The Wrestling Team
by: Peter
(© 2007 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 11
The drive home was quiet. Too quiet. Coach began to wonder what might have happened last night; besides him and Scott.
"Everybody get a good night's sleep?" he asked.
"Not really," Sean said.
"Me either, that couch was like sleeping on a torture bed of nails," Braden said. "I did finally get a few ZZZs, though, when Cody and Sean let me bunk with them."
"You guys all slept in the same bunk?" Scott asked, surprised.
Braden laughed. "It was more like we all spent the night in the same bunk. I don't know how much sleep any of us got. But it was better than freezing to death and sleeping on nails."
"You guys sleep okay?" Sean asked Coach and Scott.
"I slept like a baby," Scott said.
"Don't forget our pact, guys," Coach said. "Where did we stay last night?"
"Motel Six!" they all replied in unison.
Coach had a strong gut feeling that there was a lot more that the boys weren't saying about the night in the men's club. He didn't know how he could get it out of them, but his fantasy that had taken seed in the steam room, to get the guys together, had definitely taken root in his head.
One by one he confronted them. Braden was the first. He had asked him to stay back after practice. The boy came sauntering into his office, naked, drying his hair.
"You wanted to see me, Coach?"
"Yes. I didn't want to bring this up in front of the other guys, but is there something we need to talk about?"
"What do you mean, Coach?"
"I went to check on you in that men's club and you weren't in the lounge on the couch; you were nowhere to be found."
"That couch was hell. The springs were coming through. Some guy offered me his room."
"You went to somebody's room?!"
"Yeah, I was so damned wore out and sleepy....he told the desk so you would know where to find me if you came looking for me," he lied.
"Oh, well, I didn't check at the desk. But then, maybe he was counting on that." He eyed him with the unasked question all over his face. Finally, he asked it. "Do I need to ask if anything happened?"
"Are you asking?"
"Yes. I'm responsible for you, after all."
"I'm eighteen, coach, I'm responsible for myself," Braden said.
"As my student and my athlete, responsibility rests with me in situations like that, and I don't give a dam how old you are," the Coach said.
"Yes, sir."
"Why do I get the feeling you're dodging my question?"
"Because I am dodging your question," Braden said with a scowl. But this was his coach, and neither of them were accustomed to disrespect on either side. "Okay, something happened," he said, with a sigh, his eyes downcast. "Hell, I can't lie to you, Coach."
"Geezuss, Braden...! I don't believe this. I trusted you to behave like a gentleman."
"You didn't count on the testosterone factor. It just happened, Coach," he said with a shrug.
"It might have just happened, but you placed yourself in the situation."
"I know. It all started out innocent enough...I thought the guy was just offering me his room to keep warm and get some sleep."
"Are you listening to yourself? You went to a strange guy's room, in a gay men's club, and never gave even the slightest thought that there might be the slightest chance that he might try something?" Coach scoffed. "Who do you think you're talking to? How stupid do you think I am?"
"I know...I'm sorry, Coach, I know you're not that stupid," Braden said. "Okay, so I...I did give it a thought when I went with him, way in the back of my mind, if he might try something, but he said I could use his room by myself if I wanted to, but...well, then he never left."
"And you never asked him to leave."
"No, it was his room, I couldn't ask him to leave."
"So, you could've left," Coach said.
"Yes, but...well, I was curious...about everything."
"So what happened?"
"He just crawled in the bunk."
"And you crawled in with him."
"No, I was already in his bunk." He lowered his head again, not so much from guilt over what he'd done as shame that he'd tried to lie to his Coach. "You're not going to ask me what happened," Braden said with some dread.
"That doesn't take much imagination," Coach said.
Godd, if he only knew. About going up to the blackout party; in the sauna; about Cody, and Sean and him and Cody....the man would keel over with a heart attack.
"I know maybe I shouldn't have done it, Coach, but the way I see it, I'm eighteen, I could get into the place on my own if I wanted to. And whatever happened, nobody's ever going to know about it, not even that we stayed there. So what did it hurt, that I had a new experience in life. I mean, it was no big deal."
"All right, if you can keep it in that perspective," Coach said.
He thought it went well with Braden; he found out what he wanted to know, although the boy hadn't told him the whole story. Sean was next. The boy came down to his office after school, after serving a detention.
"You said you wanted to see me, Coach," he said, tossing his books on the old leather couch.
"I didn't want to bring this up in front of the other guys, but I think there's something we need to talk about, Sean."
"What do you mean, coach?"
"I came to check on you and Cody and there was no one in the room."
"We were working out," Sean said.
"No good. I checked the workout room," Coach said.
"We must have been in the shower, then, or in the Jacuzzi. Cody wanted to try the Jacuzzi."
"I looked there. I even looked in the sauna and the steam room."
"You told us not to go in the steam room," Sean reminded him quickly.
"How about somebody else's room; is that a possibility?" Coach asked pointedly.
Sean quickly glanced away with a guilty look.
"Yes, sir, that is a possibility," Sean admitted.
"I put you in charge of Cody and you drag his butt off to somebody's room in a gay men's club? What were you thinking! My Godd, Sean....where is your sense of responsibility?"
"I didn't take Cody to anybody else's room," Sean said defensively. "If you had checked the room again, you would've found him there."
"Just Cody?"
"Y-yes sir."
"Oh, then you went to somebody's room. Would that be a correct assumption?"
He hesitated, then nodded. "Yes, sir, I did. I'm eighteen, Coach,"
he reminded him.
"You left Cody by himself?"
"He was asleep, and the door was locked," Sean said.
"So I can trust that Cody, at least, came away unscathed," Coach said.
"I...don' could exactly say that," the boy stammered.
"Do you want to explain that? I left Cody in your charge, and you're not giving a very good account of yourself."
"I know, I...but...what happened was between us, and Cody."
"You and Cody?"
"Yes, sir. I can't even explain how it just did."
"What? What happened between you and Cody?" He knew the instant he asked, the way Sean dropped his eyes, that there was a lot to tell.
"We, uh...he came on to me, rather boldly, and we...we experimented around together."
Coach let out sigh. "Well, I'm surprised, to say the least, but if that's all it was, it's not the end of the world. And you could have told me a lot worse."
Sean glanced warily to the side and met Coach's eyes and knew his guilt showed all over his face.
"Is there more?" Coach asked.
"Yes, sir, I, uh....I took him in the steam and Braden."
"You what!?"
"I didn't exactly drag him, Coach. He wanted to....he was curious."
"Sean, he just turned eighteen! A few days ago he was just seventeen."
"But he's eighteen now," Sean said defensively.
"What happened?"
Sean pursed his lips in defiance, but he was too used to the coach's authority to refuse to answer.
"He, uh...we...we experimented around with some guys in the steam room."
"You're going to have to be more explicit," Coach said sternly.
Sean sucked in a deep breath then swallowed hard. "He...Cody...went down on some guys and...well, Braden and me, we got head, too...and, uh, Cody...he, uh...he let some guys...screw him in the ass. And I'm not proud to add that two of those guys was me and Braden."
"Geezussss!" Braden hadn't told him any of this.
"He wanted us to, Coach, I swear, he was practically begging for it. Especially from Braden. Cody was all over him."
Coach was deathly silent for a long moment, trying to work up some degree of proper anger and indignation while quieting the excitement he felt. Finally, he spoke.
"Do you have any idea what kind of situation you've put me in?"
"It's not like he's going to tell anybody," Sean scoffed." Nobody's going to say anything about any of it; we all agreed to that."
Coach paced around his office for a moment, looking down at the floor. "All right, you can go."
"What're you going to do, Coach?"
"I don't know. I'll let you know as soon as I've talked to the rest of the boys."
"You won't tell Cody I told, will you? Or Braden. I don't want them to know I ratted on them."
"I can't promise that. It all depends on what I decide to do." He dismissed the boy with a wave of his hand.
He caught Cody by accident on Saturday morning when the boy came in to work out.
"Cody, before you go work out, there's something we need to talk about?"
Cody just looked at him.
"At the men's club where we stayed, I came to check on you and Sean and there was no one in the room."
"I left once to go to the rest room," Cody said.
"Where was Sean?"
"I don't know for sure."
"He didn't tell you where he was going?"
"No, sir, I went to sleep, and when I woke up he wasn't in the room."
"After you went to the restroom, did you go straight back to your room?"
"I wandered around for a little bit, looking for Sean," Cody said.
"Wandered around where?"
"Just around. I didn't find him so I went back to my room."
"You didn't stop by anyone else's room on the way?"
"Did you let anyone in your room?"
"No. Only Braden. He stopped by and found out Sean had left me alone and he stuck around," he said.
Coach didn't pursue Cody's story. He was lying at every turn, but he didn't want to pressure the boy by revealing what Sean had said about the three of them. He had all the information he needed....more than he'd ever hoped for. Now he had only to put it all together and formulate a plan.
Cody hung around the locker room after PE class, trying to be alone with Braden and Sean, but they were both getting dressed, and some of the guys were screwing around, in no hurry to leave school. Finally, so as not to appear obvious, he left the locker room and hung around in the shadows of the gym exit. A few minutes later they came out and came across the gym, talking in low tones. Cody couldn't hear what they were saying. When they were a few yards away he stepped out of the shadows.
"Shit, Cody! You scared the hell out of me," Braden said.
"What the hell are you doing lurking in the shadows like that?"
Sean asked.
"Waiting on you guys," he said.
"Oh? What for?" Braden asked as he moved into the shadows, out of sight of anybody coming out of the locker room.
"You know," Cody said nervously. "I was trying to hang back in the locker room but there were too many guys there."
"You wanta go someplace?" Sean asked.
"Yeah, if you guys do," he replied.
"How about you?" Sean asked Braden.
"You got a place?" Braden asked him.
"No. My folks are home."
"So are mine," Braden said.
"Mine, too," Sean added.
"Well, its too fuckin' cold to be outside," Braden said.
"We could drive around," Sean suggested.
"Yeah...okay...let's take your SUV, there's more room."
They left the gym and walked across the parking lot.
"I've been hoping you guys would want to get together again," Cody said.
"Fuck, I've been waiting for you to ask," Sean said.
"You don't have to wait. I'm available any time," Cody said.
They all piled into the front seat of the SUV with Cody in the middle. He was so excited his nerves were jangled. Sean headed out south of town, taking a lightly traveled country road. Cody didn't know where they were going. He pressed his legs against their legs and they both pressed back.
"Go ahead, you can get started on Braden," Sean told him.
Oh, God, Yessss! He drew his hand up Braden's leg, to his crotch and squeezed the bulge there, going for his belt, but Braden already had his belt undone and was unbuttoning his fly. He raised his butt up and shoved is jeans and briefs down below his knees, leaving his huge cock hanging out over his balls.
"Go ahead, have at it," he said, hefting his manhood up from between his legs.
Cody leaned over and sucked his cock into his mouth.
"Awwwwhhhhh, yeahhhhhh, suck it, man," Braden moaned. "Fuck, yeah, it feels as good as I remember."
"Hey, Cody, you gotta swallow his load; I don't know what come will do to my seats," Sean said.
They drove for miles while Cody sucked Braden's cock. He took his jeans and shorts off so Cody could get down on his knees between his legs, and slouched down in the seat. They drove a lot of miles.
"Fuck, are you gonna get off sometime tonight? If you go much longer, we're going to have to back into town for gas," Sean said.
"You can't rush a good thing," Braden said.
"Hey, its not like its gonna be the last time; fuck, give it up,"
Sean told him.
Braden put his hands on Cody's head to shove his mouth down on his cock. Cody choked and gagged but stayed on it. He was able to take the big hunk of meat in his throat, but only for a moment before he had to come back up for air.
A few miles later, Braden announced that he was getting close. A few minutes later, he gave it up. He held Cody's head in place and pumped his cock up into his mouth.
"I'm commming," he whispered huskily.
"Don't loose any of it," Sean warned.
It was a long, intense climax. Braden's body arched up out of the seat, his feet pushing against the floorboard as he emptied his balls into his teammate's throat.
"Shit!" he gasped finally, settling his butt back in the seat.
"Fuck, that was fantastic!"
Cody raised up, still swallowing, his eyes watering. "Yeah, it sure was," he said, out of breath.
Braden helped him off his knees and back on the seat between them and began putting his clothes back on.
"Better let me drive while he does you," he said to Sean. "You'll never be able to stay on the road once he gets hold of your cock."
Coach Colby was in a dither over Scott. The boy was doing everything but climbing his frame. He paraded around more than necessary in the locker room and frequently made it a point to come into his office wearing his jockstrap, or after his shower with a towel around his waist. Those times he always took the towel off and dried his hair while he was talking. The little fucker was flaunting himself, and Coach didn't know how much longer he could take it. He had to put a stop to it. Wonderful as it was in that tiny little room in the men's club, he had to stand firm. Despite the fantasies he entertained about him and Scott being together, he had vowed that it wouldn't happen. Messing around with one of his players was a huge no-no. It was actually more than one that he was wrestling over, for he believed beyond a doubt that something had happened with Sean and Braden and Cody, although he couldn't determine in what combination. Then one day Scott brought the house of cards crashing down and Coach Colby fell victim to the disaster.
He thought the boys had all gone home and decided to take a shower and change at school. He was heading over to the university to look up an old classmate who had called him with the prospect of hunky college student they could share and he didn't want to have to drive across town to his apartment. He locked the door from the inside and stripped off his clothes. As he grabbed a clean towel off the stack and headed back to the showers he heard water running. "Dam, when are those kids going to learn to turnoff the water!" he mumbled. He appeared in the doorway of the shower and stopped in his tracks. No one had left the water running; the shower wasn't empty. There was Scott under the trickling spray.
"Scott! What're you doing here? I thought everybody was gone."
"Hey Coach."
Coach Colby hesitated in the doorway, knowing he should turn and leave. To enter would spell disaster. But watching the handsome, muscular athlete lathering his body held him in his tracks; for a moment too long.
"Come on in, the water's fine, Coach," the boy said.
"Yeah, looks fine," Coach said huskily as he moved into the shower room. It was almost an involuntary movement; he had not told his feet to move, nor given a command to his legs to carry him. But he was traversing the short distance between the doorway and the one shower, heading straight for the boy. By the time he was under the warm spray, Scott was going to his knees.
"You wanta wait till I wash up?" Coach said as Scott wrapped one hand around his thigh and the other around his butt, and his face was tilting toward his manhood.
"No, I wanta taste your sweat," Scott said as he scooped up his coach's thick, rubber cock into his mouth.
It was a few days later and Braden and Sean were the only ones left in the locker room. They were stripping down after a workout to take a shower. Their lockers were side by side and Sean bumped into Braden when he reached for a towel. He stole a quick glance at the guy's bulging jockstrap just before he peeled it down. He tore his eyes away and headed for the shower. Braden came in a moment later and took the shower next to him. They kept watching each other soap up and rinse off.
"Are we gonna do it?" Sean asked.
"If you still want to," Braden said.
"We don't have to."
"We said we would."
"I guess it wouldn't hurt anything, to find out what its like.
Cody sure seemed to like it."
Neither of them said anything for a moment, but only exchanged glances; it was as if one was waiting for the other to initiate it.
"Who's gonna go first?" Sean asked.
"Doesn't matter, does it, we're both gonna do it," said Braden.
There was another quiet hesitation. Suddenly, Sean moved under Braden's shower and placed his hand on his hip. Braden reciprocated with a hand on Sean's hip. Braden kept his head down, his eyes raking over Sean's muscular body as he brought his hand up his side. Sean moved his hand across Braden's lower abs and trailed his fingers upward to his chest where he flattened his hand over his right pec muscle. With that, Braden pressed himself against him; thighs against thighs, belly against belly, his manhood touching Sean's warm, meaty cock. Sean leaned closer and brought their chests together, and they writhed against each other under the warm spray of water.
"Fuckin' muscles feel good," Sean said hoarsely.
"Yeah, yours, too," Braden said. He slipped his arms around Sean's waist and brought his hands down to clasp his round, hard butt, to pull tighter together. They pressed and writhed their loins against each other.
"Your butt feels good, too," he said.
"So do your hands."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah," Sean said.
"This is not what we were gonna do," Braden said.
"Feels good, though."
"Yeah. I didn't know a guy's hard muscles could feel as good as a girl's body. Maybe better."
"Careful what you say," Braden chided him.
"You've got great pecs," Sean told him as he flattened both hands across his chest and squeezed the hard muscles. "Nice headlights, too," he added, squeezing his nipples between his fingers.
"OOOhhhh," Braden gasped.
"That hurt?"
"No. I didn't know I had feelings there till those guys were working me over in the steam room."
"Yeah, I saw them sucking on your tits like two hungry puppies."
"I'll show you..." He leaned down and clamped his mouth over Braden's right pec, covered his nipple with his tongue and rotated it in circles.
"Awwwwhhhhhh...fuck, that feels good," Braden moaned.
"Now we know what a girl feels like when we suck her tits," Sean said as he dragged his tongue across Braden's broad chest to his other tit.
"Ohhhhh, yeahhhhh, suck it," Braden gasped as he clasped his hand around Sean's head to press his mouth harder against his chest. "Ohh, yeah, chew on that fucker."
Sean kept sucking and tonguing the taut nipple till he felt Braden's cock coming to life. "I think your tits are hot-wired to your cock," he said, pressing his own cock against Braden.
"Feels like my tits are hot-wired to your cock," Braden said.
They came together again, in tight, from chest to thighs, their bodies writhing together under the warm shower. They both bent their knees at the same time then caught themselves.
"I'll go first," Sean said. He went down on his haunches in front of his muscular teammate, sliding his hands down his side, around his taut butt and down his thighs, till he was face to face with his huge cock.
"Fuck, you're huge," he said.
"Think you can handle it?" Braden asked.
"I'm gonna try." He wrapped his hand around the big cock, unable to reach his fingers around its girth. He moved his hand up and down the shaft, stretching the silken sheath tautly back from the head. He eyed the pulsating meat for a long moment till he found his courage, then opened his mouth wide and closed it over the swollen cockhead.
"Ohhhhhhhh," Braden moaned softly, putting his hand on top of Sean's head. He guided his head gently back and forth as he watched his full lips slide up and down the shaft of his cock. He wished he could take it all, but he was doing great for his first time, taking more than half of it.
Sean moved his hand up and down the lower half of the thick cock to form a full stroke as his lips met his fist. The taste wasn't what he expected. No taste at all, really; it was more the feel of Braden's big, live cock pulsating in his mouth that brought him excitement. The real taste was the warm precome that boiled out with each stroke, and he liked it. He hefted Braden's balls in his other hand. They were big, like a bull's, and heavy; fuck, they must be full. He wondered what his come would taste like. Not that he intended to find out, but the curiosity was there, nagging to be satisfied. It couldn't be too bad, the way the fags at the men's club slurped it up. Maybe it was good stuff. hit him, then that he was doing the same thing as those "fags" had done. But he wasn't gay. This was just experimenting around with a buddy. They were doing it to each other just to find out what it was like; just one time, to say they'd done it, and it would never happen again.
"Fuck, man, you are good!" Braden moaned softly.
Sean reared back and looked up at him. "I don't know if I like being called a good cocksucker," he joked.
"You're no cocksucker. You're just giving head, just for the hell of it." Braden said. "It's not like we're gay or anything, like Cody."
"Yeah, it's a one time shot," Sean said.
"Speaking of shooting...I don't suppose you're gonna take my load, are you?" Braden asked.
"Are you gonna take mine?" Sean asked.
He thought for a moment before he replied. "I don't know if I can,"
he said. Then he added, "Yeah...yeah, I'll do it if you will."
"I don't know if I can either," Sean said. "We'll have to wait till the time comes."
"The way you're chewing on my cock, it won't be long," Braden said.
Sean went back to work, surprised that in the back of his mind, he didn't want Braden to go off right away. Not that he didn't want to be faced with the decision of whether to take his load; heaven help him, he sort of liked sucking his cock and he loved the feel of the big wrestler's muscles in his hands. All the times he had secretly admired Braden's muscles, he never understood why till now.
"Hey, buddy, if you want to finish me off, don't stop, I'm getting close," Braden said huskily.
Sean tightened up a little inside but kept up the steady pace with his mouth sliding back and forth on Braden's cock. He was hard; awfully hard. So hard, Sean could feel the blood about to burst through the veins networking around the shaft.
"Fuckin' close, man," Braden said.
Sean tensed at the ready, undecided whether he would let Braden shoot in his mouth or if he would get off at the last second. He wanted to take him off, but the thought of getting a mouthful of semen scared him.
"Here is comes!" Braden announced as he thrust his cock hard into Sean's mouth.
Sean hesitated then quickly reared back, a split second before Braden's cock exploded, sending powerful ropes come all over his face. The stuff was hot, and thick enough to cling to his face. He tilted his face to the side to be whitewashed by the spurting semen. It splattered on his face, in his ear, in his hear and all over his neck and shoulder, not counting the spurts that shot out past him, landing with soft splats on the wet floor.
Braden reached up with his hand to cling to the showerhead to steady himself, his legs shaking. As his legs began to give way he leaned forward against Sean's body and his cock came to rest on his shoulder.
"Dam, where did that come from?" Sean exclaimed, as he began to wipe the come from his shoulder and neck. As he started to raise up, Braden helped him and once more they were face to face, their bodies smashed together for support.
"You fuckin' come like a horse," Sean said, making another swipe at the come all over his face.
"Shit, my legs are so weak I can't stand up," Braden said as he leaned back and slid down the tile wall to his haunches.
Sean squatted down on his haunches beside him.
"That was fuckin' incredible," Braden said. "As good as any of those guys at that men's club."
"I don't like being compared to those guys," Sean said.
"Sorry I couldn't do it--take your load--I'll do it next time,"
Sean said.
Braden looked at him with a surprised grin. "There's gonna be a next time?" he asked.
"No, I...I didn't exactly mean it that way. I told you I didn't know if I could do it."
"Its okay. I don't know if I can either."
"You don't have to. We ought to get out of here," Sean said as he shoved himself up the wall to his feet.
"You don't want me to do you?" Braden asked.
"I didn't figure you would want to, now that you've shot your load."
"I said I would," Braden said.
"I know. But you don't have to do it right now," Sean said as he offered his hand to pull Braden to his feet.
"Okay, I owe you," Braden said.
The four boys were at Marie's Pizza Place, the first time the four boys had gotten together outside of school since the big wrestling meet. The conversation naturally came around to the meet and their stay in the men's club.
"I got my ass chewed out by the coach big time over that night,"
Sean said.
"For what?
"For not keeping a close eye on Cody. He came to our room and I wasn't there. He went looking for me and couldn't find me."
"Yeah, me, too," Braden said.
Scott looked at them with a bewildered scowl.
"What?" Sean asked.
"Coach never left the room the entire night."
"What? Are you sure, Scott? Maybe he left when you were asleep,"
Braden said.
"Yeah, why would he lie about coming to check on us?" Sean asked.
"I don't know. All I now is he didn't leave the room till the next morning when we were getting ready to leave. But there is one question that's hanging over us that nobody's asked," Scott said.
"What's that?" Cody asked.
"How many of us got our cocks sucked in that place?" he asked in a quiet tone.
Cody was the only one who showed any reaction; a rather nervous one. Braden and Sean sat with deadpan expressions.
"Would that be unanimous?" Scott joked.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Sean hissed.
"Oh, come on. The place was full of hungry fags and four teenage wrestlers come walking in and we're all going to sit here with straight faces and deny that anything happened? Especially you, Braden. You were on your own; you had free run of the place."
Nobody said anything.
"Would that be unanimous?" Scott joked.
"I plead the fifth," Braden said jokingly. They all laughed but all eyes were on him, waiting for more. "Okay, I got groped a couple of times,"
he admitted.
"That's it? Groped? You can grope yourself," Scott joked. "You can tell us, man. You got your cock sucked, didn't you?"
Braden hesitated then nodded. "Yeah," he said, trying to conceal the smile that was coming across his face.
"I knew it!" Scott exclaimed. "Tell us about it."
"What's to tell? Some guy gave me head. End of story."
"Wait a minute," Sean said, looking at Scott with a scowl. "You asked how many of us got our cocks sucked the club. You were including yourself in that remark. How did you manage to get away from the Coach?"
Braden asked.
"Yeah, you said he never left the room," Sean put in.
Scott looked down at his hands, trying to keep a smile from coming across his lips. But finally, he couldn't hold it. "Who says I managed to get away from the coach?"
It took a moment before it soaked in. The other three boys gaped at him; Cody being the last to catch on.
"What're you saying?" Sean asked in disbelief.
"You're telling us never left the room....and...?" Braden didn't finish.
Scott just smiled.
"You wanta eat pizza or knuckles?" Braden threatened. "Talk to us."
Suddenly, the light came on for Cody. "W-Wait a minute, are you saying you had sex w-with the C-Coach?" Cody stammered.
Scott looked at Braden, still with the sly smile.
"Geezusss!" Braden gasped.
"Fuck, I don't believe it," Sean said.
"Suit yourself," Scott said with a shrug.
The other three boys looked at each other warily.
"What about you guys?" Scott went on. "I heard you all ended up spending most of the night together; all three of you packed in that little bed like sardines." He waited but none of the other three spoke up. "Come on, I came clean," he said.
"Okay," Braden said, tightlipped. "Us together, and us with about a dozen other guys in the steam room."
"Oh, and there was the blackout party," Cody put in.
Their pizza arrived and there was a short reprieve from the conversation that still had the boys reeling.
"Yeah, Coach and I checked out the steam room, too," Scott admitted.
"Coach took you to the steam room!? He told us all to stay out of the steam room."
"Nothing happened. Things were just beginning to heat up when Coach decided we should leave. It was early in the morning and we had to get showered and dressed to leave."
"Dam, he racked my ass for not keeping a close eye on Cody, and he's fucking around with one of his athletes," Sean said.
"Hey, I gotta ask...all three of you guys slept in the same bunk.
What happened?" Scott asked, looking at each one in turn. None of them said anything for a minute, then Cody spoke up.
"It might come as a shock to you...well, not to Braden and Sean, but to you, Scott...I'm gay."
Scott slowly lifted his head, his lips tight. "So am I," he admitted.
Scott looked at Sean and Braden.
"Straight," Braden said.
"Straight," said Sean.
"But you don't mind having gay sex," Scott said.
"I don't know about Braden, but my dick don't know a girl's mouth from a guy's," Sean said.
"Mine can't tell the difference between a guy's ass and a pussy,"
Braden put in.
"Well, I guess all our cards are on the table," Scott said.
"Not quite," said Braden.
"What do you mean?" asked Scott.
"You and Coach never left the room. How'd it turn out between you?"
Scott looked down, a concerned look.
"You have to promise never to say a word to anybody. Not ever; not to a soul."
Braden raised his right hand. So did Sean and Cody.
"Well, I already told you I'm gay. He, uh...we....let's just say we mixed it up."
"No shit. You mean, he...the Coach is gay?"
Scott didn't reply. He didn't have to with words. His eyes said it all.
"Son-of-a-bitch!" Scott swore. "He reams my ass for not watching out for Cody, and he's fucking around with Scott."
"Hey, you guys have to promise you won't say anything," Scott said.
"Hell, we're not going to say anything," Braden said.
"So, now that all the horses are out of the barn...maybe we could, uh, all get together sometime," Cody said eagerly.
"Why not?" Braden said.
"Sure, why not?" said Sean.
It was Friday night and Braden was staying over at Sean's house after they dropped their dates off. Sean's parents were out of town for the weekend and the two boys tried to get the girls to go back to his house but they wouldn't do it.
"We took the wrong girls out this weekend," Braden said. "We should have asked Cathy and Jennifer out, they would have gone with us in a heartbeat."
"I didn't know my parents were going to be gone till yesterday,"
Sean said.
"Oh well, I've got something else I need to take care of anyway,"
Braden said.
"Do you want me to take you someplace?" Sean asked.
"No, we've got all night ? all weekend, for that matter ? I can take care of it at your place," Braden said with a sly grin.
"Oh. Okay. Is it what I'm thinking?"
"What're you thinking?" Braden asked.
"Well, you said you owed me," Sean said. "But you don't owe me anything. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. It won't change anything one way or the other, will it, if you do or don't?"
"No, except it would be hanging over my head that I didn't keep a promise," Braden said.
"It wasn't a promise. Hell, it was just a...we were fucking around, that's all."
"I said I would do it. You did."
"Would you hold it against me if I hadn't?"
"Okay then."
"Just drive," Braden said.
"You want to get it over with, huh?" "No, actually...I'm...curious," Braden said. "Everybody who's done it seems to enjoy it a lot. Even you didn't seem to mind it all that much."
"It was okay once I started. It was no big deal, till you drowned me with that horse load."
Up in Sean's room they were undressing, eyeing each other with something besides the casualness of the locker room. Braden stretched out on the bed in briefs.
"I have to take a piss, then wash up," Sean said. When he came back he turned on the stereo.
"Some mood music?" Braden joked.
Sean laughed. He noticed that Braden had removed his shorts. Sean set his knee in the mattress, up close to Braden's head, as if he were offering his cock to him.
"That's a fuckin big hunk of meat," Braden said as he reached for it.
"No bigger than yours. Not as big, I don't think," Sean said.
"I guess it looks bigger because I'm the one on the receiving end."
"Look, maybe it would be easier if we did this together," Sean said.
"Together? How do you mean."
"We both do it at the same time," Sean said.
"A sixty-nine?" Braden asked with a surprised smile.
"Yeah. If you want to."
"Hell, yes, but...that's gonna make it two to one, in my favor,"
Braden said.
"I didn't know we were keeping score. It was just an idea."
"Hell, I'm all for it if you are," Braden said.
Sean crawled atop his teammate, straddling his head and leaned over his body so he was face to face with his rising cock "Fuck, this is gonna be great," Braden said as he reached for Sean's cock to guide it to his mouth.
It was a long night. Braden shocked Sean by not only taking his load in his mouth, but swallowing it. He had no choice but to do the same. Not that he minded; he just needed the impetus to follow his teammate's lead. They were lying side-by-side, chests heaving for air.
"Dam, what'd we just do?" Sean said, laughing.
"Whatever it was, I think we would qualify as gay in most people's eyes," Braden said.
"You feel gay?" Sean asked.
"No, I feel like I'm gonna be sick from the taste of come."
"I'll get us something to wash it down," Sean said as he climbed off the bed. He went to the kitchen and came back with two Pepsis. He handed one to Braden. "Here, this ought to cut the taste."
But it didn't end there. It was mid-May, barely three weeks from graduation, and they were driving back from a neighboring town where they had spent the day at the lake, teasing and ogling the girls, and sneaking beer out of the cooler when nobody was looking. Sean pulled into the county park in search of a restroom. He drove for a couple of miles through the wooded park before he found an outhouse. They stood side by side at the two urinals in the dim light from the pole light outside. Sean was unsteady on his feet and Braden put his hand on his shoulder to steady him at the urinal.
"Watch it, you're gonna piss all over your shoes," he joked.
"You know what we oughta do? We oughta go someplace and fuck," Sean said.
"Got anybody in mind?" Braden asked.
"You. Me. Each other."
Braden stared at him, a disbelieving smile on his face.
"Are you serious?" Braden asked.
"If you are."
"I'm not the one who said it," Braden said.
"Actually, we wouldn't have to go anyplace. We're out here in the dark ass end of nowhere; the picnic table out is well hidden by trees."
"The park patrol might come snooping around, though," Braden said as they left the outhouse.
"Hell, the park patrol is probably doing what we're gonna be doing," Sean scoffed.
"Geezuss, how much did you have to drink?" Braden said, laughing.
"Enough that I'm fuckin' horny as hell, and still curious about a lot of shit that happened at that men's club...."
"We should have stayed a little longer at the lake and worked on those girls," Braden said.
"Or those two guys who were ogling us," Sean said, laughing.
"They were just being friendly," Braden said.
"Friendly, my ass. The one guy couldn't keep his eyes above your waist. His eyes were like a couple of magnets following you every time you got up and moved around. Shit, he was ready to bury is face in your swim suit right there in front of everybody."
"Well, we should've picked them up."
"But we didn't," Sean said.
" here we are...out here...and you saying you want to get fucked."
"I said we," Sean reminded him.
"Okay, we."
"So are you saying okay?" Sean asked.
There was a long pause.
"Aw, hell, let's blame it on the beer and forget it," Sean said.
", I, uh...I'll do it," Braden said bravely. He laughed softly. "Fuck, I don't believe I said that, but you gotta wonder, or I have, what its all know...what Cody was moaning and groaning about when all those guys were fucking him."
"I expect that would make anybody groan, having a big, stiff cock shoved up your ass," Sean said.
"He wasn't moaning from pain," Braden pointed out. "He was liking it."
"So, who goes first?" Sean asked.
"You mean who fucks first or who gets fucked first?"
"Does it matter, if we're both going to do it?" Braden asked.
Sean hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and shoved them down. He wasn't wearing anything underneath. He took them off and laid them on the table. Then he laid back across the table. "I'll go first,"
he said as he lifted his legs up and spread them out wide.
"Fuck, man," Braden swore under his breath as he shoved his shorts down. He too, was naked underneath, and his cock was already fluffing out. "We don't have any lube," he said.
"Spit," Sean said.
Braden spit in his hand and rubbed it in the wide crack of Sean's ass, then did it again and slicked up his cock.
"You know this is fuckin' gonna hurt," he said as he pulled his cock to a full hardon.
"You, too," Sean said.
"But somewhere up in there, there's a feel good spot, otherwise..."
"I'll try to find it," Braden said.
Sean wasn't so sure he would. He braced himself when he felt the heat of Braden's cock pressing against his hole, and took a deep breath, barely before Braden shoved his cock through his hole. His outcry barely came out; he swallowed it, then put his forearm over his mouth. Tears came to his eyes, and he was about to tell him to stop, but he didn't want to sound like a pussy. He was the one who suggested it, he couldn't back out.
"You okay?" Braden asked when he was several inches in.
"Fuck, no," Sean hissed.
"Want me to stop? Please don't tell me to stop," Braden said.
Sean winced with pain. "Keep going. You haven't found the feel good spot yet," he gasped. Braden shoved a couple more inches in him.
"Shit, how much more is there?" he whined.
"I don't think you wanta know that," Braden said.
"How much?" he asked again.
"About half of it," Braden told him.
"Aww, shit, I can't...AAAAwwwggghhhh!" he cried out in pain as he was suddenly completely impaled on his teammates huge cock. He quickly put his hand over his mouth to stifle more outcries. He'd never felt such pain in his life. Goddd, he couldn't do it. He had to stop. "Ohh, fuck, man,"
he moaned. But Braden had a firm grip around his thighs, pulling their bodies tightly together. He held them till Sean stopped shaking. He didn't bother asking if he was okay, now, or if he wanted him to stop or keep going. He started fucking him.
Sean gasped out loud again as the big cock was withdrawn then shoved back in him. He clung to the side of the picnic table; the rough boards of the table were scraping into his back.
"Goddam, you're tight. And hot, and so fuckin' alive in there,"
Braden said hoarsely.
"You could make a mare tight with that horse cock of yours," Sean said. "Oh...ohhhhhh...Awwwhhhh."
"What's the matter?" Braden asked.
"You found it," Sean whispered. "Oh, fuck, man, you found the spot!
Ohhh, fuck...Awwww...Awwww, fuck...fuck...fuck me, buddy...fuck me."
The park patrol officer stood hidden behind a big tree, stroking his own cock while he took it all in. It wasn't the first time; he'd watched many such shows in his ten years at the park, but this was the most erotic thing he'd ever seen. And it presented so many possibilities. He watched till the boy shot his load all over his buddy. He thought they would get dressed and leave, and he was ready to make his appearance, but instead, they sat, still naked, on the picnic table.
"You know I'm not offering to let you off the hook this time," Sean said.
"I wasn't expecting you to," Braden said.
"We can postpone it for awhile if you want to. You shot your load, you might not feel horny enough to want to do it."
"No, I wanta do it, now, tonight," Braden said.
"And get it over with?"
"That and I'm curious about that feel good spot that made you go nuts. It must be something, the way you suddenly forgot all about it hurting."
"You won't believe it," Sean said.
The officer watched as the boys traded places, the bigger one stretched out on the table while the other one fucked him. He jacked off and shot a second load. But still, they didn't get dressed and leave. He waited and watched and listened.
"You know, this gay thing...I'm beginning to wonder what its all about," Sean said.
Braden laughed. "You need me to draw you a picture of what its all about? We've pretty much been doing it."
"Do you think we're turning gay?" Sean asked. "I mean, I liked getting fucked, after the initial pain. And I gotta admit, I sort of liked sucking your cock, especially when we sixty-nined."
"I'm not saying I minded it that much, either," Braden admitted.
"I wonder when you know, if you're gay."
"I don't know, I guess we could ask Cody, or Scott."
"No, I don't want to bring them into's...," Sean said.
"It's what?" Braden asked.
"I was gonna's too special."
Their heads were turned, facing each other but Braden quickly turned away.
"You feel it, too," Sean said.
"I just...feel good when I'm with you," Braden said, without looking back around.
They sat for a long, quiet moment, gazing out into the night "We don't have to put a label on it, do we?" Sean said.
They waited through another long pause.
"What would you say if I told you I want you to fuck me again?"
Sean asked quietly.
"I would say bend over the table."
"You don't have to let me fuck you. I just want it again. I want to see if it's as good as I thought," Sean said as he stepped down and went around to the end of the table and bent over.
After excusing the four boys from practice, Coach went to his office. They were taking off their singlets to shower when Braden stopped, with his singlet hanging from his waist. Sean was already down to his jockstrap and his socks but he paused when he saw Braden stop undressing. Cody and Scott paused, looking at the two bigger wrestlers.
"What?" Cody asked with a bewildered look.
"I say we put all our cards on the table. Or rather, on Coach's desk."
"Now?" Sean asked quietly.
"Now," the other replied in unison.
They looked at each other, uneasy but daring. Then together, they walked into the coach's office. He looked up and watched them come in and stand around his desk.
"Looks like you've got something on your minds, guys. What's up?"
he asked.
"We, to talking over pizza last night, about the night of the blizzard, and....well, stories started coming out and....we sort of compared notes," Braden said.
There was an uneasy pause as they waited to see who would speak next.
"Yeah, seems like we all pretty much ended up in the same boat, one way or another," Cody said.
"Yeah," Sean said, laughing softly. "I guess we all did pretty much what you told us not to do."
Scott stood with his eyes downcast, as if he were afraid to look Coach in the eye, wanting to avoid the look of betrayal that was sure to be there.
"You approached all of us, so now it's our turn to approach you, Coach," Braden said boldly.
"I don't think we should talk about this now, not in the locker room," Coach said in a hoarsely nervous tone.
"You name the place, Coach," Sean said. "Maybe we could go to your apartment and talk it out."
"Is there that much to say?" Braden asked. "We're all here, our cards have been laid on the table, I say we bolt the locker room door from the inside and..." He let his words trail off as he dropped his hand over the front of singlet, innocently brushing over the big bulge there. He could see Scott's jockstrap beginning to tent, and Sean's and Cody's singlets were looking pretty full.
Coach swallowed, a gulp so loud that everyone could hear it.
"Want me to get the door?" Cody asked in a timid voice but anxious to pick up the momentum.
Coach hesitated then stood up. "I'll get the door. You boys go ahead back to the showers. I'll join you in a minute."
The boys obediently left his office and finished stripping down and headed back to the showers.
"Do you think he'll come back, or do you think we just signed our death warrants?" Sean remarked.
"He'll come back," Scott said.
They heard the metallic clank of the bolt being shoved in.
"Shit, that sounded like the doors of Alcatraz going shut," Braden joked.
"I guess we'll see in a couple of minutes," Sean said as he was turning on his shower. When the temperature was adjusted, he stepped over and turned on the shower next to him.
A moment later, Coach appeared at the shower entrance, naked. They gaped at him, for it was rare that any of the boys ever saw him naked. He hung his towel on a hook outside the showers and strode under a shower beside Sean that was already running for him.
"Just a reminder...everything that happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room," he said.
"Yes, sir, Coach," the boys replied in unison.
It was the day before graduation and Sean and Braden were walking down the street, heading for Seno's to try on their tuxedos for the big dance. They were still talking about the orgy in the showers with Coach Colby. Suddenly an official car pulled into a parking spot and an officer got out.
"Boys," he called out.
They stopped. Braden noticed that the vehicle had the emblem of the county parks division on the odor.
"What's up?" he greeted the officer.
The officer was pulling out a small notebook from his pocket. He slipped several pages then studied a page. I've got a license number here, MA6287, does that belong to either one of you boys?"
"Yes, sir, it's mine," Sean said, his voice a little shaky as he imagined what it was all about.
"I acquired this number on the night of May 10th out at the county park," the man said, eyeing the two boys. "Do you boys remember being out there that night?"
They both thought a moment, both knowing full well what was coming.
"We might have been, I don't keep close track of everyplace I go,"
Braden said.
"If I reminded you of a certain, well-concealed picnic area, poorly lit, but lit well enough to see if you happen to be up close enough, which I was. I saw two young studs naked on the picnic table back there. Just wondering if it might have been you two boys."
Their faces were turning red by now. Sean was trying frantically trying to come up with something, but he knew it was hopeless; they had been seen.
"Don't worry, you're not in trouble," the officer said. "I would just like for the two of you to drive out to the park some night and we can talk about it. Say, tomorrow night?"
"We're graduating tomorrow night," Sean said.
"All right, the next night."
They looked at each other, helplessness in their expressions.
"Yes, sir, I guess we could do that," Sean said.
The officer looked at Braden.
"Yes, sir, I'll be there," Braden said.
"Looks like we've got ourselves in a bind," Sean said when the officer walked away.
"It won't be so bad. He's sort of a hunk," Braden said.
"Listen, I met these two guys at that men's club...we passed them as we were leaving," Sean began.
"Yeah, I remember. An older guy, really built, and a younger guy about our age."
"Oh, so you noticed."
"Yeah, I noticed. What about them?"
"That was a dad and his son."
"Yeah, they were father and son."
"What kind of father takes his son to a gay men's club?"
"A gay father with a straight son," Sean said.
"You said you met them...?"
"Yeah, they invited me to their room. They pretty much turned me every way but loose."
"They showed me everything."
"Everything we've done together they showed me first," Sean said.
"They. You're saying the kid had sex with his dad?"
"They pretty much concentrated on me but yeah, they do have sex together. I've got their phone number and address. They want me to call them. Would you be interested?"
"Fuck, yeah. How hot is that, a guy having sex with his son? Fuck yeah, I'm interested."
The End
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Posted: 06/27/08