Dakota And His Dad
by: Peter
(© 2007 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Dell Simon was taking his son, Dakota, camping. It was his eighteenth birthday and they were having this one last time together before the boy went off to college. Dakota drove the four hours to the sprawling wilderness park called Horsehead. The only way to get up to the primitive campground area was on foot and they hiked a mile beyond that to the most secluded spot they could find. They set up camp; a spacious two-man tent, and laid out their sleeping bags. Dell spread one bag out full and they laid the other one on top to cover up with if it got chilly in the night. Neither of them thought it strange that they would essentially be sleeping in the same sleeping bag, as they had done since Dakota was a little boy. They gathered up some wood for a fire then went hiking deeper into the woods. "Think everything will be safe here?" Dakota asked as they were leaving the site.
"I don't see any signs of anyone having been here in the last century,"
Dell said. "Yeah, I think it'll be okay to leave it."
It was dusk when they got back to their campsite. Dakota started a fire while Dell got the food out and the skillet. After supper they lay stretched out by the fire, facing the flame, talking as only a boy and his dad can in such circumstances. Dell knew from experience that his son was more likely to be open with him about his feeling when they were out like this; all he had to do was give him time. Its what gave them such a tight relationship.
"Hey, do you want to go swimming?" Dakota asked.
"It'll be cold," Dell said.
"You turning chicken on me?" the boy chided him.
"Nope, just telling you it's going to be cold."
"We can go back and get warm by the fire," Dakota said.
"Okay, it's your balls in the freezer," Dell said.
"Yeah, yours, too."'
"I'm not going in over my knees," Dell said.
They swam and cavorted around in the cold water like a couple of boys then swam some serious laps out into the lake. Dell was impressed with his son's athletic prowess and proud that he had to stroke harder to keep up with him.
"Damn, son, looks like you've been putting in laps at the Y," he said as they paused to tread water.
"No more than usual, I think I'm just getting stronger," the boy said.
"Could that eighteen pounds of muscle you've put on have anything to do with that?" Dell asked.
"I suppose it could," he said with a sheepish grin.
"You're really looking great, Dakota," Dell said. "I'm damned proud of you."
"Thanks, Dad, I gotta say I'm damned proud of you, too, the way you keep yourself in such great shape. Nobody's dad at school is in such good shape."
"We both got good genes, from my dad," Dell said. Dakota made Dell feel like a boy when they were together like this, and he treated Dakota like a man. More and more he didn't feel the need to be a father. They were more like friends.
"I hope the fire hasn't died down," Dakota said.
"Maybe we'd better go check on it," Dell said.
They swam back and came out of the creek and made their way up the bank to their campsite, naked, carrying their clothes. The fire was down to a few flickering flames and red embers.
"We got back just in time," Dakota said as he squatted down and began poking in the embers and adding more wood.
Dell took the brief moment to look at the boy's tight, muscular butt and the way it spread do deliciously as he was squatted down, the way his muscular thighs spread when he was down on his haunches. He went into the tent and came out with a towel that he tossed to his son, who was still poking in the fire. He took another moment to notice that the boy's cock was practically touching the ground and his balls hung like two baseballs in their leathery sack.
"Thanks," Dakota said. He held the towel up to the fire for a moment then wrapped it around himself. Dell did likewise with his towel. The night air had turned chilly, even beyond the breeze blowing over their naked, wet bodies.
"Hey, Dad, it's just me and you, is it okay if I sleep naked?" Dakota asked. "I do at home," he added with a sheepish grin.
"I know."
"How did you know?"
"You don't think I've seen your bare butt sticking out of the covers?" He chuckled softly. "And sometimes more."
"It's okay, then?"
"Yeah, I will too."
"That'll be great," said Dakota.
They went inside the tent and stretched out on the wide-open sleeping bag, without the top one.
"It's warmer in here without the breeze blowing," Dakota said.
They talked some more, Dell trying to steer the conversation toward Dakota and his life. He wanted to know all he could about him; he had the feeling that once he was off to college, they would naturally drift apart.
"That girl you're dating, Son; you're not serious with her, are you?" he asked him.
"No. We're just dating," Dakota replied.
"Good. I don't think it'd be a good idea to try to keep up a relationship when you're off to college."
Dakota, in turn, seemed to want to talk about his Dad.
"Can I ask you something, Dad?"
"You don't have to ask if you can ask me something," Dell said.
"It's pretty personal. It is personal," he warned.
"Shoot. I don't have to answer."
"I've wondered about...you know...if you ever date or see women, since Mom died."
Dell smiled. "Yeah, I date once in awhile. I'm not over your mom, but I'm working on it. I have to."
"Nothing serious then?" Dakota asked.
"No. I'm not looking for another mom for you, or a wife," he said.
"No, I meant...well, I know how much you and mom loved each other and what a great...well, you had a good sex life."
"How would you know that?" Dell asked with a smile.
"You made a lot of noise, it was hard not to hear," Dakota said.
"I'm glad your mother isn't alive to hear you say that," Dell said, laughing. He saw his son's cock looked bigger and he thought it was amusing that he might be getting excited over his parents having sex.
"Well, it's true." Suddenly, Dakota turned over onto his stomach and the conversation was over. "And I think it's great."
With that he thought, sadly, that the conversation was over. He lay and watched his son lying beside him, his perfectly formed young body spread out over more than his share of the sleeping bag. Dell didn't mind. He wouldn't mind if he took his space out of the middle. He watched him squirm and hump the ground; he wasn't asleep. He was in misery with a hardon and he couldn't find a comfortable position.
"Hey, you don't have to sleep on that thing or try and hide it," Dell told him.
"I'm okay," Dakota said.
"Yeah, right. Let me know when you strike oil," Dell joked. The boy kept squirming, trying to lie still, trying to get comfortable, for several minutes. "It's not anything I haven't seen before, son," Dell told him.
"I know. All right." He turned over, his big, young cock swaying up over his belly.
"Well, I guess it has been awhile since I've seen you like that. When did you get so big?"
"I don't know, it just keeps growing," Dakota said.
"You're damn near as big as me already," Dell said.
"I hope I don't get any bigger. I don't know what I would do with it."
"Can I ask you something, Dakota?"
"I think I know what you're going to ask me, but go ahead."
"Have you had sex yet?" Dell asked.
"Yeah, with this," Dakota said, holding up his right hand. "I vowed I would wait till I was out of high school. It was tough, but I made it."
"Then you're thinking about it," Dell said.
"I've thought about it every day of my life since I discovered what a hardon was for," Dakota said.
"Don't make it a casual think, like tearing into some girl just to escape your vow," I said.
"It's not going to be like that," Dakota said. "I'm not saying I'm going to wait till I fall head over heals in love, but it'll be the right girl, the right time and circumstances."
"It sounds suspiciously like you've got the girl in mind," Dell said.
Dakota laughed. "I've sort of had her picked out since I discovered what a hardon was for," he said.
"That's awfully young to be picking out the girl you're going to have sex with; you were born with a hardon," Dell joked. Then he added, "I hate it, you know."
"Hate what?"
"The idea that you're growing up; becoming the man you are. Damned proud, but I hate it. Still, seeing the way you're developing, I don't wish for you to stay a boy, either. You'll understand when you're a father yourself."
"I think I understand some now," Dakota said. "I sort of hate growing up, too. It means we're not going to have a lot of times like this together."
"Well, we've had the talk, so I don't have to remind you about condoms,"
Dell said.
"I know."
"You know about condoms? How to put them on?" Dell asked jokingly, with mock surprise.
"Yeah, Billie swiped some of his dad's condoms and we practiced putting them on one time," the boy said. Dell nodded, smiling. "Only problem was, his dad must be awfully small, because I could barely get it on, and it was tight. And that was two years ago."
"You and Billy try a couple of mine sometime," Dell said. "They're large size."
Dakota lifted his head and looked at his dad; a surprised look.
"I'm sure you know where I keep them," Dell said.
"Yeah, but I never nosed around in your top dresser drawer," Dakota said.
"Then how do you know that's where I keep them?"
"I saw you put them there one time. But, no, do they come in sizes? I didn't know that."
"Yes. You're going to need the larger size. They even come in extra-large for guys lucky enough to need them; and you may be one of those guys."
"I wouldn't think needing extra-large condoms would be considered all that lucky," Dakota said. "Where would you find a woman who could take it, or who would even want to?"
"There're always women out there who can take it, and believe me, many more who will want to." Dell said. "That old line about a woman not caring about size if a lie. Not speaking out of turn, but I know from experience; size matters." He was noticing the boy's cock throbbing and quivering up over his belly. "You can take care of that if you want to," he told him.
"Naw, I'm okay," Dakota said.
"It looks like it hurts," Dell said. "If you want to take care of it so you can get some sleep, go ahead. Otherwise, the way it's acting up, it'll take care of itself when you're asleep, and that'll mess up the sleeping bags. Besides its nothing I haven't done myself."
"Lately?" Dakota joked.
"What do you consider lately?" Dell asked.
"Within the last couple of days."
"Not that lately."
"When, then?"
Dell was a little surprised where his son was taking the conversation; or maybe he was just being cocky. "Within the last week or so," Dell said.
"No kidding? You jack off, Dad?" Dakota asked, sounding only mildly surprised.
"Doesn't everybody?"
"Every guy I know does, but nobody thinks their dad does. Nobody's dad ever admitted it anyway."
"Well, now one has," Dell said.
"I wish I could tell my friends that," Dakota said.
"Go ahead, tell them."
"No kidding? You wouldn't care?"
"Naw, I don't care. Hell, their dads are doing it, too, they're just not man enough to admit it," Dell said.
"I don't think there are that many kids who have a relationship with their dads like we do," Dakota said. "I can't imagine any of my friends' dads talking to their sons like you do me; telling them its okay to jack off." A moment or two passed before he finally reached down and squeezed his cock. He let go of it and let is smack heavily against his stomach but then took hold of it again. "Hey, if you're serious...if it's okay..."
"Only if I can watch," Dell joked.
"Hell, Dad, I don't care if you watch," Dakota said cockily.
Dell laughed. "I was just kidding," he said as he squeezed the boy's thigh and started to turn away from him.
"I don't care, Dad...really....in fact, I wouldn't mind if you watched," he said.
Dell turned back, fully onto his side, facing his son. He knew he had a curious, surprised look on his face. "I'll damn sure bet none of your friends ever told their dads they could watch them jack off," he said. "Okay, you want me to watch, I'll watch," he said.
"We've always been close, Dad, and this being maybe our last time like this together, I...well, I...I don't know, I feel closer to you tonight than I ever have in my life, and if I'm going to do it, I...well, it'd be sort of like you sharing a real tight experience with me."
"I'm feeling pretty close to you, too, son. It's hard seeing you grow up and starting your own life, and you're right, there aren't going to be times like this." He dared to slide over so their bodies touched and he slipped his arm under Dakota's head, cradling it on his bicep. "Go ahead, take care of it," he told him in a husky tone.
Dakota switched hands and started jacking off with is left hand.
"Ah, ambidextrous, I see," Dell joked. "You just about need both hands with that thing."
Lying on his side next to his son, Dell's cock brushed against Dakota's right hand that he had laid between them. Dakota moved his hand. He had never allowed himself to have sexual feelings toward the boy, but he was having them now. His gaze was fixed on the boy's big, capable hand slowly moving up and down the shaft of his oversized cock
"That's a real handful. You're going to make some woman very happy," he said. Dakota didn't say anything. Dell was horrified, then to feel his own cock hard and throbbing against his son's hip.
"Feels like you've got a pretty big handful developing, too, Dad," Dakota said, flexing his thigh muscle against his dad's growing cock.
Dell eased back away from him and took hold of his own cock so it wouldn't touch Dakota's leg.
"It was okay, you didn't have to move," the boy said. Then he laughed softly and said, "You don't need my permission, but...you can take care of that if you want to, Dad," he added, laughing.
He did need the boy's permission, and suddenly having it frightened him. Why was Dakota tempting him so? Was he leading him on? He couldn't believe the boy had sexual feelings toward him; it was intimacy of the moment, carrying them along the slippery slope. He kept his hand between his own cock and Dakota's hip.
"It's nothing I haven't done," Dakota went. "And you'll probably end up having a wet dream," he added with his mischievous smile.
Dell's throat was so tight he could hardly breathe, let alone say anything. He kept his eyes glued to his son's huge manhood being caressed with his big hand while his brain became a whirl-wind in his head.
"Really, Dad, you're making me feel a little conspicuous, lying here jacking off by myself while you just lay there and watch and try to hide yours."
"All right," Dell said huskily as he tilted off his side so his cock was fully exposed to his son. He began to jack it off with the same slow rhythm as his son's hand. Dakota turned his head to watch him.
"You ever do this with another guy when you were a kid?" Dakota asked, smiling.
"Yeah, didn't you?" he replied honestly.
Dakota laughed. "Yeah, with Billy, and Johnny Wilson," he replied. "We did it when we were playing with our GI Joes. We would take GI Joe's clothes off of him and jack off while we made up war stories. Then one day it happened."
"What happened?" Dell asked.
"I had my first cum. I shot all over my GI Joe. I had a hell of a time getting him cleaned off, getting the stuff out of the joints," he said, laughing.
Dell laughed with him. "How old were you?"
"I don't know...about twelve, I guess--old enough that I didn't play around with Billy or Johnny Wilson or my GI Joe after that." He laughed softly. "I figured if I was old enough to shoot, I was too old to play with GI Joe."
Dell laughed quietly. "That's what I always like about these camping trips, I always gained some new insight about you."
"I never told you anything like that before," Dakota said.
Their pace had picked up and Dell could see the precum oozing up out of Dakota's cock. His taste buds came alive. It'd been so long... Shit, not since the navy, when he was Dakota's age...that one-time experience with a big marine. He wondered what Dakota would think of him if he...No, he could never know about that.
"What about you, Dad? Are you going to tell me about your times?"
"I think those experiences are pretty much all the same for everybody, two boys decided to mess around one day when they all of a sudden discover their sexuality," Dell said.
"That's pretty noncommittal," Dakota chided him. "You can do better than that, can't you? Who was it, your first time? How old were you?"
Dell hesitated a moment, then told the story. "He was an older kid. I was about twelve, thirteen, I don't remember; I know he was in high school and I was in grade school. I was old enough to shoot. We were both hired to work for this neighbor farmer that summer in the fields. We took a piss break and when he was done, he didn't put his cock away. He just stood there with it hanging out of his jeans and when he saw me glance at him he twisted his hips around, making it swing back and forth. He asked me if I wanted to jack off. I said no and started to zip up my jeans, but he grabbed my hand. That scared me. I took off running but he chased me down and tackled me. He wrestled me to the ground and grabbed my crotch and squeezed till I told him okay, I would jack off with him. He got off of me and started taking off his clothes. Shit, I was getting really scared then; I mean, I didn't know what he was capable of and he was taking off his clothes. He was a big kid, muscular, and he had the biggest cock I'd ever seen besides my own dad, and he was as big as him. When he was naked, he told me to jack him off. I told him that's not what he said; he said we would jack off, and I started doing myself. He grabbed my wrist and tried to make me but I wouldn't do it so he finally did himself. He turned it into a contest, of who could come first and shoot the fartherest. I'd just started to come a month or so before that and when we both shot off, mine was pretty pitiful compared to his, and he laughed. He told me next time I was gonna jack him off. While he was putting his clothes back on, I took off running. I ran all the way home and told my dad I didn't want to work for the neighbor anymore with that other kid working there. He never asked me why but he never made me go back."
"Wow! That was some story. Was that the only time, with another kid?"
"No. I did it a couple of times with my best friend when we stayed overnight at each other's houses, but then, we were getting older and we sort of outgrew it."
Their stories told, they were quiet as they watched each other's hands slowly pumping their cocks. Dakota was changing holds, switching from his left to his right, then using both hands.
"Shit," Dell said, laughing. "You must be legendary in the locker room."
"Actually, its my butt that's legendary, so the girls tell me," Dakota said with a proud smirk.
Another quiet pause.
"You see, its nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about," Dell said in a soft, husky tone.
"Yeah, makes me wonder why I was always so afraid of you catching me."
"I'm sorry you were," Dell said. "If I'd known--well, I did know, I was the same way--but if I'd thought about it, I would've told you from the start that it was okay, a perfectly natural thing to do."
Dakota slid his finger up the side of his cock to swipe off the ball juice that was running down and wiped it on the sheet, then clasped his hand with the other around his thick cock. "Being ambidextrous isn't necessarily a good thing; both arms get tired," he said.
Dell laughed. "That's probably why you've got such muscular arms; all that exercise," he said.
"Hey, do you wanta change hands?" Dakota asked then, laughing. "I don't mean left for right. Your hand for mine...mine for yours."
Dell was only mildly surprised at the boy's suggestion; it seemed to fit naturally in their conversation and the mood. And it was all the impetus he needed; an invitation he couldn't refuse. He said, "Okay" and ironically, they both reached out at the same time, Dakota's hand wrapping around his cock and his hand around his son's. "Geezuss, son, I can barely get my hand around it," he said.
"Yeah, me too," Dakota said.
The Navy experience came rushing out of the fog of his memory, clear as a bell, moving across his mind like a movie in slow motion. Except that instead of the Marine, it was Dakota.
"I'm gonna miss these times" Dell said in a husky tone.
"Me too, especially now," Dakota said. "Too bad we didn't discover this about five years ago."
"We wouldn't have been doing this five years ago. Or even one year ago,"
Del said. He was losing the battle raging within him. If he didn't stop...if they didn't stop soon, he was going to loose control. But he couldn't let go of his son's cock.
"Hey, let me know if I'm getting you too close, I'll ease off. I don't want us to blow yet, if that's okay," Dakota said.
"I'm...okay," Dell said. "You, too."
"I'm a long way from it," the boy said. "I can last forever."
Dell laughed. "You got that from me. Your mom..." He quickly cut himself off.
"Mom what?"
"It doesn't seem right, talking about your mom right now," Dell said.
"Mom knew we were close."
"Well, your mom always complained about me going on forever," Dell said. "Not serious, of course; she liked that I could last so long. I never left her unsatisfied."
"I sort of got that impression, from what I used to hear from your bedroom," Dakota said with a warm smile. "It's okay, Dad, I'm glad you made her happy."
Dell's head was spinning with the new, unbridled desire that had suddenly unleashed. It felt like he was on poppers, which he hadn't used in years. His mouth was watering so bad he was almost choking on his own spit. If he didn't get away from him...it was going to be to late...
"Some people would say this is perverted but your hand feels good," Dakota said huskily as he thrust his cock up through is dad's fist.
Fuck other people, Dell thought, I can make it feel better. He wished he had the courage to say the words out loud and he prayed for some force to deliver them to his son's ears. But suddenly another force took over and he was leaning up over the boy, his eyes and desire concentrated on the boy's huge cock.
"Dakota...!" It came out a hoarse whisper and it was the only sound he could get out except for the guttural moan as he leaned down and took his son's cock in his mouth.
"Dad!...What the...Fuck!" the boy blurted out in shock. "Awwwhhh...,Aww, Dad!...,D-Dad, w-what're you d-doing...? Ohhhhh, Goddd...awww, yesss, suck it...suck it, Dad," he whimpered as Dell moved his mouth up and down on the thick cock.
Precum was boiling copiously up out of the broad head and Dell lapped it up. He let some run out freely and it lubricated the back of his throat. It was like an oil slick at the back of his mouth and Dakota's cock was sliding around in it each time he thrust upward. I can't take him, Dell thought. He's too big. I don't know if I could even take him in my ass. That Marine was big, too, but...
Dakota put his hands on the back of Dell's head, guiding him downward, pushing his head down, trying to get him to take his cock in his throat. He couldn't do it but he couldn't stop and tell him that. He couldn't stop till it was finished. If he rose up off of his son's cock, the interruption would demand that words be spoken and he didn't know what he would say; what he was going to say when it was over. But Dakota found his voice.
"Take it, Dad," he begged in a choked whispered. "See if you can take all of it. I wanta see what it feels like in your throat."
Seconds ago it wasn't an option. Now it wasn't a choice. If Dakota wanted him to swallow his cock, he would do it. Anything the boy wanted. Anything to make this something he would never forget; something he would want to do again. Dell opened his throat as wide as he could, relaxing as much as he could, then began working Dakota's cock into his throat, like an Anaconda swallowing it prey. The head forced through the still-tight muscle-opening and he was on his way. He was surprised how easy it was after he got the head through.
"Awww...Awww, Dad!...you're doing it! You're swallowing my whole fuckin' cock!"
A thrill shot through him as he heard his son speak in such language, and he knew that indeed, the days of his son's boyhood were over; they had moved into the world of his manhood. It was a long way down the thick tower of meat and the more he swallowed the more it seemed was left. But he was determined not to disappoint his son. At last the boy's pubes were within reach. He forced his mouth lower till his lips brushed Dakota's hair. Dakota took over from there and forced his cock up into his throat the rest of the way with his hands clasped firmly on the back of his dad's head.
"Aww, you've got it!" he gasped. "You've got all ten inches of my cock, Dad!"
Ten inches! My God, how? He couldn't believe he had ten inches of cock buried in his throat. Was the Marine this big? He couldn't believe that it was his own son's cock. Dakota immediately started moving his cock back and forth in his throat. Taking it and being face-fucked with it were two different things. The thing was so big and stiff and straight that it eliminated the curvature of his throat and kept setting off his gag reflex. But he couldn't stop. Not till he was over the top. He wanted to be the boy's hero and heroes don't wimp out.
Dakota was gasping and moaning and groaning as he squirmed his butt around and fucked Dell's face. It was unintelligible at first but Dell soon realized that he was getting close as his moans became words.
"I'm getting close, Dad," he announced, but without letting go of his head. A moment later he let go. "I'm getting close Dad!" he said again, this time a gasped warning. "Ohh, Geezusss....Ohhhh, Dad...you better get off...you better get off before I...cum in your mouth! Ohh, Dad...Awww, please, you gotta stop...get off of my cock...I can't hold it! AWWWWHHHHH!"
The boy managed to pull his cock from his dad's throat but then it exploded in his mouth and he didn't even try to pull it out. The stuff shot out with such force that Dell was taken aback. Such force and volume! He couldn't believe it. Cum was spurting out in such volume that it backed up and within a minute the boy had filled Dell's mouth with warm, thick semen. He tried to swallow and he swallowed Dakota's cock, still spurting come. He swallowed but it kept shooting out of the big hunk of meat so fast he couldn't keep up with it and more of it came back in his mouth.
My God, when is he going to stop! The boy was a phenomenon! A stallion! He kept cumming and squealing and whimpering and groaning like he was in pain. Finally, Dell couldn't handle it. He rose up, slowly extracting the big cock from his throat. When the head popped into his mouth it was instantly engulfed by the warm swirling cum.
"Awww, that's so hot!" Dakota moaned.
Dell swirled the stuff around the bulging head as he began to swallow again. There was a lot of cum and it was so thick and it took several gulps to get it down. Finally, he was able to wash the thick head with his spit, till Dakota was lurching from the unbearable intensity of it.
"Aww, Dad...you gotta stop...please, I can't take any more...!" he moaned.
It took great courage and effort to raise his head. Dakota's cock fell wet and heavy across his stomach, still rubbery hard, unwilling to give up its erected state. More semen boiled out, in thick globs, but Dell left it. He carefully avoided looking at his son as he lay back down beside him. He thought he should have gotten up and left the tent but he didn't want to appear to be running away from it. They lay in silence. For a long time the only sound was the night noises and their breathing. Dell wished Dakota would say something. As his dad, he should be the first to speak, but in those moments of lust he had given up any right an obligation as his father. Dad's don't seduce their sons and suck their cocks and swallow their come. Dads don't lay naked beside their sons with their semen in their belly. Dads nurture and lead by example. Dell was lamenting what he had probably lost, or given up, when Dakota spoke first.
"Damn, Dad," he said quietly.
"I don't...know...how I should interpret that," Dell said cautiously.
"Interpreted: That was the greatest thing that ever happened to me!"
"You don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that."
"Hey, I was the one who said I wanted you to watch me jack off. I was the one who asked if you wanted to jack each other off."
"You didn't say anything about me going down on you," Dell said.
"No, I didn't; it never crossed my mind that you would. I'm glad you had the guts to make the move, though, because I wouldn't have dreamed of suggesting it."
"I wish I could share your sentiments. I should have had the guts not to do it," Dell said.
"I'm eighteen, Dad, and I could have stopped you, physically. Given that, between two consenting adults, I don't want you to think you did anything wrong."
"It wouldn't get me father-of-the-year award," Dell said.
"It does in my book," he said.
"Yesterday it would've been illegal," I reminded him.
"Today and the next day, it's not." Dell looked at him in mild disbelief. Dakota laughed. "You're wondering about the "next day" part."
"I'm wondering how I should interpret it, yes," Dell said.
"Interpreted: I wouldn't mind it happening again," Dakota said. "Can you imagine how many guys would give anything to have what we've got as father and son? To have this happen?"
"No, I can't imagine," Dell said.
"More than you know, I'll bet."
"A short time ago I couldn't have imagined it happening between us," Dell said. "And it can't happen again," he added.
"All right," Dakota said, sounding disappointed but resigned to his dad's decision.
"You surely understand why it can't," Dell said.
"No, I can't," Dakota replied. "It was something special, between us, nobody else. I can't describe it, Dad, how it makes me feel, being so close like that. It's like...like having Brad Covington crawl in bed with you."
Dell gave him a curious frown. "Not the sex part, but how it makes me feel that you would do that for me, that's sort of like I feel sometimes when I'm around Brad."
"What's this Brad Covington thing?" Dell asked. Brad was a running back, graduated with Dakota. He was the proverbial stud.
"The guy's a stud," Dakota said.
"Yeah, that's a pretty well accepted fact," Dell said.
"So, I've had...wondered about it...things...him," Dakota admitted.
"You've had these feelings too, for Brad?"
"No, not...there're feelings like one athlete feels for another...admiration...respect, maybe a little envy. But not the feelings you're talking about."
Dell didn't pursue it. He would at a later time.
"How long, Dad?" Dakota asked after a moment.
"That was only my second time," Dell said. "The first time was when I was your age, in the navy. He was a marine. It was a fluke; two guys who met up on leave and experimented around. I never did it again. I didn't realize the feelings were still buried somewhere down deep inside me."
"I'm glad you found out."
"I guess am too, if you are. I'm glad it's out in the open. But nobody can ever know."
"How would anybody know? It's between me and you, Dad." He smiled. "I only wish those feelings had surfaced sooner. Look at all the time we've wasted."
"There was no time wasted," Dell said. "Yesterday, or any other time before yesterday, it wouldn't have happened."
"Well, its going to be great, coming home from college," Dakota said.
"No. When you've gone off to college I want you to think about it, long and hard."
"So it ends here," Dakota said. "I mean, something so incredible as what's just surfaced between us, and it's not supposed to ever happen again. You want it to end here."
"No," he replied, too quickly. "No, I don't, Son. But...well, what happened with me when I was your age, it wasn't with my father. I want you to be very sure before you take that road."
"I don't see it as taking any road. I'll just be coming home to be with my dad, like every other college kid."
"Not like every other college kid," Dell said. "Every other college kid doesn't go home to have sex with his dad."
"So I'm one of the rare, lucky ones," Dakota said.
"You may well be the only one," Dell said.
"What if I'm not?" Dakota asked. "I mean... what if I find somebody, you know, if the conversation came up, somehow, and I discovered another guy who was doing the same thing with his dad, or wanted to and was afraid to try it with his dad."
"What about it?" Dell asked.
"I don't know, could I bring him home with me?"
"We would have to talk about that," Dell replied emphatically.
Dell worried and wondered how Dakota would act when they got home. He saw that he was trying to act as if nothing had happened, but he was trying too hard, Dell thought, to cover his disappointment. Dell was sorely tempted but he couldn't bring himself to go back on his vow. When the boy was off to college, it would be easier on both of them and if Dakota had those deep-seated feelings that he was wrestling with, he could explore them with another boy his own age. The time came for Dakota to visit the campus where he would be going to school and he had decided to stay over for a couple of nights. The night before, he went to see a couple of his friends.
"Should I expect you back or are you going on to the campus?" Dell asked.
"I'll be back. You don't think I'm going to miss my last night home, do you?"
"Should I wait up?"
"You don't need to. I'll wake you up," Dakota said.
Dell dozed off a couple of times but he couldn't sleep. He'd been thinking long and hard about his son's feelings, wrestling whether he should reconsider his firm stance on their newfound relationship. The stage had been set, just in case; the bedside lamp was on low, almost a nightlight, and his bedroom door was open. He was awake when Dakota came in about midnight. When he heard him coming up the stairs he stretched into the most welcoming position he could contrive, on his stomach with his arms overhead and one leg cocked out from the other. He pretended to be asleep. He sensed the boy at his door, then heard the floor creak softly as he came into his room.
"Hey, Dad, I'm home," he whispered as he gently touched the back of his thigh.
Dell `came awake' and raised his head. "Have a good time?" he asked.
"Yeah...okay..." A smile crossed his lips. "Not as good a time as I'd hoped."
"I wasn't asleep. I've been waiting for you," Dell said. Dakota stood by the bed smiling. "What?" Dell asked.
"I was just wondering if...well, you said you would wait up if I wanted you to...I wasn't sure what you meant...why, you know...wondered if maybe you were re-thinking things...before I left for school," Dakota stammered.
Dell let out a slow sigh and rolled over onto his side from the waist up. "Matter of fact, I have. I've seen the way you half-mope around here and I hate seeing you go off in that state. So, yeah, against my better judgment...like you said, it's between us, nobody else..."
"Aww, Dad, you don't know how great it is to hear you say that," Dakota said with great relief. "I thought it was just gonna hang out there between us, like a ghost of the past."
"Once more, before you leave...I mean, the horse is already out of the barn, it's not coming back, I guess it can't hurt," Dell said.
"Okay if I sleep in here tonight?" Dakota asked, as he tugged his shirt out of his jeans.
"Yes," Dell replied. He watched the boy strip off his clothes and with each inch of his muscular young body revealed, Dell's temperature went up.
Dakota smiled at him as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts, "Dad, the way, uh....you're laying, stretched out like that with your butt sort of twisted around and sticking up...does that have some implied meaning?" he joked.
"If you're ready for that, yeah, I suppose it could be construed as an invitation," Dell said, clenching his butt muscles.
"Damn, you do have got a great looking butt, Dad. Are you serious? Tell me you're serious," Dakota said as peeled his briefs down.
By the time he was naked, Dakota's cock was standing half-way out from his loins. "Are you sure?" he asked, stroking his cock as his dad looked at it.
"Well, I'm not sure how, but yeah, I'm sure," Dell replied.
Dakota swallowed hard as the truth or what his dad was saying soaked in. "I have to say it, Dad, to believe it...you want me to...to f-fuck you?"
"There's the lube," Dell said, nodding to the tube lying on the nightstand.
"Oh, Man," Dakota whispered. His cock suddenly bolted upright and throbbed violently. He stroked it a few times then picked up the lube. "Have you done this before?" he asked.
"Yes, once."
"The marine?" Dakota asked as he squeezed the lube onto his cock.
"I didn't ask, do you want me to use a condom?"
"If you want to; it's not necessary," Dell replied.
"Good, I hate condoms." When he was lubed up, he started to lay the tube down but then offered it to his dad. Dell held out his hand for some lube and applied to his asshole. "Are we going to do it this way?" Dakota asked.
"To start out," Dell replied. He spread his legs out and Dakota walked around to the foot of the bed.
He came up over the foot of the bed on his knees, up between Dell's thighs. "Whew! Brad Covington's got an awesome ass, but you've got a butt to match his," he said.
"A good match for that killer cock of yours," Dell said.
"Yours or Brad Covington's?" Dakota joked.
"Both, I suspect, if you were truthful with yourself," Dell said.
Dakota laughed. "It's weird, hearing you talk like that," he said. "Is this going to hurt?" he asked as he aimed his cock downward and pushed the head between his dad's slick butt muscles.
"It's not gonna hurt you," Dell replied.
Dakota found his hole at the bottom of the crevice and nudged gently. "It's not a pussy, it's not gonna open up for you on its own," Dell said. "You have to force your way in."
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Let me worry about that," Dell said
Dakota applied pressure and his young, hard manhood pushed against the flexible muscled around his dad's hole. There was give but no entry. "I can't tell if I'm in or not," he said.
"You'll know when you're in," Dell assured him. "You have to really push, like you mean it."
Dakota gave it a burst of power from his butt and thighs and the head of his cock popped through the tight hole. "Awwwhhhhhhh!" he moaned as half of his cock was quickly swallowed up in the hot hole before he checked his entry. "Man, you were right!"
Dell couldn't talk for a minute. He gripped the sheet and the upper edge of the mattress and cringed with the pain. The boy was big... incredibly big...and it had been such a long time.
"You okay, Dad?"
"Yeah," he gasped. "Go ahead," he told him.
"I can wait..."
"Don't torture me," Dell said. "Give it to me, all the way, let's get it over with."
"Shit, Dad, if its something you need to get over with, I don't wanta ...."
"Are you going to fuck me or not?" Dell asked.
"Well, yeah, but..."
"Then show me you know what that big horse cock is for," Dell said. With that, Dakota buried his cock to the hilt. Dell tossed his head back and let out a choked gasp as he clawed the mattress.
"You told me to do that," Dakota said.
"Yeah...Yeahhhhh," Dell gasped. "Oh, fuck you're big!"
"And you're tight," Dakota said. "And hot. And alive."
They took a moment for Dell to recover from the shock of initial entry. Dakota held perfectly still except for his cock throbbing.
"I never asked you, Dakota, are you a virgin?" Dell asked when he was able to talk.
"To this, I am," he said. "With girls, no, but I don't know if I'll ever go back to girls," he added. "Damn, I never had anything feel so good. Ohh, Goddd, squeeze it, Dad...squeeze my cock...ohhh, yeah, like that!" Dell tightened his asshole around the thick girth, milking it with the inner muscles of his ass. "Ohhh, that feels so good," Dakota moaned.
"Have you figured out yet what that thing's for, or am I going to have to do all the work?" Dell asked.
"I know what it's for," Dakota assured him as he withdrew back to the head. Then he shoved back in. He wasn't brutal but it was a hard, determined thrust that sent the head of his cock deep inside his dad's guts.
"That doesn't sound like it hurt," Dakota said.
"It don't hurt," Dell said.
"Then I'm gonna fuck you," the boy said. He pulled back again, and thrust in, then out and back in, setting his pace. Dell stretched his arms out and grabbed hold of the sides of the mattress. He gasped and moaned with each thrust. "That feeling okay?" Dakota asked.
"Aww, yeah, it's feeling fine," Dell said. "Ohhh...fuck me...fuck me you little stud." He thought it would be over in minutes. Being his first time fucking another man, he thought the boy would have no control. How wrong he was. Dakota had absolute control, and he knew how to move, probing at every angle, driving deep, twisting his hips around in circles to make his cock lob around inside his dad's ass. "Geezusss, where did you learn to fuck like that?" Dell gasped.
"Watching X-rated videos," he replied.
"Whew! There's some experience thrown in there. Nobody learns how to fuck like that from watching videos."
"Okay, so I've had some on-the-job training," Dakota admitted.
"You can change positions any way you like," Dell told him.
"Yeah...How long do you wanta go, Dad?"
"As long as you want to; as long as you can last," Dell replied.
"You might be sorry you said that," Dakota said.
He wasn't; but by the time Dakota pumped him full of hot, thick semen, he was wearing out. Dakota acted like he'd just started out. Dell was on his back with Dakota on top, holding his dad's legs hard against his chest as he pounded his wide-open, vulnerable ass. The boy held him like that for a long time while his cock turned to hard, pulsating rubber inside him. "Did you feel that?" Dakota asked him.
"Hell, yes, it felt like somebody turned a hot fire hose on," Dell said.
"I wondered...you didn't groan or anything."
"Oh, I groaned. I practically screamed, but I couldn't make any noise. You had me bent in half so tight I couldn't breath."
Dakota slowly extracted his cock from his dad's clenching asshole. The rim caught just inside the tight muscle and he had to tug hard to pull it out. "Wow! Your asshole is wide open," he said. "It's clenching but it don't close."
"Shit, I wonder why, after having a fence post shoved in there."
"Ohhh...OHhhh, that's so hot...its working my cum up through the gaping hole. It's running out!"
Dell looked at his son's rubbery cock swinging out from his loins. It looked even bigger, thick and meaty and stretched. "Don't tell me you had all that buried in my ass," he said.
Dakota laughed as he let his dad's legs down on either side of him. Then he crawled up and lay beside him. For a moment there was only sound of their heavy breathing. "I gotta tell you, Dad, that was the greatest thing that ever happened to me," he said. "I know, I said that when you sucked my cock for the first time, but this surpasses even that."
"I just wish we had more time," Dell said.
"For what? We've done it all, haven't we?"
"Well, then, hey, we've got the reset of the night," Dakota said eagerly. "What else can you show me?"
"Let's save it for when you come home for the first time."
"At least tell me what it is," Dakota said.
"No, that would ruin the surprise. I want the anticipation to build up."
"What if I bring a guy home with me? Will you show us both?"
"I said we would have to talk about that before hand," Dell said sternly. "Don't bring anybody home with you the first time. Or if you do, don't expect anything to happen."
"But it might?" Dakota asked eagerly.
"Depends on the circumstances, and the guy," Dell said. "I'll play it by ear. I just don't want you to bring home some guy who's expecting to jump right in bed with us. With you, maybe, but not me."
It was two weeks pass before Dakota came home for his first visit. Dell was anxious, and excited. He knew the boy would be expecting him to show him what he'd promised. But they hadn't discussed him bringing a friend home. It never came up. Dell didn't ask and Dakota didn't say. But when Dakota pulled up, he got out of the passenger side of a Jeep. He had brought someone home, or he'd gotten a ride. The driver turned the motor off and opened the door. When he climbed out Dell prayed he was his son's friend and that he was staying. The guy was bigger than Dakota by at least thirty pounds. His weight was distributed solidly over a six-foot-plus frame and much of his weight was showing. His wide shoulders and arms out of his tank top and his massively-muscled thighs sticking out of his very short cut-offs.
"God, what a stud!" Dell muttered to himself as the heat surged through him. Geezsuss, it could be thirty-seven years, that damned huge Marine in the bar, then in the room, taking off his uniform, revealing all those muscles. Introductions were made on the front porch.
"Dad, this is Brady, my roommate. Brady, this is my dad."
"Good to meet you, sir. Dakota's told me a lot about you."
"It's not true," Dell said. He glanced at his son who was beaming, and in that blink of an eye it was okay, without any further discussion. He just wondered if anything had transpired between the two. He wished Dakota had at least filled him in. "Do you like camping?" he asked Brady.
"Yeah, but I didn't bring a sleeping bag or any gear," Brady replied.
"We don't carry much gear," Dell said.
"Yeah, we eat our meals out of a can; we don't even carry a skillet,"
Dakota put in.
"Hey, it sounds great; if you've got an extra sleeping bag, I'm up for it."
Brady said.
"Well, we started out with one double sleeping bag when Dakota was a little boy and we're still using it," Dell said.
"Dakota's not a little boy anymore. Neither am I," Brady said.
"No, you're sure not," Dell said, looking him up and down. He saw the way the big stud glanced at Dakota, a confused, half-smile on his face.
"Don't worry, we'll all fit in it," Dakota said.
The End
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Posted: 06/06/08