By: Various Tickiestories Authors
[(Parentheses) indicate changes from original contribution.]
[Italics indicate transitional additions. Blame Gerry!]
The room was filled with men of all color(s) and nationalities, just waiting for (Tickie) to (arrive). (Mikey)
(Soon, he) was led naked, blindfolded, and (with his) hands tied behind his back into the room where all his authors were gathered to celebrate his birthday. (Deep Diver)
Needless to say, they were naked, too, and had been there long enough to check each other out, since they weren’t blindfolded, and they had their hands free, too. (Anel Viz)
With all the pre-celebration groping activities that had been going on, all cocks were erect – some were sticking straight out, while the majority pulsed or throbbed as they curved with need and anticipation, upwards, downwards, to the right or to the left. Elastic strings of pre-cum stretched toward the floor awaiting ejaculatory release. All, that is, except for Gerry, who, at his age, couldn’t even get it up, much less, give a drip!
(As he entered the room, Tickie) was startled when the silence was broken by sudden cheers. One voice above the rest, cried, “You’ve given us so much pleasure through your writings and your Tickiestories site, we hope this little celebration will be accepted as a sign of our love for you.” (Jess Mercer)
“Amen!” “Hear! Hear!” “Right on!” echoed the feelings of all those present.
The Emcee directed the hapless birthday boy by his shoulders to a spot on the center of the daďs, under a small spotlight, and snapped his fingers for two brawny stage-hands, in all their nudely, hirsute, and tumescent grandeur, to string his hands up to a cross-bar suspended (…) above his head. (H S)
His toes barely touched the daďs, as, one by one, thirteen excited participants stepped up to administer his birthday present – five spanking whacks on the cheeks of his snow-white ass with a leather tawse, followed by either a kiss or a swipe of the gift-giver’s hot, moist tongue.
He writhed in delight as the paddle contacted with his butt, and as the lips (and tongues) caressed his nether regions. (Will B)
From the moment when he entered the room, his maleness was flaccid and almost completely hidden by his luxuriant out-cropping of dark brown, soft, pubic fur, but as each swat was administered, his state of arousal became more and more apparent – definitely a ‘grower’ and not a ‘shower’!
Eventually … amid his passionate moans and groans and sudden yelps of surprise, ‘Little Tickie’ was standing at full 9˝-inch, thick, turgid attention, bobbing, bouncing, throbbing, pulsing, leaking pearls and strings of appreciation and joy, such as had not occurred since his teen-years. His derriere was in pain, but his heart was happy, and ‘Little-Big-Man Tickie’ seemed to have a huge grin across his tiny dripping lips. His contradictory feelings stemmed from the pain and the pleasure he had received during the counting-off of his years.
The gathered authors were astonished at the size and girth of (Tickie’s) rigid cock. (Scotty)
Then … after the thirteen attendees had given their sixty-five hearty ’love-taps’, Gerry stepped up and whispered into Tickie’s ear, “Forgive me, but these are the last. We don’t want you cumming too soon.” He then curled his tongue and probed as far as possible into Tickie’s auditory organ.
“Ummmmmmm,” the hanging man moaned as he shivered in delight.
Gerry quickly stepped away, drew back his right arm and … WHACK! Bare-handed! “Sixty-six!” he counted off.
“OW!” he cried out.
WHACK! “Sixty-seven!” Gerry finished the count with a resounding blow.
“OUCH!” Tickie screamed. ‘Little Tickie’ had gone into hiding again.
“And one to GROW on!” Gerry announced, kneeling behind the Webmaster. He kissed the now cherry-red globes, and with tenderness, spread them apart, burying his face and tongue in the hot, sweaty cleft of Tickie’s ass.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” the assembled group yelled, and then broke into song …
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Belated Birthday, dear Tickie!
Happy Birthday to you.
And … man--y… more!
It was then that those same two stage-hands returned to the daďs and removed Tickie’s blindfold.
(As Gerry stood and came within vision, Tickie) thought, ‘Maybe black leather or an Army uniform…’ but he wasn’t prepared for (Gerry,) the stud, to (be) wearing a Tiara, a tight black spandex, jumper, and pink bunny slippers… (William Tyler King)
He was completely taken aback and began laughing hysterically. Gerry grinned and blew him a kiss as the two ASS-istants untied his hands and led him to a low ‘serving table’, somewhat like a sacrificial altar.
Before he could resist, he, Tickie, was lying prone and spread-eagled, awaiting … he knew not what. Even in his wonderment, his tumescence had not withered since he beheld no malice in the faces of those who surrounded him.
“Just relax, and enjoy!” someone said.
All were slowly stroking themselves with one hand, while, with the other, they were ministering to the birthday boy, each, in his own way.
(Tickie) lay on his back, hands untied but restrained by unseen hands, when he felt several more hands massage and caress his nude body, followed by the unmistakable feeling of several tongues and lips roaming from his neck to his toes. (Morris Henderson)
He realized that he had not felt this turned on in years, as something warm and wet mysteriously engulfed his right big toe. (Henry Higgins)
(At some pre-arranged signal,) all present produced their sacred writing quill pens (We can only imagine from WHERE!) and proceeded to stroke (Tickie’s) helpless naked body, driving him to uncontrolled gales of laughter (mixed with moans of near-climactic pleasure). (JustJames)
Each man then tossed his feathered teaser away and began in earnest to masturbate himself faster and faster. Moans and groans and the sounds of rapid breathing filled the room. Tickie’s eyes darted from one blurry hand-on-cock to another, secretly hoping soon to be bathed in the personal, hot, sweet offerings of his authors.
It was at this point in the Celebration of Tickie’s life, that (one of the men) spread his cheeks wide and proceeded to drive his tongue deep into his quivering man hole, while (another) slid (Tickie’s) raging cock into his mouth, deep-throating it and wrapping his tongue around the turgid pole on each pull back. (Jonathan Davis)
Tongue-fucking, sucking, the manly odor of the sweaty bodies around him, soon drove Tickie over the edge, and he exploded gallons of pent-up sweet man-cream deep into the gullet of the adept energetic fellator. As he spewed forth his volcanic lava as never before, ‘Little-Big-Man Tickie’ escaped the throaty confines and jumped and jerked and twisted and spat and shot and blessed each and every one of those gathered around.
Each, in turn, leapt over the urgent abyss of passion and let fly his own torrent of love-juice onto the Webmaster whom they all had come to love and cherish.
Immediately, each began to lick and gobble up the offered liquid refreshment until not a drop remained to the open air. The room, however, was filled with the unmistakable fragrance of uncontrolled male orgiastic pleasure.
As he was lifted from the table, and his feet touched the wooden floor, each author gathered ‘round, kissed him, and wished him well.
(Two other men then) took the naked Tickie, leading him by his now deflated penis. (They) pushed (him) up onto the back of a beautiful silver horse. (It) had a fur saddle (…) so it wouldn’t chaff any of Tickie’s most private parts.
(He) looked confused as (they) placed his naked feet into the stirrups of the saddle and handed him the reigns.
(Then they) smacked the horse on the hind quarters and yelled, “Hi-yo Silver.” The horse reared up and dashed into the sunset. Tickie didn’t realize that he was being followed by a person with a headband with a feather to make sure that nothing unplanned happened. (E Walk)
Gone were the Tiara, tight black spandex, jumper, and pink bunny slippers. Now, the lone man wore only the feathered headband and chamois loin cloth and moccasins, beating on his ‘Tom-Tom’ as he went.
One of the two men was overheard saying, “Even with my (weak …) knees, I think that is the kind of (birthday present) I would want.”
Deep Diver
Anel Viz
Jess Mercer
Will B
William Tyler King
Morris Henderson
Henry Higgins
Jonathan Davis
E Walk
Gerry Young
Gone on a new
but never
forgotten! Since this story was authored!
Posted: 11/02/07