Little Man, Big Man
Solo Voice
(© 2019 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 1
Little Man
In the backyard of his home and sitting cross-legged on the grass, Jackson grimaced when the sound that had been consistently in the background, suddenly grew in volume to almost deafening proportions while absorbing his complete attention in a moment. As he looked up at his mother’s face, the boy frowned and covered his ears, his expression questioning without saying a word.
His mother, a twenty-five-year-old nurse of average height with a firm and shapely body, pushed the long, blonde hair from her eyes, which had blown across her face as a consequence of a hot, westerly wind. Sitting on a bench seat of the barbecue setting while Jackson sat on the grass beside her, she empathised with the disturbed look on her son’s face and so reaching down, she stroked his cheek to let him know there was nothing to worry about and everything was fine.
“They’re called Cicadas, Jackson. They’re a large, flying bug that can’t hurt you. Though their appearance differs depending on their location in the world, here, where we live, they’re black with big eyes and transparent wings. Transparent means see-through. As a species - that means as a specific group of life or a type of big family - they sort of rattle part of their body to make that sound. The more there are in the group the louder the sound is,” April explained.
Nodding, even though he really did not comprehend the description of the bug or how the noise was made, Jackson looked down at the grass and allowed a little black ant to crawl onto his finger. Seeing her son was completely distracted, April said, “I’m going inside to talk to Dad. I’ll be back shortly, okay?”
Watching the ant on his finger right in front of his eyes, Jackson did not respond to his mother with either a look or words. Kindergarten was over, the summer holidays had begun and there were no kids to play with on the street. Bored while easily distracted, Jackson was restless and wanted something to do.
Smaller than most boys his age, Jackson Swanson was six-years-old the day he met Brad Courtney, the man who lived next-door. His mother, now inside the house, had left Jackson in the backyard alone. As he continued to stare at the ant crawling up and down and around his index finger, another noise came to life and somehow managed to quell the extreme sound of the bugs. It was a very different sound and though he felt sure he had heard it before, whatever was causing it, he could not recall what it was.
Looking up into the air at nothing, he wished he could see something solid, something that could explain the new yet different sound, which floated through or around the sound of the bugs. With no answer, he stood up and walked around to the side of the house but when he noticed the partially ajar gate, he decided it was too tempting to ignore. While walking the path of the driveway leading toward the street, though, the break between the trees in the fenceless front garden was yet another distracting temptation and a moment later, Jackson was in the front yard of the next-door neighbour’s home.
It was a Saturday, the street was quiet and with no one to interrupt his exploration, Jackson began his search for the cause of the most recent noise. Wearing only his little blue shorts, the shirtless, barefoot boy, ambled across a recently cut lawn. Aware of little more than the hot summer sun on his body, of the crispy feeling of the dry lawn on the soles of his feet or the two distinct sounds that seemed to be in the air all around him; Jackson continued forward.
Everything was a curiosity and everything in his sight existed just for him. Alone in this gigantic world of a few hundred metres, with no one to tell him what or what not to do, Jackson felt a rare sense of freedom like never before.
Upon reaching the neighbour's driveway after crossing the lawn, Jackson turned toward the neighbour's backyard. There was a gate but it had been swung wide open, which to Jackson was little more than an invitation to his curiosity.
The hot concrete of the driveway was initially warm on his feet as he stepped from the grass. Noticing it made his soles tingle, he thought it sort of tickled and felt good. He stopped for a moment to let the feeling grow, however, just before the heat really began to burn his young feet, he looked up and saw a figure disappear behind the back of the house.
While curious about the swiftly vanishing figure he had barely even seen, he wondered who the person might be. Additionally, he felt certain the loud roaring noise was coming from behind the house. The sound varied in volume like it was coming closer then moving away, however, it also seemed capable of covering the high-pitched, screeching noise, of the flying bug things his mother had tried to explain to him. Jackson thought the bugs sounded ugly and a bit scary but what he did know was the screeching bothered his ears and he wanted to know what the other sound was, which was sort of drowning out the bugs.
With untarnished innocence, Jackson walked up to the corner where the back of the house ended and he stopped to see what was there. It was another new world within his world. There was a house for a car and he wondered why his father’s car did not have a house as well. Then he saw a new face; another man cutting the grass just like his father did. He realised immediately the sound was a lawn mower, which was why the bugs were sort of silenced.
The man was different from his father, though. He was a bigger man and taller as well but like Jackson, he was only wearing shorts. The man’s hair was light brown and though Jackson did not really understand the concept of attraction, he thought he liked the look of the man. He also liked how the man had big muscles and so he stood there staring at the man, as he wondered who he was.
At that moment the man looked up from his task. Instantly he saw the cutest, little, blonde-haired boy, watching him mowing his lawn. Recognising Jackson immediately, Brad turned off the mower and walked toward him. He smiled at the boy in an acknowledging manner but though the boy had seen him on a couple occasions, it appeared from Jackson’s expression, he did not recognise him. Even so, as the man approached, Jackson stretched out his arms in a gesture requesting for the man to pick him up.
“Jackson? G’day, Little Man, whatcha doin’ there?”
The man leaned down and lifted the boy up into his arms and drew him against the big, tanned muscles of his chest.
Wrapping one arm around the man’s neck, he placed his other hand on the huge shoulder. He looked down at the ground and realising he was higher than he had ever been, his fingers clutched tight to the hot skin, which curved over the big shoulder muscle, making him feel safer. He then turned his head and as he looked at the golden-caramel colour of the man’s eyes, Jackson said, “I wanted to know who you are?”
Now certain the boy did not recognise him, the man said, “Jackson, I’m Brad, your next-door neighbour. Don’t you remember me?”
“No,” Jackson replied, before looking down and sliding his hand off Brad’s shoulder, letting his fingers caress over the smooth, taut skin of Brad’s left pectoral muscle.
“Where’re your mum and dad, Jackson?”
“At home,” he replied disinterestedly but with barely a pause, he said as if it were far more important, “You’ve got really big muscles.”
Laughing as he suddenly noticed the little boy’s finger was touching, feeling and prodding his chest, Brad said, “I guess my muscles are pretty big to you, Little Man. If I have any say about it though, I’m gonna make them bigger than they are, as I get older.”
“You’re already old,” Jackson replied.
Turning and looking at the boy with amused astonishment, Brad wondered if Jackson associated size with age. Did small mean young and tall mean old in Jackson’s mind?
Brad laughed and said, “Jackson, I’m only nineteen.”
“That’s old. I’m only six. You’re younger than my dad though, even if you’re bigger than him. He’s really old. He’s twenty-six. That’s a whole twenty years older than me.”
“At least you got the math right, if nothing else, Jackson,” Brad joked and laughed, as he gently shook his head with amusement once again.
Looking at Brad bewildered because he did not understand what he had said, Jackson changed the subject and asked, “How come you know who I am?”
“I live next-door to you, Jackson. I know your parents and I also said hello to you on the day I was in your backyard meeting your dad and mum,” Brad explained.
“I don’t remember,” Jackson said.
“Not to worry, Little Man.”
“I like it when you call me that,” Jackson said.
“Well then, from now on, Jackson, you’ll be Little Man to me,” Brad replied.
“I like you,” Jackson said.
Laughing at the untainted honesty, Brad replied, “Well, Little Man, I like you, too.”
With an enormous and very pleased smile, Jackson wrapped both arms over Brad’s shoulders and hugged him. He particularly enjoyed the feeling of the hot skin of the man’s big chest pressed tight to his body.
Touched by the affectionate cuddle from the little boy, Brad smiled and said, “You’re just the best, Little Man.”
Lifting his head off Brad’s shoulder, Jackson smiled at him again before Brad said, “You think maybe I should take you home just in case your mum is worried about you?”
Following a disappointed pout, which Brad would soon discover was standard whenever Jackson did not like something or did not get what he wanted, Jackson asked, “Can’t I stay here with you?”
“I’d like that but I’ve got to finish mowing the lawn and I think maybe your mum and dad don’t know where you are,” Brad replied.
“Franklin,” a woman’s voice cried out, “The gate’s open and Jackson’s gone. Jackson! Jackson, where are you? Jackson!”
“Come on, Little Man, you’ve got your mum in a tizz,” Brad said.
As Brad began to carry Jackson toward the front yard, he called out, “April, it’s okay, Jackson’s with me.”
Hearing the male voice calling out to her with relieving news, April ran into the front yard, not exactly sure who had her son or where they were. She stopped and looked at the street and then looked around, before glancing through the break between the trees in the garden, where she saw Brad carrying Jackson toward her while saying, “Here he is.”
April ran into the neighbouring yard with the fear of a mother being displaced by utter relief. She clutched her son from Brad and pulled the boy into her arms and hugged him, before looking up into Brad’s eyes and thanking him repetitively.
“It’s okay, April. He wandered up into my backyard. I’m sure it was all a major exploration for him but he’s fine and no harm was done.”
“Jackson, what are you doing wandering off without telling me? You know you’re not supposed to go out the gate.”
“It was open,” Jackson said, as if that were enough of an explanation.
“Frank must have left it open by accident,” April said, looking at Brad like she was certain he would think they were bad parents.
“Everyone makes the odd mistake. It’s not the end of the world and it all turned out fine,” Brad replied.
“Thank you, Brad.”
“No worries. Anyway, I’ve still got three quarters of the backyard left to mow so I suppose I should get back to it.”
April nodded but as Brad began to turn away, he looked down at Jackson in his mother’s arms. Immediately he saw the boy looking up at him with what he could only describe as adoration in his eyes. Brad felt like he was surrounded by fairy dust and rainbows. His smile was immediate and large in its satisfaction and he reached out and ruffled Jackson’s hair affectionately, before he said, “See you soon, Little Man.”
“Bye Brad,” Jackson said, his own smile growing broadly, as he gazed at the man who made him feel good inside, in a way he did not understand.
The world returned to normal for Jackson once the man next-door was out of sight. The next couple of weeks passed by in the usual way for an average boy of six. Average that is, for a boy living on a street without other children.
The street was a relatively new street in the suburb and all of the houses, which were newly built and completed, were referred to as ‘Housing Commission.’ Commissioned and subsidised by the government, an entire block of small yet affordable housing had been made available for purchase for people trying to buy and build a foundation for their lives and their futures.
Frank and April were the first to arrive and the rest of the small though capable houses were slowly being purchased and filling up with young people, which were mainly, newly married couples. Jackson was the first child on the street and so if he was not being entertained by his parents, he was always looking for something to do.
On the Saturday morning exactly two-weeks following his introduction to the man next-door, as he was jumping up and down on his bed, Jackson glanced out his bedroom window. Though the house had been a two-bedroom house, Frank and April Swanson had added two new rooms to the back of the house, a large dining room and what was now Jackson’s bedroom.
His bedroom was at the back corner on the side overlooking Brad’s backyard. Due to the house receiving an extension, it was bigger than the other houses and therefore Jackson could see right along the back wall of Brad’s house, as well as in front of the free-standing garage. As the momentum of his jumping came to a stop, Jackson stared at the man, once again shirtless while hosing down his car. He stared at Brad for a quiet moment and then wishing Brad would pick him up and hold him again, another moment later, he was springing into full flight, his legs running before his feet hit the carpet.
Sprinting out of his room, Jackson flew across the dining room and was out the backdoor in a flash. He ran around to the gate but this time it was locked securely. He turned and stared at the paling fence between the two yards but though the cross bars were on his side to give him the leverage to climb, he could see he was still too small to reach up and pull himself up and over. Sulking as he walked back around the house, something suddenly occurred to him and his bright smile returned to his face.
Running back to the backdoor, he opened it and stepped inside the house. This time walking, he moved across the dining room to what had originally been the backdoor. Passing through the laundry and then through the kitchen, he came to a halt where the next doorway met a hallway. At the end of the hallway to his right was the bathroom with his parent’s bedroom to its left. Directly opposite where he was standing was the second bedroom, which had previously been his room and was now a spare.
Jackson listened and could hear his parent’s talking in their bedroom. Sneakily, he turned to his left and tiptoed into the living room, reaching up to open the front door. Once again, though, he was too small because the door handle was just above his reach. Looking around, Jackson saw the foot stool in front of his mother’s chair. He walked over, picked it up and carried it back, setting it down beside the door.
Quickly, quietly and with great ease, Jackson opened the main door, as well as the screen door and then hopped from the foot stool straight out onto the front porch. He scooted down the stairs and less than a minute later, he was on the neighbour’s driveway and Brad was in his sight. He smiled as he walked up the side of the house to the big man that called him Little Man.
Washing the roof of the car, Brad looked up when he spotted movement in his peripheral vision. He stood up straight and a large smile crossed his face before he said, “Little Man! How ya doin’, Kiddo?”
Now smiling brightly, Jackson approached Brad hastily and stretched out his arms once again. Brad snorted with a brief chuckle, dropped the soapy sponge into the bucket, wiped his hands on his shorts and instantly Jackson was right where he wanted to be, his arms wrapped firmly around the big shoulders.
“Hi Brad,” Jackson said, as he locked his legs around the big man’s waist and stared into his eyes while smiling.
“Well this is a nice surprise but I bet your mum doesn’t know you’re here again?”
“Why does your car have a house?”
Brad roared with laughter and replied, “It’s called a garage, Little Man. It keeps the car out of the extreme weather when it’s not being used. It’s also good for storing other things as well.”
“We don’t have a garage for our car. On days like this, the metal gets really hot outside and the seats burn my legs on the inside.”
Brad laughed and said, “I understand but not everyone has one, Jackson. People with cars don’t have to have a garage but in many ways they’re good to have.”
“I could see you from my bedroom and that’s how I knew I could come and see you. I wanted to see you straight away and so I did.”
“I’m honoured, Little Man.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that I feel very special that you wanted to come and visit me,” Brad explained and Jackson smiled.
“I want to come and visit you more, Brad.”
“I’ll tell you what. You can come visit me anytime I’m home but you have to tell your mum or your dad that you’re coming, okay?”
“But what if they won’t let me? I like you and I want to see you and talk to you.”
“Little Man, you have to do as your parent’s tell you. You might not like it when they won’t let you do something but trust me, they’re doing it to keep you safe and because they know what’s best for you. Jackson, have they ever told you that you’re not allowed to go on the road?”
“Yeah, Mum says that all the time.”
“Well, that’s because cars are big and very heavy and if you don’t see them coming, they can come very fast and hit you and hurt you. You don’t want to be hit by a car, do you?”
“No,” Jackson replied with a pout.
“Let me show you, Little Man.”
Brad turned his stance toward his car and he gripped Jackson’s hand and leaned toward the vehicle. He pressed the little hand against the metal and said, “See! Feel how hard it is?”
Jackson nodded and then looked up at Brad like he had taught him something really important. Brad moved Jackson’s hand onto the flesh of his other little arm and added, “See, your body is much softer and so if the hard metal hits the soft body, which one do you think would win?”
“The car,” Jackson replied.
“That’s right, Little Man.”
“But I don’t go on the road,” Jackson said.
“There are many things in this world that can hurt you, especially at your age. So, most of the time when your parents say no to you, it’s because they’re trying to take care of you.”
“Okay, I understand,” Jackson replied.
“So now I’m going to take you home because I don’t want your mum and dad to worry about anything bad happening to you.”
“Okay but Brad, can I come and visit you if Mum or Dad say it’s okay?”
“Anytime you want, Little Man, as long as I’m home to see you, alright?”
“Alright,” Jackson replied and then he wrapped his arms around Brad and hugged him with a deep show of affection.
Brad hugged the boy back while feeling great affection for him as well. He then walked around the house, crossed the garden and just as he was reaching the top of the stairs of the front porch, Brad heard voices inside the house, through the doors that Jackson had left wide open.
“Oh my goodness, Frank, the front door is open and I’ll give you one guess how it got that way. Jackson’s walked in and got out and I’ll guarantee he’s wandered off.”
Jackson pulled his head off Brad’s shoulder and looked at him like he was about to be in trouble. Brad grinned at the little boy with amusement, before walking to the door and without stepping inside, he leaned forward and popped his head through the doorway, seeing the man and the woman standing off to his left.
“Hi April, hi Frank, I’m bringing back some very valuable property of yours. He seems to have taken a bit of a shine to me.”
“Oh my goodness,” April said, as both parents walked toward the door.
“He told me he wanted to come and see me to talk to me but was scared you’d say no. I explained why you’d say no was because of the many bad things that could happen. He told me he understands and he’s sorry but he asked if it was okay with you, if he could visit me at other times? I told him it’s okay with me as long as it’s okay with you,” Brad said, as April and Frank reached the door and stopped in front of him.
Looking out the door at their son hanging around Brad’s neck, Frank frowned but April grinned and said, “Jackson, what you did was very naughty and you’re not to do it again. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Mum.”
“Well then, if you want to have a visit with Brad and only if he’s home and only if he has the time to spend with you and as long as you ask us first, then Dad or I will be happy to walk you over to say hello. Alright?”
“Yes Mum,” he said and smiled.
Stepping closer, April reached out and took Jackson from Brad and lowered him into the house. He turned quickly, looked up at Brad and said, “Thanks, Brad.”
“You’re welcome, Little Man.”
“Thank you, again,” April said.
“Not a problem, April. He’s a great kid, he’s fun to be around and he’s also a laugh a minute. Honestly, I’d be happy to see him anytime, although I suspect weekends will be the only good times.”
“As long as you’re sure,” April replied.
“Absolutely,” Brad said.
April asked, “How’s Penny, by the way?”
“She’s really good and I’ll tell her you asked after her. We should do something sometime, maybe a barbecue?”
“Sure,” April said but then she looked down at Jackson and said, “Say goodbye to Brad, Jackson.”
“Bye Brad,” he said, his gaze completely adoring.
“See you, Little Man.”
“Bye Brad and thanks again,” April said, as she took Jackson’s hand and led him deeper into the house.
“I really like Brad,” Jackson said to his mother as they walked into the kitchen.
Brad looked at Frank who was standing completely still and silent while staring at him. It made Brad feel uncomfortable because the man’s eyes seemed to be studying him, like he was trying to understand him or talk to him without words. Brad looked at him curiously but then Frank stepped outside, causing Brad to step backwards to make space for him.
Though Frank was easily around eight centimetres shorter than Brad and nowhere near as incredibly built, he was still a large bodied and solid man. In his own right he was big but his body was more barrel shaped. His hair was ginger-blonde, his skin was more fair than olive and his eyes were light blue. He was attractive but more in an average kind of way.
Before he met April, Frank had hopes of becoming a professional Rugby player and playing internationally for Australia. He was not good enough though and so when he met April, the idea of a pretty wife and an eventual family, became his reason to get a job and create a different kind of life.
Looking at Frank with uncertainty, Brad felt an instant unsettled feeling and he said, “What’s up, Frank?”
“Brad, you don’t need to do this, you know? He’s a boy and he always wants something and he has to learn that what he wants doesn’t just fall from the sky. You’re a young man and I’m sure you’re busy and don’t need some kid wasting your time. Now, just between us men, you can tell me now and I’ll put a stop to it before it starts.”
Brad’s brow furrowed as he looked at Frank. He wondered why he found it difficult to believe he would be happy to spend time with Jackson?
“No, Frank, I meant everything I said. I like your son. He’s a cool kid and he’s pretty much brightened my day on both occasions he showed up. If either you or April bring him over for a visit, though, if I can’t take the time, I’ll let you know. Other than that, an hour or whatever out of my weekend is not going to ruin my day, okay?”
“Sure,” Frank replied but the look in his eyes was confused. He did not understand a grown man wanting to spend time with a little boy that was not even his own. He gave a forced smile, said okay with a shrug and then walked back into the house and looked oddly at Brad as he closed the door.
As Brad started to descend the stairs he turned and looked back at the closed door. He thought there was something unusual about Frank; something that reminded him of his own father but in a more gruff or course way. He thought it was that detached, unemotional man culture, which had embedded itself into male society and still existed in the modern world.
Pondering, he wondered if Frank was one of those old-school men that could not shed a tear and had no idea how to hug their sons? Though he hardly knew Frank outside of their two meetings or the odd “G’day” across the fence, Brad had the distinct sense what he was thinking was right. Regardless, he returned to his backyard and went back to the job he had barely even started.
Picking up the hose, Brad wet the car down again, deciding he may as well just start over. As he did, though, a minute later, Penny walked out the backdoor and stopped as she looked at him.
She asked, “Where were you?”
Brad turned his head and looked up at his girlfriend who was standing on the top step just outside the door. Penny was a model but not in the category of super or international. The jobs she took were for magazines and high-end stores and occasionally she was asked to do catwalks during fashion week.
Tall and slim with long, black hair, she was beautiful in a more natural way. Her eyes were blue but incredibly soft and her facial features were gentle in appearance and curves. As for the shape of her body, it never failed to whisper suggestive ideas to the powerful libido of the young and virile man who shared her life.
“Next-door. I had another surprise visit,” Brad explained.
“Jackson? Again?”
“Yeah, apparently he likes talking to me.”
“That’s so sweet,” Penny replied.
“He’s a great kid,” Brad said.
“Your father called. Something about a golf club membership? I told him you’d call him back,” Penny said, before walking back into the house.
“For fuck’s sake, he just won’t take no for an answer. I’m not even interested in golf,” Brad whispered under his breath.
To be continued...
Posted: 05/17/19