Mike Markham in London
Ron Nelson
(© 2012 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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When the stewardess said in her typically crisp and upbeat voice, “We will be landing at London - Gatwick in approximately twenty-five minutes,” Mike Markham’s heart beat just a little bit faster and he became even more wide awake.
Of course, he knew that they’d be landing soon anyway as he had a window seat in the aft section of the US Airways A330-300 jet and, although the cabin lights were now bright again while a breakfast snack was being served, he’d been sneaking a look out the window for the last hour or more watching the sun rise over the green fields and tiny villages of the south of England which came up closer and closer to him as the plane began its descent that Thursday morning in mid-September.
The flight from Charlotte, North Carolina, had been easy and uneventful. Security in Charlotte went okay, nice clean plane, and last night’s meal was pretty good too. Now he just hoped his one piece of luggage had come along with him, and then everything would be perfect. It turned out it had and so it was.
The plane landed smoothly and taxied to the gate. After the big jet engines were turned off and he exited the plane, he walked through the concourse to the terminal, collected his bag from the caroussel, changed some dollars for pounds, and headed for the big sign which said “Gatwick Express.”
The ride into the heart of London was always another thrill for him as he liked to see, and feel, that now he really was again back in London. At just under thirty minutes the non-stop train slowed to a stop in London’s famed Victoria Station. Now he was at his destination and out on his own.
As Mike walked through the concourse of the historic station, with its crowded bustle of people walking in all directions, and surrounded by shops of all sorts, he thought of the probably millions of people, over the past two or more hundred years, who had come through this very railroad station on their way to the farthest corners of the world. Many with great hopes and aspirations, and hopefully not too many in despair, and their returns, again many with great joy, but no doubt many with sad thoughts or memories as well.
Mike presumed even the famed Dr. Livingston, on his way to the heart of deepest and darkest Africa, probably went through the same Victoria Station just as he was doing now.
Mike went over to the Underground ticket office where he bought a one-week “Oyster” card which gave him unlimited rides on the Tube in central London. After he got his reusable ticket card, he went down the escalator to get the Circle Line train to Paddington where he had a reservation at the old but really nice “King’s Crown Hotel” just a couple of blocks from Paddington station.
Mike was just twenty-four and worked in GroundTekServices for the Charlotte airport. His job entitled him to one free trip to Europe a year on a space-available basis. So he went to England the first year, and was hooked on London ever since.
This was his third trip to London, and he knew he really liked it for the special treat it always was for him. For him, it was an exciting place, mixing the very old with the very new, the very historic with the cutting edge of the very latest. The English were a really nice and good natured people, and as diverse as one could imagine. And their good nature and their subtle sense of humor, as well as their good sense and ‘give it a go’ attitude at whatever they undertook, always impressed him.
With all its present day worldly and vibrant atmosphere, and as he always liked history back in school, he thought of what the city and whole country must have been like in the days of ‘The Empire’ and Queen Victoria.
And yet, when he saw the pictures today of the little more than five foot tall Queen Elizabeth II in her stately and impeccably designed outfits, carefully coifed white hair, sensible shoes, ever-present handbag and diamond jewelry, surrounded by all the world’s presidents and prime ministers and Lord Poo-Bahs of all of her dominions, colonies, protectorates, territories and goodness knows what else, Mike thought the days of “The Empire” were just as big now, or even bigger, than they ever were in the past.
And this year, with the Queen’s Jubilee and the Summer Olympics both, it promised to be an even more eventful year - and Mike knew he wanted to be a part of it. Plus maybe a few more special interests of his own too.
Mike had three special things in mind to do on this particular trip. One was to take the Tube down to the Knightsbridge station some time and go to Harrods to buy a couple of fine English preserves for his Aunt Martha. She lived just outside of Charlotte, in Fort Mill, South Carolina, and was his favorite aunt. She was a widow, had just a small place, and her arthritis didn’t let her get out and around very much any more.
So when Mike brought home two jars of her favorite Harrods Orange and Strawberry preserves, beautifully wrapped in the familiar dark green Harrods wrapping paper, she was almost in heaven.
Then he was going to take the Underground to Baker Street where he’d walk the couple of blocks from the station to No. 221B, the former lodgings of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. He’d already been there before and had already seen all the familiar sights and the stairs which Holmes, Watson, Mrs. Hudson and the Baker Street Irregulars went up and down so often.
There too were Holmes’ violin, pipe, papers and all the other memorabilia which had been so carefully preserved from his life, and evidence from the many cases which he had always resolved with the most elementary, but yet also the most exacting and observant, thinking and reasoning of which he was capable.
Here Mike wanted to buy one of the many books about Sherlock Holmes’ adventures for his old high school English teacher, Miss Grace Clarke, now retired and not all that well, who had introduced him to the exciting life of Sherlock Holmes to him ten years ago. Her suggestion to him to be a careful observer of his surroundings and circumstances, just like Sherlock Holmes, and it was a lesson just as valuable to him today in all sorts of things as it was then.
And then the third thing he promised himself to do, and this was just for himself, before he would return “across the Pond” back to "the Colonies," was to treat himself to a delicious cup of steaming hot Columbian coffee and a couple of strawberry scones at the elegant Orangery of Kensington Palace in Kensington Gardens.
The Orangery was only a short walk through a network of quiet and tree lined side streets from the King’s Crown Hotel to Bayswater Road, then across that busy street to Kensington Gardens and Kensington Palace, and there was the Orangery.
Mike had another thought in his mind for this visit to London, which was of a more personal nature. That is, to keep in shape and work off some of his excess energy, he liked to work out three or four times a week at the SouthSide Gym in Charlotte. He worked out particularly on the weights and the treadmill to get and keep his body, muscle, cardio and aerobics in as good a shape as he could get them. The result of which was the very good and solidly muscular build he had today.
The only problem was that none of the local gyms, including the SouthSide, offered or had any wrestling mats to work out on too.
Mike liked to wrestle around with another guy whenever he could find somebody who liked to wrestle the same way he did. He wasn’t really competitive, but instead just liked to wrestle for the workout and the give and take of messing around with another guy physically. And he knew he liked it even more for the sensual and erotic pleasure it always gave him as well.
In wrestling, he knew he had no problem with the other guy getting on top of him, working him over and giving him a hard time, in which case he’d be forced to take the other guy’s punishment until he could escape or the other guy let him go. In fact, he knew he always liked that in particular.
He had a couple of buddies who liked to wrestle around the same way he did. One, Carlos, was about his own age, in construction work and was a little lighter than Mike’s one-seventy pounds, and the other, Mel, was an older guy, a truck driver, and about twenty pounds heavier. He always liked to wrestle around with either one when either might be similarly inclined and available.
Mike had a clear space in the bedroom of his condo where he and Carlos could wrestle around, while Mel had a rec room in his basement which he’d set up as a gym and workout area with regulation blue vinyl wrestling mats as well as some shelves which held some workout towels and wrestling oil.
Generally, on a Friday or Saturday night one or the other would be free, and they could get together to mess around. All three liked to wrestle just in jock straps or naked, ‘anything goes,’ except to be sure there weren’t any injuries which lasted after the matches ended. All three also liked to make their matches last as long as possible until they were completely drained and exhausted. All three, having real good builds and similar inclinations, it was a wrestling pleasure Mike always enjoyed.
He knew there were a lot of guys around London who liked to wrestle around the same way he did, and a number of really good wrestling clubs as well. Maybe, with luck, he could meet up with one or two wrestlers somewhere and get into it with one or two of them too.
On this visit to London, Mike left Charlotte on Wednesday evening, and arrived in London on Thursday morning. Then, after checking in at the King’s Crown Hotel in the Paddington area, he figured he’d just take the rest of that day and Friday to rest up and walk down to the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey and along the Thames Embankment just to enjoy those familiar sights and sounds along the way again.
As he walked along the Mall, he smiled when he saw a mounted contingent of the Queen’s Household Cavalry, or at least he assumed that’s who they were, come down in all their uniformed splendor. Just one of the things he especially liked about London!
Mike liked to eat in one of the London pubs with their good food, great selection of beers, and friendly and historic time atmosphere of old oak wood tables and walls, diamond shaped leaded glass windows, and congenial and friendly patrons and bartenders.
On this Friday night, soon after his arrival, he found on one of the side streets not far from Paddington Station and his King’s Crown Hotel, the old “Paddington Arms Pub.” As soon as he saw it from the sidewalk outside, with its glass windows, wood timbered siding, heavy oak door entrance, and colorful window box flowers, he knew this was where he wanted to have his supper. And maybe meet some congenial company too.
soon as he walked in the door, he made up his mind that this was where he’d be
eating all the rest of his evenings in London. There was a good crowd of
people there, mostly men but a number of women too, sitting in the heavy old
oaken booths, or standing at the bar with its polished brass rail and ornate
brass beer spigot handles, or standing around the smaller higher round tables
which dotted the main room. Toward the rear of the pub, on a slightly raised
level, were more well worn wooden booths and open tables for patrons who wanted
dinner, or who wanted to just sit around with their drinks for a while, after
work, before heading home.
Mike found a place toward the far end of the bar where he could sit and watch the patrons as they enjoyed their Friday evening beers and “fish and chips” at the pub before heading home, and enjoy a pre-dinner beer himself. Mike ordered a Foster’s Lager and figured he’d make it last, as he wasn’t a big drinker, until some of the crowd had thinned out and he could get a table to have supper.
As he ordered his beer, he couldn’t help notice the bartender who served him. Typical of most bartenders, he seemed to pay very little attention to his customers, while in fact he noticed Mike almost as soon as Mike noticed him. Then, as the bartender served his other bar customers, Mike noticed him giving him a second look, just as Mike did back to the bartender.
He looked to be probably in his mid-thirties, a good looking guy with a sort of weathered face who really knew his job. Mike watched him as he easily and good naturedly took an order from one bar patron, took another order from one of the floor waiters, made change to a customer who was just leaving, and also kept an eye on the crowd in general.
He obviously had a real solid and muscular build too by the biceps which showed under his white shirt with his sleeves rolled back, and the hard pecs and thick legs and thighs which showed as he moved back and forth easily but powerfully, like a friendly but watchful panther, behind the bar.
To Mike he looked like he might have been, and maybe still was, a dockworker or someone who worked outdoors, and maybe worked out in a gym, maybe as a weight lifter or body builder or wrestler. Which, of course, caught Mike’s particular attention as that was his own special interest.
As the bartender passed closer to him, Mike noticed the thin scar, almost two inches long, on the side of his neck, that part of his right ear lobe was missing, and the tattoos of a sea anchor and a dolphin on his muscular forearms. Maybe, thought Mike, he had been a sailor at some point too.
‘Hmmmm,’ thought Mike, ‘I sure wouldn’t mind wrestling around with him some time. I bet if any patrons of the Paddington Arms Pub here ever got out of hand, it wouldn’t take very long before that bartender straightened things out.’
Mike had done some bartending himself at a summer resort up near Asheville in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina a few years ago and knew what it was like to keep three or four things going at once in an easy and good natured way. And his own muscular build from working out back home was apparent through the blue jeans and sweat shirt he was wearing now.
The sweatshirt, in fact, said “Duke University Athletic Department,” in the dark blue and white colors of the university. And, while Mike hadn’t gone to Duke, he alternated it with his “Carolina blue” UNC sweatshirt, where he hadn’t gone either, just to be impartial between the two.
While just enjoying the casual atmosphere and mixture of sounds of all the pub conversations going on at the same time, Mike’s eye also glanced up at the television set over at the bar from time to time. When he first came in, it was broadcasting the BBC Evening News. But then, having completed that, it was now showing some scenes from the Summer Olympics just held in London a few weeks ago.
After reviewing the main swimming and track events, the program had moved to the “minor sports.” It was showing some of the boxing and then some of the free style wrestling events. That, of course, caught Mike’s eye, and for a couple of minutes he gave it his full attention.
Mike liked to watch guys wrestling even when he couldn’t get into it at the time. He knew he didn’t care for all the rules and regulations, and all the referees and attendants, and all the requirements and restrictions surrounding high school or college wrestling. And so much of the pro wrestling was mostly bluster and slams, that wasn’t much better.
He mind turned back to his liking to just wrestle around with another guy on a non-competitive basis, not only for the physical workout and the pain and pleasure it gave him, but also for the sensual and erotic aspect of it. Then he recalled even more when it would generally end in a final burst of total pleasure after which he and the other man he was wrestling with, and liking to end it the same way he did, would be completely drained and exhausted.
He particularly liked to watch other wrestlers wearing only tight bikini trunks but were otherwise almost naked, with all of their big male equipment, frequently already at least half aroused, bulging out inside their tights. Their skin would be tanned and their muscles showed rippling and sweating as they locked together in one hold or another and straining against each other.
It was again just the way he too liked to wrestle around privately with another guy, particularly with either Carlos or Mel or anybody else who liked to wrestle the same way.
Watching the muscular and powerful Olympic wrestlers on the screen, he could almost feel with them their moves as the attacked the other man, or their pain as they resisted him, and the rippling strain of their muscles and expressions.
As he watched them and empathized with them, to no surprise, he felt his own cock grow long and hard, and his balls thicken in his tight blue jeans for the pressure and pain they also took when he was in his own “anything goes” wrestling matches with another guy.
As Mike watched the screen, he hadn’t noticed the hunky bartender looking at him, with a slight grin on his face as he did.
By now, the crowd had thinned out a little, and the bartender came over to him.
“Evening, mate! Haven’t seen you before - you from across the pond?” he said in a soft and easy voice, keeping it cool not knowing what Mike’s reaction might be.
“Sure am! I’m here in London for about a week, and real happy to be here again too!” was Mike’s easy reply in return.
“I’m Mike,” as he put out his hand to shake that of the bartender.
“Jeremy is what they call me here, although my full name is Gerald William Louis Henry Farthing the Third. Or at least that’s all I can remember of it,” replied Jeremy, with a wide grin on his face.
As they shook hands, Mike noticed the powerful grip Jeremy had, although it wasn’t a crushing one, and they held it a few seconds longer than they might ordinarily have. It felt good to both of them.
“I see you were watching the Olympics' re-runs just now on the telly, and watching the wrestling in particular. You been following the Olympics and maybe the wrestling?” continued Jeremy.
“Oh yeah, I guess everybody in the world has been following the Olympics, and I do like to watch the wrestling in particular,” replied Mike.
As he talked with Jeremy, he wondered even more if maybe Jeremy was into wrestling too. If so, that might be real interesting.
“I’m the same, Mike,” replied Jeremy, “me and a couple of my mates like to get into it every once in a while, but we’re not into all this organized Olympics business. Instead, we like to just strip down, get all locked up with each other sort of in private, you know, and whatever happens, happens! Good way to work off some steam and let go of some of these man juices, you know! What’s your style?”
“About the same thing, Jeremy - maybe we ought to get into it ourselves and see what happens!” was Mike’s response.
“Just what I was thinking, mate! What about tonight? I’m off at ten, and live only a few blocks away, at No. 11 Craven Mews, just off Craven Road. Got me a little flat there, name’s on the door. I’ve got the rest of the night off so what might you think of that? If you came around ten-thirty, that would give me a chance to get in, get washed and get set up!”
Mike, with a wide grin on is face, told him ten-thirty at No. 11 Craven Mews it would be!
As Mike turned to walk through the almost hidden stone arch which led into Craven Mews off Craven road just before ten-thirty, he thought it was like stepping back into the eighteenth century. Apparently the enclosed mews had once stabled the horses and carriages which were the only means of getting around London two hundred and more years ago.
Today, the stables had been converted into about twelve small two-story flats. The ground floors were where the carriages and horses had formerly been housed, and the upper floors where the hay was stored and the grooms and cabmen lived. The twelve flats surrounded a dimly lit cobble-stoned courtyard where a couple of ancient trees grew and provided shade, while flower boxes under the windows provided a rainbow of color.
Mike thought the whole place surely looked like a picture out of the past, and he wondered if maybe Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson hadn’t been here themselves to solve some mysterious crime in the late 1800’s.
As he walked across the cobble-stoned yard, he saw “11” in big brass numbers on the shiny heavy black door. Below it, just the name “Jeremy” in the brass name holder. It was all perfectly still and quiet in the courtyard as Mike lifted the heavy brass knocker and gave it a double knock.
In just seconds, a grinning Jeremy, in bare feet and dressed in only tight gym shorts and a sleeveless light gray muscle shirt which said “Make Me Do It, Mate - If You Can!” in a deep blood red.
“Evening, Mike, and welcome to No. 11 Craven Mews” was Jeremy’s cheerful greeting, which drew a similar greeting in return from Mike.
Jeremy’s place charmed Mike instantly. It was small and simple, with the original stone walls and heavily beamed wooden ceiling of the original carriage house and horse stalls still in place, and with only a couple of small lanterns hanging from the massive beams to provide any interior light.
The ground floor was mostly just one big room, with a living space in front, and a tiny kitchen and eating table and loo in the rear. Against the rear wall a narrow staircase lead up to the first floor. Up there, Jeremy had a big permanent blue vinyl wrestling mat set up toward the front of the similar room below, while a double bunk bed and a chest of drawers and a shower and toilet were toward the rear.
In one corner was an original small stone fireplace which now held a single row of gas burners which threw off a soft warmth to ward off the evening coolness and which provided the only interior light to shed a soft glow over the room.
The original stable wood-framed diamond-paned casement windows were still in place and were the only source of outside light into the otherwise dimly-lit interior. Even more so, Mike thought he was back in the eighteenth century. And yet, it felt just like home.
For a few minutes, Mike and Jeremy just talked easily back and forth as they sat in the comfortable leather easy chairs on the ground floor, and as Jeremy brewed up some tea and heated up some bangers and mash for them to enjoy. Apparently, although he was glad to serve all the beer and heavier drinks the patrons of the Paddington Arms Pub wanted, he generally preferred something lighter for himself. Also, a little late supper never hurt either.
For a few minutes, Mike told Jeremy how much he was liking walking around London again and seeing the Houses of Parliament and Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace once more for the familiar pleasure they gave him.
Jeremy told Mike of the eight years he’d spent at sea working on two different
freighters on the London-to-Shanghai run. Mike was fascinated by Jeremy’s
life at sea and wanted to get the full story from him, particularly knowing it
involved some of Jeremy’s wrestling activities too.
It turned out Jeremy was only about seventeen when he first went to sea, where he remained until he was about twenty-five. He had started as an ordinary deck hand on the first freighter, and then worked himself up to assistant engineer on the second freighter.
“During those voyages, the days went from almost nothing happening one day to another as we went about our regular duties and whatever we wanted to do in our off hours. But then at other times there were the hours and even days of almost sheer terror when we might run into a typhoon and we had everything we could do just to stay afloat in the wild and heavy seas.
“At that time the crews numbered only about twenty-five men on the ships. We were from all walks of life and had all sorts of backgrounds, many men had little education and frequently were on the wrong side of the law and needed to get away for a while.
“Now we were all thrown together and living, sometimes with difficulty, the lonely life of the sea. In our off-duty hours, sometimes we read a great deal, preparing to return to land and perhaps go back to school to complete our educations. Others studied for advancement on the ships’ rosters, which was more or less the course I took, not knowing if I’d spend my whole life at sea or come back to land.
“Other men just slept or played cards and gambled to pass the time, while a number of men, to pass the time and keep in shape because you never knew when you might have to get into it with one of your shipmates or someone on shore, liked to work out in the small ship’s gym.
“Just about every ship has a few weights and workout mats hidden away in some remote part of the ship. In our ship it was an unused locker room aft of the engine room.
“Most of my shipmates were generally friendly and good natured, but on most ships, including ours, it seems there’s always someone who is always in a bad mood, likes to argue, and ready for a fight.”
Mike said he’d noticed back in the Pub that Jeremy had a scar on his neck and was missing part of his ear lobe when they’d first talked. He asked Jeremy if there was any connection between that and a fight he might have had on board?”
“Aye, mate, that came of a fight I had with one of my shipmates, a bloke named Roger Knowgoode whom we called ‘Jolly Roger’ because he was sometimes anything but jolly. He was strong as an ox, worked out and liked to wrestle just like I did. I saw him a good deal around the ship as he worked the cargo holds, which were near the engine room where I generally was.
“He was a good man, and friendly enough when he was sober and we were just one-and-one. But no sooner did he get a promotion for the good work he did, but that he’d then get drunk, get into a fight or do some damage to something, and they’d put him back down again. So he pretty much stayed just an ordinary seaman, and remained ugly whenever he got drunk just like he was before.
“This time he’d been sober and good for just about the whole week, but then one day he got drunk again and came down to the crew’s workout room. As it was near to the engine room, it was always pretty hot with always a lot of steam and oil in the air and covering everything.
“He’d just been demoted again, and was looking for a fight, not so much against me, I think, as against himself for getting drunk and messing up his life again.
“Anyway, I was working out wearing just my jockstrap, like we usually did to save our clothes and due to the heat of the room.
“I was standing on the wrestling mat which was next to the weight rack, setting up for my next set of bench presses.
“So he strips off his clothes down to his jockstrap, and I was thinking he was just preparing to work out too, not knowing he was half drunk and in a real foul mood and wanting to fight somebody.
“Well, he was about twenty pounds heavier than me. I was about twenty-two then and had a pretty good build, while he was about thirty-five with his real solid build, but with some fat too.
“We’d wrestled two or three times before when it was quiet and we were alone. I knew he liked to get locked up real tight with another man, liked to give and take a lot of punishment, like I did too, and neither of us had any problem wrestling, all hot, naked and oiled, until we’d got our cocks so hard we shot our loads into the other’s mouth or all over the his face.
“So I figured maybe that was what he wanted to do this time, which I was always glad to do with him too.
“But this time, it was a real fight he wanted, which didn’t suit me at all.
“After he stripped down just to his jock strap, he started to come at me. But this time he had a real bad glint in his eye, and then I saw he also had a sailor’s switchblade knife in his hand looking like he wanted to slash me with it.
“When I then saw him coming at me, I jumped to the side to see if that was really what he had in mind.
“Fortunately, I was faster than he was, particularly with him being pretty drunk. Still, he got hold of me and we struggled with each other for a minute until I was able to get behind him. Then I managed to grab his arm with the knife in it and twisted it back until he dropped the knife and I managed to kick it to the side.
“I didn’t notice until later when I saw the blood that he’d managed to almost cut my neck with the knife when we first came together, so that’s how come I got this scar.
“But by the time I’d kicked the knife aside he recovered and then we really got into it on the mat. We went for each other’s cock and balls first, knowing they’d be real vulnerable, and I’m thinking maybe I could control him some there, and I knew he liked to give and take a lot of cock and ball punishment anyway. So I reached under him between his legs and got a real good hold of his big cock and balls in my fist.
“But then he reached behind him and grabbed my cock and balls in return too, knowing I liked the same for some good give and take some punishment there too. But then he almost ripped off my cock and balls in his hold on me, while I then got back at him the same way until we just about crushed and ripped of each other’s man equipment at the same time, and made it sort of a deadlock.
“From there we got into it back and forth down on the mat until he came down on top of me to get me in a full body press. His being a good deal heavier than me and being drunk too, I didn’t know what he’d do next, but knew it wouldn’t be good.
“Then we got into a tight bear hug on each other and our faces came together and I could feel and taste his hot drunken breath and sweat against my face and mouth, and it looked like maybe he was going to bite my nose off next.
“But then he got his head beside my own and bit off a piece of my ear lobe, like you see. So I then twisted around until we were face to face again and I bit off sort of the end of his nose in return. In those days, ‘anything goes’ really meant ‘anything goes.’
“We were like two dogs in a fight, each trying to fight and bite the other as hard as we could in addition to whatever else we could do to the other.
“After that we were back on our feet again and trying to jam our knees into each other’s crotch as hard as we could to fight the other off, and force him to give in figuring if we could just crush his balls hard enough it would give him too much pain to continue. Well, as it turned out, and as we sort of knew, we both sort of liked that punishment and could take a lot of it, so that went on for quite a while, along with everything else.
“Then with us now being naked and all hot and wet and sweaty and slippery with our fighting and the general heat and oiliness of the locker, we were back down on the mat again, with him once again fully on top of me.
“But eventually, with him being pretty drunk and careless, and me fighting for my life, I finally managed to get out from under him again, from where I was able to get on top of him to reverse our positions. And then I was able to wrap my hands around his throat to choke him and slam his head over and over again against the hard mat and over the edge against the steel deck, until finally he finally gave in.
“Then at that point, with all the commotion and a couple of other men of the ship’s crew coming in to work out too, they saw what was happening and dragged us apart and we got cleaned up.
“The next day the captain and first mate had a hearing on the fight, and our man ‘Jolly Roger’ was charged with the whole thing. He was put in irons for the rest of that voyage and then put ashore at Shanghai, which was our destination for that voyage.
“I stayed with the ship for another couple of years and made assistant engineer. But then I figured eventually I’d probably be better off finding some shore job, and so here’s where I am today.
“But those were good years, and wrestling around with my mates whenever we could, in the ships’ workout rooms way down in the hold somewhere, real private, for as long as we liked while we were off duty, were real good!”
Part Two
Mike listened to Jeremy’s story and liked Jeremy even more for it. It had been rough, for sure, but maybe that’s why he was such a good man now. It also gave Mike a good idea of what Jeremy liked to do when he wrestled around. At the same time, Mike told Jeremy of about his background and wrestling with other guys, too.
As Jeremy was cleaning up at the small sink, Mike came up behind him and got him in a tight bear hug. They knew that felt real good to both of them. Mike liked the feel Jeremy’s solid and muscular build as his arms closed around him, and Jeremy liked no less liked the feel of being solidly hugged by Mike.
As Jeremy finished up, they separated slightly, and he said, “How ’bout if we head upstairs and see what’s happening up on deck?”
“Sounds good to me,” was Mike’s grinning reply.
When they came to the top of the stairs, they paused to slip off their clothes. That was done easily enough as Mike was wearing only his usual blue jeans, a sweatshirt for the evening coolness outside, and his usual comfortable combat boots. Jeremy was wearing even less.
The room was dark except for the couple of lanterns which hung down, ship’s style, from the overhead beams, to add to what little light came in through the windows. The room was warm from the heat put out by the gas logs in the fireplace.The whole atmosphere was one of intimate privacy for what was about to come next.
They knew they both liked to wrestle naked. As they stripped, Mike couldn’t help but notice Jeremy’s hard and muscular build, while Jeremy noticed Mike’s own muscled build. And already, in anticipation of their wrestling around with each other, their long and hard cocks jutted out from their bodies ready to give and take whatever action and punishment would be in store for them in their fight to come.
It didn’t take long for them to get into it.
As they were in Jeremy’s place and he was the host, he let Mike take the lead and set the pace for however he’d like to start and get into it.
Jeremy had his powerful legs spread slightly apart, so Mike dropped down to his knees and shoved his head between Jeremy’s legs to lift him up by the back of his neck and slide him down his back.
Jeremy struggled with it for a moment or two, putting his weight on the back of Jeremy’s neck even though it crushed his cock and balls as he did, to make it more difficult for him, while reaching under Mike to seize his already long and hard cock jutting out from his body, to pick him up by his cock, using it like a gear shift, instead.
For a moment, they struggled back and forth, liking what they were doing, until Mike succeeded in his move, lifted Jeremy up and slid him easily down his back until Jeremy found himself on his back on the mat behind Mike.
Mike then turned around quickly to get a body press on Jeremy. Before he could, however, Jeremy turned himself over to get to his hands and knees to be ready for whatever Mike wanted to do with him next.
It didn’t take long for Mike to drop down to his knees also on the mat next to Jeremy, and drop his well-muscled chest on Jeremy’ equally muscled back. Then he reached one hand over Jeremy’s back and underneath his butt to grab Jeremy’s big, long and hard cock in his fist, just as Jeremy had worked over Mike’s equally big, long and hard cock just a moment before. Then, when he got a real good and solid grip on it, he began to pull it backwards through Jeremy’s legs as if he were almost going to rip it off his body.
Mike already knew Jeremy would like the feel of that as he knew Jeremy liked to take a lot of punishment. Jeremy knew Mike liked the same treatment, however, and so his time would soon come in return.
Mike, with his other hand, reached over Jeremy’s back, went under his far arm and reached under Jeremy to grab his big and muscled pec in his fist with the intention of crushing it in his grip and using it to pull Jeremy over on top of him so that he would be on his own back on the mat underneath Jeremy.
Jeremy liked what Mike was doing to him and resisted him for a couple of minutes, with both increasing the pressure on the other, and both liking what they were doing to and with each other.
Eventually Jeremy couldn’t resist Mike any longer, and Mike pulled him over on top of him, bridging Jeremy over his chest. Then he began to pull both ends of Jeremy down by pulling his cock back down to the mat at one end, and moving his hand from Jeremy’s pec to cover his face and pull his head down to the mat at the other end.
It was a predicament for Jeremy which both knew and liked, give or take, and both liked the struggle, Jeremy to escape it and Mike to keep it.
After a couple of minutes of torture on Jeremy, however, Mike knew that as Jeremy had let him take the lead so far when they began to wrestle, it was about time for him to turn it back over to Jeremy to see what he’d like to do back next.
As Mike eased his hold on Jeremy, it didn’t take more than a couple of seconds for him to turn himself over on top of Mike. Now he got a solid head-to-head body press on top of Mike in return.
In the next instant, their muscled and naked bodies were tightly locked together, their legs intertwined, their long and hard cocks and thick balls crushing against each other’s, their big pecs also pressed tightly together, and now their faces came together as well.
Each felt the other’s hot breath against his face and then their lips met. Then even their tongues entered the fray and began to wrestle it out inside each other’s mouth. Round and round their tongues battled back and forth with neither wanting to the be first to withdraw.
Finally Jeremy, being on top, pulled back just enough to bring his big calloused hand between their faces to push his palm down against Mike’s face to distract and blind him, while Mike brought his hand up to similarly push it against Jeremy’s face to blind and distract him as well and push him slightly away.
Which then had Jeremy pull back just a little farther until he could bring both of his big hands in to grab both of Mike’s big body builder’s pecs in his powerful hands and begin to crush them in his fists. Which gave Mike the chance to grab Jeremy’s own thick and muscular pecs in his fists in return, and now both, liking what they were doing to the other, and liking even more what the other was doing to him, they struggled in their new deadlock with each other for long minutes, neither wanting to let go of the other, nor wanting the other to cease torturing his own pecs.
They only broke their double pec-crushing deadlock when Jeremy decided to ease that particular deadlock. Gradually he moved to twist half way around to continue his body press on Mike, but now from the side. Chest against chest, Jeremy wrapped one of his muscled arms around Mike’s neck to get him in a headlock from his top end. Then he shoved his other arm through Mike’s bulging crotch, crushing Mike’s cock and balls in the crook of his elbow as he did, and grabbed the solid flesh of Mike’s butt to tighten his hold.
It was a hold and predicament Mike knew, however, and liked. He liked to have the other man on top of him pressing down on him, with his head caught in the other man’s headlock, and his cock and balls being crushed under the muscled arm and bicep of the other man to hold him down by his crotch.
For a moment or two he struggled to bridge out and free himself of Jeremy’s tight hold on him even though he liked to be caught and pressured in the hold. But at the same time he also gradually shifted underneath Jeremy until he was able to take almost the same holds on Jeremy on top of him.
Slowly, Mike got one arm free and began to wrap it around Jeremy’s strong neck to get him in an identical headlock. Then he managed to get his other arm free until he could extend it under Jeremy’s body, where it was pressed against the mat, and grabbed Jeremy’s big cock, already tightly pressed between Jeremy’s body and the mat, and began to crush it, and then Jeremy’s thick balls as well, in one of his strong hands in return.
Now it was another deadlock between the two, and another which they both liked, give or take, with neither wanting to be the first to end it.
Jeremy, being on top, was the first to ease his holds on Mike and with Mike still trying to bridge out of his predicament as well, Jeremy moved to roll both of them over on the mat until now their holds and predicaments were almost exactly reversed. Their reversal felt just as good in their new situation, and they remained deadlocked in it even longer.
For a few minutes the two powerfully muscular wrestlers, one slightly older and one slightly younger, but similarly matched, wrestled each other back and forth while still remaining locked together, each trying to impose his will on the other, but liking it just as much when the other imposed his will on himself in return.
As they continued their struggle with each other, at one point when they were deadlocked at the edge of the mat with a double figure four head scissors on each other and Mike was on top, Jeremy reached over blindly to a bottle of wrestling oil he’d earlier put at the edge of the mat.
Then, despite still blinded and trapped with Mike’s powerfully muscular legs wrapped around his head and Mike’s long, hard and naked cock pressed tightly against his face, he nevertheless managed to ignore that for the moment, and opened the bottle. Then, blindly lifting his hand up over Mike’s muscled legs which were wrapped around his head, he proceeded to pour some of it over Mike’s legs, with some of it running down to pour over his own upper body.
Mike quickly felt what Jeremy was doing, and liked it. After Jeremy had poured out as much oil as he could over his legs and Jeremy’s upper body, Mike reached back and took the bottle out of Jeremy’s hand and poured some more of the oil over Jeremy’s legs, which were wrapped around his own head, until it ran down over his upper body too, until both wrestlers were covered with oil.
Soon, with their further wrestling and twisting around in each other’s tight holds and deadlocks, both of their bodies became smooth and slick from then on. Wrestling oiled and naked was a sensual and erotic feel which both liked, and the oil also let them escape more easily whenever they found themselves trapped by the other in one punishing predicament or another.
As soon as Mike felt Jeremy add wrestling oil to their bodies, and already liking to wrestle naked and ‘anything goes,’ he thought even more about all the wrestling experiences Jeremy must have had both at sea deep in the holds of the ships he’d sailed on, and also in who knew what bars or oriental dens he must have visited in various ports of the world where he’d sailed.
He liked even more the thought of wrestling around now with Jeremy, and wondered, in the back of his mind, what else Jeremy might have in store for him?
In the dim light, their powerfully muscled bodies naked and now covered with oil as they fought each other, they learned more and more not only what the other most like to get into and what punishment the other most liked to give and take, but also the limitations as to how far they should go.
It was all a natural feeling, and felt real good to both of them. First one trapped the other in one predicament or another, or they got deadlocked with each other, until, in their slipperiness, they were able to make their escape or break it off and go on to something else.
Jeremy got behind Mike in a full tight body scissors and wrapped his powerfully muscular legs around his lower body to keep him in place. Then, to add to his hold, he crossed his ankles to keep his legs tight and began to smash his heels hard into Mike‘s crotch against him cock and balls.
Mike liked the punishment Jeremy was giving him even while he was trying to pry Jeremy’s ankles apart to reduce the pressure on him. At the same time, however, every time Jeremy smashed his heels down into his naked and bulging cock and balls, he raised up slightly and then dropped his muscled butt hard down on Jeremy’s own big cock and balls under this butt to punish them just as hard. It was another deadlock both liked to see how much punishment each could give and take with the other.
At the same time Jeremy had Mike trapped in his powerful and tight body scissors, he reached around Mike’ upper body to again grab Mike’s big body builder pecs in his fist to hold him tight on his upper body as well.
Jeremy had already figured out Mike liked to get into a lot of pec punishment, as he did too, so it was a move and hold them came back to over and over again, with neither ever getting enough of it.
Then Jeremy began to release his hold on one of Mike’s pecs, which made him wonder what Jeremy might try to go to next. He was still trapped in Jeremy’s body scissors, however, and so he could only see out of the corner of his eye as he watched Jeremy reach over to an old wooden box at the edge of the mat.
Mike then, still caught in Jeremy’s tight body scissors on him, watched as Jeremy pulled out of the box what looked like two heavy leather straps, or were they collars, he wondered, with shiny steel buckles.
Mike soon saw that they were leather collars, and that they were also studded with a double row of rounded steel buttons. Mike continued to watch as Jeremy next pulled out of the box four wide leather wrist straps, each studded with a triple row of steel buttons. Then he reached over a third time and picked up two shiny steel cock rings.
All this time, Jeremy continued to hold Mike tightly in his powerful leg scissors to keep him from getting away. Mike made no effort to escape, however, as he wondered what Jeremy had in mind for them next.
Of the last things Jeremy took out of the box, Mike was used to wrestling wearing a steel cock ring. He knew that always got him even more aroused than he generally got during a wrestling match, particularly when he was wrestling naked and oiled.
But the studded leather collars and wrist bands were going to be, if that’s what Jeremy had in mind, a new experience for Mike. He knew, however, he was going to like it.
Jeremy then began to slowly release his body scissors on Mike and they broke apart. Their oiled, naked and muscular bodies and their big cocks and thick balls had already gotten heavily aroused and swollen with the sensual and erotic pleasure and punishment they were giving and getting from each other. And now they would get even more aroused as they put on their leather accessories.
Mike easily slipped on his new studded leather collar and studded leather wrist straps which Jeremy tightened for him, while Mike then did the same for Jeremy.
With that done, and their big male equipment relaxing just a little while they tightened their leather straps, both Mike and Jeremy each managed to slip his steel cock ring on over his already swollen cock and balls.
Now fully strapped and cock-ringed Mike felt as if he were an English knight out of the middle ages, fighting in leather and steel in the dungeon darkness of his adversary’s castle until one or the other would be either the victor or the vanquished. Mike knew he looked forward to this next phase of their struggle with each other.
He knew he liked not only the feel of wrestling the powerfully muscled Jeremy, naked and oiled, but now he would be wearing his studded leather collar, studded leather wrist straps and cock ring too for the even greater sensual and erotic pleasure it would give him.
Jeremy grinned when he saw Mike’s pleased reaction to his new studded leather collar, wrist bands and cock ring. He knew, with himself outfitted the same way, they were now going to enjoy their wrestling around with each other even more.
When they started up again, Mike moved to get behind Jeremy while both were on the mat. Then, before Jeremy could escape him, he wrapped both of his powerful legs around Jeremy’s lower waist to trap him in a solid full body scissors, crossing his ankles over Jeremy’s crotch and then beginning to smash his heels down hard over and over again into Jeremy’s suffering crotch.
It was a reversal of the position Jeremy had been holding on him just moments before. Now it was Jeremy’s big rod and thick balls that had to take the punishment, which was made even tougher on him by the steel cock ring he was now wearing. Still, it was a punishment Mike knew Jeremy was used to and liked, however, and so neither was in any hurry to end it.
At the same time, Mike reached his muscular arms around Jeremy’s upper body to hold him in place at his upper end. And again he grabbed one of Jeremy’s big and muscular pecs in each of his fists. Then he began to crush them even harder than he had before until the muscled flesh of Jeremy’s pecs was almost squeezed out between his fingers. Jeremy liked that too.
It was a favorite deadlock and punishment of both, give or take, and felt good to both of them. As a result, Jeremy was in no hurry to break out of Mike’s punishing holds on him, nor was Mike in any greater rush later on when Jeremy took the same punishing holds back on him.
Nevertheless, with the oiled slipperiness of their naked muscular bodies and the sweat which now covered them as well, Jeremy did eventually slip out of Mike’s crushing hold on him. First he managed to break his ankle hold on him, and then he slipped Mike’s hands off his pecs so that his upper body would be free again.
With Mike then easing his tight full body scissors on him as well, Jeremy managed to twist around inside Mike’s leg scissors until he was able to face Mike, who was now positioned with his back on the mat underneath him.
From there, Jeremy began to push his solid muscular weight down harder and harder on top of Mike until he’d almost folded Mike up underneath him. Once again their faces were only an inch apart. Slowly, and not particularly reluctantly, Mike was forced to ease his leg scissors on Jeremy’s body over him and waited to see what Jeremy had in mind for him next.
As Jeremy came down on him, Mike liked what he was seeing and feeling with Jeremy’s powerfully muscled naked body glistening with oil and wearing his studded leather collar, his studded leather wrist straps, and his steel cock ring barely holding back his rock-hard cock and enormously bulging balls.
Even more, Mike felt like a medieval knight fighting for his life against an almost overwhelming adversary. He couldn’t get enough of it either.
Then as Jeremy continued to come down on top of Mike, aiming to get a full body press on him, he shifted his body up a few inches until he was able to position his big muscled pec, which Mike had been so recently crushing in his fist, directly over Mike’s face and mouth. With that he dropped his muscled body down the rest of the way in a full body press until he was able to stuff his pec deep into Mike’s mouth to choke him on it as well.
Mike liked that. He knew he always like the feel of another powerful wrestler on top of him anyway, and with the powerfully muscled, naked and oiled Jeremy on him, it couldn’t be any better. And now having and tasting Jeremy’s big muscular pec in his mouth, with his tongue playing around Jeremy’s hard and tight nipple, he liked it even more.
It was, in fact, a punishment both wrestlers knew and liked, give or take, and for long minutes they remained deadlocked in their desperate situation, neither wanting to be the first to end it.
Later on, when their situation was reversed, Jeremy liked the feel of Mike’s equally muscled, naked and oiled body on top of him, and the taste of Mike’s pec deep in his own mouth to choke him on it just as much.
Eventually, however, as Jeremy eased up on him some, Mike was able to twist himself free of Jeremy’s big body press on him, while Jeremy also figured he’d held it long enough and didn’t resist too much Mike’s move to escape him.
As they wrestled, every time Jeremy brushed his studded leather collar or his studded leather wrist straps close to Mike’s face or pressed them against some part of his naked and oiled body, Mike liked the sensual thrill it gave him each time, as it did Jeremy when Mike brushed or pressed his own studded leather collar and straps the same way against Jeremy.
Another favorite hold both also liked to take, and just as much like to get caught in, was a powerful and suffocating head scissors on the other. Both liked the feel of having the other’s powerfully strong and muscled naked thighs wrapped around his head as if almost to crush his skull and hold him so that he would be unable to escape.
Mike had always been told, “If you can control the other man’s head, the rest of him can’t get too far away.” He knew that was true, and he liked to be the victim, caught in the other guy’s head scissors, even more than he liked to be the captor.
Now, in their next move as they struggled back and forth, Mike felt Jeremy wrap his big legs around his head. This time Jeremy had caught him so that his head was turned in towards Jeremy’s hot wet and naked crotch with the enormous mass of Jeremy’s bulging and almost rock-hard rod and balls, as they were forced out in front of the steel cock ring he was wearing, just inches from his face.
From there, Jeremy reached out and pulled Mike’s head even further into his crotch until his face was pressed hard against Jeremy’s big long rod and thick balls, with the taste and smell of all of Jeremy’s full, hot and wet male equipment almost suffocating him.
Mike had no problem with that, for sure. Nevertheless, just to get back at Jeremy as much as he could while trying, with little or no success, to bridge or twist out and escape him, Mike was able to twist his head around just enough to suck first one and then both of Jeremy’s big and bulging balls into his mouth as if to chew them off.
That gave Jeremy something to think about. However, neither moved to break their predicament, and Mike continued to suffocate in Jeremy’s hot crotch hold on him, and Jeremy felt Mike’s tongue play around with his balls deep inside Mike’s mouth.
Later on, when the situation was reversed and Mike had trapped Jeremy in the same tight and suffocating head scissors, but now with his equally big balls caught in Jeremy‘s mouth, their predicament lasted just as long. With, again, neither wanting to be the first to let go.
Mike recalled, and he thought most likely Jeremy did too, the time when Jeremy had fought ’Jolly Roger’ that time in the ship’s engine room and he bit off the lower part of Jeremy’s ear lobe. But now, with Jeremy’s big wet balls in his mouth, maybe it would be Jeremy‘s bulging balls that would be bitten off instead of just his lower ear lobe. But no, this time Mike was real careful not to damage any of Jeremy’s vitals. And Jeremy too, when their situation was later reversed, was just as careful, until eventually they managed to break off that predicament and go on to something else.
Jeremy and Mike continued to wrestle, nude and oiled and in their studded leather gear on the mat in Jeremy’s London flat for more than another half an hour, back and forth, give and take. Neither could get enough of the sensual and erotic pleasure it was giving them, as well as of the back and forth struggle itself. Sometimes they moved more quickly to see which could get the advantage over the other, while at other times the remained deadlocked as they both enjoyed being locked up with the other, and paused to catch their breath before going on to something else.
They continued to wrestle too in the semi-darkness of the upper floor of Jeremy’s flat, still lit only by the soft glow of the fireplace to give them some light, while its warmth added to the delicious wet heat of their own bodies.
Outside, the rest of Craven Mews was silent. As they wrestled, the moon rose slowly over the nearby rooftops to cast its soft blue light over all of London with some of it filtering into the diamond shaped windows of No. 11 Craven Mews as well.
Neither Mike nor Jeremy noticed the quiet outside, however, as they continued to wrestle back and forth, naked and oiled, in their studded leather accessories and erotic steel cock rings, give and take, for all of the sensual and erotic pleasure it gave them.
As they entered their second hour of wrestling each other, they found themselves, more and more, getting deadlocked into a single and then double figure four head scissors on each other. Every time, each felt the other’s big and powerful legs and inner thighs wrapped around his head as if to crush and suffocate him, but neither could ever get enough of it. It was one of their favorite deadlocks.
And then, more and more often, instead of one just pressing his big rod and thick balls, made particularly hard and bulging by the tight cock ring enclosing all of his big male equipment, against the other’s face, he stabbed his long, thick and hard rod down into the other’s open and waiting mouth and throat to choke him on it as well.
Neither ever have any trouble with that, either stabbing his own big rod down the other’s throat, or having the other’s big tool stabbed deep down into his own throat.
As they wrestled, the studded leather collar around Mike’s neck continued to feel real good and sensual to him, and he liked to rub it against Jeremy’s own studded neck collar and every other part of Jeremy’s body as well. And his studded leather wrist straps felt just as good whenever he rubbed them against any part of Jeremy‘s face, pecs or any other part of his hard muscled body.
And then his steel cock ring, just like Jeremy’s, tightly holding around the neck of his big cocks and balls, made and kept him even more fully aroused and rock-hard the longer they wrestled.
As they got into their next holds, Mike had once again gotten a full head-to-head body press on Jeremy This time, however, he managed to position one of his big solidly muscled legs down between Jeremy’s own muscled legs to press his big upper leg thigh down hard on all of Jeremy’s hard and bulging male equipment to crush it as he did. At the same time, however, that meant Jeremy was able to press his own equally muscled thigh back up against Mike’s equally hard cock and balls, crushing them back in return.
It was a sensual and erotic punishment neither could get enough of. At the same time, their muscled pecs also once again crushed against each other’s, while their faces came together with their eyes shut and their tongues once again battled it out deep inside each other’s mouth.
But this time, while Mike was absorbed in the pleasure and punishment he was giving Jeremy and very much liking himself, Jeremy, despite Mike’s being solidly on top of him and very much liking what they were doing with each other, nevertheless managed to reach one of his arms and hands over blindly to just past the edge of the mat as if he were groping for something.
Then he found it. With their faces locked together, Mike didn’t see what Jeremy was doing, or about to do. Then, in the quiet, except for their heavy breathing into each other’s face and mouth, Mike heard a very slight click. Then, after just another second, there was a second click.
Previously, when struggling with each other and Mike was on top, sooner or later he would slide off to Jeremy’s side in their oiled slipperiness and they would separate, each preparing to get at the other some other way.
But this time, after he figured he’d been on top of Jeremy long enough and began to slide off him, he was unexpectedly stopped by a jerk on his neck.
He suddenly found that he was now chained to Jeremy. Then he saw the chain going from a steel ring on Jeremy’s studded leather collar and which led to and snapped on to a similar steel ring on his own collar. Those were the two clicks he’d heard.
The chain was a shiny stainless steel, the links were the size of a dog’s chain, and the chain was about five feet long. They were, in effect, now chained together like two dogs in a kennel - or maybe two powerfully muscular naked and oiled gladiators in a dungeon, chained together and doomed to fight each other to who knew what ultimate end.
A grin covered Jeremy’s face when he saw Mike’s surprised reaction to the chain. His grin became even wider when he saw it was quickly matched by a similar grin on Mike’s face. First Jeremy had put him into a studded leather neck collar, the studded leather wrist straps and a steel cock ring. Now Jeremy had chained them together as well so that neither could escape the other.
Mike had never wrestled chained to another man before, but some way, he knew this new move of Jeremy’s was going to make their oiled and naked struggle with each other even more interesting.
Mike’s brain was not very heavily burdened by any great or exacting knowledge of English history, but he wondered if this wasn't what it was like maybe five hundred years ago when, as a knight of old, he might have found himself rowed by sixteen hooded rowers down the Thames in a barge to the Tower of London, and there placed in a deep, dark dungeon cell to battle it out with another condemned prisoner or guard, to whom he was chained, until he would be set free or die in the attempt. He knew it wouldn’t be that way with Jeremy, but he still grinned at the thought of it.
Meanwhile, for the present, if he tried to pull away from Jeremy to go on to something else, he couldn’t do it as Jeremy could hold him back. But if Jeremy tried to get away, he couldn’t get very far either unless Mike went with him.
It was only then, as Mike moved to test the chain between them, that he realized the inside of the collar was a soft leather which prevented it from scratching his neck. It was still enough to force him to keep close to Jeremy all the time, however, and Jeremy to him too.
It took a few minutes for Mike to figure out his new limitations in being chained to Jeremy, how far he could get away from Jeremy, or for Jeremy to get away from him. He soon figured it out, however, got used to it and liked it. The chain was long enough for them to get into a reverse body scissors and figure four headlocks on each other, or along side the other, or on top of the other, but not much more. Mike liked the restrictions as it gave him even more of a challenge to work it all out, with Jeremy working with the same restrictions. And the real and imagined erotic and sensual pleasure he got from it made him like it even more.
Almost immediately after Mike found himself chained to Jeremy, and Jeremy quietly checking to be sure Mike was okay with their being chained together, they found themselves on their hands and knees on the mat facing each other, only inches apart. By now their oiled and naked muscular bodies were sweating and glistening in the oil sheen of the dim light, as they had been for some time. Now, however, they found themselves chained together like two bulldogs about to attack each other. Mike liked the prospects of that.
As they closed in on each other, they first rose up on their knees. Then each stretched out one muscled arm to grab the back of the other’s neck to pull him in even closer and down to the mat, while his other hand reached out to seize the other’s long and hard cock, now made even harder as it jutted out from the other’s steel cock ring and muscled body, to crush it in his fist or push it down and back between the other’s legs.
It was the most delicious and almost excruciating pain Mike had ever experienced, and he hoped it would never end. He knew Jeremy was feeling the same way, and for long minutes, chained together by their neck collars so that neither could get away, they struggled back and forth against the other as the sensual pain and pleasure of the struggle continued.
It was only when, with the increasing slipperiness of their bodies, that they eventually lost their grips on each other’s neck and cock, both fell back down to the mat, head to head, until they could recover and go on to whatever else they could do with each other next.
For the next twenty minutes and more they struggled back and forth, chained together by their necks. Sometimes when they were closed in on each other, the chain lay slack between them. But at other times, when they separated or one slipped and fell to the side, they would have fallen further apart except that the chain between them suddenly grew taut, and in a powerful jerk on their neck, they were brought back again.
Mike noticed that Jeremy must have wrestled chained many times before, and saw to it that he wouldn’t let Mike get too far away so that no jerk would strain his already very strong neck. Also, that Jeremy never touched the chain with his hands to wrap it around Mike’s throat or otherwise offensively, but only to loosen it or free it if it got caught accidentally around one of either’s legs or arms. Mike quickly picked up on that, and liked being now chained to Jeremy even more.
Now, once again as they struggled back and forth from one hold or predicament or deadlock to another, Jeremy managed to slide in behind Mike and get him in another powerful body scissor from the rear. The chain which stretched between their necks was just long enough to accommodate the move, and then it slackened again as soon as Jeremy completed his rear body scissors on Mike, who was now once again on top of him, with Jeremy's head now once again just a couple a few inches behind Mike’s.
Now, once again, Jeremy crossed his ankles above Mike’s crotch and he began again to smash his feet and heels hard into Mike’s naked and exposed crotch and against his steel-ringed hard cock and throbbing balls. Then he again seized Mike’s big body builder pecs in his fists to crush them in his grip to continue his punishment of Mike.
He now knew it was a punishment Mike really liked, however, give or take, and that Mike was willing to take it just as long as Jeremy wanted to give it to him.
Eventually, however, even though he liked what Jeremy was doing to him, Mike nevertheless struggled to escape Jeremy’s punishment of him until, with the slipperiness of their bodies, he managed to free himself of Jeremy’s tight hold on him.
First he broke Jeremy’s tight ankle cross and pec squeezing holds. Then, unable to break too far away because of the chain around his neck, he nevertheless managed to twist around until he was able to sit on Jeremy’s muscled chest underneath him, his knees on the mat next to Jeremy’s chest, facing Jeremy’s feet. At first, in starting to make his move, he was held back by the chain which held both of them back, but that kept Jeremy from escaping too, and Mike soon succeeded with his move.
From there he had only to shift his whole body back a few inches until he was able to position his solid, wet and naked butt directly over Jeremy’s head. Then he lowered his wet and muscled butt until he sat down fully on Jeremy’s face. As Mike felt his butt settle over Jeremy’s face, and Jeremy’s nose, mouth and eyes slowly sink deep into the solid canyon of his hot, wet and naked butt, the chain connecting them once again slackened as it now had only to extend down the short distance from his neck to Jeremy’s neck just below him.
As Mike felt Jeremy’s face get buried deep inside between his butt solid cheeks, he knew the helpless sensation Jeremy would be feeling, being now blinded and suffocated as he tried to shift his head from side to side just to breathe, with his face being buried in Mike’s butt. But Mike knew he liked the sensual feel of it when another man sat fully on his own face, and he hoped that Jeremy, for all the punishment it was giving him, liked it just as much.
Mike guessed correctly on that, and Jeremy liked the sensual suffocating and blinding taste and feel of having another guy sit fully on his face. As a result, he was in no real hurry to escape it.
As he was now chained to Mike, however, that made it just that much more difficult for him to make his escape too, or until Mike would move off him and let him go free. So, while he struggled to bridge out from under Mike even though his face was buried deep in Mike’s solid, wet and naked butt, he had no trouble liking his predicament as long as he was in it.
Eventually, however, Mike knew he’d trapped Jeremy in his face-sitting move on him long enough and slid off to the side. Now once again Jeremy was able to see and breathe freely, and, still chained together, both wrestlers moved to figure what they might do with each other next.
another moment they found themselves on all fours, facing each other. Mike then
tried to twist around to get on top of Jeremy. However, he slipped off to the
side in their oiled slipperiness, and then Jeremy tried the same move on Mike
but was more successful. In the next moment, Jeremy successfully, if also
precariously in all their naked and oiled slipperiness, found himself riding on
Mike’s back. The same thought then went through their minds.
Jeremy felt just as if he were one of the Palace guards mounted on his powerful horse in front of the Palace gates, with the chain between him and Mike acting as the reins.
Mike had the same thought, except that he was the sleek and powerful horse the guard the guard was riding as he guarded the Palace gate. He grinned to himself. If Jeremy wanted to be the guard, he was more than willing to be the horse.
Except in this case they were naked and oiled wrestling each other in the dim darkness of Jeremy’s place at No. 11 Craven Mews, just off Craven Road - which was even better.
Now Jeremy, with his legs wrapped tightly around Mike’s muscled waist, shoved his heels back into Mike’s crotch against his naked and exposed cock and balls. But then, reaching down under Mike's muscled arms to pull them out from under him, he soon forced Mike to end up face down on the mat flat down on top of him. Mike had no problem with that at all.
He very much liked the feel of Jeremy’s hot, naked, oiled and muscled body pressing down on top of him holding him down. And then he also soon began to feel Jeremy’s big, long and hard rod, still jutting out long and hard with the steel cock ring stimulating it to make it even harder, pressed down against his butt as if it were trying to find a way in between his butt cheeks
Mike liked the feel of Jeremy trying to stab his big rod between his solid butt cheeks even though he didn’t like too much having the other man succeed in such a move. As a result, he kept his butt tight, which signaled to Jeremy that was his preference Nor did Jeremy then try to push it in any further either even though he realized Mike liked the feel of Jeremy trying.
Later on, when their positions were reversed, Mike found that Jeremy felt the same way about being penetrated as Mike, so, while they continued to push and probe to find a way into the other’s solid butt between his butt cheeks, they weren’t surprised when they weren’t successful.
For another half hour, Jeremy and Mike continued to wrestle back and forth, their hot, naked, oiled and muscled bodies, now wet with sweat as well, got into one hold and deadlock after another. Their studded leather collars and studded leather wrist straps and steel cock rings, and now chained together by the stainless steel dog chain, made it not only a real good challenge, which they so very much liked, but it was the extreme sensual and erotic pleasure they got from their struggle that they liked the most.
The moon over No. 11 Craven Mews by now had risen to approach its zenith as it continued to cast no more than a soft glow into the room in which the struggle went on. At the same time, the thickness of the rough stone walls and the heavily beamed wood ceiling of the room made for a great stillness over the scene.
Only the heavy breathing of the wrestlers, which they eased from time to time as they were deadlocked with each other, and the sound of their naked, oiled and slippery bodies as they came together and hit each other, broke the silence of the night.
More and more, as they were well into their second hour of wrestling with each other, they wrestled even more slowly simply for the sensual pleasure they got from their struggle, and to make it last as long as they could.
Now, once again, in rolling back and forth still chained to each other, they again found themselves deadlocked face to face at the edge of the mat.
This time Jeremy was underneath, with Mike’s face pressed hard against his so that they breathed the same air and tasted the same wetness of each other’s mouth while their tongues once again wrestled it out inside each other’s mouth and their powerful and muscular legs were once again locked in a double grapevine on each other.
This time, although he once again he had Mike body pressing down on top of him, and their faces were so tightly pressed against each other’s that neither could see, once again Jeremy reached out to grope for something else which he knew was near the edge of the mat, and hoped he could find. Then he found what he was looking for.
Two strips of thin but strong woven black silk. Each strip was about six inches wide and about three feet long, like two sailing ships' pennants.
As they wrestled, Jeremy and Mike both knew that many times wrestlers, as long as they are in contact with each other, frequently wrestled with their eyes closed. Many wrestlers, when locked together with each other, wrestled more by feel and sensation than by vision, and so didn’t need to see what they were doing. Sometimes, in fact, seeing what was going on around them was even a distraction as they preferred to focus solely on the other wrestler’s body in relation to their own.
That was the way Jeremy liked to wrestle, and he noticed Mike liked also to wrestle much of the time with his eyes closed as well.
Mike’s head was now just above Jeremy’s. After they broke off their lip-lock on each other, Mike pressed one of his hands open-palmed against Jeremy’s face to try to distract and keep him blinded while his other hand was pulling on the leather studded collar around his neck to distract him another way.
As Mike was trying to distract Jeremy, who expected as much and therefore wasn’t very much distracted by Mike’s moves on him anyway, Jeremy took one of the silk bands and, before Mike realized what he was doing, but with both hands now free, he reached up and doubled the band over behind Mike’s head.
Then, before Mike knew what he intended to do or could react to it, Jeremy wrapped the silk band around Mike’s head to blindfold him so completely that he couldn’t see anything. Jeremy quickly tied the ends behind Mike’s head in some kind of sailor’s knot which would not easily come loose.
Suddenly, Mike found himself not only with studded leather straps around his wrists and a similar studded leather collar around his neck, and chained to Jeremy as well, but now he was blindfolded too.
It took him by complete surprise, and he loved it. In all of their wrestling around with each other so far, he had by now not only come to expect the unexpected from Jeremy, but also to have complete faith in him for whatever he did.
Now, even more, Mike felt like a gladiator or knight of Old England, battling some powerful adversary in the dark dungeon of some ancient medieval stone castle. But this time he was not only bound in leather straps and a steel cock ring, but chained to his opponent - and now blindfolded as well. He didn’t know what the final outcome of their struggle might be, but he knew he surely was liking it.
Nevertheless, he instinctively knew he had needed to balance out the struggle between them and blindfold Jeremy in turn and as well. He therefore let go of his hand holds on Jeremy’s face and pecs to grope for the other silk banner and Jeremy’s head in order to blindfold Jeremy in return as well.
When he reached up to find Jeremy’s face and neck collar, however, he felt that Jeremy had already put and tightly tied a blindfold around his own head so that he would be blindfolded too so that their battle would again be equal. Mike grinned. Trust Jeremy to keep them fair and square.
Now, even more, their erotic, sensual and imaginative wrestling with each other knew no bounds. Now both of them, powerfully muscled, naked and oiled, would wrestle in their studded leather straps and collars, chained together and blindfolded as well.
After blindfolding both Mike and himself, Jeremy gave Mike a chance to get used to his new circumstances and to be sure it was ok with Mike and that he wasn’t going too far with him.
Mike was thrilled. Now even more he felt that he had gone back hundreds of years to some English castle in the middle ages where he, as a valiant knight, was doing battle in some castle dungeon with another similar valiant knight and that they would battle until they had come to complete exhaustion and could fight no more.
But now, in addition to his earlier feelings of wearing his studded leather straps and cock ring, and then chained to his opponent, he was now blindfolded in their battle as well.
Neither could see the grin which covered the other’s face with this latest blindfolding move of Jeremy, but both knew they were now into it all the way possible, and would remain so until finally it would all have to end, one way of another, and Mike at least didn't know what.
For almost another half hour they struggled and wrestled back and forth with each other, chained together and now blinded as well, with their naked, oiled and muscled bodies straining against the other’s. But it was always with a sense of give and take, and they enjoyed this ultimate sensual and erotic pleasure they were giving and taking from the other.
Through all of it, however, with their continued cockfighting each other, pulling, crushing and almost ripping the other’s still long, hard and throbbing cock and almost bursting balls off the other’s body, made even more so by the steel cock rings both wore, and feeling all of their own male equipment being similarly punished, they knew they were becoming increasingly and now, after all of it together, each had become supremely aroused.
With that, and all of the hot white cum which had been so long accumulating in their hot bodies and now demanding to be released, both knew they would soon have to end their long match, whether they wanted to or not. They also knew that their muscular bodies were beginning to tire as well. But still they tried to stretch out their match as long as they could.
The chain which connected their studded leather neck collars was just long enough for them to get a solid double figure four head scissors on the other. Now, for one final time, each found his head once again trapped tightly between the other’s muscled thighs, with the other’s long and hard rod and thick wet balls pressed tightly against his face, while his own thick and muscular thighs were tightly wrapped around the other’s head, and his big rod pressed just as tightly against the other's face.
Both then maneuvered to stab his long and hard cock deep down into the other’s throat to almost choke him on it while at the same time his own tongue felt and tasted the other’s hard heart-shaped cock end penetrate deep down into his own mouth and throat.
Both now knew they had only seconds more before both of them would come. This time Mike was on top and Jeremy underneath him as they went into their final struggle. Then Jeremy, in a final burst of strength, but with no objection from Mike, rolled both of them over until now he was on top one final time.
Then they couldn’t hold back any longer.
Suddenly, in a final spasm with both of their powerful hot and naked bodies locked together, both felt all of the hot white cum which had been accumulating so long in their bodies shoot through their long and hard cocks and explode out deep into the other’s mouth and throat.
On and on their tangy white cum pulsed and poured out of their own bodies as, at the same time, the other's hot cum filled his own mouth and throat until it overflowed and the excess ran down the side of their neck to pool on the mat beneath them.
Still their cum pulsed and flooded out into the other’s waiting mouth and throat. But as it did each also felt all of his remaining energy flow out with it as well until, as the last drops of their cum dripped down and ended, all of their energy was gone too.
Now they could do no more than just lay on the mat, still blindfolded and chained together in the darkness of Jeremy’s flat at No. 11 Craven Mews. It had been awesomely good.
For Mike it had been a totally new experience, not only in the long struggle with Jeremy itself, but then in his studded leather collar, studded leather wrist straps, cock ring, and then chained together and blindfolded as well.
It had indeed been a struggle which took him on a flight back to the middle ages to a castle dungeon where he had the fight of his life, but where his final reward was greater than he had ever experienced before.
The next morning he couldn’t recall for the moment what happened after his long wrestling match with Jeremy ended. But he knew that the aroma of frying ham and rich coffee which was coming to his nose now smelled real good and inviting, and his eyes lost no time in opening up along with the rest of him.
As he got more awake, he found himself in the bottom bunk on the first floor of Jeremy’s flat at No. 11 Craven Mews, London, a far cry from Charlotte, North Carolina, and that he was feeling very good indeed.
The delicious smell of a breakfast being prepared seemed to be coming from downstairs somewhere. It didn’t take Mike long to fully wake up now, and after he washed up and put on his pants, he went down the steep staircase to the ground floor below.
Here, with a broad grin on his face, was Jeremy at the small stove putting together a full English breakfast for both of them.
“ G’morning,” said Mike, as grins covered their faces.
“Feeling ok this morning, mate, and maybe ready for some breakfast?” was Jeremy’s cheerful reply, hoping that Mike was indeed feeling alright after his previous night’s unusual workout with all the leather and chains.
“Mmmmmm, couldn’t be better! And yeah, I seem to have worked up sort of an appetite after messing around with some delicious guy most of last night! That couldn’t have been better! You’re really great, you know!”
“Thanks mate, the feeling’s surely reciprocated!” was Jeremy’s grinning reply.
Neither was much for early morning conversations, but the quiet silence between the two told the whole story of their new and close relationship and the feeling they had for each other.
In just a few minutes, Jeremy put on the small table a full English breakfast of orange juice, toasted English scones with butter and strawberry jam, three slices of fried ham, a huge helping of baked beans, two perfectly poached eggs with a big side of mushrooms, four slices of tomato, and a big heavy earthen cup of steaming hot coffee, with a pitcher of rich cream on the side.
“Hey, Jeremy, we expecting the whole Royal Family for breakfast?” asked Mike with a grin on his face.
“No, mate, but I figured maybe you’d need something to hold yourself together to begin a new day. We don’t like for our guests to go hungry, y’know! And I thought, for no particular reason, you understand, you might have a bit of an appetite this morning,” was Jeremy’s easy and smiling reply.
“Man, Jeremy, you sure got that right! You are the greatest, and I surely liked everything we did!” said Mike. He knew he couldn’t find the words to express just how much he liked last night, and now this great English breakfast this morning on top of it , but he knew Jeremy would understand.
The next few days in London for Mike went by in a flash. He did get to Harrods in Knightsbridge to buy the two jars of preserves for his Aunt Martha, wrapped in the famous green wrapping paper which she so much liked. And then took the Circle Line Underground to Baker Street to re-visit the lodgings of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, and buy the two books he wanted for his old teacher, Miss Grace Clarke, who was just as thrilled with them as his Aunt Martha was with her Harrods preserves.
Then, as he had promised himself, on his final afternoon, which turned out to be a warm and beautiful clear day in which all of London and Hyde Park and the Kensington Gardens were at their finest, he had his “coffee and scones” at the Kensington Palace Orangery.
each of the following evenings with Jeremy when he returned to No. 11 Craven
Mews went beyond his wildest fantasies and pleasures! Jeremy had to work late
one evening, during which Mike was pleased just to walk around to enjoy the
night lights of London’s West End, Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square and
Covent Garden, as well as see again the imposing floodlit Houses of Parliament
and Big Ben and their reflection on the Thames River along the Embankment.
The other two evenings were spent, however, wrestling with Jeremy at No. 11 Craven Mews. Each time it went even better, if that were possible, than the previous evening as they got more and more used to what each most liked to do.
Every time, they again wrestled in their studded leather straps, chained together and blindfolded, back and forth, naked and oiled, in the darkness until once again they found themselves exploding all of their hot sweet white cum into the other until they were completely drained and exhausted.
As he took the long flight back to the USA at the end of his week in London, Mike knew he’d be back again. And although he knew he’d also revisit Harrods and 221B Baker Street and the Kensington Palace Orangery, he knew where he’d spend every evening and night if he could - at No. 11 Craven Mews!
The End.
Posted: 08/10/12