil is the only one who gives a damn. Apparently, Mick and Dale don’t. Dil and Hass don’t. And neither do Maji or I.”
“Me!” Harvey said.
“I!” Grant emphasized. As Harvey opened his mouth, Grant repeated, “I!” Harvey closed his mouth and kept quiet.
Grant looked directly at Howie and asked, “Do you have a problem with Jamal or Arman?”
Howie raised his hands, palms facing Grant in surrender, “Not I! I have no problem with either of them – or any of their friends! But they haven’t tried to French me or Greek me yet!”
Harvey choked on a swallow of Scotch and Grant spit his out! Grant heard two outrageous laughs from inside his head!
“You going to make a date with any of the girls while you’re here?” Grant asked Howie.
“Not this time,” Howie replied. “I don’t have time for a repeat with all of them and I can’t pick just one.”
“You dated all of the girls?” Harvey asked in dismay.
“Sure did!” Howie said. “One full week of days and evenings with them. I just didn’t know what I do now about them. And I’ll need a full week to take them all on again!”
“They Frenched him but passed on Greeking him!” Grant quipped.
“Dad’s talking about retiring at the end of this term,” Howie told them. “He asked if I wanted to take his place on the ticket.”
“And?” Grant asked. After a moment or so, asked, “Well?”
Howie put his left arm across his chest and rested his chin in his right hand, then impersonating Jack Benny, said, “I’m thinking! I’m thinking!”
“Any prospects along the bridal path?” Grant asked.
“I haven’t found anyone whom I could love as much as Krissy,” he answered. “So, she married a rich stud from the Academy who could keep her up in the style she was accustomed to. She’ll push him to an Admiralty in record time. His family already has the yacht she wanted, and I’m sure he has been working hard to provide her all she wants from him personally.”
“Well, if she couldn’t suck it out of him, I’m sure she’d wheedle it out of him another way!” Grant commented.
“Oh, god!” Harvey muttered.
“That’s for sure,” Howie added.
“Say, cuz, why don’t you turn on the CR channel and watch some of those videos we shot at the Grand Opening. We’ve added more of the classical dance and orchestra routines. You might even think you’re watching Walter Cronkite or Julie Andrews hosting the New Year’s Eve shows from Vienna — or not!”
“Do you have the stage shows taped that were so great?”
“They are in the group,” Grant replied. “They’re all listed on the menu. We also have the old movies on the lineup so you can watch them.”
“Do you know when we’re leaving?”
“Not a clue. Maji and I were not in on any of the plans. You’ll have to talk with Hass or Dil about that. But I appreciate your being here more than I can say.” Grant put his arms around Howie and gave him a big hug, turned his head and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Love you, cuz!” he whispered in his ear, then gave his life-long best friend an extra tight squeeze. “And I miss you too.”
“Love you too, and miss seeing you – although I’m somewhat used to your being somewhere else,” Howie replied, as he returned the hug.
Gerhard was waiting at the front door to take Howie back to the Lodge in his BMW 330i E46 Convertible M-sports car. Howie waved as the car tore around the circular driveway and down to the main road. Grant waved back, tears in his eyes and Harvey’s arm around him.
Mick and Dale got Khalil settled in his room. Dale set up the television for the CR channels and showed Mick’s dad how to switch between Majid’s videos and the commercial movies available on the two channels, 201 and 202. Khalil seemed in a much better frame of mind watching his cousin’s cinematography skills and the enjoyable music and dancing. When the two younger men were satisfied the older man was comfortable with something enjoyable on the TV, they went to their own room for the other side of the CR channels, 609 through 669.
The lower channels, 609 through 619 had regular wrestling matches without the rough sex available on the upper channels. Channels 620 through 629 had simple story lines of confrontations between two men with real fights, featuring rip and strip themes. Channels 630 through 639 featured B&E crimes set in some of the condo/apartments and the ‘homeowner’ faces the ‘criminal’ in real fights. Channels 640 — 649 featured bondage with the type of bondage different in each video, but the man to be bound was determined during the filming between the two combatants. This segment included several fisting finales. In the 650 to 659 series, all the action was with water as the setting; swimming pools at the Residence or Lodge and in the swimming area of the Chattahoochee River. The 660 to 669 nude wrestling matches ended up with full blown rough sex, deep throat sucking, bareback penetration, some pulling out to show ejaculation and others unloading deep in the bottom, then closeup of liquid seeping out of the victimized orifice. Most of the sets included videos of the intersexual females and the dwarfs, lovingly referred to as The Munchkins. Both groups interacted with each other and with the men in the videos. Female vs. female — female vs. male — female vs. Munchkin(s) — Munchkin vs. Munchkin — Munchkin(s) vs. male.
Mick and Dale watched a couple of matches in the lower sets, then skipped to the next set of channels, watching two or three episodes in each category. They nearly forgot their own interaction when the intersexual females were featured, and went into hysterics with the Munchkins’ downright raunchy shows. Majid included a video of the underwater fight by the ‘mermen’ and then dissolved to the two without the fish costumes and full climaxes in the water.
During the night, Jamal and Arman made sure everyone’s memories of the evening’s occurrences were revised. They all remembered that Khalil mentioned very thin auras on all the clones in rainbow colors. When he went to the restroom at the Lodge’s restaurant, he was on overload with sexual arousal from having placed both hands on the two big Persians.
The next morning, the four guests went up to the Residence to have breakfast with Majid and Grant. Everyone was appropriately dressed in running shorts and Muscle-Ts or Tanks. Jamal and Arman were nowhere to be seen but made sure the staff had slim auras which were visible to Khalil. The sexual pheromones were well under control. After breakfast, Majid took his cousins out to the patio for Persian coffee and to get to know them better, and Dildar arrived soon after. Grant, Howie and Harvey went to the sunroom for their own reunion, while Ryan and Caleb took Dale to the “Rain Forest” for some fun in the water. The two security men – lifeguards soon had him totally naked, which he loved. The darkened windows to the outside prevented anyone seeing into the pool area without having their nose stuck up against it.
Hassan joined the group for lunch.
After lunch, Khalil asked for some time to rest so Darrin, one of the drivers-mechanics, drove him back to the Lodge. Everyone else, including Howie, hung out around the pool. To some, it was a surprise that he voluntarily stripped with the rest of the group for some nude relaxation.
“Oh, wow!” Hassan exclaimed as Howie put his clothes on a chair. “I haven’t seen you like that since the blow-up in Maryland.”
“Straight college athletes don’t think anything about being naked with other guys,” Howie replied. “And we don’t think much of other men who want to become offensively intimate and they learn something about boxing champions.”
“Oooh, I heard that!” Dildar commented.
“Sounds like a good story!” Mick added.
“Later, cuz!” Dildar replied quietly. “He does accept blow jobs from the girls he dates here — and even from one of our cousins.”
Mick’s eyes opened very wide as Dildar nodded.
Caleb, Dylan and Ryan walked into the pool area, very much in the ‘altogether’ which got everyone else’s attention.
“We’re here for lifeguard services with the swimmers,” Caleb explained.
“That, and any other service we might provide to anyone,” Ryan added.
Dylan stood over Howie and commented, “If there’s anything I can do for you, sir, just whistle ‘Dixie.’ I’m ready, willing and able!”
Everyone else in the “Rain Forest” started whistling “Dixie” as Howie turned red in the face.
The two girls who had not been in the musical the day before walked into the pool area sporting rainbow bikini bottoms. Their extra appendage was tucked between their legs while their upper ones were prominently erect.
“We missed out on the party here yesterday, so we decided to crash this one,” Kimi said.
“Howie, it’s wonderful to see you again,” Kiko added.
Howie’s face lit up when he saw two of the girls he had dated when he was at the resort for its opening. Two of the girls who had given him such great pleasures at that time. Involuntarily, he began to become stimulated at their sight. He could never forget the incredible blow jobs they had given him then. He stood and gave each of them a hot kiss as he hugged them, his manhood was standing at full attention between their legs.
“We’re here to take you somewhere you wanted to go before, and now you will,”
Kimi told him as she grabbed his most prominent member.
Kiko took an arm and the three of them jumped into the pool. The girls led Howie up to the Grotto and they walked through the waterfall into the darkness. The only light was the ultra-violet neon glow over the entrance. The so-called “black light” dimly lit the entire grotto. A rock ledge just above the waterline provided a space around the entire cave for foam mattresses to be used as beds. The girls had Howie lie on one of the mattresses and Kiko gave his manhood her full oral attention.
Kimi began her oral ministrations with his mouth and eventually worked her way down his body. When she reached Kiko’s face, Kimi climbed on the ledge, moved her bikini bottom and readjusted her own impressive member so Howie could enter her. She climbed on his leaning tower of pleasure and slowly took him inside her. As she slid down his throbbing tool, she used her vaginal sphincter to tighten her grip on him the deeper he went inside her.
“Oh my god!” Howie exclaimed. “Oh my god!” he repeated until Kimi had reached the base of his joy stick. She held her position as she got used to the size and depth of his cock. Then, using her sphincter, she climbed back up the tower she had taken in her most intimate region. Just as she reached Howie’s corona, she paused and flexed her protective muscle, pumping the blood through his manhood.
Meanwhile, Kiko was using her lips and tongue to work her way up Howie’s body, paying particular attention to his pectorals and nipples. Her mouth covered his which stopped his exclamations. Her tongue reached inside to duel with his, splitting his concentration between what she was doing to him and what Kimi was doing.
The dual attention was able to delay Howie’s orgasm several minutes, but eventually his need to shoot his load won the battle. Kimi and Kiko sensed his urgency and the sensual Japanese woman replaced his mouth with Kimi’s cock and took every drop of her cum and passed it to Howie’s mouth.
“Mmmm!” Howie exclaimed. “Amaretto nectar of the goddesses.”
As he was tasting Kimi’s offering via Kiko, Kimi was receiving Kiko’s offering which she passed on to him.
“Mmmm!” he repeated. “Pina colada nectar! I could enjoy those drinks anytime!”
“The other girls will want to know that,” Kimi told him. “Our release has a different flavor from each of us. You should try them all.”
Howie looked horrified! “You fed me your cum!? You really fed me your cum?”
“Was it that bad?” Kiko asked.
“I think I’ll be sick!” he said.
“Maybe we can find a barf-bag for you somewhere!” Kiko replied, and Kimi snickered.
“No, it didn’t taste bad – it’s just the idea of swallowing cum! Yech!”
“Here, try some of yours,” Kimi said as she offered some of his cum on her fingers to taste.
“I’ll pass!” he said. “Why ruin a good Pina amaretto colada cocktail?”
“You should taste Ceri’s. It has a sweet citrus taste,” Kimi said.
“Just like cumquat!” Kiko added.
“I thought cum…” Howie paused a moment, looked at the girls’ smirking, closed his eyes and shook his head. After another moment, he began chuckling as both girls laughed. “You’ve been around Grant entirely too long! I’m outta here!”
When they left the Grotto, the Rain Forest was deserted. Everybody was out on the patio. Only Khalil and Majid still had on their shorts and the girls had put their bottoms back on since the New Jersey visitors did not know their secret. Howie was also nude but he had added the look of pure bliss on his face.
“How was the Grotto, cuz?” Grant asked.
“The most tasty Pina amaretto colada cocktail I’ve ever had!” Howie replied.
The guys from up north looked puzzled, but the locals knew what he meant, and had a good laugh.
“Think you could handle a couple more later this evening?” Majid asked.
“No. But it would be fun trying!” Howie retorted. “I’ve already heard about Ceri’s cum-quat cock-tail!”
“We’ll see what we can mix up for you after dinner!” Majid came back.
“Your place – not ours,” Grant added. “Kiko, Kimi, please arrange something for my cousin later tonight, depending on who’s not working.”
“It will be our pleasure to do that, sir,” Kiko replied as she bowed to Grant.
“Howie, let us know when we can see you again,” Kimi said as she kissed him.
“Just listen for me to whistle ‘Dixie,’” he replied. That got guffaws from the others there. He leaned over and kissed Kiko before the girls left the patio.
That evening, dinner was in the party section of the Club diner for everyone who had eaten together the evening before. The food selection was from the menu, rather than a specially prepared meal. Three Club servers and three busboys took care of the party. Some of the dancers who were working the show that night came up to mingle with the diners. It was early enough that they were dressed in tanks and T’s with shorts. Dinner would be over long before the show started at 9 p.m. They chatted with everyone and were very polite and cordial to Khalil. They were more informal with Mick and Dale, whom they had seen their first night there.
After dinner, everyone went over to the Lodge for some after dinner refreshment in the lounge and some more time together. Majid, Khalil and Dildar continued their reminiscing. Howie, Grant and Harvey enjoyed some more time together, and the others mingled around the bar.
About 10 p.m., Avra and Kesi walked into the Lodge Lounge and surveyed the men in there. When they saw Howie, they waved then went to the bar for a couple of Bahama Mamas. When Howie was ready to turn in for the night, he stopped by to give each of them a kiss.
“You know where to find me, I’m sure,” he quietly told them.
“You got that right,” Kesi replied.
“We’ll finish off these and see you in a few,” Avra added.
Then Howie said good night to the others in the Lounge and went up to his room. He took a quick shower, then stretched out on his bed with a towel loosely draped around his waist. He had left the door ajar so the girls could come on in.
As the girls sensually stripped for him, he reacted by raising a tent with his towel.
“Can you help me with this top, Howie dearest?” Avra asked with a sultry Mae West tone. He was very much ready and definitely willing.
“Do you need some help, too?” he asked Kesi.
“I always need a hunky stud to help me get what I want,” she replied.
As Howie stepped over to help Kesi, Avra held onto his towel so that his prominence tapped the girl’s prominent buttocks. She wiggled them vigorously to flap against his appendage and tease him even more.
By that time, Avra reached around his chest and rubbed his hardening nipples lightly. Kesi removed the halter, tossing it on a chair, then put her arms around the studly man in front of her and leaned in for a long, deep French kiss. The vowed straight man’s protrusion rubbed against the short, short skirt she was wearing. His hands reached in the waist of the skirt, sliding them over her hips – along with the panties that held her secret between her legs.
Avra then dropped her mini-skirt and panties to allow her secret to slide up between the hot man’s ass-cheeks. Howie nearly panicked. A phallus rubbing against him from each direction.
The two women guided the target of their affection to the bed, and the three of them lay together on it. While their lips sought his, their hands gently caressed his torso – rubbing his chest, fingers teasing his nipples, then working their way down across his firm, if not ripped, abdominals. Meanwhile, three cocks were having their own party in the crotch area, and two firm, feminine legs were gently stimulating the nerves in Howie’s inner thighs. He had no idea that his cock was enjoying the stimulation the girls’ version were creating for him.
Howie’s attention was entirely focused on the girls, their ba-zooms, and their feminine attributes. He was rolling the balloons around in his hands, sliding his fingers over the protuberances that were waiting for some sucker to start sucking.
Eventually, he realized he was getting some action in the lower region, but by this time, he didn’t care that it was a new and previously unwanted experience. Howie was well into the pleasures the two intersexuals were providing him.
The beautiful Tanzanian girl changed her position and moved to straddle his legs and take the middle one in her vacant female opening. The effect on Howie was incredible. His erection became thicker and harder as she began to rise after her descent over him. She raised and lowered herself a few times, then began a slower rhythm by using her vaginal sphincter to pump his piston.
After several minutes, Avra wrapped Howie’s hand around her masculine appendage and began a pumping motion in his hand. He responded by tightening his grip and assisted in the jacking. Most of his attention was on the protruding nipple rubbing against his lips, which he opened and let his tongue roll around the sensual tip of her boob. The Israeli girl wondered if he were imagining that he was jacking his own cock and not hers.
As Howie increased his motion with his hand, he was increasing his hip movement, pounding up into Kesi with his own tooling. The girls were waiting for him to release his pent-up supply for them to release their own. A few more strokes, Howie’s body stiffened as it began to spasm, shooting his loads of ejaculate into Kesi’s body. Kesi and Avra released their loads on his face and torso. The surprise of being coated with the creamy nectar caused him to realize he had been jacking Avra’s erection. Then he got the taste of the two intersexuals’ creamy offerings — cinnamon and nutmeg.
“Is that eggnog or spiced apples?” Howie asked after licking his lips.
The girls laughed, and leaned in for a three-way kiss.
“You ready for nighty-night?” Kesi asked.
“We need to clean him up before he goes beddy-bye!” Avra commented as she began to clean him with her tongue. Kesi joined in and Howie wiped some off his chest with his fingers and tasted more of the spicy fluid.
The girls dressed, kissed Howie again and left him on the bed nearly in dreamland. His last conscious thought was, ‘This has been one eventful day. I need to visit more often.’
The visitors and Dildar would have breakfast the next morning at the Residence before leaving for Charlie Brown Field at the Fulton County Airport and the flight back home. Majid went along so he could have more time with Khalil, and Darrin would have someone to ride back with him.
To be continued...
Posted: 12/27/19