A Tenderhearted Badass

By: Solo Voice
(© 2015-2016 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


Chapter 22 


With their positions adjusted between semi sitting and slouching, Billy was leaning back with his head resting against Nick’s chest and shoulder. His eyes were closed and an extremely obvious, pleasured satisfaction, built the peaceful foundation of the expression on his face. He was finally relaxed because he was in Nick’s arms but even more so, the thick, silky moistness of Nick’s continuously stroking hand, kept him hard within his sated state.


Nick was amazed because his words had caused Billy to go off like Vesuvius in his hand. It was simply beyond him to understand why he had this physical effect on Billy but excluding the swiftness, he was pretty damned pleased.


“Shit,” Billy suddenly said with a worried tone of voice.


Nick asked, “What’s wrong?”


“I’m supposed to be at work. I completely forgot with everything that’s happened and I haven’t called in,” Billy explained.


“You don’t have to,” Nick said.


Billy asked with a confused look, “Why not?”


“I went to Escargot on the way to the hospital and met and spoke to your boss, Graham. I told him what happened and that you were in hospital. I told him I was going to pick you up and that I had taken the week off to look after you. He told me to tell you to take as long as you needed and to give him a call when you felt up to it.”


“You are my savior, Nick,” Billy said, pleased as well as amazed.


“So you said last night,” Nick replied.


Billy asked, “I did?”


“Yeah and I told you I would save you anytime,” Nick clarified.


“I remember you saying that but not much else after Bobby and I hit the bookcase. So much is just a blank. At least that explains why you said that to me. It makes sense, now.”


“It doesn’t matter why I said it, Billy, just know that if you need me to save you, I will.”


Billy said half seriously, “How did I ever live without you?”


Nick laughed but then Billy’s phone began to ring.


“Shit,” Billy said disappointedly, knowing that he would have to leave the comfort of Nick’s arms to answer the call.


Nick’s hand was suddenly on his back and he pushed Billy forward slightly.


“I’ll get it for you,” Nick said and he slid his sticky hand out of Billy’s shorts.


The big man wriggled and dragged himself up and backwards, climbing over the arm of the couch and as he walked, he picked up his shirt, wiped his hand and then reached for the phone. He picked up the handset and said, “Hello?”


Billy watched and listened with frustration to the one-sided conversation.


“Hi Ann.”


“Yeah, he’s okay.”




“Well I suppose it isn’t ideal but at least it’s good news.”


“Yes, of course I’ll tell him.


“How long do you think?”


“Oh, okay.”


“All right.”


“Yeah, thanks again, Ann. Listen, get some sleep, you’re important too, you know?”


“You too, bye.”


Nick put the phone down and turned toward Billy. He grinned when he saw the expression of extreme curiosity on Billy’s face.


“It was a wrong number,” Nick said.


Billy nodded as just for a second he accepted Nick’s word but then he remembered Nick saying Ann’s name and he said, “Bullshit, it was Ann, what did she want you to tell me?”


“Nothing important,” Nick said nonchalantly, as he walked back to Billy.


“Nick, don’t be an asshole. Tell me what she said.”


“Honey is awake and aware. She’s talking and Ann is now certain she’s going to be fine. The doctors want her to stay in for a minimum of one more day but they think she’ll be okay to go home tomorrow. Still, they said they would confirm or re-evaluate their diagnosis if necessary, when tomorrow comes.”


Billy asked, “What did Ann say about me?”


“She asked if you were being your usual pain in the ass self,” Nick joked, pretending to be serious.


“Nick, when I’m back to normal, I’m going to hit you over the head with a chair.”


Nick laughed but his expression changed and his laughter turned to silence, as his head turned toward the landing outside. He heard someone knocking on his apartment door. He walked to Billy’s door and opened it and then poked his head outside.


With extreme surprise Nick said, “Eric?”


Eric turned and as he saw Nick he said, “Hey, Nick, is everything okay?”


Nick replied, “Fine. Why?”


Billy adjusted his shorts and then called to Nick to invite Eric in. Moments later, the two hottest men were standing above Billy and Eric was trying not to react to the cut, bruised and bandaged young man he was staring at.


“Billy, I’d like to introduce you to Eric Cross, my best friend in the world and also one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Eric, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Billy Jackson.”


The instant reaction of Billy to one word in Nick’s introduction was shock and his head swung toward Nick to look at him. Billy was about to pinch himself to be certain he had heard what he thought he did. Eric also turned and looked at Nick, amazed by his best friend and nicest guy remarks. On stage with an audience, the whole scene would have been funny. Consciously adjusting, they both turned back to look at each other.


Eric said, “Well, Billy, it’s nice to meet you amidst Nick’s respective and glowing recommendations.”


Billy’s mouth was still hanging opened. Realizing, he snapped it shut and then said, “Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too, Eric.


Eric asked as he looked at Billy’s physical condition, “Hell, what happened to you?”


“Let’s just say I was involved in some domestic violence and Nick came to my rescue,” Billy replied and then added, “Sit down and make yourself comfortable.”


Eric sat down and then looked at Nick and said, “The hero of the day, again?”


Billy asked, “What do you mean?”


“Well Billy, he saved our team’s asses on Saturday and now, apparently yours as well,” Eric replied.


“Billy’s is an ass worth saving,” Nick said.


When Billy saw the expression on Eric’s face as a response to Nick’s statement, Billy felt embarrassed and said almost disapprovingly, “Nick?”


Eric’s mind was obviously in the gutter and he looked at Nick and said, “Oh! Really?”


“No,” Nick said uncomfortably, “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that Billy is a great guy and he deserves to be helped in a time of need.”


Billy’s expression relaxed and Eric smirked at Nick who gave him a disbelieving shake of the head in return. Nick then said, “You’ve got a one-tracked mind, Eric.”


Eric replied, “I’m a guy, Nick, why would you expect anything less?”


“Not all guys are sex-obsessed,” Nick said.


Eric countered without pause, “Are they dead?”


“Jesus, Eric,” Nick said and Billy roared with laughter, causing Nick to add, “As for you, Billy, don’t encourage him. He’s bad enough as it is without someone to goad him on.”


“It was funny,” Billy defended.


“Get a grip, grandpa,” Eric said and Nick shook his head.


Still shaking his head Nick asked, “So why are you here, Eric?”


“Make me feel welcome why don’t you,” Eric said and Billy snorted.


“Just answer the question, Eric,” Nick said impatiently.


“James Parsons, he’s a teammate,” Eric clarified to Billy before turning back to Nick, “he knows someone who saw you at the DMC and he rang me and told me. I was worried about you and so I came over to make sure you were okay.”


“That’s really nice of you,” Billy said.


“It is and thank you but I was just picking Billy up from the hospital,” Nick clarified.


“Oh,” Eric replied.


Billy said unexpectedly, “Hey Eric?”


Eric questioned in reply, “Yeah?”


Billy asked, “Do you eat meat?”


Eric said, his voice surprised but his expression amused as his mind went to his usual sex obsessed place, “Excuse me?”


Billy snorted at the expression on Eric’s face, as he assumed what he was thinking. He turned and looked at Nick and said, “You’re right, he does have a one-tracked mind.”


Nick replied, “Yeah, he does.”


Eric said, “Thanks for the analysis guys but would you like to explain yourself, Billy?”


“Well, Nick’s about as capable in a kitchen as I would be in a space shuttle and so I’ll be the one cooking for us on Saturday.”


“Billy, I hadn’t even confirmed what we were doing or that it was going to happen, so you’re jumping the gun,” Nick said.


“Oh, sorry Nick,” Billy replied.


“No, it’s okay, Billy. Michelle and I discussed it last night and already agreed we were both looking forward to it. We were wondering what Nick would have in mind,” Eric explained.


Billy looked happy and said, “Great, so you’re not vegans, are you?”


“No, Billy, Michelle and I both love a nice slab of meat – or fish as the case may be,” he said with a smirk, knowing Nick would not get the joke but wondering if Billy would?


Billy’s eyes widened as he took in the obviously pointed, alternative meaning behind Eric’s words. Eric was looking at him and he laughed at the reaction.


Eric said seriously, “We’ll eat pretty much whatever you want to put in front of us but tell me, Billy, are you okay to be considering this after what’s happened to you? You don’t look too comfortable just sitting on the couch. Are you sure you’re up to it and that we shouldn’t put it off for another time?”


Knowing how important this had seemed to Nick, Billy said as if there were only days left before the end of mankind, “No, we can’t and I’ll be fine.”


Eric asked reactively, “Can’t? Why not?”


“Oh – I just meant that I don’t know what my work schedule will be and so this Saturday night is perfect,” he said hastily and then turned and looked at Nick for approval.


Eric looked at Nick and said, “Is this all fine with you, Nick?”


“As long as Billy’s okay, then yeah but perhaps we can confirm tomorrow or on Friday,” Nick suggested.


“Okay. I’ll let Michelle know but tell her it’s subject to Billy’s physical condition.”


“That would be good,” Nick said.


“Guys, I’ll be fine. It’s three days away and I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Billy said and then turning to Nick he asked, “Nick, any chance you could make me a coffee?”


“Sure, anything you need or want just ask,” Nick said but then he saw the mischievous look on Billy’s face in response. He turned to look at Eric, only to see an almost identical look on his face as well. “Jesus, the two of you are as bad as each other. All you think about is sex and I can’t say anything without getting myself into a precarious position. You both need to get laid.”


“I think that was the idea,” Eric quipped.


Nick said as he shook his head, “Unbelievable. Would you like a coffee Eric or should I just call some guy to come and fuck you?”


Billy was stunned and then questioned with surprise, “Guy?”


“I’m bisexual,” Eric clarified.


“Oh, that explains the meat and fish remark,” Billy said.


Nick questioned to Eric again, “So?”


“Yeah, thanks Nick. I’d love a coffee,” Eric said.


That morning before he had gone to the hospital to pick Billy up, Nick had considered that if Billy agreed to him looking after him, then it would save time if he brought some clothes in from his apartment. It seemed logical in that he would not need to keep going back and forth while he was staying on Billy’s couch.


Nick walked into Billy’s bedroom and put on a clean t-shirt and then went to the kitchen. After some searching, he walked back into the living room and asked Billy where he kept the coffee. Billy’s face immediately revealed he had forgotten something, as he thought about Nick asking if they needed to stop and pick anything up. Nick knew instantly what Billy was thinking and he sighed as his shoulders dropped.


“Billy, you were going to have a dinner party last night. I was under the impression that it was sort of customary to have coffee after dinner,” Nick said.


“Just as well Bobby turned up, then, otherwise my dinner would have been ruined,” Billy replied with a cheeky grin and Nick rolled his eyes.


“I’ll go and get some now,” Nick said with resignation and then turned and said, “You want to come for a drive, Eric?”


Eric shrugged and said, “Yeah, why not?”


“We’ll be back in ten minutes or so, Billy. Stay on the couch and don’t try to do anything, you need to let your chest heal,” Nick said authoritatively.


“Okay,” Billy submitted easily.


“Promise me,” Nick said.


Billy replied, “I promise, Nick.”


“Good. Come on Eric, let’s go,” Nick said and as Eric stood up, Nick walked over to Billy, bent down and gave him a soft peck on the lips.


Billy was amazed by the sudden action. He thought amidst what was happening he should not be amazed but he also could not really believe the way everything had seemed to change so suddenly and dramatically. The day before he had not even known Nick was gay and now he was referring to him as his boyfriend, he had masturbated him to climax and now he was kissing him like a partner. It was wonderful but it made his face flush because he was only just coming to terms with the reality and Eric was there watching him get all hot under the collar. He listened to both men walk out and close the door and then he listened to muffled chatter, as they made their way down the stairs.


The moment everything was quiet, Billy’s head rested against the back of the couch and he stared up at the join of the ceiling and wall. He felt extraordinary and now as he let it all begin to sink in, he realized he was feeling exceptionally happy. It was not unusual for him to feel happy but this was a happiness of a different caliber and brand. The man of his dreams had come to his rescue, had taken time off work to look after him and had only minutes before referred to him as his boyfriend. It was simply incomprehensible that everything had changed in a day.


Billy’s mind went back to Nick’s hand on his erection. He loved it when a guy touched him or sucked him or even fucked him but he had never felt feelings for a guy like he had felt when he sat between Nick’s legs. He had known he was crazy about Nick but at that moment, he was beginning to realize what that truly meant. He was completely in love with Nick and now he knew it was a fact. It was that simple thought and the acceptance of it, which filled his heart with emotion.


“God, I said it before but it’s true. It really is happening and Nick is mine,” he said and then immediately wished he could ring Honey to tell her.


Billy sighed as a consequence of where she was and what had happened. He knew he still felt guilty because Bobby was his brother but then he thought at least he knew that Honey was going to be okay. He could imagine how Honey would give him a hard time when he next saw her but though he knew it would basically be a joke, which she would use against him for the rest of time, it still did not stop him from feeling guilty. His mind went back to Nick and he closed his eyes and smiled.


“So, spill the beans, Nick,” Eric said, as they got into Nick’s car.


Nick asked, “About what?”


“Nick, yesterday afternoon you were on the phone to me, asking how to go about getting to know Billy and finding out if he was gay. Today you’re introducing him to me as your boyfriend and shocking the hell out of him in the process.”


Nick looked at Eric with surprise and asked, “What do you mean shocking him?”


“You didn’t see the look on his face when you said it. Honestly, he loved it but he wasn’t prepared for it,” Eric explained.


Nick’s expression dropped and he said, “Shit. Did I do the wrong thing?”


“No, Nick, not at all but it’s usually customary to let the man you want, know what your feeling for him and what you hope to have with him, before you announce it to someone else.”


“Eric, we haven’t even really talked about anything yet. There hasn’t been enough time. I know it’s what I want but I also got the impression from Billy on the way home from the hospital that it was what he wanted as well. I sort of felt like it was implied but then what do I know about anything?”


“Nick, tell me what happened after you got off the phone from me yesterday afternoon and don’t stop until you reach the present. I want to know every detail of how you got from there to here.”


“It wasn’t really a matter of steps, Eric. I had decided not to do anything about it until this afternoon but then I just couldn’t stop thinking about him,” Nick said.


“I know what that’s like and though he’s not really my type, he’s cute with a hot little body and he also seems really nice so I get where you’re coming from,” Eric said agreeably.


“Well, I started worrying about my offer to you and Michelle because I can’t cook and then I remembered that Billy was a chef. It gave me the incentive and the excuse I needed to go next door. I did what you said and I watched him closely and I sort of thought I could see what you were talking about. He also seemed eager to make dinner for us and then it was like things were warming up even more between us. I became cautious because I thought it was possible I was reading into things; you know, like what I wanted to hear. So anyway, I decided to take things slow and I left.”


Eric asked in stunned amazement, “You left?”


“Yeah,” Nick said, wondering what the problem was that caused the tone in Eric’s question.


“Fuck, Nick, Billy is so boiling over for you it isn’t funny. I wish I had been there, I would’ve had the two of you in bed together in minutes. He doesn’t have to say a word. It’s so damned obvious. He’s absolutely crazy about you.”


“He actually said that to me earlier,” Nick said.


“I’m not surprised. He can barely take his eyes off you and he looks to you for validation and agreement. Temporarily at least, you’re like the adult to his child. He’s waiting on you to do things and to make moves and to let him know it’s okay,” Eric explained.


“Why? I’m only three years older than he is,” Nick said, confused.


“I don’t know, Nick. Maybe it’s because what I said to you yesterday afternoon was right and he’s still a little uncertain of the man you actually are. Maybe he isn’t very experienced or maybe your height and size and very masculine demeanor intimidate him. I can understand that because you really are a visual force even if you don’t know it. I know how some people react to me. I may not be quite as big as you but I’m still a very large man. It can make some people feel uncomfortable and even intimidated. Whatever the case, give him a day or two to get used to things and he’ll become more comfortable. Regardless, continue with the story.”


“Well I was also really tired, which was in the main, your fault and I needed to get some sleep,” Nick explained.


“Ha-ha. Sorry about that Nick. Actually, no I’m not. I could never regret what happened between us. It was some of the best sex I’ve ever had. I should tell you though, I was in bed until late the next morning.”


“Bastard,” Nick said.


“Don’t be angry, Nick. I was thinking of you working while I was drifting comfortably on silk sheets.”


“Fuck you, asshole,” Nick said.


Eric asked, “When?”


“Fuck you, asshole,” Nick said more definitively.


“I knew it. Your new boyfriend has stolen you right out from under me,” Eric said but only half jokingly.


“Eric, you’re married, a cock whore and a slut.”


Eric asked, “Your point?”


“I’m going back to the story,” Nick said with a disbelieving roll of the eyes. “So I went to bed but irrespective of how tired I was, I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t get Billy off my mind. It made me think even more that you were right and maybe I did feel more for Billy then I realized. So I got out of bed and got dressed to go back over to his place. He had friends coming for dinner and he had invited me but I refused. So I walked out to knock on his door and a moment later I heard this awful crash and something breaking and then soon after, Billy was banging on his own door and yelling for me to help him.


“Long story short, I broke down the door, knocked some half naked albino guy on his ass and then moments later I had Billy in my arms. Suddenly, as I looked at him covered in blood and so vulnerable, I knew what you’d said was right. I realized how much I cared about him. I felt so afraid for him. Having his body in my arms made my heart start beating really fast. It occurred to me that it had been staring me in the face and I just hadn’t seen it. I was overwhelmed with feelings for him and he looked up at me and called me his savior. At that moment I knew I’d do anything for him.”


The gaze of Eric’s eyes dropped down to the floor of the car. In that moment, Eric was more certain than he had been in the past forty-eight hours, of the depth of his feelings and love for Nick. It physically hurt to hear Nick speaking like he was about Billy. However, at the same time, he was so happy that what Nick wanted was happening for him. He wished he were the one that could give it to Nick but he knew that could not be.


Eric queried, “I’m glad but explain the half naked albino guy?”


“It was Billy’s brother,” Nick said.


“Well that explains Billy’s domestic violence comment,” Eric replied.


“Eric, I don’t know the story yet but Billy is going to explain it to me later. So anyway, much later, after the paramedics had taken him to the hospital and I had fixed his door and cleaned up the mess in his apartment for him, I went to the hospital but…”


Eric interrupted, “Let me guess, they wouldn’t let you see him?”


“Exactly,” Nick said, looking at Eric and wondering how he knew.


“Typical,” Eric said.


“Well, there was one thing about it, which was good but I didn’t realize until this morning. It was another moment for me because I was really worried about him but this woman in emergency didn’t care and it upset me so badly I knew he was even more important to me. So I went back to pick him up today and on the way home in the car, he told me he was crazy about me. I wanted to make love to him at that moment so badly but I really wanted to talk to him and I also just wanted to hold him. When we got back to his place, well, actually that isn’t up for discussion.”


Eric gasped and turned to look at Nick before he asked, “Nick, he can barely move properly, you’re not suggesting you fucked him?”


“No, of course not but let’s just say that something else happened between us. Maybe something more could have happened but then some asshole turned up at my door,” Nick said.


Eric smirked and said, “A blessed angel who filled your heart with gladness?”


“I suppose in some ways he is but not today,” Nick said.


“Gee thanks, Nick, it’s sweet of you to say so and I’m sorry but I really was worried about you.”


“Yeah I know, Eric, I’m just pulling your leg.”


“Yeah but it’s the wrong leg, Nick.”


“You keep dreaming, Eric, cause it’s not going to happen now.”


“Yeah, I’ve pretty much gathered that Nick but now that I know the fundamentals of what happened, I can tell you that you did nothing wrong, Billy won’t mind that you called him your boyfriend at all. I think you have found yourself someone who is going to be exactly what you told me you wanted. I’m happy for you, Nick. You deserve it.”


“Thanks, Eric.”


“Your welcome, Nick, though no thanks are required because its true.”


Nick pulled into the supermarket car park and the two men got out and went in to buy the coffee. Eric was watching the looks on people’s faces as they saw Nick. Men and women alike were doing double takes, their eyes popping out of their heads or their mouths falling open. It was not just Nick either. Eric knew what the two of them looked like together. He thought if they were both gay and partners, physically they would be a type of model couple.


He turned and looked at Nick and for the first time he saw it. Nick was completely oblivious. Eric realized with absolute certainty that Nick had no idea about the man he was. He had no idea of the effect he had on people. He was about to say something to him but then he thought that Nick was fine just the way he was. He decided he should not spoil the untarnished innocence of the child inside the man. Eric looked at him again as Nick picked up the coffee and he thought that Nick was extraordinary and a very special friend.


“I’m so glad I met you,” he said unexpectedly.


“What? I mean, thanks. I mean - I’m glad I met you too, Eric.”


Eric smiled at Nick warmly and then they went to the checkout and soon after they were back in Nick’s car.


Suddenly realizing, Eric said, “You look different, Nick. Happier than I’ve ever seen you before.”


“Honestly, Eric, it began because of you. However, I have to admit that since last night but in particular since today, I feel like everything has changed and I feel happier than I can ever remember. I’ve got a great friend and now, hopefully, a great boyfriend.”


As Nick started the car and began to drive, Michelle’s words ran through Eric’s head. ‘You’ll know the right moment when it comes’, she had said. It certainly felt right to Eric and so he decided now was the time.






“When you told me your story the other night, there was one thing that really bothered me. I didn’t say anything to you because I knew how you felt but I also thought that how you felt was more of a reaction than a reasoned choice,” Eric began to explain.


Nick asked, “What are you talking about?”


“It just seemed to me like you only knew half of the story,” Eric said.


“I think I know my story a little better than you do, Eric.”


“Undoubtedly, Nick. I’m not and nor would I argue that but I’m talking about one piece of the story in particular.”


Nick asked, “Which piece?”


“Your father,” Eric said and instantly remembered Michelle telling him not to use that word.


“I don’t have a father,” Nick said resentfully and Eric sighed as he realized why Michelle had told him to call him Tim.


“Nick, let me put a hypothetical to you. Imagine that Tim really was in love with Helen. Imagine that he did want to stay and be with her but other unknown circumstances took place. Imagine that no one else knew about it but him and that even Helen didn’t know. I know it’s probably hard for you to consider any alternative but if it were true and there was a whole unknown piece of information that you didn’t know about, wouldn’t you want to know?”


Nick sighed loudly and he turned and looked out the driver’s side window. He did not know it but it was body language taking place because Eric’s words unsettled him. Nick was irritated with Eric for suggesting an alternative and it made him momentarily wish that Eric were not with him in the car. The question was still there though and as he turned back to the road ahead, he knew that if there was something he did not know then he would want to hear about it.


“Yeah, I guess I would,” he answered with resignation.


Eric had received the answer he wanted. He felt there was a chance but still Nick’s initial words and reaction worried him. He was uncertain how Nick would respond to the knowledge he had.


“Nick, I’m a little bit tentative about what I have to say to you but I want you to know that I had the best intentions and it was all done for you.”


Nick’s head turned and looked at Eric, his expression both curious and confused as he asked, “What are you talking about, Eric?”


Eric took a very deep breath, hoped for the best of reactions and then he began; “Nick, the next morning I was thinking about you and everything you had been through. I could only imagine how you really felt about everything that happened to you. The thing is, I couldn’t get this thought out of my head that you didn’t know the full story about Tim.”


Nick’s eyes had changed when he turned and looked at Eric again. They were mainly filled with frustration but Nick’s tanned face was also a little flushed with red.


“Nick, I need you to hear me out before you react or get angry with me.”


Nick turned away from the road and looked at him again. Now Nick looked even more confused but knowing Eric as he did now and believing in him more than anyone else, Nick simply nodded yes and then turned back to the traffic in front of him.


“Nick, I located Tim in California. This is not a hypothetical at all and what I suggested to you is true.”


This time Nick’s head turned harshly. His eyes were as wide as they could be and an array of emotions, which were basically indecipherable, filled them. Eric watched as Nick took a very deep breath and then turned his attention back to the road before he said gruffly, “Go on.”


“Nick, I spoke to Tim on the phone and once I knew it was definitely him, I asked him about the circumstances surrounding what happened between he and Helen. If you want more details after I tell you than I will gladly tell you the entire story but for now, I’m just going to tell you what you need to know.


“Tim told me he was in love with Helen and that on that night that they were together when you were conceived, he had told her he would marry her. He said he was serious and had full intentions but when he went home and told his parents, they went ballistic and told him there was no way they were going to allow it. His father told him he was moving to California with them whether he liked it or not and that if Tim even tried to usurp his will, he would be cut off from all contact with his family.


“Nick, I can only guess at the type of man that Tim’s father was but I suspect he was a dictator who was used to getting his way and enforcing his will upon those around him. In fact, as Tim spoke about him, he reminded me somewhat of Ezekiel from your story. He told Tim he wasn’t going to let him waste his life.


“I assumed Tim wasn’t too strong an individual when it came to his father and so he did as he was told and they were gone the next day. His father prohibited him from contacting or seeing Helen ever again. I got the impression that Tim was terrified of his father and so doing as he was told was a standard reaction. He didn’t even know Helen had died and he certainly didn’t know that she had fallen pregnant or had a baby. On that note, Nick, Tim was stunned to learn there was a child and that he had a son of twenty-seven.”


Eric paused as he waited to see if Nick was going to react to what he had told him so far. Eric was staring out his side window, almost fearing an angry look if he turned to face Nick. He was feeling uncomfortable and uncertain about how Nick would respond but as the moments were consumed by silence, hearing no response, Eric began to wonder if he should say anything more at all.


Excluding the sound of Nick’s car and the traffic around them, the silence in the car was deafening and disturbing. Eric was thinking that Nick was pissed off with him, perhaps angry with him for sticking his nose in to something where it was not wanted. However, the silence became too much and so he turned to look at Nick.


Nick sat still, staring ahead as he drove, his body obviously stiffened and tense but there on his right cheek was a single tear rolling down. Nick pulled the car to the curb outside of his apartment block and after turning off the engine; he twisted in his seat and turned to look at Eric.


What had really been going on in Nick’s mind was that there was an unexpected hope seeping into him. Based mainly on an assumption he had made from what Mary had told him, Nick had been angry with his father for a couple of years, however, now there was a chance that things were not as they seemed and therefore, there was a chance yet another part of his life could change. These thoughts filled him with feelings. The new feelings were good and wanted feelings but the old, angry feelings were still strong, while questioning the validity and truth of what he was hearing.


The teardrop, which Nick had already wiped away, made Eric feel guilty. He thought he had done the wrong thing and only succeeded in making Nick feel emotions that were obviously painful to him. Still, Eric wondered of his questionable actions, what the final outcome was going to be?


Nick asked, his voice unnatural and forced, “So what else did he have to say?”


Eric looked at him as he wondered what Nick wanted to know. He thought the question probably stemmed from a need to know what Tim had said after learning he had a son. Eric was not certain but he decided to lead from that assumption.


“Nick, Tim was shocked and amazed to learn of your existence. He was stunned to find out that Helen had given you his name but…”


“But?” Nick interrupted loudly. “But he’s not interested in a twenty-seven year old son that he’s never met and doesn’t know and isn’t even certain if what you told him were true,” he said with emotional venom.


“No, Nick, not at all. He asked me for your address and phone number but I wouldn’t give it to him because I was afraid you’d be angry with me for overstepping even further than I already had.”


Nick questioned, fear and hope its foundation, “Why do you think he asked for those details?”


“I don’t think, Nick, I know. It’s because he wants to meet you, he wants to get to know you and he also wants to be a part of your life.”


Nick asked, “How long did you talk to him for?”


Eric thought it was an odd questioned before he dismissed the thought and answered, “Approximately an hour.”


Nick thought for a moment and then asked, “How did he seem to you?”


Again Eric did not understand where Nick’s questions were going but he assumed Nick must have something ticking around in his mind.


“He seemed really decent, Nick, although it was hard to tell anything with any degree of certainty. You need to understand what we were discussing was very intense and shrouded in mystery on both parts. I mean I didn’t know him and he didn’t know me, so anything I gleaned during our conversation, outside of the facts, was more intuitive than anything else. I guess I understand what you’re asking me though and so all I can say is that while talking to him, I believed he was sincere and honest and he seemed like a very nice man. In a way, you reminded me of him.”


Nick’s face immediately but only for a split second, showed what Eric thought was pride but then instantly a smirk of disbelief blanketed it. Nick knew in that moment that he wanted to meet his father and he wanted to believe in him but he was scared that if he found him, he would lose him again and he did not think he could cope with it. He turned his fear on Eric to reclaim his control and feelings of power.


“I don’t understand why you’re trying to manipulate me into whatever it is that you expect to come of this,” Nick said angrily.


“Nick, I’m not trying to manipulate you. I really was trying to help and to make your life better. Honestly, if I’d thought Tim was an asshole after talking to him, I would never have even brought the subject up to you but that wasn’t the case. He seemed decent and honest and I believed he wanted to meet you and to become a part of your life. Knowing how alone you’ve been and everything you’ve been through, I thought having family apart from Mary would be good for you and would make you happy. Nick, I know I overstepped but it’s done and so I decided to tell you so you could make an informed decision. If you don’t want to do anything then that’s your choice but at least the opportunity presented itself and you weren’t living completely blind. I’m sorry if I hurt you and…”


“Eric, stop. I’m not angry with you and I’m sorry I was accusing. There is no one I trust more in this world then you. You really think he was sincere and honest?”


“I can’t be one hundred percent certain from a phone call but for the most part, yeah, I do and I would trust him before I wouldn’t,” Eric said.


Nick queried tentatively, “So you think I should speak to him or meet him, then?”


“Yeah, I guess I do,” Eric replied.


Nick asked, “What else did you learn about him?”


Eric looked at the neediness in Nick’s eyes. There was only one more thing he could tell Nick but at that moment, Eric thought it was not a good idea. He thought that if Nick were going to meet his father, it would probably be best if it were done raw and uncontaminated by attitudes and expectations.


“Nick, before I tell you anything else, I need to say something. Yes there is more and there is something very important about Tim that you need to know but first, Tim told me he wanted to explain everything in his own words to your face. If you say you want me to tell you everything, buddy, you know I will but if you’re prepared to wait and you’re willing to call him or see him, then I suspect the information will be more detailed and specific coming from him then from me. It’s up to you, Nick, just tell me and I’ll honor you over him, any day of the week.”


Nick twisted back and let his head fall against the headrest and he stared down the street. He could not believe this was happening but as much as he had wanted to hate his father, Eric meant so much to him and Eric’s opinion was like gold to him. As a consequence, Nick thought he should do it. He could also feel deep down that he wanted to meet his father and to get to know his father. He also thought how like in a movie about a son and a father he had seen some time ago, he wanted his father to be proud of him. His head lifted suddenly and he turned to Eric, who was sitting patiently and silently beside him.


Nick said, “What if he can’t accept that I’m gay?”


Eric wanted to laugh but he controlled himself. He could already see that Nick was on the verge of unlocking the father door. He could have made it easier for Nick but he thought that he had delivered enough revelations for today and so he said, “Nick, one step at a time.”


“Right and all steps lead to another step and every step is different,” Nick quoted.


“Shit, Nick, I can’t believe you remembered that and that now you’re quoting me.”


“Well it made a lot of sense to me, Eric. It was also appropriate for me at the time and now it is again. I told you I thought it was really wise.”


“Yeah, you did indeed Nick, you did indeed. So what do you want to do?”


“I want to trust your judgment, I want to meet my father and I want to give you another really big hug for having my best interests at heart. You’re one hell of a guy and like you just said to me in the supermarket, I’m so very glad I met you, too,” he said sincerely.


“Well Nick, I’ll give you the phone number as soon as I can but I don’t have it with me. I’ll call you on your mobile later with it and you can call your dad and set something up. Unless you would prefer I did it for you.”


“Dad? I like the sound of that,” Nick said with a small smile. “I don’t know, though, let me think about it a little, Eric?”


“Take all the time you need, Nick. I won’t lose the number and as I said to you that night, I’m here for you. Anyway, I think we should get upstairs to Billy before he begins to think you’re seducing the hottest, sexiest and greatest best friend you could ever have.”


“How to ruin a moment. Way to go, Eric.”


Eric laughed loudly and then Nick leaned across and wrapped his arms around him. The hug was sincere and firm but once again as Nick held Eric, he felt those feelings it seemed had no intentions of leaving. Nick knew he loved Eric as his friend but he also knew those feelings extended much deeper. He was in love with the man in his arms but still he knew friendship was all there could be. His arms tightened and quietly he said, “I love you, Eric.”


Eric was fully aware of his own feelings, as Nick took him into his arms. It took only seconds before he wanted to kiss Nick but all he could do was pull closer into the embrace. Once again Eric’s consciousness of his heart exploding inside his chest was almost more than he could take. When he heard Nick’s words, though, he knew they were not just words of the love of a friend and suddenly the silence and truth was loud. Eric’s heart melted and softened and with great relief to say the words he replied, “I love you, too, Nick.”


In that moment, both men knew from not only their words but also from the way they pulled tighter together, each was feeling the same. They held onto each other for nearly another minute until Nick pulled back so he could look into Eric’s eyes. He saw it instantly and though he thought of Billy, he knew with certainty a man could love two people at the same time. He thought he had to say something but as he opened his mouth and said Eric’s name with frustrated desire, Eric put his finger over Nick’s lips.


“Sshhh. At least I know it’s not just me, Nick. Yeah, I’m in love with you but we both know why it can’t be. I love Michelle and now you know you love Billy. As fucked as it is, somehow I know this love will always remain. We can do this, Nick. We can love each other and we can also be friends and always be there for each other. We just can’t do what we did the other night, again. I know I wouldn’t be strong enough for that,” Eric said.


Nick kissed the finger over his lips and then pulled it away. “I didn’t know it was possible to love two people but I do now. I’m in love with you, Eric. I love you and I want you but as I said that night, I need one person and I’m certain Billy can be that for me. Eric, I can’t imagine these feelings I have for you will die but you’re right, we have to control this,” he replied.


“We will, Nick.”


“Promise me you’ll always remain my friend,” Nick said.


“I’m not going anywhere Nick and I don’t think I could ever walk away from your life,” Eric said and then gave Nick a gentle kiss.


The two men stared at each other longingly and then their expressions changed to knowing agreement. They smiled and then they exited the car and made their way inside the building. When they walked into the apartment, Billy was asleep on the couch but he awoke immediately as they entered the room.


“Listen, Nick, don’t make me a coffee, I really should get home. Michelle is probably home by now and she doesn’t know where I am,” Eric said but the truth was he needed time alone to process what had just happened.


Nick wasn’t surprised and in a way he felt a little relieved, as he walked into the kitchen and called back, “Are you sure?”


“Yeah. Honestly, I only came over to make sure you were okay. I really didn’t expect to be here this long,” he replied.


“Come over anytime. You’re a lot of fun and you’ve got a filthy mind. With or without Nick, you’re welcome in my home,” Billy said.


“Thanks, Billy,” Eric said and then added, “I’d like that.”


Nick walked back into the room and went straight to Eric. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tight and Eric hugged back just as hard.


“You’re a good friend and thank you for coming to check on me. It means a lot to me,” Nick said as he held him.


“Well, you mean a lot to me, too,” Eric replied.


They let each other go and then Eric turned back to Billy. He stepped closer to him and looked him directly in the eyes and said, “I’m really happy for the both of you. You’re a lucky young man. Treat him well, Billy, trust me, he deserves it.”


“I will,” he replied seriously but with a questioning tone, feeling uncertain as to the sudden and very serious change in the man who seemed so different from before.


“Anyway guys, give me a call about Saturday night when you know for certain if everything is going ahead.”


“We will Eric but it’s going to happen,” Billy said steadfastly.


“Okay, well you look after yourself, Billy. As for you,” he continued as he turned back to Nick, “you look after the both of you.”


“Preaching to the converted,” Nick said and then he followed as Eric made his way toward the door.


Nick stepped around Eric and opened it and let him out. He watched as Eric walked down the first flight of stairs and he thought to himself that though he did not wish things were different and he did not regret that Billy was in his life, on some level he knew if things had been different, Eric and he would be together. As Eric turned and descended out of view, Nick called out goodbye again and then stepped back into Billy’s apartment and closed the door.


Billy asked, “Did something happen while you were gone?”


The back of the couch faced the front door and so as Nick closed the door and turned around, he could not see Billy’s face and so he asked, “Like what?”


“I don’t know, it’s just that Eric seemed so different and so serious when you guys came back,” Billy said.


Nick was still standing motionless behind Billy but he said, “To be honest with you, yes, something did happen. Eric told me something very important but if I told you now, it would make little sense to you. It would be like telling you the punch line to a joke without telling you the joke. I told you earlier that there was a lot I wanted to tell you, so when we get settled and we have a coffee, maybe we can talk. It will also explain to you the change in Eric. I guess it’s just part of the way he is. I’ve seen him change like that before. So often he plays the role of a comedian but the Eric I know is serious with a sincere and genuine side to his personality. It’s probably the side to him I really love the most. He is such a good friend and I’d hate the thought of ever losing him. He still has a one-tracked mind, though.”


“Well, I like him, no matter what,” Billy said.


“I’m glad,” Nick replied and then walked up to the back of the couch, directly behind Billy.


Nick let his hands come down on to Billy’s shoulders and he held him firmly against the cushions. He then leaned forward, bending his body over the top of him. While his face was upside-down, he pressed his lips to Billy’s and kissed him warmly and softly. It was a long kiss and when he finally broke it and stood back up, Billy’s face was flushed like he had just exerted every ounce of energy into an extreme sport.


Billy asked, “What was that for?”


To show you how I feel about you and to let you know how much I want you. You better heal quickly Mr Jackson because if I get any harder, this thing is going to snap off and kisses and cuddles will be all you’ll ever get from me.”


“I’d be happy with kisses and cuddles from you but I’ll do my best to heal as quickly as I can,” Billy replied.


Billy began to shuffle about a little and then he pushed and moved himself forward. Discomfort and a little pain crossed his face until he came to a stop, seated right on the edge of the couch.


Nick asked, “What are you doing?”


“Come around here,” Billy said.


Nick walked around the couch curiously and stopped directly in front of Billy. He looked down at him and thought that Billy probably wanted him to help him up so he could use the toilet or something. Billy looked up into his eyes and he smiled at him but there was a subtle mischievousness looking at Nick. Suddenly Billy’s fingers were latching onto the waist seam of Nick’s shorts and he pulled him forward, forcing him to step between his legs. He had the zipper down and was undoing the button before Nick knew what was happening.


“Billy…” Nick began but then Billy’s hand was on his cock.


Nick’s shorts slid down his legs and Billy told him to remove the clean shirt he had put on. A moment later he was naked while sliding into Billy’s mouth.


“Oh,” Nick said and then his eyes rolled up, a gasp of breath escaped his mouth and the muscles in his body contracted.


Billy’s mouth slid back and forth as he held the thick and long erection in a horizontal position. He had never fellated an erection this large but he did it like he had been doing it for years. His tongue moved gratuitously, as it licked and caressed and he consciously took notice of the taste and the feeling of Nick’s manhood in his mouth.


Sliding and pumping, Billy suddenly heard the voice of his emotional heart and he lifted his eyes. They moved slowly, devouring the magnificent vista of hills and valleys, which created an exceptional male torso. The smooth brown skin clung to the powerful frame in the way tailored, new clothes, gilded a body’s contours. The huge chest rolled like twin waves, the pectoral muscles large, firm and defined. His eyes gathered momentum, hurriedly moving to the deep blue that gnawed soothingly at his soul and as Nick’s eyes met his, Billy felt intoxicated.


Nick looked back at his lover, his eyes locked to Billy’s eyes but still peripherally taking in the sight of his erection being consumed. His desire was at a premium because this was truly a first. He was receiving a blowjob and he was looking at the man’s face, just like he had experienced with Eric but this time, despite the sensual and sexual desire, his heart was beating with emotional need and he wanted to pull the young man up and hold him in his arms. He wanted the blowjob and he wanted the climax but on some never before experienced level, he did not care and he wanted to kiss and to hold and to never let go.


“Billy,” he said but with no intention of saying anything more. It was not even directed at Billy, it was no less than a statement of fact, which drifted like a feather into the air before floating away.


Continuing to stare at each other, Billy continued to love Nick in this very heated way. He did love Nick and he knew it but he was overwhelmed that Nick was here with him at all, let alone naked, beautiful and such a physical force to behold. Billy’s lips and tongue firmed and his movements grew in pace. He took him lovingly, wantonly but most of all with the desire to give of himself and to make Nick happy.


The look of devotion and adoration in Billy’s eyes was extraordinary to Nick, filling his heart even further and with that realization, Nick’s body quickened. The heat throughout him flushed into every cell and he felt the growing sensations building in the lower portion of his body.


Nick’s breathing intensified, the lightest sheen of perspiration glistened on his forehead and he raised both hands and combed his fingers front to back through his own thick and wavy, black hair. He felt the power moving through his body, the tension crawling up his spine and the tingling in his scrotum. He arched his back to find some relief from the delicious tightness.


Billy watched and he knew Nick’s approach had already begun. From the moment Nick’s eyes closed and he started to react with a physical display, Billy’s superman was morphing into a vulnerable boy. He could see Nick getting closer and he could see the combination of enjoyment and control. Billy instantly put his hands to work. They slid over Nick’s body, caressing the front of an organic machine, scraping nails over sensitive nipples and gently scratching at satin-like skin. He ran his hands up from the hips, over the waist, climbing the curve of the torso until the tips of his fingers slid into the moist dampness of the sweating pits. He swirled his fingers through the black hair beneath the arms and then redirected them around onto Nick’s back.


Still lifting Nick to wonderful levels of sexual satisfaction with his mouth; Billy’s fingers moved around, across and then down the hard and shapely back. Finally, he gripped the ass cheeks firmly and using them, he began to pull Nick in and out of his mouth. Nick was not required to do a thing, as Billy took complete control.


Nick was now borderline insane with desire. His body, his every cell screaming with a need to release, his heart overflowing with feelings for Billy, who was weakening his resolve with every touch. Billy was making love to his body with his hands.


Still Billy’s mouth moved with relentless, torturous wonder and Nick’s erection was so hard, the taut crown colored in a show of sensitivity and thickened in a reaction to desire, while the warm wetness drove Nick closer to the edge.


“Oh, Billy,” Nick gasped and a small jolt reverberated throughout his body.


Billy knew exactly where Nick was in that moment and so he increased the unceasing assault, driving Nick beyond recovery. Nick went off and he felt like his mind was crashing through the roof above him. He cried out, he groaned and he sighed as he uttered unintelligible words and sounds. Still Billy continued to suck and swallow, a rhythmical pounding as he consumed every hot drop of the release.


Nick was on his knees in front of Billy the moment it was over. His hands held Billy’s face between them, his eyes intense as they looked at Billy with words he did not know how to speak. He leaned in and he kissed Billy with such intensity that Billy stopped breathing. Nick wanted to pull him into his arms and crush him against him but he knew it was not possible. He continued the kiss for some time and then finally he pulled back and stared at Billy again.


“I’m not sure how to say what I’m feeling but when you’re better, I’m going to try and make you feel what you just made me feel,” Nick said.


“Nick, you already did. Look,” Billy said and then he looked down at his shorts.


Nick’s eyes followed and he saw the ejaculate that had seeped right through the material and was running down his shorts.


Nick said, “I didn’t even see you touching yourself.”


“I didn’t, Nick, it was all you. You did that to me with the last kiss.”


Wordlessly, Nick shook his head and then his hands returned to Billy’s cheeks and he moved in for another consuming kiss. Billy sighed into his mouth as their tongues danced and their lips pressed. Despite himself, Billy constrained the pained gasps as he tried to bend his body to get closer. Nick felt it though and he pulled back and away.


“Billy, I want it too but you have to stop trying to push the boundaries. You don’t want to tear the stitches open because then we will have to wait longer and if you’re anything like me then you don’t want that.”


“The truth can be such a killjoy,” Billy said and they both laughed.


Nick offered, “How about I get you your coffee?”


“Well I suppose if I’m not allowed to let you fuck me then something is better than nothing,” Billy replied.


“Damn it, Billy, you have to stop verbally reminding us both of what we want, otherwise I’ll be a neurotic mess by the time we get around to it.”


“Sorry, I’ll try,” Billy said and then asked Nick to help him up so he could use the toilet and clean himself up.


“I’ll get you some clean shorts,” Nick said.


“Thanks, Nick.”


“You’re welcome, Billy. Anything, anytime, anywhere – well, soon, anyway,” he added and Billy chuckled.


To be continued...

Posted: 01/08/16