Wrestler's Story
Todd Tompkins & The Turkish Border Patrol
Ron Nelson
(© 2012 by the author)
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Chapter 3
Saturday and Sunday
Todd At The TBP Base
And In The Field
Todd woke up the next morning, Saturday, promptly as the first bell sounded in the courtyard of the Turkish Border Patrol base at six o’clock. After getting washed and cleaned up, he went down to the mess hall for breakfast promptly at seven o’clock. He was undecided as to what he would do for the rest of the day. He knew he was hungry after his great wrestling match with Kemal the previous night, and knew he should be ready for whatever might come up next today.
At the same time, he knew he had a considerable amount of work ahead of him just to write up and document his findings on his field research. So far, it looked promising. But he felt it wasn’t yet as sure as he’d like, and he knew he needed to do more to complete it. That is if they didn’t sentence him to appear before a firing squad or life imprisonment for his many major infractions of the Turkish law with which he was, he knew, understandably charged.
When he entered the mess hall, he was surprised to see it was almost empty. At a table next to the window he spotted the two men to whom he’d been chained when he was brought in to the Turkish Border Patrol base yesterday.
He walked over and asked if he might join them and a wide grin covered their faces as they moved over to make room for him. They were wearing tight camouflage muscle shirts which showed their well-muscled bodies and biceps as well as camouflage jeans, both probably their usual off-duty uniforms. On their shirts were stenciled their first names, “Cemar” and “Tayhut” respectively.
“Good morning,” said Todd. “May I join you for breakfast? he asked, not knowing or having talked with them before, if they spoke English.
“Sure, Mr. Todd, come and sit down,” was Cemar’s quick and easy reply. As it turned out, Todd found out a number of TBP soldiers spoke English well, among other languages, from their school education and then also from the slang they picked up from popular television shows and magazines.
“Seems sort of quiet here this morning,” said Todd, wondering why there were no more soldiers around having breakfast.
“There was an alarm of some possible smugglers trying to come across the border last night which we picked up from a number of the electronic border sensors, and the lieutenant, Kemal, Denir and some of the other men went out to investigate.
“They’re still out there now, but we think maybe it was a false alarm and they should be back later this morning. After they make their report, they will probably take the rest of the day for to make up for the sleep they lost last night,” said Tayhut.
“Then some of the men who live around here get a pass to go home for the day, so that makes for it to be pretty quiet too,” added Cemar.
Both Cemar and Tayhut seemed like real good and confident men, not shy or reluctant to talk to strangers such as himself. Todd liked that and it made him feel even more comfortable with them.
“That was a very good wrestling match you had with Sergeant Kemal out there in the field when we found you,” said Tayhut, “and even better last night where we watched you and Kemal mix it up again on the mat outside in the dark.
“Kemal is a very good wrestler, but you gave it back to him real good too. I know he liked that, and hope you did too,” he continued.
“Thanks men, I appreciate that,” was Todd’s grinning reply. “I sure did like it myself.
“He’s a lot better than me, of course, but he was kind enough to take it easy on me so we could make it last as long as possible.”
“Are all of you into wrestling here at the TBP base?” asked Todd.
“Oh yes,” was Cemar’s quick reply.
“All of us Turks like to wrestle as it’s our national sport, just like Americans with baseball and Europeans with football, or as you call it ‘soccer.’ Everybody gets into our traditional ‘Turkish oiled wrestling’ where the wrestlers wear pants, get all oiled up, and wrestle in an open field until one or the other gets thrown to the ground and is forced to give in.
“But then some of us like to get into the more 'private' kind of wrestling, without any rules, except that we can’t hurt the other guy with anything that lasts after the match is over. That means matches lots of times end up the way it did with you and Kemal last night, but not always. However it ends up is generally ok and natural with just about everybody.
“Getting assigned here to the TBP is especially good because it is a lot more interesting and there’s a lot more happening than just the usual army doings of training and exercises.
“We’ve also got to be in particularly good shape, especially in personal combat roles because we never know who we may encounter. And with firearms being extremely limited and highly controlled here in this border security zone we have to catch and subdue any smugglers or other illegals by our own physical force, and so our ‘anything goes’ wrestling abilities come in real handy for that.
“Like getting you!” he added with a grin on his face.
“After your match with Kemal, you have every man on the base now wanting to wrestle with you, you know, and Cemar and I are on the top of the list,” said Tayhut with a grin on his face.
“Okay, men, glad you warned me, and I’ll have to see about that, as I’d sure like to wrestle around with you too. Maybe I‘ll have to take it two at a time to get the job done, but that’ll be okay with me!” was Todd’s easy reply.
“Unless they put me in front of a firing squad next Monday morning, of course!” Todd continued, with only half a grin on his face this time.
“What are your plans for today, Mr. Todd?” asked Cemar.
“I’ve got a lot of notes to write up from my field work, and I need to get to that so the papers will be complete in case I’m put in prison for the next thirty years, assuming they don’t shoot me first, so that will take pretty much the rest of the day. Then we’ll see what happens after that,” said Todd.
“Very good,” replied Cemar. “There won’t be many men around on base tonight, and most of the time there is not much else going on. So on Saturday nights we either sit around and watch a movie or set up sort of ‘anything goes, anybody who wants to’ wrestling matches on the outside mats for however it goes. Nothing serious, but it gives us a chance to keep in shape and work off some energy and puts on a show for the others too.”
“Sounds interesting, and I’ll keep it in mind,” replied Todd, now knowing exactly what he planned to do this evening.
The day passed quietly at the Turkish Border Patrol base. The lieutenant, Kemal and the other men did return from their field trip in late morning, then ate a late breakfast and disappeared, most likely to sack out after their nighttime foray.
Todd also managed to write up most of his notes. However, he figured he needed to do at least a few more days’ research in the field to try to locate more of the special Croceus species of plants he was looking for and their environments. Things looked promising, but of course now he didn’t know if he’d ever get a chance to complete his work with his present situation and the serious charges against him.
The sun had already set and dusk was fading into darkness around the TBP base when Todd woke up from a short and quiet nap in his prison cell. He easily recalled what Cemar and Tayhut had mentioned about there maybe being some wrestling matches out on the mats between the main and side buildings tonight, and knew he’d like to take that in.
He knew he’d already had his big match with Kemal, and although he was always good for more, he wanted to see how the other men wrestled around with each other too.
The night was still warm and clear and Todd, seeing a couple of the other men on the base go out wearing either just their small tight regulation bikinis or nude, decided to go out nude too with only a towel over his shoulder. Apparently that was the custom when watching small, informal and private wrestling matches and no one thought anything of it.
Going outside, as his eyes got used to the darkness Todd saw they’d put two or three benches along the sides of the mat where six or eight soldiers sat to watch the action on the mat.
Two men, both nude, were already wrestling on the mat. They looked pretty evenly matched, muscular, and maybe about one-fifty pounds. It was evident they weren’t wrestling competitively, and then Todd observed that one was a much better wrestler than the other and was showing the less experienced man some new holds. First he’d take a couple of good and different holds on him to show him how they felt. Then he’d ease off on them so they could reverse them so that the less experienced man could get used to them and work on them too.
It was nice to watch, with the better man not just overwhelming the lesser man, but helping him out, going at the lesser man’s pace, and helping the lesser man be a better wrestler, to the pleasure of both too.
After a while, it was evident that both were getting tired, and so after a couple more holds and moves, they broke it off and went to the showers. Todd could see that although the wrestlers were both wrestling naked and had gotten aroused and were getting into some good sensual and erotic holds and cockfighting too, they didn’t carry it all the way. Instead, they were content to end it as they did, and could go the rest of the way to exhaustion another time. That was good too.
With that, a couple of men on the side got up to leave, and Todd noticed that neither Cemar nor Tayhut were there either. Cemar had said there weren’t many men on the base that weekend, and that when there was no one left to wrestle, that was the end of it.
But then Todd noticed two muscular men come out from the shadows. They looked like they might be around one-seventy and were solidly built. The oil on their bodies glistened in the soft moon and starlight. They were naked and wore nothing but a towel around their shoulders. In the darkness they looked somewhat familiar and then, as they got closer and stepped on the mat, Todd could see they were his friends and chain-mates, Cemar and Tayhut. Coming on to the mat, they did look good and Todd thought it was going to be real good to watch them wrestle each other.
Then Todd saw another figure emerging from the darkness. He was noticeably taller than the other men, and his powerfully built X-shaped body, with his broad shoulders, back, chest and muscled pecs, tapered waist and rippled abs, and thick and muscular legs showed him to be no other than his friend Denir. He too wore only the towel around his neck and his body also glistened with oil just as Cemar’s and Tayhut’s did.
Just watching them, Todd felt his own well-muscled body begin to throb, and his own cock and balls begin to thicken and grow long and hard. He knew he longed to get into it with all three of them, but apparently would just have to watch them tonight.
It looked like it was going to be a two-on-one match between the three of them, Cemar and Tayhut against Denir. While the combined weight and size of Cemar and Tayhut would be considerably greater than Denir’s, the actual difference would not be that great.
If Cemar and Tayhut could really combine their talents, with one maybe controlling Denir’s powerful legs and lower body, and the other maybe controlling Denir’s big arms, muscled chest and head, they might have a chance.
But if Denir caught one in a scissors hold between his powerful legs, and caught the other in his big muscled arms, and maybe get his weight on top of both of them, it might not go so well for them at all.
Todd could see the grins which covered all three of their faces as they stepped on to the mat. There were no formal beginnings to any of these matches. They just got into it when and as however they liked.
In this case, Todd saw that Cemar and Tayhut were trying to plan their approach while Denir eyed them watchfully.
Then Cemar crouched down on his hands and knees to get to Denir’s big legs and bring him down to the mat, when presumably Tayhut would then begin to attack him closer to the top.
It didn’t work. Denir dropped down to the mat, but that was only because that’s where he wanted to be. Then, as they started, he got a real good body scissors on Cemar, and pretty well, at least for the moment, immobilized him as he tried to escape. Tayhut fared no better as Denir’s longer and stronger arms very soon grabbed Tayhut in a nice big bear hug and immobilized him as well.
Then it went on from there. Cemar eventually escaped with the slippery oiliness of their bodies, and moved to help Tayhut who was still caught in Denir’s powerful embrace. Cemar then got a good headlock on Denir, but Denir’s strong neck proved more than a match of Cemar’s muscled bicep wrapped around it.
Tayhut then slipped out of Denir’s grasp and began to work on Denir’s big, long and now hard cock and balls, trying to pull them off Denir’s body in an attempt to get him to let go of Cemar. But instead, Denir took Tayhut’s punishment against his cock and balls and reached over to grab and seize Tayhut’s own equally big, long and hard cock and balls in his even bigger and stronger fist and try to pull them off Tayhut’s muscled body instead.
For a long minute, all three were motionless as they strained against each other, each trying to inflict as much punishment as he could on the other, while taking as much as he could on himself.
Looking at them, Todd could see the pleasure it was giving all three.
Slowly, in their slipperiness, they rolled over until Denir was on his back on the mat with Cemar more or less on top of him. But this was no particular problem for Denir as he could easily take their weight. Then when Cemar tried to attack Denir’s big legs and pull them away, Denir responded by grabbing one of Cemar’s hands in his own big hand to pull him in close. But he then stretched out his big and long leg into Cemar’s crotch and against Cemar’s hard and bulging cock and balls to push him away, crushing Cemar’s cock and balls in the process while Cemar, with his shorter legs, could not take the same move back on Denir.
Tayhut in the meantime twisted his body around until he could get on top of Denir’s head while his face looked upwards. Tayhut then positioned his butt directly over Denir’s face and followed that up by dropping his smooth oiled and naked butt down on top of Denir’s face to blind and suffocate him until he felt Denir’s face get buried deep into the dark and wet canyon of his butt.
Denir didn’t seem to mind this at all and was willing to continue with that punishment, even though he was being blinded and suffocated in it. But then he was able to reach one of his long and powerful arms up until he could grab Tayhut’s neck in his big hand, wrapping it three quarters of the way around his victim’s neck, and begin to slowly tighten his grip as if to strangle Tayhut completely with it while Tayhut continued sitting on his face.
And then they went on from there.
Todd enjoyed watching it, as he saw the other men did too, and as Denir, Cemar and Tayhut obviously also did. With the slipperiness of all of their bodies, they were rarely able to stick with any hold or predicament very long, and would then be obliged to go on to something else. Tayhut and Cemar were trying to coordinate their attack on Denir, but Denir always seemed to get back at them some other way and frustrate their plans every time. To the continued pleasure of all three of them.
In all of their movements, they also rolled back and forth across the mat, sometimes bumping into the feet of the onlookers, including Todd. Sometimes one of the onlookers they rolled against would push them back into the middle of the mat by his bare foot, and sometimes they rolled back of their own accord.
When they rolled against Todd, which they seemed to do a number of times, he caught their glance and grin at him and returned his own to them.
After a half hour or so of their wrestling back and forth, Todd sensed that the balance had turned to favor Cemar and Tayhut as their combined number of arms and legs, as well as their weight, were beginning to tire Denir out despite his bigger size and strength over either of them separately. Todd wondered how it would all turn out.
He had only about five minutes more until he found out.
Once again, all three had gotten all tied up with each other. None of them had any clear advantage over the other, nor even seemed to be looking for it as they more enjoyed their struggle with each other than having any real intention of winning and ending it. Once again they ended up rolling over into Todd with Denir landing against his legs and feet as he sat on the bench at the side of the mat.
But then, as Denir braced himself against Todd’s feet to give him some additional leverage, and even though he still held a sort of a one-armed bear hug on Cemar and had another solid head scissors on Tayhut, Denir reached out with his other hand and grabbed one of Todd’s ankles in one of his big hands and bodily pulled Todd off the bench on top of all three of them.
Todd didn’t expect that move, but had no problem at all going with it. Suddenly he found himself wrestling with all three of them, but as it was Denir who pulled him off the bench, he figured Denir was intending for him to join him to make it two-on-two, with Denir and Todd facing Cemar and Tayhut. Todd was easy with that and was glad to help Denir out as well as the chance to get into it with Cemar and Tayhut, who then almost immediately let go of Denir and turned on him.
This gave Todd something to do, for sure. However, he always liked the idea of tag-team and two-on-one wrestling too when the odds were more or less even, regardless of how it actually turned out.
All four of them now rolled back in a heap to the center of the mat. But then, with Cemar now starting to work on his legs, and Tayhut coming at him warily at the top, Todd suddenly realized that Denir had silently slipped away and left the mat.
That meant Todd now had Cemar and Tayhut on his hands alone. Todd liked that idea, although without Denir’s size, weight and strength, wrestling with both Cemar and Tayhut at the same was going to be a real challenge for sure.
But then that didn’t turn out to be too much of a challenge either when he realized Tayhut had withdrawn slightly and retreated from the fray to the edge of the mat so that Todd and Cemar could face each other alone.
This was what, in fact, both Cemar and Tayhut also wanted ever since they first saw Todd out in the field when they first encountered him. Todd knew that Cemar wanted to get into it with him and now it was his chance. Todd, knowing he was heavier and stronger and just about as experienced as Cemar, knew he’d need to cut his effort back just a little to match Cemar’s so it would be a good experience for both of them. As it was.
For the next half hour, with Denir now having come back to sit on the bench at the side of the mat to watch the action, Todd and Cemar wrestled back and forth, their body presses and scissors on each other, their crushing pec holds, their powerful headlocks and face sitting on each other, and all of their cock fighting and cock and ball crushing, got and kept both of them fully aroused, while Tayhut watched them from on the mat only a foot or two away. By now, all three were naked and wet with oil and sweat.
Todd also began to sense that Cemar was now getting so fully aroused that he was very soon about to come. Todd decided to help him along. He got Cemar in yet another tight head scissors under him, where he knew Cemar liked to be, with Cemar’s head and face trapped between his big muscled thighs and his own hard cock and thick balls crushing and suffocating Cemar against his face.
Cemar tried desperately to bridge out and escape, but that just gave Todd the additional chance to seize Cemar’s now long and rock-hard cock in his fist, sticking right up in his face, and began to crush and massage it back and forth as well as running the palm of his hand against its hard wet head.
That’s all it took. It was only a few seconds more, as Cemar tried desperately to escape what Todd was doing to him, although not wanting Todd to stop it either, that Todd saw, and then felt, all the hot white cum in Cemar’s body burst out of his cock end and shoot part of Cemar’s load into his face while the rest of it ran over his hand, as it pulsed and flooded out, down to the mat.
In another moment Cemar ceased to struggle and went limp. By now he was totally exhausted and drained and could fight no more.
In forcing Cemar to come and watching him and feeling him shoot his load, Todd had forgotten for a moment about Tayhut.
In the next instant, as Todd was sliding himself off Cemar, Todd felt the solidly muscled, naked and oiled body of Tayhut jump on his back and try to take a full nelson on him and try to work over his neck.
Todd liked that just as much as when he and Cemar had gotten into it just before, and now it was Tayhut’s turn. Caught off balance and in their oiled slipperiness, Todd landed face down fully on the mat with the oiled, naked and muscular Tayhut now on is back.
Tayhut had already become fully aroused watching Todd and Cemar wrestle, and Todd therefore felt, with Tayhut lying full on his back, Tayhut’s own long and hard rod begin to probe Todd’s butt to find a way into his body. At the same time, Tayhut released his full nelson hold on Todd’s strong neck and reached around underneath Todd’s big chest to grab one of Todd’s big pecs in each of his hands and squeeze them almost as hard as he could.
He knew that pressure of the other wrestler’s trying to ram his rod into his butt and at the same time crushing his pecs in his fists was one of Todd’s favorite combination holds to get caught in, and neither Todd nor Tayhut were in any hurry to let it go or try to break away. Eventually, with the slipperiness of both of their naked bodies, they did break away from each other and went on to whatever they wanted to do with each other next.
For the next half hour the onlookers on the side benches, now including Denir and Cemar, watched as Todd and Tayhut wrestled it out between them on that mat, just as they had separately and together earlier. By the grins on Todd’s and Tayhut’s faces as they got each other in one motionless deadlock after another, the onlookers sitting on the benches at the side of the mat could see that the two wrestlers were enjoying their struggle with each other just as much as the onlookers themselves.
Todd and Tayhut wrestled back and forth, giving and taking the other’s punishment with all of their body scissors on each other, crushing headlocks, pec squeezing and suffocating face sitting, as well as all of their on-going cock-fighting and cock-and-ball crushing as well.
But this time things were just slightly different as now Todd was eventually feeling himself running out of just a little of his considerable energy in wrestling with both Cemar and Tayhut in succession. Not only that, but now he also, with all of his sensual and erotic cockfighting with the two of them, felt himself getting more and more aroused. He knew that now he, too, would soon be forced to come whether he was ready for it or not.
The end came quickly after that. This time Todd had once again gotten Tayhut in a solid body scissors under him where he knew Tayhut, like Cemar and himself, liked to be. He had also managed to get Tayhut in a powerful head scissors with Tayhut’s head caught and being crushed solidly between Todd’s muscled thighs, which hold Todd also knew Tayhut liked to find himself in.
But this time Todd had also managed to stab his big, long and hard rod, now about to come, deep into Tayhut’s mouth and throat. He knew Tayhut had no problem with that at all.
However, not sure whether Tayhut would mind if he shot his load deep into Tayhut’s mouth and throat, just before he was about to come, he tried to raise his butt up and pull it out of Tayhut’s mouth and throat. But Tayhut had now wrapped his own muscular arms and hands around Todd’s naked butt, directly over his head and face, and wouldn’t let Todd get away.
For a long minute they struggled back and forty, with Todd trying to pull away and Tayhut holding him in, which only caused Todd to get that much aroused.
And then it was too late. Suddenly Todd felt all of the hot white cum which had been accumulating so long in his body burst and surge out of his cockhead and flood deeply into the waiting Tayhut’s mouth and throat.
Even after Todd had begun to shoot his full load deep into Tayhut’s mouth, Tayhut still wouldn’t let him go. Instead, he sucked in all of Todd’s hot cream that he could until Todd was finally completely drained. And, being now drained and exhausted after wrestling both Cemar and Tayhut, Todd could only lie limply on the mat until he could recover.
But then the ever watchful and caring Denir came off the bench and over to Todd to pull him up on his feet again. The grin on Todd’s face as well as on Cemar, Tayhut and Denir’s faces told the story on how they liked the whole affair.
In fact, grins covered not only the faces of the four wrestlers but of all the onlookers as well, including Kemal and the lieutenant who had come out to watch the whole thing from the dark. Grins covered their faces as well. They all knew it had been real good for all of them.
* * * *
Todd awoke Sunday morning to the sound of the breakfast bell and was ready for another good breakfast after wrestling around with both Cemar and Tayhut the previous night.
Although it looked like it was going to be another sunny and warm day, it also meant for Todd that now he was one day closer to whatever the verdict would be on him when the lieutenant heard back from the Turkish Border Patrol Headquarters in Istanbul on what his fate would be following the various serious charges against him.
He figured, however, he’d just take it one day at a time, and make the best of it however he could. He knew he still had some more notes to write up although, with the day looking so good, he wished he could go out into the field and maybe locate more of the particular yellow croceus flowers he was searching for and further his research on them.
As he walked into the mess hall, having had a good night’s rest in his prison cell and washing up this morning, he saw the lieutenant sitting at his small table, who beckoned him over to him again.
Todd walked over and the lieutenant asked him to sit down and join him for breakfast as he had something to suggest to Todd.
“I think you had a very interesting night last night with a couple of men,” said the lieutenant, “and I know they surely enjoyed themselves with you!”
“No more than my pleasure in messing around with them, for sure,” was Todd’s smiling reply.
“Denir came to me yesterday with what I think might be of interest to you, although it is strictly up to you as to what you would like to do,” continued the lieutenant with a slightly more serious look on his face.
“Denir, as you may know, lives only about eight miles from our Turkish Border Patrol base, and walks back and forth on most weekends to visit his grandparents with whom he lives. He is also in second year of our local community college pursuing a course in pharmaceuticals. As a result, he has a special interest in what you are doing even if he is a little shy in saying so. Nevertheless, he is a very good student and doing very well in his studies.
“Along the way from his grandparents’ home, about three miles from our base here, he has noticed a large meadow about two hundred feet back from the road, which appears to have a large stand of the very yellow flowers you are searching for. He said, if you liked and if it were agreeable to me, he would be glad to lead you there and help you with your research any way he could.
“That idea is agreeable to me just so long as you don’t fail to return to our base here after you are finished with the meadow so that you will be on hand to receive whatever it is our Headquarters in Istanbul has to say for you tomorrow morning,” said the lieutenant.
“That sounds great, lieutenant, and I very much appreciate your permission to leave the base and for Denir to lead me out to the meadow. I would still like to complete as much of my research as I can before tomorrow so that if I’m not able to finish it, my notes will help whoever comes after me,” said Todd. He liked the idea of both getting away from the base for at least a little while, and even more to be able to continue with his research as long as he could.
In less than an hour Todd got his backpack and its contents together and then Denir appeared and he and Denir set out to the meadow.
As Todd was about to take up his backpack, Denir picked it up first to carry it on his back. That was in addition to the backpack he already had on his back. When Todd asked Denir what he was carrying, the big one told him the mess hall had packed a good lunch for both of them, and that he was also carrying some extra small empty bottles from the mess hall just in case they would need any of them too for additional plant and soil samples.
Denir had also brought one of the official black leather TBP cartridge belts for Todd to wear with a canteen of water and a pouch for his notes, just like the one he was already wearing. Todd put the belt on. It fit perfectly and was just what he needed.
“Denir, you’re too much,” said Todd, “Let me carry at least something!”
“No, Mr. Todd, I will carry all of our supplies, and if you tire, I will carry you too!” was Denir’s grinning reply as they headed out the gate of the base and down the road into the surrounding forest.
was just before noon, after a walk of about an hour, or about three miles from
the base, that they arrived at the meadow which Denir had described to the
lieutenant, and the lieutenant to Todd. It was filled with the yellow
chrysanthus croceus flowers Todd wanted to research, just as Denir had
said. Todd marveled at it. Just by itself, it would be enough to provide all
the samples he would need to prove or disprove his preliminary findings.
For a moment, they stood there in wonder. Then Todd said, “Denir, you are a wonder! This is perfect!” A broad grin covered Denir’s face, glad that Todd was pleased with him.
“Tell you what, Denir,” then said Todd, “I see the field is about a hundred yards by a hundred yards square, and there is a grove of old pine trees on the far side. How would it be if you went around on the left side of the meadow and collected about ten random samples of flowers and the soil in which they are growing, and I will do the same on the right side.
“Then we can meet on the far side of the meadow in the trees and I can apply my field test to them to see if they are what we are looking for, and see if they do have all of the essentials for our follow-up research back in the lab.”
This was very agreeable to Denir who would have done whatever Todd wanted anyway. Denir then picked up his own pack and was about to pick up Todd’s as well when Todd insisted that this time he’d carry his own backpack which held his empty bottle receptacles They then separated so that each could cover his side of the meadow.
Twenty minutes later they met in the shade of the trees opposite the meadow, taking off their packs and their now wet TBP t-shirts with the sweat they had worked up gathering the flowers and soil samples with the heat of the day. Looking at each other’s muscular body, both reflected on their respective wrestling matches just the night before.
Todd took all of their samples and marveled that Denir had found and selected the very best specimens of both flowers and soil just as a born botanist would. Denir then laid all of them out in a row, as he had been taught in his pharmaceutical school studies, with their accompanying soil samples, on a big log from a fallen tree while Todd went into his pack to find his testing chemicals and instruments.
The tests were important but not complex as they consisted primarily in applying the chemicals to the flowers, leaves and soil samples and noting their color, composition and reaction. Denir quickly understood what Todd was doing and worked in close tandem with him as he set up his test.
In fact, Todd saw that he was so good that he let Denir apply the chemicals for the tests while Todd noted the results of each sample in his notebook to record the results.
It took almost half an hour to do this, and the results were perfect. Todd could hardly hold back his elation, and Denir was no less pleased not only by the results of the tests, but with Todd himself for the whole thing!
When they had finished, Todd said, “Denir, we’ve done it, thanks to you! But it’s already past one o’clock so how about we see what the mess hall prepared by way of a lunch which you’ve been carrying out for us! Now we’ve got time to spare and can relax some as the lieutenant didn’t give us any specific time that we had to be back at the base.”
Denir grinned in agreement and appreciation for Todd’s letting him lead him to the meadow and share in his great work. Maybe more, too.
After an ample lunch of delicious Turkish sandwiches, fruits and some special Turkish pastries, Todd and Denir had totally eased their hunger and thirst and saw that it was then about two o’clock. It would be about an hour’s walk back to the base, and if they figured on getting back around five o’clock, that gave them about two hours of free time just to relax and do whatever they liked. With each other too. Both knew what that would be.
As Denir dropped down to the moss he looked over at Todd as if to welcome him if Todd wanted to wrestle him. Denir was reluctant to suggest it as he was the bigger man, and also as he considered himself, at best, as only an assistant to Todd to do whatever Todd wanted to do with him.
Todd knew what was going on in Denir’s mind, but also knew, particularly after Denir had given him that great shower wash and massage Friday evening and seeing Denir wrestle with Cemar and Tayhut last night, what Denir wanted. Which Todd knew he very much wanted too.
As Denir reclined on the soft moss, Todd approached him, stripping off his shirt, camouflage cut-offs and combat boots. As he did, Denir quickly stripped off his own so that both of them would now be naked. The woods and meadow surrounding them were deserted in the heat of the day, with only the sound of a few birds in the trees to be heard in their complete privacy.
Both knew that Denir could easily overpower Todd just as he could Cemar and Tayhut, but that would not be the object if they were to wrestle with each other. Instead, it would be to enjoy the sensual and erotic pleasure of simply wrestling with the naked and muscular body of the other for as long as they could and for however it would come out.
Their wrestling each other for all of the next hour and more was as good as both could possibly have conceived or imagined, and then some. For the most part, Denir stayed under Todd so as not to crush him with his weight, although he knew Todd liked for Denir to be on top of him and do just that.
But time after time Denir, much to Todd’s pleasure, got in behind him and got him in a tight lower body scissors and then almost completely enclosed him in both his scissors and the bear hug he took around Todd’s big and muscled chest and the crushing holds he took on Todd’s pecs to squeeze them until his muscled flesh was almost squeezed out between Denir’s big fingers. Then, to complete his hold and punishment on Todd, which Denir knew Todd liked, he brought the heels of his large feet down into Todd’s crotch and crushed them against Todd’s long, hard and exposed cock and balls.
Todd wasn’t really all that much smaller than Denir, however, and Todd enjoyed taking the same rear body scissors on Denir and smashing his heels into Denir’s exposed cock and balls and crushing Denir’s big and muscular pecs in his fists, which he knew Denir liked the feel of just as much as Todd did. It was a sensual and erotic position which both liked to the maximum.
Todd also liked the feel of Denir’s wrapping his massive legs and thighs around his head in one tight head scissors after another and making him struggle each time to try to pull or flip out to escape. When he could, that was good, but when he couldn’t, that was even better. Denir felt the same way when their holds and predicaments were reversed.
Sometimes when Denir was on his back on the soft moss, Todd would come down on him, sometimes in a close and tight full body press, but sometimes holding off just a little too. When they got into a full body press, their faces would come together too and then, lip locked together, their tongues would wrestle it out deep inside each other’s mouth.
At other times Denir would reach his hands or his feet up into the air to catch Todd on the way down to his body press. Sometimes he would catch Todd’s thick muscular pecs in his fists and begin to squeeze them again to hold Todd off, which he knew Todd liked. At other times, he might put one hand up and wrap it around Todd’s throat as if to strangle him, or push his hand, open faced, against Todd’s face to blind him instead. Todd liked all of it.
And when Todd was on his back and Denir looked as if he were going to take the same holds on Todd, Todd liked it just as much, as did Denir, although Denir never failed to hold back at the last moment so as not to come down on Todd with his full body weight and strength. It was just what both most wanted and liked, and neither could get enough of it.
Their favorite hold was, as might be expected, when Todd and Denir got locked into a single, and then as they wrestled more and more, a double figure four head scissors on each other.
When Todd was on top, he had no problem being as hard and as rough as he could against Denir. In fact, Denir, soon after they first startled wrestling with each other, had softly told Todd to be as hard and rough on him as he could.
Denir was so big and strong and powerful that there were few people who could challenge him as hard as he liked and liked to take, so Todd could do whatever and as hard as he liked, and Denir would tell him when it might be enough. Denir never said anything, and Todd could see he liked to take a lot of punishment.
When Todd got Denir in a tough head scissors under him, Todd wrapped his muscular legs and thighs around Denir’s head as hard as he could, without using up too much of his own energy, and knew it was what Denir liked most. Then he pressed his big, hard and naked cock and thick balls hard against Denir’s face to blind and suffocate him in it, but again Denir never had any complaints with any of it.
A few times Denir did manage to suck Todd’s balls into his mouth, which then gave Todd pause to figure out how he could now extricate his male equipment out from Denir’s mouth, but given enough patience, Denir always did finally let him go.
Todd and Denir had no trouble getting into an ongoing cockfight with each other too. By now, Todd realized that working on the other man’s cock and balls, and having his own worked over, were a natural part of “anything goes” wrestling. Just as a wrestler’s head or arms, body or legs could be used either to attack the other man or be subjected to his attack, his cock and balls could be used either way too. It also always felt real good, and made for a good part of the sensual and erotic pleasure they got from wrestling around with each other.
Denir took the same holds on Todd, which he knew Todd liked just as much to get as to give, except that Denir always kept at least some of his big body weight and strength off Todd just so as not to crush him entirely. Todd liked that too and soon realized that Denir was very considerate of him. As a result, Todd never had to be at all apprehensive, or use up too much of his own energy wondering what Denir might do.
They wrestled back and forth, their two naked and muscular bodies locked together in one deadlock after another, on the soft meadow moss at the edge of the forest trees in the quiet warm afternoon sun. It felt so good to both that neither wanted it to end.
But with all of it as they knew would happen, and with all of their cockfighting which had become more and more frequent, they were both becoming more and more aroused and knew it would have to end some time soon, one way or another.
Todd repeatedly not only tried to smash Denir’s cock and balls in with his heels, but also, when he had Denir down, with Denir aroused as he was during all of their long match, time and again wrapped his strong fist around Denir’s big rod which was almost nine inches long and fully an inch and a half in diameter.
Todd had tried to take it into his mouth a number of times, but it was so big he couldn’t get it in but half way. Denir knew it, and never forced Todd to take any more than he could handle.
Todd’s own rod was big, long and hard, but not as big as Denir’s, and Denir had no trouble taking it all the way deep down into his mouth and throat and holding it there just as long as Todd wanted to keep it there, which was for longer and longer periods of time the longer they wrestled.
Finally, after almost an hour and a half of wrestling each other that warm Sunday afternoon in the meadow, they knew they couldn’t hold back any longer all the hot creamy white cum which had been accumulating in their bodies during their whole long wrestling match.
In their last full double figure four body scissors on each other, with each other’s head totally caught between the thick and muscular thighs of the other, Todd was on top with his big, long and hard rod stabbed deep down into Denir’s mouth and throat. Denir’s own big cock, fully hard and aroused, was sticking straight up from his body, with Todd’s big and strong hand wrapped around it almost crushing it in his grip. Both knew they liked that deadlock and predicament they now had with each other and neither wanted to be the first to let go.
But now, however, they both knew their tangy sweet hot white cum was about to burst out of their bodies. Denir had by now sensed that Todd liked just as much, and maybe even more, to be underneath Denir with Denir’s big naked and muscled body on top of him almost crushing him and liking what the consequences of that might be.
Feeling and knowing both of them were now on the verge of coming, with only a couple of seconds left, Denir rolled both of them over so that now Todd was on his back on the soft moss with the big and muscular Denir on top of him holding him down.
Denir kept his solid head scissors on Todd as they rolled over too, and now Denir’s enormous, thick and hard cock was pressed hard and tight across Todd’s face, with the big thick heart-shaped end of his cock rod positioned directly over Todd’s mouth. Todd quickly realized the situation he was in, and its probable outcome, and had no problem with it at all.
Meanwhile, he knew his own big rod was also sticking straight up from his own body deep into Denir’s mouth and throat in which he was holding it in all the way.
For seconds more they struggled against each other, with neither wanting to break free. Then after a final spasm of both, each felt all the hot cum in his body race to the surface and burst out of his rock hard cock end.
Todd suddenly felt and tasted all of Denir’s hot white cum burst out of his big cock, which was positioned directly over his mouth, to flood into his face and mouth as Denir’s full and big cock and balls continued to be pressed down hard and fully to cover them, blinding and suffocating him as well. Todd took in all he could, but there was so much it ran out all over his face and ran down the sides of his mouth to the moss below.
At the same time, Denir felt and tasted Todd’s equally hot white cum burst out of Todd’s own big rod and flood into his own mouth and down his own throat. Like Todd, he took as much as he could of it until the rest of it flooded down over his chin and Todd’s big thighs to run down to the moss below them as well.
On and on their cum flowed and pulsed over and into the other until finally both were completely drained and exhausted as well.
For minutes afterwards, they remained locked together on the soft moss in the meadow until finally they regained at least some of their strength and were able to get up again.
As they got up, they grinned at each other. It was what both had wanted all along, and now they both knew they had gotten it just the way they wanted.
They got back to the Turkish Border Patrol base just before five o’clock. As they walked in the front door of the main building they saw the lieutenant and Kemal in the lieutenant’s office.
“Was your trip out to the meadow successful?,” asked the lieutenant of Todd as he passed by the door.
“Sure was, lieutenant, in every respect!” was Todd’s cheerful reply.
“Good,” said the lieutenant, “we like for our guests to be happy even if we may have to sentence them to die before the firing squad tomorrow!”
Normally the lieutenant would never have made such a tactless remark, but he sensed that Todd was sufficiently upbeat now and just in general during his whole weekend with him, and maybe their own gentle treatment of him suggested that maybe, or at least hopefully, things wouldn’t go too badly for him when the judgment came back the next morning from the Turkish Border Patrol Headquarters in Istanbul as to what would happen next. Todd knew that time was fast approaching, whatever it might hold for him.
The rest of that Sunday evening passed quietly. Todd enjoyed a good supper with the mess hall now pretty well filled up again with all of the men who had come back to the TBP base as their weekend passes had ended.
The cook had prepared some special dishes, as he usually did for the men after they returned to the base as well as for those who had remained on the base over the weekend.
And this evening he had even prepared a special dessert of a big decorated cake with two small flags on the top, one being the red and white crescent and star of the Turkish flag and the other the red, white and blue flag of the USA.
When the chef brought the cake out and presented it to him for him to make the first cut all of the men applauded. Todd was deeply moved by their kindness to him over the whole weekend, and now the cook had even prepared a special cake just for him to mark their last evening together. It was hard to hold back the watering that came to his eyes, nor was he entirely successful in doing so.
It was touching and he very much appreciated it even if they did intend to send him to the firing squad or life imprisonment tomorrow.
Kemal then got up and gave Todd a symbolic miniature Turkish warrior’s scimitar with which to cut the cake. Todd was glad for the distraction as he felt, if he didn’t have some distraction, his tears would flow even more.
That night the TBP base was quiet. After supper, Todd remained in his prison cell until almost ten o’clock to complete his notes on the day’s findings. The base soldiers, meanwhile, spent the evening cleaning their equipment and preparing to return to their regular duty the next day.
The lieutenant and Kemal were nowhere in sight, but when Todd went outside around ten o’clock just to get a last breath of fresh air before turning in, he saw the light was still on in the lieutenant’s office.
Todd knew he’d better retire early tonight in order to be fully prepared for whatever tomorrow morning, and his sentence, might be. It had been another good day, and surely a good weekend, so he was grateful for that as the arms of Morpheus embraced him almost as tightly and deliciously as those of Kemal, Denir, Cemar and Tayhut had at different times earlier.
To be continued...
Posted: 03/23/12