~~~ It Is Finished ~~~
(Easter, 1957)
© 2008
There He was, hanging on that cross;
His head -- burning from the mock crown made of thorns;
His hands -- pierced and bleeding
From those terrible nails, wooden nails at that;
His feet -- crossed and pierced and bleeding
From other nails, wooden nails.
He had blessed everyone.
He had been tempted by Satan;
He could have had food; He could have had nations;
He could have had power over the angels …
But He quoted Scripture.
After thirty years of home life,
He had begun His ministry in Judah, in Samaria, and in Galilee.
He had healed the sick, given sight to the blind,
Hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb;
He had cleansed the leper, raised the lame,
Cast out spirits, even raised the dead.
He had turned water to wine at a wedding feast;
He had fed four and five thousands
With only a few loaves and fishes.
He had chosen twelve who would go after Him:
Simon Peter Cephus Barjoni, Andrew Barjoni,
James Zebedee-Boanerges, John Zebedee-Boanerges,
Philip, Bartholomew Nathanael, Thomas Didymus,
Matthew Levi Alphaeus, James Alphaeus,
Judas Lebbaeus Thaddaeus, Simon Zelotes,
Judas Iscariot.
These men were true to Him, exempting one,
Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him to death,
And another, Peter, who denied Him three times.
He had times of happiness and times of sorrow,
Times of talking, times of preaching,
Times of understanding, reasoning and explaining,
Times to perform miracles, times to tell parables.
Then one night in the Garden of Gethsemene,
After having prayed three times to His Father,
He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot
With a kiss of death and greed for money;
He healed the servant's cut ear.
He was led to Annas, then Caiaphas,
Next -- Pilot, then on to Herod, and back to Pilot.
He did not resist.
Each time He was treated worse:
He was scoffed; He was mocked; He was crowned
With a crown of thorns;
He was spat upon; He was beaten;
He was shamed in front of the people.
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
He was nailed to that tree of death;
He prayed to His Father;
He became thirsty; He was given vinegar;
He spoke to His mother and brother;
He saved a thief;
He cried to God;
He commended His soul to God;
He said,
"It is finished."
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