The Wrestling Team
by: Peter
(© 2007 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 2
In room #128 Sean shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the hook and began unbuttoning his shirt.
"Are we gonna take off all our clothes?" Cody asked.
"I don't usually sleep in my clothes," Sean said. "Why, you got a problem with that? It's not like we've never seen each other naked before."
"Yeah, I know. It just seems different, cooped up in this little room together."
"It is different. We're in a four-by-four box and we're by ourselves, but its better than being cooped up in the car and freezing,"
Sean said. "You're taking the side against the wall."
"Afraid I'll fall out and bump my head?" Cody asked.
"No, I don't want anybody crawling in bed with us and you would probably let them."
"Coach said to lock the door," Cody reminded him.
"No, he said to shut the door."
"I think he said to lock it. Can you lock it?" Cody asked.
"I gotta have it open a crack. I can't stand small closed places,"
Sean said.
"What if the coach comes by?"
"I'll tell him I gotta have it open a crack because I can't stand small, closed places." Part of him wondered why he had to get stuck with Cody. Not that he minded, really; Cody needed somebody to look out for him sometimes, and this was one of those times. But he wished it could've been him and Braden sharing a room. He wondered what Braden was doing. Fuck, probably wandering around the place, showing off his muscles and getting a bunch of guys all hot and bothered with his big cock. Maybe he could sneak out after Cody went to sleep and meet up with Braden and they could check the place out. Maybe he would be daring and leave the door open a little and see what happened.
Cody was stalling, purposely fumbling with his shoelaces, to let Sean take the lead. He wanted to see if Sean stripped down to the buff or left his shorts on. He slept naked at home and he wanted to here, especially with Sean, but he couldn't unless Sean took everything off first.
Sean took the lead as he did in everything. He unabashedly took off his clothes just like they were in the locker room. It was no different, except it was pretty close quarters and he and Cody were bumping into each other a lot. He didn't give it a thought when he was down to his shorts; he simply shoved them down, stepped out of them ad kicked them up to snatch them out of the air.
Cody was almost breathless as he watched the big athlete get completely naked. He was such a stud. A stallion, really, with is big, oversized cock. It swung and jostled gently with every move and he didn't seem to think anything about it when it smacked against Cody a couple of times. Cody wondered for the thousandth time how oversized he was when he was hard.
"You need some help?" Sean asked dryly as he waited on Cody to get his clothes off.
"No, why are you waiting on me?"
"Cause I don't want you climbing over the top of me to get to your side of the bunk," Sean said.
"It's not like I'm gonna crush you," Cody said.
"You get on top of me, I'm afraid you won't want to get off," Sean growled, laughing, as he opened the door a few inches.
"That's more than a crack," Cody said, nodding toward the half open door.
Sean glanced to the side as he was aware of someone standing in the hall against the opposite wall, watching through the very wide crack in the door. He looked and made eye contact with the guy and their eyes never wavered. The guy was good-looking, young, maybe in his mid-twenties and built a lot like Sean himself. He wondered if the guy would be bold enough to venture into the room if he opened the door a tiny bit more.
Cody was still shivering from being cold.
"Hey, let's get you in the shower and get you warmed up," Sean said, handing him a towel. He put his own towel around his waist.
"Man, that sounds great, if you think its safe," Cody said.
"Anybody tries anything, they'll have to come through me," Sean said.
Sean caught the guy's eye again as he and Cody left their room. It wasn't an okay kind of look but definitely a hopeful one that passed between them.
Cody followed Sean down the hallway and into the wet area behind the glass where the showers, Jacuzzi and the steam room and sauna were located. In the showers, Sean reached over and turned on the last one for Cody then took the one next to him.
"Awww, mann, this feels good," Cody said in a shaky voice. "I'm so cold my bones are cold."
Sean saw that they had attracted some attention. There were suddenly a half dozen guys milling around the wet area, obviously trying to get a look at them in the showers. One of the more bold ones took the shower next to Sean, and three more guys followed his lead to fill up the shower room.
"Are you guys the wrestlers?" the man asked.
"Yeah," Sean replied politely. Despite his curiosity, he was tense inside, on his guard. He didn't know what to expect from any of these guys but he half expected the guy under the next shower to reach out for him.
"Did you win?" the guy asked.
"He won his weight class," Sean said proudly, nodding to Cody.
"How about you?"
"No, I got my ass pinned in the final match," Sean said.
The man looked boldly up and down his naked, muscular body. "It's hard to imagine anyone could take you down," he said.
"It happens," Sean said.
"What is your weight class?" another of the guys asked.
"He's one-thirty to one-forty. I'm one-ninety-one to two-hundred,"
he replied. He could see a couple of the guys were watching Cody pretty intently. Really watching him. Fuck, like a bunch of vultures drooling over fresh-killed meat. He decided he should get him back to the room. "You about warmed up, buddy?" he asked.
Sean turned off Cody's shower then his own and they stepped out of the shower area where their towels were hanging. Again, he stood between Cody and the men as they dried off, as if he were guarding him. Cody seemed to be completely oblivious to the attention they were attracting.
Sean wasn't. It was pretty hard to be oblivious when he saw the way these guys were looking at them. One man's mouth dropped and he looked like he couldn't breathe when Cody cocked one foot up on the bench and bent over to dry his legs. Yeah, nice view, Sean thought; Cody had a great, tight little butt. They wrapped their towels around their waists and headed back to their room.
As they came to their room, Sean saw that the guy was back, or hadn't left his post outside their room. They glanced at each other again as Sean unlocked their door. As he let Cody go in ahead of him he glanced back at the guy again. He left the door ajar; the guy was definitely up to something and Sean wanted to find out what it was.
Cody took off his towel and crawled up on the bed and stretched out against the wall.
"You gotta give me more room than that," Sean said.
"I'm already hugging the wall," Cody said.
"Hug it a little tighter, that's better than hugging me."
Cody didn't know if Sean was only kidding or if he was just being Sean. He growled a lot when he talked, but nobody took it seriously, unless he was mad, of course, then everybody stayed out of his way. It was the only smart thing to do; nobody in his right mind would want to tangle with all of those muscles.
Sean unfolded one of the blankets and laid it over Cody's naked body.
"Thanks," he said, still shivering.
Sean got in bed and stretched out but there wasn't enough room for his wide back and broad shoulders, lying on his back. Cody quickly turned onto his side, facing him to give him more room. Sean pulled his own blanket up and settled in with his eyes fixed on the crack of the door and the guy still leaning against the opposite wall.
"You're not gonna kill me if I accidentally get up against you, are you?" Cody asked. "I don't know what I might do and I don't want you tossing me out in the hallway in my sleep."
Sean laughed. "I wouldn't toss that tight little ass of yours out in the hallway; it'd be like tossing a lamb to the wolves. You wouldn't last five minutes out there. Besides, I want your tight little ass in here, all to myself," he added, laughing.
Cody was struggling to keep his back against the wall and not touch Sean.
"Just turn over and face the wall and it'll be okay if we touch.
It'll be through the blankets anyway. I just don't want you wrapped around me," Sean told him.
Cody tuned over on his side facing the wall and pulled the blanket up around his neck.
Sean was feeling the hype of his hormones, causing a gentle tingling down between his legs. He'd never imagined being in a situation like this and he couldn't deny that he was curious. Something made him not want to let the opportunity slip past him. The guy in the hallway was being patient, or maybe he was scared. Sean appreciated his patience but he didn't want him to be scared off.
Sean reached over and tucked Cody's blanket in around his face and felt the boy still shaking.
"Dam, you're still cold?"
"I've never been so cold in my life," Cody said. "I can't stop shaking."
Sean ran his hand under his blanket and felt his shoulder. The boy felt cold to the touch and Sean felt sorry for him. Suddenly he jerked their blankets off and flung Cody's blanket out over the both of them.
"What're you doing?" Cody asked with a frown.
"Getting you warm," Sean said. "If we double up the blankets we'll create some body heat." He spread the other blanket over the first and pulled it up over both of them. Then without hesitation he rolled over on his side and spooned his naked body snugly against Cody's.
"You tell anybody about this, I'll break both your legs," he warned. "Fuck, you are freezing."
They lay snuggled together and after awhile Cody began to settle into a warm calm.
"I wish they would turn off that goddam music, or turn it down,"
Sean grumbled.
"I don't think it's going to bother me much," Cody said. "I'm starting to get warm and that's gonna make me sleepy."
Sean pressed the entire length of his body against him to give him more warmth. It should have felt weird; it was the first and only time he'd ever touched his naked body to another guy like this. But he had always felt like a big brother to Cody, and it was what a brother would do.
He felt more than that at the moment with his naked body curved against Cody's, his cock pressed against the younger boy's butt, but he quickly put it out of his mind.
"Thanks, Sean, for taking care of me," Cody said hoarsely in a quiet little voice.
"It's no big deal; you're like a little brother to me," Sean said.
"I wish I had you for a big brother," Cody said.
"You do," Sean told him.
"You're such a stud, just the kind of big brother anybody would want," Cody said.
"I know."
"What would you think if I told you this was giving me a hardon,"
Cody said.
"You just better hope I don't get a hardon," Sean joked, pressing his manhood against Cody's backside. They were quiet, and he felt Cody calm down, his breathing become steadier. Sean looked over his shoulder to see if the guy was still keeping his vigil in the hallway. He was.
Sean wondered if Cody was asleep. After a while longer he was pretty sure he was, and he was warm, so Sean carefully and gently moved away from him. Part of him didn't care if he was asleep or not. He had to find out what that guy in the hall and this place was all about, Cody be damned. Whatever happened, he knew he could make him keep quiet about it; all it would take was a simple threat. He reached out carefully with his foot and cracked the door another couple of inches. They guy waited a moment then stepped up to the door and pushed it open a little more, very cautiously. When Sean didn't try to close it, he opened it further and came inside the room. Sean put his finger to his lips and the guy nodded. The man put his hand on Sean's leg, rubbing it up and down his thigh, working his hand under the blankets. Sean slung his leg over the edge of the mattress, out from under the blanket, to give him room and an invitation. Excitement surged through him as the man found and hefted his balls and squeezed them gently. Sean's already fluffed up cock was loosing its fluffiness and growing into a big hardon. The man found it before it was completely hard and moaned softly as he squeezed the rubbery flesh.
With his other hand he lifted the blanket and laid it aside, exposing him in all his manly glory.
"Wow!" he whispered.
Sean frowned and put his finger to his lips again. Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all, letting the guy come in the room. One of them was bound to make noise and wake Cody up. He raised up and swung his legs over the edge of the mattress and stood down from the bunk. He reached for his towel and motioned that they should step out of the room. He checked his arm for the rubber band with the room key then quietly closed the door behind them.
"I don't want to wake him up," he whispered.
"My room's right here," the man said, nodding to an open door almost directly opposite Sean's room.
Sean nodded and followed the man inside. The guy closed the door most of the way then immediately began groping the front of Sean's towel.
"That feels incredible," he said. "It looked pretty incredible in the showers, too."
"Are we going to leave the door open?" Sean asked.
"It could prove interesting," the man said. "Don't worry, we can close it if your buddy wakes up and shows himself."
Sean undid his towel and took it off.
"My Godd!" the man gasped. "Do they grow all their wrestlers like this where you come from?"
"We never had anybody throw rocks at us," Sean said.
The man urged Sean to lie back across the bunk, his legs slung over the edge of the mattress. His stomach was aflutter and his stiffening cock tingled with anticipation.
"My name's Rick, by the way," the man said.
"Sean," he said, putting out his hand.
Rick was moving his hands up and down Sean's thighs, squeezing the hard muscles, then up to his stomach, digging his thumbs into his hard abs.
"Geezuss, you're like a rock," he said.
"Most wrestlers are pretty solid," Sean said.
Rick reached on up and squeezed his pecs and flicked his nipples "Uhhnn," Sean gasped.
The guy was going to do it. Just as sure as he was standing there in front of him, feeling him up, Rick was going to go down on him. He was going to get his cock sucked! The imagination fueled his anticipation and his anticipation stoked the flames of his raging imagination. One feeding off the other, he was soon so hot and excited that he couldn't lie still.
He reached out and touched the man's arm, to urge him to get on with it.
The arm was solid muscle, so big he couldn't get his hand even a third of the way around the bicep. And that sent another strange thrill down Sean's spine, that such a muscular stud would be doing this to him. The man's very masculine, macho appearance made it somehow more all right.
Someone strolled past the door, pausing to peer inside, but he didn't come in. Sean was a little disappointed. Rick bent over and Sean could feel his hot breath. His anticipation soared, screaming through his brain. "Do it!" he screamed silently. "Just do it! Get your mouth on it and suck it!"
But he didn't. He by-passed Sean's cock and began kissing his thigh, moving his lips downward, over his knees, to the bulge of his calf muscle. Then he kissed back up the inside of his other leg till his face smashed against his balls. He kissed down the inside of the other leg and back up, this time lifting his balls to nuzzle under them. Godd, it felt good everywhere he moved his mouth.
"Ohhhhh," Sean moaned softly. Godd, do it! His cock was so hard now. So engorged with blood it felt like it might burst.
Another man came by the door, then another, and another One of them moved on but the others paused to watch. Sean wondered why none of them came inside. Rick by-passed his cock again, kissed around his hip and up across the deep muscled ridges of his abs; back and forth, leaving a wet outline around each brick of muscle. Then he trailed his tongue up to his chest and kissed his thick pecs, lingering with his mouth over his nipples.
"Ohhh," Sean moaned again as the man sucked on his tits. They were quickly swollen hard and so sensitive to the man's flicking tongue. It made Sean wonder if that's what a girl felt when he sucked on her nipples. Rick made a wet trail back down Sean's stomach, around his hip and nuzzled under his balls again.
"Awww!" Sean moaned as his balls were pulled into the wet heat of the man's mouth. "Ohh, Geezusss!" he gasped as Rick sucked and licked and bounced them around on his tongue. "Awww, suck it!" he whispered softly.
"Get on it... suck my cock...!" Geezuss, was he ever going to do it! Just do it! Suddenly he felt the man's hot breath on his cock a second before he felt the wet heat of his mouth envelope the head.
"Ohh...Awwwwhhh, Fuck!" he gasped aloud. The man's lips slid down, down, down the tall shaft of his cock, till the head was smashed against the back of his mouth. He moved his mouth up and down the shaft, lavering the head with his tongue. Sean could feel his ball-juice flowing and the man lapping it up. His tongue felt like fine, soft sandpaper on his cockhead. He sucked him gently, almost lovingly. Sean felt almost like he was being worshipped.
The man at the door inched inside a little for a better view. Rick waved him in and Sean felt the guy's hand on his leg. Rick moved aside a little and a moment later, the newcomer had Sean's balls in his mouth.
Rick had obviously been taught to share. When the second man came up for air, Rick got off his cock and offered it to him.
"Holy Shit!" the man gasped when he saw Sean's huge, hard cock.
"How big is this thing!"
"Big enough to feed two," Rick said.
Sean thought it would be great to have both of them work on his cock at the same time, and he got his wish. They two men lapped at his cock from both sides, taking turns sucking it deep into their mouths. Sean was squirming and writhing on the bed and thrusting his cock up into whichever eager mouth he could find. He wondered if one of them could go all the way down on it; if it was possible to take his cock in their throats. He put his hand gently on the back of the Rick's head but he recoiled and raised up.
"I can't take it all the way, you're so big," he whispered.
"I can," the other man said.
He didn't sound like he was totally convinced himself, but he was determined to try and Sean wanted to give him a chance to prove himself.
But Rick wasn't giving way. He stayed bent over, sucking his cock.
"Let him try to take it," Sean said quietly.
Rick raised up and stepped aside to let the other man bend over Sean's middle.
"My Godd!" the man gasped as he wrapped his hand around the big tower of meat. "Maybe I spoke too soon."
"Yeah, still think you can take him?" Rick asked.
"If it kills me," the man said. "Fuck, is this real? I can't even get my hand around it." He bent over and went down on Sean's huge cock; down, down, down, till the head was smashed against the back of his throat as it had Rick's throat, but this guy pressed on. There was a tight constriction around the head and Sean held out little hope that his cock would fit into anything so tight. But the man pressed on, twisting his head around as if to attain the right angle and make it fit. Then he took him. He forced himself. He bore down hard and the head of Sean's cock popped through the opening and sank up into the tight glove of the man's throat.
"Awwwwhhhhhhh! Awwwwwhhh, fuck!" Sean moaned. It was better than any pussy he'd ever shoved his cock into! He laid his hand on the back of the man's head to urge him down onto the final inch or so. The man choked but Sean didn't let up, and the guy forced his mouth down till his lips were in Sean's pubes.
"Geezussss!" Sean gasped in disbelief.
"I'll second that," Rick said.
The guy's throat was so hot and tight and alive; the muscles were milking the full length of his cock. Sean held his breath till his lungs ached, till the man raised up and began swirling his tongue around the head again. He finally had to let his breath out. "OHhhh, Geezussss, how did you do that! God, it was incredible!"
"You haven't seen incredible yet, has he?" the man said to Rick as he closed the door completely.
"Not if you mean he's going to fuck us," Rick said.
Sean raised his head; his mouth dropped and he blinked with surprise.
"I can't pass up a challenge like this?" Rick said as he was uncapping a large tube of KY. He motioned for Sean to get off the bunk.
Sean stepped down, his cock swaying like a battering ram.
"Godd, I don't believe that thing," the other man said as he knelt down to suck him again while Rick was climbing on the bed.
Sean didn't how, if Rick couldn't take him down his throat, how he was going to take his cock up his ass. Rick got on his knees on the bed to put the KY between his buns. Then he squeezed some lube onto Sean's throbbing cock after the other man reluctantly gave it up. Sean stepped up on the bed behind him. Rick bent over with his head and shoulders in the mattress, his butt offered to the hunky, young wrestler. Sean was shaky inside with the excitement of this new adventure, wondering how it would play out. He set the head of his cock squarely against the slick hole and nudged forward. There was some give but it didn't go in. He pushed again. The other man, standing beside the bed, cupped his hand around Sean's taut butt.
"You're going to have to give it some power from back here to penetrate him," he said.
Sean tried a couple more times but all he felt was the stretch and give of the muscles surrounding Rick's asshole. The hole itself wouldn't open, but only pushed back at him.
"Fuck if he's that tight, I'm gonna rip him in two," Sean said.
"That's a risk he's willing to take, otherwise, he wouldn't be spread out in front of you like this," the man said.
Sean wondered why Rick wasn't saying anything but he took his silence as total consent. He clasped his hands around Rick's hipbones and pulled his hips back as he shoved forward at the same time. There was a struggle with the tight hole trying do defend it's hidden treasure, but suddenly, it stretched open and the head of Sean's cock disappeared in Rick's ass.
Rick choked on his gasp and gripped the sides of the mattress.
"Give him a minute to get used to it," the other man said, still caressing Sean's butt. The guy had become the instructor, the coach, and Sean was willing to do what he told him, just like Coach Colby. "It's not a straight chute in, like the pussies you're no doubt used to," the man told him. "You're going to encounter obstacles that you have to maneuver around, till your cock bores itself a new pathway."
When he felt the man's pressure on his butt, Sean shoved in a little deeper, oblivious, now, of Rick's gasping moans. He wasn't telling him to stop. He gaped down at the guy's once-tiny asshole distended unmercifully around the thick girth of his cock. When he pushed, the muscle stretched inward.
"Oh, Goddd!" Rick gasped aloud Sean held still. "Do you want me stop? Or pull out?" he asked.
"No," Rick replied emphatically. "I only want to go through this once."
Sean took his time entering him. Several times his cock touched something in the way and he maneuvered around it, just like the other guy said. Deeper and deeper he went, gouging out everything in his way, and he wondered what possible pleasure Rick could get from being impaled on his huge cock, having it stretch his asshole so unmercifully. With great relief and satisfaction, he shoved the final inches though Rick's clenching hole.
"Awwwhhhhhh!" Rick groaned.
"You've got it all, man," Sean said.
"Yes, I just wonder where the hell you put it," Rick gasped.
Sean held still, satisfied for the moment with Rick's asshole squeezing and milking his cock.
"How's that feel?" the other man asked Sean. "Have you ever fucked another guy?"
"I never did anything with another guy before. You guys are my first. But it feels great. Better than any pussy. Ohhhh, shit, when he squeezes my cock...he's so hot and tight...hell, he's alive in there."
"Spoken like a true straight-eight," the man said.
"Can I, uh...fuck you now?" Sean asked Rick.
"Yes. Please, slow and easy at first," Rick said.
Sean was gentle as a lamb as he pumped his cock in slow-motion in and out of Rick's ass.
"Ohhh...Awwwwhhh, that's good," he moaned. "Fuck, it feels like I'm sticking my cock in a bag of mush or warm honey."
As Rick became accustomed to the big intruder, he began pushing his butt back onto Sean's cock. Their pace picked up, with soft noises of Rick's butt smacking against Sean's thighs.
"Ohhh...OH, My Godd!...Oh, My Goddd!...fuck me... fuck, me, you big stud! Put those muscles to work!"
"Gladly," Sean said and he clasped his hands around Rick's hipbones and set his own hips in motion.
"Ohh, Yesss...OHhh, fuck, that feels so good," Rick moaned.
Sean had good staying power but he was amazed that he was lasting so long; he'd never felt anything like this before. He wanted to do it in different positions, like with Marge Anderson; she liked to get it in every position known to man and she said Sean was the only guy who could last long enough to take her through all the positions.
"Could we, uh...change positions?" he asked as he slowed his pace.
"Like on your back?"
"I've been waiting for you to need a break," Rick said as he hunkered forward off of Sean's cock.
"They all want to fuck like a girl," the other man said.
"No, it's not that...hell, nobody's gonna mistake you for a girl...I just wanta see your face when I fuck you."
"Honey-stud, you can fuck me any way you want. I'll stand on my head out in the hallway if you want me to." He laid back and put his legs on Sean's shoulders and brought his butt up to position. Sean entered him again and hunkered up over him till Rick was bent in half under him.
"Fuck, take it easy, it goes in deeper in this position," Rick told him.
It was so good Sean's head was swimming. Every girl he'd ever fucked complained after about two minutes in this position; they said he was going too deep and they couldn't breath. Except for one, Marge Anderson, and she about fucked his brains out in any position he tried.
Rick's ass was opening up nicely, too. He liked a tight fit but he also liked a little give and take, and Rick's ass was giving and taking like nothing he'd ever fucked before. He thrust in deep, straight down, then switched gears and went straight in. He buried his cock to the hilt and twisted his hips around in circles. That drove Rick crazy.
"Ohhh...OHHHH...Awwhhhhh...Hhhhhh, that... Awwwh, Godd, you're cock is so big and wonderful." He liked, it too, when Sean thrust straight down into his ass. "AAAWWwwhhhh, what're you trying to do, nail me to the bed?" he cried.
To be continued...
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Posted: 04/25/08