It Started With a Coke
by: E Walk
(© 2009-2011 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 6   

Our Place Or Yours


Doctor Wood organized the troops. “Alex, get the materials to put a temporary cast on Seth’s ankle.  He’s going to need to use a wheelchair once the cast is in place He will also need to use crutches, so that he can put as little pressure on the broken and sprained part of his ankle as possible.”


After the temporary cast was in place, Mrs. Carson wheeled me to the x-ray room, on the gurney.  As she was taking some more images, she was talking, “Seth, I want you to promise me that you won’t even think of taking your own life.  That’s not God’s plan for you.  He put you here on Earth for a reason.” 


“My husband and I have a gay son and we love him as much as we do our other children.”


Mrs. Carson hugged and kissed me on the cheeks, “Seth, promise that you won’t do anything rash.  Life is way too precious to throw it away.  Your situation will improve if you give it a chance.”


I was getting a little teary to think that there were people who really did care about me. 


She pushed me back to the exam room and handed the new x-rays to Doctor Wood.  Doctor Wood didn’t look at the x-rays, but instead asked, ”Liz, you know Seth’s parents, don’t you?”


She nodded her head, yes.


“Good, I want you to call them and tell them that I would like to meet with them both, at 7:00 tonight, at their house.  We will take Seth in the clinic van, since he will be unable to put any pressure on his foot until we get the permanent cast put on, tomorrow.  Call George Pierce and Marv Richmond at the school and ask them to be there as well.”


Alex returned with the wheelchair and the materials the doctor had requested.  Doctor Wood left for a short period and when he returned, he smiled, “Seth, it looks like you’re going to be as good as new.  We’ll check again in the morning before we put the permanent cast on.  In the meantime, Alex is going to give you a shot to make you sleepy, so you don’t try to do too much, and inadvertently damage your ankle.”


Alex brought the shot and a urinal, “This should take care of things, if you have to urinate.  I’m going to leave a call button for you in case you need anything else.”


“Alex, I need to go back to school.”


“Sorry, my man, the doctor doesn’t want you anywhere near the place, since someone could accidentally hit your ankle and cause more damage.  You’re stuck here for the day.  Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you get some lunch.”


Mrs. Carson returned, “Everyone can be at the Morrison house at seven.  The Morrisons were a little perturbed that you were telling them what to do.”


Doctor Wood laughed, “They haven’t heard anything, yet, Liz.  Let's get out of here so Seth can get some rest.”


The next thing I remember was being awakened, “Seth, it’s nearly five o’clock.”


I was having a difficult time focusing, “Where am I?  I need to go to the bathroom.”


“You’re in Doctor Wood’s clinic, and the urinal is right there on the side of the gurney.  Do you need me to help you?”


After I finished going to the bathroom by myself, Alex transferred me to the wheel chair, after making sure my clothes were fixed and that my right leg was covered.  He looked at me and scolded, “Down boy.  We don’t want to give people the wrong idea.”


We both laughed, as he wheeled me to the van.  He opened the side and lowered the platform so he could put me into the back.”


Doctor Wood was sitting in the driver’s seat, “Everyone buckle up.  We’re ready to roll.”


I could see out of the front and I didn’t recognize the area we were driving in.  We stopped at a one-story house and the doctor pulled into the driveway.  Alex got out, opened the sliding door and lowered me to the ground on the platform.  He pushed me up a short ramp and into the house, after Doctor Wood had opened the door.


Alex said, “We’ll need to get you something to eat, since you slept through lunch.  We don’t have time to fix dinner, now, since we are due at your parents’ place in an hour.”


Alex opened the refrigerator, “I don’t see anything that strikes my fancy.  I think I’ll order a pizza.”


“That sounds like a great idea, Alex,” said Dr. Wood.  “What do you think, Seth?”


I must have gotten a funny look on my face, because Alex asked, “What’s wrong, Seth, don’t you like pizza?”


“I don’t know.  I’ve never had pizza, that I know of.”


Alex stopped in amazement, “Everybody has pizza now and then.  That settles it.  I’ll order two pizzas.  I'll get one with extra cheese on one half and hamburger on the other half.  The second pizza will have pepperoni on one half and mushrooms on the other half.  I’ll call Pizza Haven and have them deliver it.”


He left and I heard him talking on the phone.  Dr. Wood started to push my wheelchair, “I think we’re about the same size.  Let’s go see what clothes I have that you can wear, instead of those things you’re wearing that make you look like you’re from a home for the elderly.”


He wheeled me down a hallway to a large beautifully decorated bedroom.  It was so big that I thought you could have a tennis match in it.  I could see an indoor pool outside a sliding door.


Doctor Wood started to go into his closet, “Let’s see what we can find that will make you look like a well dressed teenager.”  He began pulling things out that he thought would work.  “What would you like to try on first?”


“Doctor Woods, I really need to go to the bathroom.  The juice that Mrs. Carson gave me has gone right through me.”


“Buckle up, my young friend.  Oh, when you see me outside the office, I expect for you to call me Greg.  Understand?” asked Doctor Wood.


“Yes, Doctor Greg.”


“If you want to use the happy facilities, you had better address me properly.”


“Yes, Mr. Greg.”


He wheeled me into the bathroom. My mouth must have dropped open as I looked around.


Doctor Wood asked, “What’s the matter?  Don’t you like our bathroom?”


“It’s beautiful.  Your wife did a fantastic job decorating it.”


“Seth, let’s get one thing straight.  I’m not married, in the traditional sense; I am committed to someone whom you know, and have been for a number of years.  I guess you didn’t realize that Alex and I are more than work associates.  We’re partners and have been for more than eight years.”


I blushed, “I’m sorry, I never even suspected.  I should have realized when Alex started to check what was for dinner.  I guess I’m very naïve, to say the least.”


Doctor Greg pointed to some safety bars, “I want to see if you can pull yourself up without putting any pressure on your right foot.”


I did as he asked.


“Now comes the tricky part.   See if you can sit down and go to the bathroom.”


I started to relieve my bladder but was about to fall but Greg was there to stop me from falling.


Greg said, “This isn’t going to work.  Either you sit on the stool or you’ll have to let me get your penis out and hold it while you go to the bathroom.  Either way, I’m not leaving you alone until you go to the bathroom.”


I let him pull down my briefs and help me sit down on the stool.  Doctor Wood smiled. “Seth, I think you’ll be okay now.  I’ll go lay out the rest of the clothes so we can get you properly dressed.  Call me when you’re finished.”


I took care of business and called, “Doctor Wood, I’m finished.”


Alex called back, “I’ll tell him you’re finished when I see him.”


Alex came into the bathroom, “Don’t mind Greg.  He expects people to do as he tells them to do.  Here, let me help you, I promise I won’t bite.  Greg has clean clothes laid out for you. He’s going to swim a couple of laps before dinner.”


When Alex wheeled me into the bedroom, Greg was not only swimming, but he was swimming nude.  I looked at Alex, “I’m surprised that you let him do that by himself.  Some one might fly over in a helicopter and crash land, or worse yet, kidnap him.”


Alex shed his clothes, “I guess I’d better go protect him.  We’ll help you dress when we come in.  The pizza is in the warmer so it won’t spoil.  I hope you’re enjoying the scenery, because you won’t have an opportunity to touch it.”


After Greg and Alex swam a couple of laps, they took a shower in the pool area and came into the bedroom with towels wrapped around their waists.  I started to laugh, “Why do you have those towels wrapped around your waist.  I’ve already seen all of you.”


Doctor Wood chuckled, “It wasn’t you that we were hiding from.  We have a neighbor next door who gets her kicks out of watching us walking around without any clothes.  When we go in and out of the bedroom, we always make sure we are wearing something.  For some reason, that’s the only time she complains.”


I giggled, “Are you sure that it’s a woman?  It sounds like a jealous male, to me.  I was able to get the clothes on except the pants.  I gave up trying after I finally got the briefs on.”


Alex nodded, “That’s okay, we’ll eat and then get dressed.  We won’t have time to do the dishes before we go to your parents’ house.  You’ll have to do them when we get back.”


I laughed, “You really expect my parents to let me spend the night here?”


Doctor Wood asked, “Do your parents have a one story house?”




“Then where are you going to sleep.’ asked Alex. 


“I could always sleep on the sofa in the living room.”


Alex shook his head, “And how would you be able to go to the bathroom if you needed to go?”


“I could always use a jar for a urinal.”


Doctor Wood asked, “Do you think that your parents would allow you to do that.  What if one of your father’s parishioners stopped in?”


“Then I guess I have to sit and wet my pants.”


We went into the kitchen, and Alex pulled out the pizza and a salad.  There were three plates and forks at the kitchen table.  Alex announced, "I already put a dressing on the salad.  That way there won’t be so many dishes for Seth to do when we get home.”


Needless to say, I found out quickly that I liked pizza.  Now I understood why kids were always eating pizza.  By the time dinner was over, I had tried a small piece of each kind.  Alex asked, “Seth, did you decide which was your favorite kind?”


“They were all good.  It’s too bad that they don’t put more than one thing on a pizza at a time.”


Doctor Wood asked, “Seth, you weren’t kidding when you said you never had pizza, were you?”


“Nope, I’ve never had pizza that I can remember.  My dad isn’t into foods like this.  He says that they aren’t worth the money.”


When we arrived at the house, the Coaches vehicle was there with another one.  After we parked the van, Alex pushed me up the long sidewalk to the front porch.  It took both Alex and Doctor Wood to lift me onto the porch.  I opened the door and when we went into the living room, I was surprised to see Mrs. Martz and Mrs. Carson there with Coach Richmond and Principal Pierce.


Dad being his delightful self snidely commented, “So nice of you to be on time.  Mrs. Carson said that the meeting was to be at seven.”


Coach Richmond pointed at the clock on the mantle, “Excuse me, Bill, but your clock indicates that it isn’t quite seven o’clock.”


Dad knew he was backed into a corner but he wasn’t going to give up, “That clock hasn’t kept the right time for years.”


Mrs. Martz looked at her watch, “Funny, Mr. Morrison, my watch has the exact same time the clock has, and I set my watch with the time on my computer before I came over.  Seth, how bad is your ankle.”


Doctor Wood let my parents have it indirectly, “Seth’s ankle will be okay, but it would have been so much easier had his parents taken him to the emergency room last Friday, to preclude what I had to do today.  His recovery has been delayed by several weeks because the Morrisons decided that it would heal by itself.”


Dad looked at me, “Seth, go to your room.  You don’t need to be here.”


I did something that would get me into trouble, “How does your majesty expect to go to my room?  I can’t go up the stairs on one foot and the wheel chair doesn't go up the stairs.  Are you going to carry me?”


Dad reacted as I thought he would.  He started toward me and had his hand clenched.  Coach Richmond stepped in front of Dad, “I wouldn’t do that, Bill.  You’re already walking on thin ice at the church.  Don’t think people aren’t aware of how you and your wife have been treating Seth.”


Mrs. Martz offered, “Seth, you can stay at my house.  I have two bedrooms on the first floor, so you wouldn’t be encumbered with stairs.”


Dad took another avenue of attack, “Who’s going to pay the outlandish doctor’s bill for Seth getting injured in a school event.  I can’t imagine what a quack like Doctor Wood must charge.”


Mr. Pierce stood, “It’s obvious to me that the Morrisons don’t care one bit about Seth.  Otherwise, they would have realized that the school activity fund carries insurance on athletes who are injured while participating in sports events, as representatives of the school.”


Dad was pushing, “Well, why didn’t someone tell me that was the case?”


Mr. Pierce frowned, “Mr. Morrison, I checked and you did register for the insurance, the first day of school.  Because of your inactivity, I'm not sure that all of the costs will be covered.”


Doctor Wood looked at Mrs. Martz, “Ma’am, Seth could live with you after he gets his permanent cast tomorrow.  He is also welcomed to stay with us, since our house is all on one floor.  This house is out, because of the steps and the bathroom arrangement.  Our house is probably best at first, since we have a van that is wheelchair accessible.”  


My mother commented, “You are totally disregarding our wishes.”


“We’re going to look bad if Seth does show up for church services.”


I had to have my say, “I’ve already decided that I'm going to another church that doesn’t come up with commandants to meet a specific purpose of the pastor.   I’m surprised we don't have to bow to Pastor Morrison.”


Mrs. Martz grinned, “Seth, I think I’ve found a church where they aren’t always bugging the members for money, they thrive on doing mission works and they have a large group of young people who are planning to take a mission trip to El Salvador, this summer.  What an experience it would be.  I know now that I’ll never go back to the Church run by Bill Morrison.”


Doctor Wood stood, “Those who are taking the clinic bus home had better be prepared to head out and load up.” 


I interrupted, “I need to stop by the school and pick up my books, so I can get ready for tomorrow,”


Coach Richmond handed be a backpack, “Matt and Mark sent these along, thinking you might need them.  They said you were to call Susan Morrow, for all your assignments.”


Doctor Wood took the backpack, “We’ll keep you advised on Seth’s progress.  Since you have no downstairs facilities, it may some time before Seth comes back here to live; I think I can safely guarantee that he will be a changed person when he does return to this house.


As were leaving, Dad commented, “At least we don’t have no queers in our church, now that Seth is gone.”


As soon as we were in the van, I started to laugh, Little does he know about some of the people who go to his church.” 


To be continued...


Editor's Notes:  I am so very happy that Seth has been able to leave that horrible house. (There is no way that the hell hole should be called a home.) I can't imagine how those two people who seem to identify themselves as Seth's progenitors could have produced someone as nice and loving as Seth. 


There must have been a mix up in the hospital where he was born.  I bet he is really someone else' son.


I certainly hope that Seth can find a way to get away from those beasts permanently.  They are causing him harm and should be charged with child abuse.


I am ready for another chapter.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher 


Posted: 01/28/11