Scout Slavery

By: Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 2

Saturday morning went so slowly. Mom had said there was no problem with me going round to Mike's house and talking about it because she was fairly sure that Skip would give the right answers and she would let me go. I got my lunch down my throat as quick as I could, but of course that did not help much because I still could not go to Mike's house until two 0'clock. Finally the time came and I got to Mike's house at about five minutes to two. As I arrived a car pulled out of the gateway with two adults in it who I thought were Mike's parents, and indeed they were. Mike wanted there to be no one else around so that I would feel free to do and say what I wanted. Mike must have been looking out for me because as I started walking down the driveway with my bike, he came out to greet me and show me where I could secure the bike. We then went inside and through to his bedroom. Mike offered me the chair by his desk and then sat down on his bed. "There is no one else here, so you can say and do what you want, and I want you to be absolutely honest with me. Do you understand?" Mike asked.

"I'm not sure I fully get what you're meaning, but I think I understand enough. But I want to know what all the fuss is about."

"I will get on to that soon, but I need to just chat with you first and find out a few things."

"Like what?"

"Well I need to know what you feel about being naked with other guys, like when we shower."

"I like being naked. I go about the house naked a lot of the time, so I don't mind being nude with others around."

"What! You mean you even go naked in front of your mom?" Mike asked in surprise.

"Yea. And my sister. Only my mom doesn't go about naked."

"Wow that must be something else!"

"I dun no. I guess I'm used to it. But I don't play with my cock in front of my mom."

"Do you play with it a lot?"

"I guess. I like to get it all hard. It just seems better than if my sister plays with it."

"You mean you let her touch you and all?"

"Sometimes, if she begs me enough. Somehow I not sure I like girls touching it."

"What does your mom say about this?"

"Oh, mom doesn't know that we sometimes do this sort of thing. She would not approve."

"So how much do you share with your mom?"

"Nothing like this really. I don't mind being naked in front of her, but I don't do anything or talk about it with her."

"How much do you know about what goes on, on a patrol camp?"

"Well, um, I know that there are no adults there. And some of the guys have talked about having beers and things on camp."

"What about first timer's things?"

"I don't know about that. No ones said anything about their first time. Does something happen to them?"

"It is a tradition that on your first patrol camp you are a slave to the patrol leader or APL."

"What does that mean?"

"Well; it means that you have to do everything I tell you to do, no matter how horrible it might be. Also as a slave you wear only a special loin cloth for most of the time."

"And you want me on this camp to be your slave, even when I am not in your patrol? What about Jake? He hasn't been on camp before and he is in your patrol."

"There are two things here. Firstly, I really like you and so want you to be my slave, so I can look after you. Jim would be very mean to you, if you were his slave. He would make you lick his bum after going to the toilet, and things like that, whereas I won't. And then Jake has made it possible for me to get someone else because he is going away with his parents on holiday."

"What do you mean by you really like me? Why?"

"I've liked you from the first time you visited us as a cub. You're a neat guy. You are the only cub who ever thanked me for looking after him when you came to visit the troop. You don't make it hard for me at school. Even my friends at school have said that you seem pretty nice; and when they say things like that, then there must be something in it. Then you get right in and get involved in everything. You don't show any fear of the bigger boys, and I know some of them have been unkind to you."

"So if I'm to be your slave, what am I supposed to do?"

"Well it starts off a little while after all the parents have gone back to town. As soon as the tents are up I start by saying something like I need someone to make my bed for me, and then the APL says I need a slave. I agree and start to ask who should be my slave. Because everyone who has been on patrol camp before knows what is coming they all suggest the first timer. Who in this case will be you. I then produce the loin cloth and the rest of the patrol makes a dive to get you. It would be better if you do not give them any idea that you know anything about this, or they will be rougher with you. Once they have caught you, they will bring you before me and declare to me that you have been chosen to my slave. I will indicate my approval by telling them to present a slave to me in the proper manner. The guys will then start to strip you. Again, put up some resistance, but don't fight too hard or your clothes will be damaged. They will then bring you totally naked to me. I will say you can't have your Willie swinging like that and give them the loin cloth to cover it with. The APL will the put the cloth on you, and then you are my slave. But you are my slave only. None of the others can do anything to you or make you do anything without my permission. If there are 2 first timers, then the APL also gets a slave. I will be kind to you, and you will not have to do anything too bad for me, but you will have to sleep in my tent in case I need anything during the night. There are also a few other things which happen but I will talk about them a bit later. Right now, I want to know how you feel about being a slave for me."

"I'm not too sure, because I have never had anything like this before, and I guess I am bit nervous."

"Rick", he said, "I promise you, I will do all that I can to make it easy for you, but if you will cut me some slack and make it possible for me to keep my street credit with the guys then I will appreciate it."

"I think it could actually be a bit of fun. If you promise to not let the others be really mean to me, I will try to be your slave who allows you a bit of the expected master power."

"See, I told you, you are a neat guy. At least with me you will want to go on another camp. I want that because I think you will be a good scout."

"So what else are you going to do to your slave?"

"Well first, I want you try this loin cloth on so that we can make sure it fits well enough. You have quite a small body and we don't want it to be falling off by itself all the time."

"Ok," I said, and started to strip off. Mike said that I didn't need to take everything off, but I said I wanted to see how it would be on camp, and so took off my underwear as well.

I turned to Mike and his eyes nearly popped. "You are well developed for your age aren't you?" Mike said this because even though I was not yet twelve, and was small in stature, I already had a fair supply of pubic hair and cock and balls were of a matching size for the development of hair. I had just started to grow hair under my armpits as well. I thought I noticed Mike's shorts tent a bit, but then he turned away as if to pick up the loin cloth and must have done a bit of adjusting so as not to show when he turned back. "Here, try this on now." The loin cloth was a smallish triangle of cloth about 4 inches long an each side. One side was sewn onto a loop of trouser elastic and there was a string about 6 inches long coming from the apex, opposite that side, which had two wooden beads attached to it. I bent over and put my feet through the loop and then pulled up like a pair of shorts, with the triangle hanging straight down at the front. "What are the two beads for?" I asked as I pulled the elastic up to my waist.

"They get used in different ways. Sometimes you will just have them hanging there, weighting down the cloth. Or they might be pulled up and tucked under the elastic at the back to bring the point between your legs. Or if you are a really bad slave, the beads or at least one of the might be shoved up your jack for a time." Mike added the last with a bit of look in his eye which meant that he was not really serious, but that it was something which was not unknown.

I let go of the elastic and the cloth slipped down to where it was hanging halfway down my prick. "The elastic is too long. Let me pull it up tight and I will put a pin in it and then go and sew it. Mom has left her machine out, so we can get it done quickly." I stepped closer to Mike and just stood up straight. Mike then pulled the elastic up to raise the cloth and get the elastic reasonably tight around my waist. He then went into this elaborate set of manoeuvres to double the excess elastic over the edge of the cloth and pin it. With this he managed to touch my cock several times, and although he was not actually fondling or stroking it, it did respond to his touch. So much so that when he pulled the cloth down to take it off to sew, my cock bobbed up and down as it came free of the elastic. "Getting a little cocky aren't you?" Mike teased. "Come on let's go and sew this and try it on again to make sure it is o.k."

"Well you are the one whose hands have been around there," I retorted as we walked through to his mom's sewing room. Me completely naked and bobbing still. I found I had enjoyed having Mike's hand so close and touching. Mike sat down at the machine and did a couple of quick runs through the machine and then handed it back to me to try on again. This time the elastic held the cloth firmly just above the line where my cock met my torso. We walked back through to his room with the two beads swinging against my legs. I found this activity was turning me on quite well and so remained at a bobbing half mast.

"Perhaps we better try it with the beads tucked through the back." Mike suggested, and before I could even respond, he reached out and took hold of the beads and started passing them from one of his hands to the other between my legs. Then he slid his hand lightly over my bum as he pulled the string up and tucked the beads under the elastic. The result was to pull the apex of the cloth through into the crevice of my bum, and pocket my now nearly fully hard cock down against my balls. With the tenting effect this had, it pulled the top edge of the cloth a bit down my prick and a little away from my body. In the mirror it looked really sexy and I noticed that Mike also had a hard on which he now could not conceal. Mike told me to walk around a bit and then to bend forwards, and then lean over backwards. As I leant backwards, my Willie stuck out the side of the cloth and started to make its way up towards the elastic. Immediately, Mike said we couldn't have that and took hold of my member and started to tuck it back inside the cloth. This was the first time another guy had actually held my cock and I nearly went through the roof. I had not known such a feeling. It was nothing like when my sister touched me. This was so much better. I wanted him to do it again. I came back up to a sitting position on the chair and twisted a little bit in the hope that it would cause my cock to reveal himself again, but without success. Mike was looking a little flushed and could not hide a very evident boner inside his shorts. I stood up and said that I had better make sure I could sit on the ground as we would not have chairs out at Scrubs. I then proceeded to squat down on my haunches. As I did so I felt Charlie (that's what I call my cock, because he often shows he has a mind of his own) slip out a tad. But knowing that he was not very visible in the position I was in, I flopped back onto my bum, purposely losing my balance so that I went back a bit further than really necessary and let my leg which was furthest away from Mike jerk up into the air. This was to ensure that Charlie was dislodged and visible again. As I came to rest, I looked up at Mike with what I hoped was an inviting look in my expression. Mike did not need any further invitation. "That ol' dick of yours is quite active isn't it? Do you want me to put it away again?"

"Well, you did not do such a good job of it last time, or else it wouldn't have got loose so quick. So perhaps I should do it." I teased, "but then again, maybe you should get some more practice so you get better at it."

"I really do need the practice, because I might have to do it quite a bit on camp," Mike replied.

I couldn't wait any longer, "O.K. go on then, but make sure you do a better job than last time." Mike almost leapt forward and then gently taking Charlie in his hand started to push him back under the cloth. He then started to make sure that my balls were also comfortably positioned.

"Mmm. I'm not too sure about this." Mike said, "I think I had better adjust things a bit more. Stand up for a bit, please." Again as I stood up, I tried to get Charlie to release himself again and was successful. "There it goes again. I really think that it would rather stay on view, but on camp that could be dangerous because it could get sunburned and that would not be nice. We had better get things sorted out now." All this time Mike had been playing around with my cock and I was really enjoying it. Mike knelt down beside me and after tucking Charlie back into the cloth again, started to adjust the position of the cloth by lowering the "waist band" and tightening the beaded cord. Somehow these adjustments involved feeling the whole of my backside, including a fleeting finger slide over my bum hole, and a fair bit of feeling in the gap between my balls and the same hole. Mike then shifted slightly and did something which sent electric shivers running through my whole body. He kissed me on the cheek of my bum. He then stood up allowing one hand to run lightly up my back while the other made a journey over my balls and cock, up to my navel and then on up the my nipple which was closest to him.

I wasn't too sure what to do next, but I guess nature knows best, because something then seemed to go on to automatic. While his fingers were lingering over my nipple, I turned my hand outward and let it start to cup his cock and balls. When Mike did not make any move to stop me, I started to give him a bit of a rub through his shorts. This was the closest I had ever come to feeling another guys private parts, and I found that I really enjoyed it. Mike then told me to hang on a bit and went to make sure his door was closed tightly, and then he wedged his chair against it. "I can't actually lock it he said, but I don't want my parents bursting in on us, if we don't hear them come back." He then came back over to me and asked, "Do you mind my touching you? Seeing as you don't like your sister doing it."

To be continued...

Posted: 11/02/12