Cousins All
by: Will B
(© 2007 by the Author)
Advisor: E Walk

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Jason and Nicky: You have found love with each other

and now together you soar on eagle’s wings in endless space.

We miss you, we miss your love and your wit

May peace and light fill your days.


Author’s Preface: This chapter is written and sent with special love to two special friends. I usually save my comments for the end of the story, but I want to say this up front. Some of my readers have been kind enough to write and tell me that they like my stories. A few have even said that I write well, and I appreciate those e-mails. But if my readers enjoy my stories it is largely due to the help I get from two friends—call them editors, proofreaders, assistants, or what you will. They pick up inconsistencies that would create howlers if they weren’t stopped. They tell me if they think something might not be clear. Once again, my friends. Ed and Gerry: thanks again, guys.


From Chapter 7: Pete and Joe have arrived in Las Vegas and checked into their hotel. They have met two young “bell-bois,” and have realized there is a growing attraction—not sexual—between them.


Chapter 8


June 7. The last night in Vegas.


It was morning and Pete and Joe had just finished breakfast with their two young friends, who had taken the breakfast dishes back to the kitchen.


Pete made a long distance phone call.


“Hello, Matt? I’m glad I caught you at home. But shouldn’t you be at work?”


All Joe could hear was “^&^&^&^&^&&.”


“You are? That’s great. I think fixing up the second floor apartment to rent is a good idea. Listen, my ‘fellow landlord,’ Joe and I are coming home tomorrow and we are bringing two young men who are pre-med students. They are going to be staying in our basement apartment.”




“Matt, would you please see if you can get a team of professional cleaners in to wash and wax the floors and scrub the sinks in our apartment?  I know it’s short notice, but I want these guys to have a nice place to come home to. Tell the cleaners that we will double the going rate, if they get things ready in time!”




“You will? That’s great. Joe and I thank you very much. These guys are kind of special to us. Joe and I are almost . . . well, we are beginning to think of them as sons.”


“^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^.  ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*. ^*^*^****.


“Thanks again. Hugs to you and Gary. See you tomorrow evening. Bye.”


Joe went to Pete and hugged him. “Is everything going to be ready?”


Pete and Joe visited the casinos for the last time. This time they had only made $1500.00 at the tables. Once again Buddy and Mac joined them for dinner.


After polishing off a scrumptious meal of shrimp stuffed with crabmeat and baked potatoes and mixed vegetables, the four men sat over dessert of apple pie a la mode and brandy and coffee for Pete and Joe, and just coffee for Mac and Buddy.


“We thought you might like to take in a movie tonight,” Mac suggested with a grin


“What’s playing,” asked Joe?


“The Barber Pole Theatre is hosting the Gay Film Festival, and tonight they’re showing a new film called A Porn Star is Born, starring Dick Longprong and Tom Slickdick,” Buddy said.


“Surely they are just stage names—but I wonder if they were chosen for a specific reason,” wondered Pete.


“I’ll bet they were chosen for a specific reason,” said Mac.


“This is a new type of movie—or maybe I should say a new film using a very old technique,” Buddy stated. “It was shot as a silent film, with the dialogue being shown on the screen. There is an old theatre organ to provide background music.”


“Hmmmm, sounds interesting! Whadda ya say Pete? Let’s go!” said Joe.


The guys paid their bill and went out into the evening air. The Barber Pole Theatre was soon reached. Outside the theatre were two cone-topped poles, painted red and white, but instead of circular stripes, like a regular old-fashioned barber’s pole, these poles were painted red, with rivulets of white running down the sides.


“Oh my,” said Joe. “Oh MY! OH HA HA HA. That’s something.”


Inside, the theatre was decorated in the style of the movie theatre palaces of the 1920s. There were velvet draperies on the walls, elaborate gilt painting over and around the proscenium arch. The chairs on the main floor were comfortable looking, but Pete and Joe decided to take a box, one of several located on each side of the theatre.


Their box had four seats that turned out to be recliners. Beside each chair there was a table on which sat a box of chocolates—and a small bowl of condoms, and a tube of lube..


“All the comforts of home!” said Pete—except we don’t usually have a box of chocolates so close at hand.


The organ started playing The William Tell Overture, and the theatre darkened. A sign flashed on the screen: “GENTLEMEN ARE INVITED TO MAKE THMESELVES COMFORTABLE—VERY COMFORTABLE. THE MANAGEMENT WANTS OUR GUESTS TO BE RIGHT AT HOME.”


The film started and another slide was shown.






Another slide:






The camera was focused on a young stud with curly dark hair, who looked to be in his early 20s. ‘Our Hero’ was wearing only a torn tee shirt, some very short shorts, and sandals. He was carrying a small satchel. He was hitchhiking along the highway. A sign said ‘To the Big Wicked City; 25 miles.’ A truck stopped and gave our hero a ride. After a few miles the truck pulled over to the side of the road by a grove of trees. Our hero and the truck driver got out of the truck and walked casually into the grove of trees.


This scene brought some whistles and catcalls from the audience.


In the next scene,  the two men emerged from the trees and the truck driver was wiping his mouth. Both men looked very happy. They got back in the truck and drove a few more miles until they came to a mountain lake. They both got out and keeping their backs to the camera, stripped off their clothes and went skinny-dipping in the lake.


There were more catcalls and cheers from the audience. There was the sound of a number of zippers being unzipped.


Both men came out of the lake and embraced, their crotches grinding together. They  were kissing passionately and enthusiastically.


Throughout the auditorium there were groans of lust.


The camera panned toward the sky so one had to imagine what the truck driver and Our Hero were up to—or down to! Finally the camera showed both men (from the back) pulling back up their shorts and getting in the truck and driving away.


Another slide:






Our Hero walks up to a door and knocks on it. It is opened by a burly man in his 50s, with a hairy chest and hair on his arms and back. He is wearing a large towel around his waist. Our Hero pantomimes asking him for a job.





Jeers, cheers and catcalls from the audience. More groans are heard.


Hero does a suggestive striptease again keeping his back to the audience. The producer invites him over to the ‘casting couch’ and bends over the couch, dropping his towel.





The audience is cheering, whistling, and yelling encouragement to the would-be actor. In the box, Buddy and Mac are holding hands, and seated behind them. Pete and Joe are slowly ‘getting very, very comfortable’ with each other.


On screen, the Hero is humping the Producer’s ass.





All good things must come to an end. The Producer stands up and picks up the towel and puts it around his waist, He claps Our Hero on the shoulder.






The audience cheers and claps. More zippers have been unzipped, and in the box, Mac and Buddy are sitting in one chair, kissing and fondling each other’s package. Pete and Joe have pulled out their equipment, and are lightly “flicking each other’s bics.” (Readers: this is from an old advertising slogan of the 60s and 70s, but I think you get the picture.).




The camera pans across a wide room in which there are scores of naked men, most of them in some stage of arousal.


The organ is playing Handel's ‘Arrival of the Queen of Sheba.’


Our Hero comes in wearing a loincloth, and is immediately surrounded by seven guys who begin licking, kissing and sucking his body all over. We are never quite able to see below his waist, but we have seen his loincloth fly through the air. He is obviously enjoying the attention as he is mouthing moans and groans.






The scene on the floor on the auditorium echoes the scene on the film. Many men are sitting on their partner’s lap. Hands reach around waists to grasp and grope the package of the oh so willing partners. In the box, Mac has gone down on Buddy, and Pete and Joe are in a tight embrace grinding their goodies into one another’s bodies.


The groping, grinding, moaning and groaning on the screen reaches a climax as Our Hero suddenly stands up, in full glorious frontal nudity, and  . . .  shoots stream after stream of hot creamy man-milk on the bodies and onto the gaping mouths of the writhing men on the floor.





The organ is playing the orgy music from Saint Saens’ ‘Sampson and Delilah.’ Our Hero is shown bound on a Y-shaped board with hinges where the forks of the Y meet the main part of the board. His legs are strapped on to the forks of the Y, and on a given signal these forks can be raised so that Our Hero has his kegs raised and his  ass-hole is exposed to the camera. His attendants are licking his body and coating his lower waist, groin, and butt cheeks with a scented oil.


The audience is silent now, watching for the offering of Theseus to the dread Minotaur. They wonder if the Minotaur will accept the gift of Theseus’ writhing, willing body, or will he tear him limb by limb?


Theseus is borne on the backs of the crowd to the chambers of the labyrinth wherein dwells the monster. They place Theseus, already on his board, on an altar and withdraw to the balcony surrounding the chamber where they can watch. There is silence.


The Minotaur enters from an opening in the back of the chamber. He is almost seven feet tall and is completely nude, and his ten-inch penis is fully erect. He wears a mask like a bull’s head. The camera moves back and forth from Theseus, whose anal opening  has been painted red, and whose clenching and unclenching pucker can be clearly seen, to the Minotaur, whose helmet is coated with a pearly shiny precum. He moves closer and closer to Theseus who is writhing more and more suggestively, He seems to want this massive penis to invade him, to coat his internal organs with hot juicy cum. Closer and closer the Minotaur moves. The last camera shot is of the head of the Minotaur’s massive cock about to touch the ass-cheeks of Theseus.


The screen goes dark. The audience holds its breath, and then the screen shows fireworks, fireworks more intense and longer lasting than any seen on the Fourth of July.


The audience is silent for a moment, and then they clap and cheer, and clap and cheer, and clap for the intense and moving story that has unfolded before their eyes. Pete and Joe are so wrapped in each other’s arms they barely notice the credits.


The lights come up, and slowly, slowly, the members of the audience gather their clothes and belongings and prepare to leave the theatre,


Mac and Buddy leave, followed by Pete and Joe. They go out into the night air.


Do not go barefoot in the park!


When the four men came out of the theatre, the heat was almost as intense as it had been during the day. They decided to walk back to their hotel through a small park. Mac and Buddy were in the lead, so wrapped up in each other and their love for each other, they weren’t really looking where they were going. Pete and Joe were a yard or so behind them and they too were lost in thought.




Buddy and Mac stopped and stared transfixed at the path about four feet ahead of them,. There lay a coiled rattlesnake, shaking its rattles as a warning. All four men froze. They knew that snakes did not usually strike if they could escape from the danger, but nobody was willing to bet any money on what this repulsive reptile would do.




It looked as if the snake was getting ready to move closer. Would it strike?


Buddy and Mac each thought ‘If only the snake will strike me, my love might be able to get away.’


Pete and Joe thought, “How can we get these two young men, who have their whole lives ahead of them, behind us, out of harm’s way? If only. . .’


No one could do a thing. To move would probably provoke an strike. What could they do?




Suddenly, from the sky dropped a large eagle. It picked the snake up in its claws, rose into the air, flew over a lake, and bit the snake into two parts, and dropped the body into the lake. Then it soared into the night sky and vanished.


Shaken, Buddy and Mac moved towards Pete and Joe, and found they were being enveloped in two hugs.


“Oh, Da---, I mean Pete,” said Buddy, “I thought the snake would attack. I was hoping it would go for me, so Mac could get away, and  … “ Buddy broke down.


Pete said, “Buddy what did you start to call me?”


“Oh, nothing. I just was confused for a minute.”


“What did you start to call me, young man?”


“He started to call you Dad, because, I’m sorry, but that’s how we’ve come to think of you two, as our Dads,” Mac interjected. “We’re sorry if we embarrassed you, but that’s how we feel.”


“Embarrass us?” Joe said. “That is the nicest thing either of you could have said, because. . .”


“Because we have started to think of you as our sons!” Pete finished the sentence for his partner. “Are you embarrassed?”


Buddy and Mac gave both Pete and Joe a warm hug. “Looks like we really are going to be family,” Mac said.


“Thank God for that eagle,” Joe said. “I think we have seen a miracle.”


June 9: Last morning in Vegas.


The two new dads and their two new sons were at breakfast. “Their bags were packed, and they were ready to go,” as the old song said. The manager of the hotel came to their table and said. “Sirs, may I have a word before you leave?”


He turned to Mac and Buddy and said “Gentlemen in the time you have worked here you have made many of our guests happy by your kindnesses and attention to their comfort. The staff is going to miss you, because you have been friendly to everyone. As a token of our esteem and good wishes the Management and the staff would like to give you a little gift. Here is a check or $1000.00, and two Rolex watches. Godspeed in your new life.”


Pete and Joe were crying and Mac and Buddy were sobbing so loudly, they were completely unaware of anyone else until they heard the sound of clapping. Looking up, they saw the entire staff of the hotel and many of the guests standing and clapping.  They heard cries of “Good luck,” “We’ll miss you,“ and “Come back sometime.”


After that there was nothing they could do but say goodbye to the staff and the guests with hugs and handshakes, and a few more tears.


Finally, they were ready to go, and as the manager walked them to their waiting limo, he said, “You know, some of my ancestors were Native Americans and they believe that the Eagle is sent by the Great Spirit to watch over his people. I heard what happened last night and I don’t believe that eagle’s appearance was ‘just a coincidence.”’


The four agreed with him. They too thought it was a miracle.


They got into the limo and drove to the airport.


Leaving on a jet plane.


At the airport the private jet chartered by Pete and Joe looked small compared to the commercial jets that carried people across the continent, However, as the four men walked towards the metal tube that would take them back to Baltimore, it got larger and larger.


They were met at the foot of the boarding steps by two good looking men in their thirties.


“Good morning, sirs, I am Chuck. I’m your pilot, and this is Gerry, the co-pilot and  steward. He will attend to your comfort when we are airborne.”


“Welcome aboard, sirs. My name is Gerry, and I will see that you are comfortable on the trip to Baltimore.”


Pete and Joe shook hands with the crew and boarded the plane. Mac and Buddy hung back a little.


“Is this your first trip, young sirs?” Gerry asked. “Lots of first timers are nervous on their first flight. As soon as we are airborne, I will fix you a nice cup of herbal tea. That will help you relax.”


“Thank you, I’m sure we’ll be okay, but tea would be nice,” Mac smiled at the steward.  As the two boarded the plane, he said “Buddy, I think these two seem familiar, but I'm pretty sure we’ve never met!”


The fur passengers took their seats. Mac and Buddy were on opposite sides of the plane. As they were buckling their seat belts, Mac said, “Look out the window—on my side of the plane.” There perched on the plane was an eagle. He turned his head as if gazing at the passengers.”


”Wow!” Buddy said. There’s an eagle on my side of the plane too. I know birds may look sideways, but he looks as if he is looking at us. The four men looked at their eagles, and then, as if on a signal, both eagles spread their wings and flew into the Sun.


“You know,” said Mac, “It’s funny but I’m not nervous any more. If the Native Americans are right, those birds are watching over us.”


“Ummm. I think you’re right,” Buddy said, and he reached over the aisle, and gave Mac’s hand a squeeze.


The plane took off, and the young men were amazed at the scenery, but that disappeared as the plane climbed above the clouds. The herbal tea worked its magic and all four dozed off.


Suddenly, Chuck’s voice was heard on the intercom. “Fasten your seatbelts, gentlemen. We may have some turbulence.”


Some turbulence! That jet plane bucked and slewed from side to side. They had run into a terrific storm and Chuck’s knuckles were white as he gripped the controls, trying to keep the plane on an even keel.


“Are you boys okay?” Pete asked.


“Not sure. Ask me later,” came Mac’s reply.


“This is worse than the rattlesnake. I . . “ Buddy started to say.


Just then the pitching and bucking of the plane lessened considerably. Joe shouted “Look out of the window, quick!”


There, underneath the wing of the plane was the eagle. “There’s an eagle over here too,” Joe said.


The eagles were no larger than other eagles, but the action of their wings created enough of an updraft that the plane could proceed more smoothly.


The plane broke through the clouds, and was in the sunlight once more. Like well-trained fighter planes, the eagles broke away and soared into the vast depth of the sky.


Chuck’s voice came on. “You may unfasten your seatbelts. The turbulence is over, and gentlemen, I think we have seen a real miracle! Eagles don’t fly this high. There isn’t enough oxygen.”


The rest of the flight was uneventful and in a couple of hours, the plane was taxiing to a standstill at Baltimore-Washington International Airport. The four travelers deplaned and thanked Chuck and Gerry.


“Gentlemen, would you join us for dinner at the airport’s restaurant?” Pete asked. “Oh, yes, please do,” echoed Mac and Buddy.


“We would be pleased and honored. Thank you,” Chuck and Gerry said.


As the six men walked across the tarmac, Buddy and Mac were slightly ahead of the others. Chuck and Gerry had acquired a baggage rack and were pulling the four men’s luggage with them.


“Look, Buddy!” said Mac. Out of the sky spiraled two eagles. Slowly, gracefully, they circled lower and lower, and then they perched on Mac and Buddy’s shoulders. No one moved. Nobody said a word. Then each eagle slowly rubbed his beak against the young man’s shoulder, as if kissing him. Then with a slow flapping of wings, the eagles rose into the air, and soared into the west. Finally they were no more than specks in the sky. Then they vanished completely.


“Awesome,” Buddy said.


“Wonderful,” Mac said. “I wonder if we’ll ever see those beautiful birds again.”


“No,” said Chuck, “I don’t think we will. You will always remember them, but you will just have to let them go. Just be thankful to God that they were here for you for a short time, when you needed them.”


The men had dinner, exchanged phone numbers, and said their goodbyes.


The four retrieved their luggage from where they had stored it, and engaged an airport taxi.


“Come on, Joe,” said Pete. “Let’s take our sons, and let’s GO HOME.”


To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     


Authors’ comments: I hope my readers liked this chapter. It was written with love for two special people and posted with love for all who mourn.


The Aider’s comments:  This was a very special chapter.  The part with the eagles was particularly significant to a lot of people.  I guess I am going to need to buy a new dictionary because our esteemed author continues to uses words that have to look up.


Posted: 02/15/08