The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 10
The Marine Has Arrived
The Crystal Rainbow Board of Directors were seated in the Conference Room of the Administration Building, but the newest member had not shown up yet.
“Justin said he would be here, and he will be momentarily,” Jim assured the rest of the members.
Just then there was a knock on the door. Jim called out, “Enter!”
The door opened and Justin stood in the doorway in full dress uniform.
“Sir!” Justin addressed Grant and the Board. “Permission requested to come on board, Sir!”
“Permission granted, Sergeant!” Grant replied, returning the salute as he stood. “Welcome to The Board, Justin!”
As the hunky Marine stepped into the room, everyone else stood to welcome him with a round of applause. Since it was a formal board meeting, everyone was properly clothed – meaning, khakis and polo or sport shirts. This was the first meeting with both Justin and Harvey.
The main topic on the agenda was the November 11th Veterans’ Day celebration with the military gay wounded men as special guests. Justin and Harvey had both been thinking about how to get them to the event and the logistics of the whole week.
For the next couple of months, Justin and Lane spent most of their time working on the “Rainbow Warrior” project, including video conferencing with Harvey. The weekends he was at the resort, they tried to work round-the-clock.
* * * * * * * *
A couple of days after Halloween, all of the dancers were gathered in the Club to hear what Grant and Justin had to say to them. Grant began because they knew each other the best, including their bedtime together.
“Guys, you all have met Justin Oehler. He is coordinating the Rainbow Warrior program. Next week, we will have twenty military men spending a long weekend with us to honor Veterans’ Day and these men who have served their country under extreme circumstances.”
Justin picked up there. “All of these men are gay and most of them have come home with more than just emotional scars. Many are amputees. And some of them rely on a service animal for surviving on a daily basis.”
Grant interrupted with, “Justin is just such a hero. He took out two terrorists after being blasted with a suicide bomb. He has healed remarkably well, but he still lives with the past.”
Justin continued. “The men who are amputees will stay at the Residence. The others will stay at the Lodge. Regardless where they stay, we feel that they should have someone from here to be with them the entire time they are on the premises. Someone to be a friend to them, to help them get from place to place, help them get their food, their baths, to talk with them – essentially to make them feel comfortable the entire time they are here.”
“Provide for them whatever they need or want,” Grant interjected. “Whatever! If you get my gist.”
The entire group gave very positive and enthusiastic responses.
“So the big question is ‘How do we go about selecting who will match the best with whom?’” Justin continued. “Perhaps the way that gives the men the option to pick whom they would like to … uh … ‘get to know better,’ for want of a more explicit term, is to have a reception the afternoon that they arrive here in the Club – say at three o’clock. All of you guys will put on a dance routine on stage for maybe five minutes, then come down to circulate among the guys – and any dogs – getting to meet them up close. This way the men can make a selection and the dogs can get to know you too. Every dancer, including choreographers, will be eligible. The twenty who are chosen will be their constant companion while they are here. You and your guest will sleep in the same room; at the Lodge it will be in the second bed, and at the Residence it will be on the recliner.”
“However, if the guest wants you to share his bed, that is your choice,” Grant injected. “But knowing you guys ….”
“You got that right!” several dancers shouted out, which got laughter and applause from the others. “I’m ready!” “I’m willing!” “I’m able!” “Oh, yeah!”
Grant went on, “Let the individual guest be the guide. Just be your incredibly … sexy … self. Let them know you find them sexy also. And let your most prominent attribute lead the way!”
Every man in the group grabbed his cock and began pumping it!
“So, for the dancers who will not be on 24-hour escort duty, you will do the regular shows with the paying customers,” Justin told them. “Maybe some of the personal hosts can be scheduled on stage at intervals for a set and show off some of your moves for the guests. The veterans will arrive on 8 November which is a Thursday and will leave on 13 November which is a Tuesday.”
“Now we toss you a curve!” Grant told the group. “At the meet and greet, we will also introduce the Munchkins.” He paused for effect with a smirk on his face.
Ed, one of the choreographers, raised his hand and asked, “How will the service dogs react to The Wild Herd?”
“Excellent question! I thought you’d never ask,” Grant replied. “It will be up to Jamal and Arman to calm them down, even if they need to feed them valium.”
“The dogs or The Wild Herd?” Ed quipped.
“Yes to both,” Grant told him. “The Wild Herd will be introduced to the dogs as the guys are brought into the Lodge and the Residence. Three at each of the places. Then when they come on stage after you all finish, it won’t be a total shocker for them. Plus, they will be calmed down by the two big guys and the Munchkins will let the dogs sniff them first as they get off the stage.”
“Hand or rear?” Colton asked.
“Yes to both,” Grant repeated, which got laughs all around.
“None of us knows who the veterans will pick to be their escorts,” Justin continued. “So, on the morning of the 8th, pack a small ditty-bag with the essentials for overnight, then those who are selected can get additional necessities — like underwear and pants — later. If you come up with any other questions, get to me and I’ll figure out an answer for you ASAP.” He looked at Grant.
“Thanks for your participation. I think you will enjoy the event and I’m sure the veterans will too.”
Everyone mingled a few minutes then went about other activities. The bartenders and barbacks prepped the bar for opening and there were men in the parking lot waiting to come in as Grant and Justin left.
* * * * * * *
Darrin, Gerhard and Wade, our three mechanics/chauffeurs, had the three stretch-limos at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport at 11:00 a.m. waiting for the charter plane with our guests to arrive. Among the three of them, they could handle all the amputees who needed assistance getting into the limos. Viktor and Brandon had two vans to carry wheelchairs and luggage. The dogs shared a seat with their veteran, and they were very well behaved, thanks to the jinn’s getting into their brains to calm them down.
The caravan stopped first at the Lodge to unload the ambulatory group. Then up to the Residence for the rest of the — Squad? Unit? Platoon? Maybe it could be referred to as the “company!”
The Munchkins or Lilliputians – take your pick – were very subdued for a change. They were dressed in shorts and T-shirts of one of the branches of military service. They greeted the dogs appropriately as well as their veterans, and the dogs instantly took to the little men. Doggie treats might have had something to do with it too. The dogs were so attracted to the little men their vets allowed the little ones to take their leashes and lead them inside. Everyone at each of the facilities was shocked The Wild Herd were so restrained. Once inside, the dogs were returned to their owner.
“We would be glad to care for your service companion while you are here if you would trust us with them,” one of the little guys offered.
“Please think about it and let us know later,” another one told the men.
“Thank you for the offer and we’ll let you know later this evening,” one of the guests replied. The other men also showed their appreciation for the offer and let the midgets know they would consider it.
The men got settled into their rooms then came back down for a staff meet-and-greet. Their choice of beer or tea was available with finger foods for lunch. Soon it was time to go to the Club to meet-and-greet the dancers. So everyone loaded back into the limos for the short drive across the boulevard. Inside, the barbacks took orders for their second elbow-bending refreshment. Dance music was playing and the jinn got the service animals relaxed and settled beside their master.
The first half dozen dancers came on stage and began their routine. Two or three minutes later, another half dozen took over the stage, and so it went until forty dancers had performed for the men on stage.
At the end, Justin came out wearing his rainbow Bikini and a headset-microphone. “Anybody enjoy the show?” he asked.
That got a bunch of whooping and hollering from the guests. It also got a half-dozen, totally naked midgets running from behind the curtain on stage.
“Hey!” they yelled. “Why didn’t you tell us there was fresh meat here!?”
The men went into hysterics over the little guys, who had been so reserved a couple of hours ago, and here they were running around naked, with full erections, impressive ones for their size. The service dogs saw their friends and their tails began wagging as they barked at them. It was a friendly bark as they sat beside their companion.
The little men jumped off the stage and began rubbing dogs behind their ears and vets wherever they could reach — legs, arms, torso – crotch. Speaking of ‘crotch,’ the Munchkins got a surprise when they were scratching the dogs behind their ears because the dogs reached out to them and began licking their ‘member’ which was closest to their muzzles. Fortunately, the little guys controlled their potential ejaculation with Herculean resistance!
“Now comes the hard part!” Justin said. Everybody reacted to that. “Yeah, that kind too! We want you to meet these ‘full-grown’ studs and pick whom you would like to know better. Who you choose will be your escort for your time here.” More reaction from the men. “Yeah, that kind too! Whatever – you would want, that we can provide, just ask. This weekend is to honor YOU! And your service to our country. This is our way of trying to thank you for the shithole situation you’ve been tossed into. Guys – hopefully you’ll find out – we love you!”
The room erupted in applause. Some of the veterans were in tears already. The dancers began their rounds of meeting the guests. Over the next hour, the twenty military men selected a dancer to accompany him – wherever. Other dancers got ready for that night’s performance, and the rest went their own way.
The ‘escorts’ drove their own cars to either the Lodge or Residence, depending on where their guest was staying and were waiting when the limos deposited their riders there. The Munchkins were there also to care for the animals.
The vets wanted to rest for a while, so everybody crashed for about an hour. Dinner was at 7:00 for the guests. The private dining room at the Lodge was set up for the ten veterans and their ten escorts. Jim, Justin, Dildar and Hassan had dinner there with the honorees. The banquet hall at the Residence was set up to include Grant, Majid and Scotty. Harvey would not arrive until the next day.
After the dessert plates had been taken away and ‘unleaded’ coffee had been served, Grant stood at his place and spoke to all the diners.
“Gentlemen, I assume that several of you, if not all, are truly bi-sexual and you have been intimate with women at times.” About half of the veterans showed agreement while the rest shook their heads ‘no.’ “What I would like to know is, “Have any of you had sexual relations with a woman who had already given birth to a child?” More than half of those indicated they had. Grant paused for several seconds before the punchline. “I knew we had a bunch of mutherfuckers here!”
The entire group of veterans went into hysterics of laughter. The staff members knew what was coming but chuckled anyway.
At the Lodge, Jim made the welcoming remarks, even using Grant’s joke which the guests also enjoyed. He then told them about Justin’s and his rocky road to cohabitational bliss that they were enjoying. Hassan told them about his and Dildar’s coming to America and the building of the resort. Justin concluded the speech-making by informing the guests he wanted to hear of their experiences in the military as gay men and how they were dealing with post-combat traumas.
Only Grant and Majid knew that this visit was to begin a speeded-up recovery from their PTSD thanks to Jamal and Arman. That first night, the escorts slept either in the second bed at the Lodge or the Barcalounger at the Residence. The veteran’s service dog shared the bed. By the second night, all that changed for the men. The service dogs got the loungers and the escorts shared the bed with the vets. The dogs had been given the suggestion that they might enjoy the lounger themselves — and there was no moving them at bedtime. The veterans had been given a suggestion that a man might be a good substitute for cuddling. The men who did not have service dogs didn’t need the suggestion that a “ready, willing and able” man was good for cuddling – and much more. None of them had slept with a man who could maintain an erection for more than fifteen minutes. Sometime during the night, they awoke to realize that their bed partner was still fully erect inside them. A pumping of their ass-muscle was all it took to release a load of man-milk inside them. By that time, both men were fully awake and ready for some more bed-play.
After the second night, and multiple booster loads of the antibi-viral man-milk inside them, not only were they immune from STD’s for life, but their PTSD was diminishing exponentially.
Friday morning after breakfast at the Residence, everybody gathered in the Tropical Forest for some leisure time. The dogs had a blast in the pool with the Munchkins. The men who were physically able raced up and down the pool, climbed the mountain to the hot-tub and slide. The amputees were given an adult float-ring similar to ones for toddlers. The weather was still warm for a November, so the Munchkins took the dogs outside through the channel to play in the outdoor pool. They also had the run of the yard to play together. The veterans who owned the dogs were amazed they had adjusted to the other dogs so well. It seemed they were all great friends.
Thank you, Arman! Thank you, Jamal!
Lunch of “man-sized” sandwiches, chips, pasta salad, ice cream, cookies and bite-sized cakes were served in the pool area. There was a giant-sized ice chest full of ice and a variety of beers to go with the sandwiches. The Wild Herd and their playmates had their own lunch outside. Some of the dogs came up to the glass to check on their companions and saw the food. They had a fit to get in until one of the dogs found the channel to the inside. It only took another minute to have the service animals begging for food from their best buddies. None could resist feeding them – again!
Down at the Lodge, a similar event was taking place. The pool was full of guests and dancers. The amputees had their rings to sit in and the dogs had full run of the place. They could go down to the riverside but an invisible wall prevented their going far out into the river or off the Lodge property. The Munchkins (and jinn) who were caring for them kept up with them very well. They threw balls, sticks, bones, and Frisbees for the dogs to chase. At lunch by the pool, they begged their companion vet for a bite from their sandwiches. One vet was on a float eating his sandwich in the middle of the pool. His companion swam out to him for his bite of lunch. He was also treated to a sip of beer!
The afternoon at both locations, couples participated in chicken fights using the escort as the bottom man and the veteran on his shoulders. The dogs barked their support for their team from the sidelines. They wanted in the water but were prevented by their little handlers.
At the Lodge, Viktor asked the guys, most of whom had PTSD rather than major physical handicaps, “Any of you guys go through SEALs training?” Two men raised their hands. “Okay! In the pool.” Sean and Matt jumped into the middle of the water and looked at him for further instruction. “This will be a submission match and the loser – services the winner right here!” – indicating the side of the pool. The rest of the guys went wild as the two SEALs faced each other. “Ready?” the hunky security officer asked, and they nodded. “Go for it!”
The two men attacked each other, determined to win this bout. It took them at least fifteen minutes before one of the men showed signs of tiring. Half of that time both were underwater completely. While both men were determined to win, they also respected their competition as a friend. After a few more minutes, one was able to get a firm chokehold on the other which resulted in the tap-out. The other guys were shouting and cheering for the winner – although none cared who actually won.
Following the tap-out, the two combatants hugged, then the winner wrapped his arm around his victim’s chin and using a rescue hold, pulled the other to poolside. That got more cheering from the onlookers. Both contestants climbed out of the pool and dried off with towels their escort handed them. Another escort pulled a pad from a recliner to the side of the pool The one man dropped to his knees and began his ministrations of the other’s growing appendage. The winner looked like he was going to shoot a load instantly but fought the urge with all his military determination.
He asked his escort for a sheath and was surprised by the response.
“You don’t need it,” was the reply. Both sailors looked askance. “You both have been given a couple of doses of an antivirus vaccine and are immune for life of ever getting any sexually transmitted virus.” They looked at each other, then saw all of the escorts nodding agreement. “When you allowed us to release in your mouth, and then again anally, our cum was loaded with the antiviral dosage needed for permanent immunization. You can have unprotected sex for the rest of your life with anybody. Especially any of the men who are here with you this week.” {Lots of hubbub from the veterans.} “And your precum will have a lubricant and pain-killer so more lube is unnecessary, but you’re welcome to it anytime.”
All the veterans looked at each other with sheer lust!
The sailor on his knees attacked the softening cock in front of him and took the rod all the way to the base. It didn’t stay soft but grew to a very healthy nine inches of thick, firm man-meat. Justin stepped up behind the winner, wrapped his arms around his chest to stimulate his nipples as his own engorged manhood rubbed the winner’s back-crack, encouraging more anticipation from what was to ‘cum.’
“Nicely done, SEAL! You’ve still got it, stud! The Navy would be damned proud of you,” Justin said softly in his ear, while stimulating the hard nipples on his firm chest and teasing his rear entry.
The encouragement boosted the sailor’s testosterone and he grabbed the man in front of him by the head and pumped a full load of man juice down the throat that was swallowing as fast as possible – and cum was still spilling out of his mouth. While pounding the face of one man, the SEAL didn’t realize he was pounding the protrusion behind him and impaling himself on Justin’s pleasure pole.
The tension of the moment reacted on Justin who released his own contribution to the mix. His arms locked around the SEAL and he unloaded deep within the winner’s colon. The SEAL’s legs felt weak and he started to sink to the pavement. Two escorts held Justin and the SEAL up until they regained the strength in their legs. The SEAL turned his head and laid a hot kiss on Justin’s lips, which Justin returned.
Jim just looked on in shock.
Dildar and Hassan were standing on either side of the Crystal Rainbow’s GM and both looked at him.
“What?” they asked together.
“They fucked and kissed!” Jim replied.
“So?” they both asked.
“They fucked and kissed!” Jim repeated as though he couldn’t believe what he saw.
“They had sex, Jim” Hassan said. “They didn’t make love. There is a big difference, you know.”
“You don’t ‘make love’ in public, Jim,” Dildar commented. “That’s for the privacy of your bedroom — just you and Justin.”
“Justin is doing the job you hired him to do,” Hassan added. “He’s not fucking behind your back. The guy backed onto his dick!”
Jim turned to leave but bumped into two giant Persians who were standing behind him. “Going somewhere?” the two giant men said together.
“Leaving him again?” Arman asked.
“I don’t think so, Mr. Guthrie,” Jamal said.
“How would you deal with this if it weren’t so personal?” Arman asked.
“Get your shit together and man-up – I think that means ‘act like a man’,” Jamal added.
“Fuck both of you!” Jim retorted.
“You got the balls to do it, Mr. Guthrie?” the jinn said together.
“Wait until Grant and Majid hear about this …,” Jim started.
“We heard,” Grant said as he and Majid stepped into view from behind the huge Persians.
“Justin needs you to trust him as much as he trusts you and your love for him,” Majid added. “Do you want him as a partner or a boi-toy?”
“If you want a beautiful, muscle boi-toy, you may lose him,” Grant continued, as Jamal and Arman walked off. “He’s been through a lot that you probably don’t understand. He understands what these men need in the way of support and encouragement. They need to feel attractive, wanted, still somewhat the man they used to be, able to satisfy a partner sexually.”
“Jim, if you’re not going to be Justin’s support, make yourself scarce until you get yourself under control,” Majid admonished him.
Jim walked away into the bar for a drink. Justin saw him walking away, turned to see what had caused that and saw Grant and Majid.
“What’s with him?” Justin asked, a puzzled look on his face.
“He just needs some liquid courage,” Dildar told the hunky Marine.
“You’re doing a great job. Carry on!” Hassan encouraged. “Do you need any help taking care of these guys, or is this what the saying means that the Marines have cum?”
“That’s ‘The Marines have arrived!’” Justin corrected him with a guffaw. “You still haven’t learned that, have you?”
Hassan shrugged his shoulders and looked innocent.
Grant, Majid, Dildar and Hassan mingled with the veterans, expressing admiration for their accomplishments. They gave each guest a hug and a friendly kiss, then asked if there were anything they could do for them. Repeatedly, the four heard comments like, “This is amazing!” “I still can’t believe this fantasy is real!” “I haven’t felt this good in years!” “I’m more relaxed than I’ve been since my enlistment!”
One veteran asked, “What have you done to us? My attitude has changed in the past twenty-four hours like I can’t believe. I have developed a whole new outlook on my life. The tension and stress that I felt before I arrived is gone completely. I feel like I could take on the world again. I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but I love you for it. Thanks, all of you!” The man gave each an intense kiss and a longer hug. “If there is anything I could do for you, giving or receiving, I would be honored,” he told them through his tears.
“Seeing this incredible change is more than adequate for us,” Grant told him. “If ever there is anything we can do for you, anytime, don’t hesitate to let us know. Your Lifetime Membership is your passport to all the services of The Crystal Rainbow … anytime.”
A couple of hours of sack-time put the vets into even better spirits. After some one-in-one time with their escorts, the two showered together and went to the bar for some pre-dinner refreshment. Grant and Majid, along with Scotty and Harvey, joined them in the party dining area, while Jim, Justin, Hassan and Dildar had dinner with the guests at the Residence. Afterward, everyone gathered at the Club, which was packed more than usual for a Friday night. The service dogs stayed with their little caretakers and had their romp in the Lodge or Residence back yard.
The dancers were kept busy entertaining the crowd, both on stage and on the floor. Every half-hour, an escort took to the stage and a dancer took a veteran into the lap-dance area for a fifteen-minute private time.
* * * * * * *
On Saturday, the guests were taken to Majid’s studio to view a videotaping. This was the first tag-team match they had arranged. It matched Filip and Raha against Luther and Sasha. All four are on Dildar’s security team and are ready to handle any situation that faces them.
The vets were seated around two sides of the ring. The men in the wheelchairs were carried to comfortable arm chairs on a raised second row for their protection. The match would be no holds barred, and last as long as needed for two submissions. Dildar served as referee, and on a tag the switch must be completed within fifteen seconds.
Filip & Rajesh vs. Luther & Sasha
Filip and Luther started against each other. They went at it for about five minutes when they got close enough to Rajesh that Filip could tag him. Rajesh immediately jumped into the ring and grabbed Luther by the trunks and ripped them off him, revealing all his attributes. The military men hooted and hollered at the coup! At fifteen seconds, Filip released his opponent and got out of the ring. Luther was pissed and determined to strip Rajesh as soon as possible. With no holds barred, there would be more of a mixed martial arts fight than simply wrestling. A few more minutes and Luther worked Rajesh over to his own corner and tagged Sasha. Sasha grabbed Rajesh in a headlock so Luther could tear off the briefs. Rajesh kicked out at Luther, but he had a firm grip on the briefs and they came off anyway. Another “hoot ‘n’ holler” from the vets. Luther tossed the trophy out to the crowd, which got a good uproar! This left Filip as the only one with his trunks still on. The next time he got in the ring, he fought like crazy to keep them on and keep away from the opponents’ corner, but lost them at the next tag.
With four big, strong, agile, muscular fighting machines, the battle went on for nearly an hour before any of the combatants could get a successful submission on anyone. They all had the ability to resist the pain or the maneuverability to get out of each hold. Even after forty-five minutes of combat, no one was slowing down although sweat was dripping from all of them. The match had become almost like an oil match with the body sweat so profuse.
Rajesh and Luther were in the ring together when Luther was able to get Rajesh in a Step-Over-Toe hold and flip him over into a Boston Crab, stretching him backwards until Luther had his head on the mat next to Rajesh’s face.
“Anything you want to tell me, big stud?” Luther asked his victim.
“Fuck you, mutherfucker!” Rajesh replied.
“That’s not the way it works. I get to fuck you!”
“The hell you do!”
Luther kept the leg hold as he turned to put his opponent in a Full Nelson while inflicting more pressure on the big Indian’s leg. “I didn’t hear you!”
“The hell you didn’t!”
Luther grabbed Rajesh’s hair, putting more pressure on the back! “Not the right response!”
“Alright! Alright! I submit! I submit!” The handsome muscle man finally tapped out.
Using his incredible abdominal muscles, Luther raised himself back up to release his frenemy from the torturing hold. The visiting military men went crazy with what they had just witnessed.
With Rajesh and Luther out of the match, Filip and Sasha went at each other for the second submission to determine who would top the other. They locked hands in the test of strength, trying to force the other to his knees. Filip made the first move by kicking Sasha in the nuts. As Sasha bent double, Filip shifted his weight and rammed his knee into Sasha’s chin. The men released each other’s hands as Sasha dropped to the mat. But as he started to stand again, Filip double-fist punched him on the back to put him flat out on the pad. Then Filip grabbed Sasha by the hair, pulling him to his feet, then grabbed him around the waist to put him on his shoulder in a reverse fireman-carry. Filip started spinning around then moved Sasha to a backbreaker.
“I submit! I submit!” Sasha hollered.
“Okay!” Filip replied, and let him slide off to the mat.
“Interesting result in the match. You might call it a “split decision!” Dildar announced the two tops and the two bottoms — Luther would top Rajesh and Filip would top Sasha.
“Now we have something extra for you guys,” Dildar told the vets. “Two of you will join us in the ring for some more fun. Under your chairs are cards attached to the bottom of the seats. Pull the cards out and see who has Card Number 69 – yes, number 69. There are two cards with that number on it. However, if either of you would rather watch and not participate, you certainly can swap cards with someone who would enjoy being in on the action more.”
He paused while the audience pulled their cards from under their chairs. Card 69 was under a chair on the back row where an amputee was sitting and the other Card 69 was on the front row. None of the military heroes backed down!
Dildar continued. “The holder of one card number 69 will lie on the mat and Rajesh will take the 69 position over him, and the two of you will enjoy each other while Luther pounds Rajesh’s ass as hard as possible. The holder of the other card number 69 will pump Sasha’s face while he is pounded from the rear by Filip. Any questions?”
One of the other amputees raised his one hand. “Permission to speak, sir?”
That got laughs from the Rainbow guys and some of the veterans. “Permission granted!” Dildar replied.
“Sir, is it fair that anyone is required to take a torpedo that size and the sub is not required to ingest the same amount? I would be willing to take my brother-in-arms’ place…” he put his arm around the double-leg amputee’s shoulder who was sitting next to him, “…so that the submittee is required to receive a similar endowment!”
“Spoken like a true brother, Xavier!” Justin’s voice came over the intercom speaker. Everyone cheered as the two men swapped cards.
“I hope you’ll let me repay you later in some small measure,” Laurence, the Coast Guard veteran said, as the two bumped fists.
“We’ll take the discussion to the negotiation bed tonight,” the Marine replied, smiling broadly. That got more positive comments and applause.
One of the escorts helped the arm amputee to the ring where two of the wrestlers helped him strip completely and get into position. It became obvious Rajesh’s throat would be as full as the Marine’s. The other vet, an Army National Guardsman, who’s unit had been activated in response to 9/11, decided to show off for his buddies when he stepped up on the low ring platform and vaulted over the top rope. He was prepped for action when he stripped off his tank-top and dropped his shorts, showing he was already commando and ready for service! Both men acknowledged the applause coming from their friends around the ring.
Rajesh knelt at the Marine’s head. “You think you’re ready to take this bull elephant boner, bro?” he asked.
“As ready as you are to take this Alabama anaconda!” Xavier replied, spinning his protrusion around like a tassel on a stripper’s bra.
Rajesh slowly leaned forward, aiming his torpedo at its target. The Marine licked the precum from the tip and rolled his tongue around the uncut head. He reached up with his prosthesis and pulled the excess skin around his tongue, then slid the head out from the foreskin. The taste was salty from all the sweat that had been shed, but flavorful in a tangy sense. He slowly took the monster half way down into his throat, letting his teeth very lightly graze the skin passing between them. He paused at the halfway point to adjust to the size he was swallowing.
Then Xavier tapped Rajesh on the arm to take him. The submitted security man leaned all the way over and licked the circumcised head, tasting the precum tip. Slowly, Rajesh took the entire thick ten-inches of pure Angus beef all the way to the base in one continuous motion. The muscular man under him moaned in satisfaction, then proceeded to take the rest of Rajesh’s eleven-inches all the way. He tapped Rajesh’s arm and the wrestler began to pull out until only the head was in the mouth. He withdrew his own mouth but began a pumping routine on Xavier’s Alabama anaconda.
When Luther saw the two men below him had established their rhythm, he pressed his own German Mauser Obrez into the rosebud bull’s eye and let Rajesh set the tempo.
Meanwhile, Sasha took the position on his hands and knees. The Infantry vet took his position at the bow and Filip stood ready at the stern.
“You ready?” Filip asked.
“Ready when you are, sir!” the veteran replied.
“Aim! Ram!” Filip ordered. Both men pressed forward at the same time.
Sasha grunted as both forward and aft battering rams aimed for each other. He had to concentrate on the forward attack to keep from choking on the impressive, nearly 9-inch rod descending into his throat. That left the rear entrance vulnerable for the Lithuanian’s attack which stabbed all the way to the hilt, rubbing the bottom man’s hot spot on the way. The two top men established an alternating rhythm which confused the Serbian and he couldn’t determine how he could concentrate on their plan of attack. He tried to hold off his climax, but between the two, he was becoming more and more aroused and out of control. Long before he normally would erupt, he began giving signals that he would release soon.
Filip picked up on the signals from his buddy, and got the other top’s attention. “You ready?” he asked.
“I can’t hold out much longer. This is too fuckin’ steaming,” he said.
“We’re about ready too.” Filip said.
Sasha tightened his anal sphincter and held it tight as he began shooting his load on the mat. He made sure he didn’t bite the guest, but sucked harder than ever. He received his reward in multiple shots as they sailed directly to his throat. His swallowing created a stimulation for the sailor to increase his flow of cum. The security man was being inundated from both ends and his own release was unexpectedly fulfilling.
Sasha tried to extricate Filip’s rod from his rear while he was sucking more and more on the canon in his mouth. But the rear assault was not to be abated until the man at the bow finished and Sasha was slowing down. Then Filip fell back.
When Luther saw that Sasha was ejaculating, he picked up his tempo and regularity in Rajesh. In return, the Indian increased his ministrations on the Marine’s huge pole and the veteran went into full-speed-ahead with his pumping and sucking. As the other team was finishing their activity, Luther’s team went into high gear with their ejaculations.
By this time, many of the veterans were working on their own overloads or that of a neighbor, and the escorts had to get a stack of towels and washcloths for all the cleanup that was needed.
Justin turned on the intercom again to ask, “Feel better, now?”
The two pairs of security-wrestlers were spending some time with their own special veteran. They were sharing the experience up close and personally. Both veterans asked virtually the same questions of the wrestlers.
“You two really care for each other as close friends; how can you fight so rough against each other?”
The answers were virtually the same.
“Grant wrestled in college with all the NCAA rules and regulations, which is why we have no holds barred. He’s always disliked pro wrestling because it was more show than a real test of wrestling ability. He told us at the beginning that if we accepted a real match, we would be in it to Win – with a capital W – even if it was against our best friend or our lover. If it was against him, Majid, Dildar or anyone on the executive staff, we would be in it to Win – or we would face an extended attitude adjustment session. So we fight to Win. There are exceptions. If we took on a wrestling match with one of you guys, for us it would be play-wrestling. More erotic than to win, as such. Sorta like you see on some of the erotic websites.”
“Wow! Don’t you get hurt. Those groin shots must really be painful.”
“Sure, they’re painful, but we survive. We’ll live to fight another day!”
With that, the security men had a three-way kiss with their veteran and helped them out of the ring.
* * * * * * *
Back at the Residence and Lodge, the vets rested until dinnertime. Then about 8:30, they all went to the Club for the night’s show and some one-on-one time with the dancers of the evening.
The “Midnight” Stage Show was designed for Veterans’ Day. The curtain on the stage opened partially with Justin, in full dress uniform, carrying the American flag to a center spot just in front of the curtain. Grant and Harvey were behind him, wearing patriotic T-shirts and blue slacks. As Justin placed the flag in the pre-situated stand, the military veterans came to attention and saluted “Old Glory.” Justin stepped back and saluted the flag also, then did an “About Face” and went to the front of the stage. He hosted the show with Grant and Harvey, who took their places on each of the side levels of the stage.
“Is everybody having a gay old time?” Justin asked to open the show. Cheering, applause, hooting ‘n’ hollering answered that question. “Hopefully you regular members have met our special guests, military veterans who have gone above and beyond the call of duty for our country. This program was chosen especially for them.” A big ovation filled in the pause.
“Most of you already know Grant Richards and Harvey Gaither, two of the big wheels here at The Crystal Rainbow.”
A voice from the audience hollered, “And you know what dogs do to wheels!” Then more hooting ‘n’ hollering.
“You said that, I didn’t!” was Justin’s retort as both Grant and Harvey flipped-off the hidden man!
As the introduction to “This Land Is Your Land” by Woodie Guthrie began to play, Justin did another “About Face,” saluted the flag again and marched off through the curtain. Grant told the group, “Sing along anytime you want to!” The veterans’ escorts would pick up singing the choruses as a cue for everyone to sing.
Group This land is
your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York island
From the Redwood Forest, to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me
Harvey As I went walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me that endless skyway
And saw below me that golden valley
This land was made for you and me
Group This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York island
From the Redwood Forest, to the gulf stream
This land was made for you and me
Grant I roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts
And all around me, a voice was sounding
This land was made for you and me
Group This land is your land, this
land is my land
From California to the New York island
From the Redwood Forest, to the gulf stream
This land was made for you and me
Grant & When the sun comes shining, then I was strolling
Harvey In the wheat fields waving and dust clouds rolling
The voice was chanting as the
fog was lifting
This land was made for you and
Group This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New
York island
From the Redwood Forest, to
the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and
This land is your land and this land is my land
From California to the New York island
From the Redwood Forest, to the gulf
stream waters
This land was made for you and me.1
At the end of the song, Justin came back to the stage wearing USMC regulation camo shorts and tank-top. This appearance got applause and whistles for the smokin’ Marine.
“Thank you, gentlemen. Back in the day, before any of us were born, there was a singer named Bing Crosby who made a bunch of records and movies. Most of the movies were musicals. Well, duh! He was a singer. One of his recordings asks the question, ‘What’s more American?’ The song has numerous variations but Grant and Harvey are going to do the Crosby version with the help of some of our other singers.”
Justin walked to the back of the stage as Altan, Colt, Dawit and Dylan stepped out from behind the curtain, taking places across the back of the stage as the music for Kadish Millet’s song began.
What's more American than corn flakes?
The Fourth of July and Uncle Sam.
What's more American than baseball?
Group I am, I am, I am!
Harvey What's more American than
Rock and Roll, peanut butter, toast and jam.
What's more American than O.K.?
Group I am, I am, I am!
Grant &
The Stars and Stripes, George Washington,
The Capitol Dome and Bubble Gum.
There's General Grant, and Robert E. Lee,
But most of all you can count on little old...
Group Me, Me, Me.
Harvey What's more American than ice
Chow Mein, pizza pie, Virginia Ham.
What's more American than bingo?
Group I am, I am, I am!
Grant &
Ours is a heritage second to none.
We are a nation united as one.
Our Founding Fathers gave us that start,
And their love for our country lives on in ev'ry
What's more American than Football?
T.V. and mighty Superman?
What's more American than saying
Group I am, I am, I am!
The Bill Of Rights, and Betsy Ross
The Liberty Bell, and Paul Revere's horse
Ole Santa Claus, and a Christmas tree
But most of all you can count on little ole...
Group Me, me, me.
Harvey & What's more American than praying
In a church of your choice across the land?
What's more American than saying
Group I am! I am! I am!
Harvey & Grant What's more American than saying
Group I am! I am! I am! 2
Justin remained at the back of the stage to introduce the final number, and the music began.
“There are many songs that have been written for and about our wonderful country. In the days when Bing Crosby was very popular, another singer, Kate Smith introduced a song dedicated to America, written by Irvin Berlin – ‘God Bless America.’”
While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
let us swear allegiance to a land that's free
Harvey Let us all be
grateful for a land so fair, as we
raise our voices in a solemn prayer.
Group God Bless America, land that
I love.
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans white with foam.
God Bless America, my home sweet home.
God Bless America, my home sweet home.
Dylan got caught up in the song and took an oblique-step, then using AMSLAN (American Sign Language) signed the chorus. Surprisingly, several of the men at the Club signed with him. Grant and Harvey saw the men in the crowd signing, so they looked back at Dylan and began signing with them when the chorus was repeated.
As soon as they were off stage, the three signers searched out those in the audience who were signing with them. During the conversations, they shared the various reasons for the men’s interest in the deaf. One of the men said his best childhood friend was deaf, the others had a family member who was.
A bit later, Xavier asked his escort if he and his new buddy, Laurence, could go to the Lodge. The escorts acquiesced and they left the club. At the Lodge desk, they asked if there were two rooms next to each other that was available for them, which they were, so they got a Housekeeping Master key which let them into either room. The escorts left the Marine and the Coast Guardsman on their own and went next door.
helped Laurence onto the king-sized bed and stripped his clothes off him, then
stripped himself. He crawled in bed beside the smaller man and took him in his
arm as he instigated a tender, loving kiss. They cuddled and kissed for twenty
– maybe thirty minutes. They fondled each other’s cock and balls, feeling them
grow to full size.
“How can I thank you for what you did for me today?” Laurence asked.
going to have to pay a heavy price for that,” Xavier teased. “I expect you to
lick my big snake and his balls. You’re going to have to fuck both my face and
my ass. You might even have to ram your fist all the way up my ass to your
elbow. I’ll expect you to bite my nipples until I scream and beg you to stop
then you’ll pinch them and twist them until you force me to take your hard cock
and your balls in my mouth at the same time. You’ll have to shoot your
first load down my throat and your second load up my ass, and your third load
will go all over my face.”
Laurence picked up on the sarcasm. “Then I’ll call those giant Persians to ram their cocks down your throat and up your ass at the same time. I know their balls have got to enough joy-juice to choke an alligator. And I’m sure they can suck more cum out of you than you can make in a week!”
By that time, both men were laughing themselves silly! They hugged and kissed again, then turned so they could get their mouths on their lover’s joy-stick.
“Don’t worry if you have trouble with it,” the big Marine said. “There are very few men and only one woman who has been able to take the whole thing. If you get the head in your mouth, you’ll be doing better than most.”
“I’ll try to take as much as I can, and I appreciate you being patient with me,” the Coast Guardsman replied.
“Hey, man. This is no contest here. You don’t have to show off for a bunch of other dudes. It’s just us – you and me.”
What neither man knew was that the Big Persians were listening and about to become an influence for the handsome young man from Massachusetts. They provided him with the ability to relax his throat so that he could take much more of thick loin down the esophagus than either man thought possible.
Xavier pulled off Laurence’s slim, seven-inches to ask, “What the hell are you doing?”
“I don’t know. It just slid down my throat as easily as anything. I felt my throat relaxing and it just went on and on.”
“Man, you’re a natural! I guess you’re a bona fide cocksucker, dude!” Xavier teased.
“Maybe, I just really wanted to take your monster sausage as far as I could. So shut the fuck up and let me get back to sucking your anaconda!”
“Suh! Yessuh!”
“What!? You tryin’ to ****-jive me, man?” Laurence asked.
Xavier laughed and asked, “You’re not all white, are you?”
“What’re you talkin’ about? I’m not any white!”
Xavier looked puzzled.
“My grandmama worked for Miz Sarah Lawrence down in Florida, and she knew Miz Mary Bethune (he pronounced it ‘Bee-thune’). They made sure my mama and her siblings had good educations. My mama got a job up in Massachusetts and hooked up with this blond dude from upstate New York. So that makes me half-black and half-Yankee — and there’s not a drop of white blood in me!”
Xavier had convulsions of laughter! Then they fist-bumped!
“And that’s why I don’t have a full-sized dick!”
Xavier couldn’t stop laughing.
(Jamal and Arman couldn’t stop laughing either – but neither human could hear them!)
“Well, it’s full-sized just right for me, because I love what it’s attached to,” the Marine told his lover.
“And I’ve fallen for the man who carries around an Alabama anaconda that I’m learning to swallow!” Laurence leaned into Xavier to tongue duel his big bro.
Another half hour of oral play, the two military lovers produced enough of the milky solution to satisfy both of them! Afterward, they fell asleep with Lawrence nestled in Xavier’s arm and the Angus anaconda between his thighs.
****{You can insert what young black guys sometimes call each other because I sure as hell won’t!}
To be continued...
1 Songwriter: Woody Guthrie --This Land Is Your Land lyrics © T.R.O. Inc.
2 Lyrics by Kadish Millet. Recorded by Bing Crosby.
3 © Copyright assigned to the Trustees of the God Bless America Fund
Next time learn what the Rainbow Warriors have to say about their experiences in the military.
Posted: 11/22/19