The Wrestling Team
by: Peter
(© 2007 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 8
The sex with Rob was gut shattering, but it didn't satisfy Braden's suddenly insatiable desire for this new kind of sex. He walked around the first floor a couple of times to make sure none of the other guys were out of their rooms; or worse, the coach. Then he went upstairs. He took the third hallway down to the end, avoiding room 230. Not that he believed coach would be wandering around looking for any of them with a blackout party going on. He would never believe that his boys would be a part of anything like that. The darkness was harsher in the wide space at the end of the hallways. He bumped into a couple of guys, which they didn't mind, then bumped into a partition sticking out from the wall. As he felt his way around it and as his eyes became more accustomed to the dark, he was able to make out figures standing or milling around. There was another partition sticking out from the wall diagonally. He backed up to the partition to wait and see what would happen. He jumped at the feel of a hand on his butt and he reached behind him to feel a huge hole in the partition. The hand took hold of his hand and another hand groped between his thighs, for his manhood. He turned around and flattened himself against the partition. Immediately, his cock was enveloped in the moist heat of the guy's mouth. He moaned softly and felt another hand on his butt. He was aware that someone had knelt down behind him when he felt his hot breath on his butt. Then he began licking and kissing his butt.
Cody didn't know where his courage came from to leave the room all by himself but once outside he felt a new surge of freedom and adventure as he wrestled with the idea of taking the guy up on his invitation to come to his room. One thing for sure, he needed to get out of the hallway. It was dark, but he could make out bodies and faces and he didn't want to take the chance of getting caught by the Coach if he happened to be checking up on them. He headed for the stairs, to go to the man's room; 224, he'd said.
His legs were shaking so bad he barely got to the first landing. He felt somehow safer in the darkness at the top of the stairs. At the last minute he abandoned the idea of going to the guy's room. He was half scared and he didn't know the numbering arrangement of the rooms but he knew Coach and Scott were in room 230, which made it unwise to hang out in the hallways up there. It was dark but Coach would be able to make out who he was if he saw him up close enough. Some force propelled him down the dark hallway, in search of the blackout party that was going on somewhere on the second floor. He bumped into someone who put his arm around his waist before Cody could apologize and step back.
"Welcome to the party," the man said. He slipped his hand lower, down inside Cody's towel and squeezed his butt.
"Yess. Very Welcome," he said. "But you're overdressed for this party."
Cody was frightened as the man loosened his towel, but he didn't try to stop him. The man took the towel from around his waist and laid it over his shoulder. Cody's eyes had become more accustomed to the dark and he could make out male figures all around him. He stood in the darkness, more naked than he'd ever been in his life, and vulnerable, and shaking with fright and desire combined. It was like a long-time dream come true, being in the midst of so many naked men, knowing what they wanted. He didn't know what he should do. He wondered why they were just standing around. Then one of them moved toward him. He touched his hip and flattened his hand over Cody's stomach, feeling his tight ab muscles, then moved up to feel his chest. He felt him up and down, testing his muscles, even went to his knees to squeeze and admire his muscular thighs. He pressed his face against his manhood and Cody held his breath, waiting for the wonderful inevitable. Then the guy was taking his cock in his mouth.
Cody brought his forearm up to his mouth to stifle his gasp. Everyone was so quiet, he didn't want to be the one to cry out. His cock throbbed in the man's mouth, and it felt like it was growing bigger and harder with each stroke of his warm, wet lips. He'd never felt so big and hard in his life.
The man's mouth felt incredible. He paid close attention to what the man was doing, how he was sucking his cock, how he moved his tongue.
He wanted to learn. He was especially thrilled and conscious of the way the man took his cock down his throat, all the way to his balls. Cody thought he was going to scream. He had to stop the man several times; he didn't want to come. Till finally the man stood up.
"You wanta cool down?" he whispered in his ear.
"Yes," Cody replied. He wanted to do more than cool down. Yes, he wanted to experience getting his cock sucked but he desperately wanted to try it himself, and there would never be another opportunity like this in his lifetime. It was like his dream was unfolding before his eyes; all he had to do was pretend that they were in the locker room at school and these men were his team mates; Braden and Scott and Sean. He didn't know how to go about it at first. He was too timid to reach out for a guy's cock, let alone get on his knees and suck him. He wished someone would show him; would force him to his knees and make him suck his cock. He found an empty spot among the men and backed up against the wall. It took a moment for him to find the courage to slowly slide down to his haunches. Anywhere else, it would have been a relaxed, resting stance. Here, it was an invitation. He wondered if anyone had seen him. Almost immediately, the guy standing next to him turned to face him and brushed his cock against his shoulder.
His courage found, Cody reached up for it. It was thick and rubbery. He didn't know it, but it was the best kind for the first time.
But now, facing the moment of truth, he couldn't bring himself to do it; he couldn't actually take another man's cock in his mouth. He took a moment to gather his youthful courage and convince himself that he really wanted to do it; that he was actually going to do it. Then he turned his head, his lips slack, and let the man shove his cock in his mouth. It was harder now, and a lot bigger. The man began moving his cock back and forth, fucking his mouth. Cody moaned deep in his belly as he sucked the man's cock, applying the techniques he had felt when another guy had sucked his cock. He moved his tongue and worked his lips all around the head, just like the guy had done to him. The man groaned and fucked his mouth. Another man came up to them, standing squarely in front him. His cock was sticking straight out, bobbing up and down as it throbbed. In the dark Cody judged it to be about eight inches long. More than he could take, but he went for it anyway. He let the other man's cock go and leaned in to try to suck the bigger cock.
"OOhhhhh," the man moaned softly.
"He's good, isn't he?" the first man said.
"Ohh, fuck, he's incredible!"
The first man moved away and Cody heard him say quietly, "There's a young kid over there against the of the high school wrestlers, I think. Sucks like a pro."
Within a couple of minutes Cody was surrounded by muscular thighs and cocks, all poking at him and throbbing and begging to be sucked by the young wrestler who sucked like a pro. He felt strangely proud that the guy had said that and advertised for him. He moved from one man to the other.
Each cock was different and he loved discovering the difference in taste, and in texture as well as size. He had to admit it; he just plain loved sucking cock! In the back of his mind he wrestled with the inevitable; that one of these guys was sure to shoot his load, and what was he supposed to do with it? In all of his dreams, he imagined that he would swallow it; let the guy pump his mouth full of the warm, thick semen and he would gulp it down like warm honey. But he had no idea what it tasted like and if he didn't like it, what then? Should he spit it out, on the floor? Or try to get off of the cock before it erupted? Of course, he might not detect when the guy was about to come. Whatever, his worrying didn't deter him from his newfound pleasure.
As it turned out, no one shot off in his mouth. Only one of the men shot off at all, and he got his joy from purposely shooting all over Cody's face. That was even more exciting than his imaginations of taking come in his mouth. He didn't even bother to wipe it off, but instead, let it run down his face.
Gradually, the gathering of men thinned out, as if they were suddenly bored and off to find greener grass. Cody got to his feet, still hungry for more cock, and wondering what he might have done wrong. He wanted to line these guys up and suck every cock in the place. If Sean only knew what he was missing. If he'd only stayed back in the room and let Cody know what he wanted, Cody could have given it to him.
The short time down on his haunches made him more emboldened.
There was cock everywhere, and he had only to reach out for it. He was standing against one of the partitions when another man backed up without seeing him and brushed against him.
"No problem," Cody said. Before the man could move away he placed his hand on his hip to hold him there. He got a feel of the man's butt; it was hard as rock. He felt the rest of his butt and the man flexed the muscles for him. He reached around from behind and squeezed his chest muscles, and the man flexed them for him. Cody ran his hands up and down the man's abs. The man tightened them into a plate of armor. He went back to the man's butt, more excited than he'd ever been in his life; realizing for the first time that he was indeed a muscle worshipper. Then he lowered himself to his knees, feeling the front of the man's rock-hard thighs with his hands. Godd, how he had wanted to do this with his team mates, but he had to content himself only with the feel of their bare muscles writhing and bulging against each other in the throes of competition. That was secretly the reason he went into wrestling, for the physical contact with another guy's muscles.
Slowly, the guy turned around so he was facing him. As Cody ran his hands up the man's thighs he was hit in the face with the man's cock.
It felt like he'd been hit with a club. He reached up for it and gasped aloud. It was huge! He couldn't even get his hand around it! Groping up and down the shaft he found that both of his hands couldn't contain the length of it. With both hands around it there was easily a fist-full of cock still exposed. He felt up and down the huge cock several times, guessing it to be at least ten inches long; bigger than anything he had ever imagined, except maybe for Braden. He wet his lips and opened his mouth as wide as he could, testing the expansion of his jaws a couple of times in preparation for the enormous cock.
The muscle-guy moaned as Cody took his cock in his mouth. The head of his cock was more like it. He couldn't handle much more than the head and a few inches of the thick shaft. But he could use his tongue. He had imagined in a thousand dreams how he would do this, although in none of his dreams had he ever imagined such a big cock. Based on what he had seen in the locker room and read, he didn't believe any man could be hung like this. He sucked the inches that he could handle and did a masterful job with his tongue. He could tell by the way the guy was moaning and his knees were shaking that he was doing good. In all his imaginings he never thought he could to be intensely happy doing something that so many people said was wrong. That was always in the back of his mind; the worry of how wrong it would be if he ever got the chance to have another guy like this. But in the short moments with this muscle-god and his awesomely beautiful cock he knew that all of those people were full of crap; nothing that felt so wonderful could be wrong.
His newly unbridled lust turned to passion and he became more concerned and intent with giving the man pleasure. It was pleasure enough for himself that he could make him tremble and moan. In his passion he became more exuberant, even reckless in his desire to take more and more of the huge cock. He choked a couple of times and after the second time the man leaned down.
"Hey, you don't have to try to swallow...Ohh, Fuck! Cody!"
Cody snapped his head up and found himself looking squarely at his teammate!
"Braden!" he gasped.
"Come here," Braden said, as cupped his hands in Cody's armpits and lifted him effortlessly to his feet. "Shit, Cody, what're you doing up here?"
"What're you doing up here?" Cody fired back.
"That's pretty obvious, but..."
"It should be pretty obvious for me, too," Cody hissed.
Braden took him by the arm and led him out of the partitioned enclosure and down the hallway. He didn't realize it at the time but they went right past Coach's room.
"Sounds like a lover's quarrel brewing," someone said as they passed by.
Braden took him downstairs to one of the little alcoves where there were chairs and small tables.
"Where's Sean?" he asked. "He's supposed to be looking out for you."
"Who knows? Probably out roaming around, getting his cock sucked, like you are," Cody said.
"Geezusss, Cody, I can't believe you were up there."
"Can't believe I was up there, or what I was doing?" Cody asked.
"Neither. Fuck, man, I didn't know you....Godd, what a way to find out!"
"What're you so upset about? You can't say you didn't like it,"
Cody said.
"Fuck, yeah, I liked it, but I thought it was somebody of those..."
"One of those fags?"
"You know what I mean, one of those other guys. Shit, Cody, you just turned eighteen! You're practically jailbait! Sean's supposed to be looking out for you. Let's go find him. Shit, he is in so much trouble."
Cody followed the big athlete around to his and Sean's their room.
The door was locked.
"I don't have a key," Cody said.
"Fuck! Wait right here, I'll go up to the desk and have them unlock it."
The desk clerk gave him a suspicious look when he asked him to unlock the room.
"He left the room to go to the rest room and closed the door without thinking," Braden explained. When the clerk was still hesitant, Braden pleaded, "Look, we're two of the wrestlers and I'm supposed to be looking after him, and if the Coach finds us out of our room....."
The clerk took a key off the board and went down to unlock the room. Braden shoved Cody inside and closed the door.
"I'm going to go find Sean. Don't leave the room," he said gruffly.
"Why? Why are you going to look for Sean? I'm in my room, safe and sound, what do I need with Sean?" Cody said sarcastically.
"To tell him his ass is in a sling," Braden said.
"You can't tell him anything, without telling him where we both were and what I was doing, and who I was doing it to. Are you going to tell him I was sucking your cock?"
Braden thought for a moment. "No. No, you're right. I guess it's better if we just let it go. But shit, what was he thinking, going off and letting you wander around this place by yourself."
"Same thing you were thinking, I suspect, about getting his cock sucked," Cody said.
"Shit, I'm glad Scott's in the room with Coach Colby," Braden said.
"And who knows what him and the coach are doing?" Cody quipped.
"Okay, yeah, that's pretty impossible to imagine," Cody admitted as he took off his towel and crawled up on the bed.
Braden seemed fidgety, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, as if he didn't know what to do next.
"Well, I guess I'll stick around with you and wait till wonder-boy comes back. It's obviously not safe to leave you by yourself," he said.
"You don't have to but I don't care if you stay," Cody said.
"Shit, Cody, how many of those other guys did you go down on?" he asked, still with disbelief.
"I don't know. I didn't know I was supposed to keep count," Cody replied with sarcasm.
"Fuck, if Coach Colby ever finds out about this, you know what he's going to do to me and Sean? He's going to sack us both."
"How's he going to find out? I'm sure not going to tell him. Are you?"
"No, fuckhead!"
"Then stop worrying about it. Come on, you might as well lie down and get comfortable," he said, scooting over to make room for him.
Braden hesitated then sighed and climbed on the bunk. He had one knee pressed in the mattress when Cody reached his hand out and touched his thigh. Braden froze. Cody moved his hand up his thigh, up under his towel and found his cock, big and thick and still rubbery.
"I would like to finish what I started," Cody said as he pulled on his cock.
Braden hesitated for a few seconds. "Geezuss, Cody, what're we doing?" he moaned as he tore his towel off and knelt at the younger boy's face.
"Something I've wanted to do ever since the first time I saw you walking down the hall at school," Cody said.
"No kidding? I had no idea."
"No, you wouldn't," Cody said. "You're too studly and macho straight to notice."
"Oh, I've noticed how some guys look at me, certain guys, but I never had any idea about you."
"You always looked like you had a package of hamburger and a big sausage stuffed in your shorts," Cody said. "I used to go in the restroom if I saw you go in, just to see if I could get a look at your cock."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes. It made my knees weak when I got to stand beside you. Of course, I couldn't get a real good look without you noticing. I never dreamed it would be this big, though. Your cock is huge."
Braden laughed. "I never dreamed it would get this big either."
"There's something else I wanta do, if you'll let me," Cody said.
"I want to tongue your ass."
"I want you to sit on my face."
"Geezusss, Cody, are you sure? That sounds gross as hell."
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Do you want to do that now?"
"Yes. Oh, yes," Cody said.
Braden raised up and moved up to straddle Cody's face. He moaned as he lowered himself and felt Cody's tongue searching eagerly for his asshole.
Cody clasped his hands around the athlete's taut butt muscles and pulled them apart to stretch his hole open.
"Aww....Ohhh, Cody...Awwww.....fuck...," Braden groaned as Cody drove his tongue up into his ass.
"MMmmm, you've got a great ass," Cody moaned.
"You really like doing that?" Braden, asked, surprised.
"I love it. I want you to fuck me, too," Cody said, his voice muffled by Braden's butt.
"I don't think you wanta try that. I'm pretty big," Braden said.
"I know....that's partly the reason I want you to do it."
"Why would you want me to tear through your asshole?"
"I just want you to fuck me, man. Somebody's going to do it, eventually I want it to be you."
There was a split-second delay before the boys heard the key in the door. Braden jumped up and flopped down beside Cody and folded one arm behind his head, casual as you please. His cock didn't look so casual, though, standing up over his belly, dam near to his chest, but it was too late to do anything about it.
To be continued...
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Posted: 06/06/08