The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 9
Jim’s Muscle Hunk
In the spring after the resort opened, two older men came into the Lodge. He asked Viktor, who was working the desk, to speak to the manager. When Hassan came out of his office, the older man introduced himself as Hank Horne, and then his friend as Rolf Neelsen. They indicated they were members of an Atlanta area all gay barbershop singing group, “The Barber Shop Gay Jays.” They were looking for a place to hold their annual convention the following year and needed an auditorium which would hold two hundred people and a stage for the performers — rooms and dining arrangements.
was overwhelmed at the request. “Gentlemen, this is the first time we have been
approached with such requirements,” he told them. “I would need to discuss this
with some of our directors. Do you have some time? Maybe have lunch with us and
we can go into more details?”
“Certainly,” replied Mr. Horne.
“Please, have a seat here in the lobby, or if you prefer a chair by the pool, either is available. Please excuse me.” Hass went back into his office and called Jim Guthrie, the Crystal Rainbow’s General Manager. “Jim, we have just had a request for a large group for a weekend next spring. I don’t have all the details, but if you and Scotty are available for lunch here, we can discuss it then. (pause) Yeah, there are two of them waiting here for an answer. You’ll be able to get all the particulars from them. (pause) I’ll let the guys upstairs know we need the PDR (private dining room). And I’ll check with Dil. Do you think we need Grant and Maj? (pause) Okay, I won’t bother them at this time. Half an hour? (pause) On it!” Hassan went back to the visitors and let them know of the arrangements for noon in the Lodge dining area.
Dildar and Hassan sat with the guests until Jim and Scotty arrived. Jim had a quizzical look on his face as he approached the group. The four men stood as the other two approached.
“Hank, Rolf, this is our General Manager, Jim Guthrie and our Financial Director, Scott Jonas,” Hassan said. “Jim, Scott — Hank Horne and Rolf Neelsen.”
As Jim and Hank shook hands, Jim explained his puzzled expression. “Hank, your face is familiar but the name is not.”
“I’m not surprised. We’ve only met once — at your retirement party in Bagdad. I was introduced by my formal name, Henri Horné. The Ambassador and I have been friends since college. Ron and I were travelling in Europe and I happened to be in Iraq as a side trip to see him, so he invited me to attend the reception.”
Jim nodded several times as the explanation cleared any confusion. But Dildar looked at Rolf/Ron as the two names for the other man caught his attention. Rolf/Ron saw the look and laughed.
“You wonder about my two names also. My full name is Rolf Otto Neelsen, and when I initial papers at work, I use ‘R-O-N.’ So, my coworkers and friends call me Ron, and only my family uses Rolf.”
The four men nodded in understanding!
On the way to their table, they walked by the buffet to check on what they might want to select, then went back through the line to get their food. The drinks were waiting for them when they returned. While everyone ate, Hank and Ron gave the resort’s officers a brief outline of their needs for the Barbershop Singers’ meeting. After lunch they went into more detail of what they were looking for. Jim and Scotty both had lots of questions which they answered concisely.
The rooms and dining facilities were no problem. The security was not an issue either. The auditorium was going to be more in question than anything and would need to involve Grant and Majid with those details. Jim and Scotty agreed to consider the options in more detail.
Back in the lobby, before Hank and Ron left, Hank asked Jim if he remembered a Marine Sergeant Justin Oehler. Jim’s face first lost all its tan before he flushed a brilliant red.
“How do you know about Sergeant Oehler?” he asked.
“There are a lot of things I know about you, Jim,” Hank commented. “I’ve followed your career since your days at the Supreme Court through your time in the State Department.”
“Why? Why were you interested?” Jim demanded.
“I was acquainted with a number of justices on the Court, and your tenacity caught my attention. Then I followed with interest your move to State and your career moves around the world.”
“And Justin?”
“You and Justin Oehler had an unusually close relationship, and for a while you stayed in touch with each other. But then he stopped responding to your messages. You both had been transferred and he quit looking for you after an al-Qaeda incident. He was a guard at the Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in 1998 where he took some shrapnel on the face and torso from a truck bomb explosion. He was shipped back to the States and has been undergoing reconstructive surgery since then. About two months ago he had his final skin graft and is in the process of healing.”
“How do you know all this and why are you coming to me now with this tale?” Jim pressed.
“Justin is here in Atlanta, staying with a sister and her family. His surgery is performed in Dallas, Texas, but in between he stays here. He has free flights in and out of Dobbins (Air Force Base) because he’s still in the Marines, on medical leave,” Hank said.
“How do you know him?”
“He sings with one of our groups. He opened up to me one evening after a few drinks. When he mentioned the name Jim Guthrie as being a special friend at the Embassy in Tel Aviv, I knew I had gotten BINGO!”
“I want to see him,” Jim said.
“He wants to see you too, but at the moment he says he doesn’t want you to see him the way he is now.”
“I won’t stay away from him. Not when he’s this close. You’ve given me enough information that I can find him — or you can set it up for us.”
Scotty spoke up. “Bring him to the club one evening, maybe for dinner before the show begins. Let us know when you will be here and we’ll arrange to have dinner there at the same time.” He reached into his wallet and pulled out four comps for Hank and Ron. “Dinner and show are on us.”
“Don’t mention me, just tell him about the club, the dancers and the possibility of the convention here next spring. He might enjoy seeing around the place, including the Lodge and the hunks who work here,” Jim commented where Viktor and Fabio could hear him.
Hass excused himself, so he and Dil went into his office, closing the door.
“Arman, may we talk with you a minute?” Hass asked.
Arman appeared and asked, “How may I serve my master’s young friend and cousin?”
“A friend of Jim’s was wounded in a bombing in Africa. His face was seriously scarred and he does not want Jim to see him like this. Is there some way you could slowly heal his face so he is not self-conscious about the scaring?”
“Yours is a noble wish as it is to benefit another and not yourself,” Armand replied. “Does this young man want to be healed to satisfy his ego or to be more attractive to Mr. Guthrie?”
“I believe he wants to look like the man Jim fell for before the injuries. His perspective is very different from Jim’s. But it’s his insecurities about his looks that concern me. I’m sure this is true of all military men and women who are disabled in a war. This is one man who served his country to the best of his ability and his injuries primarily were to his face,” Hassan argued.
Dildar joined the discussion at this point. “Hass, the wounded who have lost arms, legs, eyes, have to live with artificial replacements. A constant reminder that they will never be the men and women they once were. If Armand smoothed out the majority of Sergeant Oehler’s face but left some visible evidence of the reason for his Purple Heart medal, everyone probably could live with that. And rather than an overnight miracle, take some time to give the impression of natural healing. A week — or a month instead of a year. Armand, if you started the slow process now, by next week there would be a noticeable improvement. I’ve seen men in Iraq whose physical improvement had a major effect on their mental improvement.”
“Young Dildar is very wise for his age,” Arman complimented the young man. “Your plan is reasonable and I would be happy to help Mister Jim’s young friend. I do want to converse with Jamal for his thoughts about how to do this slow procedure. Usually, we have just created change overnight. This slow change is new to me.”
“Arman, while you are healing his skin and making the scars look like older, well-healed scars, you could plant the thought in his mind that working harder in the gym would make his body look more like the bodybuilder Sergeant who Jim fell in love with!” Hassan suggested.
“Very astute, young Hassan!” Arman said. “May I have your leave to talk with Jamal now?”
“Of course!” “Sure!” The two lovers spoke together, and Arman disappeared.
“That should start the water flowing,” Hassan said.
“My work here is done!” Dildar commented as he walked to the door of Hassan’s office. “See you at dinner.”
Hassan sat for a few minutes thinking about what had transpired so far today, then turned his thoughts back to the business of running the Lodge.
* * * * * *
A couple of weeks later, Scotty got a call from Ron.
“Good afternoon. This is Scotty,” he answered.
“Scotty, this is Ron Neelsen. I hope this is not an inconvenient time.”
“Of course not. How are you and Hank doing? And how’s Justin?”
“Everyone’s doing well. Actually Justin is coming along exceedingly well. His scars are healing exceptionally well and his skin grafts look much more like normal skin now. His attitude has greatly improved in the past couple of weeks. I don’t know what has taken place, but he’s a much different man than just a month ago,” Ron said.
“That’s wonderful!” Scotty replied. “When will you be able to bring him out for dinner and a show?”
“I’m thinking maybe this weekend or the next. Would there be a better time for you and Jim?”
“Ron, we’ll work our schedules around yours. This is much too important to Jim personally to worry about anything else.”
“How would Friday evening work for you guys?” Ron asked.
“Friday would be great. Jim and I usually go to eat around 6:30 but if 7:00 or even 7:30 would be better for you, we can make that work,” Scotty replied.
“Let’s aim for seven o’clock then,” Ron suggested.
“Seven on this Friday it is. Stop at the gate and show your pass to the guard. He’ll direct you to the Club, and then he’ll call me. You two will be seated at a table for four people, overlooking the stage. By then we’ll arrive for dinner after you two are seated— and see how it goes from there.”
“See you then,” Ron replied, then disconnected.
Scotty went to Jim’s office to give him the news. “We have a dinner appointment this Friday at seven at the Club diner.”
Jim looked at his friend with a puzzled look.
“Ron Neelsen and a friend of his whom I’ve never met,” Scotty replied.
Jim’s eyes opened even wider. “Justin?”
“Ron hinted that it might be. If it is, I hope to Goodness you’ll quit being such a bitch on the rag!” Scotty exclaimed.
Jim looked regretful. “I’m sorry, Scotty. I know I’ve been a major hemorrhoid, I’ve waited so long to see him ….”
“I’ve got a plan to keep him from running, if he might be inclined to,” Scotty offered. “Security will let us know when they arrive. By the time we get to the Club, they should be seated and have their water and ordered their drinks. You wait until I approach them and ask if I can join them. Then you and Halldór come to the table. He’ll be there in case Justin tries to run without listening to what you have to say to him. He’s a master of PIC (preventive intervention crisis) techniques.”
“Okay, stop right there,” Jim interrupted. “Marines don’t run! Forget about that crap. They’ll fight anything that gets in their way – but they DON’T run. So you can eliminate that scenario along with the rest of any other elimination you might have.”
“We’ll go in together, you can keep Ron company and I’ll take care of Justin. End of discussion. We’ll go down early and one of the girls can bring them to our table. We’ll have dinner together and see how it goes from there. I don’t know why he never answered my letters, but I’ll find out.”
Friday evening arrived with Jim and Scotty waiting at their table for Ron and Justin to arrive. At ten minutes to seven, Scotty got a call from Security that the guests had just checked in with them at the front gate and should be at the Club momentarily. A few minutes later Halldór let Scotty know they were on their way up to the diner. Scotty was facing the entrance and saw Ron enter with one flaming hot hunk behind him — not just a hunk but an incredible muscle-hunk! As Kimi brought the two men to our table, Halldór stopped to talk with Avra at the desk, while keeping an eye on the events at our table.
As Ron and Justin approached, Scotty stood and Jim followed suit.
“Scotty, I don’t think you know Justin Oehler, one of our barbershop singers,” Ron said.
Just then Justin recognized Jim. “Hello, Mr. Guthrie,” he said coolly. He turned to Avra, asking, “May we have another table?”
“What have I done to offend you, Jus?” Jim asked. “I wrote you time and time again, but you never answered any of them.”
“‘Sorry I can’t be there with you but my time away is limited.’ That’s how much I meant to you,” Justin said with hurting in his voice. “May we have another table, please?”
“Wait a minute. I was with you at Navy Med for two weeks while you were in a coma. I put your family up at the Valentine in Bethesda so they’d be near you. Did they not tell you that?” Jim asked incredulously.
“No. They said the State Department was footing the bill for them.”
“Yeah, I was the State Department,” Jim replied.
“You? You did that for my family?” Justin asked.
“You’re damned tootin’ I did. For you. I’d have done anything for you. Two weeks was all they would allow me to be away, and by that time you were out of the coma and only being mildly sedated. You called my name several times before I left. I didn’t stick around while your family was there so that they could have that time with you alone. I did sneak a kiss a few times the nights I sat up with you.”
“That was real?” Justin asked.
Jim nodded his head. “Very real. At least it was to me.”
“I thought I was hallucinating during that time. That was really you? Really, your lips on mine?” Tears were forming in Justin’s eyes.
Jim leaned into him and wrapped his arms around the big Marine. “Like this?”
They kissed for a long time. Ron and Scotty sat down and looked at the menu. Justin picked Jim up several times and the front of their pants stretched as they rubbed against each other.
“Get a room!” Ron joked.
“Hell, get a condo!” Scotty added. “Do you want to eat some dinner before you go? I’m paying!”
The two of them ignored everybody else and walked out, arm around each other.
Roger, the server, took the orders and the “to go” orders to be ready when the two men left. Scotty moved across the table so they could face each other.
About an hour later, Ron and Scotty left. Ron went into the Club and Scotty took the food to Jim’s condo. He let himself in, put the food in the kitchen, hollered to anyone who might be there, “The food’s in the kitchen. You better eat something besides ‘tube steak’ before it gets cold!” Then he left to return to the Club and Ron.
Upstairs, Jim and Justin were stretched out on Jim’s bed, getting re-acquainted. Justin described what had gone on in his life after the bomb blast, the hospitalization and the recovery. The Marine hero had received medals, citations, awards, a field promotion and early medical retirement from the USMC. He had been hesitant about letting Jim see his body in its present condition.
“Jus, I saw your body in the hospital, and I love what’s behind the skin and the muscles and the scars. I love the ‘you’ in you. That’s always been the most important part of why I love you, and always will. You don’t have to prove anything to me. Just show me that you still love me.”
Justin pulled Jim closer to him and kissed him with a passion that exceeded all they had shared before.
“What are your plans for your future, now that you’re in the later stages of recovery?” Jim asked.
“I really don’t know. I’ve just been taking one day at the time. Right now I’m staying with my sister and her family, but that can’t go on forever. I’m supposed to be spending the night with Ron since we had planned to be out late. You’ve just K-O-ed any plans I had considered because you are now back in my life. I don’t ever want to let you go.”
“I know what you mean. Learning that you were in Atlanta last week boosted my hopes that we could be back together – always,” Jim replied. “All week I’ve been hoping you still feel the same about me.”
“I do. I do, I do, I do.”
“Justin, I have a question to ask you. Will you marry me?” Jim asked.
“If you mean spend the rest of my life with you, then my answer is ‘Yes, I will!” Justin answered.
The two men were in tears and their embrace and kiss were both slobbery.
The noise from downstairs and Scotty’s hollering up to them shook up Justin. Jim calmly told him, “It’s Scotty. He’s brought us some dinner so we better go down to eat what he left for us before it gets cold.”
“He just walked in without ringing the bell?” Justin asked.
“He knew we would be up here, and even if we were still down there, he would be discrete,” Jim said. I’ll tell you more about him later. He’s a super nice guy. And hot too. You’ll find out when you get into a wrestling match with him.”
“A wrestling match?” Justin asked. “Why would I get into a wrestling match with him? I’m only interested in wrestling you – in bed!”
“That’s another story — about how I got hired by Grant and Majid, the owners of this place. We’ve got lots of time for that. Let’s eat a different T-bone before we get to the ‘Tube-steak’ he mentioned,” Jim said as he grabbed Justin between the legs and dragged him out of bed by his ‘T-bone.’
After they finished dinner, they sat on the couch together finishing their second Heineken each.
“We’ve got so much to catch up on,” Jim remarked. “I’ve been thinking all week about what life would be like with you.”
“So you’re way ahead of me with plans for us?” Justin queried.
“Maybe I was just daydreaming. None of this might be what you would want.”
“So give me your scenario about what life would be like with you,” Justin retorted.
“I’m pretty much locked into a five-year deal here at Crystal Rainbow. I’m on the Board of Directors and am General Manager of the facility. I’ve got unbelievable benefits and salary for the rest of my working years. And besides all that, I enjoy it immensely. I would propose to the Board that we add another person to the staff – you.”
Justin started to interrupt but Jim stopped him. “Let me finish,” he said.
“We’re starting a program set up to invite gay veterans to spend certain holidays with us as our guests. Among those men are wounded warriors, like yourself, only worse off. Amputees, PTSD victims, any gay men who have served honorably in the military would be included sometime.”
“You know about the Wounded Warriors program?” Justin asked.
“I do. That’s the type of man we are looking for to give them a break from their routine lives. Let them live-a-little away from that with other gay servicemen. Their service animals will be welcome with them too. My thinking is that you would be the perfect representative of the Crystal Rainbow to locate them, reach out to them, and to let them know we want to do something for them. You would make the arrangements with them and coordinate everything dealing with them. You speak their language. They would be comfortable interacting with you.”
“WOW!” Justin exclaimed. “You’ve got this all laid out.”
“And we would be living together – here!” Jim said.
“Oh, shit! I’m not believing this. This is another hallucination like I had in the hospital – but like then, it’s really happening. Isn’t it?”
Jim nodded his head. “It’s really happening – just like we’ll be living together for the rest of our lives! (pause) I love you!”
“I need to get my head around all this,” Justin commented. “This afternoon I was going along with my routine since everything blew up in Tanzania and now I’m engaged to ‘marry’ the most wonderful man in the world and work at a dream job with him.”
“I want you to meet some other guys you’ll be working with, besides Scotty, so I need to send some texts to them for lunch tomorrow.” Jim got his cellphone and sent texts to the entire Board of Directors and Lucan, sous chef at the club diner.
lunch 12:30 conf room – 7 people – want you to meet someone – little guys serve – jim [Send]
“That’s all it takes?” Justin asked. “They show up with just that text?”
“Hey – hey – stud-horse! They all jump at the prospect of fresh meat! Any one of them might decide they want to give you your hiring interview. Scotty did mine the day I met him. I passed with flying colors. I’m sure you will too, no matter who does the interview.”
“What’s involved in the interview?” Justin wanted to know.
“The interview with one of the guys is a wrestling match between you and whichever one is selected to take you on,” Jim explained. “Whoever loses services the winner.” Justin looked puzzled. “That means that you fuck him or he fucks you!” Jim explained.
“Are you fuckin’ serious?”
Text replies started coming in to Jim’s cellphone. He turned it off completely then turned to Justin, asking, “Want some practice upstairs?”
“I was wondering when you’d ask. Last one upstairs is the bottom!” Justin took off running, three steps at the time.
“Damn!” Jim said when he got to the top and was a bit winded. “You’re keeping up your fitness training, aren’t you? You going to put the weight back on?”
“You bet your hot ass I am! I just haven’t had the incentive I needed to care how bulked up I got. I’ve just been existing. The docs have it on my record as PTSD. I just needed you in my life to make it worthwhile. I love you, Jay. I always have and always will.” Justin grabbed Jim in a bear hug, threw him on the bed, and began a kissing session with tongues dueling like there was no end.
But when they came up for air, Justin asked, “Surrender? I’ve had you pinned for more than a ten count, so you get to bottom for me.”
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this?” Jim remarked.
“There’s another bet you’ll lose, because I remember the last time I had you in this position. It was the morning I left Tel Aviv for Dar es Salaam, 0415 to be exact ….”
“Wasn’t that three that morning?” Jim interrupted.
“No, it – was – not - 0300. At that time you had me on my back and your ding-dongs were pounding out a rhythm on my bottomside.”
“Do you remember what the rhythm was?” Jim snarked.
“I think it was “The Light Cavalry” beat – wiseass!” Justin retorted.
“It was supposed to be ‘The Lone Ranger’ theme song – rump – titty – rump – titty – rump – rump – rump!” Jim responded.
“What the hell do you know about titties?” Justin asked.
“I’m not that gay!” Jim shot back as he reached up and twisted Justin’s nipples. “Anyway, I like your titties just like they are!”
“Well, I want to get the pecs built back up the way they used to be. Along with some other things. Arms, abs, quads ….”
“Well, the glutes are still tight.” Jim moved both hands from the chest to grab the butts with a resounding SLAP!
“FUCK YOU!” Justin hollered and began pounding Jim’s ass as hard as he could!
* * * * * * *
Grant read the message from Jim and wondered what was going on. He dialed Jim’s number but Jim’s phone was turned off. Majid walked into the room and asked what Jim was talking about.
“I haven’t the slightest idea and his phone is turned off now. I’m going to call Scotty to see what he knows.”
Scotty answered on the first ring. “What took you so long to call me?” was the way he answered the call.
“What the hell is Jim talking about?”
Scotty snickered. “Last week we met up with a couple of gentlemen from a gay barbershop musical group. They wanted to rent out the Lodge and an auditorium for a weekend in the spring to hold a – convention, for want of a better word. During the discussion, we learned that one of their members was a Marine veteran who talked incessantly about a friend from the State Department named Jim Guthrie. Well, they met up earlier this evening and are right now culminating their honeymoon, as we speak. Jim wants us to meet him probably because Justin will more than likely move in with him. Or – Jim will move out to be with Justin.”
“What’s your reaction to this Justin?”
“He’s a Marine, for Pete’s sake. He’s a wounded-in-combat veteran. And I’ll bet he’s a blazing hot fuck. If I were thinking like Jim, he would be ideal to have on board as the contact for our gay vets program.”
“Okay! So, what would you suggest we do? Let Jim run with his presentation tomorrow and see where he goes with it?” Grant asked.
“Exactly! Jim is very much in love with him and we could lose him if we can’t accept Justin. And he will look hot in our ads, and that’s a Scott Jonas guarantee!”
The next day, Grant, Majid, Hassan and Dildar showed up at the offices before the 12:30 appointed time. Scotty was in his office, and Justin and Jim were in Jim’s office. Scotty came down to the reception room where everyone was waiting. At 12:30 sharp, Lane, our New Zealander graphic artist, office receptionist – and resident wiseass – flipped on the sound system so everyone could hear a recording of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March as the last two men came down the steps together, wearing square-cut swimsuits and tank-tops. (Groom and groom making an appearance together?) Justin was introduced to those who had not met him, and we went in to the conference room for lunch.
The Munchkins – or Lilliputians – or the Little Guys were all hyper at today’s assignment to serve the top brass. Lucan had prepared a regular State Banquet – almost. Fruit cups and Caesar Salads were on the table when everyone arrived. The servers got drink orders and were so enthusiastic about getting the drinks for everybody they were almost replaying a scene from a Katzenjammer cartoon. Then they took the steak orders and Lucan was putting them on the grill as he was listening to them being given. (No one could blame him for not trusting the Katzenjammer Kids to get anything straight!)
When it was time for the dessert, Lucan brought out a six-layer cake – each layer a different color. The white frosting accented the contrasts in colors, but on top were two intertwined hearts, with the names “Jim” and “Justin” written within them.
“How the hell did you know about this?” Jim exploded!
“I have this big jinni who tells me things I need to know,” Lucan retorted. “And he said if you try to beat me up, he will protect me.” At that moment, Lucan felt a hard slap on his back and he got a coughing spell to shut him up.
“Thank you, Lucan. That is really sweet of you to do that for us,” Justin said. “May I give you a hug for your kindness?” Justin stood, arms outspread, so Lucan could walk into the hug. Jim also stood for a three-way hug. Jim and Justin leaned across Lucan for a kiss between them. Lucan felt like he was being stabbed just below the waist from both front and back.
Everyone else in the room went, “Aaawww!” and applauded. One of the little servers put a stack of dessert plates between the “lovebirds,” and placed a cake knife with them so they could serve the cake. Drinks were refilled, then when the table was cleared, discussions took a serious note.
Jim started to explain the reason for the meeting. “As you all know, Justin and I met when we both were stationed at the embassy in Tel Aviv. We felt like we were up the infamous Shit Creek not being able to take our relationship to any level. He was transferred and then wounded in a bomb blast but eliminated two of the terrorists before he lost consciousness. After his recovery, we lost touch with each other.
“When the men from the Barbershop singing group were looking for a place to hold their spring get-together, they talked with us about holding it here. Unfortunately, we do not have an auditorium that would suit their needs. Maybe we can discuss that subject later. Anyway, they mentioned Justin’s name and as a result we’ve gotten back together. We want him to move in with me and I have an idea to create a position for him here. And he is versatile, smartass!” The last comment was directed at Grant, from a previous conversation. Everyone laughed, knowing the circumstances. {from Open Sesame}
“Justin is ideally suited to oversee our gay veterans’ program. He is gay; he is a Marine veteran; and he was wounded, so he can relate to the wounded warriors who would be invited to join us here for the holidays. And he has created an appropriate name for the program.” Jim looked at Justin to tell everyone the suggested name.
“I suggested the name, Rainbow Warriors as a catchy way to promote the program in the advertising.” Justin told the group. From the sound of the comments, he thought they liked the idea and that brought a smile to his face.
“I move for a Board vote to accept ‘Rainbow Warriors’ as the name for the project to honor wounded gay military service men!” Jim said.
“Second!” Scotty added instantly.
“All in favor!” Grant stated. A unanimous “Aye” responded. “Opposed?” (Silence) “Rainbow Warriors – it is!” Grant said. “And I like the idea of Sarge running it!”
“Let’s get some pictures of Justin in his uniform and stripped to show his scars to promote it,” Majid added. “That would be great and maintain the continuity of Scotty’s nude pictures.”
“Majid, I’d rather not have any nude pictures until I can get back to full pump and that’ll take several months. I do have some pictures ….”
interrupted as he pulled his wallet out and showed everyone the picture he had
been carrying around for years. “Do you still have more prints from this time?”
he asked his lover.
“I’m sure my sister or mom have a bunch of them in shoeboxes somewhere. We can ask them.”
Jim got up from the table and opened the door to the room. “Lane! Get your smokin’ rump-roast in here!” he hollered.
“W’at’s up, mate?” Lane asked in his deliberately heavy “Down Under” accent, as he walked in.
“Everybody in here wants to fuck you!” Jim replied. The catcalls showed agreement from around the table.
“Ah’m lubed and reddy to go – and cum! ’Oo’s on first?” was Lane’s smartass reply.
Nearly everybody pointed to Justin and shouted his name. The poor guy turned red in the face and was speechless.
“The bloody Marine’s going to pound the pore helpless Zealander?”
“You’re neither poor nor helpless,” Scotty shot back.
“I guess you’ll have to wait until we can get you two up at the Residence for a match up,” Jim said. “Right now we would like some of your thoughts about promoting “Rainbow Warriors,” our wounded veterans program for patriotic holiday weekends. Justin may be taking over the program and we would use his images in the ads. How do we present it? Do we take a full-page ad, with half devoted to the dancers and half to the warriors? Do we insert the warriors into the regular ad?”
“Let me do some sketches and you all decide what you want to do with it in maybe a week,” Lane suggested.
“So, you guys are saying it’s alright for me to move in with Jim?” Justin asked everyone.
“Well, there is one stipulation,” Grant told him. Justin looked puzzled. “You have to take the … position … or at least the job {looking toward Jim} of running the “Rainbow Warrior” program. You can have as much time as you need to think about it and let us know before you move in tomorrow.”
Jim pumped his fist as he shouted, “Yes!” He reached for Justin, but the Marine had leaned over to Grant, grabbing him in a bear hug and planting a huge kiss on Grant’s lips. When he straightened up, he bumped into Jim. Justin turned around, grabbed Jim in a bear hug, kissed him, picked him up then spun him around a couple of times. When Justin stood Jim back on the floor, everyone could see they both had tears in their eyes. After years of being apart, they knew they would spend the rest of their lives together.
To be continued...
Next time, the Rainbow Warriors take over the resort!
Posted: 11/15/19