By: Jeremy Michaels
(© 2021 by the author)

Editor: Gerry Young

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

This story is a rewrite in collaboration with my uncle, Randy Howard. We hope that you enjoy it.

Chapter 7

I’m sitting in the living room with Andrew and we’re both reading the newspaper that one of the boys must have brought with them yesterday when a refreshed Brandon and Josh entered the room.

“The showers are all yours, babe,” Brandon aid coming over to give me a kiss.

I turn my head at the last second and his kiss lands on my cheek. He looks at me and tries again to kiss me but I stand up instead.

“Is something wrong, Marc,” he asked, rising to stand with me.

“I’m calling off the arrangement that we made with the boys,” I tell him and got the surprise that I wasn’t expecting.

“Why?” Josh yelled and I turned on him quickly.

“You seem rather upset by this Josh. Are you just as upset about it Brandon?” I asked, turning back to look at him.

“I’m wondering why you would suddenly change your mind about it when you seemed eager earlier.”

“If you remember right, it was Josh who was the eager one. In fact, he was so eager to have my blessing to be with you that he couldn’t be bothered to consult with his own partner and see how he feels about it.”

“I didn’t have to because he was more then happy to be your fuck buddy,” Josh aid adamantly.

“Is that how you see Andrew, Josh, as a fuck buddy? And what about you Brandon, what am I to you, a friend with benefits?”

“Well not exactly that Marc. We’re in love so we’re more than that.”

“Give me a title for what I am to you, Brandon. Then I will tell you what you have been to me.”

“You’re my guy friend, someone that I love very much.” His words are sharper than any knife could ever be because they are stabbing me right into my heart.

“Okay,” I fought for emotional control as I turnec back to Josh who was still no where near Andrew. “What is Andrew to you Josh,?” Then, Andrew was looking directly at Josh.

“He’s my boyfriend even though we say that we are married but we’re not.”

“What is your father to you?”

The look in his eyes when he turned to look at Brandon said more then any words ever could.

“He’s my hero and my Daddy, the man who’s the most important man in the world to me. He’s my life,” he said and Andrew rose, walked over to him and slapped him across his face before leaving the room. “What the fuck was that for?” Josh yelled out after him.

“How can a man be so book-smart and yet be so life-stupid is beyond me. That man worships the very ground that you've walked on. He gives to you everything he is and has within him, and yet you don’t know him. And you, Brandon, do you have any idea how much your words hurt me? Was that all I ever was to you on that island, was your guy friend? Believe me Brandon, I caught the pause between guy and friend. I will spare myself the pain of asking you what Josh is to you. I’m wondering, Brandon, and please do tell me if I’m wrong in my assumption about your marriage. Did you slither around behind Claire’s back with other men in some dark bookstore? Because you once accused me of not being able to commit to my marriage, but from what I learned today, it’s you that wasn’t totally committed to it. Have you ever heard of the saying, once a cheater, always a cheater, Brandon?”

“I’ve never cheated on you,” he yelled.

“What about with your Son on the island?”

“You knew about that, and you even condoned it.”

“That one time, yes, I did. But how about those other times, you remember, Brandon, those times when you and Josh went fishing.” I stated and didn't ask.

“That’s not cheating because you said that you were alright with it.”

“I was that first time and we both know that to be a fact. When you have to sneak away under the guise of fishing and you’re gone for hours because the two of you are having sex, I’m sorry but that’s cheating. I was married to a cheater and I’ll be damned if I will ever tie myself to a man who says that he loves me all the while he’s fucking his own son and they’re carrying on as lovers. I hope that your love-slave makes you happy, Brandon.” I turned and walk out of the room.

“Would you mind dropping me off at my place so I can pack,” Andrew asked me with a shattered heart. 

I found my SUV right where Beth hid it and once inside I broke down. 

“How could I have not seen it?” I pounded the steering wheel with all of the anger that was in me.

“Remember how I said that it wasn’t a good idea to let those two men have sex together,” Andrew reminded me, deepening my anger and guilt.

“I remember, and I should have listened to you, sweetheart.”

We drove off and I dropped off Andrew at his apartment that he shared with Josh. I promised to come back as soon as I could finish with seeing Mary. I was in the right frame of mind to deal with her shit when I went storming into her advertising agency.

“Can I help you Mr. Bennett,” Jeannine, the receptionist, asked.

“Nope, I know right where I’m going,” as I walked past her, down the long hallway and into her well designed office where I caught her and her new husband having sex on her desk.

“You really should lock the door when you are doing that,” I stated and watched as they hurried to dress.

“What are you doing here? I sent you that telegram telling you that we were divorced.”

“I got the telegram but what I didn’t get was my half of our joint savings and checking account. I also want my half from the sale of our house.”

“Fuck you, Marc, you know damn well that the money goes to me as the surviving spouse.”

“Well here’s the glitch to that theory, dearie. I’m not dead so I want my half and I’m giving you exactly ten minutes to write me a check. If you don’t then I’m taking you to court for not only my half but I’m going after this agency. I was the one that fronted you the money to get it started so I want my investment back, with interest.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she says crossing the room and getting into my face.

“In case you forgot, when I had the original loan drawn up, my lawyer had a clause added in the event of nonpayment of the loan back to me, I get controlling interest in your company.”

“You bastard, how dare you not trust me back then.”

“Oh I trusted you, Mary, back then. It was my lawyer that didn’t trust your partner. So he insisted on adding it to protect me. Oh yes, the loan became due two months before I disappeared. If the Navy investigation team finds that fowl play was involved and the cause of my crash, I will definitely point them in your direction. And that goes for you, too, you sneaky bastard,” I shout at the two of them. “Now either write me that check or the next visit will be from my lawyer.”

“I can’t just write a check for that kind of money. You need to open up a new bank account and then I’ll transfer what I owe into it.”

“Let me remind you that I’m a CPA and I know exactly what was in our account when I flew off. I can also calculate interest rates so don’t think that you can snowball me.”

“Wait right there and I will tell you exactly what was in the account.” She sat at her desk and began typing away on the computer. I was watching her face because I wanted to see her expression when she saw that she’s been wiped out. 

“What? This can’t be right.” She typed furiously and waited. “Where the fuck is my money?” She screamed. “Clyde come check your account,” she demanded.

He began typing his necessary information into the computer and waited. I was not expecting anything as dramatic from him because Eric didn’t touch all of his money in his account … or did he?

“It’s gone, every last penny is fucking gone.”

“That’s not my problem and don’t play me for a fool. I know that you both are worth millions so either give me my money or deal with my lawyer.”

How the fuck can we give you something that we don’t have? I’m calling the bank. There’s got to be some kind of misunderstanding,” Mary said, picking up the phone and punching in the bank's numbers.

“I want to talk to the person in charge of accounts,” she demanded and again she waited. “No it isn’t a good morning. My account has been tampered with … That’s right, my entire account is empty ... I want to know what the fuck is… I will swear if I want to because someone has stolen every last dollar of my account and that of my husband. Mary Malcom and my husband’s name is Clyde Malcom,” she said and then began rattling off account numbers. “What do you mean that we have been withdrawing funds from our accounts over the last three months. I would know if I had done such a thing ... Never mind, you’ll be hearing from our lawyer,” she screamed into the phone and hung up.

“They claim that their records show that we have been withdrawing funds over the last three months and finally closed our accounts yesterday morning.”

 Mary told her husband and they both turned to look at me.

“Don’t look at me. I was still in St. Thomas until late yesterday afternoon. I don’t know what you two are pulling here, but I’m going to give you twenty four hours to reimburse me what you owe me or else I’m coming after your business,” I told them, turned and calmly walked out of the office.

“Damn but that felt good,” I said to myself as I get into my SUV and drove away.

As I pull up to Andrew’s apartment I recognize a very old pickup truck parked in the driveway. I was sure that he and Josh had been harassing Andrew while I’ve been gone. I took a deep breath and entered the front door and listened to the voices coming from the living room.

“Please, Andy, give me another chance to make things right between us.” Josh was begging.

“Do I look like a fool to you, Josh? If I were to take you back, you and your father would only continue to sneak around behind my back.”

“I already told you that Dad and I are finished with our incestuous relationship. It was wrong and he knows it as well as I do.”

“What about you Brandon, what’s your take on this?”

“I’m sorry that I let the best thing to have ever happened to me slip away because of sex. I was wrong, very wrong and it took me losing Marc’s love to finally wake up to my mistakes. I know that he’s never going to forgive me but I do love him more then life itself.”

I didn’t know what to believe anymore. My mind was telling me to tell him to go but my heart was screaming at me to forgive him and give him another chance.

“With that being the case, Brandon, what would you tell him if he were standing right in front of you?” Andrew asked, having seen me hiding in the corner behind a large parlor palm.

“I would tell him how sorry I am for being such a jerk and a fool. I had the best thing that life has ever given me right before me and I let you get away because I desired something that I should have never desired. I let my love for my son become tainted by sex and for that I must live with that shame and guilt for the rest of my life. I want his forgiveness but I don’t deserve him or his love. I need to go, Andrew, but before I do please find it in your heart to forgive Josh. We both learned a hard lesson and although I lost my love, don’t let yours slip away,” he said and he was crying when he turned around.

“Hello, Brandon,” I sid to him, stepping out from behind the plant.

“Marc, I’m sorry, so sorry for not realizing what I had and willingly tossed it away for something so dirty and wrong. I know that you don’t want me but I’m willing if you are to spend the rest of my life proving to you that I love you.”

“I’m willing, Brandon, because I believe in second chances. You hurt me very deeply, Brandon, I’ll live, but trust may be another issue. It must be earned but when it’s given and betrayed, it’s a long road back. I heard what you said to Andrew and I’ll admit that you’re on the right road again. I love you, Brandon.” We came together in a kiss of forgiveness and healing as our mouths meet.

I looked past Brandon into the living room and Josh was holding Andrew to him as he kisses him with the same passion and desire that Andrew deserved.

Brandon and I returned to his house and I found Mary waiting impatiently for me. 

“This can’t be good,” I told Brandon as we got out of the car.

“Did you bring me my check, Mary?” I decide to put her on the defenseive, a position that she’s not good at playing.

“I already told you that I can’t write a check for that amount. But …”

“Then tomorrow morning you can meet me at the bank and I’ll open a bank account with the money that you’ll transfer to me.”

“Will you please stop dictating demands and just listen to me for a moment,” she asked. “You’re as much aware of the fact that my bank account was compromised and my entire account stolen. I don’t care what that fucking bank president said about Clyde and me withdrawing all our funds and then closing our accounts. We never did that, Marc.”

“Then why are you here?”

“It’s about our business loan that is past due. I begging you to have a heart and don’t grab my business, it’s all that I have,” she begged me.

“I’m to have a heart like you did when you cheated on me with Clyde, and then you leave me penniless and homeless as well. Is that how you are asking me to be towards you, Mary?”

“I was wrong, but all that shit is behind us and it’s time to move forward.”

“I plan on moving forward, Mary. I’m taking over your agency and setting myself up as the new CEO. As for you, I’m sure that I can find a place for you, but Clyde is out, fired. I never trusted him from the first time that I met him and I don’t trust him now.”

“After all those years that we had together, you would do this to me?”

“Right back at you, you did it to me first. Did you ever hope that I could have survived the crash,” I asked.

“Why would I? With you out of the picture I had it easy to clean up as the poor grieving widow.”

“Like I said, my lawyer and I will be in the office tomorrow morning at nine sharp. Have a good evening Mary and do say hello to Clyde for me.”

I turned, leaving her standing there on the sidewalk as I casually walked up the porch steps and into the house.

“That was rather harsh, Marc,” Brandon said but continued on into his house.

I turned and looked at my ex-wife as she stood there weeping and broken. It was then that I remembered that I had loved her very much and hadn’t I given Brandon a second chance?

“Mary,” I called out and she looked up at me. “I can’t repay meanest with meanest. We were very much in love at one time before life and careers came between us. I forgave you and you can stop worrying about me taking your business. I’m forgiving you the loan repayment until you’re on your feet again.”

She stood there, stunned, by my generosity and started crying even harder. I embraced her and it felt good to hold her again because she fit in my arms like she did when we were young and first married.

“I’m sorry, Marc, for everything that I did wrong to you. I’m not going to make excuses for why I did them I’m so very sorry for letting myself fall away from you. You were always the better one of us and there’s been so many times that I have missed you, missed your touch and your strength when I was weak. Thank you for forgiving me.”

“Everyone deserves a second chance to make right their wrongs sweetheart. I hope that things do work out for you and Clyde.”

“The bank told me that because our accounts were hacked and the money stolen, they will reinstate what we lost. It’s going to be a few days they told me but once the money is there, I will give you what was rightfully your share plus interest.”

“Don’t worry about the interest Mary,” I told her.

“I tried to screw you on the sale of the house but I will make that right also. I promise you. I guess that I better be going before we cause a scene,” I gave her a tender kiss and helped her into her car. “I’m very happy that you didn’t die in the plane crash, Marc, truly I am.” Mary started her car and drove away giving me a wave.

“I don’t know what you said to her but from the way she reacted I can imagine that you were kind and forgiving,” Brandon said, taking me into his arms.

“I gave you a second chance so how could I not do the same for the woman that I loved for years, Brandon?” I said as I looked into his eyes. “The bank is reimbursing what we stole from her account and Clyde’s account. She’s going to give me my share of our savings account.”

“I don’t deserve you, Marc. Your love shines from within you and touches everything and everyone around you. I’m going to prove to you that you didn’t make a mistake giving me a second chance, my beautiful man,” he poured into his kiss all his guilt and sorrow for hurting me and I returned all the love and forgiveness that my heart had for him into our kiss.

He led me down the hall to our bedroom where we slowly undressed each other and he laid me down on the bed. I wrapped my arms and legs around his warm body as he covered mine with his. His hand lubed my entrance while his mouth was torturing my nipples. I was so in love with this man and I was so thankful that he saw that what we had together was better than that he had with Josh. He was his father and Josh was his son and that’s the way it should remain. 

“I’m so in love with you, Marc.” He kissed me with such emotional passion as he eased his manhood into my welcoming sheath. I tensed up a bit, but I’d grown accustomed to his cock in me and then I had just pleasure when he gave me all of his cock.

“I love you, Brandon, and I love how we fit so perfectly together when we make love.”

“Claire always complained that I was too large for her and she stopped having sex after we made Josh. I went for months without sex, using just my hand when I needed relief but after a year or so I found this place where I could have sex secretly. I was ashamed of what I did because I always hated the thought of cheating. But I overheard a couple of guys talking at work about this adult bookstore that they found in the seedier section of Miami where they had all the sex that they wanted. So I struck up a conversation with them. They were in a similar situation with wives who no longer gave them sex. They told me that I had to have a very open mind because the sex there was between men. I got the name of the place but it took me months before I had the courage to go there. It was a decent video store for adults only and they had this room in the back where, for ten dollars you could stay as long as you wanted to and watch all kinds of videos. They had straight, bisexual and gay videos to choose from. You would step into a booth, close the door and pick whatever video that you wanted to watch. But the best part was the two side walls. They had these large holes cut through them so you could see into the booths on either side of yours. Well I jumped when I saw this cock come through the hole and throb as it waited for me to touch it. That was when I gave a guy my first blowjob since Bradley. When I got him off he sucked my cock when I stuck it through the hole.”

“Was that where you had your first fuck?” I ask.

“Oh hell no. You were my first man-fuck, Marc. I had guys that wanted to either fuck me or have me fuck them. I couldn’t because to me fucking another person, man or woman constituted cheating to me. I was strictly into getting or giving blowjobs whenever I went there. I know that I should have told you this a long time ago but that’s where Josh and I accidentally had our first sexual encounter together. I was super horny this one afternoon and decided to swing by the bookstore on my way home from work. Claire had just passed away a few months earlier and I needed relief. So I stopped there, I paid my fee and grabbed a booth at the end of the hall. I liked that particular booth because it was the darkest area of the hall. I entered the booth, removed my clothes and picked this gay video. I was standing there stroking my cock to its full hardness when a finger comes through the hole. The guy on the other side wanted my cock and I wanted to get off, so I pushed my swollen cock through the hole. Damn that guy was good at sucking cock because he took every inch of my cock into his mouth and throat. I was so horny and he was that good at manipulating my cock that I came minutes later. He didn’t do like most of the guys do, pull off and jerk your cock until you’re spent. He buried my cock down his throat and took every drop that I gave him. When I started to go soft I pulled my cock back through the hole and he put his through. I was in awe of the size because that guy’s cock was almost the exact replica of mine. I dropped to my knees and gave that man the best blowjob that I had to give. I kept edging until I could hear him begging me to take him, so I swallowed his cock and worked my throat muscles until he was shooting down my throat. When we were done I hurried to dress and stepped out of the booth just as Josh steps out of the booth beside mine. I quickly stepped back inside before he saw me. I stayed in there for a good twenty minutes dealing with the guilt and shame that I had for having had sex with my son. I was also angry because he was cheating on Andrew.”

“Did you ever say anything to him about that time?”

“Never. I didn’t even mention it when we were having … I just kept it to myself. I did tell him that I was driving through the area to one of my company’s supply centers and saw him coming out of there straightening up his clothes. I told him that if he was going to cheat on Andrew then he better tell him before someone else did. He didn’t bother denying that he was cheating but that was when I stopped going to the bookstore.”

“Smart choice, babe. By the way, I came while you were telling me about your bookstore adventures, babe,” I told him.

“Well I didn’t,” he gives me a hard, deep thrust and took off slamming my ass like there’s no tomorrow. I was heaving, he was thrusting, and several minutes later we were both coming, me all over my torso and Brandon deep inside me. He was pounding my ass until he collapsed spent and exhausted.

“I love you, Marc, and thank you for another chance with you.”

“I’m addicted to you and your cock, so I had to give you another chance or else suffer from withdrawal.”

We kissed, dosed off for a while and then made more love until we were hungry for something more then sex.

To be continued...


Posted: 01/21/2022