That's Okay
by: E Walk
(© 2011 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 33
Getting To Know the In-laws

As soon as we got into the car, Leonard started, "Les, I really like your in-laws.  I noticed that Terri Witmer and Mike Stevens didn't say very much openly.  Their spouses did confer with them from time to time, but left the decisions up to Paul and Paula, since it had to do with their parents.  I have the feeling the Terri and Mike might not have liked your parents in-law very much.  It will be interesting to get to know them better."

When we pulled up at the cabin, we saw the guys and Jonathan coming from the dock area.  Jonathan and Eric were dripping wet.  Eric came running to meet us.  Terri looked at Eric, "How many times do I have to tell you not to go to the bathroom in your clothes?  What happened to you?"

Eric looked at Terri, "Mommy, that was mean.  We were fishing and I caught a big fish, but it pulled me overboard.  Jonathan dove in and helped get back in the boat.  You gotta come see the fish I caught."

Jonathan was signing and Kent was trying to understand what he was saying.

Kent nodded, "I think Jonathan said that he and Eric were going to go take a shower and get the gunk off their bodies. Is that right, Jonathan?"

Jonathan nodded yes and signed, "We'll take a picture of Eric when we return.  Denny, go get your clean clothes that are on the shelf in the laundry for Eric.  The rest of you guys need to ice down the fish until I have time to clean them."

Kent yelled, "Jonathan, slow down.  It's too hard for me to try to figure out what you're saying.  Denny, go get your clean clothes that are in the laundry for Eric.  The rest of us need to put on the fish."

We went up the steps to the deck where Mrs. Archer and Doctor Jacobs were sitting.  Mom Archer was laughing, "You just missed the fun. Eric refused to let go of the rod and the fish pulled him overboard.  Fortunately Jonathan got to him in time to save the fish from getting away."

Doctor Jacobs stood and introduced himself, "I've been helping to baby-sit the boys."

The guys returned and Jonathan had a digital camera and took a picture of Eric with his prize fish and the guys went to watch as he made a photograph for Eric. 

When Jonathan came out with the seven boys, he was carrying his laptop.  He looked at Mr. Farnsworth; and Len started the introductions, "Mr. and Mrs. Witmer, and Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, this is Jonathan Finch.  He's the young man who will be playing the organ at your parents' and grandparents' funeral."

Jonathan shook hands with the four people he hadn't met and typed.

I can't talk, so you will have to forgive me.  The only way I can communicate is either to sign, or to write on the computer.  Of course I could write on paper, but that takes too long.

Len asked, "Jonathan, have you contacted your young lady friend and is she willing to sing at the funeral service."

Yes, but she would like to know what you would want her to sing.  I also need to know what the hymns will be, so I can practice.  Could I go pick her up and bring her here so you can talk to her?

Mother Archer interjected, "Bill called and said he would be working at the church until late.  Why don't we go back to the house?  I can watch the boys while you take Jonathan, his lady friend, the Witmers and the Stevens to the church.  Perhaps Bill could help plan the music, since he's getting ready for Grandma Hattie's funeral.  The boys and I can get dinner ready while the rest of you are gone."

Jonathan wrote;

If someone has a cell phone with them, I can check with Julie to see if she is available.  We were supposed to go to a movie later tonight. 

I pulled out my cell phone and Jonathan dialed and handed it to me and started to type on his laptop.

"This Julie Masters."

"Julie, this is Les Phillips, Jonathan wants to know if you can be ready to go practice for the funeral in ten minutes?"

Julie was quiet, "I guess so, but I haven't eaten dinner yet."

"That's okay, we'll feed you before you go to the movie."

"Mr. Phillips, who the heck are you?"

"I'm the new owner of the cabin where Jonathan is and will be living.  I also happen to be the son-in-law of the previous owner, Mr. Witmer."

"Tell Jonathan that he has a lot of explaining to do."

"Jonathan says he'll be there.  We'll explain what is happening after you pass the examination.  Dress casual because the rest of us are.  See you at the church."

Jonathan laughed.

You and Julie are going to get along just fine.  Everyone load up and I'll secure the house.  Where are we going to meet you anyway?

I answered, "At St. Mary's Church."

Jonathan typed.

We'll meet you there in thirty minutes.

Mother and Doctor Jacobs had the seven boys with them as they pulled away from the cabin.

I climbed into Mr. Farnsworth's car again, wondering what was happening.  I directed him to St. Mary's Church and Paul was following us.  I was to find out later that there was a lot of dialogue in the other van.

I called Bill and warned him that we were descending on him and why.  His response was not what I expected. 

He answered, "Good, I need something to inspire me.  The words aren't coming together."

We pulled into the parking lot and started to exit when two motorcyclists pulled into the lot with their helmets on with their visors down so we couldn't see who they were.  The riders locked their bikes and approached us.  They took off their helmets and Jonathan was laughing.

A beautiful young woman looked at us, "Hi Uncle Len.  Who are these people?  Are they checking us for America's Most Wanted or what?" 

She approached me, "I guess you're the infamous Mr. Philips who has four brats; I'm Julie Adams.  Why don't you introduce me to the others, so I can go meet the other hunk, Father Bill."

After the introductions, we walked into the church and Bill was sitting in his office.  I looked at him and started to reprimand him.  "Bill, you shouldn't be here by yourself with the doors unlocked."

Bill looked up at me, "Les, what are you talking about?  There are eight of you here looking at me and another twenty plus in the family life center, plus the custodian is here.  Now how can I help you?"

I introduced Bill to Len and Julie since he had already met the others.  "Bill, we came to see if you could help us plan the music for the Witmers' funeral service.  Jonathan is going to be playing the organ and Julie is going to be singing."

Jonathan was signing and Julie was relaying what he was saying, "Father Bill, can I see what music they have scheduled for the funeral that Mr. Phillips' sons are going to be the pall bearers for, on Monday?"

Bill went and picked up programs for the service on Monday and handed them to us.  Jonathan asked, "Father Bill, would it be possible for me to play the organ so everyone can see if they want me and Julie to do the music for the Witmers' funeral."

Bill went and got the organ key from the safe.  "The sanctuary may be a little warm since the air hasn't been turned on yet."

Bill unlocked the cover of the organ and Jonathan turned it on and looked around to see if he could find the music.  He smiled, "The organist is very organized.  Everything is in place for tomorrows' services and the funeral."

He started to play the music that was to be played while the people were being seated.  There was a break and he turned and signed,  "Julie and I will now be doing the music that's listed in the funeral program."

We were joined by Father Roberts and Tom.  They didn't say anything, but just sat down next Bill and me.

As Jonathan and Julie were going through the program, Bill leaned over and whispered, "They are really good."

When Jonathan and Julie finished, Mike Stevens stood, "I make a motion that we have these young people do the same program for Mr. and Mrs. Witmer's fineral.  That way they won't have to practice anymore before the funeral.  Is there any objection?"

Father Roberts stood, "I strongly object young man.  That program was personalized for Mrs. Hattie Davidson.  However, I might reconsider if the young man and young woman would agree to do the services here at the church tomorrow and also do Mrs. Davidson's celebration of life service on Monday."

Mike was bewildered, "Sir, who might you be?"

Father Roberts chuckled, "I'm the chief of staff here at St. Mary's.  Just because I'm not wearing my clerical collar doesn't mean I'm not still in charge."

Bill looked confused, "I thought Mary Anne was playing for the services tomorrow and the funeral, and that Dewayne was going to be singing at the funeral."

Father Roberts nodded, "That's the reason I'm here.  I came to see if I could find someone to substitute for them.  These young people would be perfect.  You know how much Grandma Hattie loved young people."

Jonathan stood and started to sign, "Sir, we're not members of this church."

Darryl looked at Tom. "What did he say?"

Tom told him.

Darryl pointed to the young people and asked, "What difference does that make?  Are you a member of the church where the Witmers are going to have their funeral service?"

Jonathan knew he was in trouble, "No, but I knew Mr. Witmer rather well.  He was like my guardian angel after my accident."

Father Roberts was laughing, "Then why are you here?"

"Because Mr. Phillips and his sons are my new landlords or whatever."

Darryl smirked, "In that case, I guess you will be coming to church here, since this is where they go to church.  You might as well start tomorrow."

Jonathan turned to Mr. Farnsworth, "Uncle Len, since you're my lawyer, can't we sue Father Roberts for trying to blackmail us or something?"

Len sighed, "In this case, I'm afraid I agree with Father Roberts.  It's the least that you can do for plagiarizing the program for Mrs. Davidson's funeral service and using it for the Weavers' funeral service."

Jonathan and Julie were signing and Julie finally turned to us, "We'll do it, but Jonathan asks that we be given more notice if we were to be needed in the future."

Jonathan was signing, "Father Bill and Father Roberts, what time will you be arriving at the church tomorrow morning?"

Bill answered, "I'll be opening the church in the morning, so I need to be here by 7:15."

Johnathan signed, "Father Bill, could we come then, as well, to practice.  I need to work on the music for the choir's anthym.  I'm nervous able playing it, since I have never practiced with the choir.  I think I can muddle my way through everything else."

Bill reassured him, "Jonathan, you'll do fine.  Just relax."

I turned to Father Roberts and Tom, "We're going to be having dinner at the house as soon as we get these people back there. "Would like to join us?"

Father Roberts answered, "We would probably have more fun at your house, but the sisters Toliver have invited us to dinner.  Jonathan and Julie, I'm looking forward to hearing you tomorrow and Monday."

We caravanned to the house; the sound of motorcycles brought the seven young guys running.  They were talking to Jonathan and Julie as the rest of us entered the house.

Mother Archer had Doctor Jacobs and Roy cooking brauts when we arrived.  She looked at us, "I was beginning to get concerned?  Where are Jonathan and Julie?"

When Julie and Jonathan came in with the young guys, Darrin introduced Julie to those people she hadn't met.

We were eating very informally since the dining room wasn't big enough to hold all of us.  Danny looked up, where he was seated with Eric, "Next time, we have to eat at the cabin.  There's more space there.  We could eat in the dining room."

Jonathan signed, "You just want to make work for me."

Jonathan and Julie were seated near where Bill and I were sitting on the floor.  We were listening to a conversation between Denny and Chris.  Chris asked, "You mean you've seen your Dad naked!"

Denny was so innocent, "Of course, we're permitted to look, but we're not permitted to touch.  Dad and Daddy Bill explained that we will get as big as them when we are older.  Our penises will grow as we grow older.  Haven't you ever seen your Dad naked?"

Chris shook his head no, "Nope, I guess he thinks I'm still a little boy.  I have never seen a big person naked.  The closest I've come is when I fell into the lake and Jonathan and I took a shower together to get the gunk, off us but he kept his briefs on until I got out."

Denny giggled, "Yeah, he did the same thing with me too.  I guess he's afraid we would laugh at him because he's so small."

A strange gravelly voice was heard, "I resent that comment.  Come with me and I'll show you."

There was an unearthly silence in the area.  Darrin looked at Jonathan,  "Jonathan, I thought you couldn't talk."

Jonathan signed, "I can't."

The young guys in almost unison stated. "But you just did.  We heard you."

Roy looked at Jonathan, "Jonathan, I would like for you to make an appointment to see me. I know a Doctor who I would like to have check you over."

Jonathan signed, "But Doctor Witmer has already taken me to three specialists, and they said there was nothing that could be done.  And besides, I can't afford any more doctor bills"

Roy wasn't backing down, "Jonathan, please humor an old man."

Jonathan laughed and signed, "I might if I saw one."

Mr. Farnsworth spoke, "Jonathan, I'll pay for any costs that are incurred.  Please do as Doctor Anderson has requested.  We all heard you talk, so it must be possible."

Jonathan started to shed tears and signed, "I'm afraid to have any more tests done.  I don't want to hear the words, 'He'll never be able to speak again,' another time."

Darrin jumped up from where he was sitting next to Eric and put his arms Jonathan, "Jonathan, miracles do happen.  Ask my Dad, Father Bill and Doctor Roy.  When I was in the hospital after our Grandmother tried to run me down and kill me, everyone came to talk to me.  The miracle happened when only our two Dads and Doctor Roy were present.  All the machines that they had me hooked up to stopped working and they thought I had died.  I dreamed that I was floating in the air and an angel smacked me on the butt and told to get back down here and take care of my family."

Jonathan signed, "Darrin, you're making this up, aren't you?"

Darrin shook his head, "Doctor Anderson, didn't I have a red mark on my butt that looked like a hand?"

Roy nodded, "Jonathan, everything that Darrin just said is true."

Paula stood, "I'm incensed to think that our so called mother would do something like that to Darrin."

Kent stood, "Mrs. Stevens, I was there when it happened, and there was no way that it could have been an accident.  Darrin and I were riding on the bike path and the woman drove across the grass to hit him."

Paul was upset, "Why didn't someone tell us what had happened?"

Len answered, "Paul and Paula, your Dad and I talked about him calling to tell you what happened,  but we decided that it would serve no purpose, since you live over an hour away.  Your Dad was spending a great deal of his time sitting with Darrin each day so that someone was always with him."

Darrin stood, "Uncle Paul and Aunt Paula, it worked out for the best, and I'm fine."

Darrin turned to Bill and me, "Dads, why don't we have Eric and Chris stay at the cabin on Monday night so they don't have to drive home and the whole way back the next morning for the funeral?"

I looked at Darrin, "It would probably save them three hours of driving.  By the way, the six of you boys are going to be the honorary pall bearers and ushers at the funeral."

The response was unanimous, "Say what?"

David asked, "Dad, why couldn't you have asked us before you said we would do it.  I have no problem doing it for Granddad, but I would never have agreed to do it if it was just Grandmother's funeral after what she did to Darrin."

Bill spoke, "Guys, you need to forgive what happened in the past and forget it and move on to the future."

Len stood, "I need to be going.  I'll see you on Monday evening if not before.  We'll meet at my office after the burials and have a reading of the wills.  Jonathan you need to be there also."

Jonathan signed, "Uncle Len, I'm not part of the family."

"Jonathan, you need to be there.  You can bring Julie if you wish."

After everyone had departed, the four boys were making sure that everything was cleaned up, but I sent them to get ready for bed along with Bill and Mrs. Archer.  It was nearly ten o'clock when I was satisfied that everything was in order.  I thought to myself as I was climbing the stairs, 'I thought growing old was supposed to be easy.'

To be continued...

Editor's Notes: I know it is not a good thing to hold a grudge, but that person tried to kill Darrin. 

She was a bitter and hateful person.  I guess it is not up to us to judge someone, so I will leave that up to God. She really should be glad that it isn't up to me to judge her, or she would find no mercy whatsoever.  I do, however, believe that God told us that it was his job to do the judging bit, so I will let that issue rest.  That doesn't mean I have to like it.  I am ready for more, any time that E Walk is ready to send it.

Your Friend,



Posted: 07/29/11