Summer Employment Series
The Carny
By: Backwoods Boy
(© 2021 by the author)

Edited by: Michael

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Westin pulled his four-wheeler to a stop in front of the rock quarry. The dust that billowed behind blew past, adding another layer of dirt to his sweating body. A pickup and paved roads would be preferable, but at fifteen, an ATV and ranch roads were his only choice.


Dismounting, he pulled off his helmet and placed it on the seat. As he stretched his tanned, athletic body, he noted the ATV next to his. His best friend, Trevor, was there. Two helmets suggested he'd brought his kid brother or a friend.


The water-filled quarry was the summer gathering place for the local ranch kids, a cool respite from the heat of the open country around it. On weekends, it was a boisterous, testosterone-laden scene, dominated by the older boys, and featuring loud music, beer, and marijuana. On a weekday like this, one was more likely to find a few younger kids enjoying a quieter environment.


Anxious to get out of the afternoon heat and into the water, Westin jogged down the short path to the swimming hole. The sound of giggling and laughter greeted him as he reached the wide rock ledge that bordered the pool. He recognized sixteen-year-old Trevor's adolescent voice. The female voice was most likely his girlfriend, Maria. They were out of sight, probably snogging on the more private part of the ledge around the corner.


Westin was disgusted. He could do without Maria. She was a pain in the ass, always clinging to Trevor and stroking his ego. And the fool ate it all up. Westin wished he and Trevor could spend more time together like they used to, but now it was always Maria, Maria, Maria.


Westin removed his cut-off Levi's and dove into the water to wash off the dirt. Climbing out, he noted the silence, and grinned. They'd probably heard him. He envisioned Trevor quickly pulling on his shorts and Maria putting her bikini top back on. He looked around the corner.


Naked, Maria was on her back on a beach towel. Also naked, Trevor lay between her legs, his head buried in her pussy. Whatever he was doing had put Maria into some other dimension. Moaning softly, she ran her fingers through his hair, urging him on. Westin was sure she'd have an orgasm, but suddenly she pulled Trevor off. He looked up at her.


"What's wrong, Honey Bunny?"


"I don't wanna cum that way."


He moved up and kissed her. "How do you wanna cum, Sweetie Pie?"


She kissed him back. "Like last time. You were so good, Big Boy."


Westin resisted the urge to throw up.


"Sure, Honey Bunch. Whatever you want."


Sliding his pole inside, Trevor realized he'd forgotten a condom. Oh, well, he'd just pull out.


Westin had seen enough. He slipped into the pool and swam across, observing on the way back that they were hard at it. Climbing out, he put on his shorts. Curiosity got the better of him. He took one last look around the corner. Trevor was being addressed as a deity.


"Harder!... Harder!... Yeah, like that!... Oh, Jesus!... Oh, God!... I'm gonna cum!"


Trevor was getting close too. Eager to satisfy Maria, he drove in hard again. It felt so good. He still had time to pull out. One more thrust should do it now. That felt even better. Maybe one more. It was a bridge too far. Maria's screams of ecstasy drowned out his gasp of dismay as he shot his sperm inside her.




Westin rode home lost in thought. He wished Trevor would screw him instead of Maria. They could have a lot of fun together. Trevor's thirteen-year-old brother messed around with guys. Westin knew because he'd sucked Danny's cock right where Trevor was screwing Maria.


Not paying attention, Westin nearly missed a corner, a mistake which would have put him into the irrigation ditch. He slowed down and focused on his driving.


Seeing Trevor naked always turned Westin on, and even though he wasn't straight, the sex he'd watched made him horny. Passing Trevor's parents' ranch, he pulled in and shut down the ATV. Maybe Danny was home. Maybe he'd like another blow job.


He knocked on the back door. Danny opened it with a grin, wearing only a jockstrap.


"Hey, Westy. Nice to see you. What's up?"


"I was at the swimming hole, and I thought I'd stop by." He checked Danny out. "Nice outfit. It shows off your hot body very well."


Danny laughed as he closed the door. "I'm bored, and I was getting ready to jack off."


Westin smiled. "Yeah, I know you like to do that in your jockstrap." He looked around. "Anybody else home?"




Westin put his arms around Danny and pulled him close. His hands kneaded Danny's bubble-butt and teased his pucker. "Maybe you'd like to do something else in that jockstrap."


"Like get sucked off?"


Westin grinned at him. "Yeah. That's what I had in mind."


He had something else in mind too, but it was less likely to happen.


Danny grinned back and grabbed Westin by the hand.


"That sounds hot! Come with me."


Dropping onto his bed, Danny pulled out his boner. Westin knelt between his legs.


"Toss me the K-Y that's on your nightstand."


Unbuttoning his cutoffs, Westin pulled out his boner and lubricated it. Then, as he stroked his own pole, he went down on Danny's.


Danny was horny as hell, and Westin wanted to get him off quickly. He wanted to get off too, even if he had to go home and finish it there. He slipped a couple of fingers into Danny's hole and probed inside as he worked magic with his lips and tongue.


Squirming with excitement, Danny lasted several minutes, longer than Westin expected, before blowing his load. Experienced with performing this service for his young buddy, Westin had no trouble swallowing it all.


Still stroking his pole, he leaned over Danny and kissed him again. Danny smiled up at him.


"Thanks, Westy. Did you get off too?"


"Not yet. I'll go home and jack off in the shower."


"I could jack you off, if you want me to."


"Maybe I could get off by rubbing my cock in your ass crack."


"Okay, if you want to."


"Roll over and get up on your knees. A little lower. Yeah, like that."


Westin moved close behind Danny and slid the bottom of his pole between the boy's ass cheeks. It felt as good as Westin had expected. Pulling back, he slid the top down between Danny's legs. That was good too. He alternated between the two. Danny was getting bored.


"Are you gonna cum pretty soon?"


"Yeah, pretty soon."


Westin changed his pattern. Each time he passed Danny's pucker, he pressed gently against it. Already loosened by his fingers, the hole grew larger with each pass. He pressed harder and the hole grew more rapidly. After a few more tries, he stopped and leaned forward. The tip of his pole slipped inside. Danny gasped with surprise.


"What are you doing?"


"Fuckin' you."


Since silence implied consent, Westin slowly slid his pole all the way in. It felt so good - so much better than jacking off.


Slowly, Westin began to move inside the younger boy. Danny leaned down on his forearms. Clutching at the bedding, he moaned with pleasure.


"Oh, fuck, Westy. That's awesome."


It felt pretty awesome to Westin too. In fact, he'd never felt anything like it.


As his moans grew louder, Danny gripped the bedding more tightly and pushed back against the older boy's thrusts. Westin smiled. Danny liked it as much as he did.


Westin's sexual excitement grew rapidly. He was past the point of no return before he realized it. With a gasp of surprise, he blew his load. Slowly, he pulled out of his young buddy.


"That was amazing, Danny!"


Danny rolled over on his back and grinned up at the older boy.


"I thought so too. Can you do it again?"


"Give me about twenty minutes or so, and I'll be happy to."




Decker stepped out of the aging travel trailer that he shared with his brother, Woody, and stretched. His well-developed muscles spoke of long hours putting up and taking down carnival rides. Adding his dark good looks to his muscular form, and topping it off with a self-confident air, he was a genuine stud. The well-worn jeans and grease-stained muscle shirt he wore only served to emphasize the perfection of the body underneath.


He looked up at the sky. It was going to be a beautiful day, perfect for attracting lots of folks to the county fair. The carnival ran on a tight budget. They could use all the income they could get.


At sixteen, Decker was too young to legally do some of the tasks he performed. However, the carnival boss needed a couple more strong bodies, so when he hired Decker's eighteen-year-old brother, he took one look at Decker and offered him a job as well.


The job didn't pay well, but there were benefits. There was action to be found around the fairgrounds. It hadn't taken Decker long to pick out the likely candidates - the young teens who hung around the rides. Within a couple of weeks, he'd been getting laid at every stop. Finding a good fuck had become a game and an adventure. He'd struck out for two days in a row. Maybe today would be his lucky day.


Decker looked at the assignment sheet and smiled. He'd be working the loop-o-plane, a good attractant for teenage boys. The downside was that he might have to clean up a little barf, but it was all in a day's work. He'd be with his brother who would turn him loose about eight. That would allow time for fun and games before the fair shut down for the night.


Woody walked up behind him. "What are we working?"




"Let's go start it up."




Westin hopped onto the four-wheeler behind Trevor.


"Let's go."


Trevor started the engine and headed for the fairgrounds. It was the third day of the four-day county fair. They'd skipped the first two, devoted to exhibit judging, as too boring. There was a livelier atmosphere on Friday and Saturday nights which they preferred.


Parking at the edge of the fairgrounds, the two boys spent the first hour roaming around, checking out the exhibits, and consuming junk food. Dusk was approaching as they wandered over to the rides. Trevor looked at the prices.


"This is getting more expensive every year. Now you gotta buy a wristband. It's too much."


"Let's look around and see what they have."


They ended up by the loop-o-plane. Westin stared at the young teen operating the ride. In his faded Levi's and tight muscle shirt, he was hot. Trevor noticed his buddy's interest and punched him in the arm.


"Don't stare. It isn't polite. Besides, people will think you're gay."


Westin turned red, more out of irritation than embarrassment.


"So what if I am? People gotta be what they are, not what others want them to be."


Trevor looked over quickly. "Sorry. I didn't mean any offense."


"Don't worry about it. I just think people oughta be themselves."


The attendant turned and smiled at them.


"If you want a ride, I'm allowed to give a few free ones."


Westin smiled back. "Thanks, we'll take you up on that."


The boys climbed into the ride. Neither had been on a loop-o-plane for years, and both enjoyed every minute of it. By the time they finished, they were laughing and in a mood to have fun. The attendant was smiling.


"Did you have a good time?"


Trevor replied. "It was way cool! Thanks so much!"


"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm Decker. And this is my brother, Woody, who got me this job."


"I'm Trevor, and this is my friend Westy."


Woody paused from his tasks to give them fist bumps. Decker continued.


"I just got off duty. This may sound silly, but when I finish my shift, I like to play on the bumper cars to unwind. Do you guys wanna join me? They'll let us all in for free."


Trevor and Westin looked at each other, and Westin replied. "Why not?"


The bumper cars were fun. Decker kept them laughing, and the attendant gave them extra time as a courtesy to a fellow carny. When they left, the three were buddies. They walked away with Decker in the middle, his hands on their shoulders, all of them talking animatedly.


Finding an empty bench near the edge of the fair, Decker suggested they sit down. Trevor and Westin listened with amusement as Decker described his experiences as a carny. It was surprising what some people would do at a county fair.


Westin stood up. "I gotta take a leak. I'll be back in five minutes."




There was a line for the porta-potty, so it was more like fifteen minutes. Westin wished he'd gone behind a tree instead. When he returned to the bench, Trevor and Decker were gone. He looked around in the growing darkness, and then spotted them disappearing into the nearby woods. Puzzled, he followed.


When Westin reached the woods, Trevor and Decker were nowhere to be seen. He stood in the shadows for a few minutes, thinking perhaps they'd gone further to relieve themselves and would be right back. When they didn't return, he continued slowly along the path.


He almost missed them, and when he saw them, his jaw dropped. In a secluded opening at the end of a short side path, the two naked boys stood facing each other. Trevor's hands roamed over Decker's muscular back, while Decker grasped Trevor's ass cheeks and toyed with his pucker. Decker looked boldly into Trevor's eyes.


"You know what I'm gonna do, don't you?"


"Yeah, you're gonna fuck me."


"Have you been fucked before?"


"Yeah, a couple of times."


Westin couldn't believe his ears. If Trevor had experienced gay sex, it was news to him.


Decker spread their clothing out as a makeshift blanket.


"Lie down on your back."


Trevor did as he'd been told. Having lubricated himself, Decker dropped to his knees between Trevor's legs. The local boy raised his knees and spread his legs apart as Decker moved in and guided his pole to its target. Trevor moaned plaintively as the carny penetrated him and slowly pushed all the way in. Leaning over, Decker rested on his forearms.






Slowly at first, and then with increasing speed, Decker thrust his pole deep into Trevor. Looking up at the sky, Trevor appeared to be enduring rather than enjoying the experience.


The pounding continued for several minutes. Occasionally Decker would stop to readjust his position. Once, his pole slipped out, and he expertly reentered without using his hands. Then he began to drive in harder, twisting his head from side to side.


"Fuckin' A!"


"Are you gonna cum now?"


"Fuck, yeah!"


Crying out with excitement, Decker slammed his pole in balls-deep. Three more times he drove in hard, flooding Trevor with his sperm. Exhausted, he dropped on top of his playmate, then pulled out and sat back on his heels.


"That was so fuckin' hot. Wanna do it again in a while?"


Trevor leaned up on his elbows and smiled weakly.


"Yeah, if you want to."


Not wishing to be detected, Westin quietly slipped away.




Sitting on the bench, Westin thought about what he'd seen. It seemed Trevor was telling the truth about being experienced. But with whom? His brother Danny? Westin dismissed that immediately. He knew them both too well, and you didn't do that in a small community and get away with it.


But why do it with Decker? The answer came immediately. Decker would be gone in two days. Having casual sex with Decker could easily be kept secret.


Then he figured out the rest. Trevor had returned from wrestling camp the summer before strangely subdued. It hadn't lasted long, but Westin noticed. That was probably Trevor's first time, another situation where he could keep it secret.


So was Trevor a closet gay? Given his lack of enthusiasm, perhaps he had some other compulsion or need that Westin didn't understand.


Westin stood up. Right now, the best thing would be to sit on Trevor's four-wheeler until he showed up. He headed in that direction.




"So, where did you and Decker disappear to? When I came back, you were gone. I waited here knowing you'd show up eventually."


Out of breath from running, Trevor paused before replying.


"Sorry about that. Decker took me around and showed me how the carnival works. It's complicated. I didn't realize how late it was until they started closing up."


Westin stood up. "No problem. I sat here and watched people. That's always entertaining."


Trevor breathed a sigh of relief. "I wouldn't wanna do anything to screw up our friendship."


"Don't worry. You haven't."


Trevor climbed on the ATV and started it. Westin got behind him and they headed towards home. When they arrived at Westin's place, Trevor turned off the engine.


"The carnival workers are having a party tomorrow night. Decker invited us to join him."


"Okay, thanks for telling me. That'd be a late night for me. I'll check with Mom."


Trevor paused briefly. "I gotta check too. I may not stay even if Mom approves it. I'm not sure it's a good idea. Maybe both of us oughta drive in."


"Sure. That makes sense. Stop by and I'll follow you. See you tomorrow."




Decker smiled as he crawled into bed. Trevor was good fuck, but his goal was to screw Westy. He was sure the boy was a virgin, and a hot blond virgin besides. It was Westy who showed interest in him. If he could get the boy alone, seducing him would be child's play.




The sun was still below the horizon when Westin awoke. Lying on top of his bed with his hands behind his head, he considered the previous day. It had been an intense one, full of surprises about himself as well as others.


He'd have to be careful not to reveal Trevor's secrets, or even let on he knew. Trevor seemed dependent on his heterosexual image. Whatever was motivating him, he'd have to work it out himself. Westin could support but not lead him.


Then there was Decker, the hot carny hunk. Westin had long hoped Trevor would take his virginity. He wasn't going to wait any longer. He wanted Decker to do it. He thought for a few minutes. He had a plan to make that happen.


The conversation with Trevor about the party bothered him. The delivery seemed strained, as though Trevor was sharing the information reluctantly and didn't want him to go. Was he trying to keep Decker to himself? Or was he afraid Decker might reveal what they'd done? If Westin could get permission to stay late, he'd go. Trevor would have to make his own decision.


He'd screwed Danny twice yesterday and, at the younger boy's request, wore the jockstrap the second time. Afterwards, Danny gave him the jockstrap, in exchange for Westin's cutoffs, as a memento of their mutual first time. Westin smiled as his gaze drifted downward. He was still wearing Danny's jockstrap, and its gentle pressure against his body was a constant boner-inducing reminder of its significance.


A four-wheeler pulling into the driveway interrupted Westin's reverie. Muted footsteps sounded in the basement hallway. His bedroom door quietly opened and closed. Silence followed, broken only by the sound of soft breathing. As Westin leaned up on his elbows to look, a broad smile grew on his face.


With a forefinger raised to his lips, Danny stood in the semi-darkness wearing nothing but Westin's cutoffs and a grin. By the time he playfully pounced on Westin, the cutoffs were gone. His grin remained through several minutes of play-wrestling and stifled laughter, and he was still wearing it when Westin silently skewered him and filled him with sperm.




"Hi, sleepyhead. Did you have fun at the fair?"

Westin smiled happily as he grabbed some orange juice, cold cereal, and milk.


"Yeah, we did. We spent some time with one of the carnival workers, a year older than me. He's a really nice guy. I like him a lot. I hope I can get to know him better when Trevor and I go back tonight. And while I think about it, the carnival workers are having a party after closing tonight. Decker invited us to join him."


His mother frowned. "How does it happen that a boy that young is working for a carnival?"


"His brother works for them, and he got Decker the job."


"Decker is an unusual name."


"I think it's a cool name for a very cool guy, so I looked it up online. It's an old English name. Westin isn't very common either. Maybe his mom wanted an unusual name for her boy, like you did."


There was a long silence while his mother looked out the window, reflecting.


"When I was a girl, there was a lot of prejudice against carnival workers. And gypsies. They were all grouped together as untrustworthy and dangerous. I never knew any carnies, but I did get to know the gypsies. Dad let them camp in a corner of our ranch. They were great people when you got to know them, which I did, without my mother's knowledge. She was sure they were going to steal me."


She paused again to consider what she wanted to say, and then took Westin's hand.


"I had a lot of fun at the gypsy camps, and I learned a lot - things that would have horrified my mother had she known. But I profited from the experience." She smiled at Westin and squeezed his hand. "Have fun with Decker. There's no curfew tonight."


Westin squeezed back. "Thanks, Mom."


She had more to say. "If you want to bring him home, you can do that too. Try not to wake me up if I'm sleeping."


Westin did his best not to look surprised. There were no limitations on having his friends stay overnight, but suggesting he come home with a boy she'd never met was new.


"Okay, I'll do that if it works out. Thanks again, Mom. I appreciate it."




Trevor turned off the ranch road into Westin's back yard and shut down his ATV. He watched as Westin gave his mother a goodbye kiss at the back door. As Westin walked towards his four-wheeler, Trevor took off his helmet, an amused look on his face.


"You're going to the fair dressed like that? I know you don't like to wear a shirt, but cut-off Levi's with the top button missing and nothing else? Are you trying to get laid? My mom would have a shit fit if I left the house looking like that."


Westin paused by his ATV and took a deep breath. "Please note, the cutoffs are clean. And so what if I'm trying to get laid? You're always telling me I'm overdue."


"But what you're wearing looks gay."


"And what's wrong with that? If you wanna pretend you don't know me, fine. But, like it or not, this is what I'm gonna wear. And for the record, Mom checked me out, said I looked great, and told me to have a good time."


It was hard to make Westin angry, but Trevor knew from experience he'd pushed too many buttons at once. He backed off quickly.


"I'm sorry, buddy. I was just giving you some friendly shit."


Westin climbed on his four-wheeler. "Let's drop it and go to the fair."


Westin was wearing one more item he hadn't mentioned to Trevor. His butt plug, designed to stimulate his prostate, was a hand-me-down from his friend, Ryder, who had moved on to the vibrating version.


The plug did its job well, making him feel like he was constantly halfway to a climax, and when he masturbated, his orgasms were much stronger. Riding the four-wheeler increased the stimulation. He wondered if he'd cream his shorts on the way. It had happened before.


The fair was even more fun than the night before. They bought the ride wristbands this time, and then joined up with a group of friends, all of whom gave Westin shit for what he was wearing. Westin simply smiled and gave them a friendly finger.


As the evening progressed and the rides lost their appeal, the group split up. Westin set out alone, enjoying the stimulation his butt plug gave him as he walked. He got a lot of glances from other fairgoers, ranging from interest to jealousy to derision. Soon, he could look at people approaching and guess by their age, gender, and attire what their reaction would be.


As eight o'clock approached, he went to look for Decker, and located him operating the merry-go-round with Woody. He waved at Woody and gave Decker a fist bump.


"Hey, Decker. What's up?"


Decker quickly checked him out.


"My dick's up. You look hotter than hell. I'd say you wanna get fucked."


Westin gave him a bold grin. "I'd say you're right. Do you wanna provide that service?"


Decker laughed. "I like your style and your attitude. Yeah, I'd fuck you in a heartbeat." He paused, and then continued. "We're gonna shut down in fifteen minutes. The party starts when everything is locked up for the night. We can hang out until then. Are you staying?"


"Yeah, I'm staying. I don't know about Trevor yet. I gotta check with him before the fair closes."


While he waited, Westin checked himself out in the merry-go-round mirrors. Now that he'd walked around for a while, his shorts had dropped a half-inch or so. That he was freeballing was crystal clear, and that his hair color was natural was confirmed by a wisp of blond pubes where the missing button should be.


He eased his shorts down a half-inch further. That was even better, without being too obvious. Flexing his muscles, he smiled at the smooth hard body reflected in the mirrors. He was a stud, and Decker was right - he looked like he wanted to get fucked.


Standing behind him, a Hispanic boy a couple of years older watched with a smile. A wave of embarrassment passed over Westin and was gone as fast as it came. Why shouldn't he check himself out in the mirror? Turning around, he smiled at the boy.


"Like what you see?"


The boy smiled back as he checked Westin out.


"Sí, amigo. muy guapo!" He held out his hand. "Soy Mateo."


Westin's high-school Spanish was being put to the test. So far, he was equal to the task


"Soy Westy."


Mateo moved closer and spoke quietly. "Quieres una mamada, Westy?"


Thanks to last year's foreign exchange student, Westy knew he was being offered a blow job.


"Sí amigo. Dónde quieres hacerlo?"




Obviously familiar with the fairgrounds, Mateo led Westin into the darkness behind the horse barn. Turning around he pulled Westin closer, running his hands over the boy's chest.


"Estás muy guapo, amigo."


Westin put his hand under Mateo's shirt and caressed the six-pack he found there.


"Tú también, amigo."


Mateo's hands moved to the front of Westin's cutoffs. Quickly unfastening the remaining buttons he dropped to his knees and pulled out the pole he found. He looked at it lovingly for a few seconds before going down on it.


Westin gasped with surprise. So this was what it felt like when he gave Danny a blow job. He put an encouraging hand on Mateo's head.


Reaching between Westin's legs, Mateo discovered the t-handle connected to the butt plug. Twisting and pulling, he added prostate stimulation to what he was already doing. Growing weak in the knees, Westin shifted his hands to Mateo's shoulders.


Clearly experienced, Mateo knew how to get the job done quickly. In less than a minute, Westin was at the edge. As he began to cum, his muscles contracted around the plug, increasing the stimulation Mateo was providing. His knees buckled under him, and he quickly leaned against the wall behind him. Moaning with excitement, he blasted his sperm down Mateo's throat.


Mateo stood up and smiled at him. "Muy agradable, amigo. Quiero follarte. Quizás mas tarde?"


Westin paused briefly - his Spanish knowledge was being stretched. Then he smiled. Mateo wanted to fuck him, maybe later.


"Si. Quizás mas tarde."


Before Westin could say anything more, Mateo disappeared into the darkness.


Westin fastened his shorts. It all happened so quickly, it seemed like a dream, but the jizz that still leaked out and ran down his leg made it real. It was fun talking with the guy in his own language, and surprising how much could be exchanged with only a few words.


Returning to the merry-go-round, Westin found a bench and sat down, watching Decker work while he waited for Trevor. Decker was worth watching, no matter what he was doing.


Westin got to his feet as Trevor approached. His friend stood quietly beside him for a moment, looking into the distance.


"I'm going home. How about you?"


"I'm gonna stay."


Trevor was silent for a moment. "Decker's gonna fuck you, Westy."


Westin looked directly at his friend. "I know. I want him to."


Trevor squeezed Westin's shoulder briefly, looking at his friend as if seeing him in a new light.


"Have fun with Decker."


"That's exactly what Mom said."


A quick smile crossed Trevor's face.


"Moms and best friends know."


When Decker and Woody finished shutting down the merry-go-round, they sat down beside Westin. Woody put his hand companionably on the younger boy's shoulder.


"Decker and I are both happy you're staying, Westy. What about Trevor?"


"He's going home."


"Then we'll party without him."




The party was being held in the group picnic area of the adjacent city park. Westin walked over with Decker and Woody. They sat at a picnic table and talked as the rest of the crew wandered over, one or two at a time. The crew was all male, and mostly under thirty. When you had them all together in one place, they created a group of hot young guys.


One table was covered with take-out food, soft drinks, and beer. Decker handed Westin a beer.


"Enjoy. We're both underage, so we can get arrested together."


Decker introduced Westin to a few of the guys, many of whom he'd seen working at the fair. When they stopped near a small group of boys talking animatedly in Spanish, Westin smiled.


"I know one of these guys." He put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Hola Mateo. Cómo estás?"


Mateo turned around with a grin. "Amigo caliente!"


Westin smiled. "Quienes son tus amigos?"


Mateo made the introductions. "Mis compañeros, Carlos y Felipe. Amigos, este es Westy, el chico del que te hablé."


Westy exchanged fist bumps with the boys. Decker was puzzled.


"How do you know Mateo?"


"He gave me a blow job while I was waiting for you."


Decker laughed. "I'm not surprised. And don't let them fool you. They all work the rides like I do. They speak perfectly good English when they want to."


"Well, I'll talk to them in Spanish. That way you don't know what we're saying."


Mateo and his friends grinned at the exchange. Westin returned his attention to Mateo.


"Quizás podamos follar más tarde."


The three boys laughed, and Mateo replied.


"Ciertamente, amigo caliente. Hasta luego."


"Hasta luego, amigo."


Westin and Decker grabbed some salad and a couple slices of pizza each, and sat down opposite each other at an empty table. They ate for a minute or two before Decker spoke.


"Don't get me wrong, but I'm glad Trevor went home. He's a fun guy, but I wanna spend time alone with you."


Westin looked up from his food. "I want the same thing. Am I being selfish?"


Decker smiled. "No. Trevor had his turn yesterday."


They ate in companionable silence. When they were finished, Decker looked up at Westin.


"Are you serious about wanting to get fucked?"


"Yeah, I am."


"Tell me about your sexual experience."


"I've given Trevor's younger brother, Danny, a few blow jobs, and then yesterday I fucked him. That was his first time, and my first time on top."


"And you want me to fuck you?"


"Yeah, I do."


"Okay, I'll be right back."


Decker went to his trailer. Returning with a blanket, a container of lube, and a hand towel, he found Westin standing by the picnic table, his cutoffs tossed onto the bench. Hands behind his head, Westin was stretching his upper body - loosening his muscles and relaxing. Decker checked him out.


"Getting ready? You're even hotter naked."


Westin smiled. "Thanks."


"Grab your shorts and come with me."


Westin followed Decker to a grassy alcove in the woods, only a short distance from the picnic area, and watched as he spread out the blanket on the grass.


"We're gonna do it this close to the party?"


Decker grinned. "I'm the entertainment committee, and you're the entertainment."


Westin didn't mind being the entertainment - in fact he liked the idea. But the plug had to come out before the entertainment started. He decided to be straightforward about it.


"I'm wearing a butt plug that I gotta take out before we start."


Decker didn't bat an eye. "Leave it in. I'll pull it out when I'm ready to fuck you."




Naked, Westin lay on his back on the blanket. Equally naked, Decker knelt between his legs. The crew gathered around the blanket, ready for the fun to begin. Decker grinned down at his playmate.


"Nervous about getting fucked for the first time?"




"Does the audience bother you?"


Westin grinned. "No. I kind of like that part."


Decker reached down and slowly pulled out the butt plug. Westin moaned softly. Like everything else sexual, it felt better when someone else did it.


Decker turned to the onlookers. "By the way, guys, this is Westy's first time."


Woody responded. "Yeah! Decker's got himself a cherry-boy."


The spectators cheered loudly.


Decker kissed Westin on his neck, and then moved down a little, kissing and licking his chest. Westin gasped as Decker bit a nipple.


"You okay?"




Decker moved on down, kissing Westin's abs and faint blond treasure trail on the way. Reaching the boy's boner, he ran his tongue up the length of it. Westin squirmed with pleasure. The spectators moved closer, talking among themselves.


"Decker found a hot one this time."


"No shit. I'll fuck him too, if he'll let me."


Westin sucked in his breath as Decker went down on him. His hand moved to rest on Decker's head in subtle encouragement. It felt every bit as good as when Mateo did it an hour or so earlier.


Raising himself up on his knees, Decker ran a finger along Westin's ass crack, stopping to tease his pucker. Westin squirmed with excitement. Pulling off, Decker grinned at him.


"Still okay?"




Decker reached into his jeans pocket for lubricant and greased his pole. It was time to move to the next step. Pushing Westin's legs up, Decker went to work with his tongue, licking at Westin's pucker. The spectators moved closer, watching eagerly.


"Yeah, Decker! Eat that ass!"


"Make him beg for more."


Westin groaned with pleasure.


"Oh, fuck, that feels so good!"


Decker pressed his tongue in further, teasing the edges of Westin's opening pucker. Then he slipped in two fingers and gently twisted them. Westin pushed against his fingers. Decker chuckled.


"Like that?"


"Oh, yeah!"


Decker leaned back and looked at the result of his efforts. The gateway to paradise was open. Moving up, he pulled Westin's body in close and pressed his pole against the entrance he'd exposed. Westin gasped as the head slipped in.


Resting on his hands, Decker slowly but steadily pushed his pole into the younger boy. Crying out with excitement and pain, Westin pressed his shoulders to the ground, then curled forward, desperately trying to accommodate the inflexible boy-meat invading his body. Relentlessly, Decker pushed on, stopping only when he was balls-deep inside the boy.


The onlookers cheered.


"Good job, Decker!"


"He's yours, Decker! Fuck him good!"


Now flat on his back, Westin looked up, breathing hard. Decker grinned down at him.


"That was the hard part. Are you okay?"


"Yeah, I'm okay."


"You're sure?"


"I'm sure."


As Decker began to move within the boy, the spectators went wild.


"Yeah, Decker. That's the way."


"Fuck the shit out of him, Decker."


The chant started with one of the spectators and spread.


"Westy... Westy... Westy... Westy..."


Encouraged by the cheers, Westin began to relax, enjoying the attention. And now that Decker was inside, it didn't hurt any more. Being joined with the carny this way was a special intimacy, and the powerful thrusts were exhilarating. Noticing Westin's responses, Decker smiled.


"Like it?"


"Yeah, I do."


"I'm gonna spend a while at this."


"I've got all night."


As Decker methodically thrust into him, Westin's sexual excitement began to grow. As with the plug, it seemed he was going to cum but would never quite get there. Then, suddenly, he was over the edge.


"Fuck! I'm gonna blow!"


Expelled by his body, jizz splashed onto his chest and abs. He smiled as he wiped it up with his hand and licked it off his fingers.


The guys applauded and started the chant again.


"Westy... Westy... Westy... Westy..."


Westin grinned. "That was cool!"


"I'm glad that happened for you. It doesn't always work that way."


Decker was nearing the finish line. He thrust in harder and faster, pushing himself to the edge. For a brief moment, time stood still. Then it was over. With a groan of pleasure, Decker released his sperm deep inside the boy.


The spectators whistled and cheered.


"Nice work, Decker! Another cherry busted!"


"Good job, Westy!"


Decker pulled out and gave Westin a kiss. Then he sat back on his heels between the boy's legs.


"That was great, Westy. Thanks."


Westin looked up at him. "Thanks for breaking me in, buddy."


"My pleasure."


The guys helped them both up, accompanied by handshakes, fist bumps, back rubs, and a little friendly groping. Westin wiped his plug on a hand towel and dropped it into a pocket in his shorts. It had served its purpose for the day.




Back at the picnic tables, Westin quickly found himself laughing and joking with the guys, unconcerned about being naked. To his surprise, he was a party animal. Most of the guys found an opportunity to put a friendly arm around his shoulders and run their hands over his body. Westin loved the attention.


The summer evening was warm, and most of the younger guys stripped off their shirts. Two beers loosened Westin up. Between the eye candy and the beer, he was horny as hell and losing his inhibitions. He wondered if Decker planned to screw him again. So did a few others.


"Are you gonna fuck him again, Decker?"


"No. I'm gonna give someone else a chance."


This was news to Westin. Surprise showed in his eyes as he looked towards Decker. Another voice called out.


"Anybody in particular."


"Yeah, it's someone he met earlier tonight in a dark alley."


The guys laughed and one of them replied.


"Must be one of us, then."


That drew more laughter.


"Yeah, it is. Mateo gave him a blow job. Westy might be willing to return the favor, but it's his call. So, what do you say, Westy?"


"I'm cool with it."


The guys cheered as Mateo came forward and quickly removed his clothing. Westin watched, becoming more and more excited. Two inches taller than Westin, Mateo was a hot Hispanic hunk. He was also two inches longer.


Mateo put a hand on his friend's shoulder and guided him to the blanket. Mateo's English, spoken with a Mexican accent, was perfect.


"On your hands and knees, amigo caliente."


Westin dropped onto the blanket. Mateo moved in behind the boy as he lubricated himself. Putting a hand on Westin's neck, Mateo pushed his head down.


"Spread your legs a little more. Yeah, like that. Okay, here goes."


Westin moaned with excitement as Mateo slowly skewered him. The spectators all cheered. As Mateo began to screw the boy with slow, steady strokes, the chant began again, synchronized with Mateo's thrusts.


"Westy... Westy... Westy... Westy..."


This was the way he'd fucked Danny. His buddy liked it, and Westin did too. The position felt more comfortable, and with his longer pole, Mateo was in further. He pushed back against Mateo's thrusts.


"Take your time, amigo. I like this."


That produced more comments.


"He's a keeper, Mateo"


"He'll make a good carny."


Mateo spent several minutes screwing Westin hard before thrusting in deep and depositing his sperm. The spectators cheered and applauded enthusiastically.


Mateo pulled out and moved to one side, allowing Westin to roll over onto his back. The boy lay there, recovering from Mateo's pounding, and at the same time wishing it had lasted longer. Still laughing among themselves, the crowd moved away. Westin leaned up on his elbows.


"That was awesome, amigo."


"For me too, amigo caliente."


Shirtless and barefoot, Mateo's two friends lingered nearby with wood in their pants and hopeful smiles on their faces. Westin smiled back as he checked them out. Mateo noted his interest.


"Creo que mis amigos quieren follarte."


Yeah, it was pretty obvious what they wanted to do. Westin lay back on the blanket and put his hands behind his head.


"Es lo que quiero también."




Midnight was approaching when Westin put on his shorts and returned to the picnic table. He snagged a piece of cold pizza. Decker handed him another beer.


"Did you have a good time with Mateo and his buddies?"


Westin grinned. "The best."


"What are the tally marks on your bicep for?"


"Cumload count. That was Mateo's idea."


Decker laughed. "It looks like a gang tattoo."


Westin chuckled. "More like a gangbang tattoo." He smiled smugly. "Yeah, they worked me over, but I got my turn inside Carlos and Felipe too."


Decker gave him a high-five. "Awesome, dude. Did you learn a lot?"


"Oh, yeah, I did. I've got a bunch of new positions to try out on Danny." He looked around. "The party's about over. I guess I oughta go home now."


"Why don't you hang out with me for a while? We can eat leftover pizza and have a few beers together." He smiled wickedly. "And I've got some handcuffs I was gonna introduce you to."


"I've got another idea. Why don't we take some leftover pizza and the handcuffs to my place? You can spend the rest of the night with me. Mom said it would be okay. I'll bring you back in the morning."


"Actually, we're not pulling out until the next morning. If you wanna put up with me until then, I can get Woody to give me the day off. I'm due for one."


Westin smiled happily. "Super!"


"Let me grab pizza and a few other things and tell Woody where I'm going. I'll be right back."




Back at the fairgrounds and his ATV, Westin handed Decker a helmet and put his on. He stashed Decker's overnight bag and the pizza in the storage compartment and then straddled the four-wheeler. Decker climbed on behind and they drove away on the ranch road.


Turning onto the access road to the house, they could see a light in the kitchen. Pulling to a stop behind the house, they dismounted and took off their helmets. Westin got their stuff out of the storage compartment and stowed away the helmets.


"It looks like Mom is still up. You can meet her tonight instead of in the morning."


The screen door slammed behind them as they entered the kitchen.




His mother emerged from the hallway wearing a robe. Westin was suddenly contrite.


"I hope I didn't wake you up, Mom. With the light on, I was sure you were still awake."


His mother laughed softly. "I thought I'd wait up for a while to see if you'd come home tonight."


Westin grinned. "Well, I'm home now. Mom, this is Decker. Decker, this is my mom."


They shook hands, and Westin's mother smiled. "I'm pleased to meet you, Decker. Call me Karen if you like, but Mom will work too. Would you like something to drink?"


Decker smiled back. "I'm pleased to meet you too. A glass of water would be great."


Westin and Decker sat down at the kitchen table. Westin's mom brought glasses of water and a plate of cookies, and then joined them. Westin took a sip of water and put the glass down.


"Decker can stay until Monday morning. Will that be okay?"


"No problem. Do you have plans for tomorrow."


Westin responded with a smile. "We have a lot to do in one day. I wanna drive around and show Decker the ranch roads, and then we gotta go to the quarry swimming hole. And there will be lots of other things to do too."


Decker smiled at his enthusiasm. "I'm looking forward to the swimming hole. Local swimming holes are always cool."


The cookies were gone. Westin's mom stood up.


"Decker, you can use the spare bedroom upstairs if you want. I know Westy would prefer it if you shared his room downstairs. It's your choice."


"I'd rather stay downstairs with Westy."


"That's what I expected. If you want to take a shower, there are extra towels in Westy's bathroom." She stood up. "I'll go to bed now that we have that settled. I'll see you boys in the morning."




Decker took a shower first. When Westin came out of the bathroom after his shower, Decker was lying on the bed naked, stroking his lubed pole.


"Nice pad you've got here, Westy. Can we fuck without bothering your mom?"


Westin dropped down beside him. "I don't think she'll hear us, and I'm beginning to think it would be no problem if she did."


Decker chuckled. "I get that impression too. But I think maybe we better not screw too much tonight. You've already had a busy day."


Westin thought for a moment. "Yeah, you're probably right. Maybe once?"


Decker rolled over on top of Westin and gave him a kiss. "Only once, and I'll be gentle."


Westin winced as Decker penetrated him.




"Yeah, but go ahead. I gotta get used to it."


Decker grinned. "Tough guy, eh?"


"Yeah, maybe. We'll see after you're finished with me."




Westy's mom was hot. Although he was definitely gay, Decker liked to screw mature women. They appreciated the services of a sixteen-year-old stud, and the risks turned him on. You never knew when their husband would show up, or if you'd get them pregnant. Not that Karen was old. Maybe thirty-five or so. He wondered if he could get into her pants. He'd give it a try.




When Westin woke up, he was alone in the bed. The shower was running, and then it stopped. In a few minutes, Decker came into the room naked, toweling his hair dry.


"Does your mom have mealtime dress standards?"


"Not that I know of." He grinned at Decker. "But shorts might be a good idea."


"Could I borrow yours - the pair you wore last night?"


Westin laughed. "Of course."


He got up and found the shorts, and handed them to Decker. "Mom saw me wearing them and didn't object. I wonder what she'll say when she sees them on you."


"She'll probably ignore them."


The shorts, slightly loose on Westin, fit Decker like a glove, displaying his package to full advantage. Westin looked at him with lust in his eyes.


"You are so fuckin' hot in those. You're gonna get a lot of attention at the quarry. That's gonna be fun to watch."


"Attention from boys or girls?"


"It's mostly a hangout for guys, both gay and straight. Sometimes a guy will bring his girlfriend, but not very often. It's a rowdy bunch."


Decker smiled. "It sounds perfect for a fun day." He changed the subject. "By the way, I don't mean to pry, but no mention has been made of your dad."


"No problem, you oughta know. My parents are separated. He lives in town with his girlfriend."


"Okay, thanks."


Westin took a shower and put on a pair of cargo shorts. As he climbed the stairs, he could hear his mother laughing. Decker stood by the kitchen table performing body-building poses. Westin stopped at the kitchen door.


"Okay, what's up?"


Karen was still laughing. "I see you loaned Decker your shorts. Or was it his idea?"


Decker replied. "It was my idea. Westy said informality is okay. Is this too informal?"


She checked him out. "That's about as informal as you can get, but it will do nicely. You look as good in them as Westy did."


Decker smiled. "Thanks."


Westin persisted. "What were you laughing about, Mom?"


"I told him he gives new meaning to eye-candy, and you saw the result."


Westin grinned. "If you've got it, flaunt it. He's definitely got it." He gave his mother a kiss. "What's for breakfast?"


She kissed him back. "Decker."


Then she started laughing again.


Westin looked back and forth between them. "You two are crazy."


His mother smiled. " I think we'll save Decker for lunch or dinner. What's really for breakfast is scrambled eggs, sausage, applesauce, and toast. Are you hungry?"


He smiled back. "Always." He turned to Decker. "Are you gonna eat or display your body?"


Decker sat down with a smug grin. "Thanks to your cutoffs and the informal dress standards your mom has, I can do both at the same time."


When they finished breakfast, Westin outlined his plans.


"I'm gonna take Decker for a ride on the ranch roads. Then we'll go to the quarry to swim. We'll be back a little after noon - maybe later - I'm not sure exactly when. Will that be okay with you?"


"That will work fine. Lunch is picnic stuff, already prepared. Don't forget to take a couple of towels and some water."


Westin gave her a kiss. "Thanks, Mom. You're the best. Can I take a bag of chips? It's Sunday, so there will be a party."


"Of course. You boys have a good time."




Decker smiled to himself. Wearing Westy's shorts was working well. Karen's good-morning kiss on his lips was lingering and suggestive, and his impromptu response to her eye-candy comment got the desired results. If she really wanted him for lunch or dinner, he'd be happy to put himself on the menu.




After a tour of the surrounding ranchland, Westin and Decker arrived mid-morning at the quarry. The parking area was full of cars, trucks and ATVs. Westin parked his four-wheeler, and the two boys removed their helmets.


"It's Sunday, so a lot of guys are here. I think you'll enjoy this crowd. It's a diverse group, but everyone gets along well." He paused. "I probably oughta mention, few of my friends know I'm gay. Danny knows, of course. Trevor and the friends we were with at the fair yesterday have guessed, I'm sure. I don't care who knows, but don't expect it to be common knowledge."


"Thanks for telling me. I'll follow your lead."


They walked down the path to the swimming hole. A few guys were swimming, but most were hanging out next to the pool. Someone had brought a set of speakers, and a smartphone was hooked up playing country music. Coolers containing a variety of beverages sat next to a community pile of snacks. Westin added the bag of chips he'd brought.


Westin introduced Decker to a group of boys he knew, and soon they were chatting amiably. One of the guys handed each of them an open beer. Neither refused.


Someone lit up a joint, and soon the air was filled with the earthy smell of burning marijuana. Decker took a toke and passed the joint to Westin.


"This is awesome. It's the best swimming hole I've ever seen. And this is a great crowd."


Westin smiled happily. "I'm glad you like it."


"Is skinny-dipping acceptable here?"


"If you've got the balls to do it, no one will bat an eye."


Decker dropped his shorts and dove into the pool. Westin followed closely behind. Decker was enthralled.


"It's even better once you're in the water. I'm surprised how warm it is."


"It's fed by an ordinary spring, but there's not much flow so it warms up in the summer."


Decker started a trend. Quickly, a half-dozen guys were swimming naked, horsing around, and having a good time. That included Danny's friends Sam and Eric, twin brothers his age. The twins were hanging around Decker with hero worship in their eyes, so Westin introduced them.


Sam and Eric had questions about what it was like to be a carny. Decker and the twins got out and sat on a rock near the pool. As Sam and Eric listened intently, and laughed at some of the stories, Decker educated them. He was fitting in well with the group.


Leaving Decker to socialize with the twins, Westin swam for a while. Pausing to look around, he saw Trevor waving at him from the shore. Grinning, he swam over and climbed out.


His grin faded when he saw the anger on Trevor's face. He paused to readjust.


"What's wrong?"


"What's wrong is you're fuckin' my brother."


"What Danny and I do is between him and me."


Trevor moved closer. "I don't see it that way. He's only a kid and doesn't need your kind of influence."


"He's thirteen, and not a kid any more than I am. I'm a fifteen-year-old friend he's experimenting with, not some adult stranger who's preying on him."


Their raised voices brought attention to their argument.


"Experimenting, my ass. You're taking advantage of him. Any more of that shit and I'll…"


Westin interrupted. "Shall we discuss what happened at the fair on Friday night? Or at wrestling camp last summer?"


The latter was a guess, but apparently an accurate one. Trevor turned as white as a sheet. Westin continued.


"I could add a little about Maria, but I guess fuckin' your girlfriend raw is okay." He took a step forward. "Now, get out of here and get your head out of your ass. And if you give Danny any trouble about this, I'll personally beat the shit out of you. Is that clear?"


Never in his life had Westin demonstrated this kind of aggressive attitude. His friends looked on with surprise on their faces. Decker watched silently.


Trevor took a swing at Westin, bloodying his nose. Hands from behind pulled both of them back.


Decker spoke up. "I'm a stranger to many of you, but I know both of these guys. I suggest a few of you escort Trevor out of the area and make sure he leaves. And I'll say one more thing. I'm gonna be here most of the day, and Trevor, if you show up here again you'll leave in an ambulance."


It was clear Decker spoke for everyone. The guys who held Trevor removed him from the area, firmly but not roughly, and watched until he rode away on his ATV.


Someone handed Westin a wet towel which he applied to his nose.


"Sorry, guys. I guess I got carried away."


A boy a couple of years older than Westin spoke up. "No, you didn't. If Trevor has a problem with you, that wasn't the way to address it, and this isn't the place to do it. You two have been friends for a long time. I guess the only thing I can say is, I'm very surprised."


Westin responded. "Thanks, Ryder. Thanks to all of you for cutting the confrontation short."


For everyone except Westin, Decker, and Ryder, the party quickly resumed. The three of them sat down on the rock Decker and the twins used earlier. Westin was coming off his adrenaline high. He checked his nose on a clean corner of the towel. The bleeding had nearly stopped.


"Sorry, guys. That whole thing caught me unprepared."


Ryder responded. "How did you know about the wrestling camp issue?"


"I didn't. It was a lucky guess based on his behavior when he got back. Why?"


"I was at that camp too." He paused to consider how much to say. "Without going into detail, the incident involved an assistant coach in his early twenties. Supposedly it was consensual, and it got swept under the rug, but your comment about adult strangers preying on boys was very close to what happened to Trevor."


Westin grimaced. "Ouch. That didn't help the situation."


Decker replied. "You had no way of knowing. But tell me, was the fair incident one I know about?"


Westin smiled weakly. "Yeah, I saw the two of you doing it. I haven't told anyone about that. And when we left the fairgrounds, Trevor lied about where he'd been. I was letting all that go for now." He turned to Ryder. "Thanks for the tip about the wrestling camp. I'll keep it to myself." He smiled wryly, "I guess the cat is out of the bag as far as my sexuality."


Ryder spoke up. "With your friends, and the rest of this group, it won't make any difference in how you're treated."


Westin walked to the pool and rinsed the towel. Laying it on a corner of the rock, he sat down again.


"From what I've seen of others in similar situations here, I know you're right." He paused. "Danny's been outed too, as I think about it. Trevor couldn't have done anything more stupid." He stood up. "I need a beer. We came here to have fun, so let's do that."




As noon approached, Decker took Ryder aside and made a proposal. Ryder agreed, and after he sent a text and made a phone call, they left in his pickup. When they returned a half hour later, Danny was with them. He ran to the pool and found Westin, who put his arms around the younger boy.


"Are you okay?"


"Yeah, I'm okay. Ryder and Decker told me what happened here. Trevor is a stupid ass. He was hiding in his bedroom when we left. I think he knows how bad he fucked up. Are you okay?"


"I'm fine. Basically, we've both been outed. I don't care. How about you?"


Danny had tears in his eyes. "I could have waited a while, but I'll live with it."


Westin put his arms around Danny again. "We'll get through it together."


Sam and Eric joined them. Sam spoke up.


"Danny, it's not as bad as you think. Your real friends won't care."


The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Ryder and Decker carrying six large pizza boxes. Ryder got up on a rock and whistled loudly.


"May I have everyone's attention? Two of our best buddies were, umm, sort of outed this morning, if you know what I mean." He waited for the laughter to subside. "So Decker and I decided the best thing to do was have a coming out party for them. Enjoy."


Everyone cheered, and one voice spoke for all of them.


"Right on! Let's hear it for Danny and Westy."


Danny and Westin, each with a slice of pizza in his hand, found themselves on the shoulders of a couple of the more muscular ranch boys. The rest of the group quickly snagged pizza, and something to drink with it.


Westin and Danny smiled at each other. Westin was glad to see the smile. Maybe Danny would become his normal happy self again. He'd never seen tears in Danny's eyes before, and it pissed him off. To do that to the most cheerful and loving person in the world was pure crap. Trevor had a lot to answer for.


Ryder got up on the rock again. "Okay, I'm gonna stick my neck out here, and I'll start by saying there's no pressure. Westy, I'll start with you. Do you mind telling us about your first time?"


Westin spoke from the shoulders of his impromptu horse. "Not a problem. Since there's two ways of looking at the first time, let me say this." He smiled broadly. "Decker busted my cherry last night at the county fair. I deliberately seduced him, and I don't regret it a bit."


That produced laughter and a round of applause. Ryder looked at Danny, who smiled at his friends.


"I think Trevor already told you."


That produced even more laughter, accompanied by a chant.


"Danny... Danny... Danny... Danny..."


Someone shouted. "Want a beer, Danny. You're a big boy now."


The group laughed again, and Danny took the offered beer.


Deposited on the ground, Danny and Westin hugged again, to more applause. One of the guys made a suggestion.


"I think Decker and Westy oughta give us a replay of Westy's first time."


As the others voiced approval, Decker looked at Westin.


"It's up to you. I'm game if you are."


Westin looked back, a thoughtful, determined expression on his face.


"Let's do it."


The guys gathered several beach towels and stacked them up. Ryder tossed Decker a packet of lube. As the group gathered in a circle, Danny, Sam, and Eric found a place in the front row. They weren't going to miss this for the world.


Decker looked at Westin. "Doggy style this time?"


In answer, Westin dropped to his knees on the towels.


Decker got into position behind Westin and smiled at the spectators.


"Tips are welcome, and will be used to cover the cost of the pizza."


That produced more laughter. Ryder put an empty pizza box nearby, and the contributions flowed in.


"Ready, buddy?"


"Yeah, and don't pull any punches."


Decker slowly slid his pole inside. Putting his hands on Westin's shoulders, he began to screw him in silence.


As opposed to the original event, the spectators watched quietly. For several minutes, the only sounds were Westin's occasional gasps and moans, accompanied by the country music which still played in the background. The only movements were Decker's methodical thrusting and Westin's occasional adjustments to make himself more comfortable.


Then Decker came. As he drove in hard and dropped his load, Westin gave a sharp cry of pain and surprise from the sudden deep thrust. As Decker slowly pulled out, Westin leaned over further and rested his forehead on the towels, recovering.


A smattering of applause grew in volume, accompanied by cheers of approval. Contrary to his first time, Westin was not viewed by the spectators as some random local kid a carny picked up to entertain them. He was a friend these boys knew well, and they knew he was making a courageous public statement about himself.


As the two stood up, several of Westin's friends came over to give him a hug. Decker stepped back and watched with a quiet smile on his face. This was Westin's moment of truth, not to be intruded upon. Ryder stepped up to Westin, gave him a hug and whispered in his ear.


"That took balls, Westy. I couldn't have done it."


As the celebration progressed, every one of the guys, straight and gay took the time to assure Westin and Danny of their support.


The beer flowed freely, and a joint was passed around again. Danny stopped with one beer and skipped the pot. Westin showed no such restraint. Around three o'clock, Decker cornered him.


"I'm getting hungry." He grinned. "Or maybe the marijuana munchies. Are you ready to go home?"


"I'm hungry too. We better go while I can still drive."




Screwing Westy was good advertisement. There'd been three offers, and he'd accepted Ryder's. Decker looked forward to spending a few hours with the hot blond cowboy. Scoring on another guy while staying with Westy would be a bonus. He'd have to check with Westy, but he was sure he'd be okay with it.




When Westin and Decker got home, they took the picnic food to the table outside. Westin posed a question.


"I gotta spend time alone with Danny this evening. Could we work something out?"


Decker smiled. "As it happens, Ryder invited me over for a couple of hours."


"Great! After that, we can spend the night together again."


As they finished, Westin's mother showed up in the car with several bags of groceries. The boys helped her carry them in. She took a close look and frowned.


"Westy, I forgot a few things I need for dinner. Would you mind riding into town and picking them up for me? I'll make you a list. I should have been more organized."


It was a common request. "No problem."


His mother made the list and set it on the counter. Westin looked at Decker.


"Do you wanna come with me?"


"Is it okay if I hang out here? I've got some texts I gotta send."


"Sure, no problem."


The two of them went downstairs. Decker got out his phone and flopped down on the bed to do his texting. Westin grabbed his wallet and departed for the store.




The footsteps on the stairs were not Westy's. The feet were bare, but the sound quieter. Decker kept on texting. Not wanting to appear overanxious, he waited until she stood in the doorway before looking up. He was not surprised to find her as naked as he was.




Westin was halfway to town when he realized he didn't have the grocery list. Muttering in disgust, he turned around. When he got back, he picked up the list and read it. He had a question.




There was no response. He checked his mother's bedroom. Her clothes were lying on her bed. She must be taking a shower.


Passing the stairway, he heard voices coming from downstairs. Maybe she was talking with Decker.


"Mom? Decker?"


There was no response. Curious, he went down to check. Pausing at his open bedroom door, his jaw dropped in shock.


Westin's mother lay on his bed, naked. Decker lay on top of her, kissing her passionately and slowly grinding his body against hers. His shorts were on the floor near his abandoned phone. Decker's glance towards the doorway, followed by a quick grin, told Westin his presence was approved.


Transfixed, Westin slowly backed up against the hallway wall, unable to take his eyes off the erotic scene unfolding before him. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined such a thing to be possible.


Decker lifted himself and braced his knees between Karen's legs. Reaching between them, he positioned his pole. She moaned softly as he slowly slid it in and began to move inside her. His hips rocked rhythmically as he slowly thrust in, and then gently pulled back.


As Karen's hands explored his back and ass cheeks, Decker unhurriedly explored deep within her. For countless minutes, their bodies moved together in a slow-motion dance of carnal pleasure, their sexual excitement growing.


The tight grip on his back told Decker her climax was approaching. Then a loud moan escaped her lips, and her hips pushed up seeking more of him. Smiling with satisfaction, he pushed in further and gave her what she was looking for. Releasing his sperm deep inside her, he surrendered himself to the climax he'd created and the adrenaline rush that came with the risks of fucking raw.




Coming off his high, Decker smiled to himself. It had been good for him. He was sure it was for her too, but he wasn't one to inquire. He'd be happy to give her more if she wanted it. He hoped he hadn't knocked her up, but if he had, it wouldn't be a first for him.




Quietly slipping out of the house, Westin started his ATV and headed for the store. As he drove, he tried without success to process what he'd seen.


When he returned, his mother was in the kitchen. He put the groceries on the counter and gave her a kiss. When he went to his room, Decker was sitting on the edge of the bed using his phone. He looked up and put it down as Westin entered.


"Close the door and sit beside me."


Westin sat beside him and looked down at the floor.


"How could you do it?"


"Quite easily, and that's what we gotta discuss."


Westin asked a simpler question. "Who seduced who?"


Decker responded with a question. "Why did you wear these shorts to the fair?"


"To seduce you."


"Did it work?"




"I did the same thing to seduce your mom. Would your plan have worked with me if I hadn't been interested?"




"Right. And not only was I interested, I used my own seduction plan at the party to make sure you didn't change your mind. It was the same with me and your mom. I seduced her with the shorts. She came down here naked and seduced me. As they say, it takes two to tango."


"Yes, but..."


"She knows you and I are fuckin', Westy. She knew you liked me an awful lot, for someone you'd just met. When you walked out the door wearing these shorts, she knew your goal was to have sex with me, but she let you go anyway."


"I suspected that. But how do you know?"


"She told me. Just now. After we had sex."


Decker paused to let that sink in.


"In the end, the decision to have sex is between the two people who want it. You and I wanted it, so we did it. Your mom and I wanted it, so we did it. Quite easily."


They were silent for a while. Decker continued.


"Now think about this. Why didn't you stop what your mom and I were doing? If she'd known you were watching, it wouldn't have happened."


Westin reflected for a moment. "I guess because it wasn't my place to interfere with you and Mom any more than it was for Trevor to interfere with Danny and me."


"That's the way I see it too. Now, are you and I okay?"


"You and I are okay. And Mom and I are okay. And we're not gonna tell her what I saw. Right?"


"Right. But you should know you can be more open with her about us. She's good with all of it. She knows about you and Danny, and she's okay with that too."


"How does she know about me and Danny?"


Decker stood up and ruffled Westin's hair.


"You'd be surprised what moms know. Let's go have dinner. Then we've both got dates."




Decker had departed with Ryder in his pickup. Westin's mother asked no questions, so no lies were told. Westin preferred not to lie. As he thought about it, the reason he didn't tell many lies was because his mother didn't ask questions that inspired them.


Danny came over on his four-wheeler soon after Decker left. They took glasses of lemonade to the picnic table and sat down, enjoying the warm summer evening. Danny was a little subdued, but otherwise back to his normal self. Westin set down his lemonade.


"How are things at home?"


"Trevor has been keeping to himself all evening. Mom and Dad know there's something going on between us. They asked a couple of questions, but neither of us will talk about it and they aren't pushing the issue. We've had fights before, and they let us work it out."


"Since I don't have a brother, I don't have advice. I hope you can work it out. You're the one who has to deal with his morning drama."


"That's a good description." Danny took a sip of lemonade. "I think you dealt with it. What you did with Decker blew me away, but it made me realize I gotta be myself too." He smiled. "So a while later, Sam and Eric and I went to their place. I was there most of the afternoon." He grinned. "And we didn't play checkers."


Westin laughed out loud. Then he looked at the smug grin on Danny's face and laughed some more.


"That's perfect. That's exactly what you needed to do. Basically, you gave your brother the finger. Besides, you need experience with other guys."


Danny sobered slightly. "The only problem was I felt like I was cheating on you."


Westin looked at him with surprise. "You shouldn't feel that way. I know I'm the only guy you've done it with before today, but you gotta try it with others."


Danny looked at him with tears in his eyes. "You're special, though."


Westin took his hands across the table and squeezed them. "You're special too. Before you got here, I was thinking about today and how special you are - and how protective I feel. When you cried about Trevor exposing us, I wanted to kill him."


Danny wiped away his tears. "What's it like to have a boyfriend?"


Westin smiled. "I can't answer that because I've never had one. But if I had one, he'd be exactly like you."


"What if he was me?"


"That'd be the best thing in the world. But are you ready for a boyfriend yet? I doubt if I am. Then we'd both feel guilty when we played around with other guys, and neither of us is finished with that yet."


Danny looked thoughtful. "Yeah, that's true. Where is Decker, by the way? I thought maybe he'd fuck me when I came over."


Westin chuckled. "You just made my point. You're out of luck tonight. Decker is visiting Ryder. With those two, it's a tossup as to who's on top."


Danny was silent for a while. "So, maybe you and I can be boyfriends someday?"


"I think that's more than a maybe."


Danny smiled softly. "Cool!" He paused. "I gotta go home early. I don't wanna press my luck." His normal grin appeared. "But I bet I could hang around for an hour or so."


Westin gave him a mischievous grin. "Wanna play checkers?"


Danny laughed out loud. "Sure!"


They went to Westin's room, where Westin spent that hour gently ensuring that the end of his young friend's day was far better than the beginning.




Sinking his shaft into Ryder gave Decker the familiar thrill of entering a new boy for the first time. He loved to screw high school athletes, especially wrestlers. Their unique, supple hardness turned him on more than the others. Ryder's body was fully living up to his expectations.




Westin was in bed waiting when Ryder brought Decker home. He turned on the lamp on the nightstand as the carny came down the stairs. Decker dropped into the desk chair.


"I had a great time with Ryder. He's a fun guy. Even with his experience, I think I taught him a few things."


Westin smiled. "It's hard to be around you and not learn a few things."


"How did it go with you and Danny?"


"We had a good talk. Danny will be okay."


Decker took off his shorts and dropped onto the bed beside Westin.


"Are you ready for more fun?"


"I'm always ready for fun with you."


Decker went to his overnight bag and pulled out the restraints.


"Do you wanna use the toys?"


"You bet! Let me hook them to the bed."


Decker dropped onto his back, and Westin straddled him while he fastened the restraints to the bed frame. Then, before Decker knew what was happening, the boy fastened the cuffs to his wrists.


"Hey, this isn't the way it's supposed to work."


With a grin, Westin reached over to the nightstand and grabbed his lube.


"What are you gonna do about it?"


"I'll make a lot of noise and your mom will come rescue me."




"I'll twist and turn and not let you in."


"You'll surrender, eventually."


Decker laughed. "You little shit."


Westin smiled. "Are you gonna let me do it?"


Decker looked up at him. "After what my friends did to you last night, you deserve it."


Westin smirked. "I'm glad you see it my way."


Leaning over, he positioned himself and drove his pole in hard. Decker yelped.




"That's mild compared to what you and your buddies did to me. And there's only one of me."


Westin began to screw Decker, and he wasn't gentle. Not used to losing control, Decker pulled desperately at his restraints, while Westin took his time getting his revenge. Fifteen minutes later, he dropped his load with a groan of pleasure. Pushing himself up, he looked down at Decker with a smug smile.


"So, what do you think?"


Decker laughed. "You did exactly what I hoped you'd do. You learned from your experiences, and added your own creativity. I loved every minute of it. Now, let me loose so I can return the favor."


"I'll do that. And I want you to be as rough as you were last night and this afternoon, if not rougher."


Decker handcuffed Westin to the bed and, over a period of two or three hours, repeatedly gave Westin exactly what he wanted. Westin would be sore, but he didn't care.




When Westin awoke, the sun was shining through the window. Decker's overnight bag was packed and sitting near the door, ready to go.


The shorts Decker had worn lay on a corner of the bed. Westin smiled as he put them on. They were now a bond between him and Decker.


Going upstairs, he found Decker sitting at the kitchen table having coffee with his mother. Decker had taken a shower and was dressed to leave. He checked Westin out.


"Those shorts look as good on you now as they did Saturday night. I'm glad to see you wearing them."


Westin smiled. "I'll be wearing them a lot more now."


He gave his mother a good morning kiss, which she returned.


"Decker needs to be at the fairgrounds right after breakfast. Do you want to take him?"


"Why don't we both take him?"


She smiled. "Good idea."




Though he'd only known Decker for a couple of days, Westin was sad to see him go. Decker was that brief excitement which punctuated a life dull by comparison. As he hugged Decker goodbye, he asked him to be sure to visit again. Decker gave him a kiss.


"I'd love to come back again, and before next year's fair if possible. I may not even be a carny by then."


As they drove home, Westin and his mother were quiet at first, both deep in thought. Then his mother had questions.


"Did you have a good time with Decker?"


Westin smiled reminiscently. "The best. Decker is fun, and I learned a lot from him, about myself and my friends. And he helped me improve my relationships with everyone."


"Would he make a good boyfriend for you?"


Westin thought for a minute. "I don't think so. He's more like my big brother."


"How about Ryder?"


"He's like my big brother too. I think Danny's gonna be my boyfriend."


Westin realized that two days earlier, they couldn't have had this conversation. He'd like to know more about his mother's thoughts on Decker too, but he'd never ask. Maybe she'd talk about it someday.


His phone pinged, and he read the message.


"Ryder wants me to hang out with him this evening and stay overnight."


"Do you want to do that?"


"Yeah, I do."


"Then do it. And have a good time."


Westin looked out the window and smiled. A whole new world was opening up for him.




Half asleep, Decker sat in the passenger seat of the pickup as Woody drove towards the next county fair. Breaking Westy in had been a lot of fun, and the kid had been a good sport about it. He'd be one sore dude for a while, but he'd get over it.


Ryder had been one hell of a fringe benefit. The bunkhouse where he stayed was perfect for unconstrained creative amusement. He wished he'd taken the restraints along.


The roll in the hay with Karen was fun too. A second round would have been nice, but time was limited. He'd shortchanged Westy as it was.


He turned his thoughts to the next town, wondering what he'd find there. He always looked forward to new conquests, but it would be a long time before he found one as much fun as Westy.


Posted: 11/12/2021