Juvenile Detention
Rick Masters
(© 2015-2016 by the author)
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Chapter 18
Interrogations Continue
A few minutes later James Smith was brought into the interview room. Once again Steven had positioned himself so that Gladys could not be seen.
“For the record, can you please confirm that your name is James Smith and you are currently an occupant of a cell in Charlie block?”
“Yes, Officer Steven, that is correct.”
“Good.” Steven stopped and stood in front of James, pointedly looking him up and down so that James would be aware of his nakedness and vulnerability. Then Steven continued. “Now, Mr. Smith, I am sure I do not need to tell you that this interview concerns the incident you were involved in in the vegetable gardens two days ago. I must also warn you that there is a possibility that this case will go to trial and public prosecution. Anything you say now might be used in evidence against you or to support you, so think carefully before you answer anything or refuse to answer any questions. Do you understand this?”
“Yes, Officer Steven, I do.”
“This is Officer Gladys. She will be taking notes, but she may also ask some questions. For clarity purposes, please use the full names of people you are referring to and not just first or last names or nicknames. Is that clear?” Steven stepped aside and James got his first view of Gladys. He experienced the same effect Gerald had. His blush was heightened by the freckles on his skin from being a redhead.
James clearly was uncomfortable being naked in front of a beautiful girl only a few years older than himself, and his reaction caused him further embarrassment.
“Now, Mr. Smith, I understand from others that you helped to pull the victim’s overall off and force him to the ground whereupon you put a fork through his arm and stood on it to prevent him escaping. Is that correct?” Steven had deliberately twisted the evidence he had to provoke what he hoped would be a stronger reaction and cause James to divulge information that he might not have in other circumstances.
“No! I did pull his overall off one arm and helped to get him to the ground but I was careful to make sure the fork prongs went either side of his arm. It was Cobb who put the prong through the arm.”
“Now listen very carefully, because we do need to have the truth. Are you sure that your fork did not penetrate the arm of Joshua Tolmers?” Steven persisted.
“Yes, Officer Steven, I was careful and made sure the prongs were just above his elbow joint and only touching his skin before I used my own weight standing on the fork to force it into the ground. It was the other guy who lifted his fork into the air and drove it down and through the sod’s arm.”
“Mr. Smith, you were asked to make sure you used people’s full names and not part names or nicknames. Rude terms will also not be tolerated.” Gladys interrupted.
“Sorry, it was Gerald Cobb who put the fork through Tolmers’ arm, not me.”
“His name is Joshua Tolmers. Why did you attack Mr. Tolmers?”
“He needed to be shown that sucking up to the officers would not get him full protection.”
“Mr. Tolmers has not been in our Academy that long and is assigned to a different cell block to you, so what makes you think he has been, as you put it, sucking up to the officers?”
“You said it. He has not been here that long and already he had his overalls. How else did he get them but that he sucked up or sucked something else?”
“Let me see if I understand you correctly. Because Mr. Tolmers was awarded his overalls earlier than any of you, this was sufficient proof to assume he was in some way influencing the officers of this establishment to look more favourably on him. Is that right?”
“Yes, Officer Steven. It’s obvious, isn’t it?”
“And who all are of this opinion?”
“Everyone is.”
“I’m not. Officer Gladys, is that your opinion?”
“No, not at all,” Gladys responded, writing her response down for the record.
“That’s at least two thirds of those in this room who are not of this opinion, so tell me who you know for sure think this is true.” Steven looked James in the eye.
“I can’t say for sure. I just know that when we talk I have not heard anyone say anything else.”
“Do you have any proof to back your claim that Joshua Tolmers has done anything at all which would buy or curry favour with the Academy officers?”
“Err, um, not proof as such, but it does look strange when someone gets their overalls so much faster than anyone else has.”
“Without any real proof you still felt that it was both okay and necessary to attack Mr. Tolmers in this way?”
“He had to be shown that no matter how much he sucked up to the officers they could not keep him safe all the time,” James insisted. At least this part of the story he was telling remained consistent.
“Surely you and the others in the plot must have realised that you would not get away with it and would end up here in solitary and might even end up back in court with a much more serious charge than what got you here in the first place?”
“Yes, we knew there was a risk, but we believed it was worth it.”
“When did you come up with this plan to teach a lesson to Mr. Tolmers?”
“When we discovered his cell block was going to be working the vegetables with us we talked about it and worked the details out at lunch.”
“Whose idea was it to pull his overalls off?”
“Not off, just down so that we could see his balls for Rob … er, Robert McDonald to stand on them.”
“Okay, whose Idea was it to pull his overalls down then?” Steven persisted.
“That was Clive Phelps. It was his plan and we just talked about how we were going to keep him in place to inflict the pain in the bits he had been using to please the officers.”
Steven continued his questioning for a bit longer but soon realised that James was not able to tell him anything new in the way of evidence for the investigation. After checking with Gladys, who had no further questions to ask, he called the officer on duty and had James taken back to his cell.
The questioning of the remaining three, Clive Phelps, Patrick Murphy and Robert McDonald, followed a similar pattern and did not bring any new intelligence, but it did confirm that it was the five of them who had plotted to get Josh and that Clive had been the ring leader of it all, exerting his authority as the cell block leader to ensure that his plans would be carried out. The questioning also did reveal that the plan had been to get the forks over the arm and not through it. And crushing the testicles had definitely been the aim of the footwork down there.
With the interviews of the inmates directly involved in the incident completed, Steven and Gladys returned to his office. Steven updated John Makepeace and Chief Craven and suggested that the inmates from Bravo block should be released from solitary but the five from Charlie block should be held in solitary until it had been decided if criminal charges would be brought against them.
Chief Craven said that such a decision could only be made following their disciplinary hearings, which he urged Makepeace to get done as quickly as possible. Makepeace said that he would be continuing the hearings that afternoon now that the initial investigation interviews had been completed.
Following his discussions with Chief Craven and Makepeace, Steven went to the sick bay to see Josh. He had already called the medic to learn that Josh was back and on a further course of antibiotic, as he had an infection which had caused his need to return to the hospital that morning. Steven found Josh in quite a jovial mood, talking about how he had been moved to a different part of the hospital while Officer Simon had been using the toilet and then when Simon had returned he had got into a panic thinking Josh had escaped after all.
Simon then told Steven that he had felt a “right prune” because he believed he should have known Josh would not have done that, but his panic got the better of him. They all had a bit of a giggle over it and then agreed that it would be kept between the three of them.
“Provided of course that you don’t let me get infected again,” Josh joked.
“You know, when you leave sick bay I am actually going to miss you, Mr. Tolmers,” Officer Simon told him. “And that is the first time I have said that about anyone in this place.”
“I have just had a thought. Mr. Tolmers, do you think you will be up to taking a bit of walk and attending a disciplinary hearing for a bit this afternoon?” Steven asked.
“Well I am not sure, but I will give it a try if that is what is needed.” Josh responded.
“Good man. Now this is just a thought I have had, and Officer Makepeace might not want it so it might not happen, but I am going to have a discussion with him and he will make a decision. So I might be back. Either way I will tell Officer Simon and he will let you know before we start.” With that Steven got up and after pretending to ruffle Josh’s almost non-existent hair he left.
Josh wondered what Steven was thinking of, and Simon had to admit he could not think of anything that seemed plausible. “We will just have to wait and see. Now you need to get some rest, especially if you are going visiting later on.”
“Okay,” Josh responded and lay down on his pillows. Then as Simon got to the door, “Hey, Officer Simon …” Josh waited for Simon to turn to face him. “Thanks for the help this morning. You’re a nice guy.”
“Josh,” Simon had also begun calling Josh by just his first name when it was just the two of them, “it is easy to be nice to someone who is also nice. I mean it, I will miss you when you leave the sick bay.” With that he turned once more and left the room to go back to his desk and catch up on some of the paper work he had to complete concerning the trip to the hospital that morning.
In the meantime, Steven went directly from the sick bay to John Makepeace’s office to discuss his idea with him.
To be continued...
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Posted: 02/05/16