By: Jeremy Michaels
(© 2021 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


Chapter 5


I’m in shock because of the words that I am hearing about Marc. He may be a hot head and can be mean as hell when pushed to the wall. A child molester or trafficker, never in a million years will I believe that about him. He, himself is shocked by Max’s accusation and leaves the room in tears. I’m torn between a crying and terrified child and a husband that’s had the most cruel of accusations thrown at him.


“Max, I want you to calm down and listen to me please,” I say with a calm soothing voice even though I’m everything but calm inside me. “Marc can’t be one of those men that did cruel things to you. He would …”


“He is papa … he’s the man they call Black because he has a black spot on his peewee. He’s mean to us boys and he makes us do things with other men when they come to his house. I know it’s him papa,” he’s crying so hard now that his fragile body is shaking violently.


“Have you seen this black spot on Black’s penis, Max?”


“Yes, many times because he would make me … “


“You don’t have to tell me what he made you do to him son. I can already imagine what that evil man did to you and … wait, you said there’s other boys?”


“There’s five boys besides me and three girls. There were more but they died,” and he starts crying again.


“I’m going to give you a shot to help you sleep Max and …”


“No no no papa, no shot. Black would give me a shot and then strange things happen in my head and body. Then he would bring two or maybe three men into my room and …” he goes quiet.


“I won’t give you a shot as long as you promise me that you will stay in bed until I come back. I need to make sure that what you are saying is true about Marc. Will you promise me to stay in bed and not leave it?”


“Yes papa I promise.”


I hurry into our bedroom and I find Marc lying on the bed crying hard into the pillows. My heart sinks as I see how broken my man is as his body trembles with his sobbing. I sit down beside him and gently place my hand on his back and gently kiss his cheek. I know that I have to tread carefully with him, the wrong word or phrase will not only destroy our relationship but also him.


“I never once believed his accusation against you darling,” I whisper softly as I lay my face next to his face. “Your love for children is to deep and you’re to protective to be what he accused of being.”


“I don’t think that I will ever forget that look of shear terror on his face when he first saw me and the hatred in his eyes when he accused me, Beau.”


“He’s been horrifically tortured and traumatized and right then seeing you naked must have given him a horrible flashback. He told me that you were this man that they called Black, because he has this large black spot on his cock.”


“I don’t have no spot on my dick, black or any other color Beau. You know that and I hope that you told him that.”


He gets up so quickly from the bed that he knocks me to the floor. He undoes his jeans and pushes them down to his knees, revealing his beautifully formed manhood. The skin is flawless as well as spotless and he moves it all around examining it before my eyes and his.


“See babe, there’s not a fucking mark on it,” he says and quickly pulls his jeans back up. “I’m going in there and I’m going to prove to him that I’m not this fucking pervert Black,” he starts to go but I quickly grab his arm and stop him.


“Let me talk to him first, because if you go barging into the room with your cock hanging out Marc, he’s going to think that I not only betrayed his trust but that you are this man, Black.” He agrees and I go back to the guest room and find Max huddled beneath the covers trembling. “Max, it’s me papa and I’m alone,” I quietly say and the covers inch down slowly until his precious face is looking at me.


Only then do I approach the bed and hold out my arms inviting him to come to me and he does.  “Did you send the bad man away, papa?” He asks and those trusting eyes are searching mine.


Instead of saying that I sent him away, I chose to remind him of what he told me about Black’s cock. “Do you remember what you told me about the bad man’s penis, Max?” He nods. “I made him show me his penis and there’s no black mark on it,” I tell him and his eyes go wide with astonishment. “If I promise you that he won’t hurt you son, will you allow him to prove to you that he’s not this man that you think he is?”


He’s very quiet as he clings tightly to me and I’m beginning to think that he won’t allow Marc to prove himself to him.


“Okay papa as long as you stay right beside me so he can’t get me,” he says but his trembling voice tells me that he’s anything but sure about this.


“How do you want me to do this? Do we go into the other room or do you want him to come in here?”


“I’ll go with you but leave the door open so we can get away if we need to,” he says.


I take him by the hand but he’s clinging so tightly to me that I ended up carrying him into the bedroom. Marc is standing by the window just staring into the vast expanse of greenery and turns his head when we enter the room.


“Marc, would you please turn around and drop your jeans,” I tell him quietly and I can only imagine how humiliating this must be for him.


“I’m only doing this Max because I love you son,” he says with tears rolling down his face.


He slowly undoes his jeans and just as slowly pushes them down to his knees and stands there with slumping shoulders as I gradually bring Max forward. Max has his face buried against my neck and when I urge him to look, he gradually turns his head to look down at Marc’s cock.  I lift it and turn it in different ways so that that Max can fully see it. He pushes away from me and stands before Marc.


“I’m sorry poppy for accusing you,” he says and turns, running as fast as his feet can take him out of our room and across the hall to his room.


“I’ll go try to calm him down,” I tell Marc who’s pulling up his jeans.


“Let me go Beau, because if Max and I don’t put this to rest between us it’s going to be around forever as a stumbling block for our relationship.” I simply nod my head.





“May I come in Max,” I ask, knocking softly on the door.


“Why? You must hate me after that horrible thing that I accused you of being.”


I slowly walk over to where he’s lying on his bed and sit down beside him.


“Let me tell you about a father’s love son,” I begin as I gently rub his heaving back with my hand. “His love is unconditional and that means that he loves you regardless of anything that you may say or do. Yes it may hurt him on the inside but that doesn’t mean he loves you any less. If anything, his love for you grows and that hurt disappears and it’s replaced with forgiveness and a deeper love Max,” I tell him and now I’m crying so hard that he’s just a blur as he tackles me and wraps his thin arms around my neck and kisses my face.


“I’m sorry poppy for hurting you but you really look like Black. Did you really mean what you said about love?”


“Of course I meant it Max. I loved you that first day that I saw you lying in that hospital bed all broken and I just sat there and cried because my heart hurt so much. My heart told me that you were going to be my son and now here you are,” I give him a hug and we sit there crying.





I’m crying so hard that I have to go back to my room. I’m so happy that my guys are going to be alright together now that Max has gotten past his fear of Marc. But as I’m sitting there thinking I can’t help but remember an incident that occurred just before Max had been brought into the trauma unit. There had been a nurse that made a comment to me about this man that could have been Marc’s identical twin. I remember looking for the man but he was gone before I ever had the chance to see him. I dial the hospital and then I hang up as I remember the time.


“Papa, poppy is going to make us pizza do you want to come join us,” a very excited Max asks.


“Mmmm pizza is my favorite. Hop on and I’ll give you a piggyback ride to the kitchen,,” I tell him as I pat the bed beside me and he eagerly jumps up and locks his arms around my neck. “Hang on tight son,” I tell him and away we go to find Marc.


“He’s in his element when he’s in the kitchen cooking. While I was doing my internship, Marc took several classes at a culinary school and got a minor degree. 


“Traditional or Alfredo sauce, Max,” he asks as I set him down on a bar stool.


“I never had that Alfredo one poppy. Is it good?”


“Are you kidding me, of course it’s good. It’s magnificent and my favorite. But I must ask papa if he will allow me to have a slice because the sauce isn’t really good for my heart right now,” he says and they both turn to me and give me those pitiful puppy dog eyes and how can I fight against the two of them?


“I guess one piece is allowed because we are celebrating … you,” I say to Max and begin tickling him.


He squeals and wiggles until he finally jumps from the stool and runs to Marc for protection. Marc lifts up a spatula and waves it around like a sword as he holds Max behind him.


“Get back you tickle monster before I slay you with my mighty sword. No monster is going to get my son,” he says and suddenly Max looks up at Marc and his eyes are brimming with tears as wraps his arms around Marc’s waist.


“You really did mean it poppy, you really will protect me from monsters,” he says and Marc drops to his knees and hugs him close.


“When I make a promise to you I will always keep it my sweet baby boy,” he hugs him again and kisses his forehead. “Now every chef needs an assistant. Now where am I going to find myself an assistant at this hour?” Marc asks.


“Right here poppy … I can help you,” he yelling excitedly and I’m roaring with laughter.


“Have you ever pounded out pizza dough before,” he asks as he ties an apron on Max 


“I don’t think so poppy but I’m sure that I can learn how if you show me.”


I decide to take my phone and begin recording the two of them as Marc stands behind Max, who’s standing on a wooden box and adding flour to the surface of the counter.


“Now we set the dough in the middle of the flour and using just our fingers, we gently push it outward like this.” Marc’s fingers are on top of Max’s and he showing him how you gently work the dough. “Make sure that you keep turning the dough so you keep the pie in a circle.”


“I thought that we were making a pizza poppy?”


“We are son but they refer to a pizza as a pizza pie. Now you continue to make the pie until it fits on this pizza stone,” he tells him.


“Okay poppy,” he says and goes back to work earnestly making the pie bigger until he makes a hole in the dough. “I’m sorry poppy please don’t hit me … I didn’t mean to make a hole,” he says fearfully and crying.


“Hey hey hey, what are you crying for son? I’m not angry at you for making a hole. Heck sweetie, I do it all the time. Now dry your eyes and I’ll show you how we are going to fix it. We take the dough and put the torn piece over the hole and pat it softly with our fingers,” he says showing him and then he makes another hole. “Oops!”


“I can fix it it poppy,” and he does it exactly as Marc has shown him.


“Perfect, now it’s time to put the sauce on it. Would you like to be the one to put the sauce on Max?” He nods. “Take one ladle full and carefully spill it into the middle of the pie. That’s right son, just like that. Now slowly use the ball of the ladle to spread the sauce outward towards the edge. You’ve done this before because you’re doing it just like a real chef,” Marc tells him and turns to smile at me with a smile that touches his eyes and my heart.


“I’m so hungry that I can’t wait to eat your first pizza, Max,” I tell him and he’s beaming with pride.


An hour and a half later Marc is carrying a sleepy Max upstairs to his room. I quickly pull down the covers and we tuck him in together and kiss him good night.


“Can you leave the light on papa,” he asks and I nod because I can only imagine the monsters that must haunt his dreams.


“You are really a very good father, Marc,” I tell him as we cuddle up together.


“I’m only as good as you are because I learned everything that I know about loving someone from you,” he says and climbs onto me. “I love you so much angel and thank you for saving me with Max tonight.” He whispers and slowly slides his cock into me and I gasp at how good it feels to make love with him again.


“Take it slow babe because you’re still healing and I don’t want anything happening to you,” I tell him as he sets us a gentle rhythm. My legs hold him securely around his hips as my arms surround his neck. He kisses me deeply and with passion as he guides us to the that beautiful climax minutes later.


“I’m coming babe,” I’m thrusting up now faster and urging his thrusts deeper as I shoot my seed between us.


“Oh fuck baby doll … ride my cock … oh fuck I’m coming,” and I feel each blast of his cock that’s buried balls deep in my hot sheath. “More … oh fuck I have so much to … can’t stop coming,” he says and keeps pounding my ass until he’s spent and collapses on me with heated kisses. “I love you so much angel.”


“I love you more sweetheart.” I tell him and suddenly our afterglow is shattered by Max’s screams.


Both Marc and I hurry into robes and rush across the hall into Max’s bedroom. He’s sound asleep but his arms and legs are thrashing violently as he fights against some monster in his nightmare.


“We have you Max,” I softly tell him and gently shake him awake.


Marc looks around the room and sees a broomstick that must have been left behind by the housekeeper and grabs it up and snapping it in half.


“Poppy the protector is here,” he shouts and Max turns immediately to look at him. “You better run because no one touches my son and lives,” he says holding up the stick like it’s a sword.


“Thank you poppy for scaring that monster away,” he says holding up his arms to Marc.


Marc drops immediately to the bed and lets his son wrap his slender arms around him. “Can I sleep with you and papa?” He asks and I nod to Marc.


“I think that it can be arranged son,” he says and scoops him up and carries him to our bed and tosses him into the middle. “You bounce just like a ball son,” he says and starts to untie his robe.


“Ah Marc … need pajamas,” I tell him and his face goes red.


“He he you must be naked under your robe poppy,” Max says laughing at Marc’s red face. 


“I was just getting ready for bed when you started screaming for your protector so I grabbed my robe and sword to go protect you,” he says and I smile at his quick save. “I’ll be right back,” he hurries to his bureau and searches… and searches for his elusive pajamas. 


“You never wear them so I gave them away. Here, wear your gym shorts,” I tell him and grab a pair for myself. Once dressed we return to the bed and Max is already asleep. We kiss goodnight and climb in one on each side of Max. Max turns in his sleep towards Marc and snuggles as close as he can get to him. Marc wraps a protective arm around him and kisses him on his forehead and he’s asleep before I can turn out the light.


The next morning I’m up early and in the shower when Marc comes staggering in. He whips out his cock, aims it at the bowl and lets his piss flow.


 “Where’s Max,” I ask as he shakes his cock a few times and then begins stroking it. “Marc! Where’s Max I asked you?”


“He’s watching cartoons in bed babe,” he says stepping into the shower behind me. “I’m horned up this morning because I got interrupted last night.”


I turn around and look at him square in the eyes. “Who are you kidding, certainly not me, because if I remember right you kept yelling that you couldn’t stop coming and you kept coming until you collapsed on me mister.”


“Well our afterglow got interrupted,” he argues.


“Welcome to fatherhood sweetheart.”


“Poppy I gotta pee,” Max says and I’m so thankful that I had frosted glass installed in the shower.


“That’s fine son. When you’re done go back to the bed and watch tv until I’m done with my shower,” Marc tells him.


“Where’s papa, I can’t find him,” he asks and flushes the toilet causing the water to go instantly hotter.


“I’m in the shower also Max, that way we can save on water usage.” 


“I’m not stupid you know,” he says and shuts the door when he leaves. 


“Parenthood is going to be a lot harder then we think,” I say and turn my ass to Marc. “Make it quick and please be quiet,” I tell him as he sinks his soaped up cock all the way into my ass. “Oh fuck babe, take your time,” I tell as his hands grab me by the hips and he begins to thrust hard and deep into me as I thrust back to get him deeper.


As he keeps riding me I can’t keep what Max said from taunting me … I’m not stupid. What has he been made to do in his young life that he knew what we were up to? Over and over his words kept replaying in my mind until they’re drowned out when Marc bites down on my shoulder. He’s coming and he’s afraid of announcing it to me and possibly Max. I’m not even close because I’m still bothered by those, I’m not stupid words.


“Sorry angel for biting you but I didn’t want Max to hear me coming.”


“Didn’t you hear him when he left earlier Marc? He said, I’m not stupid. He knew why we were in the shower together. Doesn’t that bother you?”


“Of course it bothers me, how are we ever going to have privacy now that we have a son?” The sad thing is, Marc is absolutely serious and he’s clueless as to what I’m talking about.


Go get dressed and tell Max to please wait for me. I want to have a conversation with him,” I tell Marc.


“Ah, the birds are the bees talk. Cool,” he says and steps from the shower.


“Sometimes, how can someone be so dumb and still breathe,” I ask myself and follow him out of the shower.


When we enter the bedroom Max is gone. I hurry over to his room and he’s not there and I’m in a panic now. Marc comes running upstairs and grabs my hand and leads me downstairs.


“Shhhh wait until you see what he’s doing,” he tells me softly and we pause at the kitchen door. Max is standing on the wooden box by the stove and he’s scrambling eggs. Not just ordinary scrambled eggs but he’s added chopped up peppers, onions and tomatoes to the eggs. On the side burner next to the eggs he has bacon frying.


“Oh you’re here,” he says excitedly when he sees us standing in the doorway smiling. “Poppy can you make toast please,” he asks stirring the egg mixture.


“Sure enough son,” Marc says and pops four slices of whole wheat bread into the toaster.


“Where did you ever learn to cook like this, Max?” I ask bending to smell the eggs.


“My mama. She would teach me how to make different things when I lived … well you know papa. She taught me and I hope that she taught Hans.”


“Wait a minute, who’s Hans,” Marc asks.


“He’s my brother that got away from the bad men. At least I hope that he did.”


“I gave your information to my detective agency and they’re trying to find your mother and brother, Max.”


“Does this mean that I will lose my son if they find his mother?” Marc asks with tears now welling up in his eyes.


“We always knew that was a possibility Marc that he might have family somewhere.”


“Maybe you knew it but I never did. Max was mine from the get go and I never once thought that he might have a family somewhere. I’m not hungry,” he says and leaves the kitchen.


“What did I do wrong papa?” Max asks as his eyes well up too.


“No Max but I think that you and I need to have a talk. First off and this is the most important part, you absolutely did nothing wrong to upset poppy, I did. When I told him that I had a detective agency looking for your mother and brother it suddenly hit poppy that you might not be living with us as our son because you have a mother.”


“But I want to have all of you papa.”


“I know that you would like that son, but we don’t always get in life what we want. How about we not worry about it for now and wait until we see what my agents find. Okay Max?”


“I guess so, I don’t like it but I will have to wait.”


They have breakfast and Beau decides to have clothes delivered to the house instead of chancing taking Max out in public. Although his face had been bruised up quite badly, he didn’t need surgery to reconstruct any severe damage and he was afraid that whoever hurt him might see him and try to kill him. A few hours later several new outfits arrived at the house and Beau’s housekeeper received the packages.


“This is just like Christmas when I lived with my mama and Hans,” he says through his tears. “I miss my brother, papa.”


“I know that you do. We need to be going because we have your first appointment with Dr. Davenport this morning and do you still want me to come along with you?”


“Yes I do papa because he kind of scares me.”


We arrive at Dr. Davenport’s office and he greets Max and I warmly with a smile. While Max gets settled in I brief Steven about the past evening and show him the video. He was quite impressed with how quickly Marc and Max had bonded with each other. I also told him about the shower incident and the remark that Max had made leaving the room.


“I’m not surprised by the remark or that he knew that you were both in the shower together. What concerns me is that he knew what you two were doing.”


“It’s not like he could see us because the glass is a deep frost and you can’t even see a shadow of who’s inside the shower.”


“Let’s explore his past involvement with this man that he refers to as Black. I’m thinking that the man kept a certain attachment to Max and only when Max either rejected him or refused to cooperate did he decide that Max was no longer worth his time and investment.”


Good morning Max, I here that you had quite the time at Dr. Vanderbilt’s house last evening.”


“He’s papa to me and not Dr. Vanderbilt,” he quietly says snuggled up against me. “My poppy taught me how to make a pizza.”


“I saw that in the video that your papa took. Can you tell me why you became so upset about that hole that you made in the pizza dough?”


“I didn’t want poppy to beat me because I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be doing.”


“Why would you think that he would beat you Max? I’ve known your poppy for quite a few years and I have never seen him beat anyone for making a mistake. Are you accustomed to being beaten when you don’t do as you are told?”


Max becomes very agitated and emotionally dependent on me with that question. “I’m right here with you sweetheart and no one is going to hurt you for answering the question. Poppy is standing guard outside the office as your protector.”


Max looks over at the door which Steven purposely left cracked open so Max could see Marc. “Black would beat me whatever I didn’t do what he demanded me to do.” Max says so quietly that Steven had to lean forward just to hear him.


“What kind of things did Black make you do Max?”


“Men would come to the building that me and the other kids were living in and they would give Black lots of francs for a certain boy or girl to have sex with. Black kept me separate from the other kids and didn’t rent me out.”


“Did he ever tell you why he kept you separated from the other children?” Max nods and his tears are running down his face. “Can you tell me why?”


“He said that I looked like his son that died.”


“Was he having sex with you Max?”


“Not until the night that he beat me and stabbed me. He was very angry because he came in my bed naked and tried to take my pajamas off. When I wouldn’t let him he would slap me hard until I was naked like him. Then he pushes his … I bit him so hard that I chewed off a chunk of his arm. That’s when he beat me and I grabbed his knife that he kept with him and tried to stab him. He yelled at me and then he just kept hitting me with his knife until everything went dark.” 


Max is crying so hard and loud that Marc comes rushing into the room. He scoops up Max and carries him out of the office with his arms protectively wrapped around the boy.


“He’s had enough and I’m taking him to get some ice cream,” Marc shouts over his shoulder to us.



“Dr. Vanderbilt, I was told to deliver this to you personally,” my secretary Beth says and hands me an envelope.


I look at the heading that’s embossed on the upper left hand side of the envelope and see that it’s from my detective agency. 


“”Nothing serious I hope,”Steven says looking at my expression.


“It’s from the detective agency that I sent out looking for Max’s past. I’m just surprised that they found something so quickly,” I say as I open the sealed envelope and retrieve the letter.


To: Dr. Beauregard Clark-Vanderbilt 


From: C & V Detective Agency 


Regarding: Maximilian Gruber

Age: 12

P.OB: Vienna, Austria


Dr. Clark-Vanderbilt 


In regards to the above mentioned child, Maximilian Gruber, I am writing to inform you that we not only located his mother, Ingrid but his brother, Hans. 


Upon further investigation we were able to determine that Ms. Gruber is in stage four breast cancer. It also appears that she has no known living relatives and her children will become orphaned upon her death. I have enclosed on a separate sheet of paper her address and other pertinent information should you decide to contact her.




Eric Schumacher 


I reread the letter and then hand to Steven to read.


“This is going to be quite detrimental to the boy, Beau.”


“I need to think on this and make a quick decision before it’s to late,” I am determined to do right by Max but how I’m wondering when it hits me. “I know exactly what I’m going to do, Steven. I’m going to move Max’s mother and brother here where she can live out her remaining days comfortably with her boys and Max can be reunited with his family.”


“What will happen to the boys once their mother passes?”


“Three guesses Steven and the first two don’t count.” I tell him as I hurry from his office.




“Please make sure that all seatbelts are fastened. We shall be landing shortly at Vienna International,” Franz alerts us. Max, even though this has been his first flight, he’s been quiet and clinging to Marc. I’m amazed at how they have bonded as father and son, but more so as friends. They talk and relate to each other more as equals than as adult and child. But when you consider what Max has been through, he’s very mature for his age which we determined is actually fourteen. Well he will be this coming December nineteenth.”


“I can’t wait to see mama and Hans face to face,” he says from beneath Marc’s sheltering arm. “Do you think they will remember me papa?”


I’m about to answer him when Marc does so for me. “How can anyone forget a handsome guy like you, Max,” he says and I can see the love that Marc holds for the boy in his eyes.


Max clings tighter when the plane’s wheels touch down on the tarmac and he watches out the window, seeing how fast we are moving before Franz applies the breaking system.


“There should be a car waiting for us once we disembark. Franz knows that we will be returning within a few hours back to Zurich with Max’s mother and brother as well as the medical staff that I had flown in a few hours before us to secure Ingrid for the flight.”


“I have everything set up in the private sleeping room in the back sir for Ms. Gruber and her medical team,” Franz ensures me before I leave the plane.


“I’m hoping to be back within an hour. Her ambulance will more than likely precede us and as soon as we are all aboard and secure, I want us air bound to Zurich.”


“It will be done sir.”


Max and Marc are already seat belted in the car with the chauffeur waiting for me to come. I climb in and soon we are driving to the house that will reunite Max with his mother and brother. As we approach the small, simple dwelling I see a very handsome boy of twelve standing in the doorway. As soon as the car stopped Max had already unbuckled his seatbelt and was flying out of the door yelling.


“Hans!” Max rushes forward and so does his brother and they collide in a tangle of gangly arms as they embrace each other with tears flowing like a broken dam. “I’m so happy that you are safe,” he tells him without letting go of his brother.


“You told me to run and I did until I saw Officer Fredrick. I told him all about the bad men and we tried to find you but they must have taken you away before we got there,” he crying harder now because he’s finally able to voice his guilt at failing Max. “I’m sorry Max that I couldn’t save you like you saved me. Did they do awful things to you?”


“No Hans, the man was very good to me because he wanted a son to replace his son that died,” I hear Max tell his brother and I’m proud of him for the half truth he said to spare his brother from further guilt. “How’s mama really doing,” he asks, again his maturity astounds me.


“She’s not doing good. I heard the doctor talking to our neighbor that she has maybe a month or so left to live,” he tells Max and they both cry against each other’s shoulder.


“Here boys, dry your eyes and lets go see your mama,” I hand them each a handkerchief. “I’m sure that she’s as excited to see you as you are to see her.” I usher them into the house and Hans, taking his brother’s hand takes him into his mother’s room where she’s lying quietly on the bed.


“Mama,” Max cries out and hurries over to his mother who has her outstretched arms towards him.


“My precious Maximilian, home at last,” she says weeping profusely. “My two sons are finally together again. Are you alright Maximilian, did they hurt you terribly?” She asks as her eyes look over her boy.


“No mama, I was treated very good,” again he lies and I just want to hug him for his consideration for his mother’s feelings. “Now we’re all going back to Zurich on papa’s plane until you get better mama,” he tells her.


“Can I have a private moment with the man that you call papa, Max,” she asks and takes Hans by the hand and leads him out of the room, closing the door behind him. “Dr. Vanderbilt I take it,” she asks.


“Yes ma’am but please call me Beau.”


“Alright Beau, I want to first thank you for everything that you have done for my Maximilian. I know that he’s lying to me to spare me pain but a mother can always tell things about her children. His eyes give his words away Beau. I don’t even want to imagine the hell that he’s been through. But what concerns me most is what is going to happen to him and his brother when I’m gone.”


“I wasn’t planning on discussing this with you so soon ma’am, but my husband and I would like to adopt them and give them a happy and loving home.”


“Oh you are gay and married to a man. I will admit that I didn’t see that one coming.”


“I’m sorry if my sexuality upsets you but I felt it necessary to be truthful with you. Marc and I didn’t want the boys to be placed in an orphanage where they wouldn’t have the love and guidance to become fine young men. I’m a very wealthy man and I can give the boys the best education and a great home that is filled with love. We are not sexual deviants that prey on children like those men that abducted Max. I’m a respected neurosurgeon and my husband Marc is an award winning architect that’s wealthy in his own right. I’m sorry that my choice of who I chose to love determines my ability to father and love a child as if he were my own. Your boy was and is still fighting some horrific demons in his mind and my husband is the only man that he runs to when those demons come after him.”


I walk to the door and open it up so she can see Marc interacting with the boys. Hans must have given him his Star Wars sword because Marc is turning in every direction he can to ward off any monsters.


“What are you doing,” I ask for Ingrid’s benefit.


“Max just appointed me Hans’ protector also and Hans gave me a sword to protect them with. The only thing is, I need protection from them because they’re the tickle monsters. You know how ticklish I can be sweetheart,” he says and the boys tackle him, tickling him until he’s crying.


I close the door and turn back to Ingrid and she’s crying. She pats the bed beside her to invite me to sit. “I will admit young man that my first thought when you said that you had a husband made me cringe. I didn’t want my boys exposed to some foul sexual perversion. But then I listened to you. I listened with my heart and not just my ears. I could not only hear the love that you have for Marc and my sons but I actually felt it like it was tangible. My husband and I had a love like that. The thing that turned me was seeing Hans laughing again. He has not laughed or even smiled since the day Maximilian was swept away from his life. Your husband has given him back his laughter and his brother. Beau, you have my blessing to adopt my sons. I’m willingly giving them over into you and Marc’s care for protection and love. Make me and my husband proud Beau. Draw up whatever documents necessary for me to sign and I will do it. You had best do it quickly because I haven’t much time left.”


“I’m calling for a private ambulance that’s on standby and they will transport you to my private plane. I have a room all prepared for you right next door to the boy’s room. I want you to see first hand the home and environment that Hans and Maximilian will be raised in.”


“In preparation of this, I had the boy’s birth certificates and medical records assembled and they are on the bureau in that Manila envelope. I also have a signed and recorded document giving you legal guardianship of both boys upon my death. I’m not sure if that document is what you require.”


“That document is perfect and I’ll have my legal staff get the necessary paperwork filled for adoption. Now on a subject that no one likes to talk about, your final wishes.”


“I sadly have nothing of monetary value to leave the boys other than Garrett’s wedding band and pocket watch. The watch is extremely old and it’s been passed down father to son for so many generations that you will have to read how many inside the cover. With each passing down, the father inscribes his son’s name and date before he gives him the watch. Garrett would have done so on Maximilian’s sixteenth birthday had he lived.


“The ambulance is here Beau,” Marc says softly from the doorway. “The boys are already in the car enjoying refreshments,” he adds and backs away from the door to allow the attendants entry into the room.


“I will see you shortly onboard my aircraft ,” I tell her and give her a gentle kiss to her cheek.


Three hours later we are home and I have everyone settled in their rooms when I receive a phone call. It’s from my close friend on the police force calling to tell me that they deciphered the numbers that were on the homing device.


“It was the coordinates of the location of the house where the children were being held captive. We staged a raid early this morning and my stomach is still heaving from what we found. Every child is dead from some kind of poison, more than likely cyanid, and there were six men killed and three wounded in the ensuing gun battle. The man known as Black was among the wounded.”


“Please tell me that he wasn’t taken to my hospital, Karl?”


“No, his wounds weren’t that severe so he was taken to the prison’s infirmary for treatment where he’ll be placed in general lockup until his arraignment.”


“Even that’s to good for him,” I tell Karl.


“I made sure that the word gets around what Black is in for Beau. This prison my house some of our county’s hardest criminals but almost all of them hate men that prey on children. I don’t think that he’s going to get much sleep before his arraignment.”


“I have everyone here at my house and Max’s mother is failing fast. She’s signed over legal custody of Max and his brother Hans to me so I have my lawyer moving the adoption process along.”


“How is Max doing, Beau?”


“He’s adjusting as best as any kid can that’s been through what he has. He’s seemed to form a very close attachment with Marc. He hangs on every word that Marc says and Marc guards him with his life. I have him with Steven for therapy and although he’s only had one session, it went really well. I did find out that he was originally taken because he resembled Black’s deceased son. The only reason that Black turned on him was because Max refused his sexual advances attacked Black which made him become violent towards Max.”. Other than that Max says that he was treated good by Black.”


“I’m being summoned Beau,” he says goodbye and hangs up.


Almost three weeks to the day, Ingrid passes away with her boys at her beside crying. Marc held Max close to him on one side of the bed while I held Hans close to me. I arranged for a simple but beautiful funeral for her and had her buried at the local church cemetery. Both boys are seeing Steven for therapy and are doing remarkably well.  They were formally adopted and after much discussion with them, because they wanted more American names like their dads, they became Marc Anthony and Randolph Beauregard Clark-Vanderbilt. Each boy chose their name which we allowed.


Marc’s mother married Harold and they are having a beautiful life enjoying their grandchildren whenever they can come.


My dad and Bubba finally got married and although he loves to visit he’s a southern boy at heart.


Buford you Paul got married and are looking to adopt a girl or boy it doesn’t really matter to them.


Dennis and JJ are enjoying their children and are considering having another through a surrogate program.


Me I’m happy with my beautiful bad boy and our two sons. We recently discovered that Marc Jr. is gay because he’s been having sleepovers with his friend Germaine, a slightly older boy of color that we have caught having sex with. 


Randolph, or Randy as he and everyone else calls him is definitely straight. He’s told his brother more than once that he finds sucking cock gross but has no problem with those that like to. Of course my husband has to taunt him by saying, don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it. Randy simply looked at him and said, I have and that’s why I can say that it’s gross. Of course Marc just had to know who had dared to touch his son and he almost died when Junior pipes in saying, I did poppy so that he had a comparison. We both about lost it until Randy tells us that he asked his brother if one of his friends would swap blowjobs with him so he could determine if he was straight or gay. Of course Junior didn’t trust his friends to not go further than a blowjob, so he volunteered.


Oh yes, good ole Black, he never made it to his arraignment because he was found hanging in his cell two nights after he was placed among the general population.


So that’s about it for us. Marc and I are very happy and we are looking forward to what new adventures our boys give us. I do hope that you enjoyed reading about us. Do take care and may love follow you all the days of your life.


Beau and Marc 


Posted: 11/26/2021