Birthday Dare

By: Rick Masters
(© 2014 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 20

"That will be mum checking that we have washed behind our ears," I said as I got up to answer it as it was once again sitting on the table where it had been for most of the day. Fortunately I looked at the screen and saw that it was not mum before I pressed the answer button. "Hi Carrie, bored on a Saturday night too?" I greeted her and then before she could answer, "Hold on I am putting you on speaker." I moved back to the couch and put the phoned down on the coffee table.

"Hi Carrie, how are things going with you?" Mike asked,

"Ok, but wishing you guys were here with me. I have been left alone this weekend because we are all going to be together a lot next weekend. At least that is what the girls have told me." Carrie answered. "How is the tanning going?" she asked.

"Swimmingly," I answered with a chuckle.

"So is it an all over tan I can expect to see in your next picture to me?" Carrie asked.

"That would be telling." Mike answered quickly before I could give an honest answer.

"I see. Now on a more serious note. Are you two an item yet or not?" Carrie shocked us with her question.

"What do you mean?" I asked not too sure if she was asking what I thought she was but should not know anything about.

"Come on. Do I have to spell it out? Are you and Mike romantic boyfriends yet or are you still denying your love for each other?" Carrie put it quite bluntly.

"What makes you think we love each other like that?" Mike asked.

"Do you think it doesn't show? I thought it when we were at your party and then after Steve's party the other girls asked if you two were an item and if so how come you had let us blow you so openly. It might not be apparent to your mates at your school, but if you were at our school it would be the question on nearly everyone's lips. Wasn't that what this weekend was all about, anyway?"

"If it was that, how come we were supposed to have Tim with us too? Are we supposed to be a trio instead of a couple - a ménage a trois?" I asked.

"Of course not! Everyone could see that Tim was a spanner in the works for you two. So tell me; am I right and are you two going to be a couple?" Carrie asked again.

I looked at Mike and he looked at me and we both shrugged our shoulders at the same time which made us laugh a bit.

"What's so funny that you laugh but do not answer my question?" Carrie demanded.

"What's funny is that Mike and I have both given the same reaction to your earlier question. We are trying to decide whether to tell you nothing and leave you guessing until you see us again and let you try to work it out from what we do, or to string you along with some story that might or might not be the truth." I told Carrie.

"And now no matter what we say you will be wondering which way we have gone." Mike added.

"I could scream! You guys are so mean. How could you do that to me?" Carrie asked.

"Well we need to find out what you would do with any information we might divulge. I mean if we were gay and were to come out to you would you spread that around or would you respect our privacy and keep it to yourself. Similarly if we were to admit to being naked and getting an all over tan would you use that to make out that it means we must gay? We just don't know and before we say anything we need to be sure that anything we tell you is safe and will be kept confidential." Mike explained.

"So you are saying you don't trust me." Carrie retorted.

"No, we are saying we don't really know because we have not seen what you do with information that is passed on to you in confidence." I said.

"Well what if I suggest that you have not seen that because all the information that has been given to me as confidential is still that as far as I am concerned?" Carrie argued.

"That is a good point and I guess we have to give it to you on that one. But you will still not know whether we are telling you the truth or not considering what we have already told you." Mike conceded, "Added to which, maybe we don't really know ourselves yet, or maybe we are bi's exploring the best of both worlds; or we could be just plain ordinary heterosexual guys spending a weekend together because we are just, simply good friends."

"Shit you guys are so mean. All I needed was a straight honest answer to a simple question and I get given the run around. Just wait till I get my hands on you at my party." Carrie warned.

"Okay Carrie, maybe if you consider this point; let's just say, hypothetically speaking for the benefit of this conversation, that Mike and I by spending this weekend alone together have discovered that we are both gay and that we love each other. Firstly are we ready to come out to anyone at all, and secondly if we do come out to anyone should that not be our parents first and then others after that. Do we not owe them that duty?" I put to Carrie. "And I am fairly sure I know which way you would think on this so it is right that we don't tell you one way or another at this stage because we have not had the opportunity of telling our parents should such a discovery have taken place this weekend."

"Crap." Carrie said after a short silence, "where did you guys get such intelligence from? You are right, but I am still busting to know so if you are a couple I expect that you will tell me before I go to bed on Monday night. After all I have to know how to handle it at my party."

"Well we got that intelligence from the people to whom we owe the duty of being the first to know what has happened in our lives. And I am afraid we cannot agree to work to your deadline either as we still don't know how you will react." Mike said.

"Ok, stop making so much bloody sense. Tell me what else you guys have been up to apart from naked sunbathing." Carrie gave up on the topic. "Well firstly we have not actually admitted to naked sunbathing, but that is a moot point. The main thing we have been doing when not sorting out some food for our meals is just sitting around chatting and relaxing. Of course we have swum a bit and hit that cold water shower outside before shivering our bodies back into the cabin to sort out the next meal."

"Is it true that guy's cocks and balls shrink to nothing when it is cold?" Carrie asked.

"Well now that information you could get easily get off of the web. Yes it is true. The testicles need to be kept at a temperature slightly lower than normal body temperature to be able to produce sperm so when it is hot they hang low and swing in the breeze and when it is cold they get pulled back up against the body for warmth." Mike told her matter of factly.

"Cool, thanks. They don't teach you that in sex ed class." Carrie said.

"Don't mention that I told you that." Mike chipped in slyly, hoping that Carrie would not pick up on the fact that he had just provided a little test to check on her keeping secrets.

We heard some commotion in the background and then Carrie said, "Mum's going ballistic over something. I had better go and we can chat again later."

"Oh, okay, good night." We both said our goodbyes together and then closed the call.

Mike got up and went to the kitchenette and poured himself a glass of water asking me at the same time if I wanted one. I did and he brought it over to me.

"Have we been that obvious?" I asked Mike.

"I don't know because we did not really know our own feelings until today. I mean we might have known that there was something going on in our heads and hearts but we did not understand it nor recognise it for what it is until today did we?" Mike asked.

"So how the fuck did she know then?" I asked.

"She didn't that is why she asked us. She only suspects that there might be something there because we are such good friends." Mike suggested. "And the same thing with my mum? I think we must have been giving out some vibes we were not aware of ourselves but that others could see." I said.

"Maybe. Well that might take the decision about coming out, out of our hands. I hope not because I am not ready to be outed at school yet." Mike admitted.

"Yeah, I am scared about being outed too. I mean I am not worried about my parents, but others I am not sure about although I think Carrie would be safe if asked her to keep it quiet." I agreed.

"Surprisingly, I think I am with you about Carrie. I am not so sure about some of her friends though and so if we came out to her it would have to be very discreetly." Mike said.

"Shall we finish watching the film now?" I asked not too sure if I really wanted to or not.

"Yeah, it was getting me really turned on and ready to entertain you in a similar way." Mike said reaching for the remote.

A few minutes later we were back to where we had been before the phone went - getting turned on by the film and feeling each other's hard cocks and bodies. Although we had not voiced it out loud we both knew what we were going to do after the film ended and were in fact watching a bit of the same right at that moment I was thinking about us doing it after the film ended. What we did not know was the detail. Who would do what to whom first and that sort of thing. But the film was building to a climax in more ways than one and we knew that it would soon be over and we would make our way to the bedroom and re-enact some of what we had seen, only under our own direction.

To be continued...

Posted: 11/14/14