By: Jeremy Michaels
(© 2021 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


Chapter 1

To say that the energy and excitement aboard my corporate jet was tangible would be a gross understatement. It is so tangible that you can cut it with a chain saw. I was finally heading home to Montgomery, Alabama to meet my family. After almost eighteen years of separation I was going to know the warmth and love of my mama’s embrace. Marc was a bit apprehensive about going, he feels that he should have stayed behind to let me have this time alone with them. But he’s my strength and support I told him and no matter how much I wanted to meet my family, I couldn’t and wouldn’t do it without him. He’s my soulmate.

Dennis and Paul are with me and although they’re excited for me to meet my parents, they’re still a bit nervous about meeting their own. Dennis has been a completely different boy ever since that night that he learned a hard lesson by Marc and had finally opened up to me about his inner feelings. He’s more sensitive to other’s feelings and needs, although he is still doubtful of ever finding that one person that will love him unconditionally, he’s not totally given up hope on it either.

Now Paul, he’s my quiet one. He’s what I call having a modeling clay personality. He’s willing to adapt to whatever he must to have the family that he’s always wanted, especially a mother. He’s so willing to adapt that he’s even willing to hide and bury deep his sexuality so as not to alienate his family from him. That not only concerns me but it worries me too. Paul has always been fragile, if you can say that about a person. He’s mostly introverted and extremely sensitive to the emotions and feelings of those around him.

“Please make sure that all seatbelts are fastened,” the pilot announces over the speaker. “We are making our approach to Montgomery Regional Airport.”

I can’t believe it, I’m going to finally meet my family. My brother JJ and I had agreed that instead of everyone meeting me at the airport, it would be better if I were to come to the family home. Someone had leaked the story about my reunion with my family after almost eighteen years apart due to me being a victim of the notorious child trafficking ring that swept terrorized the south when I was born. 

I jump some when I feel the wheels lock into place and I jump again when the wheels touch down on the tarmac. I watch the scenery go speeding by as the plane moves down the runway towards the terminal. I look over at Marc and he’s giving me that smirk that says‘I’ve got you babe’. I squeeze his hand and give him a kiss, my guy is my hero.

“Your parent’s house is about an hour or so ride from the airport, outside of Montgomery,” Bo tells me.

“I can imagine that they’re as excited as I am.”

“Probably more so, especially your mother,” he says.

As soon as I see the light go out so we can unfasten our seatbelts, I switch my cellphone off of airplane mode and it’s dinging with missed messages. I look at them and I have six, they are all from JJ. I open the first and all it reads is, are you hear yet.

“I have the same messages and they’re all from your brother,” we laugh.

I look at them all and the only difference in the messages is the last one that says FaceTime me when you arrive. I glance up when I see the captain step from the cockpit and smile at me.

“Ich hoffe, Sie haben Ihren Flug genossen, Herr Müller. Sagen Sie mir, wann Sie möchten, dass ich für die nächste Etappe Ihrer Reise wiederkomme.” my captain says in German because he’s the official pilot for the Muller Institute.

(Translation: I hope that you enjoyed your flight Mr. Muller. Let me know when you want me to come back for the next leg of your trip.)

“Danke, Kapitän VanDyke.”

“Ihr Gepäck wird an die Adresse geliefert, die mir Mr. Clark vorhin gegeben hat. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine angenehme Erfahrung mit Ihrer Familie Herr Müller. Guten Tag der Herr.”

(Translation: “Your luggage will be delivered to the address that Mr. Clark gave me earlier. I hope that you have a pleasant experience with your family Mr. Muller. Good day to you sir.”

“Danke, Kapitän VanDyke.”

“I have a rental car reserved for us under my name because y’all are underage and can’t legally rent it.” Bo explains.

“I understand and can’t wait to turn eighteen,” I add.

Bo pulls me aside as the others climb into the SUV and he’s got a very serious look on his face.

“I want to give y’all a heads up concerning JJ. Just be very careful and cautious around him.”

“What do you mean by careful and cautious? He’s my brother and he’s been so excited to finally meet me.”

“We’ll everything isn’t as it appears with him. His past seventeen years haven’t been, how shall I say it, stellar. Just don’t let yourself get into a position where you’re compromised, Beau.”

“Hey are you guys coming or what,” Marc yells out and thus ending the conversation.

The drive is probably long for Bo, it is for me as well as I go over our conversation in my mind. Marc and the rest of the guys are to busy taking in the beauty of the Alabama landscape to even notice. Occasionally, Bo would point out different landMarcs along the way to us and that made it feel more like home to me. But my mind would keep returning to the warning that Bo has given me.

“Here we are Beau, your parent’s house is just down this dirt road,” he says turning onto a slender path that doesn’t seem to be wide enough for a car, much less our SUV. 

This is it, in seconds my brother JJ and instead of being excited, I’m apprehensive about meeting him. I’m wondering when I get to finally meet him in person, will I be able to hide my apprehension from him. We’ve been FaceTiming each other constantly since that first night and have really gotten to know one another, but now I’m wondering just how much that I do know about my brother.

“Are you ready for this Beau,” Marc asks and gently squeezes my hand bringing me back to the present.

“As ready as I’ll ever be sweetheart because I have you beside me all the way,” I tell him and give him a scorching kiss.

“Do you think that your family will really like me,” he asks as his insecurity raises its ugly head to taunt him.

“No way handsome, they will absolutely love you,” I assure him and there’s that smirk of his.

Damn I am so lucky to not only have found my family, but to have the best mate that a man could ever have.

“I love you so much Marc,” I tell him.

“I love you more than life, angel.” He says and kisses me.


As we break through the trees and into the opening I see my family’s house. It’s an old southern country farmhouse, white and it has blue shutters. It has a huge wraparound porch that’s filled with to many people for me to count. My eyes are instantly drawn to this gigantic banner that has been strung along the second floor just above the porch. My heart hurts and my eyes fill with tears as I read it.


I’m crying already and the first person that I see is my mama and she’s practically running down the stairs as she hurries towards the vehicle. She’s followed by my daddy and my brother, who are hurrying as fast as she is. I can’t get out of the car fast enough and I fall into her arms.

“Mama,” is all that I can manage to say because I’m crying so hard.

“Oh my baby I finally have you back in my arms,” she’s crushing me but I love it. “I love y’all so much and now my heart is complete again.”

“I love you mama and I wish that I had you all those years before,”

“We’ll probably never know why our good Lord allows things to happen as they do, but y’all are here now where y’all belong.” She gives me another squeeze and I squeeze her back.

“Now Thelma, don’t go a squeezing him to death before I get my arms around him,” my daddy says and I move into his strong arms.

I inhale his scent, peppermint and tobacco and I store it in my memory. I feel very secure and loved as he holds me as only a father would. He kisses me on the forehead and softly whispers in my ear how much his heart has missed me all these years.

“I love you daddy. You don’t know how much I have wanted to say that to you.”

“We’ll talk later, man to man once all this commotion calms down,” he says and kisses me again on the forehead. “I reckon that I had better give y’all over to your brother before he has a hissy fit,” he says laughing, but there’s something in his tone that alarms me.

I see my brother patiently waiting for his chance to greet me in person. He seems to be frowning but when our eyes meet, he smiles and there’s this instant bond. Our eyes fill with tears as we wrap our arms around each other and cling to one another. He’s handsome and looks like I would have looked like had l not been through my ordeal. He’s my height and has the same blonde hair, only longer and shaggy looking. He’s not as muscular as I am, but built more like a runner, with muscular arms and legs I notice as he stands there in cut off shorts and a wife beater tank top.. He’s got that mighty fine ass like I do, round and plump. I notice Dennis giving him the once over with his eyes and I smile. I also worry about letting Dennis get to close to my brother. I want to really get to know him, deeply know him before I let him close to my inner circle of family.

“Mama told me that we were identical twins but we look nothing alike,” JJ says looking at me, interrupting my thoughts. “I’m wondering which of us mama will find the most handsome and thus her favorite.”

“Well bro, I’ve had numerous facial surgeries to repair the damage that my … well to repair the damage done to my face. When I look at you, I see the person that I would have been, JJ. I can’t conceive that she would do such a thing.”

Again my thoughts return to Bo’s warning and I see him over to the side watching us. He gives me a smile when our eyes meet and turns to talk to another man.

“If’n that man weren’t already in the ground I would be fixing to put him there myself,” my father says bitterly and my mother swats him on the arm.

“Remember Beauregard, vengeance is mine says the Lord. All we must do is forgive him if we want to be forgiven when our turn comes to stand in judgment,” mama says and gives me a smile. “Now there’s all kinds of kinfolk just a waiting to meet y’all,” she says locking her arm with mine and leading me to the porch.

I am floored by all the people and smiles, hugs and kisses that greet me as I’m lead through the mass of people. Most of them are cousins and close family friends. After what feels like hours, I’m brought inside the house and I’m taken by surprise by it’s simple country charm and beauty. It’s not a collection of small rooms as I have suspected, but one large great room. The massive kitchen seems to be the focal point of the room with a smaller living room area off to the right. There’s a couple of doors to the left, both closed and a staircase between them leading up. I notice some elderly people, two women and a man sitting together at the very large table and when they see us enter the room, the man stands up.

“That’s your grandfather, my father,” dad says to me.

“Hello sir,” I say in greeting.

“I’ll give y’all sir y’all whipper snapper. I’m your Grampy, at least that’s what your brother done tagged me with years ago and it stuck,” he says pulling me into a hard manly hug which I return. “Now this beautiful gal is your Gramma Clark,” he says introducing me to his wife.

“It’s a great pleasure to finally meet you both,” I say and give my grandmother a hug and kiss on her cheek before I shake my grandfather’s hand.

“And this little lady is my mama, your Grandma Johnson,” mama tells me.

“I’m so happy to meet you Grandma Johnson. I’ve always wanted a grandmother and now I have two plus a grandfather. I’m so blessed,” I say and fall into a chair as my emotions finally overwhelm me.

I’m suddenly wrapped in love as my family wrap me in their embrace and shower me with kisses. Once I’m in control I give them a very watered down history of my life up to the present. I watch their faces as they listen and I can see their tears whenever I’m telling them about my tough times.

“Well it looks like it made y’all a better man than it would have made me, BJ.” I can see my brother’s anger in his eyes. “I would have been seeking revenge,” he angrily states and he ducks when mama goes to swat him.

“If’n y’all reckon on eating then y’all best get yer behinds outside ‘for everything’s gone,” the teen that I remember being called Bubba says and I notice my father giving him a loving look.

We enjoy a fabulous meal on tables that are connected together and seems to go on forever. I eat food that I’ve never seen or had before and most of it is delicious. Papa slaughtered a hog and set it to roasting over a slow burning fire yesterday, mama told me with pride. My family is everything and more then what I thought that they would be. Slowly the day passes and I look for Marc, but he’s no where that I can see. “If y’all are looking for that handsome guy of yours come with me,” my dad says as he places his arm across my shoulder leading me away from the crowd of family. My heart swells with love for him and mama because of their acceptance of Marc and our relationship.

We go around to the back of the house and I see my handsome man with about ten of my cousins and their friends. They are paired off in teams of two and they’re pitching horseshoes. 

“That man of yours is a natural at shoes,” my dad says with a smile on his face. “He done beat my ass twice and I’m the state champ at shoes,” he adds shaking his head and smiling.

“Marc’s never played shoes before, much less heard of them,” I tell him. 

“Well son, some boys are just born naturals and that stud is definitely a natural.”

I can’t believe that my father is singing Marc’s talent and that he thinks Marc’s a stud. I give my father a sideways glance and notice that he’s adjusting himself as he watches Marc. His jeans look as if they’re starting to tent.

“No way, no fucking way is my father gay,” I’m thinking and there he goes again, adjusting his junk as he watches Marc pitch the horseshoes.

Marc looks over when he must feel my eyes watching him and he gives me that smirk. Damn I love him. Dad and I chat about insignificant things until Marc wins. Marc comes running over to me and gives me a hot kiss before asking me…

“Your cousins are all fixing to go swimming down at some pond and asked if you and I want to go. Can we angel,” he asks and I can see the excitement in his eyes.

“I don’t know if our luggage even got here yet,” I tell him.

“Y’all are in the country now son, we don’t cotton to those fancy swimsuits y’all wear up north,” dad says. “Y’all came into the world bare ass so we swim that way when it’s just us feelers ,” he says smiling.

“Fucking cool,”Marc says and then covers his mouth. “Sorry sir,” he humbly says.

“I don’t mind cussing because I use it myself occasionally but just don’t let mother catch y’all cussing because she’ll wash your mouth out with soap,” he says. “Now go on and have some fun with yer cousins.”

“Why don’t you join us Beauregard,” Marc says and one, I’m shocked that he’s called my dad by his first name and two, he’s invited him along when I think that he’s got a thing for Marc.

“No boys, y’all go have fun together and maybe I’ll see y’all later,” he says and turns back towards the house, waving as he goes.

“Marc, you just called my dad by his name,” I tell him.

“He told me to call him Beauregard when we were pitching shoes earlier. I really like your family and they seem to cotton to me,” he says and I start laughing. “What’s so funny babe,”

“Look at you starting to talk like a southern boy with your fixing and cotton to.”

“I gotta say angel, that southern accent is fucking hot and so are some of your cousins. If you and I weren’t a couple I could get myself into some real trouble with some of these boys.”

“I just bet that you could my sexy bad boy,” I kiss him and jump when my brother surprises us with his presence.

“Are y’all going swimming or are y’all just making out,” he asks and I notice that Dennis and Paul are with him.

“I was just waiting for you guys to come,” I lie and we walk off towards the woods.

As we’re walking, I notice that my brother and Dennis seem a bit chummy, whereas Paul is quiet. 

“Do you think Buford will be going swimming,” Paul asks me quietly.

“I’m not sure, why?”

“I was just wondering is all,” he says and moves off closer to Dennis.

Hmmm does Paul have a thing for Bo?” I’m thinking as I watch him repeatedly glancing back as if he’s expecting someone.

I can hear my cousin’s voices before I see them as we move through the woods. When the trees open to a clearing I see maybe fifteen naked teens running and jumping into the pond. Dennis, Paul and Marc’s eyes go wide as they drink in the vast supply of naked boys.

“Come on bro drop those city slicker duds and let’s go swimming,” JJ says as he drops his cut off shorts to the ground and steps from them.

His cock is identical to mine and Dennis’ eyes are looking lovingly at it, as is my guy’s eyes.

‘Get your eyes back in your head mister,” I tell him and JJ laughs.

“Remember the diet and menu baby doll,” he says and I cringe whenever he calls me that in public and he knows it.“I watch as Dennis and Marc strip. My guy’s body is gorgeous and his muscles have become more defined since we’ve been together. I also notice two other things. One, Paul isn’t stripping but sitting quietly by a tree looking back at the way that we came. Two, I’m noticing that my brother is taking more than a casual look at my man. In fact, his cock is hardening as he gives Marc’s body a good look.

“You are so fucking beautiful baby boy,” I say and I see him cringe at my words.

“Touché angel,” he says and I give him a kiss that goes straight to his cock.

“Ah babe, why did you have to go and do that,” he asks. “Now I got this problem that is kind of obvious.”

“Well your not the only one with a problem,” I say as JJ glances down at his own hard cock and takes off running for the water.

“Damn babe, your brother is as big as you are,” Marc points out.

“Can I ask you something Marc and I want you to promise me that you will tell me the truth. Does JJ turn you on like I turn you on? I’m curious because he’s what I would look like if I never had anything happen to my face.”

“Where’s this coming from angel? Yeah I think that your brother is hot but he’s not you. Whereas you’re both beautiful on the outside, only you are beautiful inside also. I know that he’s your brother but please don’t let me be alone with him.”

“Why Marc? Did he say or do something to you?”

“Well he came on to me when I was playing shoes today. He asked me if I wanted to take a walk in the woods with him when it was my time to sit out. He then says that he’d make it well worth my while if did and that you needn’t know.”

“I thank you for your honesty sweetheart about him and I. I plan on having a conversation with him probably this evening once everyone is gone home. Now how about letting me fix your problem?”

“It’s kind of fixed itself but I’m sure that you can get it back to its problematic state real quick.”

I pull him back into the trees to where we can’t be seen and I drop to my knees, taking his ‘problem’ into my mouth. I aggressively suck him down into my throat and I tug at his balls as l shove a finger in his ass, finding that sweet spot that will soon have him coming.

‘Yeah babe … oh fuck … I’m coming,” he shouts and floods my throat with his sweet elixir.

He aggressively fucks my mouth until he’s spent and weak in the knees. I get up and catch my dad a ways over behind a tree with Bubba and I’m assuming that they’re stroking their cock. I nod to him as we head back to the clearing and I notice that a few moments later dad and my cousin Bubba come strolling out of the woods, naked and my dad’s arm is across Bubba’s shoulder.

‘Damn, like father like son,” I’m thinking’s and I see Bo running after them wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. We all swim and rough house together until the sun starts to set and the air takes on a chill. We all walk slowly back to the house, naked, letting ourselves air dry before we stop and throw on our clothes. If there’s one thing that I learned today swimming with my cousins, it was the meaning of the southern expression kissing cousins.

“Are y’all hungry because I have all this food leftover,” mama says and of course my guy strolls over to her and gives her a hug and a kiss to her cheek.

“I’m famished mama,” he says and she smiles so proudly at me and then him.

“Y’all just sit yourself right down son and let your mama fix y’all a plate,” she warmly says and pats his cheek gently.

My eyes well up looking at the unconditional love that flows in this house. Marc’s eyes are wet also, he’s not experienced such love and he’s soaking this up like a sponge soaking up water.

“Can I have a man to man talk son with y’all after y’all are done eating,” my dad asks quietly and I nod my head.

An hour later dad and I are walking outside and find a quiet spot off a ways from the house to talk.

“What’s up dad, you look so serious,” I tell him.

“I know that you saw me and Bubba earlier today watching you and Marc having sex. I also know that you saw me coming out of the woods with Bubba and Bo,” he says and I only nod. “We’ll the truth is, I’m bisexual and I hope that it won’t affect our relationship, Beau.”

“I kind of figured that out by myself earlier at horseshoes when you kept adjusting yourself while you were watching Marc. I’m cool with you being bisexual as long as you realize that Marc is off limits.”

‘I would never do that to you son, never. I’d sooner cut my cock off then hurt you, especially now that I have you back in my life.”

“Does mama know?”

“I hope not, but there’s times that I wonder if she wonders why I haven’t bothered her for sex like I use to. She’s never been the same woman that I married ever since you were kidnapped. I swear that a part of her died that day and it never came alive again until today son.”

We are both crying now , hugging each other and I can only imagine how hard it was for him to open up and tell me this about himself.

“Dad I want to ask you something and I’d appreciate it if you were as honest with me as you were about your sexuality,” I say and he nods. “Have you and JJ been sexually involved?” He’s very quiet and he turns his face from me but I turn his face back to mine.

“Yes we have, but I tried to resist his advances until he finally wore me down. He caught me and Bubba down by the swimming hole fucking and took a video of us without us knowing it.” Now my dad’s crying hard and his shame is tangible.

I’m not only angry with my brother but I’m not sure that I can feel safe around him. I’m even worried about Dennis and Paul being around him. But one thing that I’m determined to do is have a heart to heart with my brother.

“Daddy, I love you and nothing that you just said will ever destroy that love. I will tell you this though m I am going to have a long hard talk with JJ and set his ass straight. I won’t tolerate anyone destroying my family now that I have finally gotten it back.” I tell him and without even thinking anything about it, I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him fully on the mouth.

He steps back quickly and I do also. “I’m so sorry dad, that was totally a mistake. I’m so use to kissing Marc on the mouth that I instinctively did that with you.”

“I understand son. Now before things get uncomfortable for us let’s get back inside,” he says and when we turn there’s JJ holding up his iPhone videoing us. “Oh shit, that’s not good,” he says as we watch JJ hurrying to the house.

“I’ll take care of him dad. If I have learned anything growing up in the dysfunctional family that I did, it was how to survive and take care of myself and those I love.”

Later that evening I had Dennis switch sleeping arrangements with me, which he protested until I told him why and I surprise my brother when I enter his bedroom wearing just my sweat pants.

“I thought that Dennis was sleeping in here,” he says giving me a glare.

“What, you haven’t seen me in like forever and I thought that we would bond.”

“Riiiiight, y’all want me to give y’all that video that I shot of y’all and pops kissing,” he says sarcastically.

“Why JJ, why did did you do it?”

He’s quiet and refuses to look at me even when I move to sit beside him. I place my hand on his shoulder, he shrugs it off and moves away from me.

I move closer to him and surround him with my arms and pull him tightly to me.

“Come on bro talk to me.”

“Why couldn’t y’all just stay gone?” He blurts out suddenly and I’m thinking, jealousy. “Y’all come back and now the entire world revolves around y’all. Y’all have no idea what it was like growing up in your invisible shadow. Yeah bro, I grew up listening to mama and pops talking about nothing but y’all. Every year on my birthday, mama would cry and ask daddy if they’d ever she you again. There were birthdays that I wasn’t even acknowledged as your brother much less told happy birthday. They sold off everything that they owned to search for their precious boy. This house isn’t theirs, it belongs to grandma Johnson. They even spent my college money that was set aside for me in the bank to continue to search for y’all without even asking me if I wanted to give up my college money. I learned to hate y’all as much as I hated them for how they didn’t love me.”

“I’m sorry JJ, I had no idea it was that bad for you. Tomorrow I’ll leave and tell them that I have to take Dennis and Paul to be reunited with their parents. I will find a reason to never come back, even if I have to fake my death. I’ll give them up for you, and the rest of the family so you can be happy.” I tell him and get up to leave.

“No Beau please wait,” he says grabbing me by the arm and pulling me back to sit beside him. “Y’all would give up your happiness for me? Why, when I have been so mean to you?” He asks and I see the tears in his eyes.

“Because I’d rather you would be happy then see you like this with hatred, anger and jealousy eating away at you like a cancer. I know what it is to live day to day being filled with hated and beaten just because you exist in the same air space as the man that’s suppose to be your father. I also know what it’s like to see your mother look at you and wish that you were never born and then turn around and desert you and your brothers. I even know what it’s like to have your so called father find out that your gay and look at you like you’re lower than shit on the ground. To have that same man take you out to a deserted spot outside town and beat you until he believes that you’re dead and then just for good measure he drives over your battered body when he leaves you behind. So yes I can walk away so that you never ever have to know or experience that kind of life.”

Again I get up and walk to the door and just as I’m ready to open it he runs to me and wraps his arms around me. He cries and cries and all that I can do is hold him.

“ I love you enough to walk away so that you can have the life that you want.”

“I never knew Beau, there were times that I felt your presence, but I I never knew that your life was that bad. I’m sorry bro, truly I’m sorry that y’all had to live like that when I had a mother and father that cared and accepted me when came out to them.”

He walks back to his bed and grabs his phone and brings it to me. He opens his photo and video app and brings up the video of dad and me kissing. He then hits delete and deletes the video. He also deletes the one of dad and Bubba fucking.

“I’m sorry Beau that I was so self centered when your life was a living hell.”

“You had no idea what my life was like, much less that I was even alive. But that’s then and this is now JJ. The question is, what are you looking for now?”

“Love like y’all have with Marc. I want someone to look at me the way he looks at you as if his world would end if y’all weren’t in it. Am I asking for to much, Beau?’

“No you’re not and I know a young man that’s looking for the same thing that you are. I’ve seen him today looking at you when he thought that no one was looking. He looked at you like you were his sun and moon all in one,” I tell him.

“Who, who was looking at me like that?”

“Dennis, he told Marc that you were the absolute perfect man and that he wished that you looked at him like Marc looks at me .”

“Really bro, do y’all think someone that hot and together would give me a second look?l

“Dennis is certainly hot but isn’t as together as you think. In fact he’s extremely vulnerable and I will kill whoever deliberately hurts him. We all wear masks to hide our inner turmoil and our real self. But a real man isn’t afraid to remove his mask and show his true self as well as his emotions. You wouldn’t know it but Marc was my high school’s resident bad boy with a rap sheet as long as my arm. But he and I met up one night nearly a year ago and he had a choice, to either choose his current path of bullying to hide behind or let me in and ask me for help. You can see the path that he took. By letting me into his world he was able to find an inner strength and courage to defeat his demons and come out. He was so afraid of coming out that he made the lives of the kids around him a living hell and his home life was a living hell that he saw no way out of.”

“I would have never guess that by looking at him. He’s so together and sure of himself. Holy shit bro, when he did that smirk thing today I just about came in my pants.”

“He was my first true love, because he gives me his love freely and unconditionally. That’s what a person searches for, JJ, unconditional love that sees us as we truly are and accepts us.”

“So do you think that dad could forgive me, because I’ve made him do some things that no father should ever do. I really think that he’d be happy if I was gone and you were the only one here.”

There’s a soft knock on the door and when I open it my father is standing there with tears rolling down his face.

“Papa” JJ says and rushes into our father’s arms. “I’m sorry daddy for hurting you so deeply . Can you ever forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive son, absolutely nothing because that’s what unconditional love does. I love y’all more than my own life, both of you and y’all are wrong, I would not rather have Beau instead of you. I’m very happy to have you both back together as the good Lord intended it to be. I’m so sorry son for making y’all feel so unloved all these years.”

Now the three of us are crying as we huddled together. My father talks with us for a few more minutes before he leaves for bed.

“So what do you think bro, are you ready to let someone else in?’

‘Yes Beau I am and I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done. I think it’s time that I removed my mask and let the world in.”

“I’ll send Dennis in but remember JJ, he’s vulnerable like you are so I want you both to go slow and get to know one another and that doesn’t mean sex. If you build your relationship on sex then it will fail because one or the other will always seek someone to fill that hole in their heart that only true unconditional love can fill. Build your relationship on trust and love first and your relationship will stand the test of time.

I’m smiling as I walk back to the bedroom that my folks gave Marc and I to use. When I enter the room Marc is holding a crying Dennis and I rush over to him to see what is the wrong. Dennis gives me a glaring glance before he buries his face in Marc’s chest.

“He thinks that you don’t want him near your brother,” Marc tells me.

“Come here baby boy,” I say to Dennis and he clings tighter to Marc.

“Alright then, I’ll just have to go tell JJ that you don’t want to share his room with him,” I casually say and Dennis immediately pushes away from Marc to look at me.

“Really bro, he really wants me to come back to his room,” Dennis asks excitedly.

“Dennis, JJ and I had a long and deep conversation about things that needed clearing up between us,” I say without sharing the details.

“Ah the mask talk,” he simply says and I nod.

“Like you handsome he’s very vulnerable right now. But like you, he’s looking for someone that can and will accept him for whom he is. Putting it plain and simple Dennis, he’s looking for that elusive unconditional love like you are. So how about the two of you get to know one another and see where it leads you. Remember what I told you back home about building a relationship.”

“You build the foundation with trust and love first and it will stand the tests of time.” He says as he walks over to the door.

“Just a heads up, he thinks that you’re hot and would never be interested in someone like him.”

Dennis gives me that smirk and a thumbs up before leaving the room.

“Did you teach him how to smirk like that,” I ask Marc and he gives me the smirk as his answer.

To be continued...


Posted: 10/29/2021