By: Backwoods Boy
(© 2020 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


In the faint light of the first-quarter moon, the kid's shaggy light blond hair and white speedo stood out sharply against his darkly-tanned body. Standing next to the swimming dock, he looked around with growing disappointment. The lifeguard must have forgotten about him.


Skyler knew the kid would show up. They always did - the kids he chose from the group that hung out around the lifeguard stand. The younger ones, he played with on his breaks. The older ones were fair game for after-hours fun. An emerging blond treasure trail, and a rock-hard woodie when the break-time play led to wrestling, had advanced the kid to fair-game status.


Skyler let the kid fret for a couple of minutes before making his presence known.


"Over here, buddy."


The kid looked around, relieved he hadn't been stood up. He jogged over to the blanket where the young lifeguard sat waiting for him.


"Hi, Eric. Ready for a swim?"


Eric smiled, happy the lifeguard remembered his name. He kicked off his beach sandals and tossed his towel down beside Skyler's on the blanket.


"Yeah, I am. Are the others here yet?"


"No, they backed out. It's just you and me."


Eric's heart beat faster, and he smiled with satisfaction. Things were working out the way he'd hoped. Now he'd have the lifeguard all to himself.


In reality, it had always been just Eric, but the mention of others helped overcome his initial shyness when Skyler invited him for a midnight swim.


Skyler stood up and removed his cargo shorts.


"Wanna swim out to the diving platform?"




Eric hesitated briefly, but his urge to emulate the lifeguard prevailed. Stripping off his speedo, he dropped it next to Skyler's shorts.


They walked across the beach to the dock. Eric, still a little insecure, lagged slightly behind. Skyler dove into the darkness of the night time water, and Eric quickly followed.


A strong swimmer for his young age, Eric's lean hard body moved smoothly through the water. Skyler paused to let him get ahead and smiled. The kid was a hot young fucker. He'd chosen his off-duty playmate well.




Climbing up the ladder to the diving platform, Eric turned and grinned.


"This is cool! I've never gone swimming at night before, other than in our pool. Not being able to see into the water is kind of spooky."


Skyler grinned back as he climbed up the ladder. "Yeah, you never know when the Clear Lake monster is gonna sneak up on you."


Eric laughed at the weak joke. "Do you do this a lot?"


"Yeah. After looking out for the swimmers during the day, I like the peace and quiet of swimming alone at night." He grinned at Eric and squeezed his shoulder. "Or with a buddy."


Eric smiled happily, pleased with the gesture of intimacy. He dove into the lake. Popping up, he climbed back onto the platform and shook the water out of his hair like a playful puppy. He grinned at Skyler.


"Wanna swim across the lake?"


"Would I let you do that during the day?"


"Nope, but I bet you will at night."


Skyler smiled. "You're right. A lot of things happen at night that don't during the day."


The moon had disappeared over the horizon. The two boys floated on their backs for part of the two hundred yards, looking up at the brilliant stars. Eric was enchanted by this new experience.


"This is cool! It feels like I'm floating in space."


"That's a perfect description."


The shoreline on the far side was obstructed by aquatic plants and driftwood. Eric stopped to tread water as they approached.


"I remember you warning me to stay away from this stuff. I suppose the danger is even greater at night."


Skyler smiled at him. "Your memory is good, and you're right about the increased danger. Good job of thinking like a lifeguard. We'll turn around here."


They floated again on the way back, pointing out constellations to each other. They swam close together now, their bodies often touching.


As they approached the diving platform, Eric playfully pushed Skyler under the water. When Skyler came up, Eric was swimming away, laughing. Skyler caught up as Eric started up the ladder, and pulled him back in. The friendly fight over who would climb up first gave them both boners.


Eric finally yielded, and Skyler climbed out and sat on the diving board. Eric followed and sat next to him, his leg gently touching Skyler's, his left foot rubbing against the top of Skyler's right, his eyes on Skyler's hard pole.


They were silent for a few moments. Skyler rested his hand on Eric's leg.


"You're a good swimmer, Eric. You'd make a great lifeguard."


Eric grinned happily. "You think so?"


"Yeah, wanna practice a little?"


His grin broadened. "Sure!"


Skyler jumped into the lake. "Okay, let's say I went under the water and didn't come up. The first thing to do is mentally note where I disappeared and then find me. Then I'll tell you what to do next."


He dropped out of sight and slipped into the airspace under the platform. Eric dove into the water. Skyler listened for a couple of minutes as Eric went under and searched for him. Then he quietly slipped out on the other side, climbed up the other ladder, and sat on the diving board watching Eric. It took Eric another minute to spot him.


"You fucker! You scared the shit out of me."


Skyler laughed. As Eric climbed up the ladder with revenge in his eyes, Skyler dove in and came up facing the platform.


"Catch me if you can."


Eric dove in and came after him. Climbing up on the dock right behind Skyler, Eric chased him across the beach and onto the grass. Skyler turned to face Eric in a wrestling stance. They circled around, grinning at each other, each looking for an opening.


Skyler moved in and scooped Eric into a fireman's carry. As Eric squealed with excitement and pounded on Skyler's back with his fists, Skyler carried him to the blanket and tossed him down on his back. Dropping across Eric, Skyler spun around quickly and sat on top of him, pinning his arms over his head. Eric tried to escape, but outweighed by thirty pounds, he wasn't going anywhere.


Eric grinned. "I like this! You're a fun guy to play with."


Skyler smiled. "So are you. Wanna take a break? I've got a joint we can smoke."






The two boys sat cross-legged on the blanket facing each other, passing the joint back and forth.


"Ever smoked pot before?"


Eric smiled. "No, and my parents would have a shit fit if they knew."


Skyler smiled back. "So would mine. But what they don't know won't hurt them."


Eric had a question. "How old do you have to be to get your lifeguard certificate? I wanna be a lifeguard, too."


"Fifteen. This is my first year. It's not a bad summer job. A little boring at times, but it's an opportunity to be helpful."


"Have you rescued anyone yet?"


"No. Part of the job is looking for problems before they happen. For example, mothers sometimes don't pay attention to young kids." Skyler grinned. "And older kids sometimes try to swim out of the designated area."


Eric grinned back. "Yeah, I remember that warning, too."


Skyler stretched out on his back. Eric stretched out beside him. Skyler passed him the joint again. Eric took a long toke and held it for several seconds. He looked up at the stars. They seemed much brighter than they had before. The gentle breeze had a sensuality he hadn't noticed earlier. He took another long toke before handing the joint back to Skyler.


Skyler stubbed out the joint and turned on his side to face Eric. Propping his head up with his left hand, he reached out with the right and ran his fingers lightly over Eric's smooth chest and stomach.


"You're developing a great athlete's body, Eric. Lots of lean muscle. And you swim very well for someone as young as you are."


Eric leaned up on both elbows to watch what the lifeguard was doing. Skyler's gentle touch felt incredibly good.


"Thanks. I play soccer and swim, but other than that, I don't exercise much."


"Well, whatever you do, it's working. You'd make a good wrestler, too. You may wanna think about that in a couple of years."


Skyler's hand drifted down to stroke Eric's growing boner. Eric leaned back with his hands behind his head, enjoying the attention and the intense feeling of pleasure.


"Do you like that?"


"Yeah, it feels awesome!"


Skyler moved his hand further down and gently ran his fingers over Eric's inner thigh. Eric spread his legs apart, and Skyler reached between them, feeling for the entrance. He found it and rubbed it gently. Eric's body twitched, and he moaned with pleasure.


Skyler smiled. "You've got a sensitive asshole, buddy. Do you like having it touched?"


"Oh, yeah! It feels good."


"It'll feel even better with my finger inside. Want me to do that?"


Eric hesitated for a moment, suddenly a little insecure about where this was going. But what could it possibly hurt to have Skyler's finger inside him?




Skyler moistened his right middle finger with saliva. With his left hand pressed against Eric's abs, he slipped his finger inside and pressed upwards, massaging Eric's prostate. Eric gasped softly and his eyes grew wide with surprise. Skyler grinned down at him.


"Like that?"


"Oh, fuck yes!"


Leaning over, Skyler went down on Eric's rigid pole. Eric gasped and squirmed with pleasure. This was more than he'd expected, but he loved it. Being stimulated inside and out this way was wild. He'd never felt anything like it. He put a hand gently on the back of Skyler's head, encouraging him to continue.


When Eric's sexual excitement was raised to a fever pitch, Skyler pulled off and removed his finger. Eric was disappointed.


"Aren't you gonna make me cum?"


Skyler smiled. "That'll happen a little later."


Skyler knelt between Eric's legs. Eric spread them further apart and raised his knees, giving Skyler the access he needed. Leaning over Eric, Skyler grinned at him and then kissed him hard on the lips. Eric's initial look of surprise was quickly replaced by a broad grin.


"Do that again."


This time Eric responded. Skyler's tongue teased his mouth open, and the kissing became serious. Eric put a hand on the back of Skyler's head, holding it close as the kisses grew more passionate.


Skyler broke off the kiss and sat back on his heels. Stroking his pole, he grinned down at Eric.


"I think you like that."


Eric grinned back. "Yeah, I do. You're more fun to play with at night."


Skyler laughed. "Yeah, you are, too. Wanna play another game?"


Eric's grin grew broader. "Sure!"


Reaching for his shorts, Skyler pulled a container of lube out of his pocket. Eric leaned up on his elbows, his grin fading.


"You're gonna fuck me, aren't you?"




"Are you gonna use a condom?"


"Did you like how my finger felt?"




"My bare boner is gonna feel even better."


Eric silently acquiesced. It was Skyler's game. He watched in silence with growing uneasiness as Skyler greased his pole.


"Are you gonna pull out before you cum?"




Eric thought for a few moments. What difference would it make? If it felt good, it wouldn't matter if there was a little sperm inside him.


"I've never done anything like this before." Then he quickly added. "That doesn't mean I don't want to. I'm just a little nervous."


Skyler smiled. The kid was hooked.


"You're gonna love it, buddy. I'm gonna make you cum like you've never cum before."


Skyler pulled Eric's body close and pressed his pole against Eric's pucker. With a gentle thrust of his hips, he was inside. Eric gasped with surprise.


"Oh, fuck! It's so big!"


Skyler leaned forward and slowly pushed further in, kissing Eric and whispering words of encouragement.


"Just relax, buddy. Relax. It'll be okay."


Eric squirmed and moaned softly.


"But it hurts!"


Skyler kissed him again. "You're doing good, buddy. We're almost there. It'll feel better once it's all the way in."


"You're sure?"


"Yeah, trust me, buddy. You're gonna love what I'm gonna do. I promise."


Then he was all the way in. He grinned down at Eric.


"Now, are you ready for some real fun?"


"Yeah, I suppose so."


Skyler slowly slid his pole in and out. The kid was a tight one. He'd be a good fuck for sure. Gradually he increased his speed. He smiled at Eric.


"Does that feel better, now?"


"Yeah, it does."


"It'll get even better."


Skyler sat back again and pulled Eric closer. With about three inches inside, he began to slide his pole in and out, slowly at first, then more rapidly. Eric clutched at the blanket, gasping for breath, his face distorted by the intense arousal he was feeling.


"Oh, fuck!"


"Like it?"


"Oh, yeah!"


As he continued to screw Eric, Skyler pulled him even closer, moving his pole further inside. He paused to keep from cumming.


"Still okay?"


"Fuck, yes! Please don't stop! I love what you're doing to me!"


As Skyler continued to rabbit-fuck him, Eric's sexual excitement increased rapidly. His breathing grew more labored, and his body writhed uncontrollably. His hands grasped the blanket tightly. Then his body stiffened.


"Oh, fuck! Oh, Jesus! I'm gonna cum!"


The night stillness was broken by Eric's howl of excitement as his spunk splashed onto his chest and face. Skyler leaned forward and drove in deep. Two more strokes and he was past the point of no return. With a grunt of primitive pleasure, he skewered Eric to the blanket and filled him with lifeguard sperm.


Skyler pulled out and sat back on his heels, a grin on his face and jizz dripping from his shrinking boner. Another virgin broken in, and It had been every bit as good as he'd expected.


Coming off of his orgasm high, the reality of what he'd allowed Skyler to do hit Eric hard.


"You came inside me!"


"Yeah, I told you I would, and I did."


Eric slowly stood up with a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. He looked at Skyler's cum leaking out of his hole and running down his leg, further evidence of what had been done to him.




"So, did you like getting off that way?"


"Yeah, I guess so."


"If you wanna stick around, there's more things we can do."


"Nah, I don't think so."


"Let me know if you wanna do it again sometime."


"Yeah, I will."


Grabbing his speedo, Eric quickly disappeared into the darkness of the night.


Skyler stood up and smiled as he stretched. Eric was a hot kid and a great fuck, but Wesley was still his favorite. Most of the kids took off like Eric, but Wesley had grinned and asked for a second load. Skyler had been happy to give it to him. He enjoyed being a lifeguard, especially the fringe benefits.


Skyler pulled on his cargo shorts and zipped them up. In a day or so, after Eric got over the shock of taking his first load, he'd come back looking for more. They always did.




Eric's eighth-grade classmate, Wesley, dropped down beside him on his blanket.


"Hey, Eric. What's up?"


Eric bumped fists with his African-American friend and grinned at him.


"Nothing much, Wes. Just chilling."


Wesley brushed a few imaginary grains of sand off of Eric's chest.


"I hear you went swimming with Skyler a couple of nights ago?"


Eric tensed up and gave Wesley a quick anxious look.


"Who told you that?"


Wesley grinned. "I overheard him telling Austin."


Austin was the older of the two lifeguards at the city park beach. He had the same athletic lifeguard body, occupational tan, and unruly sun-bleached blond hair as Skyler. Other than a difference of one year, two inches, and ten pounds, they were a closely matched pair.


Eric sighed inwardly. He hadn't expected his nighttime frolic to become public knowledge.


"Yeah, I did."


"Did you have a good time?"


"Yeah. It was great. We swam out to the diving platform and across the lake, and then came back." Eric smiled, relaxing slightly. "We smoked a joint together. It was cool."


Wesley smiled knowingly. "Anything else?"


Eric was silent. Wesley poked him in the ribs.


"Relax, buddy. I've gone swimming at night with Skyler, too. More than once. He fucked me, and I know he fucked you."


Eric grimaced. "I suppose he told Austin that, too. Pretty soon everyone will know."


Wesley laughed. "If he did, I didn't hear it. He didn't have to, though. Any kid who goes for a night swim with Skyler goes home with cum inside. Welcome to the lifeguard fucktoy club."


Eric leaned up on his elbows and looked out at the swimmers in the lake, lost in thought. He should have known he wasn't the only one. Then it sank in. Wesley was like him. He had a buddy he could confide in.


"Yeah, he fucked me. I was a little shook at first about taking a load, but once I got over it, I realized I liked it." He smiled tentatively. "I'd do it again if I had the chance."


Wesley turned onto his side facing Eric and brushed some more imaginary sand off of his chest.


"I'm going swimming with both of them tonight. Austin told me to invite you if you were interested."


Eric's boner started to rise. Maybe he'd get a chance to redeem himself for running off the last time. He grinned at Wesley.


"I'm interested."


Wesley stood up. "Cool. I gotta go home for dinner now. See you down here at ten o'clock." He grinned. "And you better be ready to take a load. Probably more than one."


Eric smiled. "I'm ready."




It was Friday night, and Eric's parents were having a party upstairs and in the pool area out back. Eric had been consigned to the basement for the evening. With the entertainment center in the family room and his computer in the bedroom, it was a restriction that was easy enough to take, and easy to escape from unnoticed.


He considered his options and sent his mom a text that he was going to Wesley's to stay overnight. The text wouldn't be noticed until after the guests left sometime in the wee hours of Saturday morning, if even then.


Carrying his blanket under his arm, he slipped out the side door and walked the four blocks to the park. He was early, and the others weren't there yet. Spreading his blanket where he'd met Skyler before, he took off his shorts and lay down on his back. A warm breeze caressed his body as he looked up at the moon and stars.


The other three soon arrived with another blanket and a cooler. Eric sat up and gave all three fist bumps. Pulling off his shorts, Austin handed Eric a beer and sat down beside him.


"Glad you could make it, Eric."


Eric popped the top on the can and took a sip. "Thanks for inviting me."


Austin grinned at him. "Seems like you recovered from your first experience."


A little embarrassed, Eric looked over at Skyler. "Yeah, I left a little suddenly, I guess."


Skyler grinned at him. "Don't worry about it, buddy. It's a normal reaction. I'd have been surprised at anything different."


They drank their beer in silence, enjoying the night and the company. Eric was tense. Austin rubbed his back.


"Relax, Eric. You're among friends. We're all gonna have a good time. Skyler says you're a good swimmer. Wanna swim out to the diving platform?"


Eric smiled. "Sure."


They stood up. Eric felt a slight buzz from the beer. Austin turned to Skyler.


"We'll be back in about ten minutes."


They swam side by side to the platform. Eric followed Austin up the ladder. Austin sat on the diving board, and motioned for Eric to sit beside him.


"I wanted to get away where the two of us could talk for a couple of minutes and get acquainted. Skyler says you're interested in being a lifeguard."


Eric was becoming more relaxed with this obviously friendly guy.


"Yeah, I think it would be a great summer job."


Austin smiled. "It is, for several reasons. I like it because it's an outdoor job and because I can help people be safe and have a good time at the beach. You can't be a real lifeguard for two years yet, but if you want, I can start teaching you some things about being a lifeguard."


Eric grinned happily. "That would be so cool!"


"Good. We've got some red shorts that say 'Lifeguard Trainee'. You can wear those and sit with us on the lifeguard stand. Would you like that?"


Eric was beside himself with excitement. "It would be awesome!"


Austin smiled at Eric's enthusiasm. "We'll start doing that when we're not too busy. Now, are you ready to go back to the beach and have some fun?"


Eric grinned broadly. "I'm ready."


Austin tousled Eric's hair. "I'm glad to hear that, because I'm gonna fuck you until you don't know which was is up and you can't remember your name. Do you promise not to run away this time?"


Eric's asshole tingled in anticipation. He grinned at Austin.


"I promise."


Austin grinned and squeezed Eric's shoulder. The grip was firm, and suggested someone who liked to be in control of things, a good attribute for a lifeguard, Eric thought. Also a good attribute for someone who was going to take control of his body. He shivered with excitement. Austin stood up.


"Okay. Let's go back."




Approaching the blankets, it was clear Skyler and Wesley hadn't wasted any time. Wesley was on his knees, leaning forward and resting on his forearms. With his hands gripping Wesley by the hips, Skyler screwed him from behind. The soft moans of pleasure suggested Wesley enjoyed it.


Eric stopped to look. He'd watched videos, but he'd never seen sex happening in real life. He was instantly hard. He felt Austin's strong grip on his shoulder again.


"Pretty hot, isn't it?"


Eric replied softly. "Yeah, it is."


"We might do that later." He gave Eric a gentle push towards the other blanket. "But to start with, I want you on your back."


Eric dropped onto his back. Austin grinned down at him.


"Are you ready for some fun?"


Eric grinned back. "I'm ready."


Austin dropped down on his knees between Eric's legs. Reaching for his lube, he prepared himself. Placing a firm hand on Eric's abs, he worked Eric's hole open with the fingers of his other hand. Leaning over he kissed Eric, and then grinned at him again.


"Okay, here we go."


Austin pushed his pole inside gently but firmly, with the same take-charge attitude he'd shown earlier. Eric liked the directness of Austin's approach to screwing, not to mention that his pole was bigger and harder than Skyler's.


As he thrust his pole repeatedly into Eric, Austin watched for reactions. He adjusted his techniques to what Eric liked without losing his firm confident approach. From time to time, he'd drive in hard. Eric would yelp with surprise and then grin at him. They were having fun.


Eric's arousal began to increase. It grew steadily over a period of several minutes as Austin screwed him harder and harder. He squirmed with pleasure and clutched at Austin's shoulders. Wrapping his legs around Austin's lower back, he tried to pull him further inside.


Every minute or so, Austin would stop and grin, now teasing Eric by holding him back. Eric was horny as hell.


"I wanna cum, Austin. Please make me cum?"


"After a while, when I think you should."


When he'd had his fun tormenting Eric, Austin grabbed him by the top of his head and pulled him in tighter, immobilizing him. Pushed forward onto his shoulders with his hips raised, Eric's prostate was being hit with every hard thrust. He squirmed and squealed with excitement as Austin pushed him towards his climax. Then, with a sharp cry of surrender, he showered himself with sperm.


Austin was there, too. His own orgasm barely finished, Eric screamed even louder as Austin drove in hard and pumped him full of lifeguard cream.


Austin pulled out and leaned back, grinning down at Eric.


"Did you like that?"


"Oh, fuck, yes!"


"Can you remember your name?"


Eric looked up with a glazed look in his eyes and a sly grin on his face.


"Nope. I don't have a fucking clue."


Austin laughed. He leaned over and gave Eric another kiss. "I think I succeeded."


Eric sat up and grinned. "I know you did."


Austin sat beside Eric and handed him a beer. "Here, buddy. You deserve this."


Skyler and Wesley were already finishing another beer. They'd been watching Austin and Eric. Wesley smiled at Austin.


"That was hot. Would you do it to me some time?"


Austin grinned. "I'd be glad to. How about now?"


Skyler spoke up. "Wes and I decided to spend the rest of the night at my place."


Austin smiled, happy with this turn of events. "Eric, when do you have to be home?"


Eric was pleased with the arrangements he'd made. "Morning. And Wes, if anybody asks, I stayed overnight with you."


Wesley smiled conspiratorially. "No problem."


By the time Eric finished his second beer, Skyler and Wesley were gone. Austin stood up.


"Eric, grab your shorts and blanket. I know a great place to spend a few hours having fun."


Austin led Eric to the end of the park and several hundred yards into the adjacent woodland. Entering a small clearing in the trees, he set down the cooler and the blanket he carried.


"Spread your blanket out there. We'll use the other one for a cover if it cools off."


Eric spread the blanket and the boys sat down on it. Austin opened two more beers and handed one to Eric.


"I'm gonna give you your first lifeguard lesson. Remember this spot. It's a good place to screw during the day if you've got a groupie who wants it bad."


Eric laughed. "So this is where you sometimes take someone on your break. I wondered."


Slightly intoxicated, Eric tossed his empty can to one side. Austin gently but firmly pushed him onto his back. Leaning over Eric, he kissed him gently.


"Ready for more fun?"


Eric grinned. "Sure!"


Illuminated by the moon, Austin knelt between Eric's legs. Leaning over, he kissed him again. As Eric moaned softly, Austin planted his pole deep inside the younger boy. He intended to repeat that many times in many positions before the sun came up.



Posted: 11/20/2020