A Helping Hand

By: DL
(© 2008 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

I would ask anyone who reads this chapter to spare a moment in quiet reflection in memory of Ryan Keith Skipper, who was tragically killed on the night of 13/14th of March 2007. This chapter, posted on the first Anniversary of his brutal murder, is dedicated to his memory – God Bless! 

Chapter 24


It was funny standing in the doorway of my bedroom, to see Juan’s reaction to Julian’s announcement to his Mum: ‘this is my boyfriend Juan’ – his face turned a vivid crimson as his lover’s unanticipated announcement was assimilated by his brain. I couldn’t help myself and laughed out loud, causing Juan, Julian and Stella to look my way and me to emulate Juan in flushing bright red as they did so.
“Sorry, guys; it just amused me to see Juan go beet red” I volunteered, shamefacedly. Julian broke the silence caused by my inappropriate outburst of laughter by breaking into a laugh himself. Juan looked at his lover, lying there laughing and swiftly put a stop to that by leaning over and passionately kissing Julian on his mouth – Julian quickly stopped laughing and lost very little time in returning Juan’s attentions with equal ardour.
I stepped up behind Stella and gently touched her right arm, causing her to turn towards me. I beckoned her towards the door and as she joined me by it, I said “Looking at the pair of them now, do you still think they’re not in love with each other?” Stella turned back towards the boys and after nearly thirty seconds, turned back to me and said “No, that was a spontaneous show of emotion and I can’t deny the evidence of my own eyes: Julian loves his boy.”
I ushered her out the door, murmuring “Let’s give them a little time together to put this afternoon’s unpleasantness behind them.” And mentally cursed my stupidity as Stella flushed a bright crimson at my reference to her reaction to Julian’s revelation of his feelings towards Juan and his sexuality. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you with that remark; it just came out badly.” Stella smiled and nodded as I closed the bedroom door and gestured her towards the lounge.
Once more back in the lounge, Stella settled herself again on the bed/settee and I asked “Would you like another coffee while we wait for the boys to surface?” Stella looked at me quizzically as I said this, and realising she didn’t really understand me, I said “We’ll give them 15 minutes to get themselves together.” She nodded at this and said “Sure, a coffee would be fine.” I carried on through to the kitchen, switched the kettle on again and used the phone extension in the kitchen to dial my private number in my bedroom. The phone only rang a couple of times before a hesitant voice – clearly a Spaniard! – answered “Yes?” I grinned as I replied “Juan, you and Julian have got 15 minutes together and then I want you both in the lounge, you understand?” There was a short silence before Juan replied “But Dave ...” and I interrupted him with “No buts, Juan and put Julian on.” Juan mumbled something, and I heard some creaking and scuffling and then Julian spoke:”Yeah, Dave?” I smiled at the sound of a much improved Julian – he was much more himself at last – and said “Julian, like I told Juan you’ve got 15 minutes to cuddle and so on, but remember your promise, and then I want you both to come down to the lounge; understood?” Julian groaned resignedly “Yeah, Dave, understood.” And there was a click as he hung up.
I replaced the handset and moving over to the boiled kettle, made Stella another coffee and made myself one as well [and yes, I did use my Camp coffee for mine!] before returning to the lounge with both cups on a tray. Stella gave me an old-fashioned look as I handed her cup of coffee to her: “Did I hear you talking to the boys on the phone?” she asked and I could do nothing but blush and nod my affirmation.
Stella didn’t pursue the matter any further and we sat and drank our respective coffees in silence. We’d both finished our drinks long before the fifteen minutes I had stipulated to the boys was up, and we both sat quietly: neither of us knew what to say to break the silence.
The 2Js were good: the hall door opened not long after the allotted time had elapsed and Julian appeared, leading Juan by his right hand – both boys were barefoot and dressed only in pyjamas: an obvious statement for Julian’s Mum!
I stood up from my seat at the opposite end of the bed/settee from Stella and motioned the boys over as I retreated to the far side of the dining table. Julian protectively shepherded Juan to the seat I’d vacated and then sat down between his Mum and Juan – after settling himself, I had to smile as he wrapped his right arm round Juan’s shoulders and leant against him as he turned defiantly towards his Mum and I.
Stella started the ball rolling: “Julian, dear, you’ve already made your point, and I accept what you said about your being in love with this boy” Julian quickly interrupted “His name’s Juan, Mum, not ‘this boy’ so please try and remember it.” Stella had the grace to colour under her son’s admonition and swiftly conceded defeat. “Yes, dear, I’m sorry, but I’ll try very hard to remember Juan’s name, all right? But what I was saying was that you’ve already made your point and you might have put some clothes on instead of coming down here in your pyjamas.” Julian grinned wickedly as she said this and laughed as he replied, “Well, you’ve got Juan to thank for that as I wasn’t going to put anything on at all, but he insisted!” [Stella coloured up brightly as the full import of Julian’s mischievous remark sank in!]
“Besides” Julian continued, “I couldn’t see the point of getting dressed as I’m staying here, so we’ll just be going back to bed once we’ve cleared the air.” I thought this statement deserved some qualification, so I quickly broke in “Going back to separate beds, you mean Julian?” Julian looked reproachfully at me as he said “You’re not going to make us do that are you Dave?” Despite his mournful look [mirrored by Juan] I replied in the affirmative “Yep, I am, we made a deal and it stands as far as I’m concerned.” Stella looked on mystified as Julian continued to protest “But Dave,” and I heartlessly cut him off “No buts, a deal’s a deal – or else I can run you home with your Mum in a little while.” At this threat Julian started to reply but was restrained by a suddenly aroused young Spaniard: “Don’t be stupid Julian; its only tonight. And you know Dave’ll do it if you don’t agree.”
Stella had been watching the proceedings with undisguised interest and as Juan had succeeded in quietening Julian she took the opportunity to elicit the cause of the unrest. “What’s the problem, and what’s only for tonight?” she asked. I felt that there was really no alternative but to explain clearly, so I did so: “I promised Julian and Juan that they would be allowed to share a bedroom and sleep together once my new bedroom furniture is delivered – which should be tomorrow – in return for a promise from both of them that they wouldn’t engage in any sexual activity before Juan’s eighteenth birthday, next year.”
Stella took this in quietly, and Julian sensing that some outburst of parental disapproval was coming, took it upon himself to forestall it: “Come on Mum, you know that I keep my word: you’ve taken advantage of that in the past; you know that once I promise I’ll do something, that I will.” Stella relented and nodded, smiling as she said, “Yes, dear; that’s true enough; the hard bit is usually getting you to promise in the first place!”
I took this as capitulation by both sides, and said “So, Julian, you’re staying here tonight and  sleeping out here?” Julian groaned quietly in resignation and then rather more sharply as Juan viciously elbowed him in the side! “OK, OK, I know what was agreed” Julian conceded as he cast a nervous look over his shoulder at his boyfriend.
“Well, boys, I guess we’d better spell out a few things so that everyone knows what’s going on.” I said and then, turning to Stella, I said “Julian and Juan as you now know have my permission to sleep together here, and I guess that Julian – judging by recent events – isn’t likely to want to be separated from Juan more than he has to, so what are your thoughts? Would you like him to spend some time – say weekends – at yours, and if so, are you prepared to allow Juan to stay with him?” Both Julian and Juan’s eyes had widened as I had said this, and both turned towards Stella to see what her reaction was going to be.
Stella, to her credit, didn’t take long to make up her mind and managed to say it without any undue hesitation, confounding both boys [and, truth be told, me as well] “I’d like to keep in touch with Julian, certainly, and as you say, it seems unlikely that Julian will come home without Juan, so I’ll have to accept that; I just don’t want any public embarrassments” sensing where she was headed and that she was uncomfortable with it, I broke in again “There won’t be any public demonstrations of affection, or indeed any untoward sexual activity, as they both know that the promise they gave me was a total one – not just under my roof – don’t you boys?” The 2Js both nodded their understanding and acquiescence to my statement and Stella looked a little relieved.
“Juan as you can see, still bears the signs of his recent unfortunate experience with his father and the traveller kids after his Dad threw him out. So you know, Juan has to go back to the doctor on Thursday and some time the following week I have tentatively agreed with his Dad that he’ll be allowed to see his brother and his Dad and I will sort out the legalities regarding Juan until he comes of age.”
Stella looked at Juan and then at me, and then asked “So are you going to become Juan’s guardian?” I looked at Juan who nodded as I said, “If Juan is comfortable with that, then yes; its not for long but its necessary that Juan has an adult to act for him in some things and his father has firmly indicated that he’s not willing to do so any more.”
Stella looked at Juan again and then returned to me “So you have no problem with Juan having a relationship with Julian?” she asked. I smiled, as I replied “None whatever; I think that as long as Juan’s happy and knows his own mind, that whatever form any relationship he enters into is his business and not something to concern anyone else as long as its legal – and that’s why I made both the boys promise they wouldn’t engage in any sexual activity until Juan’s legally an adult on his eighteenth birthday.”
“Well, I think I can accept that; particularly as Julian hasn’t let me down in the past when he’s promised something.” Stella acknowledged.
“Well, as I’ve agreed to take Julian to and from work, I’ll call in the week and arrange to stop by to talk things through once everyone’s adjusted to the situation – I guess I’d better run you home now though.” I said. Stella nodded her acceptance, and shortly thereafter we set out, leaving the 2Js to themselves; I was pleased to see that Stella hugged and kissed her son goodbye and that she managed to give Juan a hug as well – Julian was so pleased by that!

To be continued.


Author’s note:
Its been a difficult time for me personally so far this year, and I had to force myself to write this chapter to honour the pledge I made to mark Ryan’s birth and death. 

 At the same time, I have to say that this year has been marred by the tragic deaths of several people I knew and cared about – I refer of course to Jonathan Davis and Hank Snow. May you both [and Nicky] rest in peace and know that you are sorely missed by those left behind; God Bless you all also.

Feedback always welcome:  dl@tickiestories.us

Posted: 03/14/08