Juvenile Detention
Rick Masters
(© 2015-2017 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 65
The Inquest
On the way out to the car Esther asked Karl
what the conversation he had with Joe at the end was about. Karl told her that
she would have to wait until they had some privacy and left it at that.
Sam naturally was very quiet, and Josh held him for the whole journey home. Once
they got home Josh led Sam to their room and the two boys lay down together on
the bed. Josh didn't say anything, because he didn't know what to say, but he
did know that to have someone who cared about him close by was a comfort. Sam
would lie quietly for a short while, then there would be a shake of his body and
a little sob or sniffle, and he would be back to lying quietly. Josh stayed
quiet and after a couple of hours he realised that Sam's breathing pattern had
changed. Relieved he closed his eyes and soon joined Sam in the comfort of
sleep. Having not slept that well the night before, both boys drifted into a
deep sleep, which was only disturbed when Simon got home from school and made a
bit of a noise before his mother told him in a harsh whisper to shut up.
Simon asked his mother what had happened and how Sam had been. Esther filled him
in and then told him that Sam had not yet been told, but that according to Joe
there would be an inquest which Sam would probably have to attend. She also told
Simon that Joe had told Karl the inquest would reveal a lot of information
concerning Sam's mum's way of life which Sam might find hard to take, and that
Simon needed to be careful how he reacted if Sam talked about it after the
Josh and Sam had both woken and been forced to get up by a need to pee. They
wandered through to the bathroom and stood side by side as they pissed. After
washing their hands they went through to the kitchen, where they found Simon and
Esther talking.
"Sam, I'm so sorry. Mum told me." Simon slid off the stool he had been sitting
on and gave Sam a hug.
"Thank you. Can I get a glass of water please?"
"Of course you can. You know you don't need to ask all the time for that sort of
thing, just help yourself. This is your home too now." Esther told him.
Josh had stepped smartly over to the cupboard and already had a glass out and
was filling it with water before Esther finished speaking.
"Thanks." Sam took the glass and drank a couple of mouthfuls, then what Esther
had said hit home and he realised he did not have a home or family to go to,
which brought on a fresh wave of tears.
Esther was at his side and hugging him quickly. "You will find this happens
quite a lot for the first few days. Somebody will say something that stirs a
memory or something and you will cry without being able to control it. That is
natural and also good for you."
Sam excused himself and headed off towards the bathroom. Josh got up to go with
him, but Esther stopped him. "Let him go alone. You will be with him when he
comes back but he probably will have some times when he needs to be alone. Just
let him know that you will be with him whenever he wants you to be."
While Sam was washing his face Karl arrived home. He had not gone to work after
getting them home from the Coroner's office but had been to see David to learn
what needed to be done to help Sam. David had used some connections to gain
extra insight to the situation and had been able to give Karl some good advice.
Karl asked David to begin working on it straight away so that when the time came
he could apply for full custody of Sam until he reached the age of majority.
When Sam came back into the room Karl put an arm around his shoulders and said,
"I have been to see David Groggen this afternoon to see what is the best thing
to do to help you with what is to come. I have asked him to begin making
preparations so that if you decide you want to stay with us until you are
eighteen we can be given full custody. However, you are still free to choose to
follow a different route if you wish. We have a few days, so I don't want you to
think about that yet. The post-mortem will have been completed, but they may
still be waiting for some test results to come back. When they have those
results there will be an inquest held, and it is likely you will have to attend
that. It is not going to be a great experience, but David has said he will go
with you if you want him to. Also at least Esther or I will be with you."
"What is an inquest?"
"It's like a small court case. The medical examiner presents the information
found from the post-mortem, and the police present the information they have
concerning finding the body. Then the Coroner will pronounce a verdict. The
nature of that verdict will decide what happens next."
Two weeks later Sam received a letter from the Coroner's office announcing that
an inquest into the suspicious death of Ms. Angeline Carruthers would be held
the following Wednesday. Sam showed the letter to Karl and asked why they were
saying it was suspicious.
"Whenever a body is found and there is no direct knowledge of the cause of death
they describe it as suspicious until the inquest shows it to be something else.
I must warn you, Sam, that there will be information presented at this inquest
concerning your mum's way of life, as well as how she came to be up in Scotland
and dead beside a road. You probably will find this very hard to take. Some
things may be said or suggested about your mother that you will want to argue
against, but you must remain quiet. Write a note to David and let him argue for
you if he can."
"Thank you. I really can't believe that all this is happening. You people who
hardly know me are being so kind. I've never had that before."
"In a way you can thank Josh for that. We never knew how much joy and
satisfaction you can get from helping someone who really needs it and would be
lost without the help. And of course he chose you, so there must be some good
qualities in you that Josh saw, and we are willing to trust his judgement. So
far that has proved to be good for us and also for you," Esther said in what
Simon later described as "her best grandmotherly voice." This did cause some
laughter amongst the three, since Esther was not really old enough to be a
grandmother. And with her only child being gay there was little chance that she
would ever be a grandmother.
Josh was not allowed to sit next to Sam at the inquest; he had to sit in the
public gallery, while Sam sat with David Groggen at the front, facing the
Coroner's bench. Josh had never met Sam's mother, but he found he was getting
really upset as the evidence of her lifestyle was presented, making her look to
be a really low and slutty person. The police evidence concerning the discovery
of her body was also upsetting as she had been found at the roadside, posed
naked with her legs and arms spread so all of her private parts were on display
to anyone passing, until someone with a sense of decency had stopped and covered
her before calling in the police.
The medical examiner's evidence though was the worst. He told the inquest that
there was irrefutable evidence to suggest that Angeline Carruthers had been
abused both before and after death. She had tested positive for Amphetamines in
her blood which had been injected through her jugular vein. The examiner
suggested under questioning that it was highly unlikely she could have done this
herself. He stated that markings down the length of her oesophagus indicated
that a tube had been inserted and blood and stomach tests showed a high level of
alcohol, which again he suggested had been forcefully administered. There were
traces of two different sources of semen in her stomach and a third in her
mouth. Under questioning the examiner said that the third trace was almost
certainly left after death. Similarly there were further samples of semen found
in her rectum and vagina indicating that she had been penetrated by at least
eight different men, and this number might increase after the completion of a
full DNA analysis. The examiner then gave the most shocking piece of evidence,
that it was clear that death had occurred from asphyxiation caused by the
forceful insertion of a blunt object, probably a penis, into her throat. She
also had bruises and abrasions that indicated that she had been physically
restrained. This had occurred over several days, as some of the marks were
fresher than other bits, which had some signs of healing.
Sam was then called to the witness stand and asked to state his identification
of the body and how he came to know the deceased. At this point Sam broke down
and David Groggen explained to the inquest that he was the deceased's only child
and as far was could be ascertained the only living relative of the deceased.
The coroner waited patiently for Sam to get back under control. After expressing
his personal sympathy he took Sam through some very gentle questioning to get to
the answers he needed to have.
Soon after that he adjourned the inquest for deliberation, calling for it to be
reconvened after lunch. The meeting after lunch lasted less than a quarter of an
hour, at which time the Coroner returned a verdict of murder by person or
persons unknown and ordered the police to make a full investigation. At the same
time he ordered that body be kept for further investigation and forensic work
and apologised to Sam that they could not release the body for burial until they
were sure that there was nothing further it could tell them about her murder.
It took until the weekend for the dark cloud to pass from Sam's countenance. He
did laugh sometimes, and the three boys did help each other out to relieve their
sexual tension, but he certainly was not his usual happy self. Everyone
understood why and tried to just treat him as they normally did. He did not cry
much; although he loved his mother, he had not had such an especially close
relationship with her as Josh had enjoyed with his father. But at the weekend
Godfrey had come over for the Saturday and invited the three to his home on the
Sunday for the day. While they were talking together the conversation got round
to sex and Simon's desire to subject himself to others' authority.
When Simon, Josh and Sam arrived at Godfrey's it was to learn that Godfrey's
parents had gone out for the day and would not be home until after dark that
evening. Godfrey showed them in and gave them a tour of the necessities, ending
at his bedroom, where he immediately told Simon to assume the position. Simon
stripped off, grinning like a Cheshire cat, then knelt down and lowered his head
to look at his cock.
Godfrey placed an eye shield over Simon's eyes and told him it had to stay there
until he was told to remove it. Godfrey told Simon to stand up and keep his
hands behind his head as he fitted an old woven braid watch strap around Simon's
cock and balls, adjusting it to give a tight but comfortable fit. Godfrey had
also fitted a small 'D' loop around the strap and he clipped on a dog leash and
told Simon to follow him. He invited Josh and Sam to follow too, and they
followed behind Simon as he was pulled along by his leash and collar. Godfrey
led them through the house and out the kitchen door to the back yard. Josh and
Sam could see that his back yard was as sheltered as the Silvey's yard, so there
was no concern that they might be seen. Against the back fence was a rather
large shed, and Godfrey was clearly heading toward this shed.
Once they were inside the shed Godfrey told Simon to use his hands to feel his
way to undressing the other three. Once he had stripped all three he was told to
feel each one and say who it was he was feeling. Godfrey stepped forward first
and when Simon got to his pubic bush he immediately knew it was Godfrey because
he knew that both Josh and Sam were smooth. Simon moved onto Sam next and after
having a good feel of Sam's cock and butt he moved his hands on up Sam's body
and then over his head. Again as soon as Simon's hands felt the designer stubble
on Sam's head he declared that he had Sam in his hands and was told he was
right. But to keep things even he still had to feel Josh and decide if it was
really Josh or if there was another person there that he did not know of. There
wasn't but being blindfolded Simon did not know that.
Godfrey then allowed Simon to take his blindfold off and had him do the lion's
share of blowing up a smallish inflatable paddling pool. He tied Simon's hands
with a length of cord that passed behind his back and allowed Simon's hands to
be at his sides but no further forward. Simon's legs were hobbled at the ankles
as well. Godfrey invited the other three to get in the pool and kneel down. From
behind a board on the workbench he produced some bottles of baby oil and began
to pour it over the three teens. He had one bottle left when he stepped into the
pool and asked Sam to pour the oil over him.
"We will now wrestle each other trying to get a shoulders pin. If we pin
someone's shoulders we call out who we have pinned and that person will have to
pay a forfeit of some sort at the end. The person with the most pins against
them will be our slave for the rest of the day."
Simon just grinned because he knew with his legs and hands tied he was going to
be the most pinned and therefore the slave, but this appealed to him as much as
it appealed to the others. Even though there was a lot of cock and ball grabbing
during the wrestling match it did not have a very noticeable effect, because all
four boys started off the match with full hard ons.
Josh and Sam were stalled in their attempt to pin each other by a rather loud
and gleeful call from Simon, who despite his tethers had made the first pin.
Josh and Sam turned to look at the sound and laughed out loud as they saw Simon
virtually sitting on Godfrey's face with his knees on Godfrey's shoulders
holding them down in the pin. How he had managed that will never be known;
neither he nor Godfrey could explain it, and Godfrey was rather embarrassed to
have been caught so quickly and by a hampered opponent. That was Simon's only
bit of success, and by the time they called it quits he had been pinned by all
three of his opponents several times. Godfrey, not being as sporty as either
Josh or Sam, had been pinned the second most times.
Sam and Josh had only been pinned once each, mostly because they spent more time
lying together kissing and fondling than actually wrestling, which was how they
had each got pinned.
They had been lying on their sides with a slick hand around their mate's cock
and their lips locked together when Simon and Godfrey had pounced on them and
taken them by surprise. However this galvanised them into action, and soon they
were taking down Godfrey and a hapless Simon repeatedly.
Although the wrestling had come to an end, the four boys were still sitting in
the paddling pool, covered in baby oil; each was enjoying fondling a cock and
balls package that was not his own, except for Simon, who was unable to reach
anyone else due to the way his hands were tied. Sitting between Josh and Simon,
Sam was using both his hands to work each of their cocks while Josh used two
hands on Sam and Godfrey got to massage Josh.
Simon began to show signs of nearing his orgasm first, wriggling and squirming.
The slipperiness of the paddling pool left him lying flat on his back with his
hands pinned by his sides and his cock pointing straight up to the roof as Sam
slowly wanked it. Although he kept hold of Josh's cock, Sam unconsciously
stopped wanking Josh as he concentrated on keeping a slow and steady rate on
Simon's cock, keeping him near the edge but not quite tipping over it for some
time. Watching the suffering Simon was going through caused Josh and Godfrey to
also stop jerking the cock in their hand. Suddenly Simon gave a primal grunt and
thrust his hips up to push his cock hard through Sam's fist, and with groans he
gave a few more strong hip thrusts and shot his load out high into the air, to
come spattering down on his body and Sam's hand and arm. Sam managed somehow to
retain the steady pace he had set and even with some jerking thrusts by Simon
did not stop his stroke. The strong spurts weakened to a dribble and dried up,
but Sam did not stop pumping at a regular beat. Simon had collapsed back to
lying flat on the floor of the paddling pool and his hand jerked as his natural
reaction was to bring his hand up and stop Sam from stroking his cock, but the
ties prevented that, and Sam did not stop.
Simon asked him to stop, but he didn't. Simon begged him to stop, but to no
avail. Simon pleaded with him to stop, but still Sam kept the pace. Letting go
of Josh's cock, Sam began to massage and tease Simon's nipples, heightening the
already strong sensations Simon was experiencing in his cock. Simon tried to get
away, but with his fetters he could not move fast enough. He twisted his body
and writhed like a snake but still could not escape. Josh and Godfrey watched in
awe as Sam worked the super-sensitive cock with sure and steady strokes for
another half hour. Letting his thumb slip over the cock head at the apex of his
stroke, Sam spread an unending supply of precum to make that part even more
slippery. Sam left Simon's nipples and slid his hand down the cum and oil slick
body until that hand could take over the regular rhythm on Simon's cock,
releasing the other hand to begin fondling Simon's balls and massaging the
perineum, delving into his crack and eventually pushing a finger into Simon's
butt hole. As his finger found Simon's prostate, Simon screamed and shot another
load of cum out, possibly with greater force than the first load. As that orgasm
became a dribble, Sam let go of Simon's cock and lay down next Simon with a grin
on his face.
"Chris and Andy taught me that trick after you checked out of the Academy. Josh,
your forfeit is to do the same to me."
Josh leaned forward and wrapped his fingers around Sam's hard cock and began to
stroke it at the same steady pace that Sam had used on Simon. Godfrey was
mesmerised as he watched Sam's foreskin slip back off the glans, leaving it
totally uncovered, and then come forward again to form a little tube at the end
of Sam's cock. Josh used his other hand to fondle Sam's balls and massage the
perineum and his pucker. Josh also suggested that Godfrey play with Sam's
nipples while Josh was wanking him. This was a good thing, because it meant that
Godfrey was in the right place to hold Sam down as Josh continued the stroking
after Sam's first orgasm. Simon was still too out of it to be of any help, but
at least Sam only took about ten minutes to hit his second orgasm. Of course,
Josh had had a finger up Sam's butt for a longer time than Sam had done with
Simon, which might account for the faster second cum. Sam did not seem as spent
following the ordeal as Simon had been.
"Your first forfeit, Godfrey, will be to do Josh the same way," Sam said as he
lay there with his cum still running off his body.
To be continued...
Posted: 01/13/17