by: Tyler Peel

© 2007 by the author


The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent.

Chapter 43
The Team Meeting


 "It isn't going to work!" Danny protested.

"Of course it will work!" Cody said. "Derek knows what he is doing."

"If you did to me what Derek did to Tyler, I would be gone for good!" Danny said.

"Right... but it's okay for you to treat me like a slave?" Cody asked.

"I don't treat you like my slave," Danny said snarling at Cody. "Now go get me an R.C.!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Matt asked.

"Shush! They're right above us!" Danny said.

"Danny doesn't think that Derek's plan to romance Tyler back will work because of how he's been treating him," Cody said.

"Shut up slave boy! Don't be speaking on my behalf," Danny said.

"I don't think you guys are exactly on track to what is going on?" Jeff said.

"What's going on?" Kyle asked.

"It's not for me to say," Jeff said.

"Jeff!!!!!!!!!" Kyle, Casey, Matt, Chris, Jesse, Danny, and Cody all said together.

"Wot?" Jeff asked laughing.

"What's going on big brother?" Chris said.

"Ask Luke. He knows!" Jeff said grinning.

"Shut up, Jeff!" Luke said.

"He does know???" Kyle asked. "Spill it, Luke!"

"I have nothing to say on the subject beyond it will all be fine." Luke said as he rolled the die.

"Jeff?" Kyle asked.

"I was standing behind Ty on the stairs when he was talking to Luke. Derek's been trying to piss off Tyler on purpose for some reason," Jeff began.

"The problem with that is Ty already told me he knows that something is up because he said that Derek doesn't get this upset unless something has happened and nothing has happened," Cody added.

"Right!" Jeff said. "So Derek has had to go to plan B which is to win him over about whatever is going on between them with candles and romance!"

"You never do that for me?" Danny moaned.

"Whatever... I buy cinnamon buns and coffee for you all the time and you never even share them with me," Cody said crossing his arms.

"Will you two grow up?" Casey asked and everyone looked at him. Cody smiled and bent down to kiss the top of Casey's head.

"WHO WANTS CHOCOLATE????" Tyler yelled from upstairs. Everyone began running upstairs with Luke and Casey in the lead. Luke and Casey paused at the top of the stairs to look at all the candles lit up.

"Whoa!" Casey said.

"Cool!" Luke said as jumped up on the bed and sat right on Tyler's lap.

"I think there's room on the bed," Derek said and everyone piled on the bed.

"What's this song?" Jesse asked.

"It's called 'Unwritten' by Natasha Beddingfield," Derek said.

"Ahem!" Luke said covering his mouth.

"Right! Sorry Luke!" Tyler began. "Derek bought some chocolate covered cherries and four chocolate covered peanut butter truffles for Luke and Casey." Tyler said as he set the box out in the centre of the bed. Everyone reached in at once.

Derek picked up the empty box and turned it upside down and then looked at Tyler and smiled.

"Got any more?" Luke asked with his face covered in chocolate.

"Sorry, Luke," Tyler said.

"Hey Luke, how about a big piece of raspberry pie covered in melted peanut butter?" Danny asked.

"Word!" Luke said jumping off of the bed.

"Can I have one too?" Casey asked.

"You certainly can! I think we've got exactly three pieces left," Danny said.

"I'll have one then," Cody said laughing.

"Me too!" Tyler added.

"Yeah, it sounds good!" Derek added snorting.

Danny mouthed, 'fuck you all' to the three of them and laughed as he went downstairs with Casey and Luke.

Kyle hopped into Tyler's lap and Chris leaned into Matt's chest. Matt wrapped his arms around him.

"Why don't we move downstairs, guys?" Tyler suggested and Kyle got up and turned around and hugged him.

Kyle whispered in his ear, "I need some Tyler time."

"We'll be right down guys." Tyler said as everyone left the loft. Tyler plopped Kyle down on the bed and got on top of him. "What's up not-so-little-dude?"

"Are you guys breaking up?" Kyle asked.

"What makes you think that? Is it the candles, chocolates, or the giant heart up on the wall?" Tyler asked.

"Danny said that there...," Kyle began.

"Ignore what Danny says and go directly to the source if you want a straight, or gay, answer for that matter!" Tyler said winking.

"Well... are you?" Kyle asked.

"No, because we couldn't decide who got you in the divorce settlement," Tyler said grinning.

"You mean you couldn't decide who got stuck with me?" Kyle asked smirking.

"Nope, we both wanted you so we figured we might as well stay together and share you," Tyler said smiling. Tyler kissed Kyle on the lips and said, "I love you not-so-little-dude!"

"I love you too, Ty." Kyle said smiling. "Are you and Derek coming down to Baltimore for his birthday next weekend?"

"I would imagine so but I haven't talked to Mom and Dad yet as to what they have planned and we also have to factor in that we are moving into a new house," Tyler said.

"What are you getting Derek for his birthday?" Kyle asked.

"Not telling!" Tyler said grinning.

"Please?? I won't tell anyone!" Kyle begged.

Tyler whispered in his ear.

"REALLY? How fucking cool is that?" Kyle said.

"Shush! Maybe you can get something to go with my gift for him. He'll need everything since he has nothing for it," Tyler said.

"I would have to tell Mom and Dad though?" Kyle asked.

"Okay, you can tell them but Luke and Casey can't know about it!" Tyler said.

"What colour will it be?" Kyle asked.

"White or yellow!" Tyler said.

"Sweet! Oh my God that is so cool! He's going to go crazy when he finds out. Any chance of our being there when you give it to him?" Kyle asked.

"Not likely... I pick it up on Thursday or Friday so he will actually get it before Saturday but I am sure he'll bring it along to Baltimore for the weekend if we go home.

"Do Danny and Cody know about it?" Kyle asked.

"Nope. Only you because you're the one I know I can trust and I don't want Chris knowing about it either!" Tyler warned.

"My lips are sealed!" Kyle said, hugging Tyler.

"Unless Chris is naked?" Tyler asked.

"Word!" Kyle said laughing.

"Let's get downstairs? We need to get to bed early tonight because we are leaving early in the morning," Tyler said hugging Kyle.

Tyler and Kyle walked in on a conversation going on between Jeff and Jesse.

"Matching boxers with hearts on them and robes that coordinate with them," Jesse said. "How cute is that?" He asked sticking his finger down his throat.

"It's not the gift wrap, Jesse, but rather what's inside," Tyler said winking.

"Whatever Ty... no Jeff, the perfect woman is a long haired brunette with cat's eyes and a double d cup!" Jesse said, laughing.

"Don't think so! Brunette yes, but she needs to have that perfect smile -- sincere and warm, with big cock sucking lips!" Jeff said laughing and everyone else joined in.

"So what do you guys consider to be the perfect woman?" Jesse asked.

"That's easy!" Danny said from the kitchen. "Blond, gorgeous, deep blue eyes, tall, thin, in a coma, and has a twin brother!" Everyone laughed.

"Tyler?" Jeff asked.

"I actually have this thing for..." Tyler began and Derek stopped and glared at him. "What?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing! I just want to hear about your ideal fantasy woman!" Derek said grinning.

"I don't have one...," Tyler said sitting down.

"Like hell you don't! Spit it out? I want to know the type of women to keep away from you at parties," Derek said.

"Well... the truth is that if I weren't with Derek I would marry a woman who is secure in herself and not in competition with other women. She needs to be quiet as opposed to never shutting up. We both need to be able to have our own space. I would prefer if she couldn't cook but did do windows! <Group snicker> As far as physical features go, it doesn't really matter all that much but I do have a thing for blonds with braids!" Tyler said staring off into the distance.

"Sounds like you need batteries and a bicycle pump for this woman as well?" Cody said and Derek snorted.

"I wonder how Cody would look in braids," Tyler mused aloud.

"Ahhh?" Matt said, "You've got a Heidi complex! Interesting, most interesting!"

"What?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah... what?" Derek added.

"Swedish or Austrian women turn you on, huh?" Matt asked teasing Tyler.

"Know what I want in a woman!" Luke said sitting down beside Tyler with a double size piece of raspberry pie covered in melted peanut butter.


"Somebody should say 'what'?" Matt asked laughing.

"What??????" They all said together.

"That is the lamest attempt at sucking up I've ever heard!" Luke said. "And considering most of you are gay..., you're all pathetic! But more importantly, back to me!" Luke said.

"Oh geez...," Kyle sighed and Chris put his arm around him.

"You are sooooooo out of my Will for that Kyle!" Luke said.

"Like I would want the world's largest collection of empty peanut butter jars?" Kyle said.

"I was going to leave you my limited edition autographed Kraft calendar picture but you can forget it now!" Luke said as he shovelled the pie into him.

"Ooooooo I might get 12 cents on EBay for that!" Kyle said mocking Luke.

"They're already selling for over $400.00 on there now. Wonder what it would be worth signed?" Luke pondered.

"What? What are you talking about Luke?" Derek asked.

"My calendar pics are selling on EBay with all funds going to the food bank," Luke said.

"Sweet Jesus! You're just a little Donald Trump, aren't you?" Cody asked laughing.

"With better hair!" Luke said with his mouth full.

"So, Luke, tell us about the perfect woman?" Jeff asked.

"Simple! Colour of hair doesn't matter as long as it is blond and long!" Luke began and everyone laughed. "She needs to have... Kyle, cover your ears! She needs to have big fucking titties with an ass that looks like an upside down heart. So round, so firm... so nicely packed!" Luke said using his hands to describe her shape.

"Like the way Tyler packs his fudge when he makes it?" Derek asked.

Tyler and Luke both gave Derek the evil eye.

"Continue on, Luke..., I'm learning so much!" Jeff said laughing.

"She has to be able to walk in six inch stiletto heals, wear a bikini, drive a yellow Lamborghini, laugh at all of my jokes, like Mango and Casey, give sponge baths, and make peanut butter and banana roll-ups!" Luke said.

"Perv!" Kyle said.

"Fudge packer!" Luke said laughing and jumped out of the way before Kyle could swat him.

"And to think he hasn't started puberty yet!" Derek said shaking his head.

"Who said I haven't?" Luke asked.

"Don't anyone go there!!!" Tyler warned holding both hands up in the air.

"No wonder Mom and Dad quit having babies after you were born... freak!" Kyle said.

"I'm putting your sign back out on the front lawn!" Luke said from the kitchen as he licked his plate clean. Tyler and Derek snorted.

"I think everyone needs to get to bed? We have a very early morning if we are going to meet Mom and Dad for breakfast," Tyler said yawning.

Everyone said good night and Tyler and Matt had a brief discussion about the plans for taking him and Jesse back to their place in the morning. Derek threw another log on the fire.

Derek wrapped his arms around Tyler in front of the fireplace and asked, "How's my Superman doing?"

"Good, tired, and ready to go home...," Tyler said as he lay his head down on Derek's shoulder.

"Let's go to bed? For the first time in a while we get to sleep alone." Derek said as he softly ran his hand up and down Tyler's member.

"Ooooooooo! Yeah. I almost forgot about him," Tyler said laughing.

"The sound of silence, you and me alone in the loft, looking out over a frozen lake...," Derek said softly as they climbed the steps to the loft together.

"And two little people in our bed?" Tyler asked as they reached the top of the stairs. Derek sighed.

"I think it's time for a pillow fight?" Derek whispered to Tyler.

"Really? I was expecting you to be mad and yell at them," Tyler asked.

"That's the old Derek. All that matters is being with you even if I am in a crowd of ten thousand," Derek said.

Tyler pulled Derek's lips to his and then said, "I am so in love with you!" <Giggles from under the covers>

"Tyler, you could have made the bed! Look how lumpy it is!" Derek said grinning.

"No problem Babe, we've got your baseball bat here. I'll just flatten it out!" Tyler said laughing.

"Noooooooooooo!!!!!!" Luke and Casey yelled throwing back the covers.

Tyler jumped on Luke and Derek jumped on Casey. Tyler blew wet kisses on Luke's tummy while Derek began gnawing away on Casey's neck, making him hysterical with laughter.

"Guys?" Derek asked. "Why are you guys naked?"

"We're sleeping with you guys!" Luke said.

"Get yer frick'n pyjamas on or you're both sleeping downstairs!" Derek yelled.

Luke and Casey looked at Tyler. "Don't look at me! You heard your brother! He just beat me to saying it!" Casey moaned.

"Who says the party never ends?" Luke grumbled as he and Casey got out of bed and put their pyjama bottoms back on. Luke and Casey turned around to get back into bed and found Derek and Tyler in the middle of the bed together.

"What the...?" Luke yelled. "We get to sleep in the middle!"

"Make us move then?" Derek challenged. "I call Casey!" Derek said and rolled over and pulled Casey into bed and covered him up. Casey crawled on top of Derek and put his arms around Derek's neck.

"Fine... sure... stick me with Luke," Tyler teased.

"You're soooo dead whale meat..., Eskimo boy!" Luke said and jumped on top of Tyler.

As Luke tried to wrestle Tyler held him tight. "Love me?" Tyler asked as he laughed at Luke's struggle to break free.

"Like a good bowel movement," Luke said as he struggled to get free to no avail.

"Time to play kissy-face?" Tyler joked and Casey howled with laughter.

"Time for you to kiss my...," Luke began

"LUCAS!" Derek yelled. "Tyler? Stop teasing Luke!" Tyler stuck his tongue out at Derek. Luke and Casey started laughing.

<Monday morning>

"Everything's packed except us!" Derek said as Tyler was hosing down the fireplace.

"Check the fridge please, Babe! Make sure we've left nothing that will go stale and ask Chris and Kyle to carry the two green bags of garbage down to the road and put them in the pick up bin," Tyler asked.

"What about the orange leaf bag?" Derek asked.

"That's all recycling and since they don't seem to have recycling bins here I thought we would just take it back to Philly with us," Tyler said.

"Carry our garbage back to Philly?" Derek asked.

"Hey, we're just visitors to New York. I'm sure they would want us to take our junk with us? Where are Danny and Cody?" Tyler asked.

"They're working with Matt to siphon out half of the water in the hot tub and close it up," Derek said.

"Who's riding with whom?" Tyler asked.

"You can have Luke and Casey this time!" Derek said.

"No problem," Tyler said.

"Really? Hahaha...," Derek said.

"So you've got Kyle and Chris obviously which means that Jeff rides with me," Tyler said.

"You've really got this worked out don't you?" Derek asked and Tyler glared at him.

"I've got all the sheets ready to be washed and they are downstairs in two baskets next to the washer and dryer," Tyler said.

"Gotcha! What else can I do to help?" Derek asked.

"Get everyone to go to the washroom before we leave, close all of the blinds, check that the garage is locked up, and set up the alarm system," Tyler said.

"Why are we going back to the Chalet?" Luke asked.

"We need to drop Matt and Jesse off and I need to straighten up my bill from skiing," Tyler said as he followed Derek into the Chalet parking lot.

When Tyler returned from straightening up their account everyone had finished saying their good-byes. Matt grabbed Tyler and hugged him.

"Thanks for everything, Ty!" Matt said kissing his cheek.

"Back at ya!" Tyler said smiling. "Stay in touch, Matt! We'll send you pics of the new place once we get moved in."

Tyler looked over at Jesse who was smiling. Jesse would look at Tyler and then look away.

"Get over here and hug me," Tyler said, laughing. Jesse blushed and walked over to Tyler's open arms. Jesse squeezed Tyler so tight that Tyler had to push him back.

"It's going to be okay, Jesse. Every day will get a little better and even if you fall down a few times you've got all your brothers here to support you. You've got our phone numbers and email address. Call any time, day or night!" Tyler said, and Jesse nodded but didn't say anything. Tyler signaled Derek and Derek got everyone to move back to the vehicles.

"Are you okay, Jesse?" Tyler asked stepping forward. Jesse looked at Tyler and a single tear rolled down his cheek. Tyler pulled him into a hug and Jesse's tears began a free flow. "It's not goodbye, Jesse, it's just until we meet again."

"I know...," Jesse said through his sobs.

"Crying's almost as good as laughing!" Tyler said. Jesse nodded. "Just remember, Jesse, that the worst feeling in the world is to feel nothing, because that is when you truly are alone."

Jesse pulled back from Tyler and wiped his eyes but smiled. "Gosh, I hope my mascara isn't running?" he asked and Tyler laughed.

"You really are going to be okay. Just try to find forgiveness?" Tyler asked.

"You too!" Jesse said sniffling and laughing.

"Yup, me too!" Tyler said.

"How do I even begin to thank you?" Jesse asked shaking his head.

"You don't need to thank me or anyone... well, maybe Luke, but if you want to do something to say thanks then don't lose contact with your brothers," Tyler said.

Jesse wouldn't look at Tyler as he quietly said, "I love you, Ty."

"Love you too, Jesse," Tyler said, and pulled Jesse in for a hug.

Tyler got a skier who was walking back to his car to take a couple of group pictures of them. The man taking the picture said, "Okay, one more!"

Tyler added, "Everyone say 'black magic marker!'" Everyone laughed. <Snap>

Jesse and Matt waved from the window inside the Chalet as everyone left. After the two vehicles had left, they both stared out the window in silence. Jesse leaned into Matt and Matt put his arm around Jesse's shoulder.

"It's okay, Jesse. I promise you will never be alone again and not just because you are my brother but because I do love you," Matt said.

"I know," Jesse said as he sighed. "Will we ever see them again?"

"We will. I promise! Maybe we can surprise Derek for his birthday?" Matt said and Jesse looked at him. Matt grinned.

"Really?" Jesse asked smiling.

"We can see if Mom and Dad will cough up the money for the trip? It's not like they aren't rich," Matt said.

"That would be a blast!" Jesse said, perking up.

"Well, it's time you started being a part of this family as well, Jesse. I'm sure once they see the change in you your life will get better at home. Like me, they just want to love you," Matt said.

"I know. I've been an asshole," Jesse moaned.

"Don't worry about the past; all I'll ever ask of you is to just continue being my brother," Matt said, smiling as he hugged Jesse.

It was almost ten o'clock when they arrived in Greenwich. Tyler phoned Derek's cell phone and said he was stopping to fuel up before going to the hotel and Derek said he would phone his parents to let them know that they had arrived.

"Dad???" Luke yelled and ran into his arms when he, Tyler, Jeff, and Casey joined everyone else in the room.

"Luke! Casey! How are my boys? Did you guys have fun?" Larry asked.

"You bet!" Casey said getting a hug from Larry.

"Where's Mom?" Luke asked.

"She's in the washroom," Larry said.

"Still sick?" Luke asked.

"Oh yeah!" Larry said rubbing his forehead.

<Tyler's cell phone rings>

"Can you hear me now?" Tyler asked grinning to everyone in the room.

"Really?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, we'll be there as soon as we can." Tyler said.

"Derek? How long to Philly?" Tyler asked.

"Why?" Derek asked.

"Derek!!! How long?" Tyler asked again.

"About 2½ to 3 hours!" Larry said.

"About three hours, Taylor! So with stops and such how would two o'clock be?" Tyler asked.

Derek groaned.

"Thanks, Taylor! I might just kiss you when we get there," Tyler said laughing. "Okay, buh bye!"

"Is that who I think it was?" Derek asked.

"Who wants to go to Philadelphia?" Tyler asked grinning holding his arms up in the air. No one responded.

"I'll go!" Luke said smiling.

"Me too!" Casey added.

"Good, then the three of us can go see our new house and the rest of you can just head on to Baltimore!" Tyler said smiling.

"You got the house?" Danny asked grinning from ear-to-ear.

"WE got the house!!!" Tyler yelled and everyone piled into one big group hug.

"What's all the screaming about?" Linda said coming out of the washroom

"Hey, Mom?" Derek said. "Want to stop in Philly on the way home and see Tyler's new house?"

"Really?" Linda asked shrieking with excitement.

"It's everyone's house!" Tyler said. "We have to drop by Adam Fletcher's office at 2 p.m. and sign a few papers and he will hand us the keys!" Tyler said unable to hide his grin.

"What do you think, Larry?" Linda asked.

"Sounds great! I would love to see this place," Larry said.

"We sort of need to skip the sit down breakfast though, if everyone agrees, or I have to head on to Philly ahead of everyone else?" Tyler asked.

"Where do we eat then? I'm wasting away here!" Luke asked, rubbing his tummy.

"I think we should go to McDonald's because it's Tyler's favourite place for breakfast and he did almost all of the cooking at the cottage," Cody said.

Tyler pulled Derek aside and whispered in his ear. "WE have to sign papers at two o'clock," Derek made a low growl.

"Dad?" Tyler called. "Can Derek and I talk with you for a moment in private?"

"Sure, let's step out into the hallway," Larry said.

Larry, Derek, and Tyler walked down to the small lobby on their floor by the elevator and sat down in three of the four chairs there.

"What's up?" Larry asked.

"This will take one minute of my time and then you can tell my boyfriend to stop acting like an assmite!" Tyler began. "At two o'clock Derek and I are signing papers for joint ownership of the house. If he wants to leave me next week half of the house is his. If I die then the house is left to him to do as he pleases. He's also getting a bank draft for $35000.00 this afternoon to be put into his bank account to cover expenses on the house should anything happen to me," Tyler said, and Derek and Larry's mouths both dropped open.

"This is not costing him one cent and it protects Derek and Cody and Danny as well, should something happen to me. I've already signed a Will that distributes my assets equally amongst all of my brothers with the exception of the house and my personal items, which all go to Derek. He needs to stop sulking, grow up, realize that this is being responsible, and that I really do love him!" Tyler said as he got up and walked back to the room leaving them both sitting there alone.

"Holy Shit!" Larry said.

"No shit dad! Now do you see why I am mad at him?" Derek asked.

"NO!" Larry yelled at him. "He loves you so much that he would give you everything he has, and he wants you and your brothers and friends to be looked after should anything happen to him. What exactly is your problem?"

"Dad! I don't want to owe Tyler anything. I don't want to be kept!" Derek said and Larry raised one eyebrow and smiled.

"Dad! You know what I mean? You're my father. It's your job!" Derek moaned.

"Derek, listen carefully! Tyler isn't just your boyfriend; he's also your brother and a permanent part of our family. Has Tyler ever suggested, hinted, or implied that you owe him anything?" Larry asked.

"No," Derek said, staring down at the floor.

"Has he ever done anything to show that he wasn't putting you or your brothers ahead of himself?" Larry asked.

"No," Derek said not liking the direction this was headed.

"Then why do I need to have this conversation with you? I should be saying to Tyler 'what the fuck are you doing?' 'Are you crazy?'" Larry said.

"Thanks for your support, Dad," Derek said sarcastically.

"Just tell me one thing then Derek? What is the real reason why you are upset?" Larry asked and got up and went back to the room before Derek could answer.

As soon as Larry came back into the room Kyle snuck out the door and found Derek sitting in the chair by the elevator staring off into the distance.

Kyle sat down on Derek's lap sideways and put his arms around Derek's neck and hugged him.

"What do you want?" Derek asked angrily.

"Just to tell you that I love you and thank you for taking me along with you guys," Kyle said.

Derek placed his left hand on Kyle's head and pulled him tight against his chest. He kissed the top of Kyle's head but didn't say anything.

Tyler phoned Manny and Jonah to see if they were still at the house.

"Hullo?" Manny said.

"Manuel! It's Tyler! Happy New Year!" He said.

"Ahhhh, Tyler? Happy New Year to you as well!" Manny said.

"Manny, we are just approaching Philly right now. Derek and I need to sign the papers at 2 p.m. but I was wondering if I could send Danny and Cody over along with Derek's parents to take a quick look inside the house? They have to get back to Baltimore because Kyle and Luke have school tomorrow," Tyler asked.

"Absolutely! The movers have already left and we are just cleaning the place up. I'll put the coffee on. How many are coming over?" Manny asked.

"About nine people right now and Derek and I will be over once we finish with our lawyer. We're not moving in or anything. I just want them to see the place," Tyler said.

"Take your time Tyler! We'll be here and happy to meet your family!" Manny said.

"Thanks Manny, see you in a bit," Tyler said closing his cell phone.

After a brief stop at McDonalds they were on their way to Philadelphia.

Tyler phoned Derek and told him to phone Larry and tell him that they should all pull into the next Mobil station and fuel up and switch vehicles there. Since Cody lived in Philadelphia they decided that he would drive Linda and Larry's Van and Danny would ride with Larry, Linda, Kyle and Chris because Kyle had been to the townhouse before.

Derek and Tyler left in the Jeep for Adam Fletcher's office. As they rode in silence Tyler said, "I love you."

"I know. I love you too," Derek said not looking at him.

"Derek?" Tyler asked looking away from the road for second at him.

"What?" Derek asked.

"We're about to have our first home together," Tyler said as he slowly began to smile.

"Yup." Derek said and rode the rest of the way in silence.

"Please be nice to Taylor?" Tyler asked in the elevator.

"Whatever...," Derek said looking up at the lights in the ceiling of the elevator.

"I'll buy you your own Mr. Potato Head if you are nice?" Tyler offered grinning and Derek snickered.


Taylor pressed a button and the boys heard a click so they opened the door. Taylor smiled through the glass partition at Tyler but when he saw Derek he frowned and looked away.

"He doesn't like me!" Derek said as they sat down.

"Nobody likes you Derek. Some tolerate you and one guy is madly in love with you, but that's about it." Tyler said laughing.

The door to the offices opened and Taylor stuck his head in the room and said, "Mr. Fletcher will see you gentlemen now."

"Did you have a nice New Year's, Taylor?" Derek asked.

"Yes I did, Mr. Anderson, and did you have a good one too?" Taylor said.

"Please, just Derek and yes we spent it in hot tub looking out over a frozen lake with about a dozen guys!" Derek said winking and Taylor grinned.

"Sounds better than mine then!" Taylor said laughing.

"I love your shirt! Where did you get that?" Derek asked.

"I have a couple of secret places down in the garment district! It's an Armani," Taylor said loving the attention.

"You look good in stripes!" Derek said.

"I look better out of them!" Taylor said blushing.

"I'll bet you do!" Derek said, winking.

"Maybe I can get you take me down there sometime! I need to go job hunting for some extra cash while in school and I could use some help?" Derek asked.

"Sure! Saturday's are always free except for the end of the month. There's usually quite a bit going on here then," Taylor said.

"Excuse me, Derek," Tyler called from Adam's office. "We need you in here."

"Right! Sorry, Ty. We're probably going to be having a little open house party in the next couple of weeks... a guy thing! Maybe you would like to come over? Maybe bring a friend or two as well?" Derek said.

"Thank you. That would sound like a lot of fun!" Taylor said smiling.

"Good! I'll be in touch with you! Hopefully, Ty will have the Jacuzzi installed by the time we have the party," Derek said smiling as he walked back to Adam's office.

"Hitting on the hired help are we?" Adam asked as he shook Derek's hand.

"Yes Sir, but not really. I was sort of apologizing for being an asshole with him the last time I was here," Derek said, and Tyler winked and smiled at him.

"So we don't need Mr. Potato Head then?" Adam asked Derek. Tyler snorted and then laughed.

"No, Sir," Derek said smiling.

Adam opened a thick folder full of papers with little sticky notes on several pages.

"Got pens?" Adam asked.

"Got papers?" Tyler asked grinning and holding up two pens.

Adam went through a brief description of what they were signing and where the disbursement of funds had been allocated. When they finished signing all of the papers he handed Tyler four sets of keys.

"You mentioned that four of you were going to be living there so I had Taylor make four sets of keys," Adam said. He then handed Derek an envelope and asked if they had any questions.

"No, Mr. Fletcher. This is great and I thank you for all your work!" Tyler said, standing up and shaking his hand.

"What's this?" Derek asked.

"Don't worry about it." Tyler said before Adam could say anything.

"I have some forms that I need filled out regarding the beneficiaries of your will Tyler. I will have them in the mail to you later this week and if you could get them returned as soon as possible I would appreciate it," Adam said.

"Holy fuck!" Derek said as he peeked inside the envelope and dropped back into his chair. "Oh, sorry, excuse me!" He added and Adam and Tyler laughed.

"Don't get so excited Derek, it's for expenses should something happen to me," Tyler said.

"You mean I can't go out and buy a new car this afternoon?" Derek teased.

"Sure you can, just make sure it has a fridge and a washroom in it because you might be living in it someday?" Tyler said and Adam laughed.

"Thank you again," Tyler said.

"Yes, Sir, thank you for everything!" Derek added. "We're probably going to be holding a little house warming party soon and maybe you might consider attending?" he asked.

"A house full of sexy college guys? Be serious! Wouldn't miss it for the world guys! Hope you find a lot of happiness in your new home!" Adam said.

"Thank you!" Tyler and Derek said and left.

Derek stared at the envelope as Tyler drove to the townhouse.

"Would you put that away?" Tyler asked shaking his head.

"That's a lot of money, Ty!" Derek said. "Are you sure you want to give this to me?" He asked.

"What I have is yours Derek, all of it! It's just money, we need it to survive but not to live!" Tyler said.

"What do you need to live?" Derek asked grinning.

"You, my family, my MP3 player, this Jeep, and my job!" Tyler said.

"Thanks for putting me at the top of the list!" Derek said taking Tyler's right hand in his.

"Actually I was talking to Mango in the backseat!" Tyler teased and Derek looked back to see Mango lying on his side.

"What would that monkey do without you?" Derek asked as they pulled up in front of their townhouse.

"Welcome home, Babe!" Tyler said.

"Me or Mango?" Derek asked.

"Mango!" Tyler said winking getting out of the Jeep. Tyler, Derek, and Mango knocked on the front door.

Linda answered it with a huge smile and said, "OH MY GOD! Can you believe this place?"

"Umm... I guess?" Tyler said. Linda grabbed Tyler and hugged and kissed him and then Derek.

"MANGO!!!!!!!!" Luke screamed from the kitchen and came running.

"You didn't even know you forgot him did you?" Derek asked. Luke snarled at him as he grabbed Mango from Tyler and hugged him.

"Second floor laundry!!!!!! Oh God I'm in heaven!" Linda said holding her chest.

Tyler and Derek looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Do you mind if the rest of your family moves in, Tyler?" Linda asked, teasing Tyler.

"I don't have any problem with that but you had better hash out the details with my boyfriend," Tyler said.

"Oh... well... maybe we'll just stay in Baltimore?" Linda said, making a sour face and Tyler roared with laughter.

"Tyler! Derek! Get in here!" Jonah said, coming up to the door and giving each of them a hug.

"Happy New Year, Jonah!" Tyler said smiling.

"Your parents are wonderful, guys! And Luke and Casey... well... I think Manny is taking them home to his Mom!" Jonah teased.

"We get a lot of offers but none of them ever seem to pan out...," Derek sighed and then winked.

"C'mon in to your new home. Coffee is ready!" Jonah said.

"Sweet!" Tyler said stepping in ahead of Derek. "You want me to carry you over the threshold?" Derek gave Tyler a shy smile.

Tyler stepped back outside and closed the door behind him. "Babe? We're home and it's our home for as long as you will have me," Tyler said.

Tyler took Derek's hands in his and said, "Please let me love you till the day we die?" Tyler leaned in and kissed Derek. "Don't be afraid. We'll take each step of each day together. We're finally going to have our own room and be alone together at night!"

"Talk to me, please, Derek?" Tyler asked.

"I'm fine," Derek said.

"No, you're not but neither am I. This is a huge step and we are moving forward but we are not alone because we have each other. If you decide you don't want to live here I will put the place up for sale tomorrow! All you have to do is live here until it sells? Hell, I guess we could probably stay at the dorm if all the rooms are not gone yet?" Tyler said.

"No, Ty. I want to be wherever you are. It's just... just...," Derek began.

"It's just that next week you are no longer a teenager, you've got a house, and life is moving faster than you are ready for?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah... exactly," Derek said.

"You can run home any time you want? Do you really want to deal with the dorm rooms again? No privacy in the showers, waiting for elevators, noise in the hallway in the early hours of the morning, not to mention mystery meat!" Tyler said laughing and Derek laughed as well.

"How alone are we really going to be with Danny and Cody nearby and probably having Kyle, Chris, Jeff, Luke, and Casey every frick'n weekend?" Tyler asked.

"And you love that idea, don't you?" Derek asked grinning.

"Yeah, because I have a family now. Have I told you about my boyfriend? He's charming and loving. Sexy as shit and fucks me to the point that I whimper! He kisses like no other. Makes every breath I take sweet and best of all he loves me in spite of my faults!" Tyler said smiling.

"Whimper, huh?" Derek asked.

"Whimper, moan, whine, beg, crave, desire, beseech, supplicate..., do you want me to go on?" Tyler asked laughing.

"Yes!" Derek said smiling.

"Fucktard!" Tyler said.

"Assmite!" Derek said.

"Please walk forward with me, beside me, hell... in front of me is fine too, just as long as it's not without you!" Tyler asked.

"Don't be stupid, Ty! It's me that should be begging and thanking you for a friendship I'm not even worthy of!" Derek said.

"That really wasn't the answer I was looking for...," Tyler said as he stared into Derek's eyes. Tyler sat Derek down on the top step and knelt down on the step below him.

"I know this might seem a little Hollywood but would you be my life partner, my husband, my best friend and confidant, my one and only for as long as you will do me the honour of having me? I promise to love and honour you for life!" Tyler asked as his eyes began to water.

Derek was about to crack a joke when he Tyler's eyes. Derek didn't say a word but leaned in and kissed Tyler's lips. With their eyes still closed they parted. They stared at each other and Derek began to smile.

"Is that a yes?" Tyler asked.

Derek nodded and smiled. "Jesus Christ!" Derek began, "We're being watched by the entire family at the front window!"

"So we're never alone... nothing wrong with that?" Tyler said.

"Nope, nothing wrong with that! Thank you for what you said. I'm just scared," Derek said.

"I'm scared too but I'm less scared knowing that you are always with me." Tyler said. "Let's go inside. Why don't you lead me in? Think of it as taking a baby step forward."

"Why don't we go home together?" Derek said standing up and pulling Tyler up with him.

Manny and Jonah were going to stay at a hotel for a few nights while Jonah cleaned up things at his office but everyone insisted they stay there and keep an eye on the place so that nothing happened. Tyler, Derek, Danny, and Cody stopped by Boyd Hall to drop off their skis and excess baggage that they didn't need.

When the four boys came out of the elevator they saw Linda and Larry chatting with Gus. Luke was wearing Gus's security hat, sitting on his lap, and talking to Mike on his a walkie-talkie.

"So did you ever kill anyone?" Luke asked.

"Not yet <over>" Mike said laughing.

"Maybe just wing them with a bullet?" Luke asked laughing.

"Gus keeps locking himself in the control room with whatever food Tyler brings us and bullets can't penetrate the door! <Over>" Mike said and everyone laughed.

By 3:30 p.m. they were all on the road to Baltimore. Linda and Jeff rode with Tyler; Luke, Casey, and Cody rode with Larry; and Chris, Kyle, and Danny rode with Derek.

"Okay! Kyle, Luke, and Casey put your suitcases in the laundry room I don't want to have to drag everything down here from your bedrooms since I don't have a second floor laundry room!" Linda said staring at Larry. Larry sighed.

"ABBEY!" Tyler yelled and Abbey jumped up on Tyler. "Oh I missed you girl!" Tyler said sitting down on the floor giving her hugs and kisses.

"MOM!" Casey yelled running into his mother's arms in the kitchen with Luke following right behind him.

"Dad!" Chris said giving Ian a hug.

"Welcome home boys! I hope you all behaved?" Ian asked.

"Of course, Dad!" Chris said and Jeff ignored the question.

"A certain cutie named Ashlea has phoned twice already looking for a certain stud... so Chris would you phone her when we get home?" Ian asked winking at Chris. Jeff grinned.

Tyler put his arm around Jeff's shoulder and said, "They were great to have along, Mr. Coulter!"

"Glad to hear it Tyler." Ian said. "Okay boys we should get home! You've both got school tomorrow!"

"Call me when you get home?" Kyle asked.

"You bet, and turn on your MSN so we can talk and type at the same time!" Chris said.

"Guys! You've spent the last four days together. Give it a rest?" Ian said laughing.

"Call me when you get home?" Kathy said to Ian.

"You bet! Turn on your computer so we can chat on MSN as well!" Ian said winking.

"I hate you both!" Chris said laughing. "Talk to you later, Casey," he said, giving him a hug.

Chris and Jeff said goodbye to everyone and headed home.

"Welcome home sweetheart!" Kathy said, hugging Casey and Luke. "Congratulations on your tournament win guys! Did you have a fun vacation?" she asked.

"It rocked!" Casey said.

Larry pulled Tyler, Derek, Danny, and Cody aside and said, "Okay, guys, we're heading down to my office right now. I want to do the blood tests before you guys eat dinner! As far as anyone is concerned you guys all want to see my office and where I work," Larry said.

"Why do I have to go?" Tyler asked.

"Well... technically you don't, I guess?" Larry said.

"Am I being punished for something I didn't do?" Tyler said grinning.

"No. Don't you want to be checked out?" Larry asked.

"I've already had everything but an anal probe!" Tyler said.

"Good point! You're coming along as well," Larry said, and Tyler groaned. Danny and Cody laughed.

"GUYS!" Larry said. "Laugh again and I will use two fingers! Laugh a third time and I will use my entire fist for the probe!"

"I doubt that will be a problem for Derek, Sir!" Danny said, and everyone burst into laughter except Derek.

"The thing is Dad..., I was going to start on making dinner for everyone," Tyler said.

"Oh... whatcha making?" Larry asked.

"Something edible if I don't have to go and be probed!" Tyler said.

"Well, here's the situation, Ty! Let's pretend you have an STD and you gave it to Derek, who in turn gave it to Danny, who gave it to Cody. Nice try son! If any of you need to put on clean underwear then now is the time and don't even think about draining those bladders!" Larry said. All four boys moaned.

"Dad?" Tyler called. "Can't you do the blood and urine tests right here?"

"Umm... I guess I could but I really don't have the equipment to give you guys a full physical," Larry said.

"I've already had my physical and we're all going to be back next weekend for Derek's birthday so why not simply take the blood and urine samples now? It will give me time to work on dinner!" Tyler said grinning.

"Honey?" Linda called. "Why don't we just order some pizza for dinner?" Larry moaned.

"You win this time!" Larry said glaring at Tyler with a smirk.

"YES!" Derek and Danny said fisting each other.

Tyler dragged Larry to his office to get his over with. "So you're coming back for here for Derek's birthday, huh?" Larry asked as Tyler rolled up his sleeve.

"I think so, Sir! It depends on when exactly we move in. Unless that's a problem?" Tyler asked.

"No... It just means we will have four more kids for the weekend," Larry said grinning.

"Sorry, Sir, but it could actually be six! We don't have come back though and you guys could come up to Philly instead if you wanted?" Tyler asked.

"Haven't you had your fill of us yet?" Larry teased as he looked for the best vein.

"I want to spend as much time with my parents and brothers as I can," Tyler said smiling. Larry winked and smiled and inserted the needle and held it firmly while inserting three separate tubes to draw blood. Tyler watched his blood shoot into the vial while Larry watched Tyler for any type of reaction.

"You don't think there is anything to worry about do you?" Larry asked.

"No, Sir," Tyler said.

"Why is that?" Larry asked.

"Danny's never had any sexual contact before meeting me, Cody was thoroughly checked out after Dakota's abuse of him and Ryan came to light, and Derek and me, like Danny and Cody all had to have thorough physicals in September," Tyler said.

"What about your coke addiction?" Larry asked teasing Tyler.

"I gave it up for R.C. Cola and besides, I always used a clean straw!" Tyler shot back.

"How are you dealing with what happened in Iowa?" Larry asked as he handed Tyler a piece of cotton to hold snugly to his arm.

"Truthfully, we've all grown and learned from it. No one has convinced anyone else to see it their own way but we all seem to respect each other's different opinions. Actually none of us are completely right or wrong. Cody and I are much closer now. I have a better understanding of Danny's point-of-view and Derek seems to have decided for himself that he really does love me," Tyler said.

"Here's your cup! Label it before you fill it." Larry said smiling. Larry turned back around to Tyler after putting the three vials of his blood away.

"Question?" Larry asked, and Tyler stood up and put his arms around Larry.

"I love you, Dad," Tyler said squeezing him tight. Larry didn't say a word but Tyler felt Larry's lips touch his forehead.

"Dinner had better be good!" Larry said smiling and pushed Tyler towards the door. "Tell the next victim that Count Larry would like to suck his blood!!!!" Larry said in his Transylvanian accent. Tyler rolled his eyes and walked out.

Tyler headed to the fridge in the garage and pulled out two bottles of beer. Taking two juice glasses from the cupboard in the kitchen he poured an ounce in each one and heated them up in the microwave so they would be just warm. He added one tablespoon of honey and then a half-teaspoon of yeast to each glass. In a large bowl he sifted six cups of self-rising flour and added a tablespoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt.

"Whatcha doin?" Luke asked, as he came into the kitchen.

Tyler bent down and kissed him and said, "Missing you!"

"Duh, doesn't everyone? But what are you making? It smells like beer," Luke said.

"I'm making beer bread! Simplest recipe on the planet." Tyler said. Tyler added a half-cup of pure honey. He then added the yeast infused beer and the rest of the beer in each bottle. Mixing thoroughly he scooped the beer batter into twelve large muffin cups and began baking them at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.

"Want to help make dinner?" Tyler asked.

"That's women's work," Luke said, as he headed off to watch TV.

"Whatcha making for dinner?" Derek asked as he entered the kitchen holding a cotton swab to the inside of his arm.

"A variation of a chicken pot pie!" Tyler said as he sliced and diced two large Spanish onions.

"Variation?" Derek asked.

"You really care for details?" Tyler asked.

"Short version!" Derek said.

"It will cost you!" Tyler said.

"Sure, how much?" Derek asked.

"Find me frozen peas and kernel corn!" Tyler said winking.

"Got em!" Derek said closing the freezer door. "Want some help?" He asked.

"Sure... but you don't have to!" Tyler said.

"I would like to unless you don't want me to," Derek answered.

"Cut up the celery and carrots, please," Tyler said. "Basically we are going to sweat the onions, carrots, and celery in hot butter. Then we are going to add chicken stock and dice up boneless chicken breasts and cook them all at high heat. When it's all cooked we will add a few cans of Campbell's cream of chicken soup, seasonings, and frozen peas and corn. Then I will add one of two secret ingredients like left over stuffing from yesterday!" Tyler said.

"Seasonings?" Derek asked.

"Ooooo you're getting good! Aside from the salt, pepper, onion powder, and celery salt I am adding my secret ingredient, a pinch of Saffron!" Tyler said.

"Isn't that like the world's most expensive spice?" Derek asked.

"Oh my God... do you realize how much you are turning me on right now?" Tyler teased.

"Yes I do!" Danny said walking into the kitchen holding his left arm closed.

Derek looked over at Danny and then looked back at Tyler and mouthed 'fuck off' to the two of them. Tyler and Danny laughed.

"Whatcha making for dinner, Ty?" Danny asked.

"Does anyone else have any other question they could ask?" Tyler said. "You're getting pizza. Now go watch TV with Luke!" Tyler ordered.

"Chefs can be so temperamental!" Derek said to Danny. Tyler growled.

"What are we going to make for dessert?" Derek asked.

"Hadn't thought about it. What do you want?" Tyler asked.

"Umm... how about we mix up some brownies since the oven will be hot. When they've cooled we can break them up into odd sized chunks. Put them in a bowl, cover them with ice cream, and then coat the whole thing in chocolate?" Derek asked.

"Go for it, Babe!" Tyler said as he diced up chicken breasts.

Cody sat on the edge of Larry's desk sweating profusely.

"Are you nervous about getting needles, Cody?" Larry asked.

"No, Sir," Cody said visibly shaking.

"Cody, I can't take blood when you're shaking like this," Larry said.

"Sorry, Sir," Cody said not looking him in the eye.

Larry sat down in a chair and looked up at Cody. "Do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you?" Larry asked.

Cody didn't say a word.

"Is this to do with Iowa?" Larry asked and Cody wrapped his arms around himself and began to tear up. Larry stood up and hugged him. Cody collapsed into Larry's arms and sobbed.

"It's all right, Cody. Just let it out. Take your time," Larry said running his fingers through Cody's hair.

"I'm sorry, Sir...," Cody said, crying openly. "I'm sorry I let you and Mrs. Anderson down."

"Cody it's all right! You learned from your mistake and that is the most important part. We don't want to lose any of our sons! You are an important part of our family and we do love you," Larry said.

"I need you all so much," Cody said as he slowly calmed down. "I don't want to lose any of you."

"We won't stop loving you for making a mistake Cody. The fact that you are truly sorry for what happened just shows what a great person you are and how lucky we are to have you in our family," Larry said. "You might not think very much of yourself right now Cody but you've just shown me what a fine, responsible young man you are! I don't ever want you to think of this place as anything less than your home! You are always welcome and wanted here."

"Thank you Sir. I promise I won't ever let you down again," Cody said as Larry backed up.

"Don't make promises you can't be expected to keep. I wouldn't ask any more of my boys than to simply try their best to do the right thing," Larry said.

"I... I... I... don't even know how to repair what I've done or begin to earn your respect," Cody said squeezing Larry tight.

"Anything you might have lost you just earned back, Cody," Larry said giving Cody a light squeeze. "Now let's drain your blood until you're dead!" he joked, and Cody's eyes popped wide open.

Larry and Cody came into the kitchen together. Tyler was finishing his chicken stew and Derek was making a chocolate ganache under Tyler's careful instructions. They both looked over and could see that Cody had been crying.

"What the hell is that?" Danny yelled from the great room. Luke turned and popped his head up to see what the commotion was all about. Larry, Cody, Tyler, and Derek all turned to see what Danny was yelling about.

"What's that in your mouth?" Danny asked.

"Oh!" Cody said, laughing as he pulled a red sucker out of his mouth. "A sucker!"

"I didn't get one?" Danny whined.

"Is he serious?" Larry asked.

"I'm afraid so!" Tyler said.

"Did you fill your bottle for me yet?" Larry asked.

"I don't have to pee yet!" Danny said.

"That's why you didn't get a sucker!" Larry said rolling his eyes at Derek and Tyler. Tyler hugged Cody quietly and pressed on his back three times.

"You okay?" Tyler whispered in Cody's ear.

"Yeah. We have a great Dad, don't we?" Cody said tearing up a little.

"Times up, Ty!" Derek said staring in the window of the oven.

"Pull 'em out, Babe!" Tyler asked.

"What can I do?" Cody asked.

"Help set the table." Tyler said. "Is Mom going to feel up to eating?"

"I will go find out unless someone else wants that task?" Larry asked and everyone hurried to look busy.

"You're all so going to fail your blood and urine tests!" Larry said.

"I wouldn't be surprised... I never even had time to study for it<" Danny said seriously and then added a grin when everyone looked at him.

"You can take the boy out of Iowa...," Larry began.

"BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE THE IOWA OUT OF THE BOY!" Cody, Derek, and Tyler all said together and then laughed.

"Where are we eating?" Cody asked with his hands full of silverware.

"Want to use the table, Derek?" Tyler asked as he worked on making a fresh spinach salad.

"Sure, we have enough people to fill it right now." Derek said. "Speaking of Ty, we have 12 people for dinner and only 12 beer bread muffins."

"Twelve people? We have twelve people if you count Abbey and Mango!"

"Shit!" Derek said. "You know I can only count to eight!" He said, winking at Tyler.

"Uhhhhhh.... Huh! Let's throw on some Minute Rice for you and me because Danny, Kyle, Cody, Casey, and Luke will eat two each!"

"Good idea!" Derek said smiling.

Tyler smiled to himself while watching the new Derek. He was expecting him to complain about not being able to try the beer bread but he didn't. Tyler came up behind Derek and put his arms around his waist. "I love you, Babe. I am so lucky to have you in my life!"

"Why do you say that?" Derek joked.

"I do notice all the little things you are doing and the things you don't do and I really appreciate it!" Tyler said.

"Thanks for noticing. It's not as hard or as bad as I thought it would be. It's actually kind of cool giving something up for the sake of making someone else happy. After watching Danny I am learning more about sharing!" Derek said turning his head to wink at Tyler.

"You're welcome!" Danny yelled from the Great Room.

Derek turned his head in shock and before he could say anything Tyler said, "If a cinnamon bun falls in the forest..."

"Why would anyone leave cinni-buns in the forest?" Danny asked leaning back over the leather sofa.

"How are you feeling, Mom?" Derek asked, as Linda and Larry came into the kitchen.

"Good! Really good! Starved in fact." Linda said. "What's for dinner?" Tyler growled.

"Luke?" Larry called. "Would you go get your brothers and Kathy for dinner please?"

Everyone gathered around the table and wondered what exactly dinner was?

"Ummm... what exactly is this?" Kyle asked.

"Chicken pot pie with beer bread muffins!" Tyler said. Everyone exchanged glances.

"Sweet!!!!" Luke said. "We're having drugs and alcohol for dinner!"

Larry and Linda glared at him. Danny snorted and then tried to look serious after the look Larry and Linda gave him.

"Oh come on now... have Derek and I ever made anything so bad you couldn't eat it?" Tyler asked.

<No response>

"Thank you for your support! Can I serve your plate Kathy?" Tyler asked.

"Sure...," Kathy said and Tyler took a six-inch wide beer bread muffin and carved a cone out of the top of it leaving a hole in the centre of the muffin with about an inch of edge around the top of the muffin. Everyone leaned in close to watch what Tyler was doing. Tyler then ladled out the chicken potpie mixture into the centre of the muffin allowing it to overflow the sides. He then replaced the cone in the top.

"Wow!" Luke said smiling.

"Cool!" Casey added as Tyler handed Kathy the plate.

"Dig in so everyone can see they won't die from it," Tyler asked.

Kathy gently lifted the cone out of the top that was covered in chicken potpie and bit in. "Oh... wow, is that ever... umm horrible!" Kathy said. "No one should touch this stuff!" she added as she gobbled down the rest of the cone in her hand and then licked her fingers.

Everyone grabbed muffins and began following Tyler's directions.

"Needs peanut butter but otherwise not a bad effort!" Luke said. Tyler and Derek looked at each other as Cody laughed.

"How come you guys are having rice?" Cody asked.

"We forgot that we had to feed Luke. I was sure he had flown back to Seattle with Matt and Jesse," Derek said glaring at Luke. Luke grinned at him with his mouth full.

Cody took the one muffin that was left and cut it into two pieces. "Here guys," He said holding his plate over towards them. "You have to try this! It's amazing!"

Derek and Tyler protested but Cody insisted. Cody gave Danny a quick stare but Danny ignored it.

"Damn, this is good, Ty!" Derek said.

"Yeah, came out okay. Maybe a little less honey next time," Tyler said.

Linda got up from the table and went to the fridge and pulled out a jar of Strubb's pickles. She set it down in front of her plate and pulled one out to munch on. Larry stared at her.

As the dinner conversation rotated around the table with everyone telling 'clean' stories of the fun they had, Larry watched as Linda added some of Luke's peanut butter to her dill pickle. Larry dropped his fork on his plate and the room became silent with the exception of the sound of Linda munching on her pickle.

"Since when did you start eating pickles again?" Larry asked.

"Oh, I don't know. I was just craving one," Linda said casually. "I haven't eaten pickles since...," Linda said and stopped talking immediately and stared at Larry.

Tyler looked at Derek and both of their mouths dropped open. Tyler kicked Derek under the table and said, "Who wants dessert? Derek made something special!"

"I do!" Casey said.

"Me too!" Kyle added.

"Me three and four!" Danny said laughing. "That means I want two portions of whatever it is!"

"Remind me to check your urine sample for diabetes, Danny!" Larry said and Danny frowned.

Tyler, Derek, and Cody got up and began removing plates from the table.

"Did you catch that?" Derek whispered to Tyler.

"No shit! Do you think?" Tyler asked.

"She's been sick every morning!" Derek said starting to laugh.

"Oh my God, oh my God!" Tyler whispered in a high-pitched squeal.

"You know what the best part of this is, Ty?" Derek said quietly.

"What?" Tyler asked getting out the ice cream from the freezer.

"The lecture we are going to give Dad about using condoms!" Derek said and Tyler burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Luke asked.

"Ummm... Derek just told me a joke!" Tyler said and Derek glared at him.

"What joke?" Danny asked.

"Ummm... just a blond joke!" Derek said trying to avoid any further questions.

"Let's hear it!" Kyle said pointing and laughing at Cody.

"Not now it might be offensive to some people in the room!" Derek said and Tyler laughed, watching Derek try to work his way out of his predicament.

"Joke, joke, joke, joke..." Luke started and Danny, Casey, and Kyle joined in. Tyler snorted.

"Ummm...," Derek began.

"It's really funny!" Tyler said, winking at Derek.

"They're so not going to be able to identify your body!" Derek said.

"Sure they will... mine will have the big ear-to-ear grin on it!" Tyler said laughing.

"Will you tell them the damn joke?" Larry yelled.

"A police officer is walking down the street when he notices a blond with one breast hanging out of her shirt. He approaches her and says 'Ma'am I'm going to have to arrest you for indecent exposure.'" Derek began.

"Shocked, she responds, 'But why Officer?'"

"Because your breast is hanging out!" The officer said. The blonde looks down and takes off running down the street. The officer gives chase and yells "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR GOIN?"

The blonde yells over her shoulder "I LEFT THE BABY ON THE BUS AGAIN!!!" Derek said waiting for a response.

Tyler slapped his hand to his face and shook his head, Luke and Casey burst into laughter, and Linda and Larry glared at Derek in disbelief!

"I think I need to use the washroom..." Linda said getting up and starting to cry. Larry got up from the table and followed her out of the room pausing only to shake his head at Derek.

"I think I fucked up big time," Derek whispered.

"Yeah, but we'll all look back one day and laugh about it... as we visit your grave," Tyler teased. "At least one thing came out it."

"What? My pending death?" Derek asked.

"That too, but more importantly I think you just confirmed what they might already know!" Tyler said.

Tyler and Derek served dessert to everyone except Derek who had lost his appetite.

"I'll eat Derek's dessert!" Danny said, as he shoveled in his second chocolate brownie sundae.

"No, you won't!" Cody said staring at him.

"I... see... maybe I won't then." Danny said staring back at him. Tyler and Derek looked at each not knowing what was going on.

"We need to plan out our day tomorrow guys?" Tyler said.

"And I'll bet you've already got it planned out?" Danny asked.

"No Danny. There are some things that we need to doing but you don't have to come along if you don't want to," Tyler said.

"I've got nothing planned," Danny said and Tyler gave him the look.

"We need to go shopping for stuff for the house!" Tyler began. "We need to buy furniture, beds, bedroom pieces, lamps, tables, a couple of TV's, desks and stuff for the kitchen. We also need to plan out our moving. Derek do you think we could borrow one of your parents' vans for a few days?" Tyler asked.

"Our parents' van? I imagine so but you might have to leave your Jeep here for them," Derek said.

"Sweet! We're going shopping tomorrow!" Luke said raising his hands up in the air.

"Not quite Luke! You've got school tomorrow and you might want to think about rewording some of the story you wrote before handing it in?" Tyler said.

"My story is great! It will give me two hours out of school every week for six weeks!" Luke proudly announced.

"You're in Luke's class as well aren't you Casey?" Cody asked.

"Yup." Casey said with a mouthful of ice cream.

"Did you write a story?" Cody asked.

"Yup." Casey said as he slid another mouthful of ice cream in.

"Can you say anything other than yup?" Cody asked laughing.

"Yup." Casey said and then started laughing. "Ooooooo," he yelled holding his head. "Ice cream head ache!" Everyone laughed.

"What did you write your story about?" Cody asked.

"I wrote about Derek and Jeff saving my Mom's life." Casey said smiling.

"Brown nose!" Luke said. "That won't get you outta Spanish lessons. I'll help you rewrite it tonight," Casey stared wide-eyed at Cody.

"Hey Casey, why don't you let me take a look at your story and maybe I can offer some suggestions?" Cody asked.

"Like your mind is as creative as the Lukester's!" Luke said rolling his eyes.

"You're still going to school tomorrow Luke. Now do you guys have any plans for tomorrow?" Tyler asked.

"It's all good!" Derek said and Cody nodded.

Cody raised his hand and asked Tyler in a little boy voice, "May I be excused from the table?"

"Go ahead," Danny said, grabbing Cody's unfinished dessert. Cody gave Danny a cold stare but Danny didn't notice it.

Cody got up and went around behind Casey's chair and tipped him backwards making Casey laugh. He leaned down and kissed Casey upside down and asked him, "Want to go look at your story?"

"Yeah!" Casey said reaching his arms up in the air for Cody to pick him up.

"Are you coming, Luke?" Cody asked.

"You want me along?" Luke asked.

"Three amigos!" Cody said holding Casey with both arms around his waist.

"Sure but no speaking Spanish! School hasn't started yet!"

"Want to come up to my room?" Kyle asked Danny and Danny gave him a funny look.

"No, no, I don't mean for that!" Kyle said.

Derek leaned forward on both fists and grinned. "What do you mean to do with Danny then?" Derek asked grinning.

"Perv! I was just going to talk with Chris online and thought Danny might want to join me since Cody was busy with Casey and Luke." Kyle said.

"I was just thinking Derek, where are we going to sleep everyone?" Tyler asked.

"We can put Luke in Kyle's room, Cody can sleep with Casey, and Danny can sleep up in the top of the bunkbed," Derek suggested.

"You're putting me in a bunkbed?" Danny asked.

"Why don't we just ask Kyle if he would give up his room and sleep with us and let Danny and Cody sleep in his bed?" Tyler asked Derek.

"Ummm... I am in the room!" Danny said.

"Yeah, me too! We can hear you guys talking," Kyle said.

"Did you hear something?" Derek asked with a big grin.

"That's my stomach growling from not getting a piece of raspberry pie covered in peanut butter last night!" Tyler said and Derek laughed. "Kyle, would you mind giving up your room tonight for Danny and Cody?"

"What do I get in exchange?" Kyle asked Danny and then winked at Derek and Tyler.

"I'll let you wear my cow print pj's to bed!" Danny offered.

"No way... those haven't even been washed. Promise me you won't put those anywhere near my bed and we'll call it even!" Kyle said.

Tyler pulled Derek aside and said, "Do you think you should go check on Mom and Dad?"

"Do I have to?" Derek moaned.

"We know you didn't mean anything by what you said. It was just bad timing. Maybe if you play dumb and apologize it will be okay?" Tyler suggested.

<Knock, knock> Derek tapped on his parent's bedroom door.

"Come in." Larry said calmly looking up at Linda on the bed from his chair.

"Am I interrupting?" Derek asked.

"No. It's okay. What did you need?" Larry asked.

"I just wanted to apologize for the joke I told downstairs," Derek said and Linda and Larry looked at each other.

"I should have figured out what was going on, but fortunately Tyler already had. He just hadn't told me," Derek apologized.

"Excuse me?" Larry said.

"Dad?" Derek asked.

"What did you say?" Larry asked

"After the talk we had about Tyler before Christmas, do you really want to throw your credibility away by playing dumb with me?" Derek asked and Larry looked over at Linda. "I think it's the most wonderful news this family could get! Anyway, I'm sorry I upset you, Mom. I also needed to ask you if it was okay for Tyler to trade vehicles with one of you for a few days so we could get moved from the dorm to the new house?" Derek asked.

"No problem. You can take my Van and I will drive Tyler's Jeep." Larry said rubbing his face and looking tired.

"Okay, thanks," Derek said, and closed the bedroom door as he left their room.

Derek returned to the kitchen to find Tyler and Cody doing dishes and Kathy sitting at the kitchen table in tears. She was reading a piece of paper and Casey was standing beside her.

"What's going on with Kathy?" Derek asked.

"She's reading Casey's story for school. The one he wrote about you and Jeff saving his mom's life. How did it go?" Tyler asked and Cody looked over at Derek wondering what they were talking about.

"Excuse me guys. I'll let you both finish up," Cody said smiling and wiping his hands on a dishtowel.

"Thanks, Cody," Derek said as he patted Cody on the back.

"So?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing was said but it is definitely confirmed at this point!" Derek said grinning.

"How do you know?" Tyler asked.

"When I brought up the obvious and said you already had it figured out Dad gave Mom the look that told me it is either a done deal or they strongly suspect it," Derek said.

"Whoa!" Tyler said in a bit of shock.

"Whoa is right, but we can use the Van!" Derek said. "What do you want to do tonight?"

"I was thinking of sleep?" Tyler said smiling.

"I couldn't agree more and with Kyle joining us there won't be a lot of that. What do you say if we hit the bed early?" Derek asked.

"What about Luke and Casey?" Tyler asked.

"I think we can get Cody to take care of that." Derek said.

Tyler hung up his dishtowel and rinsed the sink out. Derek set up the coffee machine for morning. Tyler asked Cody to put the boys to bed and he happily accepted the offer. Tyler and Derek said good night to everyone and headed upstairs to shower.

"I'll be along in a second," Tyler said tapping on Larry and Linda's bedroom door.

"Come in!" Larry yelled.

"Sorry to disturb. I just wanted to say goodnight," Tyler said.

"You're not disturbing, Tyler," Linda said, sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"Derek's feeling pretty bad right now," Tyler said.

"He should be for telling a joke like that," Larry said glaring at Tyler.

"How would he or anyone else know that he was hitting a little to close to home?" Tyler asked.

Larry didn't answer.

"Anyway, we're off to bed so we can get an early start in the morning. Thanks for the use of the van," Tyler said walking over to Linda to give her a kiss goodnight. Larry got up and walked out of the room.

"Congratulations, Mom!" Tyler whispered and Linda smiled.

"We haven't confirmed anything yet, Tyler," Linda said.

"Well, I for one hope it turns out to be good news!" Tyler said, grinning and holding Linda's hand.

"I don't know what I'm hoping for," Linda mused.

"You might have noticed that this family seems to get larger every couple of weeks. I think it's a sign that this is a great family to be a part of," Tyler said kissing Linda's cheek.

"I'd better get Luke and Casey to bed!" Linda said.

"It's already taken care of! Kathy and Cody are handling it," Tyler said.

"Twenty years later is going to be a lot more difficult to go through this again," Linda said.

"Nah... you have a whole lot of help and love to assist you," Tyler said.

"What would I do without you?" Linda asked kissing Tyler's cheek.

"I say the same thing every day!" Tyler said. "I love you, Mom, and I'm so happy for you and all of us!"

"This is going to be such a long week. I'm not sure how I am going to make it," Linda said.

"Can I make it a tiny bit easier?" Tyler offered.

"Sure, any help will do!" Linda said.

"When the school calls? Tell them that Luke's story is to get him out of being in Spanish class. If his teacher wants to mess with his mind she should tell him it was excellent and give him an A!" Tyler said and Linda laughed.

"His story is that bad, huh?" Linda asked.

"Let me put it to you this way... never, ever buy Vanilla ice cream!" Tyler said and Linda gave him a funny look.

"I really don't want you to explain that to me, do I?" Linda asked.

"No you don't! Night, Mom!" Tyler said, getting up.

Tyler walked into Derek's bedroom to see Larry and Derek sitting side-by-side on the bed talking. Larry had his arm around Derek and they were joking. Tyler tapped on the bedroom door and they both turned to see who it was.

"Am I interrupting?" Tyler asked.

"No, no. Come on in. This is your bedroom!" Larry said.

"Okay, I didn't want to interrupt," Tyler said.

"I'm finished. I just needed to apologize to Derek," Larry said.

"Okay, I didn't miss anything then. I was afraid I might have missed out on a lecture about the importance of using condoms," Tyler said and Derek rolled back on the bed laughing. Larry reached over Derek and pulled out one of the pillows and began beating Tyler with it.

"Someone thinks they're a comedian, huh?" Larry said laughing and Tyler was laughing so hard that he didn't have the strength to grab a pillow to defend himself.

"Derek?? Save me!" Tyler yelled through his laughter but Derek was laughing too hard to help.

"If you haven't figured out by now that our Dad is sick you never will," Derek said, trying to catch his breath.

"I seriously doubt he has a 'Trojan' virus?" Tyler said and everyone began laughing again and Larry laughed so hard that he stopped hitting Tyler with the pillow and dropped down beside him on the bed.

"Tyler, I guarantee that your test results are going to be bad! Very, very bad!" Larry said laughing.

"Speaking of test results when will you know?" Tyler asked.

"Sometime Wednesday. I will drop them off at the lab on my way to work," Larry said.

"Did you get Danny's urine sample yet Dad?" Derek asked.

"Oh yeah!" Larry said laughing. "It's the one with the happy face drawn on the lid!" Everyone laughed over that. "He doesn't know it yet but he's going to have Mad Cow disease!" Larry added and they all started laughing.

"I could have told you that," Tyler added.

"Is there an orgy going on in here?" Kyle asked walking into the bedroom via the shared bathroom. "Oops! Sorry Dad didn't know you were in here!"

"No problem, Kyle! Derek and I were just going to shower! Dad's going to tell you all about condoms! Make sure you explain it clearly to him Kyle!" Tyler said and ran off to the bathroom laughing before Larry could grab him. Derek stripped naked and left for the bathroom as well while Kyle sat down beside his father.

"So what do you need to know, Dad?" Kyle asked with a big grin.

Larry and Kyle heard the roar of laughter from the washroom.

"Go to bed, Kyle!" Larry said kissing his forehead and walking out of the room.

"Any time I can be of help just ask...," Kyle said with his voice trailing off.

Cody left Luke and Casey's room heading off towards Kyle's room when he literally walked into Larry.

"Oh geez! Sorry." Cody said as he bumped into Larry.

"My fault Cody. I wasn't looking where I was going," Larry said. "Are you heading off to bed?"

"Yes, Sir," Cody said.

"Did you find a bed to sleep in?" Larry asked teasing him.

"Kyle's giving up his room for tonight and I believe I am paying for it into the afterlife!" Cody said laughing.

"Don't worry. Kyle has a short memory. It's Luke you have to worry about!" Larry said.

"I HEARD THAT!" Luke yelled from his room.

"Did you hear that you are grounded for the rest of the week?" Larry yelled.


Cody laughed and said, "Good night, Sir, and thank you for having us over and all that you have done."

"Anything for our boys!" Larry said as he hugged him. Cody wrapped his arms around Larry and laid his head on Larry's chest slowly inhaling the 'dad' scent.

"Tyler's so lucky to have you," Cody said quietly.

"I think I'm the one who is lucky to have Tyler... and you as well Cody!" Larry said. "I wouldn't trade you for anyone or anything."

"Thank you, Sir. That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!" Cody said.

Larry kissed Cody's forehead and smiled as he released Cody from their hug. "Night, Cody."

"Night, Dad." Cody said winking.

"Night, Son!" Larry said, as he passed Cody and headed in to say good night to Luke and Casey.

Cody pumped his fist in the air as he walked off to Kyle's bedroom. Cody got changed and got into bed waiting for the washroom to clear so he could brush his teeth. He picked up Dr. Anderson's medical journal that he had been reading earlier and was skimming through it when Kyle came in.

"Hey, sexy!" Cody said.

"Whatever...," Kyle said sitting down at his computer."

"Do you want me to leave the room?" Cody asked.

"No... it's your room tonight. I was just saying night to Chris," Kyle said, tapping away on his keyboard.

When Kyle turned his computer off Cody called him over to sit on the bed beside him. Cody grabbed him and pulled him over top of himself to lie beside him.

"We need to talk for a second, Kyle!" Cody said, and Kyle gave him a look. "I need to apologize for something." Kyle arched his one eyebrow.

"All the shit that happened with Matt at the ski resort was because I told him to. Whether you deserved it or not doesn't really matter. I was wrong to do that and I apologize. I wouldn't want to be treated that way and I am ashamed of what I did to you. I won't blame you if you don't forgive me but know that I am sorry for being an assmite and spoiling your With best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year, I am," Cody said with his arms still wrapped around Kyle.

"k..." Kyle said.

"Kyle, I really love being a part of this family. I really do think of you as my brother. Not my younger brother either. I think of you as my equal and as my friend and as someone I truly love. Real friends don't do that to each other. I fucked up with Tyler and now I've fucked up with you. I just want you to know that I am sorry and it will never happen again," Cody said.

"It's okay Cody. I was an asshole and I guess I did deserve it so don't worry about it," Kyle said.

"I do worry about it. I've never had a brother and I really want you as one. You are important to my life. I do think of you and worry about you. I don't want to lose any more respect from you than I already have," Cody said. "Will you please forgive me?"

"Forgiven!" Kyle said as he leaned in and hugged Cody.

"I will make it up to you Kyle. I promise!" Cody said.

"We're brothers and friends. We don't owe each other as Tyler says. We are just there for each other when needed," Kyle said.

"I know and I have heard him say those exact words to me before. I just wanted you to know that I am sorry I ruined your trip," Cody said.

"Actually, do you know what the best part of the trip was?" Kyle asked and Cody shrugged his shoulders.

"When Matt kissed me!" Kyle whispered.

"You may have lost me?" Cody asked.

"Matt kissed me when we were alone in my room. It was so personal... so deep... so, so... passionate," Kyle suggested.

"Yeah... I know passionate!" Cody said smiling.

"I've never been kissed like that without getting horny," Kyle pondered. "It was a completely new experience for me."

"Okay, I understand now. You were kissed by someone that truly loved you for you and it wasn't about sex!" Cody suggested.

"Exactly. I didn't even get a hard-on. It was something way beyond sex," Kyle said, moving his hands around in the air as if he was trying to show Cody a visual of what he felt.

"Holy crap Kyle. You are really growing up! I got to experience that once with Tyler. I don't think that I had ever felt more safe, secure, and loved in my life because I knew that the kiss came from so deep inside. It sort of became a secret bond between us. It wasn't sexual. It was ten times deeper. I think I actually started to cry from what I felt inside," Cody pondered.

"Yeah! Yeah! That's it! That's the feeling!" Kyle said hugging Cody.

"Well despite my being an assmite I can tell you that I love you much deeper than Matt does," Cody said, holding Kyle.

"I know you do and I feel that way about you too!" Kyle said. They both stopped and stared into each other's eyes. They were about to move closer to each other's lips but neither moved.

"This isn't working. It seems planned. Even final?" Cody suggested.

"Yeah... agreed. At least it's nice to know that it is coming in the future!" Kyle said.

"Yeah...," Cody said smiling. "I really do love you Kyle."

"I know. I knew that not long after I first met you. You would stare at me and watch me and not in that sort of stalker way. It was out of love and concern. I see you do that with Luke and Casey as well. It's the same look in Tyler's eyes," Kyle said.

"How do you know that look Kyle?" Cody asked.

"That's easy. It's when the person looking at you is looking right through you. Like you can see the future and you are watching to make sure nothing happens to me," Kyle said.

"Geez Kyle, don't go and grow up to fast!" Cody said kissing his forehead.

"I'm happy you're a part of my life as well!" Kyle said yawning.

"You'd better get to bed little brother," Cody said.

"Whatever... it's just school in the morning," Kyle said.

"Night Kyle. I really do love you and I really am sorry," Cody said.

"I know Cody. I could tell you felt guilty and as I said I know that your love is true by watching you with Casey," Kyle said kissing Cody and getting up off the bed to go into Derek's room.

Danny came into Kyle's bedroom and asked, "What ya reading?"

"An article on co-dependency, alcoholism and drug abuse," Cody said.

"Why?" Danny asked laughing. "You're not a drunk are you?"

"I'm reading it because I picked up this medical journal Dr. Anderson had and flipped through it and happened upon the article," Cody said defensively

"You're not an alcoholic... they go to meetings!" Danny said teasing. "Now how about a massage?"

"You want to give me a massage?" Cody asked.

"No, actually I was thinking you could give me one since you are my boyfriend... but if you really want me to give you one then I can when you've done me," Danny said.

Cody closed the magazine and pulled his knees up to this chest. "Danny, I think we really need to talk tonight."

"You could talk while you massage my back and some other parts of me!" Danny said grinning.

"Maybe you are right and we really don't need to talk...," Cody said getting up and leaving Kyle's room with his magazine. Cody went downstairs and turned on the lights in the great room. Abbey stuck her head over the back of the leather sofa and wagged her tail.

"Hey girl, how are you?" Cody asked as he gave her a kiss. Cody sat down on the other sofa across from Abbey. Abbey whined and Cody got up and sat down beside her. Abbey laid her head down on Cody's lap while Cody continued reading his article.

Danny came down stairs wearing only his jeans. He paused at the kitchen entrance to see the back of Cody's head and his shoulder moving back and forth. He didn't really think that Cody would be jerking off out in the open but he couldn't think of what else he might be doing.

As Danny approached quietly to surprise him, Abbey jumped up and looked over the back of the sofa causing Cody to turn around as well.

"Damn you Abbey! You foiled my plot to scare the crap out of Cody?" Danny said giving her ears a good rub from behind the sofa. Danny came around the sofa and flopped down beside Abbey. Abbey stuck her hind legs into Danny's thigh as he rubbed her belly. Danny looked up at Cody and then Cody looked back down at his magazine.

"I owe you an apology. I was rude and insensitive," Danny said looking down at Abbey.

"When did you come to this decision?" Cody asked without looking up from his magazine.

"That's why I came down here," Danny said a little perturbed at the implication being made.

"I thought it was the look I just gave you," Cody said.

"You didn't look at me. You looked away," Danny said.

"Whatever...," Cody said.

"Would you please tell me about the article you are reading?" Danny asked. Cody set the magazine down on his lap and looked forward.

Danny waited silently for Cody to say something.

"In laymen's terms it tells about women who marry alcoholics because they need to feel needed and believe that they can change the alcoholic. The fact is that no one can change an alcoholic if he or she doesn't want to and quite often the co-dependent woman doesn't really want the alcoholic to get better for fear that he will no longer need her! Typically, the average co-dependant wife lives a life of hell with him until his liver gives out and he dies. The irony is that the co-dependant more often than not turns around and marries another alcoholic or drug abuser," Cody said and then turned to look at Danny.

"You think I'm an alcoholic?" Danny asked.

"I think I'm wasting my time here is what I think," Cody said.

"Hold up a minute, Mr. Conners! I asked a serious question because I don't understand the relevance," Danny said furrowing his brow in anger.

"Fine, I apologize. No, I don't think that you are an alcoholic but I do think I am a co-dependant type of person. I've been working really hard with Dr. Reynolds at learning to stand on my own two feet and getting over Dakota's abuse and my allowing myself to be abused. I didn't realize that I had such low self-esteem and that I've never really learned to love myself. Even the fact that my Mom died but I didn't has brought on feelings of guilt and worthlessness," Cody said.

"Hold up again! Are you telling me that I am like Dakota?" Danny asked sitting up and turning to face Cody.

"I just finished telling you my about my deepest personal fears and you are still stuck on the idea that you might be like Dakota?" Cody bowed his head down slightly and stared at the floor without saying anything more.

Danny jumped up and started pacing back and forth. He eventually walked over to the back window and stared out. Abbey joined him wondering what he was looking at. Cody could see Danny wiping his eyes.

"Danny, I don't want to change you. I don't want to feel I have to change you. I want you to want to change so that you can become all that you can be... all that we can be together!" Cody began but Danny held his hand out behind him for Cody to stop talking.

<Two minutes pass>

"Go ahead!" Danny said not turning around.

"You're not Dakota, but sometimes you treat me the same way Dakota did. You order me around, treat me like I'm your slave, and expect me to follow whatever you say," Cody said still looking at the floor.

<A minute of silence passes>

"Continue...," Danny said still not turning around.

"Sometimes I think you consider me to be like a bag of your cinnamon buns. You grab them and devour them all for yourself. You never even think about sharing anything with others or how you look to other people. It seems like everything you want in life you get or you take and hoard it away for yourself. Tonight at dinner you could have shared your beer bread muffin with Tyler and Derek but you didn't. You always say Tyler is YOUR best friend but you don't think about how Derek and I feel when you say that? The fact that you would want to have sex in your parent's house without regard to your mother's feelings about her son's sexuality and having a boyfriend is something I can't even comprehend? I can't live under someone's shadow. I am supposed to be your boyfriend, your partner, and your equal. I have a problem, Danny, and I may very well have it for life but I need someone who doesn't take advantage of it... someone who loves me for me, and not as their possession," Cody said.

"I need to go to bed," Danny said, with tears flowing as he stormed out of the great room with Abbey following him.

"Danny!" Cody yelled and Danny stopped. "This is really not the time for you to walk away from me unless that is what you really want?" Cody asked. Danny came to a stop and stood still.

"If you love me and you love us then this is the time to deal with us and our future - if you still want me?" Cody asked.

"I still want you as my other half," Danny said not facing Cody.

"Please sit down?" Cody asked and Danny sat down at the far end of the sofa. Abbey jumped up and plopped her head down on Danny's lap.


"Do you think we have a co-dependent relationship?" Danny asked.

"No," Cody said.

"Then why are you saying these things?" Danny asked looking over at Cody.

"Because this is how it began with Dakota and Ryan and then Dakota and me. I try to be nice and want to please so I give in on most things to make you happy and hope that you will love me and need me," Cody said.

"I'm not sure that I follow you now?" Danny asked.

"You said on New Year's Eve that you were going to try to share more and you did for a little bit, but it seems to have made you even worse now. You might think it's funny to call me your slave boy but it isn't," Cody began.

"I was just joking when I said that!" Danny defended.

"True, but even though you say it as a joke your actions show that it isn't. It's like a white guy who tells racial jokes and ends every joke with 'but I'm not a racist'. The truth is that he probably is a racist or he wouldn't even repeat those jokes. He might even have a black friend to help hide his true feelings inside but you can probably bet that down inside he is a racist," Cody said.

"Hold on a second...," Danny said.

"NO! You hold on and listen for a change! Just because a thought comes into your head doesn't mean we all need to hear it or should be forced to listen to it! You can talk when I'm done," Cody said sitting up and glaring at him.

"I'm more fucked up than you will ever be. If you didn't know that then you do now! I don't need you to treat me like someone who is fragile and I don't need you to treat me like someone who wants to be led on a leash." Abbey heard the word leash and her tail began thumping.

"I'm not blaming you for anything Danny, but I am asking you for your help here. I need you to treat me as your equal, help me up when I fall down, correct me when I am wrong, teach me when I need to be taught, and love me 24/7 as your equal. If you are feeling sorry for yourself right now then you are missing my cry for help. I'm very sensitive to anyone who treats me like I am a piece of property that they own," Cody said.

"So you are saying that you are like a guy who falls off of a horse. You are always going to be nervous about even being near one again?" Danny asked.

"Not the best analogy but it will do," Cody said. "I love you Danny more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. I want you to be with me forever but I need to be your equal. If I've done something that has made you some how feel I don't deserve to be your equal then I really need to know right now!" he added.

"You tease me Cody and I tease you. That's all it is," Danny said.

"No, it isn't, Danny. Tell me honestly if you think everything I've said is wrong?" Cody asked. Danny dropped his head down in silence.

"Maybe you're just not the sharing type? It's a bit like eating an entire pie all by yourself! You don't see anything selfish about that do you?" Cody asked.

Danny started to cry softly.

"This isn't about the pie by the way, it's just an example. This is about love and giving and sharing and living our life together as equals. Even if we are not meant to be together I think you really need to think about your possessive nature. You need to answer to both of us if you feel that the way you treat me is fair?" Cody said.

"What's going on?" Casey asked. Danny and Cody turned around to see Casey standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Nothing, we were just talking. What are you doing up Casey?" Cody asked.

"I couldn't sleep," Casey said.

Cody got up and picked up Casey into his arms. "Oh sweetie. I'm sorry, but you have school in the morning you need to get some zzzzzz's!" Cody said. "Let me take you back to bed."

"I wanna stay up with you guys!" Casey whined.

"I wish you could but you'll be grouchy in the morning like Luke. Danny, want to help me put Casey to bed?" Cody asked. Danny looked over in shock and then got up.

"Here let Danny carry you upstairs. I'm getting too old for this," Cody said, putting a sleepy Casey into Danny's arms. Casey rested his head on Danny's shoulder and Danny kissed the top of his forehead.

Danny led the way upstairs and with Cody following in case Danny fell, while Abbey decided to take the lead and run up the stairs ahead of them all. Cody pulled back the covers and Danny lay Casey down.

Cody leaned down and kissed Casey. "I love you, sweet dreams!" Cody said.

"Love you too!" Casey said with his eyes shut. Danny and Cody stared down at Casey for a moment and Cody nudged Danny in the side. Danny leaned down and kissed Casey. Casey gave him a hug and smile.

"Night, Casey," Danny whispered and Casey was already gone to dreamland.

"Why don't you go bed and I will shut the lights off downstairs?" Danny suggested as Cody closed Luke's bedroom door behind them.

"Sure, thanks. C'mon, Abbey," Cody called.

When Danny returned Cody was in the shared bathroom brushing his teeth and Abbey had positioned herself in the middle of Kyle's bed.

Danny had finished changing and brushing his own teeth only to find Cody on the far side of the bed and Abbey in the middle getting a tummy rub. Danny crawled into bed and turned out the light.

<Four minutes pass and Danny can feel the motion of the bed from Cody rubbing Abbey's belly. >

"You're right," Danny said staring up at the ceiling.

"What?" Cody asked.

"I said you are right and therefore I am wrong," Danny said and rolled over to face away from Cody.

"How do you know that I am right?" Cody asked.

"It doesn't matter and beside you're pretty much always right," Danny said.

Cody stared at Danny in the darkness.

"Want to talk about it?" Cody asked.

"Not really. You're right and I am wrong as usual. Are you happy now?" Danny asked.

"No. I'm not happy with you being unhappy or mad at me. After all you are my other half," Cody said.

"You're my better half," Danny said, and Cody grinned.

"Thank you for thinking that," Cody said.

"Whatever... we both know it," Danny said.

"How did you figure it out?" Cody joked.

"Your analogies suck but I still managed to figure it out by myself," Danny said.

"Do tell, Mr. Armitage, since I didn't know you were that smart? And before you say anything that was teasing!" Cody said as he leaned on his left arm scratching under Abbey's neck.

"Thanks for the clarification... I probably wouldn't have figured it out myself!" Danny said coldly. Cody remained silent waiting for Danny to speak.

"I'm jealous okay? Now pick on me or get over it," Danny said.

"Jealous? Jealous of what?" Cody asked.

"Everything! I'm jealous of you and all you have that makes you what you are. I'm jealous of your friendship with Casey. I'm just a jealous, possessive person! You basically already said so yourself," Danny said pulling the comforter in tighter to his body.

"I understand your being a jealous person but I really don't see what you have to be jealous of me about?" Cody asked.

Danny rolled over and Abbey looked up at him. "What? Are you serious? You're blond, cute, smart, sexy, nice, giving, loving, sharing, a million times more secure in yourself than you realize, and worst of all!!!! You're improving and becoming a better person everyday while I rot in a hole," Danny said and rolled back over.

Cody held back his laughter and was happy that Danny couldn't see his grin. "Ummm..., would you be so kind as to explain how you came to this conclusion?" Cody asked.

"Everything you tried to explain about yourself came true the moment that Casey showed up downstairs. You went to him right away, picked him up and hugged him, told him you loved him, comforted him and then while I sat there being jealous of your relationship with him you did the worst thing you could possibly do to me!" Danny said.

"What's that?" Cody asked laughing.

"You included me! You want Casey to have the same relationship with me that you have with him. You're not afraid of Casey loving someone other than yourself. You have become so totally unselfish that when you die you will probably go through the door marked 'nothing to declare'. <Pause> and I am jealous of you for it. Are you satisfied now?" Danny said.

"I think I understand but I'm not sure," Cody reflected.

"Look at it from my point-of-view! On a daily basis I have to worry about someone taking you away from me. There are a thousand better guys out there who are more deserving of you than me. You think that the afternoon in Iowa for me was all about having a sexual fantasy come true? Wrong! It was hell for me! I watched as you fucked Derek and wondered if I would lose you to him. You're so much like Tyler. Too damn perfect! Everything good in you is bad in me! I feel like a fat guy looking having to look at a picture of some hot stud on his fridge every time he goes to open the door! Every time I look at you I see all my imperfections," Danny moaned.

"I guess the truth is that if I can keep you under my thumb then I won't lose you to someone better than me. I'm sorry for what I have done... for what I have become. You really do deserve someone worthy of you," Danny said and wiped his eyes.

Cody wiped his eyes and said. "C'mon Abbey... time to go," he said pushing her off the bed." Cody slid closer to Danny and put his left arm under Danny's pillow and brought his hand on to Danny's chest. He tapped Danny's chest three times.

"Sorry, I take that back!" Cody said and Danny rolled slightly on to his back and looked a Cody.

"I didn't mean to tap you three times. I meant to say it out loud that I love you Danny. There are very few minutes in my life that I don't feel unworthy of being by your side. There might be a thousand greater guys out there but I'm not in love with any of them but the one in my arms," Cody said.

"Would you help me?" Danny asked.

"Yes, of course. Will you help me?" Cody asked and Danny didn't respond.

"Will you help me?" Cody repeated.

"I don't know how and I doubt I'm capable of it anyway," Danny said.

"Do you truly love me?" Cody asked.

"Yes," Danny said.

"Then you'll be able to help me," Cody said.

"I really don't know Cody?" Danny said.

"We both know we have problems and it's going to take work on both our parts. I feel better about us than I have in a long time. I think that if the love is real then we have the basis to grow together," Cody said.

"I hope so," Danny said closing his eyes and squeezing Cody's hand.

To be continued...

Posted: 01/21/09