The Doctor Gets a Visitor V
by: E Walk

(© 2007 by the Author)
Radio Rancher


The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 36

Real Estate Agent Beau


On Monday morning, Beau was wound-up tighter than a drum.  “Come on Steve, let’s go for a run.”


They went outside and were joined by a big group of the regulars.  Beau noticed that there was a single man following them.  He ducked out of sight as everyone else kept running and talking.  When the man came up, Beau went out and ran into the gentleman and almost knocked him down.  “Why are you following us?”


“I’m a Secret Service agent.”  the gentleman replied.


Beau stuck his finger in the man’s face, “No one knows the twins are here other than the people who were in D. C.  So why don’t you disappear and let Steve and Jen be obnoxious teenagers like the rest of us?”


Beau ran to catch up to his group.  The gentleman followed the group to Ben and Josh’s house and asked, “May I speak to Beau please?”


Beau went to talk to the man.  The man said, “I am in charge of the two agents who came home yesterday.  When they reported back last night, I was directed to come here to make sure that the twins were okay at the President’s direction.  How did you pick up on the fact that I was following you?  I rather feel incompetent.”


“Sir, I just recognized that you weren’t from around here.  Jen and Steve are having the time of their young lives and none of us are going to let anything happen to them.” Beau said as he fixed the gentleman breakfast.


After the man had finished eating, Beau went to get dressed for the trip to Dubuque.  He was joined by Mrs. Gleason and Rebecca.  Nancy picked the three of them up and drove to the General Aviation terminal.


Beau helped everyone board the small plane with the pilot and the copilot’s help.  “We didn’t schedule a steward today since it will be a short flight and you will have to help yourselves to the drinks and the snacks.”


Beau took the microphone and ran everyone through the safety instructions.  Once they were airborne, he served drinks and a snack.


They arrived at Dubuque before 11:00 and met the other agent, Mr. Hunter.  Beau walked everyone through the house.  Nancy reported later that Beau examined everything thoroughly.  At noon, they went to lunch at a small deli.


After lunch, the prospective buyers arrived.  Beau showed them the house.  The couple said, “We’ll offer you $225.000.00 for the house, land and all of the furnishings.”


Beau bent over laughing.  “You must think that you are dealing with hicks.  This building and the land are worth far more than that.  We’ll let you have the property and house for $300.000.00 and that does not include anything except the kitchen appliances.  The price is not negotiable.”


Beau looked around the room and said, “I am going to call the moving company and make arrangements for them to pick up the furnishings and the art works tomorrow.”


“But, you can’t do that.” the other agent sputtered.


Beau said, “Mr. Hunter, I am beginning to suspect that you are in collusion with this young couple.  Would you care to explain your relationship or do I need to call the State Real Estate Control Board in Des Moines?”


Mr. Hunter was so humiliated.  He said, “This is my daughter and her husband.  They are moving back here to Dubuque and are interested in a Bed and Breakfast to make some extra income.”


Beau said, “It’s too bad you tried to steamroll us.  If you do decide to buy the property, you are responsible for all of the closing costs and Mr. Hunter; you'd better not expect a commission.  I don’t think we will be recommending or using your company again, anytime soon.”


Beau called the moving company and a gentleman arrived.  Beau said, “I have an inventory of everything in this house.  I want it packed out tomorrow.  When the items arrive in Fremont, Nebraska at this address, we’ll have a check waiting for you.”


Beau turned to Mr. Hunter and said, “Mr. Hunter, we’re going to look around town.  You have one hour to decide if you want the house, knowing the stipulations.  If we haven’t heard from you by the time we are ready to leave Dubuque, we’ll turn the property over to another agent.”


The group from Fremont went on a tour of the city.  They rode up the Fenlon Place Elevator to look over the city and the Mississippi River.  They were getting ready to go to the airport when Nancy’s phone rang.


Mr. Hunter was calling to say they accepted the conditions that Beau had set forth.  Beau took the phone and said, “Meet us at the General Aviation terminal.  If you aren’t there within the half hour with an earnest deposit, we’re taking off.”


Beau clicked the phone off and looked at Nancy, “Aunt Nancy, don’t even think of chewing me out.  I really don’t like Mr. Hunter very much, but if we get what I asked for; we can’t complain.”


Before they took off, Mrs. Gleason had a check for $50,000.00 and the remainder would be paid at closing before the weekend when all of the papers were signed and money had been deposited.


The trip home was quiet.  Everyone was tired, especially Beau, but he still acted as the steward.  When they arrived at the house, Beau excused himself and went to take a shower.  Everyone picked up that he was upset.


Steve and Dylan went to visit with Beau.  Beau finally fell into Dylan’s arms “I’ve been out of control and I nearly caused two sales of property to fail.  Just please keep me under control.”


Dylan pulled Beau close and said, “Why would we want to do that until you make a big blunder and really lose a sale.  It seems to me, that you are pushing the right buttons.”


Steve hugged Beau and said, “You are the only person I know who could do what you have done in the last couple of days.  Now, get your swim suit on or do we have to dress you too?”


“In your dreams sweet pea.”  Beau said, as he quickly undressed and put on his swim suit.  They swam until dinner.  It was like everyone appeared out of the fence.


After dinner, Dylan collected everyone to go be measured for their tuxedos.  Beau was relieved that the same guy wasn’t on duty.  However the ordeal turned traumatic.  The person on duty wanted the guys to strip so he could take their measurements.


Beau said, “In your dreams, creep.  Besides, some of us had our measurements taken within the last month, so they should be on file.  If you persist in this form of getting your rocks off, I’ll report you to the Better Business Bureau for unacceptable practices.”


The gentleman who happened to be the owner capitulated and even gave a discount to the guys on their apparel.


When they got back to the house, Nancy was waiting, “Beau, we had offers on the two condos and the three houses.  What do you want me to do?”


Beau said, “It’s not my problem, talk to Grandma Renee.”


Mrs. Gleason said, “Beau, it is your problem.  You created this mess.  Now finish what you started.”


Beau looked at the five contracts, and he and Nancy wrote counter proposals.  Nancy faxed the proposals and Beau went to get ready for bed.


The next morning Beau and Steve went for a run.  They stopped at our house and let themselves in.  I had forgotten that Beau still had a key.  They stopped and terrorized Tommy and then came and threw the sheets off of Jeff and me and of course, we were in natural state.


“See Steve, I told you that no one in this house can afford under clothing because they spend all of their money on disposable sheets.”  Beau was laughing.


Jeff and I grabbed the two guys and pulled them into bed.  “Watch it D. Dad, we’ll infect you with ALOL like we did Tommy.”  Beau said as the guys hugged us.


Tommy was standing at the door watching without any clothes, laughing.  Jeff asked, “What’s ALOL?”


Beau looked at him and said, “Why a lot of love of course.  Now we gotta go before the S. S. man comes looking for us.  Oh, you will probably be hearing from President Turner when Steve turns in his journal when he gets back.  Have a good day guys and I love you.”


He started out the door and tapped Tommy’s exposed penis and said, “Tommy, you'd better make sure you keep your pendulum under control today.  On second thought, maybe you should let it go out of control and bring some business to the clinic.”  Steve was bent over laughing and the two guys left.


Tommy turned to Jeff and me and said, “I think we have just been Beaurecized good.”  The three of us were laughing.  


When Beau and Steve got back to the house, Nancy was waiting for them. “Beau, all five parties have agreed to your terms.  I can’t believe this.  You manipulated the sale of all of these properties and it has not cost your client, Mrs. Gleason, one red cent.”


Mrs. Gleason was standing there and hugged Beau.  “Honey, I am just overwhelmed with what you have done.  I feel like I owe you a big commission.”


Beau put up his hand, “Aunt Nancy is going to make a bundle on these sales.  Both Dana and David could go through college without a scholarship.  But we can’t let that happen.  If they were to start acting like they are rich, I would lose all respect for them”


“Grandma Renee, I’m fine financially, but I will still get a cut of all of the furnishings from the Shoppe and the art gallery.  The two most important people that you need to think about right now are you and Rebecca.”  Beau walked away and the ladies knew the discussion was terminated.


Nancy and Mrs. Gleason were stunned.  Nancy came to our house that night and told us what happened.  Jeff said, “Aunt Nancy, Beau was serious in what he said, I only know two people in Fremont who have more money than Beau.  The first is Grams Tillison and the second is Jason, but it is close between him and Beau.  Beau is a genius, but amazingly, he puts other people he cares for ahead of his needs.”


Nancy was beginning to cry. “Well why didn’t you warn me?  I have really grown to love him, and was feeling sorry for him.  I just can’t believe that a thirteen year old could set the real estate agents in four states on their ears.”


I spoke up, “Nancy, if Beau, Jason, Clay, Dylan or Carole Anne ask for your help, please give it them.  Since Jeff has come into my life, I feel like I have one big extended family.  These people are all special.”


Nancy left and Jeff put his head on my shoulder.  “Dad, have I created a monster?”


“Jeff, you gave life to a person who is a genius.  Between him and his friends, there are some brilliant people.  Just let them develop at their own pace.  Beau is already beyond anyone else.  What surprises me is that he is so compassionate and protective of the people he cares for.”


Tommy came in and interrupted me.  “Beau is awful.  He doesn’t care who you are.  He makes sure that everyone follows the rules and shares in the responsibility for the young people.  He called everyone together tonight and read us the riot act.  He forbid any of us to tell anyone who Steve and Jen are.”


“Have you seen the twins in the last couple of days?  They are starting to get some color.  The entire group of 13/14/15 year olds are all stunning people and are starting to act like Beau.”  Tommy asked.


Jeff, Tommy and I got ready for bed. 


At Ben and Josh’s house, everyone went to bed early.  


To be continued...


Feedback always welcome:     


Editor's Notes:


I am still completely enthralled by this wonderful story and all the people in it. There is no way we can resist falling completely in love with Jeff, Beau, Jason, Chip, Clay and the rest. I love them all.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher



Posted: 02/29/08